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@spugsley we shall see. It might be that others (@RavenDreamer or @Tristan or @Sterno) are already past it though.
@agent86 yeah, maybe. I'll ask them when they are on later
@spugsley Ask a question!
Q: Is this a gaming.SE scrape?

Stephenhttp://b.vniup.com/index.php/gamer/old-racing-multiplayer-browser-game-with-weapons.html compared to Old racing multiplayer browser game with weapons Sure looks like someone scraped g.se without attribution.

Q: Do your Pokemon gain experience when you catch Pokemon?

Ashley NunnIf I am trying to level a Pokemon (Munna, for example), so I wander around and battle lots of wild Pokemon, and then I decide to catch one of these wild Pokemon (because I don't have it yet), will my Munna (or whoever I was using during that battle) still get experience points (EXP) for that batt...

@FallenAngelEyes Okay, that is pretty awesome. Some of the more theoretical stuff (especially the tiniest things) are kinda mind blowing and confusing all at once.
@FallenAngelEyes psh, if only we had a system for asking questions about games... maybe someday we'll develop such technology.
@FallenAngelEyes idk...I don't think it would be a good question. Mostly because I'm not good at wording things :p
@spugsley This is why we can edit it into readability :D
@AshleyNunn I can't play with those things too long or else I start thinking about the enormity of the universe and it kind of breaks my head
@FallenAngelEyes how comforting!
"You can accept an answer just now" .....why yes, that is what I am trying to do
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, same here.
@spugsley Minecraft worlds can get as big as Saturn!
@agent86 really, I'm having a hard time with the sneak system
@FallenAngelEyes Saturn?
@spugsley Yeah. @_@
@spugsley I think you can throw smoke bombs at higher finesse levels. There's also those shadow prism things that apparently distract people
@FallenAngelEyes for some reason, that idea is terrifying
also, you can make a potion to temporarily boost your sneak, if you've got 3-ingredient alchemy
@spugsley I know!
@agent86 I'll try it. Can't hurt. I need to pickpocket some stuff
@AshleyNunn Also, dunno if you saw my message, but I think I did find you on PS3. :)
well, you can do it with 2-ingredient, but it's not as potent.
@spugsley Agreed. MInecraft worlds bigger than the actual world? That is just...creepifying
@FallenAngelEyes Cool. I will take a look when I am home tonight. :D
@agent86 ummm so just fyi, those smoke thingys don't work at all when people are praying. They are serious about their prayer in this game apparently
@AshleyNunn Woo! Do you have a Lemming avatar?
@agent86 but yet they can still see me sneak while praying. This is very puzzling
@Ashley Only in terms of surface area.
@spugsley they're meditating, and astral-projecting onto a higher plane of existence. they are uber-observant.
@RonanForman Still! That's HUGE.
@agent86 yes. It's quite complex
@FallenAngelEyes Yes. :) I chose it because it was cute. And yes, you did find me :D
It's so much smaller in terms of volume.
@AshleyNunn Yay! I'm not on super often either and I've never done chat on there at all but uh... we can compare trophies :D?
@FallenAngelEyes grins That sounds like....soul crushing fun as I see just how inferior I am.... ;)
@agent86 OMG I GOT IT
@AshleyNunn If you want soul crushing fun, you could get Demon's Souls, hehe.
@FallenAngelEyes laughs
(actually, I don't think it'd be quite your type of game, but it's the first thing that comes to mind when I hear "soul crushing fun")
@FallenAngelEyes grins I have mostly just played Katamari, Mini Ninjas, and Sonic Racing (which is really hard to get used to if you are more used to playing Mario Kart - the default controls feel very different!)
@AshleyNunn I have Katamari too :D
@FallenAngelEyes It is one of my most favourite games. I played the 360 one, then was like OMG want a PS3. Must have MOAR Katamari!
@spugsley I'm sure my advice and calming presence were essential, so, you're welcome.
@AshleyNunn Haha, I love it too. I have the first 2 on PS2, the 360 version, and also the PS3 one now.
@FallenAngelEyes I also tried it on the iPhone, but I hated it - the controls were very, very tricky.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, that's the reason I never picked it up on PSP
No dual analog sticks for controls is eeergh.
@agent86 I think the fact that I got to complain is what did it. But believe what you will :p
ugh, wordpress. you don't realize how easy markdown is until you have to use something else.
