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I've been doing 1v5 bots when bored
did it as Lux, got my AP up to 1099, ult did 1300 or so damage, and w/ lich bane the following autoattack did 800
This is actually turning out decently.
You still giving Lara the once-over?
I want to approve the second panel, but I'm conflicted.
@NickT Did you edit your image... into an entirely different image?
actually a pretty funny strip
crashes through the moon
My fish died nooooooooooooooo
How did they die. :(
That's what fish do :(
@LessPopMoreFizz nooooooooooooooo.com
Q: what comes first textures or models?

Wandang here is an example of a texture for a hero of dota 2 who will come in the future http://www.cyborgmatt.com/2012/03/dota-2-test-1st-march/#meepo i was wondering if this texture was made on basis of a model or only on the basis of the designart (drawn pictures) or if this is the basis for a mode...

Start to watch pokemon. For the very first time
@LessPop_MoreFizz You didn't feed them after every mission.
Or everytime you docked.
I have no childhood.
@RavenDreamer I've only been doing assignments so I guess so.
Does this mean I will never get to spend a night with Yeoman Chambers? Or is she okay with a fishless Shepard?
You weren't talking about real fish? I feel cheated.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If you've locked yourself in to a Thane romance, no Yeoman Chambers for you.
@RavenDreamer Oic. :(
I'm not sure what the exact requirements are, but if you're not allowed to flirt with her on each "companion recruited" wrapup dialog, you've lost your chance.
The option just never showed up for me, don't know why.
Well, crap. I figured out what these pretzels taste funny.
I bought the fat-free version.
So far, Friends with Boys is really interesting. It got my attention since it's by a local artist. The online version comes down tomorrow, but the comic was released in stores a week ago.
Okay, well, seeing as I'd need to go to 7 more random stupid planets to buy anything else, I think it's time to progress the plot. A maxed out SMG I shall never own. :(
Also, Maxed out tech damage. :(
Actually, AFK to scrounge food, then it is time to marathon out the endgame.
Oh, hey. Naruto anime filler arcs are done.
@Wipqozn If you steal (and tracing counts as stealing) then you will have your nose pecked off by a duck..
That's one hell of a copyright notice :D
@James haha
@RavenDreamer Was there another set of filler episodes after the first one? Shippuuden started to be real again but that was like 2 years ago.
@StrixVaria Yes.
@RavenDreamer Ugh. I'm glad I stopped watching.
@StrixVaria But this time, they were on a boat!
What arc is the BLEACH anime on?
I stopped watching bleach with the puppets.
I stopped watching after the espada blah blah
Ichigo is about to fight that Arrancar to save the world! cut to 50 episodes of filler ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)
Q: Should I read episode i before or after playing final fantasy xiii-2?

AlejandroI have the special edition that brings the episode i novellete but dont know if I should read it before or after playing the game.

