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@TimStone have some πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”s, @TimStone
I'd also give you some πŸ‘s but @Unionhawk used them all up
Q: 3D Vision not working in games

ScottI've gone through the setup wizard multiple times. My glasses are synced and it passes, I see all the images in 3D as expected. However, when I launch any games, I don't see the green text I used to see that says "This game is supported/not supported" etc. Also CTRL+T doesn't do anything, ther...

Q: Tales of Berseria how to open world map

Stupid.Fat.CatI just received the map soon after crash landing on the ship but I have no idea how to toggle it.

Q: Can/will a pet actually USE Jumping/Kicking/Waterwalk/Levitation Boots?

slowball16I have some extra jump/kick boots from polypiling that I'n considering equipping my pet MMF with. I'd have to enchant them a bit to induce a trade for its +2 Iron shoes (probably FooProof them, too). That's a bit much if they won't get used in the manner they're designed for. So, are pets able t...

Elon Musk is digging a private tunnel to beat LA traffic https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2017/01/28/this-is-what-elon-musks-mysterious-digging-tweets-are-about/?utm_term=.e5e39af0557a
This timeline is so, so stupid
so like a metro? πŸ€”
@TimStone I like that I had to strip the article of its css to read it
but hey
if you put in your email address
not only can you read the article without fucking with CSS
you can even play THESE AMAZEBALL GAMES
@TimStone those damn borderline treason cherry-picking reporters
Of all the things to nitpick about, my word
Q: How to play Minecraft together with an IPad and an IPod?

Mae HolmI have an IPad and my sister has an IPod, my user name shows up on her IPod but went she clicks it, it says : outdated server. We're on the same network and wifi and I've followed all the other different steps but nothing works, HELP!!

Q: My Friend Cannot Join my MC PC World!

Ika the WolfWe are both on PC, but on different networks. I have a LAN port, but we don't know whee to enter it. Please help!

I was at Margaritaville earlier
And they have people there making balloon hats
He made me one that was a viking hat with braids
And one of the braids popped right next to my ear
It's all messed up now
Q: Skyrim SE: Whiterun Guard Armor

JustinDA101How do I get the sick looking Whiterun guard armor? P.S. I already have the shield and armor, how do I get the helmet to top it off?

> Panty Party is a fast-paced battle game. Fly as a panty in the street and in-between buildings. Search for the enemy panties and kick their bad β™₯β™₯β™₯!
@SaintWacko shitty. It'll probably heal itself quickly though.
I have no idea why that got starred.
I'm going to blame @Yuuki though
So Canada is welcoming refugees that Trump is blocking. Are we going to have a Wall in the North now?
I mean, I'd volunteer for the Watch if it means I can run away and join the wildlings.
Two Russian intel officers have been charged with treason for allegedly providing the U.S. with info on hacking… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/825500499524931584
Another one's dead
I mean, I will wholeheartedly say that this is baseless speculation, but:
> Almost as if someone who received a top secret briefing let the Russians know who our assets were.
A federal court has issued an emergency stay halting the ban at least for green card holders
Haven't seen the full order yet so not sure on the scope
The administration will surely challenge the stay immediately, but if nothing else hopefully this ruins Trump's plans to watch a movie tomorrow
Q: Cannot remember the name of this game

Nick Closei used to play this game when i was younger, it was a 2 dimensional space shooter where you would play as a human looking robot or just a human and you'd go through levels killing aliens and robots. you would find better weapons and when you beat a level you would fall down a hole as it loads. pl...

Q: Can't Use Splitscreen

JustinDA101I have the HDMI cord and everything, but the console won't let me play splitscreen on Xbox 360. ( Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition )

(this is literally a thing on his schedule)
Hahahahahahahahahahaha hwat
Yeah. The president is entitled to free time just like anyone else but it does seem a bit crass after jeopardizing the safety of millions of people idk
@TimStone What movie?
@TimStone To be fair stripping away peoples liberties is very exhausting.
We don't know! But Twitter had the same question
There's the actual stay
Oh my
@Unionhawk Really though
Oh hey it did one box
Nice to see
Has anyone talked here about the extension to the lobbying ban?
LITERALLY on the ground. Volunteer lawyers are working pro-bono on a Saturday preparing habeus corpus petitions for… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/825478697306173443
@RedRiderX No sir
Q: Is magic resistance common in Skyrim?

