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I got a lot of use out my wii u
I played that way more than my ps4. I've only played four games on that.
I feel like I might have with Mario Kart as a thing but
Wii U was great
I never got around to getting it fixed
Wii U is great
Mario Kart is actually the primary reason I got it
Mario Kart is really good
I need to stop using past tense
the Wii U and it's games are still a thing
One of the other people in my group overused figures, and one of the comments I have to address is "renumber all of the figures to include a section number"
God dammit
@Unionhawk Y'know, this group work thing you are having a fight with because the rest of your group passed already is seriously vague.
Anyone else planning in picking up For Honor when it launches?
@Fluttershy no
are you?
@Unionhawk ?
@Wipqozn At this point you might as well wait for XCOM 2's Long War
Or just play more Xenonauts
I scrolled up and just saw (removed)
Wonder what I had flagged
Literally can't think of anything
@badp being a literal public figure of note
Oh. I called @badp public hitler
It was a mod abuse joke but okay I'm a bad person
Its supposed to be -23 tomorrow.
I'm sorry @badp. I don't believe you're actually Hitler.
Part of me wonders if that would even work
With wind chill down to -44
A secret hitler gamemode where Hitler must reveal himself
Probably not
@Sterno thank you
@Frank Can I borrow some of your cold? It's supposed to be 14 C here tomorrow, which is ridiculous
holy crap, -44?!
(I-70 closed at Vail Pass and a couple other spots due to avalanche concerns yesterday)
@Frank where are you?
that it gets that cold
@BlueBarren canada
I'm in Canada too but I don't think Southern Ontario is supposed to get that cold tomorrow
@BlueBarren Probably!
Yeah but he lives in the Praries
@Fluttershy let me know if it's good, okay?
@TimStone that explains it
@BlueBarren I've played in all of the alpha/beta tests, and loved it. My only issue is that it's P2P instead of having dedicated servers. :(
If Elite is any indicator, that'll make it way easier to cheat
@Fluttershy it looks good for sure I just don't think most games are the money they ask for anymore. There's no point in buying something at launch. But they have servers for the always online portion of the game, no?
@BlueBarren Possibly, but the multiplayer matches are p2p. Host migration was a common occurrence.
Also if elite is any indicator, instancing errors ahoy
You know what screw you guys in advance
that's what I'm dealing with
@Fluttershy sounds like Gears of War 2 all over again
All temperatures in Fahrenheit.
Man it's cold this January right guys
Probably the coldest it's been for like 9 months
I thought that worked
I am disappoint
Not when they're deleted no
Not anymore
Could have sworn there was a way to quote deleted ones
There was a bug with it before
That's fixed
Yes, quote them before they're deleted
bug feature
@KevinvanderVelden There was a bug where I think owners and mods could quote deleted messages after the fact
@Unionhawk I'm aware
There's still a way to do it though =p
@TimStone You can have it all.
I dunno I need that much
But I suspect it would kill you.
@KevinvanderVelden Well not after the fact!
@Unionhawk is that sarcasm?
@Frank Yeah, it was pretty cold during the '98 Ice Storm in Ontario but I don't think it got quite that cold
@Unionhawk It's the coldest it's been all year.
(actual websites claiming to be news sites have actually used the fact that it's becoming winter to talk about how temperatures are going down since summer)
@Unionhawk I don't know, we had a +40 degree spike over the course of one day just this week.
Extrapolating from that, I'm surprised we're not literally Venus right now.
@Yuuki Don't worry about that, it's just becoming summer, it'll peak at normal summer temperatures
@Unionhawk This is Texas. It's always summer.
Q: Can't find competitive games

user176743So I've had this problem for 4 days now.. I can not find a competitve game at all.. and if I join a five man lobby I rarely find a game with them and moslty they dont find a game because of me .. what is going on I can not play competitive at all I tried restarting steam,CS:GO and reinstalling CS...

