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Q: Can't do Lan in Minecraft (Mac)

BaysideBoyI was trying to do a Lan world with my brother. I hosted the Lan but when he tried to join it just stayed on on the "connecting to world" screen forever and never connected. Next, he tried to host it, but the world didn't even show up on my multiplayer page. We tried using my computer and our des...

everything is terrible
I posted the eggnet answer to the ratnet question
but that doesn't answer my follow-up eggnet question :(
> Explore the world with your trusty space jellyfish and fill your inventory with questionably delicious jelly! Each jelly provides a useful effecr and a bonus benefit! You can even slather it on toast. Yay toast!
I guess asking somebody on a date counts as harassment now?
@GodEmperorDune Something something Metroid.
There better be Metroid references.
I've been obsessed with this one on mobile recently
> You put the space planula in your Familiar-Gro™ Terrarium.
It immediately grows into its adult form, and you have to watch it for a while and poke it with a stick until it learns not to drain the life essences of all your other familiars.
pretty metroid to me
> A 37-year-old man says he was banned from a Starbucks in Washington state after asking a 16-year-old barista out to dinner,
Yes. That is considered inapprorpriate, and could be considered harassment.
I disgaree. Politely decline and get on with your life. It's not like it's illegal or anything
You hear stories about wider age gap couples in the news. Not that I think that's newsworthy either
It sounds to me like somebody you aren't interested in asking you out is harassment
Well, depending on the state, 16 is no-go
@GnomeSlice It... definitely is illegal.
Huh, 16 is legal here.
@GnomeSlice It's legal in Washington state, too, unless the age-gap is greater than 60 months.
There are typically +-2 year rules yeah
Yeah, up to 15 here
16 is anything goes
plus he didn't ask her to fuck
ergh idk it just seems a bit of an overreaction
@GnomeSlice some think dinner leads to fucking
that's their thing to think I guess?
doesn't sound like he was particularly disrespectful
Either way, I'm sure he's glad he didn't get owned quite this hard:
if you're having a bad day today, just remember that you didn't get dragged by a fast food company on twitter https://t.co/gUSuHwZLQR
@GnomeSlice we only have his side of the story, you don't know how he asked her out
says he left a note
I mean even his side of the story kind of leads me to believe he's a predator >_>
> I’m tired of hearing the word ‘creep’ as any black person or gay person is tired of hearing certain words. I have a whole webpage dedicated to age gap love.
I also love that he's taking the "this is age discrimination" defense, and not "that's not harassment!"
@GnomeSlice right, but what was on the note
some cheesy line or something harassing?
"hey check out my web page dedicated to age gap love"
> I was flirted with by a barista. For some reason she thought I was funny. Said I was funny.
This is called "customer service." And likely not actually flirting.
@Fluttershy that too
It's also not harassment to misread things like that afaik
like I said, just decline and leave it at that
even if it is flirting, common sense would tell you that a high school student is not necessary interested in someone 20 years older
> In the legal sense, it is behaviour which appears to be disturbing or threatening.
@GodEmperorDune Oh, I got booted from my old clan, for inactivity I assume.
rule of thumb, the service people don't flirt with you because they like you, they flirt because it gets them tips and that's how they were trained
@GnomeSlice IMO if it was a simply misreading he wouldn't have gotten banned
I mean considering he wasn't charged with a crime we don't even have to answer whether it's legally harassment
A 37 year old man trying to pick up a 16 year would definitely fall under "disturbing" here in the US.
@Yuuki lol, you want into arqade?
I sent in an application on... Friday, I think.
@GodEmperorDune one would think
@Yuuki you've been accepted and whitelisted
I mean, when you hear people call you a creep often enough that you're tired of it, you should probably reevaluate all of the decisions that led you to that
@TimStone That's true too.
@Unionhawk not to mention that creep is not an "age gap" slur
Clearly the logical conclusion here is we should go to Starbucks and say our name is "merry Christmas" to punish the company
(ordering Christmas Blend coffee which THEY LITERALLY HAVE)
@Unionhawk "Hi my name is 37 year old definitely not a creep where are your underage baristas"
@GodEmperorDune yeah I'm sure he opened with that
@GnomeSlice no, we're doing a #trumpcup bit
@GnomeSlice the thing is that if he is really into this age gap business he can find a nice 18 year old who is into such things and there is nothing legally wrong with it
Where people boycott a particular aspect of Starbucks by giving them money and claiming their name is "trump" or w/e
Even though that isn't how a boycott works at all
@Unionhawk BRB boycotting sold out theaters
And the baristas don't give a quarter of a shit what you want them to write
@Unionhawk I feel like they're trying to do the same thing that people did with Pence and donating to LGBT causes.
@Yuuki except the cause is starbucks?
I have no idea.
Yeah I'm confused
All I know is that 16 year old baristas don't want to be asked out by random 37 year old customers
man i'm so pissed at starbucks I'm going to give them extra money to show what's up
I do kind of want to go to Starbucks and just order 4 shots of espresso. That sounds like a party.
This is why we can't have nice things
And also why trump was elected, relatedly
@TimStone parents of twins should not dress them in identical outfits
That was the first clue something was going to go wrong tbh
The second clue appears to be that they never picked up the little kit from ikea to secure that dresser
@Unionhawk it comes in the box these days
Well yeah but they still had some without
With that whole recall situation or whatever not really a recall
Also why is asking out 16 year old barista the hill you want to die on
When I started playing Witcher 2 the tutorial was kind enough to tell me I sucked and should play on Easy. Witcher 3 has decided on a "show, not tell" approach to this message.
Also 16 is legal in Canada really has more to do with preventing weird nonsense where two kids on high school are dating and suddenly one 9f of them turns 19 and is now a sex offender
It's not meant to protect the rights for old dudes to prey on high school girls
Q: How does Isle Avue work?

