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Might-Finesse-Magic is surprisingly awesome so far (~level 25)
Faeblades seem better than daggers on paper (and in drops I find), but I just don't like the timing of the way they attack
@Sterno that's why I respeced. I'm impressed so far
Grabbed the latest Humble Bundle. I don't own a smartphone, but if I ever do, I have games for it!
Shall I clean that up for you before you get flagged, or will you?
That is the single most anger-inducing thing that's happened to me in the past 2 weeks.
Go on. Vent a little.
We'll try and sympathize
They mess up an order?
Or did you get overdrafted?
Hrm... repair my gear for 150k, or, even with only 2 points in blacksmithing, spend 4k on repair kits? DECISIONS
I didn't think it was going to finish transferring by V-day, so I only transferred $10.
I am so unspeakably outraged.
Man, this is one quality answer:
A: Why does the military adviser stop giving me advice midway through a game?

Austin DailyThe reason is that Civ5 is a broken game that was rushed out the door far before it was finished. There are a thousand other unexplainable bugs like this.

@Wipqozn You need to see episode 14 ASAP.
Oh wow, the game music bundle thing offers the soundtracks in FLAC, didn't expect that
@FallenAngelEyes Oh, I forgot about that. Linksy?
@Tristan I'm on episode...13? I think, so I'll be there soon.
Of season 2, that is.
@Wipqozn Right. That's what I meant. It's awesome.
@Tristan Yeah, next up is 14
@Wipqozn Even if you just watch the first 5 minutes after the opening credits, it's likely to be your favorite episode of the season. =P
@Tristan Noted.
Also, if you're referring to it being an applejack episode...
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are actually tied for my favourite pony now.
Applejack was moved down. She's still awesome, but The MYsterious Mare boosted rainbow dash up
and the more fluttershy I see the more I like her
In fact fluttershy may become my favourite pony before lonmg
So it's rainbow dash + fluttershy, with applejack close behind...
@Wipqozn Well, it is an Applejack episode. Buuuut... Derpy speaks!
Now that we're on the topic..
of pony prefs
I rank the ponies as follows:
Should we migrate this conversation to Steam? <.<
1. Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy
3. Applejack
4. Rarity
5. Pinkie Pie
6. Twilight Sparkle
@Tristan It's already here though
@Wipqozn True.
Mine is:
1. Fluttershy & Pinkie Pie
3. Applejack
4. Rainbow Dash
5. Twilight Sparkle
6. Rarity
I haven't come across many pinkie pie fans
I find most people (including me) consider her annoying.
I think she can be amusing, but I find her annoyance outweighs her humour more often than not.
@Wipqozn That's where I disagree. I find her annoyance is what I find funniest.
Most funny?
@RavenDreamer Oh snap I didn't even notice Shatter's OST was in the bonus albums!
@Tristan Ah, okay. Nifty.
@FallenAngelEyes Shatter?
@Wipqozn Aye, a sort of Breakout-like game, was on Steam and PSN, not sure about XBLA
@IanPugsley I didn't know @FallenAngelEyes played MtG.
@Wipqozn well then you haven't been paying attention
@Tristan So she's the GnomeSlice of MLP?
@IanPugsley I am, I'm just trying to troll.
@Wipqozn I've totally been talking about it with @Ian and @Origami the past while!
I very, very rarely troll @FallenAngelEyes, so I thought I'd take the chance.
@FallenAngelEyes yussss I'm not the only one who took him seriously
@IanPugsley I have this problem with assuming good faith first. I should know better with @Wipqozn. :P
@FallenAngelEyes you really should.
Ooh, new Adventure Time!
Rule 1: the pony lies.
Shame on both @FallenAngelEyes AND @IanPugsley!
@Wipqozn I'll be sure to rescind my potential vote know better for next time
@Wipqozn 2 + 2 = 5 ==> 1 + 1 = 3?
Ooh, it's election day! I can't wait.
@badp Pretty much, yeah (that is to say, normally when you have a tie you skip the next item in a list)
uh, wouldn't it then be like
1. The pony that Batman eats
1. The goddamn Batman
3. Superman (not Batman, also not a pony)
@badp That might be more correct, but it looks odd to me.
Hm, I'll just revert to the alternative explanation that every MLP fan keeps their #2 fav pony as their most preciously held secret.