Q: can I play fifa 17/ fifa 16 smoothly

DigvijayCurrently I have intel pentium G620@ 2.60GHz 2 gb ram Intel graphics Window 7 ..... I have planned to buy 1) nvidia zotac 750ti 2gb 2) 8 Gb ram unfortunately I can't afford a new processor like intel i3 or i5 So..Will it be good setting for playing fifa 17/fifa 16 at medium setting with consta...

It was just less summer this January than normal.
@Unionhawk you know why you're feeling cold
because it still is 2016
also, vaccines
@badp Because my heart was frozen on November 9 2016 and I no longer feel happiness?
@Unionhawk You just have to let it go.
I think we still get to blame @fredley
Why'd that Reagan video get deleted?
Brexit minister David Jones confirms the U.K. will not be "geographically" leaving Europe. Phew.
That's only because the UK could never be considered a continent
I mean I guess we could agree to do a swap with New Jersey
@Unionhawk I don't know, Australia somehow managed it...
@TimStone I'll take "Things I Wasn't Aware Were Even Physically Possible Let Alone In Consideration" for 400, Alex.
@TimStone I'd be okay with this
@TimStone This is slightly colder than usual, but not by a lot.
MARS FACTS: 1) No magnetic field 2) Thin atmosphere 3) Ghosts everywhere 4) Two moons 5) So many ghosts 6) Very cold 7) Did I mention ghosts
has anyone here used OpenXML before? I'm finding their use of a Workbook's parts really confusing
Q: fallout 4 dlc problems

Jaden SchwarzI dont have wifi at home so I went to my friends house to download the Nuka World DLC on Fallout 4 on PS4. I played it at my friends house for a little bit then went home, and the DLC wasnt there anymore how do I play it without wifi?

