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Holy crap. Someone already beat Prey in under 7 minutes.
@Nzall well I'm taking about objective legal truth so there shouldn't be "two realities"
@Yuuki Played a doubles match with OrigamiRobot Saturday night, and we found not one, but two VSS in one small cluster of houses. It was amazing.
@BlueBarren No, I'm not saying there are 2 realities, I'm saying there is 1 reality and everyone has their own truth based on that reality. Objective legal truth is trying to get to that reality
But even objective legal truth is just a reflection of that reality.
I'm just going to disagree
truth should be binary so there can't be two truths and no lies
Like, you can say the dress is blue and black, I can say the dress is gold and white, but that's just how each of us looks at a dress that reflects light at a certain wavelength
I think that's one of the worst examples you could have used to illustrate your point.
the dress still isn't two sets of colours though
@BlueBarren Truth as in "what actually happened" is reality
I think I understand what you're trying to say but calling it "personal truth" is probably not the best phrasing.
I think using the word truth at all isn't the best phrasing
heh, phrasing. Insert Archer reference here
okay, different example. suppose we're sitting across each other at a table and I put a plant with leaves on one side and flowers at the other side. you'll say the leaves are on the left, I'll say the leaves are on the right, which are both different ways to look at the same plant
but the plant doesn't change
but that's just perspective not truth
@Nzall You're just talking about different perspectives/contexts; that's like the same example as the dress.
I think truth is maybe the wrong word I chose at the start
like I understand the concept of a reality bubble and you can't perceive something if you don't know about it
I think a better example, if you really wanted to stick with truth, would be a soldier in a war. He's a hero to people in his homeland and a monster to people on the other side.
But his actions were his actions.
@Beedrill yeah, and what I meant was that the Alex Mauer case is similar to that soldier
depending on how you look at the story, you're going to have a different reaction
And whether you take the time to understand each side.
I'm fairly sure there are people out there that support Alex
is something going on with SO? None of it's pages will load
@Nzall I've only seen her side of the story so I do
and I just heard about this situation like 30 minutes ago
@BlueBarren Have you seen Totalbiscuit, Jim Sterling and Sidalpha report on the situation?
If her side is incorrect, then she's going to be sued to hell and/or never going to have a decent job.
but I'm also not interested in the situation
then i suggest you do
and my opinion is irrelevant to their istuation
@Avery why would she go to jail? redacted
If the game company is trying to make her look bad, though...
@BlueBarren because she essentially commited perjury by DMCA'ing nearly a hundred videos
that'll be a fun controversy to watch.
@Nzall yeah I don't necessarily agree with her methods
why DMCA someone else's content? If you've been wronged you should be seeking legal action against the party that wronged you
That's where she simply can't be right.
Like what kind of lawyer would even suggest or condone that sort of action?
It would definitely weaken their position
@Avery What I gather from it: she assumed her music would only be used for the first game. Then, when she found out there was a second game that would use it, she wanted to be paid extra for that
This game being talked about even good?
she has previous experiences with big names
and when she didn't get that, she claimed that the music was being used in game #2 without proper permission, even though she technically didn't own the music anymore
but her contract stated that A) all rights and proceeds would go to the employer and B) the music could also be used for derivates.
> SidAlpha also explained that once the affected YouTubers process a successful counterclaim, they would be able to file a civic lawsuit against Mauer. This is because filing a fraudulent DMCA claim is considered perjury and she would be tried in the state the Youtubers live in. In addition, because the videos are transformative, they are protected by the Fair Use Doctrine which renders the DMCA strike spurious. Also, she doesn’t own the music in the first place...
> Also, she doesn’t own the music in the first place because it was made as part of a for-hire contract with Imagos. Imagos owns all content related to Starr Mazer and Starr Mazer: DSP.
@Nzall Yep! And since she hasn't taken it to court to prove breach of contract, she's actively committing perjury every time she issues a false DMCA copyright strike.
Companies issue bad DMCAs all the time, I've never heard that anyone was actually able to sue them for it successfully
Nor have I heard of anyone ever actually trying
@MadScientist Which is why this might actually be a precedent
I mean, very few people are going to sue Warner Brothers or Fox or Turner Broadcasting for a false DMCA takedown
@Nzall you mean because the target can't afford as many laywers?
but a small composer who has no basis to stand on and little money?
not a beginning composer by any means.
@MadScientist Yeah like that
@Avery I'm sure there's some means with which you can define anyone as a beginner.
> Job Posting: Entry-level Composer
> Requirements
> - 100 years previous experience
@Avery Bluuurrrrrrrrr
@KevinvanderVelden BLAME TAPTAP
I'm blaming you
dmcas you
Secondary and Compulsory Education

Proposed Q&A site for students, teachers and parents of students currently in compulsory and secondary education. For any pupil in pre-university education.