IsukaOn Poké Pelago, there is an island called Isle Avue where you can let your Pokémon relax in some hot springs. I guess the goal of this island is to increase their happiness, but how is that exactly working? I also noticed that sometimes, when I come back on Isle Avue, there is an icon above the ...

Q: Is the ball in the Hoops game mode more bouncy?

Timmy JimAcross the game types in Rocket League, a different ball is used. In Hoops, the ball takes on the appearance of a basketball, which makes sense. Is this ball more bouncy than say the normal ball found in Chaos or Standard matches? It seems like it bounces a little bit more since its a basketba...

Love takes all forms, but middle aged people shouldn't be dating high schoolers
Also in his defense I'm sure he didn't realize she was a high schoolers, but he's also not being charged with any crime. Starbucks just told him to go away since he makes their employees understandbly uncomfortable
Also @GodEmperorDune is currently letting me down
@Unionhawk wat
@Unionhawk Yeah me too
i'm not 37 and you're not 16, i don't think this can work out between us @uni
Q: Is it possible to share Minecraft texture pack on iPad through family sharing?

JongoMy children play to Minecraft on their iPad mini. My son has bought a texture pack. Is it possible to share it with other members of the family through family sharing like we do generally for purchased apps? Or do I need to buy the texture pack on each iPad? Thanks for your help!

@GodEmperorDune @Sterno is 37, but I'm still not 16
(or 38 I don't know)
Q: Can I rescue the girl AND collect the bank info?

Mark HendersonSo I've been fooling around in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and I decided to already break into the VersaLife vault after finding their vault keycard in a bank office early on. I figured this would be a plot point later on, so I wanted to see if I could get a head start. When I was in the VersaLi...

Holy crap Doom is taking me forever. x_x I've spent so much time just hunting for all the secrets, and I'm only on level 5. :(
@Fluttershy yep, doom isn't about the twitch shooting or the murdering of demons, it's all about killing everything in a level then avoiding the end switch for ages as you hunt for every secret
I think I'm 38
Good that means we can roll back accidental ownage
in Overwatch, Aug 5 '16 at 13:42, by Sterno
@Memor-X It's definitely not about twitch shooting on console, that's for sure... x_x
There's a mandatory delay from the time you move the joystick to the time you actually start turning on console Doom for some reason. :(
@Unionhawk It was a good month
Q: Someone hacked into my Minecraft account and changed its name

damianea103Somebody hacked into my account and changed my name. My account name was damianea103. But it's DonkeyPrecum. I can't change it unless I wait 30 days. And I don't wanna go online with that username. How do I change it (or at least contact Mojang to change it for me)?