@Frank That Windows 98 chrome
@Frank :D
@Frank haven't people debunked that already?
Did they?
15 Nintendo Switch games in Target's system http://brickseek.com/target-inventory-checker/?sku=207-30-7010 http://brickseek.com/target-inventory-checker/?sku=207-30-7024 $299 placeholder Switc… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/819026097920610304
No actual game titles though, just numbered.
@Yuuki Probably to prevent leaks such as this.
@Sterno I've been using the a btter advent mod,
@Frank well I was reading some stuff posted by gamestop employees and how they do things
the reasons those listings exist is for preorders on things they don't know exist but there's a chance they might
but that's from people who said they worked at Gamestop, that information however couldn't be verified
tl;dr Be cautiously optimistic but don't take it as gospel.
@BlueBarren Its all hearsay, for sure.
But we should get confirmation or more details tomorrow.
If Monster Hunter is a launch title, I'm getting one.
Because that'll be MH gen2, or whatever they call it.
Yep. Monster Hunter and Zelda as launch titles? That's a done deal right there.
If there is an MH title it's just going to be a 3DS game that's ported
I like playing 3U on Wii U but I'd prefer an actual game designed for that system because I'm a pleb who wants the best possible graphics and mechanics available on that system
@BlueBarren To be fair, "high-fidelity graphics" isn't on the top of anyone's list for "Reasons To Play Monster Hunter".
On Sunless Skies art style failbettergames.com/…
That monster in the fog looks particularly interesting
Also, they made MH3U HD for the Wii U.
@Yuuki it is for me to play another one, or just give it a couple of iterations then it won't matter to me
I played/own Unite, played 3U on Wii U and played/own 4U
I'm not going another one on the same platform unless major improvements occur (hopefully graphical)
I also feel like MHO has ruined me
seeing MH in CryEngine is beautiful
@BlueBarren 'tis, indeed.
But isn't in English anymore.
@Frank Oh, they stopped releasing updates?
They really don't want people decompiling their source code.
@Yuuki Encrypted the files.
Oh, they cracked down on them?
And keep changing it with every update.
@Frank does localizes really cost that much money that wouldn't get a return for the decent sized group of people who'd play in the west?
You can still play, but its a lot harder to understand now.
@BlueBarren I mean, they probably think that they'd have to set up servers in the West. Plus localization is a-spensive.
@Frank It's weird because Tencent said they're okay with fans localizes the game for them but then they're super overprotective of the source code so then fans can't localize the game
@Yuuki shouldn't development cost more?
@BlueBarren Considering the fambase is rabid in Japan about MH, they'd want that level of commitment here to localize it.
than localizing
@BlueBarren Sure, but both would cost money.
@Frank But they're not even localizing it to Japan
Just because development is more expensive than localization doesn't mean that localization is cheap.
@BlueBarren Capcom probably won't let them release in Japan.
Since it'd compete with Frontier.
(Also the PC scene is a lot less of a thing in Japan)
Xcode feels like a glorified text editor coming from the Intellij family of IDEs
@Yuuki then that brings me back to my statement of isn't there enough fans in the West to warrant that localization?
@Yuuki I just dunno, okay? They are dumb because of stuff and things
@BlueBarren In japan you have Japanese. In the west you'll have to translate to English, German, French, Italian etc... That's not too cheap. I mean they could just do english but half of europe would probably be upset.
@Jutschge You'd just need to hire one English translation team and one French translator.
The latter of whom would only contribute "Je suis monté".
@Jutschge well I was mostly referring to North America but you right depending on how broad you want to localize
And I guess the UK and Australia because they speak English too
@BlueBarren Surprisingly enought the world isn't just 'murica. I feel like the internet sometimes forgets about that
As a Canadian I agree
because apparently a lot of American video content isn't available in my geographic region
like Conan O'Brien for example
@Jutschge Je suis monté, never forget.
@Yuuki what is monté?
@BlueBarren it's the default french shoutout if you manage to mount a monster
For some reason, French players tended to use the Insect Glaive and spam aerial attacks.
And so they'd get a lot of mounts.
I changed my default shoutouts
And so you'd see a lot of "Je suis monte".
My mounting one was, "I'm taking her for a spin"
I can't remember what my current one is. But it used to be "Look Ma, no hands!" for awhile.
I usually use "Windy up here..." although I don't like mounting weapons/styles tbh
@Jutschge Aerial Greatsword is surprisingly fun.
I tried it... But i gotta be honest It just feels too fast for a greatsword IMO... I like the slow charge and prediction playstyle of the normal style
honestly with 4U went your shout out for mounting should just be "don't attack it!"
Gotta say tho that Aerial Gunlance is great
Loved attempting to mount as Heavy Bowgun. Smack the monster around AND reload? yes please.
If I played more I would've gotten into ranged
it always seemed fun
@Jutschge Yeah, the issue I have with most Aerial styles is that you just end up spamming the aerial/vault attacks.
I was longsword until 4U then I switched to glaive
I think Aerial CB is a bit different in that regard.
Since you still have to use your ground style to charge up the phials.
Aerial CB is actually a very different playstyle from normal CB.
Far moreso than most normal styles and their aerial counterparts.
Q: I've got an Kadabra in pokemon Ruby

William G.I've got a Kadabra in Pokemon Ruby, and I want to evolve it, I use "PlayGBAGBC" It's on my galaxys4, I know it's an old phone but whatever, I cant trade It to someone, I don't know how to use a link on this, can someone help me?

Q: Tiebreaker in clash of clans

ROHIT SINGHIf average distruction is 100% by both the clans and average attack duration is different than will the clan with better attack duration will win the war ?