Currently in definition.

Q: Are there any requirements to fish?

Crafter0800When fishing in my indoor pool, I notice that a lot of the time I fail to get any fish for a long period of time. So I was wondering are there requirements a pool must meet in order to be able to fish in it properly? In addition I often noticed that my bob "floats" above the water (about 1 block ...

@Avery sues you for perjury
So yeah, I'm rather concerned that something has happened to momma bird or the babies have been abandoned.
@BlueBarren you can't do that I'm not in US
@Yuuki :(
@Yuuki I liked the one I saw long ago where they wanted a minmum 8 years experience in Visual Studio 2005, in 2007.
@Avery neither am I
@MadMAxJr hey they want someone from the dev team
It's jetbrains hiring for rider team.
This was for an entry level dev position at Garmin.
> 30 years experience in Microsoft Office 2016
Entry level...
"But sir Microsoft office hasn't existed for 30 years"
@MadMAxJr in those cases I ways wonder if that's like HR following some sort of template rather than people who have actually worked with and know the software
@Ash That exactly.
@Yuuki oh no :(
@Nzall Apparently, Mauer went after Turner Broadcasting with a DMCA strike, too!
@Fluttershy Yeah, but TBC didn't DMCA Mauer
@Ash any smart company would have the HR department go over the posting with the department that needs the hire
@BlueBarren You're funny. :D
@MadMAxJr I did say "smart company" ;)
One corporate hand knowing what the other is doing? That costs money.
@BlueBarren if I have learned anything it is that there are fewer smart companies than I want there to be
@MadMAxJr and you don't spend money. Ever.
@Ash I think this is the general consensus
You make it then you sit on it or swim in it like Scrooge McDuck
@BlueBarren Most companies don't want someone fresh from the school benches unless they got rarely used tech that they need to train them to use anyway
so HR frequently states ourageous demands
@Nzall RIP me then amirite?
still, 8 years for an entry level job in any sense?
I mean, the only 8 years I can see is medical areas or aviation.
@Yuuki I have 6 months in 2017 time experience, so that should be good enough
@BlueBarren Depends, there are companies that are open to newly graduated entries
since that's approximately 6000 regular years
@Nzall I'm also hoping this internship will help mitigate some issues I might have
@uni should run for prez
@Ash Yeah, I think I'm going to call a wildlife rehabilitator over lunch or something.
@uni 2020
@BlueBarren internships are good for some early experience, depending on the quality of the company that provides the internship
wait shit I won't be 35 in 2020
Hold on
@Nzall I think my length of 14.5 months will also help
@uni 2032?
some companies use interns as unpaid messenger boys or for low-grade menial labour like data entry
@Nzall oh I'm paid
@Unionhawk HA noob
I think it's a law in Canada that all internship/co-ops have to be paid?
min age for getting elected in turkey is 18.
@Nzall and (in most countries) break the law by doing so
If not it's an Ontario post-secondary school policy that they do for competition sake
"Thank you for applying. Have you worked with Visual Studio in a previous life? Hmmm..."
Visual Studio isn't even like a complicated IDE it's not like you need years of experience to use it what
Conestoga College, University of Waterloo and Wilfred Laurier will only take paid co-op positions for IT programs
@KevinvanderVelden I live in Belgium. All my internships were unpaid
I never really used a complicated IDE
@Nzall unpaid isn't illegal, using an internship as a messenger or menial labour is
I mean
@Unionhawk should be asking for experience in a coding language not an IDE
Congressional internships are apparently mostly "categorize messages so that the appropriate staffer can send the appropriate form reply"
@BlueBarren And even this is like "I mean, I haven't done C# but I mean I've used pretty much every other language out there so" (this was me)
(I haven't used C# prior to this job)
@Unionhawk The only things you need to do in Visual Studio that you don't already know from other software is building your solution, deploying your solution and commiting to a VCR
