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@AshleyNunn 'BOGUSBANANAS' causes bananas to slow you rather than speed you.
@Oak You cannot physically know what only the asker of a question knows. That is science, not opinion.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I do disagree. Many are bad, I don't thing I'll make it into "vast majority" and "terrible"
Unless they invent mind-reading.
Then I guess ITG would be fair game.
Quite frankly, if he wants to prove his point, i would encourage an experiment in which ITG questions get modded with an iron fist and closed/deleted without mercy within 24/48 hours if the asker does not provide sufficient detail, and closed as NARQ after 7 days of inactivity. Because I'd be extremely curious to see what's left.
@StrixVaria no. I cannot physically know what the asker knows. But that was not your issue. Your issue was with speculation. When I give an answer I am entirely confident in, I do not speculate.
@Oak You do speculate by definition.
But I don't think that'll happen, because at the end of the day, there'd just be too much argument over where to draw the line.
@StrixVaria I don't think "opinion" is quite the right word. There is a definite correct answer. There is just no way for third parties to judge answers until the asker accepts.
You don't know, because you're not in the asker's head.
And after a certain point, you're better off drawing it far enough off that you just skip the arugment entirely. All or none. No compromises.
@LessPop_MoreFizz All or none is the only real way to deal with classes of questions like this. Gray areas only lead to pain and suffering.
@StrixVaria Yes, but thats not always what an opinion is.
@Oak Because I can be just as confident that you're wrong as you are that you're right, and no one can tell us what's what except the asker.
@StrixVaria This is the point.
@OrigamiRobot That's the point I've been making all along. I think maybe my words got jumbled up somewhere.
@StrixVaria I know. I'm on your side. I'm just letting you know I think you are using the wrong word for the thing you mean :P
@OrigamiRobot I think you grabbed on the wrong thing with his choice of the word "opinion"
@OrigamiRobot If you go back to where I used the word opinion, I don't think you read it the way I meant it.
In the context of the sentence he used it, he meant "You not knowing the answer is correct because you are not the asker" as a statement is science, not an opinion
So how is it we can do troubleshooting (only the asker can verify our answer actually fixed his problem) but not ITG (only the asker can verify our answer actually matched his request)
@badp Troubleshooting questions should also be disallowed for the same reason.
@badp If I recall correctly, LessPop also dislikes troubleshooting. And Super User has been telling us to kill these, too
I'll stand by that argument just as strongly.
Since I've already made it.
@StrixVaria So how is it 99% of SO is troubleshooting? :)
Some new stuff just got added to my bundle
@GnomeSlice It happens.
@badp I'm not an active member of SO so I can't really argue for their policies.
"Hey this code isn't running. I have this and this and this and I hope that's enough but I don't even know myself. plz to help"
Oh... no it didn't.
I don't have my window maximized and last time I downloaded everything I had a column cut off.
Oh... no it didn't.
We're not talking about SO anyway; we're talking about Gaming.
@StrixVaria you say I'm wrong by definition. What is your definition of an answer which is speculative? It sounds like we have different definitions. My definition is an answer which is more of a guess, educated or not. "Could it have been game X?". An answer in which the answerer is confident of his answer does not fall into this definition.
@Strix Your definition seems to be "an answer which might be wrong". I think your definition is very, very strict. Yes, it can be applied to some types of questions. But to others - e.g. troubleshooting questions - it cannot. For those questions, everything might still be wrong.
@Oak My definition is "an answer that you cannot possibly know the answer is right".
How can I do SCIENCE like this!
I wonder how much money I could make as a webcam model.
@GnomeSlice You said this yesterday.
or the day before
Did I have a number then?
@Oak Essentially, while you may be 100% confident in your answer, that does not correlate to a 100% chance that it is actually the correct answer.
Then we might as well close the site and pack up for we'll never have 100% chance that it is actually the correct answer
@StrixVaria first of all, I like this sentence. It feels like it summarizes your argument quite well :)
@StrixVaria That is an exceedingly strict way to look at it, @Strix. To kill all of ITG, you want to see all troubleshooting dead, to see all not-100%-objective questions dead, etc. Basically you're killing 60% of Gaming's scope.
(a percentage I've just made up on the spot)
What we're left with is being a subset of wikis. Except we suck at being a wiki too.
