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in case you're into alchemy:
A: Do plants grow back in Kingdoms of Amalur?

agent86I've tried a few things that do not cause plants to respawn: Saving and loading Fast travel between two locations (ie, changing zones) There's a timer for it, to be sure. I picked a Black Cohosh plant near the first town, and checked on it periodically as I ran other quests in the game. I e...

Q: Why does Lydia's Weapon glow?

EnderWhen I first got Lydia I immidiatly equipped her with the Axe of Whiterun. Since the axe is enchanted, when it glowed in her hand I thought nothing of it. I've recently given her an unenchanted warhammer that out dps's the Axe of Whiterun. No biggy. Except the warhammer also glows in her hands. T...

Q: I'm breaking blocks faster than normal, is this a bug?

EnderI've noticed that if I stand just within max range of reaching a block, my tools will break it faster than normal. Is this a bug of some sort, or an intended mechanic? (by just within range I'm about 1\4 of a block, no more, from being out of range of reaching the block)

I'm itching to try the new Jagged Alliance. Kind of surprised I haven't seen any questions about it yet
hey guys....soooooo I just asked a question but I had a really hard time wording what I was trying to say. Help plox?
@spugsley I understand your question. I'm having similar issues. As I run off doing factions or side quests, I find that some zones, when I get to them, I'm now way over-leveled for
Unfortunately, I have no answer. I'm just as confused
@spugsley I've just been doing whatever I can in an area before I move on for the most part
and liberally abusing fast travel if I need to revisit old areas to wrap something up
@Sterno Exactly! It's a bit infuriating because it's generally not how I game. I was hoping there's some method...somewhere
I did find out the game is pretty cool about awarding you credit for quests you don't have yet. I just got a "Kill 5 trolls in this area" quest and upon picking it up, already had 4 of 5 killed
we were just talking about the crazy number of quests there are...
@Sterno @agent86 but you guys understand what I'm asking? I don't want to confuse people
@Sterno ugh, that quest. I almost posted a question about it, because those trolls kicked my butt up and down the mountain
@spugsley Yes.
I think it makes sense.
okay, great
Maybe there's a map out there someone made that says the level ranges of the zones. That might be a good help to plan questing
I kind of wish I could figure out what the value of an item in my inventory is
Even then, it doesn't always work though. I can be in a zone filled with grey mobs, and then I do my quest there and the 3 quest mobs are yellow.
ie, without going to a shop
sometimes I have to destroy something and I'm wondering "what's the cheapest piece of junk I have?"
@Sterno that would be excellent. If that doesn't exist by the time I finish the game, I want to make one. It would be so helpful
@agent86 You can in a round-about way once you get the mercantilism feat that lets you destroy things for 15% or 30% or whatever. You can start to destroy it, look at the value, and then stop. Not really worth the trouble though, probably :P
@agent86 absolutely. I hope that will get patched in. Seems like an overlooked minute detail
@agent86 but an important one, that is
er, feat = high enough skill
While we're talking about KOA, does anyone else want to punch their monitor every time you touch a lorestone with that old dude with a bad accent talking while a harp or something plays in the background?
I hate that guy.
I hope I get to meet him and murder him.
and in the game
I love faction quests. Mores o then any main quest. In Skyrim, I've played 100 hours and I've still not started the main quest. So I kind want to just do all the faction quests....ughhh
@Sterno yessssssssss. I really want to punch him in the face. He's horrible
@Sterno also, I think you have the highest answer right now. What are you going to pick if you win? :)
I try not to think about it so I don't get disappointed when I lose. :)
hahaha I'm doing the same thing. It's soooo close between me and @RavenDreamer
Yeah, I've been watching that race. Exciting!
Someone else, Stephen I think had a good answer only a vote or two behind mine. I forget which question, though.
I guess it would be the Vita if I won. My wife would look at that chair and say "get that thing out of the house" :P
I'm fairly sure I'm nowhere close to you guys :)
I have answered a pitiful number of KoA questions, and most of mine have not been popular view-wise
Honestly, I'm just happy with the rep. I've gone up like 33% from this game.
yeah, I'm thinking Vita too. I'm mainly just happy about getting more views. I'm already in the top 5 on the site (supposedly)...but I want to be number 1 (yeah right)
my apartment is way too small for that chair. Though it is neat
Q: Is there a relationship between the faction quests and main quest?

spugsleyAs I'm playing a game, I like to finish all the side quests in one region before I move to the next for the main quest. Unfortunately, this is slightly problematic in KoA. I started the main quest and faction quests in Dalentarth, then the main quest wanted me to move on to Detyre while the next ...