SvishHaven't played Skyrim in years, but started up a new game with Skyrim SE this week. Playing as a mage, and experiencing very varying degrees of effectiveness... Sometimes my fire/frost/shock drains the foe in a short time, while other times their health is just trickling down slooowly. Even seem...

I saw someone post a video showing him talk about that, but it was way too hard to hear so I have no idea what it is
this was on reddit
I seriously doubt the ban is permanent
Probably temporary while they come up with changes to the vetting system
No it's more an extension of obama's ban
@RedRiderX I think gnome is talking about the muslim ban
Ah right
@GnomeSlice \And that's what they're currently saying is the plan, but it doesn't matter
@GnomeSlice There's no issue with the current system, though.
It's just something they made up to capitalize on fear mongering
IT's a horrific thing to put in place, and just exists to fear monger
Like people who have lived in the country for years that were on vacation were died entry due to this
It's just racist hate mongering
None of the recent terrorist attacks had anything to do with anyone from any of the countries that became restricted
Yeah as it turns out it takes years for refugees to go through vetting as it is
@TimStone but muh racism
@Unionhawk Yes, despite what the alt right would want you to believe, there's already a lot of vetting going on
and it's the same for Canada @GnomeSlice
Going through virtually every relevant agency, and requiring a personal signature from the fucking directory of the FBI
I mean the vetting is different in both
Some of the people were technically immigrants, but radicalized years later. The internet was likely far more responsible for that happening than anything to do with their country of birth
but both countries don't just go "LET EVERYONE IN"
(but also shh before they go to war on the internet too)
A terrorist would have to be a fucking idiot to go through the refugee process over just using a temporary travel visa
@RedRiderX well I read part of that, btu that seems like a good move to me
So thanks for that Trump, but that doesn't excuse all the other terrible and horrible shit he's doing
@TimStone There are quite a number of undocumented people aren't there
@GnomeSlice They don't come from those countries.
And refugees are the opposite of undocumented.
People here illegally certainly didn't come through the process, lol
That is unrelated to incoming valid visas
good point
That's more related to expired visas than anything
you know what does come from those countries though
occasional terror
I'm sure theyll lift it again
but it's not like a god given right to be able to go to any country you want
just whenever
You know what comes from this country?
like it sucks but at the same time I get why he's doing it
Also that
What the fuck is your point
you are allowed to decide if you lock your door or not
is my point I guess
Yes, but when you lock the door to people who are already permanent residents, then it's a problem
@Unionhawk Be careful not to cross be nice good sir
When you lock the door to people who are FLEEING war zones, then it's a problem
@GnomeSlice What countries, Saudi Arabia?
Meanwhile let’s check in and see how things are going in the Arctic OH SHIT https://t.co/1KdQiuf5Pq
(Side note: they're also exempt)
@Yuuki Yes
This is just a hate monger move by Trump
he exlcuded countries which are also muslim dominated if he had business interests there
Damnit TweetDeck that wasn't the tweet I wanted
When you lock the door to people from countries OTHER THAN those which the President has business interests, it's a problem
TBF the fact that he had business interests there was more to do with the US having preexisting relations, but yeah
I mean, if we're really serious about limiting immigration from countries due to worries about national security and terrorism, Saudi Arabia should have been on the very top of the list and the first one to have immigration limited.
And please note, ALL 9-11 attacks came from countries not targeted by the ban, but that have business interests for potus
@TimStone I liked that first tweet
The first tweet was also good
The fact that it's one of the few Muslim-majority countries exempted from this immigration ban immediately proves that this isn't about national security.