@Lazers2.0 i don't honestly believe anyone "hacked" the game in these cases. it's generally either they left a computer unattended and unlocked while they were still logged in or they did it themselves so they can say they were hacked thinking they can get a laugh out of the name they made up
if someone really did hack your account they'd be in the process of locking you out and taking it for themselves
Does anyone know how i can contact ReLOADED so i can ask them some stuff about their cracks? i want to ask if their steamapi.dll file was actually designed to be applied on any game because going by the .ini the .dll seems to bitch about requiring it almost as if it was designed to (since it has a human configurable username and appid)
so far Commandos doesn't seem to be having problems but i want to be prepared for The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Q: How do I make it so players can only place one type of item in a chest in minecraft?

MrSeaSlugIm making a minecraft server, and as part of it, I have a place where the players can put items in a chest to get a reward. However, If they place other items in the chest it will still give them the reward because I'm using comparators. Is there a way I can block them from placing anything other...

@Memor-X we don't support cracked games in the main site, i'm not sure why we would support it in chat
@GodEmperorDune i thought asking about cracks were fine but not asking where to get them
@Memor-X AFAIK anything having to do with piracy will get closed
whether that was the original intent of the meta discussion around the close reason is a different thing, but the nuance is almost always lost when the policy is distilled from meta and actually put in practice
@GodEmperorDune but crack =! piracy. if you wanted to play a game with had a single player game but required an online connection, like Starcraft 2, you'd need to get a crack to do it. infact if it wasn't for the crack i used i would have taken Starcraft 2 back to the shop and got a refund.
@Unionhawk i can't even pronounce that Y name
@Memor-X yes in that scenario crack != piracy
crack ~= piracy though
@Unionhawk Okay, dude's a shitheel, wouldn't put anything past him really but I like the implication that the PTB at Simon & Schuster wouldn't catch the crappy plagiarism, were he to attempt something similar...
Because what a proper publishing house checks and what some self-pub outfits check are very very different
I think the implication is that maybe this past idiocy should also be an additional consideration
@Unionhawk i want to disagree with you there because a crack coming with a pirated game torrent and the crack alone itself being considered piracy is like fan translations of japanese games being considered piracy because pirated versions can come with them....but i don't know of any real site which lists only the cracks and isn't ridden with porn ads/popups
But I mean there's an entire litany of reasons for "maybe Simon and Schuster shouldn't have done this thing" but ultimately that's their business decision so /shrug
@Unionhawk yeah
@Memor-X Just because you bought a game and then made it drm free does not magically make the second part of that ok, as far as I'm concerned
@Unionhawk Pretty much - at the end of the day, it's a business decision, and I suspect that despite people being like BOYCOTT THEMMMMM they will actually make decent ROI on this (also boycotting S&S is a bad idea for Reasons, also they have a lot of imprints that people forget, etc etc etc)
@Memor-X I don't see how that isn't piracy
And as far as the site is concerned, cracks serve a primary purpose of aiding piracy.
It's one of those things where we are not going to make it into a discussion with grey area
Because just no
There's a reason that porn ads only appear on shady and porn sites
Or something
That train of thought was going somewhere in my head I swear
University Admission

Proposed Q&A site for prospective students, accepted/rejected candidates, current students, faculties, parents, and admission officers - in fact, everyone who has a question or can provide an accurate answer to any matters related to admissions or life at the university.

Currently in definition.

@Unionhawk because you are 37 and approaching a starbucks?
points taken. maybe it's just my unique mindset, situation and gaming setup that makes me not see a problem in fixing up games to be offline when all i want is the solo player content they are offering
I won't be 37 until... Holy shit maybe as old as @arda is come to think of it, +-a year or so
@Unionhawk that reminds me of a Thomas the Tank Engine episode....i think it was Toby that was stuck after that log bridge collpased under him leaving only a couple of wires/tracks
Why do yo-- nevermind
@Memor-X Different people have different justifications where they draw the "acceptability" of things like piracy, but that doesn't mean we as a site and a community and a part of SE-the-business can open up to that
I mean SE is not legally liable for us, but
@Unionhawk why do i remember an episode of Thomas the Tank Engine? it's the same answer i get when i ask myself if i've crossed the line of sanity which is "see citation 47"
Are all the citations "ibid", except the first which is "personal experience"?
@Unionhawk no, but it becomes this stupid PITA thing because where the hell do you then draw the line
so this is a better and easier way
@Ash fair enough
29 out of 30 i get, not sure how Analemma.org can be read in an inappropriate way
Q: When you lose a single-player game of Civ 6, how do you tell who won and how?

isomemeWhen you lose a single-player game of Civ 6, you get the blowing-dust video and can then review various stats for all civilizations in the game. But I can't see any way to find out which civilization won, and with what kind of victory. Is there any way to do so?