@agent86 I'm surprised you're not winning. You've answered so many questions
He needs more freehand circles!
@Sterno yup, that's the trick! My latest has freehand circles, lines, and gasp words.
@spugsley well, I can't take fancy screenshots from my xbox :(
@agent86 so sad :( I love fancy screenshots
@spugsley indeed! the steam version certainly has it's advantages. I don't particularly want to win anyhow. I got the game for free, and I'll probably end up with mass effect 3 for free as well. that's a pretty good prize, imho
@agent86 that's a nice attitude to have :)
someone else would probably enjoy a vita more than I. A 3DS I'd probably use though
@spugsley I'm hoping I win something in the stack api v2 contest. that would be cool.
@agent86 what contest is that?
Definitely looking forward to ME3
Posted by Kevin Montrose on December 26th, 2011

More than a year and a half ago we unveiled the first version of the Stack Exchange API to the wider world.  Since then we’ve had a minor point release, improved app and script listing, and shared some statistics about the consumers of our API.

I’ve been pretty pleased with version 1.1, stackexchange.com and our chat software make extensive use of it, there are a good number of useful applications listed, and a couple of parties are pulling interesting statistics out using it.  It’s been a success, but the shine’s definitely come off; there are some use cases we didn’t support, some missing features, and just some plain-old mistakes. …

@Sterno yesyesyesss!
@Sterno I need still need to play ME 1 and 2...
@spugsley Do it!
@Sterno I will! (Eventually)
I somehow missed the townhall chat digest until now
I have no idea who to vote for as mod, but I'd vote @LessPopMoreFizz best questioner in a heartbeat :P
@spugsley If by "close" you mean, "My question has maintained its 200 view lead for a full week now", then, yes...
KOA really needs some run-speed gear
A: Is there an auto-run key?

Raven DreamerYou can change the run key from the default "press and hold" to a "push once to toggle" option. For whatever reason, in the time between the demo and the full game, the default was changed from the latter to the former (Needless to say, it was the first thing I changed back). There doesn't see...

Other'n that? I got nothing.
@RavenDreamer I was very thankful for that, but yeah, I meant more.
I'm more bothered that the blink that replaces the dodge roll for mystic classes is slower than the dodge roll.
@RavenDreamer Actually, the best thing so far was your comment that you can roll while stealthed
@agent86 I think this has probably got one of those prizes tied down if it gets released in time.
Jeff tweeted about it the other day, it looks pretty damn cool.
Q: Do traps improve when you level the ability after you place them?

OrigamiRobotFor example, if I I place a Yordle Snap Trap and then put a point into that ability, will the placed snap trap benefit from the higher level?

Q: Is it possible to disarm or safely set off traps that I can see on the ground?

Jeff MercadoIn some areas there are traps that I can clearly see on the ground. Yep, I see you... I want to disarm or set them off safely but I can't (that way I don't accidentally walk into them the next time I'm in the area). All of these I've tried does nothing and provides no options and usually just...

Actually, that reminds me. I have half an AREL-like library written for API 2.0
Could probably get it polished off tonight
I thought this chatroom was about LASER physics... ha!
@RavenDreamer I wanted to ask your opinion about that zoom question you put the bounty on. Do you think I should just accept that awesome, very-researched answer or leave it open to see if anything else comes about?
Someone else who spells lasers correctly!
Lasers are cool
Not lazers, though. Those are decidedly un-cool.
Oh bollocks, I think TM just crashed.
or maybe not.
@Oak I think you have that backwards.
Lazers are the coolest of cool.
8 levels later, I still haven't found daggers even close to Shine & Shadow
Lasers, while they may be hot, are decidedly uncool.
@Sterno have you tried to build some? I built these amazing fae blades and they are WAY better than anything I've picked up
Solitaire really is an excellent guitar piece.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How's life?
More impressive live though.
@Mana Life is okay I guess. It would be better if my spine weren't engaged in open revolt.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Woah geez.
So I am eating popcorn and listening to childish gambino while I wait for painkillers to kick in. :(
@spugsley Accept it. It deserves more upvotes. Hence the bounty.
Any LoL players around?
I could use some help testing an answer.
oops, nevermind.
@RavenDreamer I agree, it definitely deserves more upvotes.
@spugsley No, I've been neglecting crafting skills in favor of more passive ones.
I tried that widescreen fix and I couldn't get it to not look ridiculous for me. Kept doing crazy stretching on the right and left
@Sterno crafting in this game is ridiculous. I almost feel bad for how much damage I do. Almost.
@spugsley I guess I should respec, craft some awesome weapons, and then respec back to how I am :P
@Sterno same here. But I'm glad it worked for some people. I'm honestly getting kind of used to it now though I loathed it at first
@Sterno if you have the coin, that's definitely the way to go :) I have 350,000 gold, still no idea what to do with it lol
@spugsley I probably should then. It takes me forever to kill things right now
Then I can go visit the trainers too
@Sterno I'd get it high enough to socket gems during the blacksmithing process.
@spugsley Repair with it. Oh god repairing is expensive in this game.
Well, just respecced and picked up another +4 in skills from trainers. Yay!
@RavenDreamer the most expensive thing is curing diseases. I had like....nine diseases at once. It was ridiculous. Cost me about 15,000 gold to cure
@spugsley Ah yes. Those too.
I ragequit because an Ettin Shaman one-shot me with his special lightning attack, on account of my "50% more lightning damage" curse.
@RavenDreamer hahahaha. Yeah, this game doesn't play around when it comes to curses and diseases
hrm, that's odd.
Q: When and how are Binding of Isaac floors generated?