It's funny, because the manga is basically one giant filler arc.
I keep reading it since I've been reading ti for so long, but my word.
I thought it was like Ichigo learns BANKAI, puppets show up, Ichigo forgets Bankai until the end of the puppet/Bount arc
I'm sad that the only anime I ever got into was Naruto and Bleach.
I feel like I should watch "real" anime at some point.
To see how it is.
what's "real" anime?
I should have put it in quotes.
I liked Cowboy Bebop, is that real?
I have no idea.
Hmm, what anime have I watched...
@RavenDreamer She's done.
I just know that the people I knew in college who were really into anime really scorned Naruto and Bleach.
The maximum titty size in SCV just looks... weird... but any smaller and I can't name her Lara Croft in good conscience.
Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, FMA (the first one), some of FMA:B, GitS (1 and 2nd Gig), Trigun, Guardian of the Sacred Spirit, and Read or Die
Oh yeah I watched a lot of FMA, but then I stopped.
which have been ok, excellent, good, good, excellent, ok, good, and good
I didn't finish it, but I did like it while I was watching it.
Here's a working track with emailunlock if anyone is interested.
Interesting System.
I heard FMA:B was better than the first one, but because it was so similar I didn't bother watching much of it
it appears that upgrading to opera mobile 12 was all in all a mistake
oh, also Initial D, not sure if that counts as anime at all
Oh yeah I watched Elfen Lied
From what I remember, Full Metal Alchemist Anime and Manga differed heavily
Now that I'm thinking I apparently did watch some other stuff.
@StrixVaria is that the super-gorey/violent one?
@NickT Yeah, but it was really good.
Godammit, Lara looks ridiculous.
@RavenDreamer FMA:B being "better" because it was more like the Manga over FMA
@StrixVaria I think it's on YouTube to watch
Anyone tried the sound project mod in skyrim?
it's absolutely awesome
LAZERS. that's all.
@Jin Lazers?
@Jin qualify
@Jin Nothing is different. I even cleared cache.
You liar!
@StrixVaria i didn't say lazers now
@Jin That's just cruel.
@Jin going for cheap stars by just dropping in and saying "OMG LAZERS"
This is so unfair, SCV has really shitty character modelling, if I give Lara the appropriate tit size (max) she just looks... ridiculous.
wait wait wait... are you saying you started on Elfen Lied for real anime?
But any smaller and it doesn't look like Lara.
@GnomeSlice pics pls
Also, anyone else having issues updating LoL
@NickT is it working?
@gnome please imagine a look of disapproval here
@NickT Uh... I don't have a camera on me.
@Jin doesn't look like it yet
Wait, I've got my phone.
@Ktash doesn't look like an update hit (at least not today)
but I am up-to-date and haven't had any issues lately
@NickT Yeah, I haven't updated in a while, but now it won't let me
@badp It's... entirely SFW... sheesh.
i can't wait for tomorrow!
@Jin I had a feeling that's what your lasers were.
Like... when she goes into her fighting crouch, her tits drag on her belt.
since i love you guys, here's a sneak peek (chatroom exclusive content)
This creation mode is horrible
Could you... not phrase it like that, @Gnome?
i can't show u anymore than that, or they'll slash my throat.
@GraceNote oh hai.
Hey @Jin
@GraceNote How else?
@GnomeSlice "is inadequate for this one's needs"
@Jin As a shark, I'll fit right in.
:3705032, GnomeSlice is inadequate for most people's needs
No. It can go climb a wall of dicks, It's a massive disappointment.
@GnomeSlice What Raven just suggested, or anything that pretty much is not nearly as crude.
@NickT Don't put words in my mouth.
"is terribad"
@RavenDreamer I wasn't attempting to. Though given the colorful language...
@NickT Ah. I thought you had said "Gnomeslice is inadequate..."
Missed the 2nd '@'
@GnomeSlice You always seem to have an... interesting way of phrasing things.
@RavenDreamer Technically, you did, too, just separated by a quotation mark.
what does the 2nd @ have to do with anything
"is awful" "is ridicolous" "is brain-damaged" "is so bad I'd get flagged for saying just how bad it is"
@NickT It changes the connotation from "Gnomeslice is inadequate" to "Gnomeslice, use this: "is inadequate"
@GnomeSlice The last one is pretty good, I think.
The SCV character creator is flagworthy.
It's horrible.
Right, and you don't need to be so crudely illustrative of this fact. Please.
@RavenDreamer I think I'll just interpret your statement as "GnomeSlice is inadequate for my (this one's) needs"
Sorry for the poor quality, I took that with my phone.
That's basically the closest I could get it.
looks pretty accurate
Except I used the Angelina Jolie hair.
@NickT Yeah, but she looks RIDICULOUS when she goes into her Devil Jin fighting crouch.
no idea what that is
Does GSE ban "problem" in question title?
Q: Issue in Updating LoL

KtashSo my League of Legends version is a little behind, and I'm getting it up-to-date. However, it will not let me download the next file in the update, stating Unable to connect to the network, please try again later. So, I waited a while, and tried again later, just like the magic 8-ball inst...