@IanPugsley I haven't played MtG in a good... oh, 15 years now, but I remember Shatter being the OP card of OP cards back in the day
@badp @Tristan did the same thing... so you do have more than one sample case to base this theory on.
@LessPop_MoreFizz if you still have your cards, I'll buy 'em from you :P
@IanPugsley I do. I think.
I had some pretty OP ones back in the day...
but they've been a tad neglected
Shatter's pretty good but it's no Ancient Grudge:
@LessPop_MoreFizz that's actually just fine; I'm not looking for them for tournament play or anything, just for casual
if they're worn/played (and obviously so), that's just fine
@IanPugsley So basically every green mana after the first invocation is another artifact destroyed?
Here at this desk, without finding the old shoebox in the parents basement, I actually have a stack of about 100 or so... I think this might have been a deck I played with?
@badp you have to exile it (removed it from the game) after you cast it the second time, so it's only two effective castings
@LessPop_MoreFizz haha awesome
Some good shit here...
@IanPugsley I see.
Primordial Ooze...
Feldon's Cane
@LessPop_MoreFizz Feldon's is actually worth something, I bleev
original '95 Sengir and Ishan's Shade were worth something back in the day iirc
(something being $2.60 or so)
Is it? This batch is actually in surprisingly good condition
That's more than a key!
Definitely worth something.
@IanPugsley haha. Yeah. 'something'.
@LessPop_MoreFizz prices are so driven by playability in vintage that they change pretty frequently
But yeah, if you add up all the 'somethings' in the buck or two range, I probably have a decent chunk of change here
I'm sure you could get a decent hat out of it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I mean if you were playing that long ago I'd recommend checking a price list before you sell anything - dual lands and power 9 are stupid expensive
@IanPugsley I definitely have a bunch of dual lands because I abused the shit out of them
I'm fairly serious about buying them, if you are interested in selling, but I gotta go watch yesterday's TWD :P
Refresh my memory about what power 9 is?
The term Power Nine refers to a set of nine specific cards in the game of . These cards were only printed early in the game's history and consist of Black Lotus, Ancestral Recall, Time Walk, Mox Sapphire, Mox Jet, Mox Ruby, Mox Emerald, Mox Pearl, and Timetwister. The Power Nine are considered to be among the most powerful cards in the game. All nine cards were of the rarest level of rarity and printed only in the Alpha, Beta, and Unlimited sets, meaning they were only printed from late 1993 to early 1994. Currently, all of the Power Nine cards are restricted in the Vintage tournament form...
@IanPugsley Zeus dammit, beat me by a few seconds.
mkay, 19 hours left, is there anyone else who wants a bribe? last chance...
@IanPugsley Aaah, even back in the day those were stupid pricey.
A buddy of mine had a Lotus. I was always jealous.
@LessPop_MoreFizz the power lands (even heavily played) could likely go for $20-40 each
depending on which
decent condition, it's stupid expensive
@agent86 By now all of your possibly expired everything is definitely expired.
@FallenAngelEyes Sorry about late reply, but I assume so. Either that or another retail release.
@badp It's not really a secret for me. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are very close, but if I had to choose a number 2, it'd be Pinkie Pie.
@IanPugsley I also had a bunch of Birds of Paradise, which I remember being valuable in the day.
@badp that... increases its value, right?
And which I abused the shit out of along with a bunch of the various elf cards for a pretty absurd mana gen + fireball deck if I remember
I'd rather consider switching over to real bribery. How about a good ol' Team Captain? You can't go wrong with a Team Captain.
it's like shrodinger's mayonaise now that the uncertainty has collapsed.
@LessPop_MoreFizz beta BoP could go upwards of $200-$225
@IanPugsley not beta I don't think.
I mostly started playing around 3rdE, so I don't have many beta cards.
