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Q: In MineCraft PC, how do you make a permanent name tag?

user168750I noticed that when you put a name tag on a mob in Minecraft PC, it disappears when your cursor isn't hovering over it. Is there any way for you to have a permanent name tag in MineCraft PC?

Q: Does Lure counter Luck of the Sea in any way?

ChemiCalChemsI'm playing on a vanilla Minecraft survival server, and have been trying to get Mending books by fishing. It turns out that I've only gotten one book in about a week of play, and it was Fortune II. This is weird, because my rod is Lure III, Luck of the Sea III, Unbreaking III, Mending, basically ...

Okay, assuming that I know what I'm doing (and that's a big assumption), I still don't see why you would use Object.create over new.
To use inherited methods/variables, you'd use new anyways.
Although doing one final pass-over, I guess I can see a use if you're really anal-retentive over memory usage and don't want to instantiate objects if you can avoid it.
@Yuuki if i'm understanding this right, new is instance level and create is "class" level
@GodEmperorDune From my third test case, it seems Object.create lets you do inheritance without instantiation and instantiated subclasses several generations down the inheritance hierarchy will have methods and variables without having to instantiate the subclasses in the hierarchy between the final subclass and the base class.
so var extend2 = new base(); means you get an exact copy of base(), and you can't add anything in the subclass
You can still add methods and variables to objects created with new.
oh so you modify extend2, then do a new extend2() to get to actual instances that you use?
Not sure what you mean, but if you follow the new statement with extend2.function2 = function() { ... }, you can immediately call extend2.function2();
bleh, that looks gross
but javascript is javascript
i found a relevant SO answer
but i still don't quite get it
A: JavaScript: The Good Parts - How to not use `new` at all

MörreCrockford gives an example for an object creation function as should have been provided by JS itself in one of his Javascript talks available on http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/theater/ However, the YUI(3) team itself uses "new", and they DO follow his recommendations (since he's the Yahoo chief ...

@GodEmperorDune Yeah, I was looking at two SO answers and they didn't really help me.
@Yuuki it may be an unsatisfying answer, but copy the existing code at your workplace and do what they do
@GodEmperorDune Eh, this is more of something I'm doing on my own. I already finished the exercise my supervisor gave and he seems rather busy so I decided to look into JavaScript object inheritance on my own.
Since it seems to function rather different from the Java and C# that I'm used to.
let me look it up in javascript the good parts
Live near Seattle? Like games? Free October 22nd? Play Streetfighter II on a Building! Haiku Contest • Killer Prizes http://www.rumblemonkey.com/rumble-in-the-streets
> If you forget to include the new prefix when calling a constructor function, then this will not be bound to a new object. Sadly, this will be bound to the global object, so instead of augmenting your new object, you will be clobbering global variables. That is really bad. There is no compile warning, and there is no runtime warning.
> This is a serious design error in the language. To mitigate this problem, there is a convention that all constructor functions are named with an initial capital, and that nothing else is spelled with an initial capital. This gives us a prayer that visual inspection can find a missing new. A much better alternative is to not use new at all.
> Huh, haiku contest
> Pretty sure that'll fail, man
> Most people can't count
> It's snowing on Mt. Fuji
So, did you enter?
You could really win!
Go on, do it son.
I don't know really, man
It's as simple as this, right?
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji
@Yuuki i thought we debunked this yesterday
isnt' last line 5?
Q: What are all of the warmech stats and what do they do?

EllesedilIn Implosion, warmechs have various stats and you can equip various pieces of arks that increase, decrease, or add stats to your suit. What are all of the potential stats and what gameplay characteristics do they affect?

Q: How many levels are there in Implosion?

EllesedilImplosion is a free download (at least, it is for Android). The free version is essentially a trial, allowing you to play the first 6 levels of the campaign repeatedly. But, the campaign trail only displays levels you've unlocked, plus the next unlockable level that's grayed out and unselectable....

