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Also that mod sounds perfect.
@LessPopMoreFizz the 27 softballs have been TCO
@RonanForman why thank you [musical note]
@badp F5 F5 F5
thought I was going to have to... talk to actual people... uuuugggghhhh
@agent86 It refreshes automatically.
@StrixVaria not. fast. enough.
whew, my kids were almost not neglected. I considered reading them a story.
@badp Oh, I thought trying to download 10 gigs from Steam and run an MMO simultaneously had brought down my connection again. Glad to know it was @balpha's fault. (Presumably).
@agent86 You still can tell them a story y'know.
About how the mighty @badp did take up his sword of deletion, and his hammer of closing, and wrought havoc and chaos amongst the Bad ITG Questions of the Realm.
Wow, my xbox is still updating.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I haven't yet taken the hammer of closing in my hand sadly
@badp Well what are you waiting for?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll defer the closing to tomorrow as it's 01:15 CET
and I'll probably be heading for bed now.
@badp wuss.
Deletion was the only part that really required mod action
@badp I really am not interested in the effort required to rouse a roving pogrom of 5 3k's to VTC 146 questions.
Although admittedly, a roving pogrom of 3k's purging bad questions does have a certain poetic appeal.
@LessPop_MoreFizz 146, please.
@badp I figured I'd leave one behind for you to act on in the morning. So you don't feel left out.
Thanks <3
Also, nite gents. Mana'll be the one closing those 140 questions I imagine
Q: Let's Talk About UFO's, and I don't mean the Ask Question Mothership:

LessPop_MoreFizz175 Reasons LessPop_MoreFizz Doesn't Like identify-this-game This is a list of every currently open unanswered ITG Question that has not seen activity in more than a week. All but the first 25 or so are more than a month old. It should be noted that this list is more than four times the size of ...

Look at how quickly and swiftly he moved in the room, fool of energy and willpower!
@Mana Just think, @badp has already done 17% of the work for you!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm confused. I thought we were supposed to be leaving warning comments now, and then doing deletions in a week?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well you've done 98% of the preliminary work too.
@Mana I've just gone ahead and straight deleted questions with no answers to speed things up
@badp Okay.
@Mana @badp deleted the 'fish in a barrel' ones, by which, I'm going to assume he meant the ones that the asker has deleted their account.
we're talking mostly about questions asked as early as April 2011
Grah, I'm gonna have to fix this synth or it's going to drive me nuts.
Oh, well okay. There's still a few more pieces of low hanging fruit then.
@LessPop_MoreFizz um, no, just the ones with 0 answers
Hurry, or @JuanManuel will beat you to them!
so much for studying for my Scheme midterm.
@Mana I have midterms too
(I suggest against doing more than the 27 I've already done today. Just in case swarms of angry people start hitting our meta. Let's do this slowly)
@Mana Not only do I not have midterms, but I was informed that I don't get to work for the next week or so.
(Don't get jealous of me just yet, I also largely don't get paid.)
@badp I don't think deleting the ones where the asker has deleted their account would be problematic.
@badp Yeah, is it okay if I wait a day or two before I start doing this? I'm just feeling slightly hesitant.
I never said anything about questions where the asker has deleted their account
(I kinda wish I'd set those aside, but I was already numb from clicking 200+ ITG links.)
@Mana Obviously, I'm also waiting
@LessPop_MoreFizz It shouldn't be too hard with the API
I'd need to find one such question first though
@badp I am Bad At API.
And all other things programmery.
It was a Big Accomplishment for me to learn enough search syntax to put together that meta post with a preponderance of evidence.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The forms at api.stackexchange.com basically make all the work for you
@Mana No, that's not okay.
@badp Let me reiterate: About the only computer code I know anything about writing is basic HTML. The last time I did something more complex was writing Infinite Loops to piss off the teacher in my high school comp sci class. I took the Comp Sci AP exam, and wrote poetry for the written section in which we were supposed to write code because I had no clue what to do. (incidentally, I got a 2 on the strength of my multiple choice guesses.)
It's literally the matter of picking the fields you're interested in under the filter dropdown then filling in the form
you take the url down there and just repeat the request for every question ID
it's Excel, not rocket science :)
@badp I don't even know what 'Excel' is.
(some amount of paste as value may be required as you can't have more than 50 live queries in the same sheet)
@GnomeSlice Microsoft Excel. The Spreadsheet program.
also - finally - nite.
@spugsley This pleases me.
Oh god this newest ITG is bad.
@Tristan yes, it takes awhile for it to happen, but it makes me happy nonetheless
@spugsley I still have a ways to go... I just killed Gnarsh. <.<
@Tristan is that still in the faelands area? Can't remember...
@spugsley Yeah. First quest you get from Nyralim.
@Tristan okay, when you finish up in the Faelands, I'd suggest that you go to the Plains even though the main quest moves to the Desert. Do your faction quests and then they should all meet back up
Q: what the name of the game that fit this description