@spugsley well, I choose to believe in a world where my contributions are essential to everyone's lives.
@FallenAngelEyes Yes. This sums up my feelings as well.
what would happen if I decided not to log into the internets today? You'd probably all die. So, you're welcome, internet! :P
@agent86 Thank you for ensuring my continued survival.
@spugsley There's an answer on my failing quests question.
@AshleyNunn it's the least I could do, citizen of the interwebs!
@agent86 You deserve a parade, or something. XD
@AshleyNunn deserve is kind of a strong word. Appropriate in this case, but strong, like me.
@AshleyNunn Can't remember, is there any online multiplayer component in PS3's Katamari?
@Tristan I actually cackled when I read that. What happened to not locking players out of quests? That's a huge lock-out not being able to complete an extire freaking quest line
@FallenAngelEyes I don't remember off the top of my head if it was multiplayer, or just "see who has the biggest Katamari".
@spugsley I agree. Sounds like a pretty poor mechanic to me.
@Tristan I don't care quite that much because that's how most games are (with decisions and what not), but don't go around saying things that aren't true just to up your sales or whatever reason
@FallenAngelEyes There was in the X360 version, but it was kinda lame
@FallenAngelEyes Okay, some brief research says there's not - just offline multiplayer and online leaderboards :(
@Tristan more importantly, that's pretty misleading to say. Lots of people might decide to do that thinking they won't be locked out of future quests from that faction. But then they are.
@spugsley Yep. Then they'll have a lot of pissed off fans. =\
@Tristan Minecraft 1.2 will make the secret project a lot better :)
@OrigamiRobot When does that launch?
@Tristan No date yet. "Likely in February."
Oh. Cool.
man, the only thing that bums me out about Mass Effect 3 is that if I play it real early, I won't know what decisions will screw up the game. I guess I could always save often and drop back if I screw it up, but I'm such a completionist, hrm
@AshleyNunn Aw :(
@agent86 Just use a new save slot for every decision you have to make.
@GraceNote That'll be rough if like the last two, you can't name your saved games
@Sterno I hate that. hate it.
Because that's what I usually do. Have a save and label it wherever it is.
@FallenAngelEyes I blame consoles!
@Sterno This is why I can't really play RPGs like that on console. I'm one of those compulsive quicksavers.
@Sterno I didn't have much issue with it in Fate/Extra, and you can't name saves. Helps that it tells you what in-game day and what time it is, though
@agent86 Of course, to be a true completionist, you'll have to redo all sorts of decisions in ME1 and ME2, too. "What if I let Mordin die?" "What if I shoot Wrex in his stupid face?"
@agent86 My biggest prob there is I replay games so very little that I want to try to get as much as possible in the first playthrough :(
@FallenAngelEyes I resorted to watching YouTube for all the stuff I missed
@Sterno Haha yeah I forget there's that option nowdays
most of the searches on ME are maleShep though and I play femShep so it's weird to see someone else's character/gender
okay. I have this brilliant idea. A game...where there isn't an inventory limit. Who's with me!?!?
@agent86 is it possible to get yourself in that kind of corner in the ME games?
have choices that doom you to dead ends?
@FallenAngelEyes I recently watched the "Femshep is a bitch" video on youtube, which was a collection of awesome renegade Femshep clips. I play male paragon, so it was a pretty big difference. Good times
@spugsley I was really hoping the junk bag would be like the Junk Bag in Avadon. Avadon's is pretty much the same, except it holds UNLIMITED ITEMS
@Sterno a junk bag shouldn't be part of your inventory. It should be the crap that you don't want.
@spugsley It's another case where I blame consoles and their memory limitations!
@Sterno I seriously run out of space within minutes of selling stuff
@spugsley Yeah. I had to start getting aggressive about selling off potions. All the different potion types, if left unchecked, take up like 30 inventory slots
@Sterno yup. I just drank about 15 of them to free up space while in a cave
@badp In ME2, there is. Not so much in ME1.
@spugsley Physics isn't.
I want an RPG to implement the D&D Potion Miscibility charts. Sometimes when you drink too many different potions at once, zany things happen (like you change gender, or explode!)
@ArdaXi I give zero fucks about Physics!
@Sterno ugh