@Nzall And none of those tasks are hard
so I don't even see what you need for experience with Visual Studio
"We're looking for forward thinking developers. How many years of experience do you have with the next currently unknown popular development language?"
@Unionhawk there's literally a button for all of those
Right, Visual Studio makes all of those things extremely idiot-proof
@MadMAxJr "I will be the one to write it"
@Unionhawk yes this too, it's not hard to take knowledge from one to the other
unless your project isn't set up right and your build order is messed up or something
I was just doing that with PowerShell actually
syntax was a b@#$h though.
I keep forgetting to use -gt or -lt in for loops
instead of < or >
@Ash Also, congrats on your upcoming code merge in 25 hours.
@MadMAxJr and 50 seconds
you forgot that part
Here's the thing: as a developer, your main marketable skill is solving problems: fixing bugs, finding algorithms for whatever you're doing and making it so you can keep doing the former 2 when something happens
There is no good developer out there that can't do those 3
My first developer skill is planning. My second developer skill is being able to google if this problem has already been solved before and if we just need to do that.
@Nzall What about the ones that work in housing and real estate?
@Yuuki I'm not sure what that has to do with things
I mean, if they're good developers, it doesn't matter what sector they work in
Real estate development, or property development, is a multifaceted business process, encompassing activities that range from the renovation and re-lease of existing buildings to the purchase of raw land and the sale of developed land or parcels to others. Real estate developers are the people and companies who coordinate all of these activities, converting ideas from paper to real property. Real estate development is different from construction, although many developers also manage the construction process. Developers buy land, finance real estate deals, build or have builders build projects,...
@MadMAxJr or an hour.
not sure.
@Yuuki I assumed it was obvious that we're talking about software developers here
@MadMAxJr I just hope we don't break anything and that it all still boots when we are done...
Given that none of us are in real estate or photography
@Nzall It was. Doesn't mean I can't throw a joke in there somewhere.
@Ash I'm pretty sure it'll be great and that there's no need to worry :)
So alongside perjury, extortion and filing spurious DMCA claims, Alex Mauer can also add "Impersonating a lawyer" to her list of crimes
@Nzall is it confirmed that she doesn't actually have lawyer?
I mean
Define "lawyer"
@BlueBarren She is not registered as one in the BARR
Hmm... at what point is saying "I'm a lawyer" an actual crime? I imagine it's not really an offense in regular conversation.
which is pretty much a requirement
@Yuuki If you're actually attempting to practice law on behalf of someone else I assume
I think it would only be a crime/offense if you A) tried to enter into a contract with someone and told them you were a lawyer or B) claimed to be one in court?
@Unionhawk Pretty much this. There's no crime in choosing to represent yourself.
I think you can represent yourself without passing the barr
it's just probably not a good idea
@Yuuki I believe that's correct but well, I'm not a lawyer ;)
Ugh, my head is a wreck today
IIRC, up until the Wainwright case (or at least I think that was his name), the right to a lawyer wasn't a thing so people represented themselves more often.
@fredley omfg that pun game
@TimStone oh no :(
Whoops, Wainwright was the Secretary of the Department of Corrections (and defendant), Gideon was the plaintiff.
@Ash I'm transitioning medications and hoped it would be over with today but alas it is not :(
@TimStone well I hope it eases soon and your body is kinder to you.
Aww, thanks! :)
Is there a legal limit of fun one is allowed to have reading a programming book?
@Unionhawk about 30 fun
which equals to 0.02463 jon skeets
@fredley Above that limit and Jon Skeet will pop over to your house and slap your face with a frozen salmon
And not even thank me for buying his book?
Q: How to modify mob attribute in minecraft