Muhammad alaaIt's about a creature in another world - called abbey or something, this creature is trying to accomplish something and he has an ability of controlling brain of other creatures and while he doing that he make a noise as in "yo yo yo yo yo ..." till the target creature became under control. I re...

@spugsley Oh cool. Thanks for the tip!
That seems like it has enough information.
@LessPopMoreFizz You edited it... But didn't make it readable... wat
@GnomeSlice this creature is trying to accomplish something that is about the most useless sentence I could possibly imagine putting in an ITG.
I see two more close votes have been added, but no comments.
@Tristan All I did was retag.
@LessPop_MoreFizz pshaw. what kind of parent would I be if I paid attention to my kids?!
@GnomeSlice I tend to let other people leave comments because I tend to be somewhat blunt about these things. If it gets 5 close votes and no comments I'll double back and fill in the blank.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I do the same, since every time I've tried commenting, some smartass comes in and tries to counter it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz PARENTING!
@LessPop_MoreFizz That parent is pro much.
@OrigamiRobot :P
At first I thought badp meant I linked to the wrong question.
@GnomeSlice Soundcloud absolutely murders anything I upload to it. T_T
@LessPopMoreFizz I intended to write something to the tune of "The bad ones should be closed, but they are all bad for these reasons."
I kind of got those out of order.
now that we've declared war on bad ITG, the bad ITGs are fighting back!
every bad ITG deleted spawns two more!
it's hopeless, save yoursseeeeellllvesssssss falls into a pit of poorly described DOS shareware video games from 15 years ago
So there is this game, where a robot travels back in time...
@agent86 We'd need 58 more bad ITG's to show up for that to be true.
@Pyrodante Chrono Trigger.
@Pyrodante so there's this game, where we delete your question about this game about a robot who travels back in time
@LessPopMoreFizz that's not it, better you list every single video game with time traveling robots, movies too while your at it :D
@Pyrodante No, the Journeyman Project.
@LessPop_MoreFizz indeed, although the last couple of questions have been ITGs, and poor ones at that
That's it my answer to all ITGs is "SpaceWars"
@RavenDreamer How so?
@LessPopMoreFizz both of those are true, but only one can be right! How am I supposed to know which to upvote?
@OrigamiRobot I'll downvote both of them so you can sympathy upvote both
@OrigamiRobot Vote for the game you liked more!
@OrigamiRobot Or the answer with prettier screenshots!
@OrigamiRobot Or the one by the person with a higher rep score!
@OrigamiRobot Or the one by a new user with 1 rep because you want to encourage them to stick around!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know which of these suggestions to upvote!
another ITG has spawned
@LessPopMoreFizz Boy, thats a lot of options. How can we avoid this confusing situation in the future?
I commented on it but can not vote
Q: Looking for title of old PC Game (before Pentium I came out)

SpaceAlienYou were given archers and swordsmen (maybe others but don't think so) and then you could arrange them based upon standard configurations (archers in front, swordsmen in back or vice-versa or others) - then you would fight the enemy troops and try to capture enemies flag. I remember one scenario...