@djsmiley2k That's a common misconception, the last line is "It's snowing on Mt. Fuju".
@djsmiley2k yes
the mt fuji thingy is a meme.
> Seattle's far, man
> Like West Coast, five days of car
> Way too f--kin' long
@Ronan ya ya ya
@MBraedley yes
@Wipqozn slacker
Seattle's far, man
Like United States, ten hours of plane
Way too f--kin' long
@Yuuki no no, no no, no
@arda ya ya ya
> wharr wharr wharrgarbl
where is your badp now?
urmom is haiku
wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl
wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl
wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl wharrgarbl
> cc @Wipqozn
cc some people
@fredley @Wipqozn @twobugs
crap it's too short

This is why Haiku contests don't work

7 mins ago, 5 minutes total – 25 messages, 8 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked just now by Yuuki

btw, UNICEF is doing a relief thingy for matthew's effects in Haiti, you can donate here: unicefusa.org/donate/support-hurricane-matthew-relief-efforts/…
... my mind is so broken
@arda Do your research before you donate though because the American Red Cross bungled their efforts in Haiti pretty badly.
I was like 'whos matthew and why are his effects so great'
@Yuuki +1
@Yuuki UNICEF is not the red cross?
Mostly because they tried to put up permanent housing, which is not a thing they're experienced with.
my old company (you might remember I did a 24 hr gaming marathon there when i hardly knew you guys)
built a school in haiti a few years ago
@GodEmperorDune No. Not even close
@GodEmperorDune Yes, but the American Red Cross is otherwise a good charity afaik to donate to. Or at least they're all right. If they can mess things up badly, so can an organization like UNICEF.
oh man internet is SO bad atm
in both pc and phone
So do your research on whatever the charity is planning on doing in Haiti.
Can't even open Vodafone Yanimda app :/
If Doctors Without Borders for some reason is taking donations to try and put up temporary housing or organize food drives, I'd avoid donating to them too.
@Yuuki i mean a larger problem is that people like their donations to go to very specific things, like a specific disaster zone, but if you really want to quickly get large volumes of things to places you need expensive logistical networks already set up before the disaster hits
but fundraising to put stockpiles of emergency supplies everywhere is very unsexy
@GodEmperorDune Normally, Red Cross does temporary housing and aid and they're good at it. But they stepped out of their wheelhouse in Haiti and it's showing in a particularly bad way.
sure, i'm not saying that red cross didn't bungle it
or not intending to say that
Setting up permanent housing in a disaster zone is tough enough as it is if you're good at it, let alone when you don't have any experience in the matter.
i agree
they would be better off forwarding the money to an organization that specializes in such things
Another problem is that the existence of external aid can degrade the systems in place within the country
@GodEmperorDune The problem is that that happened way too many times.
So it can be better to leverage existing systems if possible
@Yuuki The various national Red Cross organizations have consistently spanned the spectrum from individual house or apartment fire to national level natural disaster.
@Wipqozn is
the absolute worst person
in the Bridge ever.
my haiku submission
@twobugs and i was reading somewhere that in high profile disasters, lots of charities rush in and end up duplicating each others efforts and getting in each others' way
cc @Yuuki
cc @Wipqozn @GodEmperorDune @fredley on that burn
@Dragonrage nicely done
@twobugs Well, apparently the optimal plan is to provide material aid in the first few weeks of the aftermath because resources are scarce. Afterwards, use donation money to provide cash subsidies and such to get the economy going again.
torrenting raspbian using lte. I wonder how fast it'll be.
fast enuf. :D
@GodEmperorDune Which is why we have the international Red Cross to organize all the efforts of the national Red Cross volunteers and materials.
@MBraedley but that's just red cross organizing itself, not red cross organizing with non-red cross charities
@Yuuki this is amazing
@GodEmperorDune But many charities will defer to the Red Cross. And it's not so much as the Red Cross organizing itself, as many of the national organizations are affiliated in name only.
Dear NBC, what is the point of having "favorite shows" in your app if going to the "favorite shows" tab does not display any of hte shows i have favorited?
@djsmiley2k not fast enuf :( Goes from 400-800kb/s
I expected it'd be around 1mb-2mb.
finally got to 1mb/s
Q: played gtaV to death. still love it. want to go back and do 'hunting' -it won't make a restore point- infinite loop, loss of control of character

user168757Long title. Sorry. Basically having played a lot of GTAV, now I'm going back to redo missions and mess about. I thought I'd try 'hunting' with Trevor, and when I try the strangers & freaks mission retry the XBOX360 informs me that it needs to make a 'restore point' and is this ok? I click yes, ...

> However, because the global undefined can be overridden with another value, it is best to declare the variable undefined in the current scope before using it.
... but why would you want to be able to override global undefined?
so umm, the spotify updater just launched spotify then failed because spotify was running
How much of a game's description should be in the tag body? The official website has a rather lengthy description for the setting.
Enough to understand what the game is about.
@Yuuki This is not true in more recent versions of javascript
@Yuuki I think this is from before they added property-level access protection to objects
time to test the new raspbian pixel.
Q: Annoying counter strike 1.6 auto-connect - no solution worked for me

roloryWe all know the "auto connect" annoying 'hacks' on the Counter-Strike configuration files. So basically this problem is similar to the other problems; everyime I connect a server, it connects to the same server. But, the weird thing is, that it happens when I am trying to connect a server that ...