@LessPop_MoreFizz probably not worth too much if it's not real old
Most of mine are 3rdE, along with some 4thE, Ice Age, etc.
@IanPugsley All of my cards are from ~94-96.
If you want it to be possibly expired you could add flies around it.
@agent86 I'll take a bribe.
@LessPop_MoreFizz that's still pretty old - I'd recommend pricing them on magic.tcgplayer.com
Origami and spugsley are yelling at me so I really gotta go
Then it would be definitely possibly expired in all of its positive uncertainty.
Now that's Shrodinger-y.
@IanPugsley Tonight's new Adventure Time was waaaaay less epic than the commercials made it out to be. =(
@spugsley Aww... Raven's gotten quite a bit of a lead on you now. =(
@Wipqozn I've got some ketchup packets where the ketchup's turned kind of dark red or almost black. I think mostly everything else's spoken for.
@agent86 Deal.
@Wipqozn BOOM another vote down. this election stuff's easy.
btw for those who were following Ben Kuchera's stuff
Penny Arcade's ongoing, long form coverage of the video game industry.
2 tweets, 616 followers, following 0 users
My word. The election pin has been removed!
@Wipqozn it's a conspiracy!
@Wipqozn Sometimes pins expire on their own IIRC.
this could go to the very top! I bet grace is involved.
@badp I believe so too, actually.
I know the pins I had in Game on de-pinned, and I doubt anyone removed them.
@badp so you're saying I'm currently winning the election?
@Wipqozn Nah, just some healthy dose of FUD
it'll probably backfire too
really that's just me rigging the elections in your favour so hard you can probably be so cavalier to not vote for yourself
@badp Oh, so you mean I no longer need to vote for myself 3 times?
@badp Thanks for reminding me to vote for ponies
@murgatroid99 Excellent! thanks @badp!
@Wipqozn See? It's working!
I have two videos prepared for the election results. One for if I win, and one for if I lose.
@Wipqozn If one of them has Fluttershy in it, it could be amazing.
you can probably guess what the winning video is, but I highly doubt anyone will guess the losing one.
@Tristan Neither of the videos are pony related.
ouch. That's not going to cope well with the pony electorate.
You might want to backpedal on that!
@Wipqozn Fail. One of them should totally be "I just want to say thank you to everyone who helped make this site <insert clip of Rainbow Dash saying 20% cooler> for voting for me!"
@badp er, uh I mean.. their both pony related! yeah.. totally...
Actually now I want to know what your loss video is, so I guess I must remove the covert doublethink advertisement for you
Well, in one of videos someone gets in a car. That's sort of related to ponies...
@Wipqozn How does that have ANYTHING to do with ponies?
@badp If it helps, I plan to post both videos anyways (I'll just be putting in a delay)
@badp Damn, foiled again!
Oh well, if @agent86 wins, I'll just say the elections were rigged... yes... yes...
@agent86 Posting Ronan's artwork as your own?
Bad agent!
sorry if you confused it for something I could have put together.
I'm a plagiarist!
If Photoshop were a game, I'd be better than all of you at it.
@agent86 That violet isn't blue... It's violet.
@GnomeSlice Even @RonanForman?
Hard to say.
@Tristan talk to @RonanForman. I did not do the art.
He's an artist, I can't draw for shit.
But I know my way around the software.
my idea of art is a freehand circle
He's probably still better. But he's not here, is he.
@GnomeSlice You haven't seen my skills with Photoshop. I can draw, but I've actually never used Photoshop. =(
Oh damn. Ronan's asleep. I can't continue bouncing the election pin around now.
@agent86 I wish I could draw those...
Then again... moderator candidates? sleeping? epic fail.
Hang on, let me find the last good thing I did with Photoshop
@badp Exactly! Shows you how little he cares about the site. Look at badp? He never sleeps! Now that's the kind of thing you want in a mod!
oh, I laughed so hard at that picture the other day, I'm going to start laughing again here if I'm not careful
then I'll have to explain why this is funny to the kids
@agent86 How old are your children (if you don't mind my asking)?
Q: What are the available bonuses in the extras menu?