how does the game handle that situation then
@spugsley There's no escaping reason, no denying physics, for as we both know, without physics we would not exist. It is physics that created us, physics that connects us, physics that pulls us, that guides us, that drives us, that binds us, it is physics that defines us. I'm here to take what you tried to take from me. Physics!
@badp Well, depends what you mean by "dead end". You can lock yourself out of quests. You can also get the game to a point where your death is inevitable in the end. But you're never just stuck alive with nowhere to go
@badp Particuarly in ME2, choices you make throughout the game lead up to which of your crew survives, and if not enough of them survive, you "win" but die too
I see, you still get an ending then
it might just be the bad ending
turns out mlptf2mods.com is a thing
I don't even want to look at it
I've been noticing some really disturbing behaviour in my left hand recently.
@GnomeSlice You say the most interesting things.
@GnomeSlice That sounds like a personal problem.
I think I'm starting to develop arthritis.
My fourth finger has been in pain for about three weeks straight. It used to go away, this time it hasn't.
But the odd part is that when I make a fist and then open my hand now, my fourth finger doesn't open with the rest of my fingers.
It 'sticks' closed and then jumps open once the rest of my hand is nearly extended.
My wife is a doctor and said it's called "trigger finger", and to google it
(no, I'm not joking)
I didn't think you were.
:For the Belgian band, see Triggerfinger. "Trigger finger" can also mean the finger which is used to operate the trigger of a gun or of a power tool. Trigger finger, trigger thumb, or trigger digit, is a common disorder of later adulthood characterized by catching, snapping or locking of the involved finger flexor tendon, associated with dysfunction and pain. A disparity in size between the flexor tendon and the surrounding retinacular pulley system, most commonly at the level of the first annular (A1) pulley, results in difficulty flexing or extending the finger and the “triggering” phen...
A quick skim of the Google results sounds exactly like what's happening to me. Does she know what age it normally appears in?
Because I'm only 20.
I mean 19.
Er... one of those.
@GnomeSlice Err...
> Several series found the peak incidence of trigger digit to be in individuals aged 55-60 years. Age distribution has not changed significantly despite an increase in computing activities and repetitive tasks.
She says that's not uncommon. It's a repetitive motion injury.
@Sterno Likely caused by my tourettes then.
One of my tics involves cracking knuckles.
Which is why I think it's sore.
Weird that it's just the one finger though.
@GnomeSlice You don't know how old you are?
@GnomeSlice Cracking knuckles has no long-term medical effects.
Come to think of it, I think I have this in my neck too.
At least, nothing that's ever been scientifically proven.
@Wipqozn 19 is the age that seems to last forever, if you ask me. I'm amazed I'm not 20 yet.
@Origami why'd you pop ingame then out again?
You guys are all oooold.
@ArdaXi Are you sure about that? There's a fluid between your joints that wears away every time you do it.
@FallenAngelEyes I accidentally closed the chat room
@GnomeSlice Yeah, just like every time you get hot there's fluid in your skin that wears away.
It's no big deal.
The sound made when cracking joints is small amounts of 'air' escaping from them, therefore causing the bones to collide.
@ArdaXi I know. BEfore long I'll be yelling at kids to get off my lawn.
If you do it enough times, it damages the bone.
@GnomeSlice Hahahaha, oh, to think that you'll ever get conditions relegated to your age class, hyahyahyahyahyahyahyahyahya
@GraceNote ...What?
@GnomeSlice "The common advice that "cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis" is not supported by any evidence. A recent study examined the hand radiographs of 215 people (aged 50 to 89) and compared the joints of those who regularly cracked their knuckles to those who did not.[5] The study concluded that knuckle-cracking did not cause hand osteoarthritis, no matter how many years or how often a person cracked their knuckles.[5] An earlier study also concluded that there was no increased preponderance of arthritis of the hand of chronic knuckle-crackers; however, habitual knuckle-cracker
@AshleyNunn I certainly have the swelling and the lower grip strength.
Correlation does not imply causation.
Q: Is popping your knuckles bad for you?