IncognitoI guess it's based on random number generator, but when the engine generates new floor? Just before entering the trapdoor, during the animation or during the cutscene? Or maybe are all floors generated at the beginning? Same thing goes for items in item rooms and shops. Are they based on frame nu...

Q: Does running from wild Pokemon increase the amount of times wild Pokemon appear?

Ashley NunnIt always feels like if I run away from a couple of battles in a row with wild Pokemon, then I end up having to battle wild Pokemon every few steps, whereas if I just battle them and get it over with, I might not battle another for quite a while. Is there actually a relationship between running ...

So, apparently two out of my eight classes which all inherit from the same base class where inspect is defined don't support inspect.
@spugsley There was a problem with my plan. I dont' actually have materials to craft good daggers because I haven't salvaged anything!
@spugsley Listen, if Curt Schilling can pitch with a bloody sock, you can fight an ettin with a +50% more lightning damage curse and 9 other miscellaneous diseases!
@ThomasMcDonald it looks quite polished, but I don't really understand why that particular division of information is useful.
@CruelCow Aww, shucks, thanks I guess?
@LessPop_MoreFizz You mean me, not Spugs.
And I did.
@agent86 aye. It looks impressive though.
I just ragequit the first time.
@RavenDreamer Both of ya.
@ThomasMcDonald yeah. shine counts for quite a bit, and I personally suck at it :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Are you playing your "crotchety old-timer" card?
I'm a coder, and not a graphic designer
So it turns out this library was less finished than I thought it was
plus there's all sorts of Ruby mojombo going on here
@ThomasMcDonald :(
mojombo doesn't sound good
Ah, today was Game on, wasn't it.
  inspected_associations = association_collector.select { |k, v| v != nil }.collect { |k, v| "@#{k}=#<#{v.class}:#{v.object_id}>" }.join(", ")
@RavenDreamer Yes.
@agent86 ^ that.
appears to be causing some problems
@RavenDreamer Did you see this?
> The new and vastly improved ‘Hue to Chest’ system launches with Game Update 1.2 and there are more customization and quality of life improvements along those lines hot on its heels.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Er. I need more context.
@ThomasMcDonald code like this makes me a sad panda
@RavenDreamer It was a beta SWTOR feature that got scrapped and is coming back
it matches the color scheme of all your gear to the color scheme of your chestpiece
@LessPop_MoreFizz What did it do?
I'm sure it's perfectly valid, but trying to do that in a single line with no comments makes me a little nutty
That sounds neat.
That sounds incredible.
@RavenDreamer No more clownsuits!
@agent86 It's from the base class, so it's about as abstract as it gets.
Now if only there was a working database of armor pictures.
hrm. I can read it without comments though
@RavenDreamer 1) TORHeads screenshot library is improving.
@ThomasMcDonald I don't know any ruby, so it looks fairly gibberishy to me.
(View in 3D links.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh they finally have that back in? Nice.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aside from the fact that they're the male and republic versions of the items only...
@RavenDreamer There's a dropdown to switch male/female...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, it doesn't actually do anything right now.
@agent86 from the associations defined on the class select those where the value of the association is not nil, collect an array of strings with some interpolated values and delimit them with commas. fun.
@ThomasMcDonald yeah. sure. sounds perfectly reasonable!
Q: How can I get past World 3-10?

Doozer BlakeI'm having trouble getting past the last portion of World 3-10 in Scribblenauts Remix. I've managed to get the man and his dog past the first 2 areas with a heavy bridge, and a long bridge, but the last portion with a gap over fire has me stumped. The hint refers to fire-resistant. I've tried va...

