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@RavenDreamer I think a better-scoped question would be "How do my decisions regarding the Rachni in previous games affect ME3?"
@Sterno found my first question when the game releases... lol
you don't want questions about betas, because they go away quickly. Beta is not forever
@DavidB A solid point.
Official stance: Do not ask questions about a game before that game's official release.
@StrixVaria Support.
Simple, easily enforce-able, done.
@StrixVaria So we should close all of the Diablo 3 questions?
@StrixVaria Agreed.
@RavenDreamer Yes
@RavenDreamer Yep.
Too localized?
The very nature of a beta means those questions are especially likely to have volatile answers.
@StrixVaria I suggest you post this in this topic
Q: How should we handle non-beta pre-release questions?

Grace NoteThis is separate from questions about gameplay during betas, which are a beast of a different caliber with a different set of issues. We all know the feeling of being excited about an upcoming game release. I mean, we're all gamers, after all! But our FAQ prohibits questions about speculation ...

@StrixVaria Minecraft.
@StrixVaria Maybe. I assume that the classes in Diablo III aren't going to change at this point.
minecraft is an excellent exception. that "beta" is like nothing else
@Sterno We got into a huge mess with MineCraft. Also, that was a beta in name only.
@RavenDreamer Is my stance any different than what Grace says?
You've got a few thousand people playing Diablo 3 too. It's not exactly a tiny beta.
It's a good thing this is after Minecraft.
@StrixVaria Grace doesn't deal with Betas.
it's like a "beta release". Rather than a beta demo period
She actually specifically excludes betas from her question.
MMO's get stuff changed a lot too.
@StrixVaria That's not localized to just beta games though.
A: How should we handle non-beta pre-release questions?

StrixVariaMy stance: Do not ask questions about a game until that game is officially released. Betas, demos, etc., should not have questions asked about them. The very nature of these means that they are especially subject to rapid change, and the "Too Localized" close reason is for exactly those kinds of...

@Ullallulloo But allowing betas is just asking for trouble. Every answer will need to be checked when the game releases.
@Ullallulloo games can change, (not just MMOs). What about civ5's upcoming expansion? So many answers to prior civ5 questions might need updating.
@DavidB That's what I'm saying. MMOs are just a good example.
@OrigamiRobot Luckily we don't allow any Minecraft content
@badp Don't tell him that! Nearly all of his rep comes from Minecraft.
@badp Anybody could buy Minecraft during its "beta". Hardly a beta in the traditional sense. Also, Minecraft content is a huge mess.
@badp I allowed Minecraft in my answer because I do realize there are exceptions.
@OrigamiRobot It still is changing all the time.
Just, in general, betas are a bad topic space.
Too localized isn't what people generally think it is.
I don't understand the argument that "Games change too, so your beta stance is bad". My stance on betas has nothing to do with games having patches.
@StrixVaria Your argument is that we shouldn't allow betas since they're liable to change. My counter is that lots of games are subject to frequent change.
Released game answers can be volatile. Beta answers are volatile. This is the difference.
@OrigamiRobot Not always.
@Ullallulloo Which doesn't counter my argument at all.
People can change anything in a beta, but they can also change anything in a released game.
I'm not talking about other games; I'm just talking about betas.
We can't do anything about fully released games having patches.
If we remove that content, we don't have a site.
We just have to handle it as best we can when it comes up.
But for betas, it's another story.
Q: What's the most efficient way to change Tower Bux (TB) into Coins?

KatieKIf I'm impatient with the sales in my Tiny Tower, I can use different methods to turn precious Tower Bux into coins: Sell stock from a business Exchange at bank Upgrading businesses to sell more stuff Tower Bux for Coins, which method of changing Tower Bux into coins will earn the most Tower ...

It's a small enough subset that it's not going to kill our traffic to get rid of it, and it's enough of a problem that it's worth making a ruling about it.
For what it's worth, I think the number of downvotes that question received was excessive.
Considering the similar questions that have been asked.
@RavenDreamer Indeed.
@Ullallulloo Just because they end up not changing doesn't make them non-volatile.
@OrigamiRobot Same with released games.
@OrigamiRobot And just because they change doesn't mean the change automatically invalidates the existing answer
Troll Origin: Set to Preload ME3
Pops up later with, "Your game is ready to play".
@Ullallulloo Beta content is expected to change.
I got ME3 for 360 :(
@OrigamiRobot So could TF2 content.
@IanPugsley Same.
@Ullallulloo Did you just skip over everything I said up there?
@Ullallulloo New content is not the same as changing content.