But also I wanted to make sure you had nightmares of the polar bears coming south with light sabers
saudi arabia is fuct imo
@Unionhawk what about more recent attacks?
It's like saying "we're going to ban all causes of death due to machines" and leaving out cars.
@GnomeSlice probably a majority of them are Christians from this country
Seriously, the notion that muslims make up the majority of attacks in the USA is just wrong.
But you know, white nationalism isn't terrorism so /shrug
@GnomeSlice The orlando shooter was born in the US
It's just a misconception
@RedRiderX Likewise, the San Bernardino shooter was born in Chicago, his parents and wife were from Pakistan
well you can't keep people from your own country out
@GnomeSlice You're completely missing the point
as usual I guess
It's not that radicalization is not a problem, it's that I feel it's not as much of a problem as, say, drunk driving and neither are really solved by an immigration ban.
@GnomeSlice ~That's what we're doing with permanent residents~
Right, but people from inside the country are the actual threat
@Yuuki oh snap
The outside threat is largely immaginary
@Yuuki that's shitty, but I did say 'from'
It turns out Republicans have a great imagination
@TimStone but how else are corrupt politicians going to use fear to gain more power?
ISIS is dangerous globally not because it's particularly capable, but because it acts as an ideology for people already wanting to commit acts of terror
Very few terrorist attacks have been orchestrated directly by them, with some exceptions in Europe
That's a good consideration
(and obviously in Iraq/Syria/et al, where they actually are)
I mean they love to claim responsibility for shit but realistically
It's pretty easy for people to pose as refugees though isn't it
@GnomeSlice I'm pretty sure it's a lot harder than most people imagine it to be.
@GnomeSlice What are you even basing this on?
but possible
@Wipqozn idk, they let like 10,000 people into germany and had all kinds of problems with integration
And like we've already said, refugee or not, folks aren't just allowed to stroll into the country
nor should they be
No refugees have committed an attack in the United States.
@GnomeSlice and they're not
It takes YEARS to go through vetting
@Unionhawk The more immediate threat is toddlers
@GnomeSlice One, I don't know where that's from. Two, just because Germany does it one way doesn't mean that the US is doing it the same way.
Which is exactly why we're saying you're imaging a problem which isn't even there
@Yuuki Also true
Any idiot can get a temporary traveler visa
@Yuuki Yeah, having a bloody ocean as a natural border makes the US+Canada situation a lot different
@Unionhawk I think that's the point
Now they can't
@TimStone While there are many "Lone Gunmen" scenarios where there's no real contact with ISIS, there is often an aspect of grooming from ISIS supporters and I feel that some of these people would not have acted out if ISIS did not exist
@RedRiderX Right, but border restrictions won't really stop that because they're influencing them overseas without actually sending people into the country
@RedRiderX There is, there is. I didn't mean to imply that they aren't a very valid threat
@GnomeSlice ...but that's not the point you've been making. Those people getting a temporary traveler visa aren't posing as refugees.
@TimStone In Canada the more immediate threat is bears.
@RedRiderX or Moose.
@Wipqozn My point was that a temporary travel ban from a problematic part of the world is not a human rights violation
@GnomeSlice no, that isn't the point, refugees are blocked for 3 months, and Syrian refugees are blocked indefinitely
@TimStone well they don't call it 'terror' for nothing
Bears kill more Canadians than terrorists every year, what will we do to address this Existential Threat.
Terrorists are those who sacrifice our civic rights at the altar of ISIS/Al Quaeda/the boogeyman du jour
And once they are allowed again Christian refugees will be prioritized
The point isn't to stop terror
@GnomeSlice If that ban includes people that are already permanent residents of the USA? Then yes, it absolutely is a human rights violation.
The point is to ban Muslims
Q: Spawn Killing Thugs

JustinDA101I was playing Skyrim, and all of a sudden, three op thugs kept killing me, I am only on level 1, can someone please tell me how I can kill them?