> All this talk of draining the swamp and making things better and more transparent on Capitol Hill is apparently a crock of… well, it’s not a very pleasant crock. Anyway, the House GOP has decided, despite clear warnings from leadership, to remove the independence of the Office of Congressional Ethics. Because nothing says “No” to corruption and transparency by taking away an agency’s independent ability to look into you.
Attention Americans: find your representative, and tell them that gutting the ethics office is a crock of shit
Q: Help retrieve my clash of clans account

FrankI have my clash of clans account on a Gmail but it is also connected to FB and I can't remember the email I used, is there anyway I can't get my account back just using my Facebook?

user image
Cc @GodEmperorDune @Wipqozn @fredley
1 user moved to android hell
Yes please move @uni to android hell for lacking a sense of humor
i feel sorry for anyone in android hell, that heat must really ruin the joy of ice-cream sandwiches
/move user 174621 165
I think that works
whats all these weird flags coming from the math room?
Welcome to 10k where math flags Weird Shit
@GodEmperorDune it kinda looks like someone spamming users to answer their question
House GOP to vote Tuesday on proposal that would weaken Congress’ independent ethics watchdog.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/816079539331796992
Who even needs "ethics" anyway
Inb4 gamergate joke SHUT UP
@Unionhawk drain the swamp!.... right into the transition team
I think we need what, 1 R Senator to have hearings on Tillerson etc, right?
No 2
Hold on
Wait Ds had gains in the senate?
In both chambers relative to the last congress what the fuck
I thought it was a loss but no its just not a big enough gain in either
Well whatever it doesn't matter, ultimately
That's still pretty good that only 3 senators need to go "wait hold on what" for stuff to not pass
Or 2 and VP but lol
Q: Can we access a cave in Poni Meadow?

JTRThere's a cave in surfing area that we can see from the trainer with Probopass in Poni meadow. Can we access the cave? If we can, how to get to that cave? Because I can't use Lapras/Sharpedo ride right there.

Woocommerce Development

Proposed Q&A site for wooCommerce developers.

Currently in definition.

My First Fandom children's books. I can't decide if awesome or weird.
I made so many cookies. @.@
That is very many cookies :D
@Ash some of these make sense, but Arrow? are people really that into Arrow?
@Ash the doctor's regeneration don't make a good counting sequence. 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 11, 12, 13
@GodEmperorDune I have no idea
@TrentHawkins what kind of cookies are they?
@Ash nonetheless i am SEVERELY tempted to buy the star trek one
@GodEmperorDune I did like the look of that one
@Memor-X Scuffles, they're like cinamon pinwheels.
@Ash purchasing now
@TrentHawkins never had either, want to try *slams head into pc screen* owe!....oh that's right, this isn't Persona 4 and i'm not Mir
@GodEmperorDune Yesssss good
You effectively make a pie-crust dough, roll it out thin, spread cinnamon and sugar over it, cut into triangles and then roll them up. the outside is crisp, the inside is soft, and cinamon-sugar goodness throughout.
@TrentHawkins I really need to try making these because they sound awesome
@TrentHawkins oooooooooh
I was going to make cinnamon rolls for family get together thing next weekend but I think I might make these instead :D
@Ash i am debating whether to crash your family get together for the baked goods
@Ash Ooh, yay! D'you want my grandmother's recipe?
@TrentHawkins ohmygosh yes please
I love family recipes they are usually the bestest best
@GodEmperorDune grins you know I legit have a rule that if anyone I know from the internet comes and hangs out with me, they get baked goods if they want them?
@Ash yussssss i am aware of such a rule
Good :P
I mean yes partially I am just bribing people but also I like excuses to bake stuff
@Ash What's the best way to send it to you? (I'll just need a bit to go over it - some of the details are a little lacking)
@TrentHawkins email is likely easiest
@TrentHawkins right here in chat so EVERYONE can benefit
araleith at gmail
@GodEmperorDune lol or that
i mean i dunno how private your grandma is with her recipes
2017 is starting strong
@GodEmperorDune after I'm through revising, I'll screenshot it and post here if you really want.
@TrentHawkins if it's not too much trouble
@GodEmperorDune impressive, but what would be better someone moved the OOD to look like wood
@Memor-X more impressive would be if someone stole the D to impress someone else with a D in their name
like @fredley
user image
CC: @Ash (I sent the email, here's the screenshot too), @GodEmperorDune, @Memor-X, anyone else who was intrigued by the cookies.
It's a little rough as far as recipes go, but like many family recipes, it was mostly done from memory for years. (And I should note that the volume of cookies in the picture I posted earlier was from doubling the recipe)
My grandma made those all the time while I was growing up; she must have made triple or even quadruple the recipe. She had this huge plastic 20" diameter bowl, and by the time she was done it was overflowing with cookies.
Q: Does electricity enhance grenade radius?