Let me demonstrate.
@Jin ooohhh mmmyyyy
@Jin it's impossible to not read in his voice
@JuanManuel i concur...
@NickT Should I restate my title to be more clear?
@Jin I don't think you're the meme Gaming wants. But I think you are the meme Gaming needs.
@Ktash no, it's something of a convoluted MSO inside joke
@RavenDreamer yes Gordon.
@NickT Haha, got it.
Do pics exist of @Jin?
@NickT Jin is a barcode.
@NickT i thought you were gonna post my red pantz one..
I reject your asian man pictures.
@NickT That clear it up?
She just looks... WRONG like that. Like she's not been put together correctly.
@GnomeSlice then learn her some new techniques
@NickT None of the other styles suit Lara croft.
I'm trying to do a Bionic Commando/Ivy now.
that one is ripe for image macros
@NickT that was a spoof photo of Mad Men..
@NickT He's so sexy, his wineglass has its own cigar.
what is this? post jin's photos chat?
@Jin Yes.
We do this every monday night. Didn't you know?
@Jin I think it's obvious it is
@Wipqozn umm creepy.
lazers, lazers everywhere.
room topic changed to Jin's Fanclub: General Chat Room for Gaming.SE. The main quarters of Gaming's SEI AskQuestion Mothership, wherein we compare and contrast the relative merits of LASERs and LAZERS and their patented applications in diamond making and cat exercising. [hint-lazers-win-big-time] [mass-effect-3]
I'm livestalking @Jin. This is fun
@RavenDreamer Why is there a Mass Effect 3 tag?
@RedriderX oops
Why... why is my iTunes library gone.
@JuanManuel What?
@RedriderX nothing, nothing... misclick
@GnomeSlice oops I haxed ur 'puter
@GnomeSlice 'Cause you thought bad things about Apple.
nah it's back
@RedriderX Because I couldn't get the message to appear (And imply I had changed the room to "Jin's Fanclub") without adding something.
Q: Issue in Updating LoL

KtashSo my League of Legends version is a little behind, and I'm getting it up-to-date. However, it will not let me download the next file in the update, stating Unable to connect to the network, please try again later. So, I waited a while, and tried again later, just like the magic 8-ball inst...