Mr. NovemberIn the main menu, there is an "Extras" menu. The only bonus I have unlocked is the one for having Final Fantasy XIII save data. What are the rest of the bonuses and how do you unlock them?

Q: What are the changes in the battle system from FF13 to FF13-2(if any)?

Mr. NovemberSo far in FF13-2, the battle system seems the same as the one used in FF13. Are there any differences between the two systems?

Oh, also the FS tournament graphic.
@GnomeSlice Who is the girl in the picture?
@Wipqozn That would be me you asshole.
Dammit. The picture didn't one box.
There we go...
I'm not even clicking on that. I know what it is.
My word. I can't counter flag messages on my own posts. How rude.
@GnomeSlice Not trying to be rude, but... You may want to adjust the shading between your eyebrows. As it is currently, it makes you look like you have a unibrow.
I have a bit of a unibrow, to be honest.
Oh my.
It does though doesn't it.
Wow @Tristan, way to rip into the guy.
I did that like two years ago.
@agent86 +1 for the soul in the freehanded circles
It didn't turn out like I was hoping.
My halftoning was really half-assed.
I just stuck one halftone brush on there.
(The orange dots on the right)
How expensive is Photoshop, anyway?
@Tristan one bajillion dollars
@agent86 Pssh... I have that much in change.
@Tristan Depends on your version.
I made that in GIMP. it's hard to draw with a trackpad (and when you have no artistic ability whatsoever)
@Tristan Photoshop Elements is probably the one you'd want.
@Tristan the right answer is "nobody knows because nobody pays for it"
@agent86 Exactly. It shows all the soul you've got.
It's cheaper
I paid for it...
and damn doesn't that piece have soul. It's like you stole it from @TimStone instead.
@GnomeSlice That does look pretty decent.
The fun part of not reading achievements ahead of time is seeing things like "Streaker!" pop up when you talk to an NPC while nude
@Tristan Assuming you're not going to be using it professionally, it's everything you'd need and more.
@badp soul makes me the real winner
@badp Stole my art, or my soul?
@GnomeSlice I wouldn't. A friend of mine wants to me to do the artwork for a webcomic he's putting together, so... Something simple should be fine.
@Tristan Oh, artwork?
@TimStone That only you can know
Elements is great for editing...
although I don't know how much I can trust a suddenly soulless Tim.
Have you considered any illustration software?
I'd have to ask you to draw a freehanded circle afterwards to be sure.
Man, Kaley Cuoco would ruin me.
@GnomeSlice I was looking at Adobe Illustrator.
@Tristan It's much, much more difficult to use, particularly if you're unfamiliar with Vector-based illustration software.
This gravatar of mine took me like a week to figure out, and I'm not sure I could do it again.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, but if it's something I could eventually take to a more professional level, I think it'd be best for me to familiarize myself with it.
Most recent message received through facebook, from a female friend of mine:
> you make regular girls feel horrible about themselves
@Tristan Depends on what kind of art you're doing.
Vector-based software is for print.
and reusability
@badp I'm almost scared to find out
@badp ...Not really.
@GnomeSlice Well you can't really scale up raster images
Vector doesn't lose quality when re-saved, but professional work wouldn't be saved and resaved after completion anyway.
If it is, you just work from the original project file.
@GnomeSlice Again, depends. What if you wanted to make that image poster-sized?
Basically, I want ^ that software.
What if you're designing a logo?
@badp I thought you were talking about reusability.
@badp Vector.
@GnomeSlice Well yeah, you'd be reusing all of your layers for something larger.
@GnomeSlice Yeah. Reusability :)
That's... not the correct terminology.
For once, I know more about something than everyone else here.
And it feels amazing.
Well done
@Tristan you mean like hacker typer except with photoshop?
That wouldn't suck.
Register lookmaimanartist.com and make it happen.
Is Mass Effect 3 coming out on Steam and/or Origin?
Ben's giving away codes and they're not working. I can't guess if it's because I'm using the wrong system or just I'm not fast enough.
@badp I'm pretty sure it's Origin.
I have Origin, I'll try a code if you want. =P
have fun
@agent86 you care for a little Mass Effect 3 rampant speculation?
@badp these are XBL codes, and they probably got used 5 seconds after they were posted
@badp Didn't work on Origin either.
@RavenDreamer regarding?
@agent86 I'm aware of the speed of evaporation
I am such an ass.
I just half-assedly tried a couple in the middle just because
@agent86 Potential endings.
@badp def. xbl codes though. I can use them, but then it tells me they're expired