@badp I do want most if not all troubleshooting questions gone from GSE.
@ThomasMcDonald Fuck.
@badp I'm not saying to close all 100%-non-objective questions.
Strategy questions can remain open.
@GnomeSlice Do you now?
Because you can know that your strategy will be helpful.
Will it be the most helpful?
@StrixVaria Oh but isn't the whole point of "it's subjective" an answer you cannot possibly have a 100% correct answer?
Maybe not.
@badp Your numbers search for answers was trying to science out how many questions only have one answer versus those that have multiple answers under the thought pattern that the existence of multiple answers indicates that there are answers on which they must be wrong, then?
@badp I didn't say anything about subjective.
I hope I never have to see a lawyer again.
@Tristan Lawyers are your frenz.
@GraceNote uhhh? I have noticed that 53% of open ITG questions have 1 answer that is also accepted. I wanted to see how this compared with the site average. That's all.
Your sentence stopped parsing midway the first line.
@badp You do not need to have a 100% correct answer in order to answer a question. Questions questions that only allow for speculative answers are the ones that should be closed.
@LessPop_MoreFizz My lawyer acted like my friend. But my wife's lawyer*s* did not.
@StrixVaria So how do you know that your ITG answer won't be helpful?
@Tristan ...uh oh
@badp You're misreading my words.
How do you know that your troubleshooting answer won't be helpful?
It has nothing to do with knowing that it won't be helpful.
@Tristan Ouch :/
@StrixVaria I hope so
@Wipqozn Do you just have a note pad with all these Copy/Pasteable links with a description of when they'd be appropriate?
Anyway I'm not arguing with badp.
@Tristan No sir.
You, like Arda, always turn it into an argument of semantics.
Which I will not participate in.
@ThomasMcDonald No.
@Tristan Not hard to google Lionel Hutz
Okay, so you won't discuss it with me because I suck at arguing and you won't discuss it with Oak because he's 100% wrong all the time
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know it isn't. He just always has something. Ridiculously quickly, too.
@badp I have been discussing it with Oak for the past 45 minutes.
@badp He's... currently discussing it with @Oak?
does that mean you don't want to discuss it outside your "ITG-haters" echo chamber? :P
And neither of you will back down from your viewpoints.
@GraceNote Is he? I wasn't looking too hard as I was trying to do science
@GnomeSlice Did you mean to say Soul Calibur 5?
I stopped looking at the point where everybody seemed to agree Oak is wrong all the time
That's... what this whole thing has been, for better or for worse. There hasn't been any echo-chambering going on
@badp hey... that's a great idea @badp!
Okay, let's get everyone against ITG to decide it's fate.
@OrigamiRobot don't tell Strix, but I can live with ITGs banned. I will fight with all my typing power against any attempt to remove troubleshooting questions, though, which I see as actively important for the growth of this site.
@Tristan Which?
@badp I absolutely think both ITG and troubleshooting questions can be helpful to multiple people. The problem I have ( and I think @StrixVaria is trying to communicate) is that there is no way for the community to know which answers are or are not helpful without the asker telling them which one worked.
@Wipqozn I think the majority of them should be removed. But there are a lot of salvageable ones.
Lol, yes I did.
I feel like badp's argument is a straw man, but I am not familiar enough with debate terminology to really figure that out.
@GnomeSlice Sorry. =(
Q: What is the most revealing outfit in the game?

GnomeSliceI haven't gotten my copy of Soul Calibur 2 from SE yet, but I was wondering, which character and costume combination is the most revealing? Anatomical physics don't count for this, so no answering "Ivy" unless she actually has more exposed skin than any other character (i.e. skin surface-area).

@OrigamiRobot yes, but how is that different with any other question? What is the reason why no one - not even mods - but the asker can place the accepted answer checkmark by an answer?
@Wipqozn And that is why nobody voted for you.
@GnomeSlice really? have you actually just asked that?
@GnomeSlice Lazers is going to get to it whether or not we mention it early
@GnomeSlice I came in fourth. You argument fails.
Okay, honestly, don't close it.
Yes, it's stupid.
@GnomeSlice Except he got 4th...
Because ponies.
But I won it in the grant and need to ask about it.
Which is also why he didn't win.
@GnomeSlice No.
And it's a legitimate question.