Does anyone know why you can't change the information of certain audio files?
@GnomeSlice Are they under DRM?
room topic changed to The Bridge: General Chat Room for Gaming.SE. The main quarters of Gaming's SEI AskQuestion Mothership, wherein we compare and contrast the relative merits of LASERs and LAZERS and their patented applications in diamond making and cat exercising. [hint-lazers-win-big-time] [jin-lasers-fan-club]
@RedriderX Don't think so, although I've no idea how to check.
are they m4p?
Hah! It's read-only.
My bad.
@GnomeSlice Just try sending it to someone "illegitimately" and wait five minutes for the feds to knock down your door.
I got it legitimately.
The chat search feature is utterly broken.
I think I'm ready for a ME3 launch blitz.
I've got a 2-liter of Pepsi Max.
No class for a week.
What could possibly go wrong?
I will answer ALL the questions!
@RavenDreamer i take off work all this week 'n party with you!
@RavenDreamer I'm having trouble with my copy, I'll be late for all the questions (if I get it at all) :(
@Jin You into Mass Effect?
Okay, so just finished Friends with Boys. Very enjoyably read. It gets my personal recommendation.
Anyone here have Metal Drift?
@RavenDreamer big time. i beat ME1 'n 2 multiple times
@Jin PC?
@RavenDreamer i played on xbox. but i'm trying to decide if i should get Me3 for PC
@Jin Yes! Then you can play multiplayer with Me, @LessPopMoreFizz @FAE, and @DaveMcClelland
Not Lazers.
He's awful at games.
@RavenDreamer ok i'll do that then. i got BF3 for PC, so glad i did that. 64 player map > console
@Jin Origin exclusivity, though? Eh. Like it not so much.
Okay, she needs a new style, I don't care if Devil jin suits her the best
She looks completely ridiculous.
Anyone know if the Hunger Games movie is going to cover just the first book or the set of them? Is the set ongoing (it's 4 currently?)
@GnomeSlice you're being too hard on her
@GnomeSlice It's true. You are being too hard on her.
@Jin No, Her bust size causes her too look absolutely silly in the Devil Jin stance.
@GnomeSlice oh i didn't notice. I thought it was the way her hair was tied.
@Wipqozn Why does everyone give me more things to waste my time with? Doesn't everyone know that I am easily distracted by things I might find enjoyable?!
@GnomeSlice Well that's technically not her fault.
@Jin No, in the fighting crouch she looks absurd.
Also, why is the page itself not a link to the next page...?
I'm too used to that by now, don't they know?!
Astaroth needs to learn some boundaries.
He just grabbed me by the tits and swung me around a bit.
@Ktash Bottom of the page -> next button.
@RedriderX Yes, but I want to click on the image to go to the next page. Time for a userscript
^ Devil @Jin
@RavenDreamer The boobs aren't big enough.
@RavenDreamer Wow, has that evil look in his eyes and everything.
Astaroth has some nerve. He just commend me to 'show me your butt' too.
At leasts that's what it sounded like.
@GnomeSlice I can be awkward when you notice for the first time. Especially if it's under... awkward circumstances.
So, what do you guys think for Lara Croft, Nunchucks, or a Staff.
@GnomeSlice Staff!
@RavenDreamer ncsu?
Part of the reason she looks ridiculous is the belt. It sticks out really far and her tits brush it in her crouch.
@Jin I am, yeah.
@RavenDreamer <high five>. same here
It just 'aint Lara without ridiculous tits though.
@Jin Whoa, really?
Did she ever use a staff?
@RavenDreamer well, i did, long ago.
Hm... natsu looks pretty decent too.
@Jin Ah. That makes more sense.
Yeah, following in my father's footsteps, forty years later.
My bro and 2 cousins also.
@RavenDreamer i miss me some golden dragon..
they have the best Mongolian beef ever
@Jin The restaraunt next door, El Rodeo, got renovated last year. Sad times.
my only regret in college, was that reddit didn't exist yet...
Has Lara Croft ever had anything besides guns in her games?
@GnomeSlice throwing knives?
Hm... Natsu might be a good pick then.
what's that tool-assisted 4-way mario game video
What is a Natsu?
@NickT You mean Megaman?
@GnomeSlice I thought it was playing super mario, super mario 3, etc all at once
@NickT There's a megaman one like that; four games, one input.
link it
I could sit here toggling character poses for hours. She bounces whenever you switch to a new one.
Wait, @Wipqozn is this like a finished comic or is it ongoing?
@Ktash Finished.
It's in stores now actually, but she's keeping the full comic on her site until tomorrow.
@Wipqozn Interesting. I will definitely have to read it. I like comics that are a finished story
@Wipqozn 'til tomorrow? I'm not sure I can read that fast. How long is it?
@Ktash ~220 pages
@Wipqozn Hoo, better read fast :S
Q: Why is everything bright in my test world?

UnionhawkI have a superflat test world, where I was going to do experiments with mob farms. Except it seems that for some reason, everything is lit up, as if I were building it out of glass. (it gets dark once it turns night though). Any ideas? Or is this probably a bug?

