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@BlueBarren Why would it have an h? that would change the name a lot.
You're supposed to spell it however the parents wanted it spelled.
Q: I wanto to set a repeating command block with a command in it (always active) Minecraft 1.11

PlayLikeMe10YTI used this command /setblock repeating_command_block {TileEntityData:{Command:"/setblock repeating_command_block {TileEntityData:{Command:"effect @a clear"}}"}} It works fine, but the command block says "Needs Redstone", so I want to change that in "Always Active" how to do that?

Q: why isn't skyrim allowing me to sell high value items?

The Mattbat999As I said, I had been trying to sell an emerald, but everytime I talk to any store keeper, it doesn't show up in my items to sell. It was stolen and I thought that might effect it, but I had sold 2 amethyist that I got from the same place. What is wrong?

@Arperum you know I'm not sure
I guess I've probably seen someone else spell it like that
@BlueBarren The C in Nicolas is more of "K"as in staCK. if you would make it ch, it would be closer to CHest for how it sounds.
@Arperum English language is inconsistent on pronunciation. The "ch" in Nicholas is pronounced same as in Nicolas and Nikolas
there's a lot of silly little things like that in English...
like you said "chest" as an example of a ch sound, but "chasm" is pronounced with a K
or chorus
Note to self: English is ridiculous.
Not as ridiculous as your face
@Chippies I would mispronounce both of your examples.
@KevinvanderVelden Tentative agreement.
@Arperum you get weird looks when you mispronounce words because they are supposed to be pronounced different than they look. I've learned it the hard way
Just don't go to english speaking countries: Problem solved
But USA/Canada/UK/Australia are THE BEST
I've heard the VR experience is great
@MBraedley if you had a VR headset and the game, it would be a shame to play without it
especially considering how there's not a whole lot of full experience games for VR, afaik
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to play a horror game in VR, ever. It's the definition of "can't look away".
@Chippies There are a few. Obduction, Elite: Dangerous, a number of racing games, just to name a few examples.
@MBraedley racing games, yeah, but not every VR headset owner buys it for racing games. Elite is also a bit of a niche game
haven't heard of Obduction, but that's still a pretty short list considering how long the headsets have been available
Holy shit
@Chippies SuperHot VR
@Unionhawk I currently do not want to enter the USA at all.
@MBraedley I vaguely heard of that, but I haven't looked into it. How does that even work? Didn't time move forward even when you were turning the camera in game?
pretty sure it did in the "demo" game
It does yeah
@Chippies It still does, since your (IRL) head is effectively the camera
not as fast as when moving of course, but it still moved forward, which makes me think that it would be constantly going forward in VR due to your head not being perfectly still
Your hands also move time forward.
@Chippies you can put filtering on it that small movements don't trigger it of course
Q: Does an embargo on a Civilisation stop trade routes with their team mates?

OrangeDogThe description suggests that it would: No Trade Routes can be established between the chosen Civilization and any other Civilization. Any such Trade Routes are ended and must be reassigned. However, trade routes between team mates behave like internal trade routes in all other cases. Wou...

@Arperum just because something is supposed to make a certain sound doesn't mean it'll be spelt that way
or that's how I find things
Trudeau calling the attack yesterday like it is
Did he use the T-word? :o
@KevinvanderVelden turbulent?
@Unionhawk I don't think USA is the T-word
@BlueBarren See @Chippies and my continuation of the conversation. tldr: English is dumb.
@KevinvanderVelden He did so yesterday already.
@Arperum I was busy
Terror vs muslims.
I didn't see it until today
I can be excited about something that happened yesterday, shut up
@Arperum yeah that's the truth
@Unionhawk Yes, you can. No, I will not shut up.
@KevinvanderVelden Trumplandia is a T-word though.
@Arperum yeaah, it's not quite state-sponsored terrorism yet but
@Unionhawk if we're talking about anything to do with the shooting is "excited" really the appropriate word to use?
It is Very Important to call this shit like it is. That was not just a run-of-the-mill mass shooting.
And terrorist attacks performed by white men are rarely labeled as such.
Yes, all too often (looking at you faux news) words like "lone wolf" are used to describe terrorism by white people instead of, you know terrorism
Which is simultaneously Bad and Dumb
this is my @twobugs impression
RIP @twobugs
I do agree with that
who was twobugs?
Two bugs, duh
I think I saw him on the discord or maybe I was imagining it
@KevinvanderVelden Yet is a good choice for a word.
@Arperum I don't think resistance leader Merriam Webster will back you up on that one tbh
@Unionhawk Eh, he won't back me up on like half of the words I use anyway, I have a habit of butchering languages frequently
@Unionhawk I was about to ask if there actually is a Mirian Webster in politics somewhere
The year is 2017. America is a tire fire. The resistance is led by Teen Vogue, Badlands National Park, and the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
I'm not sure if tire fire is an upgrade or downgrade from dumpster fire
nor am I sure what upgrade and downgrade even mean in that context
Tire fires are pretty bad and hard to put out, though I think dumpster fires are biggers
Is the dumpster next to a tire repair facility?
Q: What is the purple hue around enemy armies in Total War: Warhammer?