At the end of the day all questions require the asker to bless an answer with the pin on top and the checkmark and the +15 reputation
Just. No.
@badp I can check lots of skyrim and minecraft answers.
It is far too difficult to keep up wiht the conversation in here....
...Fuck you guys.
regardless of whether it is an ITG or a troubleshooting answer
@OrigamiRobot Yes, that's what voting is for. That's not what the checkmark is for.
@GnomeSlice I think that's perhaps the quickest deleted question on the site, congrats!
@GnomeSlice For the record, I only linked it because you seemed unaware of the question which you asked. I wasn't trying to get it removed.
@GraceNote For the record, my thinking on troubleshooting questions is... complicated. I do think that they are fundamentally necessarily, like Oak, and I do think that we have a reasonably good track record, but I really think we need to periodically purge the unanswered/unanswerable ones that amount to 'I guess it's bugged'.
@badp The point is that the community can upvote questions and still float the best answer to the top despite the asker. With ITG, unless the asker accepts an answer, all the votes are meaningless.
@Tristan No, it wasn't you.
It was whoever bloody deleted it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought our track record for them was rather horrible?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I remember your point was complex
What was wrong with it, hm?
@badp I'm saying proper voting in these cases is impossible before an answer gets accepted.
There were no curse words.
@FallenAngelEyes It's mixed.
No nudity.
@GnomeSlice I deleted it. By all means. Bring it up on meta if you think it's a valid question.
steam aaaargh.
Nothing offensive.
It's better than you'd expect, but worse than site average by a good margin.
@GnomeSlice Though, I do think Ivy is the answer, as she's been the answer for all the previous games.
@GnomeSlice Not solving an actual problem you face.
@RavenDreamer I'm not going to argue my right to ak which character is the most revealing, but I shouldn't have to.
The very definition of "not constructive".
@Tristan That's why I asked.
I'm wondering if they finally got tired of Ivy.
@StrixVaria Maybe not for you...
"Is this a practical question which begs an authoritative answer?"
@GnomeSlice Judging by their advertisement for the game, I'd say no.
No it isn't.
@StrixVaria Why would I ask it then.
@GnomeSlice Because you are a troll.
@RavenDreamer Impractical for you. Not for me.
@StrixVaria No I'm not.
goes back to trying and wrestling numbers off the site
@GnomeSlice Not always. But sometimes.
@badp The acceptance portion for non-Identification questions works a fair different, though. Which is partly what I was addressing in that analysis of your sciencing.
@GraceNote I think the key problem for me with troubleshooting questions, and to a lesser extent ITG is that we don't have a very good way of dealing with the bad ones.
I need something to ask about SC5 until my copy arrives.
@GnomeSlice wait, you don't even have the game yet?
Part of the problem is that people are afraid to downvote what is, at the end of the day, somebodies legitimate problem, that they really do want help with.
@Wipqozn No...
But that's far from the only problem.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I kind of like that idea someone had a while ago to give them a form to fill out.
Hey @GnomeSlice sadly, if my Final Fantasy question was off topic I would have to argue that one is too... Just because it is ABOUT a game, doesn't make it belong on this site.
@GnomeSlice I don't think you need to be worried about asking questions until you get the game.
@GraceNote Yeah, I was trying to see at the answers per question distribution between ITG and all questions, accepted and not accepted to see if/how the curves are different
Of pre-determined questions to see if it's specific enough.
@Ullallulloo I don't see how that really helps.
I think a good measure would be "what is the chances of anyone else ever needing this question answered again?"
@Pyrodante This is really subjective though too. How can we measure that?
@Ullallulloo If we need to go around making special forms just to keep a type of question around, we should just get rid of the question.
@Pyrodante By that logic, a number of my questions should be closed.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Because if someone gives all that information, it usually helps narrow it down past what lots of people post.
@Pyrodante This is like a swiss cheese argument riddled with bullet holes.
Fundamentally, with troubleshooting questions, they fall into two categories. If it's a known/common issue, even if the definition of known/common in question is 'it's brought up on a lot of forum posts', then we're very good at getting them answered quickly, and often improving the internet by providing a concise canonical answer.
@badp But that's looking at things unrelated on the current measure. Extra answers on identification are individual guesses. Extra answers on other questions can be alternate strategies, simplifications, and a lot of other answers which can be equally correct, whether or not they succeed for the original question asker.