@Wipqozn Yeah that's fucked up
It's that simple
The true terrorists were us all along
@GnomeSlice Then why are you defending this?
@TimStone This 10 year average ended 2014 right?
@Wipqozn I'm not defending that part of it
@Unionhawk Yes, and banning people based solely on their religion certainly qualifies as a human rights violation in my book
I think armed toddlers is up, incidentally
I'm also not saying I think it's a particularly amazing idea, but I can see why they're doing it
Why they're doing it is because Steve Bannon is a white nationalist
He can be both
True, but I don't see any proof
who the fuck cares
about individual people
if you want to care about individual people care about those legal US citizens who got stranded from their families
because of their birthplace
4 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@Wipqozn Yeah that's fucked up
Iirc citizens are OK, and permanent residents are OK now because of the judicial branch
And others who were detained are probably fine since lawyers were on the ground with habeus corpus petitions
and it's like
if this was a DISTACTION
what's the actual shit they're trying to hide
how bad is this getting
@badp conspiracies?
I really don't think Trump is smart enough for that
Bannon is
oh wait Bannon is the Breitbart guy?
he's on my shortlist of people I wouldn't mind very much if they had a nice, natural and unprovoked stroke right now
Yeah. The other person responsible for writing the EOs was roommates with Richard Spencer in college, too
or if they choked on some wine or something
Brietbart guy and chief strategist in the white house
Incidentally, I still need to mail Steve a handwritten copy of the first amendment of the constitution
in other news the netherlands is having elections in a month and a half
@badp I may have had a similar thought earlier
and I'm not worried AT ALL, @KevinvanderVelden
We're dead
The scene from above as thousands chant and scream, draping banners from above at JFK international arrivals shouti… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/825488760376811520
but what is the crowd size
At least Canada has a couple more years before there's any chance of a bigot getting into office
@badp You actually have to apply a multiplier because JFK is horrible and no one would ever willingly go there
It could be worse, they could be blocking refugees on holocaust remembrance day, or something
@Unionhawk oh snap
Don't know who would ever do that
Q: Minecraft keep crashing - Game ended with bad state (exit code -1073740791)

ReienI've been searching the internet for ages, I've tried reinstalling minecraft, deleting Java and reinstalling that, even tried using earlier versions of minecraft but nothing seems to work. Here's what shows up when i try to launch the game [13:53:39 INFO]: Job 'Version & Libraries' finished ...

You know Nicholas Cage is a national treasure
and I just rewatched national treasure
I still like that movie overall
Ghost Rider was objectively terrible and I still liked it
Q: Minecraft server still won't update; used buildtools

moon man this is my file folder. do i need to update the .batch file? i tried updating to 1.11.2 but it didn't work when i moved the spigot file in there. what can I do to fix this?

Hurray! It took a while, but I finally managed to tease a Dad's Key out of my infinite supply of Glitter Bombs, and open up the door to Mega Satan, and as a bonus, I got a portal to The Void.
@BlueBarren If you think he's a national treasure, you should know that's Nicolas Cage, no "h".
Q: What are all of the ways to increase HP regen?

Shadow Z.Besides using the Prayer ability that regenerates your HP 2x faster, what are all of the ways to increase your health regeneration?

well that was a catastrophe
when the fuck am I gonna learn some self control
hopefully I don't get my fucking legs broken or something now
fuck fuck fuck
@Yuuki well that's good
so I may or may not have an angry step father coming to break my limbs at any point for the rest of my life
@Yuuki CPB refusing to comply at some airports though
okay now I may have to move
What happened?
and get a new job
me being a fucking dummy YET AGAIN is what happened
texting somebody i shouldnt have been, things got a little questionable
turns out you can log into snapchat on more than one phone at a time
so now there are screenshots involved
threats being made
Err yeah, that sounds Very Not Good
Regardless of whether it was your mistake or not, stay safe yeah?
I'll keep that in mind while I'm being kneecapped
I must have some kind of issue beyond bad judgement
because this is next level shit
Q: Where can I turn in the Temp Librarian Plus! quest?

two bugsThe Temp Librarian Plus! quest required I visit Elmo Village. There's a story quest there, and given that Temp Librarian Plus! seems to be 'active' for quite some time, I figured I would do these quests together. Unfortunately, after returning from Elmo Village I was forced to view some story seq...