Bram VanroySometimes when I defeat an enemy army, the campaign map shows a purple aura around the defeated army. What does it mean? I don't recognise it from previous Total War games.

I just came back from my usual psychiatrist and holy hell I didn't know he was this good heh. He's apparently the first person in turkey that released a thesis on trans people, wow. He objectively gave me the thumb of approval and referred to me some other doctor for meds happy.
Q: Meaning of 'Gift from the Storm God' achievement in Civilization 6

Nicolas HolthausIn Civilization VI, you can receive an achievement called 'Gift from the Storm God' if you receive a strategic resource from the City-State of Hattusa. I've learned that Hattusa was the capital of the ancient Hittite Empire in modern-day Turkey, but still don't understand the allusion. Does anyon...

What was his thesis?
sigh how many times will I have to restart my computer this morning?
> Watching Theresa May, the UK Prime Minister, speak and basically force Trump to admit that he was 100% behind NATO in front of the media, on live TV, got some interesting views, ranging from 'she outplayed him' to 'damn, I wish we could have her as our leader'.
@fredley pls halp
Make America Great Britain Again
@Sterno no idea
To be fair, theresa may is less awful then trump
Except, you know, brexit
he's not transphobic and that's all I care about
Can we get some golf claps for @Kevin
clap clap clap
@KevinvanderVelden well I'm at 3
I'm too lazy to screenshot that
@BlueBarren so you'll only need to reboot it once more
and then you're right, yes
alright I "repaired" Visual Studio
I'm about to rebuild this project
cross your fingers my problem is fixed
Not one, but two papers, wow.
I see four things
@BlueBarren 2 are about H and T, 2 are about other stuff
@BlueBarren see, told you
@KevinvanderVelden right now another reboot won't fix this problem
but keep your fingers crossed
time to go for the nuclear option
reimage my entire computer
which would involve many restarted @KevinvanderVelden so I would be over at that point
@BlueBarren not my fault you choose to restart it extra times, you only need to restart it 4 times. Maybe some of the ones you already did today weren't necessary
now now Kevin I haven't restarted more than 3 times yet so maybe I won't restart some extra times, we'll never know
or maybe, just maybe I'll purposely restart some extra times just so you're wrong
@BlueBarren No, those would not be needed, and be a waste of your time. The first three would also be wasted if you are just going to reimage anyway.

Proposed Q&A site for those who are interested in algorithms for information hiding inside digital files.

Currently in definition.