3 mins ago, 41 seconds total – 7 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 9 secs ago by StrixVaria

@OrigamiRobot But they do change content.
@Tristan you need to get intarwubs so that we can play MP!
@IanPugsley Working on it...
@Ullallulloo Betas are a test. The purpose is to work out kinks.
@Tristan if you need help with something lemme know, I've fixed (and bricked) my share of routers
@StrixVaria I think overall I agree with you, we're probably better off not dealing with betas. I just think there are some definite exceptions.
@Sterno I agree. Minecraft is a great example of a game that should have gotten an exception if we had this rule in place back then.
Maybe Diablo 3 is as well.
Honestly, how many betas do people even ask about, other than Diablo 3 and Minecraft?
But in general beta content is bad content.
@Ullallulloo Fine. TF2 content changes. Should I be allowed to ask about content on the TF2 beta?
@OrigamiRobot I suppose, but we actually have the released game, and there's not much exclusive.
@Sterno how many games do people even ask about, other than popular ones?
@Ullallulloo But there is frequently content in there that is not and/or never makes it into the main game.
@IanPugsley A lot! I just asked about Bard's Tale yesterday! :)
@OrigamiRobot Asking about something that's exclusive to the beta would likely make that question obsolete soon. Asking about the Diablo 3 beta would just make the answer change.
@IanPugsley My point was more that we might be making a huge fuss about nothing atm :P
@Sterno I was being facetious; your big games generate more content in general, betas are just that same idea on a smaller scale
@Ullallulloo But we don't know about exclusivity until it doesn't make it into the full release.
@IanPugsley It was a trick answer. You were supposed to say, "But Bard's Tale is wildly popular!"
@Sterno was, sure :P
@Sterno Better to make a huge fuss when the problem (if any) is still small.
shit's ooooooold
like @GraceNote old
(possibly accurate!)
@OrigamiRobot Do we have reason to believe there's going to be a huge explosion on beta popularity that will make the problem bigger?
@OrigamiRobot True, but stuff in the TF2 beta would usually have to be really specific to make a question able to be just about it.
Whatevs, I like arguing about stuff on meta and chat as much as the next guy, so nevermind! :)
Also, Notch still makes releases before the official release of a version.
maybe the beta question is more nuanced than I originally thought. Maybe there's room for good questions about/during betas. Pure speculative questions are of course too localized in time.
example: will there be elephants in GW2?
If someone asks about, say the pyro's range in tf2, and it changes in the beta, I don't think that it would be bad to post that in an answer that it might change soon even if it does become outdated.
Much like in Minecraft if someone asks how to secure their house and Notch adds zombies breaking wooden doors before it's officially released.
You know what.
I don't know, some betas are more likely to change than others.
I don't care how annoying Leixia is.
@GnomeSlice chicken butt?
I'd nail the shit out of that.
@IanPugsley ...pardon?
@Ullallulloo Frankly, that sounds terrible.
@IanPugsley Put it in a cup.
waits for a flag
Aww crap, I've become cynical.
@OrigamiRobot We did that with Minecraft hough.
@Ullallulloo And Minecraft is a huge mess.
@GnomeSlice you're not aware of "Guess what? Chicken butt"?
Hm, W8 is worse than I thought. Good to know.
@IanPugsley Can't say so.
@IanPugsley I always heard it as "Monkey butt", myself.
@OrigamiRobot Sometimes, but overall it wasn't too bad.
There's no start menu whatsoever, it turns out. Just this god-awful 10 foot HUD which would be impossible to use with the amount of programmes I'm liable to install.
@AshleyNunn that's one of the most bizarre cultural differences between US and Canada I've ever heard!
@IanPugsley Haha, might just be the odd people I surround myself with. XD I cannot speak for the rest of the country XD
@AshleyNunn well if @GnomeSlice doesn't know about it and you have heard a variation, that's a good start to the investigation
@ArdaXi Which is why everyone hates it.
@IanPugsley Very true!
@Ullallulloo Well, add me to the list.
@Ullallulloo Why do we want to set ourselves up for potential problems?
@ArdaXi aren't you on every list of somebody hating something by default?
@IanPugsley I'm pretty sure he is, although I assume hates that policy.
@OrigamiRobot I wouldn't mind banning beta content too much, but I think that it would be missing out on getting the questions up early in preparing for something that would be relatively rare and not a very big deal if it does occur.
@IanPugsley I work with a whitelist where most people apply a blacklist, yes.
But W8 is now also on my blacklist, in addition to being off the whitelist. So I actively hate it, rather than only passively.
Woo - a speculative "try this" sort of answer to my puppy-picture question actually helped. :D NO MORE PICTURESSSSSS
Available Now: Vessel (Strange Loop Games) http://bit.ly/wgKxL2
I'm not buying anything anymore, remember? T_T
@GnomeSlice So, they should just stop making games?
@OrigamiRobot I'm trying to compile a list of all the arguments that are used against ITG in general.
Q: How do I partition my HDD for use on XBox?