Jack ThomasSome people might recognize this question as being related to Henry Stickmin's newest game, Fleeing the Complex. So... does electricity really do that to a grenade? :) BTW... really didn't know what tag to put on this XD Please edit this tag, as I know third-person-shooter is not the right tag.

Q: Testabolan CYP Be creative

user175929Testabolan CYP Be creative when designing your workout routine. There are more options than just going to a gym available to someone looking for a good way to exercise. You need to do something that you enjoy so that you can maintain motivation and keep doing it. Open this Link >>>> http://www.t...

1 hour later…
Q: Minecraft Keeps crashing everytime I try to load it

Logan---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Ouch. That hurt :( Time: 1/3/17 2:57 AM Description: Initializing game org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.nChoosePixelFormat(Native Method) at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.choosePixelFormat(W...

Q: Please help ps4

Tommy NguyenI accidentally clicked "Cancel and Delete" on my PS4 download. It was so close to being finished and now I have to restart the download from the beginning. is there anyway I can get that downloaded data back?

1 hour later…
@GodEmperorDune @Dragonrage? @djsmiley2k?
Q: Is pokemon's size relates to pokemon's strength?

sun-solar-arrowJim Leader says: The size ... cannot be classified. Interesting. If my translation is different from Pokemon GO in English, please replace it. My question: Pokemon's size relates to pokemon's strength?

I just noticed the calendar in my room has a hole where Fetwoary 1st should be
@badp Are there burn marks around the hole?
Not yet
I might burn the whole calendar though
@Lazers2.0 Yes, from the internet. By downloading it
ugh I lvoe this teacher. he writes all example sentences as mocking sentences to bad student. Best part is they're all homoerotic sentences (I'm sarcastic on best part and love btw - It's very annoying, even though he doesn't write stuff about me)
@arda Hey, if you have to indoctrinate bigotry, using it casually is a good way. Or he might have been indoctrinated himself (and not just trying not to get fired for being an enemy of erdo) and not even know/care. Which is still bad.
@Arperum homoerotic != homophobic, fyi
@fredley it could be he's equating bad = gay in this way, which would be what Arp was talking about. Not sure if he just misread it though =p
hes makint it in a mocking way therefore his actions are homophobic but sentences are homoerotic or homoromantic, mostly
which is annoying
@Arperum nobody but me is annoyed and some even find it funny, so I don't think he wouldn't even listen.
@arda The others have been properly indoctrinated, you being gay kinda makes it hard to make fun of it.
@arda Does he know that you are gay?
considering our school administration got a pride flag cut last year, I'm not hopeful tgat they'd help
@Isuka no, and that doesn't make it normal. I simply don't want to deal with harrassment so i'm not open about it in school.
@arda Oh I wasn't saying it makes it normal. It's not normal to do that kind of jokes in any case.
Though I think it would be even more provocative if he does know that you are.
@Isuka two people in school knows, the rest are uncurable bigots. Seriously, it's one of the biggest taboo stuff in turkish culture, and it'd get less support than harrassment.
and I'd seriously risk getting kicked from school as that is literally seen as a mental issue legally
@arda I see the idea. Sometimes I wished some countries could stop living in the 21st centuriy with Middle Ages thoughts.
@Isuka turkey keeps going back
@arda Not related to the main problem, but did you ever think about moving from Turkey?
I think of that everdyday all day
being 16 doesnt help a bit
@arda Oh, I always think you are older. I don't know why.
Ok, bye!
@Isuka while I appreciate what you are trying to convey here, telling someone "oh just leave your country" is bad advice. It's a difficult thing, often expensive, and usually not easily done.
Also, it means leaving family and friends behind, usually.
The issue for me is none of them, but age and the difficulty of getting to a stage where i can get a job which likely requires a work visa or citizenship, both of which being hard.
@Ash No no, that's really not what I meant there, I'm sorry if it was understood this way. That's why I said it was not related to the main problem. I was just asking if it was one of his goals to move to another place, like for work or anything.
@arda Yeah, that's what I mean - immigration isn't easy. The actual physical "move to a different spot" is usually the easiest bit, it's the "and have the country allow you to legally stay long term" that's the harder bit
I'm back
@BlueBarren Hello!
Q: Xigncode Error 0xE019100B