And if you restart less than 4 times you just have some subtle bugs you haven't found yet and actually still need to restart more
The first three aren't a waste if they were to hopefully fix the problem and prevent a reimage
Ugh. So many games coming out this month, and I can't afford them. T_T
@Fluttershy Yeah. I just bought 2.8, and it cost $90, after taxes.
@Fluttershy that's a lot of games coming out in a day ;)
since it's still January
@Frank I'm looking at getting For Honor, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Night in the Woods, and maybe Nioh, if I can try it again and actually enjoy it. Also, Torment comes out, and I still need to play Planescape.
@BlueBarren Oh right. I meant February!
I wish it was February already, whatever brings me closer to Zelda and the Switch
@Fluttershy I'm trying really hard not to buy more games right now.
I have too many to play as is.
I have the same issue
I have 3 3DS games I still need to beat
and some other stuff
I started Owlboy last night. Goodness that's some beautiful music.
@Frank My main problem is, I'm playing games that don't end. I have Doom and Dark Souls 3 to play, but I'm stuck on Heroes of the Storm, and practicing Ori and the Blind Forest. And I just picked up Criminal Girls on Steam, too. Need to finish that one.
still haven't beat Volume on PC
@Fluttershy I keep going back to hots when I don't know what to play
and that seems like it's happening more and more
@BlueBarren Same.
nothing else is holding my attention
I just finished the lunar event yesterday
Happens to me with LoL now...
I grinded all the games in Beginner AI over the weekend
@Avery that sounds positive!
@BlueBarren I'm only 8/25 for that one. :( Need to hurry up and finish it.
I play like 5 games per month and then i'm like "naaah too toxic"
I think Blizzard has done too many events back to back in that game
because I haven't had an excuse to stop playing
It was the nexus challenge then winter veil and now the lunar event
it's like give me a break
but I don't want to miss out on the rewards
even though I never finished the winter veil one
Darkening of Tristram was fun.
@Fluttershy I've been burning through the Atelier series, between working on models.
Oh and I started Oxenfree last night. Because, when faced with seemingly endless, in-progress games, I start completely new ones.
I'm giving up on Long War 2 for now.
@MadMAxJr Well, it is Long War 2.
I dialed it back to Easy and it's still a horrible grind.
Oh god the internet is going to catch on fire
@Unionhawk Yeeep.
Maybe Trump can do some more crazy things so we can focus on that.
that messes with the entire sequence of the movies
11, 12, 13, 8
On the other hand, Ocean's Eleven isn't as much of a nostalgia mine as Ghostbusters so maybe people won't react that emotionally.
I also don't like the idea of making a movie with all x cast for the sake of doing x
pick actors and character traits based off of the narrative
@Yuuki That's also true
But on the other hand, the internet is fucking awful
should this character be a woman? should they be white? How does this affect the narrative?
I don't like the idea of casting Matt Damon to protect the Great Wall of China but we can't all have everything we want
1 message moved to Android Hell
Now I'm just going to type that again.
Lies, you'll just copy paste it
Kevin wins
@Yuuki I still think it's dumb how upset people got over Ghostbusters. It wasn't a bad movie.
@Fluttershy Most of the people who were upset were upset before there was any way of even knowing if it was good or bad
I also wonder what the actual number of upset people was before it got amplified by the entire internet complaining about all the people upset about it
@BlueBarren It's like they learned to count from Microsoft... Or the Battlefield franchise.
People are upset that the new Mei skins are being fixed as a bug
I still haven't seen Ghostbusters in any form.
The internet is so fucking stupid
microsoft just called me from Switzerland, lol
So from that, I have some inklings about the plot to Episode 8.
@Unionhawk of course they are becsuse something something larger people bad something something my video games you are ruining them
@Ash What's even better is the fact that they don't look right. At all.
@Fluttershy or Xbox
They look bugged
@Unionhawk Wait... Why are they upset that they're fixing her horribly collapsed stomach/distended hip? O_o
@BlueBarren See: Microsoft. :P
@Fluttershy because waa caving to sjws or some shit
@Fluttershy Because uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh
Even though it's clearly a bug and anyone who looks closely at it can see that
People are horrible
@Fluttershy oh right, I was solely thinking Windows xD
@Unionhawk And given it's two skins, one might say it's @twobugs.
RIP @twobugs.
@Unionhawk But... There's no caving here. I don't understand.
Microsoft disassociates from the Xbox brand just enough that I sometimes forget they're the same
@Unionhawk Yeah, I have seen images. It just looks broken
Like... It's a visual bug. Her fingers go through her hand, and the left side of her body looks like it's being sucked into a vortex on the right side.
Or like it was done by that comic book dude who I swear has never seen an actual person in his life
literally a thing that people have said
What's this bug for people who haven't seen it?
@Ash Rob Liefeld!
@Fluttershy Yeah, him!
I just walked past a frowning person with a Chrismas hat and OBEY written on it
That's so perfect
She was just missing the Santa beard
@Ronan I'm trying, and failing, to find a good image.
@Ash I mean, that describes lots of comic book artists. Although Rob Liefeld is breathtakingly further ahead of anyone in that field.
There's a particular angle that showcases that it is, actually, a bug
@Yuuki Yeah, he has a particular....talent for it
and not "no it's fine guys her regular skin is a heavy parka you idiots"
cc: @Ronan
Ugh, I haven't gone to my local comics shop in awhile, I'm worried that they canceled Switch because I'm like the only person reading it.
@Fluttershy oh right, chinese new year
@Fluttershy Weeeeeiiiird.
happy lunar new year all
what's with the mei skins?
didn't one of you say there was a bug?
Like I said, there's a particular angle that showcases it
@Ronan People thing that isn't a bug. They think Mei has the body of a 12 year old Dutch girl, apparently.
cc @Ash on that reference. :P
Yeah I worked that out, I was just wondering how obvious it is.
Very it seems.
Overwatch fans: hey this new model looks fucked up Blizzard: oh yeah that's a bug, we will fix it Reactionary gamer… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/824235333302833154
There we go