stevenmcI believe XBox uses the FATX file-system. How would I go about getting software to partition a USB portable hard drive for use on XBox? I don't think Partition Magic supports FATX. Thank you :)

^ Vessel ^
Can you see if I missed any?
@GnomeSlice The backpack reminds me of Super Mario Sunshine.
@AshleyNunn Heh.
@StrixVaria Two seemingly identical ITGs can actually be about completely different games and vice-versa.
@OrigamiRobot Let me add that.
I'm going to use this as an outline for an enormous essay I plan to write on the topic.
@GnomeSlice It does look like a really pretty and fun game.
Bunch of new titles on Indievania, many of which are free.
@StrixVaria If the asker misremember something significant enough, an answer cannot be found.
@GnomeSlice Oh, cool. I have found some fun stuff there in the free games.
I'm also going to go through all the pro-ITG things I can find on this site and pick them apart.
@StrixVaria Please do.
Can someone make an outline of the pro-ITG arguments for me?
@StrixVaria My favorite is "They are just like tech-issue questions"
@OrigamiRobot That one is so easily countered :P
My dislike of tech-issue questions is what made me realize why ITG is bad.
The point I dislike the most is "They help people!"
@AahleyNunn what's your opinion of Kingdom Hearts thus far?
@Wipqozn Ugh.
"So what?" is the answer to that question.
But I'll elaborate a bit more in my missive.
Since it's completely irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. Sure, it might help poeple, but so did game-rec.
We can help people in chat.
Also, what do you guys think of Hacknet? If it's actually like real hacking, I probably shouldn't even bother.
@Tristan OMG. So fun. Even if I sucked at finding fish. Haven't had much time to play (classes today) but I plan to get some good time in this weekend. I am so glad to get a chance to play them. :D
Tada! Lunch was awesome :)
@StrixVaria We have to specify that we don't hate ITG period. It is juct bad for the site.
@James What made it awesome? :)
@StrixVaria don't want to have a discussion in the comments but your arguement on betas - Your answer is essentially saying betas are too volatile so we should exclude them, but games that are just as volatile we should try our best to keep the answers up to date?
@BrianColvin Did you even read my link?
@GnomeSlice The trailer makes it look a little too complicated for me.
@AshleyNunn Yayy! I'm genuinely excited to hear your reaction to the ending. As well as all the crossovers. My favorite was Halloween Town. =P
I specifically addressed the point you're making.
Might be something up @ArdaXi's alley.
I'm not going to address a point I already addressed again.
@Tristan grin I just reached Traverse Town (seriously, finding the last freaking fish took me waaaay too long) but I really like it so far. :)
@AshleyNunn Met up with a friend Id not seen in a few years :)
@BrianColvin The difference is betas are not expected to be stable.
@James That would make for an awesome lunch, for sure :)
@OrigamiRobot certain parts of betas are just as stable as released games
@BrianColvin But we don't know that until it's released.
Anyway, I have to head home now.
I will very likely not be back on chat tonight.
@BrianColvin Betas should all be viewed as "Don't expect this to be in the final release." They are tests to see what works and what doesn't.
I can see both sides of the argument, but what i'm trying to say is that if we can provide relevant answers that are definitive for the time, we should try
I plan to dedicate a large portion of tomorrow to writing the anti-ITG bible.
@BrianColvin That's a fair point.
@AshleyNunn Awesome. I usually spend wayyy too long in the first area leveling up against Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie, or farming potions from Riku, so don't feel bad for taking a long time.
That's why I don't care too much if my post is downvoted to hell.
I just wanted to get my stance out there.
Good luck w/ the anti ITG ~_~
Night everyone!
@Tristan Haha I didn't do any of that. Hopefully it doesnt bite me later XD
@BrianColvin Hey man, quite a few people on this site just feel that certain areas require special handling and in general would just rather not have a gray area as part of the sites rules. You will not convince them that they are talking about issues that exist across the entire site as opposed to just where their narrow vision sees them at currently.
@Tristan What about that blonde chick with the nice tits?
I can't remember her name. Also, I'm joking.
I used to watch my sister play that game.
@GnomeSlice Is she blonde?
N...no. ...Don't ever make me feel like this again.
@John @RonanForman anybody home?
Edit fail, apparently this addon script makes it look like its highlighted when I edit the message, but its not! hehe
What's the word for the feeling of agony one gets when a nostril becomes inflamed? #imsuretheswedeshaveanameforit
Quick question, actually.
Is there a word limit on a meta post?
Or a character limit?
@RonanForman Where should we keep our goals/challenges? Google Docs?
@StrixVaria Never seen any limits in either of those, except for the comments as normal.
@James Oh yeah let's not solve problems on our site because they exist somewhere else. Brilliant!
A giant replica of a sign filled with signs!
@James You'll understand if I don't trust your word on the matter.
@Strix What's up with you today?
@RonanForman Ya mean he is not normally like this?
@RonanForman OK, how about just a text version in the meantime?
@StrixVaria You seem a little.....agitated today.
@James I don't think so...
@RonanForman @StrixVaria has been....irked today.
@Origami Yeah G docs sounds fine.
@StrixVaria yes, just like on the main site
@RonanForman Steam message me your info so I can share the doc.
I can't get on steam right now.
Email the community account.
@RonanForman You guys could hop in a private room real quick couldn't ya?
@James No such thing, except for mods.
@ArdaXi k, well. Create a room, link the message, then delete it :)
@RonanForman stackgaming at where?
I can just share with that address.
if I wanted to post a (somewhat lengthy) message to someone that has only ever asked a closed question, using the inbox... would it be ok to post it here with the (@) to signal them?
also if you don't mind the mods and people paying close attention knowing, you could always post a message and delete it before the timeout.
Should we really be deciding challenges now?
@DavidB you can't summon someone who has never been here (unless you're a mod :)
so, they've not been on chat and wouldn't see it? ah ok
@DavidB also if they've only got one closed question, it's unlikely that they have the rep to chat, yeah?
they might have it on other se sites.
@agent86 I thought that guy yesterday was able to be invited so we didnt have to up-vote his question to get him in here? Or was it that a mod invited?
I don't want to chat with them, just want to push an "answer" of sorts...
@DavidB you can post a comment to the question, if it's something short and on-topic
I'll try that, thanks
@RonanForman We need something. I'm just putting in basic stuff.
if it's going to cause a lengthy discussion though, you might just want to let it be :)
@James I don't know who we're talking about or what the specific event was you're referring to. mods have the ability to "super ping" people and bring them places they couldn't normally go
I don't think my "answer" is correct or even comprehensible. but I spent time on it so... I'd like to share
@DavidB Start a private room, put the chat there, link a transcript in the comment?
it fit in the comment. thanks
@agent86 Was just someone the other day asking us to up-vote a person so they could join chat and someone else said they could just be invited if they didnt have the permission, just that they couldnt enter with out the privs or some such.
He got enough rep on his own.
@James I have to assume that if they were speaking of an invitation, it must've been a mod inviting.
@agent86 Ah, kewl.. Thanks for the clarification :)
@Origami You around?
Check the doc.
the mail client in win8 is rather good
I wish it supported sending non-html email
but for the sake of simplicity that's okay
there's one thing that makes me giggle though, and it's the non-customizable signature
"Sent from my Windows 8 PC"
@RonanForman @John Both.
I hate Origin. Just like I hate any app that when you try to run it, the icon just sort of spins for a minute and then maybe loads, or maybe doesn't. With no error message.
Q: What game engine is Soldiers of Anarchy built on?