@RavenDreamer hmm, I think they'll probably win against a reaper invasion, but not totally destroy the threat
@agent86 I felt the motes of potentiality swirling about me, and I felt I had a sudden vision of a possible future.
@RavenDreamer what do you see in your crystal ball?
@agent86 I think that a potential ending will be Shepherd becoming the dominant personality in a new Human Reaper.
I see, I see, I see... a prequel!
@badp ME3 won't be on Steam
@RavenDreamer interesting thought
And a "Human Reaper" is why Cerberus is working with them in the first place. That, or The Illusive Man is indoctrinated.
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, I imagined.
@RavenDreamer that'd be quite a twist. I kind of wonder if shep doesn't have some funky past that will come to light in this chapter
seeing as the collectors have such an interest in him, as does cerberus
I have skipped ME1 and ME2 so I guess I won't have trouble in skipping ME3 too.
Although I think I had played the demo of ME2 and it ran at 6 fps.
@RavenDreamer hey, some of us are working through our ME 1 playthrough atm, spoilers yo :<
Argh, I can't remember the name of a neat web tool I found a while ago for making ribbon art, and it's not even relevant to the conversation any more.
@FallenAngelEyes shall we also avoid telling you how harry potter ends :P
@GnomeSlice <marquee>
Not that kind of ribbon.
@agent86 I've read that, so :P
@GnomeSlice Oh I know. <marquee><blink>
@agent86 I'll tell you how it ends! It ends in order to piss everyone off! >.<
Then you're doing it wrong!
@Tristan ahaha so true
Godammit, what was it called...
@Tristan were people actually pissed off by the ending?
I mean, I guess I can see how it could have been irking to some. I wasn't completely bought by that one chapter.
@badp Not so much by the ending as I was by the last two books in general.
@Tristan I dunno man, the epilogue was pretty lol-worthy
@FallenAngelEyes I'll tell you the same thing I told @spugsley --
It produced stuff like that. I made that using it.
2 hours ago, by Raven Dreamer
Hey, @spugsley, have you read the bible? Here's a spoiler for you: Jesus dies.
Side note, those codes don't work on Steam or Origin
@RavenDreamer I lol'd
@GnomeSlice fractals?
@RavenDreamer Well, I guess I'll just leave chat when ME3 comes out then.
6 mins ago, by agent86
@badp def. xbl codes though. I can use them, but then it tells me they're expired
@RavenDreamer Ribbons.
It basically creates a 'ribbon' that wavers as it animates, and you can control the direction it goes in.
Well... Now I wonder what they're for...
@FallenAngelEyes "I used to come into the Gaming chat. But then I took a spoiler to the knee"
@Tristan frustrating me. They're tweeting more, but they're getting used so fast
This is annoying the hell out of me because I can't find it.
yeah, don't read the backlog @FallenAngelEyes - I spoiled the intro cinematic to ME2 earlier.
@agent86 I wonder if they were unused to begin with! :P
@agent86 I know. x.X I'm trying too.
Would anybody be able to tell the difference?
tweeting or posting codes has got to be the worst way of distributing content.
unless you're promoting the tweeter
you may as well just open a window of the office and throw money out into the street
@badp mostly this just makes me want to punch the tweeter. mission accomplished?
@agent86 Probably.
I certainly didn't follow it because of the codes though
Huh. So a quick perusal of that magic pricing site says that I have like 30 bucks worth of cards in my desk.
And who knows how many more in the folks basement.
Well, I give up.
I can't find the thing I was looking for. =[
oh look, Ben's actually not going to publish anything until the 20th
@Tristan Just watched S2E14. Was awesome. Derpy was awesome. et cetera.
@Wipqozn Outstanding. =3
@agent86 You still around?
This is really pissing me off.
Q: What triggers a "Crystarium Expanded" bonus?

bwarnerEvery once in a while, while levelling up the crystarium for a character or monster, I get a "Crystarium Expanded" message, and am able to choose some special bonus. Do these happen at regular intervals that I can track somehow? How many bonuses is it possible to get for your your characters?

@GnomeSlice ?
I'm still trying to find this ribbon thing even though the relevant discussion is long over.
Ribbon? In a game? I must've missed the entire relevant discussion. lol
Not in a game.
It's a neat webapp for making some cool abstract art.
26 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
user image
Can't remember the name of it though.
I'm getting close, but I'm destroying my browser in the process.
I posted it in my college program's facebook group like 2 years ago.
Scrolling back through all of the posts, my page is starting to go extremely slowly.
Doesn't appear I can interact with it enough to make it go any farther now... =[
I was close, too.

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