Peter OlsonI pop my knuckles fairly frequently, and I have been told on several occasions that doing so is bad for your joints. Is this true? Have there been any medical studies on this?

@GnomeSlice So you might have arthritis, but it probably has nothing to do with the knucle cracking
Whatever, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't try to argue with me about this kind of shit, whatever is happening, it's not fun, and it's directly related to a disability.
@GnomeSlice There's an SE site for that ;-) skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/1325/…
I can tell you for a fact that there has been a gigantic change in the way my joints behave since I started getting the joint-cracking tics.
I used to not be able to crack my neck at all.
Now I can hear the bones grinding/shifting when I so much as turn my head.
It's been years, and no, I'm not imagining it.
@GnomeSlice You'll want to ask a doctor. We can't do anything with anecdotal evidence.
@ArdaXi This.
@ArdaXi Good thing I wasn't asking you then.
@GnomeSlice that is so very cool :) ... go see a doctor
@GnomeSlice @ArdaXi is just trying to help.
@GnomeSlice We means anyone who isn't a doctor, which to my knowledge is everyone in this room. Especially since even if anyone is a doctor, they don't have you in front of them and don't know your history.
@ArdaXi Sterno's wife is a doctor
@GraceNote Which is why I put in the second sentence.
@ArdaXi I didn't ask anyone in the room... I only posted one question to @Sterno's wife, because he said she was a doctor, and she seemed to know a bit about it.
(Which I recall as a launching point for part of this discussion)
For fuck's sake.
@GraceNote I'm just saying, it's not a very good idea to get medical advice from someone who doesn't have the full picture.
@ArdaXi Which I don't think was actually what was requested, to be honest, but at the same time, you didn't actually jump on @GnomeSlice.
It's true, she hates giving out medical advice on the internet. That's why she basically just said the name and "google it"
@Sterno gogo gadget liability
@GraceNote In terms of medical issues, anything but "go see a doctor" can be potentially dangerous, especially if other disorders are involved.
@spugsley I SO do not fucking understand the layout of these zones in KOA. Your map was dead on.
@ArdaXi I'm not really interested in continuing this tangent, though.
@GraceNote Fair enough. Just trying to explain why I reacted this way's all.
Randomly: ' Physicists have come up with an equation that explains and predicts the shape of a ponytail.

The report in Physical Review Letters journal could help scientists better understand natural materials, such as wool and fur."
@GnomeSlice conclusion - next time, use a private chatroom :)
Seriously? This was science-d?
@AshleyNunn ...huh
@ArdaXi I wasn't asking for medical advice.
@Oak We don't offer such a service and, still technically speaking, he didn't actually ask for advice.
No, I did not.
@GraceNote really? I opened private chat rooms before
This is why I act like an idiot all the time. Otherwise, people just argue with me.
But I mean, it's not here
Nobody disagrees that I'm an idiot.
I mean, I guess others could have joined
@FallenAngelEyes Somedays, I want to be a scientist so I can study something off the wall like that.
Q: Is there any reason to keep lower-tier ships equipped?

Allen GouldI just reached level 30 (unlocking my Tier 4 ship), and noticed that some of my Tier 3 ship's equipment is better than the defaults, and that I'd yet to encounter a reason to go back to any of my older ships. Is there any reason I would need to use my old Heavy Cruiser, or am I safe stripping i...

Q: Can other mobs spawn in the vicinity of a mob spawner?

pfyonI have a simple experience farm with a zombie spawner (water pushes the zombies into a trench where I can beat them to death). I'm wondering if any other mobs can spawn in the dark room that contains the zombie spawner, or is it some sort of exclusion area for other mobs? I'm mostly worried abou...