We can't predict what questions will or will not be asked in the future
@StrixVaria I concede this point. My % of confidence, 100 or not, does not magically mean that others think like me, asker or not (though according to my rep, there is some correlation :). But I say that it is possible for me, personally, to have 100% confidence in my answer. That's what I'm thinking; I hope you won't refute my own thoughts. And I will never call an answer on which the answerer is 100% confident a "speculation".
But if it's a unique problem, or just inarticulately described "MY GAME CRASHED WHA HAPPA?" we just fundamentally don't have the tools to deal with them, and our engine really isn't equipped to provide people with the help they need.
Well actually it says in SE that questions that will not be meaningful later are not good questions...
@Wipqozn An actual form could be troublesome, but at least a list of what they have to provide.
To make sure it's specific enough.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wha hoppen*
@Pyrodante Again, many of my questions should probably be closed then.
@GraceNote I'm trying to see how additionally hard to answer on the first try an ITG question is compared to the average question
@Pyrodante I think that's usually applied to stuff that's clearly localized in time though
@Oak And I'm saying that's not enough for questions where only the asker can know the real answer. I'm not arguing that you're not 100% confident that you're right. Only that that's not enough for this specific class of questions.
@Oak Have you ever answered an ITG incorrectly?
My problem with troubleshooting questions is there is no way to know if the information provided is enough to answer the quetion. There is no way to know whether it is bad or not.
You guys really think I'm the only one who likes revealing characters in Soul Calibur?
Because if so, congrats, you've engaged in speculation.
Essentially, @badp, the factors of difference between identification and other questions are too vast and far apart to be able to properly make an analysis
@LessPop_MoreFizz yes
Too much serious discussion for 0:30. Too much API.
@GnomeSlice I don't think that's what people found a problem with it
well maybe if the question was about locked outfits it would be fitting...
@GraceNote What then???
@ThomasMcDonald I feel you. I should head to sleep soon, but I'd rather prefer to stick around for this.
It was clean and specific.
@GnomeSlice There was nothing clean or intelligent about that question.
@GnomeSlice You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face
@GnomeSlice Nice save.
@FallenAngelEyes It's a problem I face...
@Wipqozn Eh, almost a nice save.
@GraceNote So we're doomed with speculative analysis on ITG questions such as "most questions are terrible, aren't answerable and are abandoned by the asker?"
@StrixVaria alright; so with this specific thought I disagree. I largely agree with @badp - this is far too strict in my eyes. This is something I will never want to see applied to strategy or troubleshooting questions - questions in which you could claim only the OP is qualified to say whether or not the proposed solution helped her.
Q: What is Satan Doing Here?

GnomeSliceIn the first bonus mine, after finding my way through a veritable maze of impenetrable rock formations, I managed to catch up with Satan. What on Earth is he doing down here? Does he have any kind of significance?

How is this question any better?
Oops I misread something again.
I need to stop doing that.
@badp No, I'm saying that comparing "Answer counts and time on all other questions" versus "Answer counts and time on ITG" has too many variable changes. There's potential to science this, but I think you're barking up the wrong tree so I'm hoping to usher you in a different direction so that you don't waste your own time.
@GnomeSlice You're right, that's a pretty dumb question. :)
:3410775 I'm really just trying to get a feel for the situation without looking at 600 questions individually
@FallenAngelEyes The discussion has gone round and round in circles and nobody is going to concede.
@GraceNote To be fair I wasn't even attempting "all other questions"
given that as I've argued the problems ITG faces aren't exclusive to ITG
@ThomasMcDonald Also a point.
Anyway, I'm going to go play SC5 until my girlfriend gets home so we can go wait in line to eat overpriced food.
See you all later!
although that can make the number even murkier
later @Strix
@LessPop_MoreFizz to be more detailed, some ITGs I answer from my own personal experience with the game; I don't think I've ever answered such a question incorrectly. But others I answer from researching the problem - and I have been wrong before. In those cases @StrixVaria is correct that my answers are a sort of a guess. But I'd like to think about those as very educated guesses, educated enough to be of positive value to the question and the site.
@badp Not all of the problems are exclusive to identification, perhaps, but I maintain that, at least given the direction from what I had seen your research, you weren't going to dredge up anything conclusive.