FelixAs the question states, what game engine is Soldiers of Anarchy built on? it's a fabulous game and I want to know which game engine it is built on.

If inability to get Origin to launch persists and prevents me from playing ME3, I'm going to find the CEO of EA and punch him in the business.
@Sterno you could always take the bash.org approach: bash.org/?577451
@Sterno You should do that anyways.
@Ktash That seems too reasonable and measured a response.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No worries man, its just a banana :)
crashes through Jessica Black
@Fredy31 I don't know who that is.
Its friday friday gotta get down of friday
@Fredy31 That's Rebecca Black.
Oh snap.<
I'd post her music video, but I assume it would be spammed as "offensive".
Heheh " They understand that we don’t tend to enjoy their company, because spending time with them means we’re going to get “notes,” and notes are like Yankee fans; not all of them are bad, but all of them are annoying." I like that quote :)
@Fredy Hat-films fan?
On and off
Well if you're listening to the podcast then I assume you're on at the moment.
I dont listen to their podcast, why?
Is there something THAT interesting?
Nevermind, they were calling Rebecca Black Jessica in the latest one.
oh lol
I didn't think anyone could be as stupid as them, but well done! :P
Okay, I've remembered to upload the video this time.
#FF our awesome community moderators! @badp @juanformoso @SecretofMana
I'm glad to announce that no new people followed me since this tweet :D
@spugsley There be a text link in my ping.
@badp What about the other mods?
Is anyone else missing the chat feature in Google Docs?
@Wipqozn No idea, I can't see their inboxes.
Q: Searching for a old game in which you control the player using a voodoo doll