@AshleyNunn haha
@Oak Private chats are a mod-only feature, and we were told a while ago that we should only use them for moderation duties, not for anything else.
@GnomeSlice I don't think you're an idiot.
Well obviously I need to try harder.
That's supposed to be a good thing, generally speaking.
Sure, it means you're susceptible to the common cold, but it is a good thing all other points considered.
@Sterno I know, right?!?!?! It's completely nonsensical!
Idiots can't get the cold?
It's a common superstition that idiots don't catch colds.
Common to some cultures, at least.
@ArdaXi Anyway, I don't think I'm just cracking the joints, either.
I'm doing something to the tendons.
That's a different matter.
It also sounds pretty painful
For instance, when I do my neck-cracking tic, one of the loudest sounds actually comes from the left side of my throat, and I'm pretty sure there's a gigantic tendon there.
@GraceNote It can be. Particularly after many, many repetitions.
My jaw is getting to be the most painful.
I have something that might be called a joint issue, too, but I'm not too keen in talking much about it.
I hate reading blogs that center all of their text, and have random line breaks. (Baking related blogs are bad for this) - it looks like terrible free verse poetry.
@Wipqozn That is an awesome card.
@spugsley It's all like, "Go southeast for main quests. Run through 4 zones you haven't even explored yet to the NE for faction quests!" GRRRR. ARRRRGH
Not to mention the fact that my loud snorting tic that was gone for years has now come back.
Chicks love that shit.
@FallenAngelEyes this is my problem. I rarely replay games :(
@Sterno Yeah, it's incredibly frustrating. I decided to go to the plains before the desert (where the main quest is). I don't know if it's the right decision of not though :/
@badp you can get people permanently killed, yeah
@spugsley I haven't touched the traveler's quests, sorry
@spugsley I've googled around and a lot of people want a zone map. I'd probably make one if there was a reliable way of figuring out what level the monsters in a zone are
@agent86 can you get permanently killed? And if so, I assume that means you couldn't import your data into ME3, because you are dead? (Or, you play the shortest, boringest game ever...)
@RavenDreamer no problem. I actually figured it out. It was infuriating
@AshleyNunn Yes. ME2 has a "bad" ending where Commander Shepherd dies.
I did find some Lorestone maps though
@spugsley Oh?
@Sterno I'd love to see that happen. Where I am makes sense for my level, but the few things I fought in the desert makes sense too...I dunno. It's just weird
@RavenDreamer just a matter of shitty mechanics. The sneak is unreliable and that's not good for pickpocketing stuff
@spugsley Stealth has boiled down to, "Can I blink in and get a backstab before they see me? y = tons of damage n = meh. no big deal."
@AshleyNunn I don't know how being dead works, but you can get companions permanently killed, in the final mission especially
and I think those deaths stay
@agent86 Nifty. I played a little of ME1, but found it very, very hard. :( But it is a fun game to watch other people play. :)
@RavenDreamer excellently explained
@Tristan While nice, that edit still doesn't answer the second half of my question.
Just beat XIII-2...I want to scream right now.
but you also kind of die at the start of me2, and then get reincarnated, which is kind of weird.
@agent86 "Mostly dead".
@agent86 That is kinda weird.
@Kotsu No spoilers. D:
@agent86 as opposed to "Mostly dead and your body is stuck in a black hole near the center of the galaxy"
@RavenDreamer he seemed pretty darn dead to me
@Kotsu Joy, pain, frustration? Let it all out.
@Ullallulloo I highly suggest getting to the final battle and then proceeding to eject your disk.
Oh, god.
Twitter changed.
@Kotsu Oh, you mean it's really hard?
Link that to @agent86, not me!
Has to do with the story.
@Kotsu Okay, then do not elaborate.
@RavenDreamer That happened to me a week ago. :P
@RavenDreamer 100% Anger >:(
@RavenDreamer @agent86 @Sterno well, the Traveler's quest line just got pretty interesting. I'm pleased.
Q: How can I reduce the number of angry passengers at a stop?

victoriahIt seems on so many of my routes I'll get 1-2 stops that have 100+ angry passengers waiting at them. At some point adding more vehicles doesn't do any good, as they get too congested and end up causing long queues. What are some other tactics for reducing the queue size?