What comic?
@Brant Friends with Boys.
Also, I don't see lazers yet, what's the freakin' holdup?
I mysteriously gained 290 rep...
@OrigamiRobot hacks
@OrigamiRobot I think there was another edit to the previous rep rebalancing edit
@Brant 24 hours
Also, have I mentioned how cool is is that the main page auto-updates itself? Because damn, that is coooool.
Lara makes a pretty decent Natsu.
What is a Natsu?
@RavenDreamer A character in Soul Calibur 5.
Is she the new Taki?
@RavenDreamer Yeah.
Did you just google her and guess that?
Red suit.
Also, she has this ... strange... vagina lump in her default costume.
...thank you for that image.
And they tried to Americanize her. She says things like "SO LAME."
Hey Youtube? You know what's cool?
30 second adds on 30 second videos.
Does Ivy's sword no longer have a string?
They needed the polys for… other parts of her character.
@GnomeSlice what is a Brave Edge?
@RavenDreamer You can use your charge up meter thing to power up certain attacks with each character.
It usually makes it into a different, more powerful move.
You can also do 'critical edge' attacks.
@RavenDreamer No, it's still a whipsword.
I'm trying to create a Nathan Spencer character with Ivy's style.
i.e. Bionic Commando.
Q: Old LEGO online Flash game involving some kind of network

Timothy Mueller-HarderI'm trying to remember the name of an old Flash game I used to play on the LEGO website. It was laid out on a grid, and you could place and move some kind of "programs." I also seem to remember that there was "spy" somewhere in the name.

So, question, my question ended up being a non-issue. I just need to wait. Is it more helpful to answer, mark as best and vote to close or just delete it?
@Ktash Self-answer I think.
@RavenDreamer Should I vote to close as too localized?
@Ktash Naw, just wait 2 days then accept your own asnwer.
@RavenDreamer Alright, will do. Thanks
That's what I'm here for.
Only 150 more minutes until Origin explodes while trying to unlock ME3. I'm so excited!
man i wrote some crappy css for gaming.se
@Jin When does in unveil?
@NickT Neat.
@Sterno swoon
Like, right at ME3 release, or tomorrow some time? I need to know if I should alt-tab out of ME3 to see the glory!
@Sterno oh it's going to be tomorrow. so get some rest tonight..
@Jin Stay up late playing ME3 tonight? Will do!
if you're a ME fan, you'll love the contest prizes...
i personally hand picked some prizes...
i wish i can get ME3 tomorrow, but i'll be out of town for about a week starting thursday
Is the Nexus Obelisk killable?
Shog9 on March 05, 2012

If you’ve been around Meta Stack Overflow the past few days, you’ve seen a fair bit of conversation sparked by the recent changes to how reputation is calculated:

To be clear: reputation values are not changing, every action in the system is still worth the same amount. Here’s what will be different:

Your reputation will be correct at all times

Deletions will have a much more immediate effect on reputation, not waiting on a recalc (but reputation sync takes up to 5 minutes on a delete/undelete action; as to not block the user’s response thread, it’s offloaded to a background queue) …

Q: Where can I find good level creation tutorials for Little Big Planet 2?

VictorI would like to know how to create better levels in little big planet 2. However, the "in game" tutorials doesn't explain some things (like how to create cars, gates, etc). I think that the game tutorials just tell you what to do, not how to do. I would like to have something I can print to read...

has anyone played Last Story yet?
@TheStackExchangeBlog So, does anyone want to take a stab at explaining to me how showing rep lost from deleted questions was "an egregious privacy violation"?
@NickT "Thank goodness I have like.. W-blue sky lives"
@Ktash Because anyone on your profile could see it.
Now only moderators and you can and only if you explicitly ask for it.
@Ullallulloo But that is already how it is for all of your reputation. Anyone viewing your profile can already see where you earned or lost your reputation
Seems a little odd for just the lost because of deleted to be the issue
and if it's not, it seems odd to include in a post specifically addressing that (and in a bullet point about it, no less)
@Jin @RavenDreamer @LessPopMoreFizz @FallenAngelEyes Whoo! ME3
@Ktash Because deleted questions are usually more embarrassing, I guess?
"Oh, look, that guy asked a stupid question that got deleted."
I'm honestly not sure I agree with that change. I moderate for the doctype.com community and we have a problem where some users will delete the questions that they ask because they don't want it to show up on their profile and I think it hurts the community...
I've actually made a semi-decent bionic arm.
but I guess MSO would probably be a better place to bring that up...

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