Q: Minecraft Seed Finder/Generator

NormIs there a tool for minecraft that uses a brute-force like technique to check if the seeds has the criteria I inputted? Example, I wanted a seed that i spawn in a mesa biome, near an ice spike biome, and near a skeleton spawner Is there any tool that do this?

Do you guys know if there's a way to find the newest pages/posts about a search topic on the web
like my name for example
Q: Any way to see all my current total stats (regen, resistance, armor rating, etc) in Skyrim?

SvishWhen having various gear giving various kinds of stat boosts, resistances, regen, etc, is there a way to see a complete picture of what they currently are? For example to see my total fire or magic resistance?

Starting right now, for the next 24 hours all @Vlambeer revenue will go to @ACLU to support their opposition to the #MuslimBan.
Trump could've announced creation of safe zones in ME for refugees, the EO at the same time, not applied it to green cards. But no. Dumb.
Yeah, benefit of the doubt forever
The president's chief strategist knew exactly what the fuck he was doing
every time he does something outrageous (in the literal sense of the word), i wonder if this will be THE THING that does him in
No fuck that too. Nothing will do him in ever
Emails? Nah. Unsecured android phone? Nah
Fucking, unsecured twitter accounts that lack 2fa? Nah
Nothing matters
@GnomeSlice are Google Alerts still a thing? I think that might do what you are looking for
Nobody gives a shit
As it turns out, information security only fucking matters if it isn't your side being potentially insecure
Nobody has principles or values though so it doesn't matter
@Ash it is. It does the job well @GnomeSlice
@GnomeSlice I finally managed to find an infographic of the current/old/Obama immigration vetting process.
user image
The first step alone filters roughly 99% of the refugee population. About the only thing more "extreme vetting" is if we did the whole thing on a black diamond ski slope.
Airbnb is providing free housing to refugees and anyone not allowed in the US. Stayed tuned for more, contact me if urgent need for housing
Race & Politics Dialogue

Proposed Q&A site for people enthusiastic about improving their ability to talk about sensitive topics on the Internet, with family, and so forth while engaging in respectful dialog, while not abandoning their own beliefs.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Huh
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment *racial slur*
Q: Why does our teleport work differently?

santyclauseMy friend and I noticed something odd while playing Starbound. For some reason, I was perfectly capable of teleporting out from underground while he could not do such a thing. We initially thought it might be that he would need to get a fully upgraded ship but, even then, he still couldn't. We'v...

1 hour later…
Q: Detect player holding a custom item

IAMjustaguestlolHow to detect player that holding a stone axe named Chainsaw and have a lore Cut those Trees!

Q: What is the "Shaped Charge" (LW2) supposed to be good for?

Rev1.0From the ingame descriptions: "A small directed explosive designed to knock down walls." "The Shaped Charge has a limited range and area of effect and will not cause injuries, even when loaded in a Grenade Launcher. It is very loud and will alert nearby enemies. For the purposes of perks...

1 hour later…
@TimStone we surely need more guns at everyone to protect themselves
@avery yes obviously. We could have killed so many of those toddlers.
Q: How to detect if a mob has been hit in minecraft with command blocks? 1.8

JuiseboyOk so is there any way of detecting if mob takes damage. I found this thread but it was for 1.9 How to detect if a mob has been hit in minecraft with command blocks?

Q: Timelimit for the same team in level 10 gym

StaffanPlease make a timelimit for gym level 10 taken by the same players in the same team for a long timme, in otur town 10 red players alkostopp all of the gym for a very long timme and Evert try to Level down is meanless!!!!!

Q: change pokemon trainer club email to send activation email

user178245How can I change the email address to which the activation email is sent? When I send the email, it can't be received because I use the one of my school and it can only send and receive emails from the other school emails.