@RavenDreamer jeez man, do I have to spell out every princess bride reference for you? wtf.
@spugsley The House of Ballads seems pretty "meh" so far.
@spugsley I'm still on my way to the far NE to talk to whoever is up there
@spugsley does it turn out that the heirophant is actually andre the giant?
@RavenDreamer It is pretty bleh all the way through and then at the end it's like BAM ridiculous fight
@spugsley ridiculawesome? Or Ridiculhard.
@RavenDreamer well, I had to turn down the difficulty to get through it. I tried about 20 times before I had enough. I don't think I was the right level though, honestly
Baaah... I picked up inFamous 2 yesterday and was reminded of the user-made missions in it. They show up as green dots on map it seems... Well, silly me, figure I'll just finish the ones it gave me and move on with the story line. 3-4 missions later and there are TONS more green dots than when I started X_X I dunno wether to keep pursuing the green dots or not...
@agent86 geez spoiler alert
@spugsley Chakrams make everything easy
@Sterno yes, yes indeed. I didn't start using them until recently but that fight would have gone much smoother if I was then
@spugsley for ME2? the whole thing practically happens in the intro video to that game.
@spugsley I'm still looking for a mob 4 levels above me to fight for the achievement.
@RavenDreamer there's an achievement for that?! How specific...
I should probably just keep heading east.
@spugsley 4 or more
I need to do that too. I sure thought I'd fought some nasty high level monsters already though
@agent86 no, about Andre the Giant. That's a huge spoiler
@spugsley you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Hey, @spugsley, have you read the bible? Here's a spoiler for you: Jesus dies.
Le gasp!
@RavenDreamer But just like Superman, he comes back!
@RavenDreamer OH MAN, I just got through that whole chapter where everybody begats. now the whole thing is totally ruined.
@agent86 Begat and begat again.
@agent86 lol why?
Ugh. Today is not my day.
@agent86 OHHHHH. I need to watch that movie again. I just got that (after @IanPugsley explained it, of course)
@Sterno he comes back as two alternate energy versions of himself and also a black guy?
As if it's not bad enough that my fancy equipment for work broke today and I can't fix it till Thursday, now I appear to have broken my parents washing machine as well.
@RavenDreamer I know. I was just lending a hand with providing source for the first part. I haven't even found an answer to the second part.
okay, dinner, bbl
I'm finding that Lockpicking is a complete waste of skill points in KOA.
@Kotsu I've heard similar rage and also heard tell that there's DLC for more like, actual ending. Is this true?
@Tristan Epic gems.
@FallenAngelEyes Not yet, at least.
this might be a dumb question but are Chakrams considered range?? or magic??
@spugsley for what talent?
They're in the Magical tree
@RavenDreamer ummmm just attacking regularly
@RavenDreamer oh yeah. They are under sorcery
They deal physical damage and elemental damage, IIRC
Well, they're in the magic tree. But I'm not sure which +% (ranged or magic) bonus helps them
Fun fact - they count as edged weapons too.
(For the Poison'd Edges talent)
@RavenDreamer Does that mean I can apply poison to them? Yay!
This daggers/chakrams build is looking better and better
@Sterno I was confused why Boggarts were resisting my flaming chakrams.
Then I saw I was poisoning them too
Chakrams seem seriously ridiculous though. No other weapons I've tried have even come close
@Sterno Daggers have the auto-crit, though.
@Sterno yeah, I frequently do over 250 damage per hit now. It's insane crazy
I use daggers for sneak attack or single targets I don't mind getting close to. Chakrams are EVERYTHING ELSE. And even then, I really feel like all I'm doing is throwing daggers a bone since I spent ability points on them

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