@BlueBarren Played HBG in 4 because playing Melee yet again and re-grinding out all the same gear for the 2nd/3rd time in a row would have just been too tedious.
It's not bad, but keeping stocked up on all the ammo and organizing all the presets is a pain (and expensive).
@TrentHawkins how does playing solo work out?
@Wipqozn Remember when you were cool less awful and used to play Overwatch?
@BlueBarren A lot more dodging.
Also, removing HBG limiter makes a lot more sense solo.
@BlueBarren Not too bad. It's initially a bit of a pain until you get the Palicos so that you aren't the monster(s)' only focus. And once you get your helpers you REALLY wish they were more durable.
But it's ultimately not too different. Dodge, learn openings, shoot when you can.
You should also expect to have less money than a Blademaster.
Although internal ammo has maybe helped mitigate that.
@Yuuki internal ammo? (haven't played the latest iteration)
@TrentHawkins Bowguns now have internal ammo which is basically free bullets.
Each bowgun has a different internal ammo.
@Yuuki aah, so more than just normal 1.
@TrentHawkins Not infinite though.
Like one bowgun might come with 10 or 15 shots of Internal Fire S.
Or whatever they call it.
And each hunt/mission/quest, you'd have that set amount free to use.
@TimStone Are you watching something?
hmm, better than nothing. still a bit of a pain.
@fredley Yes, sorry :P
I'm watching the Trump press conference, I'm not sure I can stand much more of this
Yeah, that
Just don't do it. Switch off. For your own sanity.
My sanity is long gone anyway
username checks out
I'm just reading twitter and I don't think I can stand much more of this.
I'm on a news diet, but I think Twitter might have to be censored too if it's going to have any effect
@Ronan follow better humans
@Sterno Vaguely.
@djsmiley2k I'm happy with the people I follow.
I don't follow any news outlets, but Trump is all over Twitter and one of the reasons for the diet was to willfully become unaware of Trump.
@Ronan then what's the problem :/
@djsmiley2k The problem is that the future president of the united states is holding a unintelligible press conference and people are concerned.
@Ronan The problem is, especially as a citizen of another country, that concern achieves nothing. It's much better to remain an oblivious (to Trump), but happier human being
I watched the first few minutes of his conference then read a book
@fredley I disagree, but I'm not trying to convince you to do anything.
@Yuuki limiter?
@BlueBarren Bowguns have limiters that you can remove to have different effects.
Removing LBG limiter removes Rapid Fire but allows you reload all shots at once.
Removing HBG limiter removes Crouching Fire but provides a large increase to attack rating.
huh, how long have those been a thing?
@BlueBarren Since at least 3, probably earlier.
Oh, apparently it's no longer a thing in Generations?
See I never used any ranged weapons in 4U soo
@Yuuki I don't think it is
> And to think there was a time when I thought "if Ted Cruz has to seriously deny that he was the Zodiac Killer, it would be the craziest thing that I've ever seen."
@Yuuki tedcruzforhumanpresident
@BlueBarren I'm replaying 4U, since my DS got stolen.
@GodEmperorDune tedcruzfororangepresident
I think @fredley has the right approach. I'm just not sure if I can achieve such a news diet and yet stay informed on the topics that are important to me.
@Frank a blessing and a curse at the same time
1. don't use twitter for 'news'
2. don't use facebook for 'news'
3. take a cross section of 'authentic' news sites, form own opinions.
I don't use facebook for news, but I do follow some local/regional news sources on Twitter, but they also report on global news as well.
> 3. take a cross section of 'authentic' news sites, form own opinions. get all your news from MMO trade channels.
I get all my news from The Bridge.
/trade has the best reporters. The best.
I didn't even know there was a press conference until I arrived here. I was too busy freezing to death.
I get an amusing amount of my news via you guys
and the star list,.
not even joking.
Also, winter is finally coming to the UK!
@fredley you're welcome
Weather Warning
Issued by the Met Office


Issued at 10:41 on Tue 10 Jan

Valid from 00:05 on Wed 11 Jan

Valid to 23:55 on Wed 11 Jan

Very windy weather with gusts to 70 mph or more may affect the far northwest and north of Scotland overnight. After a brief lull winds will increase during Wednesday afternoon and evening, accompanied by increasingly wintry showers. By evening several cm of snow will begin to accumulate away from western coasts, especially over higher ground. In combina
Why is your Scottish warning using mph?
we use mph here
@djsmiley2k yeah it had a hell of a time coming over from the EU
we're no metric fools
except where we are.
@GodEmperorDune yeah, wondering if it'll hit us tho, or just petter out before
as it normally does an we get begger all
@djsmiley2k you got a yellow arning, not a yellow warning.
@badp He got a yelloww arning, that's bad I think
@KevinvanderVelden well that obviously is a typo
you know whatàs bad
when I look outside and I see the street lights dancing back and forth
@KevinvanderVelden yeah, it's bad when dubya brexits
@KevinvanderVelden pls
yellow arnings are all ther age
I rmemeber once
Q: Pokemon Bank Crashes on Save & Quit