@LessPopMoreFizz and I'm often correct in those "educated guesses".
So I'm catching up on like 90 minutes of ITG chat, and I'm wondering if any of you are actually expecting to change each other's minds :P
@Sterno No, which is why I tend to state my case then stay out.
@GraceNote Okay, what would you suggest alternatively?
@Sterno I'm an incorrigible optimist.
@Sterno I changed my mind recently. Given a good reason, I'll change it again.
@badp You'd need to look at questions that don't change too many variables. So, perhaps, limiting the comparison to troubleshooting questions.
@GraceNote ...which we don't have a tag for
What I always find odd about ITG questions is that all sorts of WRONG answers get upvotes. Voting makes no sense for ITGs
I thought we didn't nuclearize [technical-issues]
Or whatever we had it these days
@Sterno Thats on of the problems
Oh I thought it was neuclarized.
Well okay, let's see how the two compare then.
We blew "bug" to pieces. Which @Raven has endlessly and eternally griefed about.
@GraceNote Nah. Bug I don't care so much about.
It was 'Story' that got my irish up.
@Sterno Basically, you upvote answers if it fits the criteria, and upvote the question if it has specific criteria.
@RavenDreamer Mostly I just wanted to say something in a loud and authoritative voice, like skeleton snake dragon heads from the wall.
Good ITG should should be able to have their answers be voted as correct or not by the community.
I feel I have to point something out. The phrase 100% confidence has been used a couple of times, and going by the technical (Bayesian) definition, one would only be 100% confident in something if they would never consider the possibility that they were wrong. This can't actually be what we are looking for, but then I am not sure what is meant by it.
@GraceNote Endless dreaming green-sea glass.
@RavenDreamer See? Doesn't it feel good?
@OrigamiRobot I fixed it!
@Tristan Fixed what?
@Ullallulloo You meant close votes, right? The only good ITG is a dead ITG!
@OrigamiRobot Part of the secret project.
@Tristan Gotcha
@Sterno liez D:
Man... I wish I could set a goal, and then pass that goal by $1,300,000... =(
@Tristan I know, right?
@Ullallulloo Have you been following the Double Fine Adventure, too?
@Tristan Some.
@Ullallulloo Well... They're up to $1,770,746 of their $400,000 goal. <.<
@Tristan That's what I heard.
@Wipqozn I'm not watching that whole thing...
@Tristan How lazy.
It's only like 2 minutes!
@Wipqozn Try 10.
@Tristan I linked to 8:30ish
@Wipqozn :O I remember that show!
@Wipqozn Well that didn't work then.
oh no, I did not!
One moment...
bah, good enough.
15 min til I can go home an play Twisted Metal!
> Anyone who pre-orders Mass Effect 3 through the publisher's digital distribution platform will get a free copy of Battlefield 3
GnomeSlice is making me post this...again...
@Wipqozn I'm a little worried about the line "And there's a whole convention of swingers in town!"
@FallenAngelEyes Buy ME3 through Origin, Get BF3
They're trying to get people off of Steam.
@Mana You know you don't need to do what gnome says, right?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Too bad Origin is a terrible system.
@Wipqozn Recess is seriously one of my favourite cartoons. I think only MLP is more awesome.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I meant "Huh" as in "Hm, interesting" rather than "I don't understand", sorry for the confusion!
@AshleyNunn I agree. Recess is awesome.
@Tristan so was steam once
@AshleyNunn wow, I forgot about that series
Hey! I'm at 3456 rep. lol
I'm actually happy about that, because I seemed to fly right past 1234 and 2345. <.<
Three sequential starred messages without anything to do with each other. Hunh.
@RavenDreamer I suppose it's better than three sequential starred messages that are exactly the same
@RavenDreamer I'm guessing that doesn't happen very often?
Q: Request to reopen/reevaluate my Final Fantasy Question

PyrodanteYesterday I asked a question: Things that are reoccurring in Final Fantasy games It was closed within two hours for being not constructive. I would argue that people who feel that this question fits "This question is not a good fit to our Q&A format. We expect answers to generally in...

@Wipqozn The only bad part was that while it was super popular, people made fun of me for being named Ashley. I was never tough enough to claim I was more of a Spinelli Ashley than an Ashley Ashley.
@FallenAngelEyes free copy of BF3? wtf.