Proposed Q&A site for craftsmen that utilize CNC (Computer Numerical Control) for carving/cutting wood or metal to build parts for projects or artwork. Utilizing g code and arduino or other controllers.

Currently in definition.

People. Are. Dumb.
@Fluttershy oh gosh her body just what
Q: Check if game has been used [PS4]

JeremyI bought the Uncharted: the Nathan Drake Collection on Amazon. Today I finally got it and I have a feeling that is has been used. Can I check somewhere if the disc is really new? It's the special edition and I am not sure if that one comes with foil. Thanks, Jeremy

Patch should be rolling out tomorrow probably
@Unionhawk Gotta love how the blowback is all coming from Twitter.
Literally no one on /r/Overwatch cares. At all.
I connect to roadhog on many levels
he represent me
@Yuuki You can't downvote tweets like you can reddit posts or battle.net forums posts
especially my desire for the apocalypse
I just thought of adding roadhog to heroes
my life would be made
Also twitter contains 45% more Bad and Dumb than your average Internet
@BlueBarren Isn't there Stitches who does basically the same?
@BlueBarren Stiches could use another skin.
The real thing that surprises me is that, to my recollection, there's no Flesh Golem Blitzcrank skin or something.
Psst @Unionhawk the latest update was $24 million
@Yuuki Blitz does have the ugliest skin in LoL history though.
I mean it was so ugly they removed it from the game and now it's super rare
@TimStone Hooooooooooly shit
We're alive
We're going to be ok
They probably need more to sue the government over literally anything Steve Bannon puppeteers Trump into
@Jutschge @Yuuki no don't point this out to me... you're totally right but noooooo
although the ults don't work
@Unionhawk Nah, Flynn might be making his own PDB for Trump so we're still pretty screwed
Full of "Flynn Facts", no doubt
He also just signed the "Remove 2 regulations for everyone 1 regulation added" which is pretty much the dumbest premise on which to operate
I'm still 100% convinced that as long as Steve is in the white house, we're probably screwed
Which Steve you ask? Both, any
Bannon being a principal member of the National Security Council while the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence aren't is super-fucked up.
I mean, the latter has happened on some occasions but not to this degree and an ostensibly political appointee being elevated as a principal member is unheard of.
I'm 100% convinced he's more of a power hungry egomaniac than Trump is
President Bannon.
Trump is an egomanic, no doubt
No doubt.
(I'm @Unionhawk's yes-man today)
Like the assistant coach while the coach is giving a speech to the team!
> “Lenin,” Bannon answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” Bannon was employing Lenin’s strategy for Tea Party populist goals.
But Bannon is an egomaniac who has half of an idea of what he's doing
One half of one idea.
Well, Russia's in top form, supposedly having strong influence over POTUS and invading foreign countries with nobody willing to stop them, so maybe this is a good thing. Maybe we'll be Russia in a decade or so.
@TimStone oh my gosh, it was 19 last I checked so this is good.
I'm actually waiting to get my ACLU donation in until 2/1
So I can have an easy monthly donation on YNAB :P
Wait, Lenin was in the 1910s...
So in 100 years, we'll be Russia?
I mean, by definition, only Russia is Russia.
Oh hey, apparently people are boycotting starbucks again
That always works
Why are people boycotting expensive coffee?
I dunno I think because they support refugees
Yeah, Starbucks made a commitment to hire 10k refugees so I guess...some people are angry about that?
Because they're monsters?
I mean
Who would have thought that there are enough Bad and Dumb people on twitter to get BOYCOTTSTARBUCKS to #1 trend USA
Other than literally everyone
We should watch District 9.
Also, I need to make my Movie Night decision post by the end of the day.
We should watch Lego Batman (when it comes out)
@Yuuki No, we should watch Shanghai Noon
A: Bridge Movie Night - February 2017