William RoseI have Pokemon X and a 2DS, whenever I start up Pokebank, I can then quit the app without saving and it's fine, but cannot save and quit, when I tap yes to save and quit my 2DS just hands and doesn't do anything.

when i went to bed, and one end of the bedroom moved slightly towards me, followed by the rest of the room
it was appently an earthquake.
it just hands :(
That was terrifying
and they're still doing the thing where the questions aren't audible so you can't tell if he is answering them or not
> Before we start, I want to bring your attention to a few points on the report that was published in BuzzFeed last night. It is frankly outrageous and highly irresponsible for a left-wing blog that was openly hostile to the president-elect’s campaign to drop highly salacious and flat out false information on the Internet just days before he takes the oath of office.
Cut-and-paste, please.
And it's literally the Clinton campaign before the election.
Q: Minecraft hexxit craches everytime i open my world

The_God_PvPI was messing around with som commands. I used /head and I had some kind of pearl in my hand. Normally this command sets blocks in your hand on your head. but this time my "internal server" closes and an error message comes on my screen. When I try to open it again it chose the same error message...

> And the admirals have been fantastic. The generals have been fantastic. I've really gotten to know them well. And were going to do some big things on the F-35 program and perhaps the F18 program.
I thought I remember him saying that spending on these programs were out of control and they should be canceled?
big cuts, big defunds, yuge savings?
CNN’s Jim @Acosta said on the air that Trump’s team threatened to yank him from press conference if he tried to spe… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/819236397987012608
that's no bueno
To quote a wise man, "are we in Nazi Germany?"
No, no you are not.
@Yuuki yeah it was weird when trump godwinned himself
Did it count as Nazi Germany before the Nazis actually held power?
So this is the Godwin presidency?
He also criticized the intelligence agencies for letting the fake document be released. Not sure how they're supposed to prevent the release of information that is just made up according to him
@JasonBerkan Less a serious question and more throwing a Trump quote back at him.
@MadScientist It was also information shopped around by a private firm, not the IC itself, but yeah
tl;dr Hacking is bad, hacking is a bad thing. But hey, we found out about bad things Clinton did so hacking is good. Except when it's bad and fake news.
@MadScientist ask him nicely
Perhaps the most important line from the press conference though: "Does anyone really believe that story? I’m also very much of a germaphobe, by the way. Believe me."
@Yuuki there is some weird audio of him at a campaign event going "i hate mosquitoooooos"
> I said that I will be the greatest jobs producer that God ever created, and I mean that. I really -- I’m going to work very hard on that.
@MadScientist In the part I read, it looked like he was saying "If the intelligence agencies released this, that's bad on their part"
"Starting today everybody has one job: praise me. Like, 24/7. Everywhere. Full time."
"Final, Obamacare. About them and can we had."
I think I'm done here, no more quoting from the transcript.
In other news, Switch announcement tomorrow.
Science Fiction

Proposed Q&A site for people interested in science fiction. I don't like that the existing scifi site doesn't allow asking for works that meet a certain criteria or recommendations. This one will.

Closed before being launched.

Good Judgement and Sound Decision Making (Forecasting, Predictions, Valuation and Estimates)

Proposed Q&A site for anyone who is interested in forecasting, prediction, valuations and estimating and predicting in systematic, logical and rational way, i.e., having good judgement. Answers should include a prediction and steps in which such prediction as inferred.

Currently in definition.