@RavenDreamer oic.
@LessPopMoreFizz More importantly:
> Show Cooldown Text: This option, when selected, will show the time remaining on a cooldown as an overlay on the ability icon.
@RavenDreamer Yup!
By the way
Do you have the level 50 cybertech speeder?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Awesome for weapons, however.
@RavenDreamer I do.
Do you know off hand what color it is?
@RavenDreamer Red
@LessPop_MoreFizz The red ones go faster. Right. Makes sense.
@RavenDreamer If you feel like logging in, I can show you
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not an option at the moment.
Though apparently new races are in the pipe too? I'm betting Togruta, possibly Nautiloid.
Well, "New" races that "already exist in the game".
My mind is blown.
TIL you can launch IRB sessions within IRB sessions, which is confusing at best.
@LessPopMoreFizz Honestly, (and this might be the best plan for me, personally as well) I think it might be worthwhile to not play for 3 months and let bioware crank out some more content.
@GnomeSlice The one flaw of course, being that Dexter should never, never, never, ever date DeeDee.
@RavenDreamer Yay, Science!
@RavenDreamer Yes, I noticed that too.
I don't think I have a good ear for Timbre.
@RavenDreamer Trying to learn synthesizers, are we?
@GnomeSlice I played aroudn in Musagi for quite some time last night.
Aaaaand I didn'tmake much progress in making decently different sounding instruments.
Hold on, let me take a photo of my music setup.
@RavenDreamer That's normal.
I still haven't made much progress either.
@RavenDreamer Mousing over the various adjustments gives you tooltips.
Also, check out some of the demo songs, and look at the instruments.
Gives you a good starting point for how to make a certain kind of sound.
@RavenDreamer That is basically my plan after my Powertech gets to 50
@RavenDreamer I may do a once-per-week raid thing and never log on other than that.
@RavenDreamer Also, you should check out the demo of FL Studio. It's fully featured, but you can't load saved projects. So if you just want to use the internal or external soft-synths to figure out how to make sounds you want, it would be perfect for you.
@GnomeSlice I have acces to my brother's copy of FL studio, actually.
I'll check into it.
It was on sale until the end of Janurary.
For like $120 off.
@RavenDreamer Also check into "Reaper". It's got a 30 day trial, but once the time runs out you can continue to use it, and it's fully featured.
It's silly, really.
That took longer to rearchitect than I thought
@GnomeSlice looks a lot like the desk that me and @IanPugsley built, minus the musical instruments :)
@spugsley you mean "@IanPugsley and I" :P
@OrigamiRobot ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
To give everyone context, @spugsley is an English major. :D
@OrigamiRobot fyi, I've been learning in my upper-level grammar course that it's not really 'standard' English anymore :p
I am a hero
random question: if someone asked you the question, "Did you drop peanut butter on your keyboard?", would you laugh?
@spugsley Did you tickle the kitten?
Q: What set of opening character parameters will give the easiest max level without accidental levels?

corsiKaI would like to build an Oblivion character that has perfect leveling with a 5/5/1, as I like to increase luck too. What is a build that will allow me to do this without really worrying too much about accidentally leveling a skill (for example it's easy to accidentally level athletics or if you'r...

Q: What is a lorestone for?

MarceloI found a lorestone and am under the impression that I got some xp off of activating it. It also said that I can get more benefits when I find a set of lorestones. What type of benefits do I get from lorestones? Is this another must catch them all for min-maxers?

Q: Which Oblivion house will give me the fastest time from fast travel to chests?

corsiKaPretty straightforward question. Of all the Oblivion houses available to me, which is going to give me the shortest time from when I fast travel to when I have at least 3 safe chests? Right now I'm using the Imperial City because it's cheap and relatively close to a fast travel location (The Wat...

@RavenDreamer omg, what does that mean? O_o
@spugsley That means I misread your previous question.
I thought it was: "If someone asks you a random question, would you laugh?"
So I asked you a random question to see if you'd laugh.
@RavenDreamer there's a permanent bonus from lorestones????
@spugsley Yes. It'll show up if you select one of the sets.
that's excellent. I'll edit my answer
@spugsley Probably because my father built it.
@GnomeSlice by saying "we" built it, I meant @IanPugsley built it and I watched him :)
I think my Father built that one before I was born.
Not that I would have helped anyway.
I never much cared for tools, or building things, or taking things apart.
Also, Zeno Clash seems really... weird.
@GnomeSlice 'tis
Their imagery was inspired by Heironymous Bosch
The idea of $5 DLC for KOA that just adds some free gear for you makes me a little sick
@Sterno Don't you mean $5 gear?
@Sterno I'm not really big on DLC
Nice one.
@Sterno you said earlier that you were using daggers, does that mean you're playing rogue?
@Sterno this pretty much describes my opinion of almost all DLC

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