@badp Blackbody spectrums?
@GraceNote uh... so here's the result... I'm not sure how to read it. We do ever so slightly better at answering ITGs than Technical Issues answers?
@Tristan That is pretty neat. I love when numbers line up like that.
@agent86 PC only, but yeah
@badp I'm not entirely surprised by this
@FallenAngelEyes I guess they can't give the darn thing away at this point...
I think the end result is I didn't actually change any variable in comparing the two tags
I guess that's not totally worthless but also not what I was looking for
@agent86 Hey, it's a good game. =(
Then you change one more variable on the next step. As long as you don't end up changing too many variables.
@Tristan But Origin.
@Mana Not that you'd know anything about that, right? ;)
@Ullallulloo Which is why I bought it on 360. lol
@Tristan But mice.
@Ullallulloo I'm actually better with a controller...
@GraceNote That's fine and dandy, but the tags space has so many dimensions I don't think I could even enumerate them, let alone find a tag that's entirely like ITG expect for one component and has enough questions to do meaningful analysis on
That'd be the difficult point, neh?
I kind of refuse to pay for digital collector's editions. I can either pay for a digital edition and get stuff, or I can pay the same amount and actually get awesome physical swag like artbooks, models, and soundtracks.
Yeah, that's why I was just kind of skipping over to just look at the more general case :P
@FallenAngelEyes the CE for Skyrim was the greatest thing ever
I mean, I guess I could be looking at game-rec questions next
@FallenAngelEyes What would be the point of that?
You can change more than just one variable, but if you look at one versus most, you really get a messy picture.
@Pyrodante Wasn't there an actual dragon statue in that one?
I have it, its amazing
@Ullallulloo The point of what? Digital CE's? People buy'em all the time. Stuff like preorder bonuses and whatnot.
except I'm filtering closed questions from all of this, and I can't do that on game-rec
I thought physical objects was the entire point of CEs...
I thought it would be some chincy thing but its not
@Tristan yeah, just 4-6 mos after launch the demand drops off for the november FPS releases. not a bad game, just not the "hot title" it was at launch.
@FallenAngelEyes That does sound dumb then.
I'd still like to get it at some point, but convincing my MW fanboy co-op partner is a tough sell :P
@agent86 That's pretty much what I expected from it... It didn't help that after those 4-6 mos they still hadn't fixed the majority of the bugs.
@agent86 That's true for most FPS games though, at least that's what I've found,
> Introducing the "Something Special For Someone Special". It's ring-shaped, it's gift-wrapped, it's basically useless, and it's really expensive ($100!). In short, it's the most accurate simulation of an actual Valentine's Day gift ever made available to the public.
I'd just rather have those preorder bonuses plus awesome things, if I'm paying 90 odd euro.
@Wipqozn ^this
Actually, that's true for a lot of game genres in general.
and it's a TF2 item
> First, it's not tradable, only giftable. When it shows up in your special someone's backpack, they can click on it to open a menu that will let them accept your proposal. Once the proposal's been accepted, a message will be broadcast to the entire TF community that will include your name, your special someone's name, and whatever you decided to call the ring. Then presto, the gift turns into two matching diamond bands you can wear in the rain while you smooch up a storm, you crazy kids.
@Pyrodante Awesome. I have purchased CE's I was disappointed with, unfortunately. looks at Batman: Arkham Asylum
I just find it's worse for FPS since they are the "hot thing" right now. (mainstream, cool, et cetera)
@ThomasMcDonald The model's been out for a while.
Yeah, but it hasn't been available.
@ThomasMcDonald Oh wow.
@ThomasMcDonald That is one of the more ridiculous things I have ever heard of.
$100 is crazy though.
@ThomasMcDonald better off buying the $1000 pizza hut box.
@Ullallulloo Well you are asking for the right to spam all TF2 players about your marriage
@agent86 That would be the Headcase, right? They're going for like $60 now.
@agent86 Wasn't it 10,000?
@ThomasMcDonald Considering how prevalent money issues factor into marriage problems, I'd think "Honey, I spent $100 on a digital item to propose to you!" may not be the best idea.
@badp ooh, entire community...
I wonder if you could use it for advertising...
@FallenAngelEyes Perhaps the point is you're spending $100 on a virtual item instead of buying an actual $1000 ring with diamond?

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