@Unionhawk Is there any official not-leaks news on the specs?
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment If only we had this a few months ago
@Yuuki it really is quite the breakdown




I feel better
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Closed as "not constructive".
SciFi.SE also closed as "not constructive".
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment I want to make a joke about SFF, but nothing's coming to mind.
Lifehacks.SE to remain open indefinitely
@MBraedley I mean, "SFF". There's your joke. /s
I feel like I have to /s that or I may be chatbanned for awhile.
@Yuuki yeah i can't tell if some of it is typos or really how trump talks
@GodEmperorDune It's like he runs out of steam halfway through because it gets really incoherent from that point on.
> Fidget Cube will retail for ~$25.
I wonder how the new Paranormal.SE is doing.
tbh not sure if I'll wind up buying one
$25 is a bit much imo
@Yuuki We really need an accepted punctuation mark that denotes sarcasm.
@Wipqozn You could steal @Unionhawk's
@Yuuki i mean NPR even said that there may be typos
@TimStone I'd be fine with that
@Unionhawk doesn't deserve it anyways, because he's a youngster.
They're probably using machine transcription, then going in afterwards fixing the mistakes.
been thinking bout the real questions https://t.co/sCTXJNDMAE
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, but typos or not, it gets noticeably worse after that point.
To where I'm not certain I can consider all of the incoherency as typos.
@Yuuki i mean that they may have already cleaned up the earlier parts but not had a chance on the more recent stuff yet
but yeah, his speeches are jarring to read
the sentence structures are all over the place
@GodEmperorDune Good point.
Also I did tune in for the tail end of the conference and i see he's still planning to build that wall. I was hoping he'd drop that. I wonder if he'll get his own company to build it.
His plan to increase import fees for Mexico might be good. No idea if increasing them would help though and if it did if it wound up hurting other things in the process.
Late (it was from late December), but funny
I mean FREE WALL GUYS (with down payment at least) (it's not free)
I mean if trump does bring back more factory jobs then all power to him for the specific thing, but robots stealing those jobs is probably a larger concern.
@Wipqozn Doing that would most likely require a renegotiation of NAFTA, which would probably not be so good for Canada.
@Wipqozn I would not be surprised if more manufacturing does come to the US, and with it, jobs. The problem is that those jobs will be much higher skilled than what the rust belt has been used to, and those that have lost manufacturing jobs might not be qualified. Also, there will be fewer positions overall.
Holy shit ACLU is grilling Sessions (they don't normally do this)
Still? Wasn't that yesterday?
Q: When would I not want to use blitz combos?

WondercricketI play in Active Mode and the combat in Final Fantasy 15 can be very fast paced with everything constantly moving. One great feature that the combat has is the Blitz Combos, which is essentially auto-attacking by holding down the attack button. Blitz Combos are great and allow for multiple hits...

He's still ongoing
Thank God
Tillerson will also probably hopefully take some time
Got a transcript? I wanna read this
(Or well, article or something)
I've just been reading highlights from @ACLU
@ACLU, All 50 states
The ACLU is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, legal and advocacy organization devoted to protecting the basic civil liberties of everyone in America.
27.5k tweets, 425k followers, following 4.3k users
So not only is there a Switch announcement tomorrow, there's also going to be a livestream hands-on experience event over the weekend.
@Yuuki Treehouse Live
it'll probably be mostly Zelda
unless there's more first party Nintendo games to show off
@BlueBarren Yeah, one guy just posted that he got an invitation to play Zelda on the Switch.
@Yuuki are you talking about that Reddit post? Because I saw that too, kind of pointless to post it on Reddit though
@BlueBarren Well, there's another pinned post about the livestreamed hands-on event.
@SevenSidedDie how did you move those GIFs to stack.imgur? Take the old GIF URL and use the "upload image" feature and use the link for it?
@Yuuki something about it seems off
@TimmyJim Yeah, I think "upload image" in chat or a post is the only way to get something to stack.imgur
@Yuuki and also should you really be putting a PC on wood?
@BlueBarren 1) he's not, and 2) sure, why not
You should probably ground the standoffs to the powersupply case but meh
@KevinvanderVelden some of the components are sitting on wood, no? Well if some gets too hot could it light the wood on fire?
Maybe some fans? The rest is all on moetal/plastic bits
I don't even

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