Okathe hard difficulty is not hard enough for me so i decided to change the attribute of all the mob with the command block, but i have some problem i modified zombie with that command : /entitydata @e[type=zombie] {Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:30},{Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:6}],He...

Did you buy it on discount?
Is that metric or impertial Skeets?
@TimStone Ok, fair enough
@MadMAxJr This is a messy question
@TimStone Not to mention that Skeets are always impartial.
ehrmagherd impertial
Oh man, Jackie Chan in a morally questionable role? My body is ready.
@Yuuki is that Pierce Brosnan?
@BlueBarren Yes.
Jackie Chan vs. James Bond.
@Yuuki I like him, best James Bond imo
I really dislike Craig
Is anyone good in legalese?
Although Pierce Brosnan playing a character who may or may not be the bad guy, apparently used to be part of the IRA, and very much looks like this guy may be rather controversial in the UK.
@Nzall the government got a partial stay in the injunction against sections 6a and 6b of EO2; they are now allowed to enforce those sections except against individuals with some connection to the US
@Yuuki I'm sold.
@Yuuki For non-Brits: it's pronounce "Shin Feign"
@Unionhawk If I understand this properly, this means they cannot ban those that already lived in the USA before the ban, or those that have family that live in the USA?
@fredley How much backfire do you think this film will get in the UK and Ireland?
"Supreme Court revives parts of Trump travel ban order" - reuters.com/article/us-usa-court-immigration-idUSKBN19H1OR
@Yuuki How about Jackie Chan as James Bond?
@SaintWacko I mean, that would definitely mean that James Bond is a codename, not someone who mysteriously changes faces every few years
Aaaaaaaaaaa Dawn of The Final daaaaaaaaay
Just like when people want Idris Elba or a woman to be Bond
ahem I mean I Am perfectly calm human shush
xd 1 days
@priv fix pls
@Ash Relax, all you need to do is say 2 words: I do
also merge refresh
@SaintWacko Given his reaction to the Idris Elba rumors, I'm pretty sure Anthony Horowitz (and by extension the Fleming estate) would spontaneously combust if that happened.
I mean, if you don't have second doubts, that is
*bashes @Avery's head in with a giant S*
If there's any hesitation, try sudo I Do.
@Yuuki Idris Elba would make a great Bond.
@GodEmperorDune I keep having Burr's "so we're doing this" line from Ten Duel Commandments in my head today and that is the WRONG sentiment but it is there
@MadMAxJr or sudo I\ Do
or sudo "I Do"
@PrivatePansy it does the same for seconds, hours and minutes
@Fluttershy And I agree. Although he later apologized, Horowitz (who was chosen to write the latest Bond novel) said that Elba was "too street".
@Nzall [wontfix] Bug in the English language, not my fault
@Yuuki Well that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Idris Elba is dapper af.
@Fluttershy agreeeeed
@Fluttershy Heimdall is clearly the best part in all of the Thor movies.
Heimdall is the parking garage guard of Asgard.
(Chinese for instance doesn't have the concept of noun declension)
(Also, declension is such an interesting word)
@PrivatePansy I like the way it sounds when you say it
@PrivatePansy When I hear the word "declension", I thought it was what you did right after the judge says "not guilty"
as in declench ... certain muscles that people clench when they're anxiously awaiting something
@Ash but it's like 11am
@BlueBarren exactly so 24 hours remain
Today in weird bugs...
@Ash I'm sure the brain spiders understand. It's a good line
@Ash now if someone isn't invited to your wedding are they going to crash the moon into the earth in 3 days?
@Yuuki how much anxiety did that give you?
@BlueBarren Enough that I might need to subtract 84 from 111 again.
@Yuuki 27
@Yuuki ... did you forget the word "never"?
The joke is that it gave me enough anxiety that I would need to call emergency services.
I finished Steam Spaceplan this morning. That was fun.
@Yuuki whoosh on my part
Well, it does look like you're missing the critical component of using the right software.
@Unionhawk now someone needs to try this with Cortana
> So I'm getting a crash to desktop bug on my Linux system...
> Well, it seems all right on my Windows OS.
@BlueBarren No
@Yuuki status: could not reproduce. workaround: use google assistant instead
@Unionhawk Yes
btw, if you're going to donate to mario marathon and want it matched, please do it soon so that Ktash can match it
@Avery Gah, I knew I forgot to do something over the weekend.
well I've finally stopped having Peanut Butter and Jelly everyday for lunch
well I'm disappointed in myself
@GodEmperorDune hard to imagine that this was only 3 years ago (#bringbackmlg)
@Avery so dank
It takes so long to build now aaaaaaaa
also 3 years, 1 month
@GodEmperorDune it is!
@GodEmperorDune This Vox story reminded me of this. (Unfortunately, I think the video I linked to may have been taken down since then.)
@MBraedley yeah, vid is gone :/
> The human body is a carnival of horrors and, frankly, I'm embarrassed to have one.
Ah man, why is raining on the Canada Day long weekend
@Yuuki Digital consciousness upload when?
@BlueBarren The forecast can change
Also when we get digital consciousness to be a thing can I just torrent a copy of Jon Skeet?
@MBraedley so can my grades but I'm still at a 56% average
(I actually have really good grades I'm just trying to make a joke)
Q: Loading Old Saves Fallout 4

psycho_hobo auzI want to load an old save cause my game is glitched and I can only see 4 saves. Where are the others? Please help is there a save file that has all of my saves; if yes were is it?

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