Q: Looking for name of EXTREMELY old Computer Game

SpaceAlienSorry can't remember if it is PC or Unix (I THINK PC). but there was little or no graphics (sorry can't remember). I remember very little details sorry but here is what I remember. You can borrow money from then go out on your boat to try to earn money and then you had pay back that money wit...

Same questioner
Q: Is there a list of the monster descriptions and what they do?

Mr. NovemberA lot of monsters have attributes that weren't really explained in the tutorial. The tutorial explained "well-grown", "early-peaker", and "late-bloomer", but not the other ones like "Hex-proof" or "thunder-proof". Is there a list of these and their effects anywhere?

@LessPop_MoreFizz I made the tremendous mistake of letting him use my computer
apparently @OrigamiRobot doesn't know how to computer
What in the zeus is with all the zeus damn ITG today?
@Wipqozn I don't know, but I know that I'm surprised that my incredibly negative post about ITG didn't get a single downvote.
Presumably because science!.
I think we should just hack into the SE servers, and set it up so any ITG questions are automatically deleted when asked.
@Wipqozn Also, there's like 3 newly asked ITG's with 4 close votes.
You should go drive the final nail in.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Which ones?
I just drove the final nail in one of them
and I already voted on two earlier
one of which I think closed it
@Wipqozn Scroll up the last 3 that lazers linked.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, already did.
Only one of them is still open.
It's at 4 votes, but I'm one of them.
The quality of ITG seems to be declining at a very rapid pace.
I am... shocked someone managed to answer this one: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/51303/…
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't even need to click that to know which question that is.
@LessPop_MoreFizz this is another of the issues with ITG :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aww man! Now that I see what the answer is, I can hear the "Yoyoyoyo" in my head! I played the crap out of that game. =(
Gaming.SE is lucky that I am unable to work at the moment. More time for me to be curmudgeonly and actually go digging through 200+ ITGs.
A week ago, I'd've never found time to do this,
@LessPop_MoreFizz You're a hero, really.
@Wipqozn Not the curmudgeon you need, but perhaps the one you deserve.
@LessPop_MoreFizz you're like a comic book character whose name we can't remember but dressed in dark colors and had pointy bits on his hat.
@agent86 Do there have to be pointy bits? I'm not terribly fond of pointy bits.
@LessPop_MoreFizz feel free to suggest an answer that has no pointy bits, but I'll just comment and say "no, there were definitely pointy bits"
gah, another of the ultra vague ITGs has a potential answer
this is not going well :)
@agent86 Why does that matter?
Whether or not they get answers is meaningless.
They are still bad questions which don't belong on the site.
Technically all have answers
the problem, IMO, is that they're only useful for the asker
@Wipqozn I just like it better when we're right :)
and we're not a support site
@JuanManuel falls out of chair holy crap, where did you come from?
TOO VAGUE TO ANSWER... oh, darn, it got answered :/
it has to be useful for everyone
@Wipqozn I'm always lurking in the shadows
@agent86 Yeah, I do love being right.
@JuanManuel Creepy.
locks door
@Wipqozn that doesn't work if I'm already inside
on the contrary...
@JuanManuel Well, assuming that their imagination didn't just make the game up...although I suppose the answer to that is "You're crazy", information that is again mostly only useful to the asker. :P
@TimStone I have a feeling that several of them did make the game up in their imagination.
Though perhaps they did so by conflating 3 or 4 games that they can't remember.
@spugsley What zone do the faction quests meet up in?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think I read an identify-this-[something] on another Stack Exchange site today where someone actually offered up that they were completely misremembering as a possibility.
@GnomeSlice partially compression, partially because I uploaded the wrong thing. u_u