@Lazers2.0 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh
@badp they're toddlers, all we have to do to kill them is not, not let them kill themselves
@badp ikr
@KevinvanderVelden they're TODDLERS, and some of them I assume they're good people,
I think I'll capitalize A of avery again.
but when mothers send their toddlers, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing poop. They’re bringing pee.
@KevinvanderVelden so who won in the NLs
@badp the NLs what?
who won
They're not until march
45 days remain
who won
As long as it's not the PVV I'm probably okay with it
who's winning
yes like is that who's the winning
Aah, uuh, according to this one single site I could find that polls it (we aren't crazy like the americans) PVV is getting an increase in seats but still only 27 out of 150
(and that's down from 22 dec '16 where it was 29)
And though they might be the single largest party the other parties probably won't get into a coalition with them so they'll just be that many votes and not that big a deal
(also this was poll 1101 people, though supposedly pretty accurate (+/-2.5%))
@Avery done.
can't wait to learn about them winning 49% of the vote
Fortunately we have more than 2 options
@Yuuki thanks for sharing this
Heh, there's an official vote advisor website thing in the netherlands that basically takes issues that have been put to our cabinets, asks what you think of them and then correlates those votes with what the actual parties chose. I'm happy to say that the only party which I have less than 50% in common with is PVV with 27%
(though it does say I should vote for "party for the animals" for some reason, it's a yes/no/no opinion thing so it's not super accurate)
Q: 2 card requests at once clash royale

user178254I requested a epic card and no one in my clan has given me one yet and 7 hours later I can request another card. THE 1st request is still up, so if I request my 2nd card will the 1st one be deleted?

Q: Where can I use Ovid?

MawgI got Ovid as a great person. The game tells me that Ovid "must occupy a district or wonder with a free slot of the proper Great Work type". What are those?


Proposed Q&A site for developers and users of the decentralized prediction market, Augur

Currently in definition.

Q: Time to take a stand

Joel SpolskyI am extremely upset by President Trump’s executive order on immigration. It is immoral, unconstitutional, and fundamentally un-American. The community on Stack Overflow is made up of users from all over the world. At least 100,000 posts on Stack Overflow were written by users from the seven cou...

possibly my favourite sign from tonight #MuslimBan https://t.co/LQKmXP1kdZ
dammit joel
(dammit, not because it's bad nor because I don't agree, but because people tends to get angry when SE/SO gets associated with politics, and this isn't the first time joel is doing it - I supported that one, I support this one too, but it's divisive.)
I like that the KEEP UR PERSONAL POLITIX OUT OF THIS answer is highly negatively scored
@Unionhawk you know a lot so I'm pinging you, but answers from all are welcome: what would result in a re-election? Like, no trump passing to pence? Just a re election?
2020 happening
I think that's it
I don't know if impeachment would do it idk
It's been a week and it's already a huge mess. 200+ weeks and well, ouch.
I don't know if I could deal with the stress if he banned people from turkey too.
Yeah you're lucky potus has business interests in your country lol
Q: Are there any Minecraft fly mods without X-ray?

MTNI was wondering whether there's any way I could get a Minecraft fly mod without x-ray or anything else. (I won't use this to cheat)

ladies and gentlemen, youtube.
asmr is a hoax invented by the Chinese
@Yuuki hahahahahahaha
Q: How to tell what an ingot, cube, or rare metal is/does

BatophobiaUpon opening loot boxes, you get assorted non-figure items. I remember the tutorial going through how using these items in fusion boosts experience and what-not, but I can't find that information in the help menu. What I'm more interested in figuring out is how to determine what I'm looking at ...

I like when I'm able to send Rob Portman thank you notes
Rob and I are going to be best buddies by the end of this administration lol
And by Rob I mean his staff
@Wipqozn god I hope so
@SaintWacko If not go see a doctor I'd say
@Wipqozn Yeah, I'm going to make an appointment monday if it's still not better
@SaintWacko that's likely a good idea
@Ash I really like sound and music, so I'm trying not to freak out
hug that sounds highly unpleasant
@Ash My ear is ringing, and it feels like there's clipping and distortion on sounds coming through it. I had expected it to go away overnight, but apparently what LadyWacko read said that it can take 16-48 hours
Lol I forgot the eleague major was on TBS today
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