HiddenKnowledgeI played a game a long time ago, in which you start out in a flat and can't leave trough the door because there is a robot which won't let you out. You control the users actions with a 'voodoo doll' (ingame). I remember having to go inside a factory and collect items and such. I really hope anyon...

Q: Why can't I preload Mass Effect 3?

Dave McClellandI got on Origin today and saw that it was prompting me to preorder and preload Mass Effect 3. . After pre-ordering it, I went to my game library to preload it, but the "preload" button is disabled! Why would this be? Does it have something to do with already having the demo downloaded?

@Wipqozn yes, I clicked it. And what I'm about to say to you will seem strange and might feel uncomfortable/awkward
@Wipqozn I <3 you
@OrigamiRobot I can't even get to Google Docs (500 error)
you only get one.
@murgatroid99 That is interesting.
no, wait. It's back
@OrigamiRobot It's missing for me as well. I hope it's not gone forever, it's very useful./
@spugsley You're welcome.
@spugsley You can't have inequalities with imaginary numbers.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I don't see it either
Well at least I'm not alone.
@Lazers C'mon @DaveMcClelland that is way too localized.
@OrigamiRobot meh, it'll be relevant for three days and maybe to future games?
@Ullallulloo "How do I preload games with Origin?" is useful in the furure.
But now it has a localized answer
@OrigamiRobot Well, the answer is not localized in terms of localization ;)
@Ktash The specifics for ME3 preloading are way too localized.
@OrigamiRobot True
@OrigamiRobot Heh, I know. But the link I posted in my answer breaks it down by localization. I was making a funny
@OrigamiRobot Probably, but damn origin
I want my games now :(
There is still time to save it since both asker and answerer are in chat :P
That is assuming that all origin preloads work this way.
@OrigamiRobot Updated, thanks for the reminder
Searching for an updated answer... give me a minute
Thanks, @Ktash!
Okay, new LoL video in 400 minutes. Subscribe to YouTube.com/gamingse for a reminder of sorts!
@DaveMcClelland ME3 tag should be removed
@RonanForman 400 minutes? So exciting.
@OrigamiRobot I was torn about that, since the question may still be overly related to ME3. Feel free to edit it out, though
@DaveMcClelland ME3 is the example, but future visitors will be looking for different games.
@OrigamiRobot True... I'll take it out
It's so weird to do preloading like that.
Ooh, the spleef tournament hit the broken view count threshold, cool.
@OrigamiRobot Steam has spoiled me, I guess :(
@RonanForman I am offended!
@DaveMcClelland No, Origin is just awful.
@OrigamiRobot I wish I could star that a hundred times
No apple, I do not want to type spleen, if I did, I would have typed it. F and N are no where near each other.
@RonanForman In Apple's defense, spleef is not a word it would know.
Yeah, but it's not a spell checker, it's a typing checker, hitting the other side of the keyboad is not a typing error, it's either intentional or moronic.
@RonanForman Odd, it should learn a word if you use it a couple of times.
@RonanForman Apple builds their software with stupid people in mind, so they may expect mistakes like this.
Not implying you are stupid of course.
@OrigamiRobot Could just be its not really a typing checker and is a spell checker that could take typing mistakes into account instead of just spelling mistakes :)
@OrigamiRobot I'll imply that for you
@DaveMcClelland Updated my answer
Looks like Bioware is having load issues, so they're bringing more servers online. Linked to post, but also posted in steps for fixing in general
God dammit, Origin
@Ktash Restarting origin worked, though I have no idea why it was necessary
@DaveMcClelland Good to hear. That was one of the steps I listed to solving the problem, so that will be goo for future people. I might go back through and clean it up, separating out the ME3 stuff from general origin issues
@DaveMcClelland EA Logic: Somebody insulted another user? Better ban the victim and permanently delete his account!
Just... argh. Origin is so shitty
@DaveMcClelland I hope your Origin account cannot be traced to this account. They will ban you for badmouthing EA too!
@OrigamiRobot Eh, all the games on it have been bought for me by SE so it wouldn't be a huge financial loss :D

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