So, I'm levelling my SWTOR Bounty Hunter. And this dude turned to a life of galactic piracy because he wasn't happy with the Republic Armys pension. That's just... sad.
I'm applying for a job. The following two questions are required entries:
"Grade Average:" and "Out of Total Score:"
What do you think that's supposed to mean?
I hate it when games don't have patch notes with their patches
@RavenDreamer Not every school scores GPA out of 4.0
The school where I did undergrad used a 100 point scale.
And 5 point scales are not unheard of either.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aha. That does make sense, then.
@RavenDreamer where I went to HS it was out of 5.0
in college it was 4.0 though
@LessPopMoreFizz I was thinking KOA actually
@Sterno they patched KOA?
@Sterno skyrimpatchnotes.com is still worth clicking on.
@agent86 That's what @RavenDreamer said. And I saw something about xbox having an update. But not info on what it was. Not sure if there was a PC one
@Sterno It was a few days ago.
@LessPopMoreFizz I did, and now I want to play Skyrim
@Sterno I actually officially uninstalled skyrim until all DLC is out today.
@LessPopMoreFizz I never even came close to "finishing" it. Got to about level 30 and got distracted by another game. I have a ton of stuff I could go do in it
@Sterno Yeah, I 'finished' most of the game. (40/50 achievements, etc.)
someday, skyrim. someday.
Skyrim seems to be a rep goldmine
it was way crazy closer to launch and during the christmas break
Also, Blizz is the best character in all of SWTOR and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
> Blizz wire into blue funny alien man network, but it all fuzzy, so Blizz make few adjustments. All better now.
Trying to stay awake for 6 more hours is gonna suuuuuuuuck...
@Tristan So sleep.
@Tristan What's in 6 hours?
@StrixVaria I'm trying to get my sleep schedule back on track for when I get home.
@StrixVaria I assume there must be some reason for staying awake :)
@Tristan Well you don't have to stay up until midnight to have a normal sleep schedule. You could go to bed at 10. That gives you 4 hours only, not 6.
@StrixVaria This is true. But knowing my luck, I'll hit my second wind right as I'm laying down. =P
@Tristan this always happens to me, sigh
@agent86 Glad I'm not the only one.
@Tristan I'm probably a borderline insomniac
@agent86 I usually sleep 3-4 hours at a time, but rarely at night. =(
mine's gotten worse since I had kids. they keep me up more than anything else
@agent86 I missed out on those sleepless nights with young kids. I was in Iraq when my son and step-daughter were that age.
Oh, surprise! Team Fortress 2 is updating again!
@Tristan the first year hurts. bad.
I've never understood the hat craze
@Sterno I want to say "me neither" but then, hatdash.com
TF2 hats didn't really do it for me
pointless stackexchange hats? OMG YES
@agent86 Come back to me, Hat Dash!
I can just imagine the patch notes for this TF2 update. " - Added 3 new hats!"
Grr. Stupid steam is crashing on me.
@RavenDreamer It's because it's trying to download all the new Team Fortress 2 hats!
@Tristan Many Hats. Handle them.
@Tristan This is probably true, actually.
@GnomeSlice You still around?
On an unrelated topic, is anyone else here playing Hero Academy?
I need more games.
Holy, crap.
@RavenDreamer what.
TF2 wiki now has 3d weapon display
That's pretty nifty.
I am easily impressed.
Alternately, is anyone here in posession of an iOS device, and a desire to play a good asynchronous strategy game against me? If so, download and begin playing Hero Academy please.
@LessPop_MoreFizz unless I somehow win the top prize in the stackapps competition (which I feel is unlikely) I will probably never own an iOS device
@agent86 That's a shame. There's a lot of Grade A Gaming going on there.
@agent86 Like, I really do feel that the iOS gaming seen is at least the equal of, and probably superior to at this point, the DS/PSP scene.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know :(
I might at some point get an android phone, but the iPhone is just a bit out of my price range for a mobile phone
@agent86 You realize that there are iphones that are free with contract
@LessPop_MoreFizz "contract" is really the part that takes it out of my price range
I pay $25/mo for my current "smartphone"
@agent86 How does an Android phone differ in this regard?