UnionhawkDistrict 9 I see GnomeSlice's relevance, and raise more relevant. Idea shamelessly stolen. Sue me. An extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum-like conditions on Earth suddenly finds a kindred spirit in a government agent who is exposed to their biotechnology. IMDB | Rotten Tomatoes ...

Was District 9 the South African alien movie?
That was a good movie.
@JasonBerkan It was
But Jackie Chan...
@Unionhawk Tempted to suggest 1984
@SaintWacko When I grow up and if I have kids, my family will celebrate Chinese New Year's by watching Rush Hour or Shanghai Noon.
@Yuuki I love this idea so much
I wish you had said it a few days earlier :P
@SaintWacko I brought this up on Saturday and got a few glares from my parents.
I mean, they started chuckling shortly afterwards so no harm done.
@Yuuki oh my gosh that is a lot of cute
@Yuuki That's just dangerous, way too much cute in one place
Damnit I went to the dresdenfiles subreddit, now I want to re-read the dresden files
@KevinvanderVelden I worry that it's escalating too much.
On the plus side, each book is like an evening worth of reading
@Sterno this is true, and there's 15 of them so that's most of my reading challenge
Shouldn't a new one be out about now?
Like the first novels were Harry Dresden, wizard detective. Now it's starting to feel like Harry Dresden, wizard detective and also part-time demigod.
@Sterno no, the spire book thing came inbetween
He's working on it but no release date
Aeronaut's Windlass, that's the book
Haven't read that. Didn't look interesting
I bought a copy of 1984 last week. Felt appropriate.
Though honestly I'm basing that just off the title and cover art
It's pretty good in my opinion
But then, I do like steampunkish things
Okay. I'm starting to get a little scared. No more US news articles for me today.
The ACLU donation total is good news, at least
Not everything is terrible
Just most things
@KevinvanderVelden I may or may not end up restarting 1 maybe 2 more times
I'm uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Studio so it'll probably ask me to restart at least once
You're free to restart as many extra times as you feel like or leave as many unnoticed bugs as you want
but I want to hit your target
Not leaving bugs is generally a smart plan
"How many bugs in your build?" "All of them."
but do your bugs have bugs?
Do you, in fact, have @twobugs?
Or do you have @bugssquared
Blizzard Overwatch

Proposed Q&A site for anyone who enjoys to play Overwatch.

Closed before being launched.

Q: Factorio graphics bug; black background

mabuSince a few days everytime I start Factorio on my PC there is no map background (everything except items like ores is black). When I move the mouse randomly over some buildings the information tab is still popping up. What I allready did: I tried to fix this error by reinstalling the game, it di...

@Sterno Its steampunk meets floating cities. Not bad.
should I buy an emoji domain?
I can't think of what set of circumstances would need to occur for the answer to that be "yes"
@MadMAxJr apparently sales of that book have skyrocketed
because it's just one letter (more like one emoji), and only tld allowing it is .ws (every other banned emoji domains already)
How would you get there if you couldn't do Emoji?
🇦.ws is also xn--e77h.ws
I stand by my statement.
nope, yearly renew cost is 40usd >_>

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