Minecraft_NoobSo, keeping it short and understandable. I've had problems playing Black Desert due to the typical XignCode 0xE019100B error, but I know what files are the problem after asking support to check the log. The first file is, and obviously I don't want to mess with it without some reliable answers, ...

@Lazers2.0 messing with system32 seems like a thing you shouldn't do.
Did whomever designed rhombic drive stirling engines lose a bet and have to make the most phallic engine ever?
maybe they just wanted to make the most phallic engine ever
sometimes it's a preference
that has to be on purpose
you don't design an engine like that
then realize afterwards
It actually has some really big advantages in that it can be perfectly balanced
does that also mean male genitalia can also be perfectly balanced? Because I never knew that
but also wouldn't it be very bottom heavy?
or top heavy? I don't really know what's the top or bottom on that thing
Different kind of balanced, balanced that when it runs it keeps the same center of mass
@KevinvanderVelden Which means less vibrations through the engine, I think.
oh see I know nothing about engines so I thought you meant physical balance
@BlueBarren different type of physical balance =p
if they're both physical balance what's the balance I'm thinking of called?
This is rotational balance I think?
let's hope so
because that's what I'm going to be calling it from now on
Q: Can I transfer my Minecraft worlds from my PC Windows 7 laptop to my tablet?

ShadowmoonI have Minecraft from Minecraft boss I want to transfer my Minecraft worlds from my Windows 7 Professianal laptop to my tablet which has Craft Exploration Survival PE. Please help as soon as possible.

Crap. I got some hats
I am a failure
@Sterno Hats are unavoidable.
Particularly the silver hat badge
Well, I only have 2, and one is a hat I got for getting a hat
The other was having a message starred in chat
What kind of nonsense is it to get a hat for getting a hat? INSANITY I TELL YOU
@Sterno wear it
wear it in chat
Do you get a hat for chatting with the hat you got for hatting?
It's a pity you can't modabuse people into hat wearing
@fredley ha! my chat is hat free
@KevinvanderVelden I hate chatting hat hatting hats.
@badp :-(
I think hats are simply fabulous
as a TF2 player I know you gotta hat responsibly
but do you hat responsibly?
irresponsible hatting
is it a crime?
@badp surprisingly not jontron
@fredley gotta keep you on your toes
@badp haha jokes on you! YouTube is still blocked at work ;_;
You didn't miss much
@KevinvanderVelden I am dissapoint you don't have the This Is Fine hat to wear with that.
did work also block your apostrophe key
@badp looks like jail from oblivion
do I get a free lockpick?
@fredley but it's already fine, why do I need it do be double fine? I don't really like those games
@KevinvanderVelden I like double fine games, they are fine.
> Mechanised conflict is the most horrific legacy of the twentieth century, as anyone who has seen Robot Wars will agree
@fredley I love the expression change in the historian when Ms. Cunk asks her if people in the middle ages knew they were in the middle ages
@badp I wonder if they're in on the joke. Sometimes I think not.
> What nobody expected was that because Britain voted to stay, the rest of Europe immediately decided to leave
user image
@PrivatePansy everything is so much better when you replace business studies with bullshit
@fredley In fact, they are doubly so.

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