and I find that to be somewhat excessive
they offer android phones on this plan
it may be that when it's time to replace the phone there's a reasonably priced android device available
@agent86 What carrier?
@LessPop_MoreFizz virgin mobile
@agent86 Aaaah, yeah, MVNO you don't have many options.
If it was a GSM provider, I'd offer to jailbreak and sell you my old 3GS. It's just collecting dust anyway.
they offer "unlimited data" (although they recently did a "throttle past this cap" clause) for fairly cheap.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, they've got some sort of proprietary crap in place. their phones are all vendor locked
@agent86 Eh, it's not 'proprietary crap', it's just the way CDMA works.
CDMA doesn't use SIM cards the way that GSM does.
CDMA phones are hardcoded to a carrier based on the chipset they use. You can't use a Verizon phone on Sprint and you can't use a Sprint phone on verizon.
(Virgin Mobile is an MVNO piggybacking on Sprints network. in theory you could use a Sprint phone on V-Mo if I'm not mistaken.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz well, on top of whatever the network tech is, they do a bunch of crap to their phones... not an area where I'm an expert, but I can only make http requests over their data network, for instance.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm pretty sure I can't use a sprint phone, although I've never really tried.
@RavenDreamer You still around?
Did anyone else just see that? He left like... 2 seconds after I pinged him. =(
@Tristan its cause he's scared of you.
@agent86 Everyone should be scared of me. I'm Fluttershy.
it just occurred to me, 20-something hours into KoA, that I can use chakrams as both my primary and secondary weapons.
I use chakrams and greatswords. =P
the only thing that's better than chakrams is more chakrams
@agent86 I tried using Faeblades once. I hated them.
@agent86 You should play as a Demon Hunter once Diablo 3 comes out.
@Tristan I used them as my primary for a while, they weren't too bad.
@StrixVaria I'm hoping the console port is decent, since that's what I'm most likely to play. both my wife and my co-op buddy love a good dungeon crawl
I went from doing 84 damage per hit on my green chakrams to doing 6 damage per hit with my purple Faeblades.
Also, $1,900,000 earned from Double Fine's KickStarter! And there's a new update video for anyone who didn't see the first update!
@agent86 Other than unnecessary-but-fun backstabs, I've seen no reason to ever use anything but chakrams. They're clearly better than every other weapon
@Tristan with both the daggers and the faeblades, there's kind of a low damage first hit before they "warm up" later in the combo. weird, but eh
You could be dagger critting one guy for roughly the same damage as a normal chakram attack, or you could be chakram'ing 6 guys at once
@Sterno seems like in Detyre. The desert-y place at the bottom of the map. The Travelers quests definitely go down there. I'm working on the other one now and I think that's where I'm headed.
@spugsley Cool. I'm doing stuff down there for Traveler's. Probably just didn't unlock Warsworn to that point yet
@Sterno yeah, I think you have to go onto some Island or something first and then it goes down there. I could be wrong though. I'm happy that at least one of them ended up down there
is there a house in the game that has all the workbenches? anybody know where it is?
Warrior's ability to not be interrupted + charged chakram spinny move = all enemies die
I want an option in KOA to just have it not even show me potions that aren't heal potions, and all alchemy components.
just totally remove them from the game
too much loot managing
Craaaap! I'll never beat Akinator. =(
@Tristan Try Lydia.
@StrixVaria I'll give it a shot. But.. He guessed the Peanut Butter Jelly Time banana.
I know I've stumped him but I can't remember with what.
@spugsley Have you done the "Classic Misdirection" traveler's quest yet? It's the one where you have to get the parts to a key to unlock a chest containing an ex-traveler's horde
@Sterno oooo not yet but it sounds fun. Is that after you get to Detyre?
a bit after
@Sterno yeah I haven't gone down there yet. I'm finishing stuff up in the Plains atm
@Tristan wat.
@LessPop_MoreFizz us.akinator.com/#

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