@Lazers2.0 ugh this is annoying
servers used to replace your binds and stuff
@Ellesedil Setting is really not needed in my opinion.
Tag wikis should contain minimum identifying information, imo.
Should be less about the game itself and more about how and when to use the tag.
@Yuuki Aren't game tags pretty self explanatory in that regard?
Is it about that game? Then use the tag.
"Skyrim is the Xth entry in Bethesda's Elder Scrolls" is fine "... where you play as the Dragonborn, a destined hero to prevent the end of the world at the hands of Alduin, the World-Eater." is less needed.
@Yuuki That sounds like the excerpt.
@Ellesedil This is important for tags like which is only to be used for the main series and not for spin-offs like Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon TCG, Pokemon Go, etc.
And definitely not for Digimon games.
Do mobile games have publishers? I can't find any indication of a publisher for this particular game.
If it's in an app store, it should have the publisher's name.
Android just has the developer.
Guess I can check iOS.
If it's a standalone apk that you download, then A) it's a bit more iffy and B) don't install it, you crazy person.
@Ellesedil Some games do
@Ellesedil As far as mobile games go, the developer often is the publisher.
omgg hypee
Or licenses publishing rights to the app store in question.
@Yuuki That's what I'm assuming at this point.
they changed the "not enough power" icon
I'll just leave it out, I guess.
To go further into my use of Pokemon as an example, is to be used specifically with the X/Y versions, with Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, and can be used for both.
So yes, the tag name is often self-explanatory.
pixel looks amazing
But sometimes not and that's what the tag wiki is for. Not all tags need a tag wiki, but some do.
Q: Is there a way to see the machine behind Sans' lab?

The Gamer KingI recently found the lab that Sans has. However, I couldn't see what the machine looked like. Is there a way to see it?

SomeObject.someMethod("parameter").otherMethod('parameter'); bothers me more than it should.
Either use double quotes or use single quotes, don't mix and match.
@Yuuki Shops sometimes will have best practices for that sort of thing.
@Yuuki That's one of my linter rules. Any string with double quotes is a failure
I used to use single quotes and double quotes in the same line to delineate different degrees of string. Now I just escape unless escaping quotes is really ugly in the language
I had to escape double quotes in VB along with a filename and it was something really gross like """"
@arda wat isa uiyt
@djsmiley2k It's that thing your monitor has many off
Pixel is the new desktop system of raspbian
what they actually using, xfce?
It looks better and is much faster.
Oh lovely, Dinesh D'Souza is claiming that Hillary Clinton orchestrated Bill's affairs in order too... make Bill dependent on her...????????
Dinesh D'Souza is someone who deserves several million swift kicks to the balls
cc @GodEmperorDune
@djsmiley2k they used to use lxde before, so I think pixel is either new or that it is a fork of lxde.
I'm too sleepy seriously work
(it does run) Good night
@twobugs of course he does, just look at his name
@twobugs How one orchestrates an affair when one isn't either of the participants is beyond me.
The only locker room words I know are "excuse me", "pardon me", and "please don't look at my junk".
@Yuuki why call it junk anyway?
I mean, it's almost certain no one is actually looking at my junk, but I feel like it's something you say reflexively when you're in a room naked with other people.
Wait, if it was locker room talk, then does that mean that Trump and Bush were naked on that bus?
@Yuuki It's more of an implicit please don't look at my junk.
Applied halfheartedly for a position this morning.
Got an interview request for tomorrow.
I thought you recently got a new job? Or am I confusing you with someone?
@KevinvanderVelden @yuuki and @djsmiley2k are the bridgers that recently got a job
Well recently as in, in the last few months IIRC but meh
@Ellesedil well its difficult to hide your junk with your very small hands, unless...
@GodEmperorDune NICE
@twobugs also the wikipedia for him is great
> Dinesh Joseph D'Souza is an Indian American political commentator, author, filmmaker and convicted felon.
Dinesh is a real jerk
One of his arguments is that Obama must hate America because Obama isn't from America you see
(Dinesh is not from America, BUT THAT'S DIFFERENT BECAUSE REASONS)
yeah i don't quite get the logic
though apparently you don't need logic, you can just make up conspiracy theories and people who agree with them will shower you with money
Back in 2008 he made a movie called 2012: Obama's America about how Obama would ruin America by the end of his first term
Predictions that came true: There was a year of 2012
Well, 2016 has pretty s--- so far but part of it is because Obama's not going for a third term.
I'm surprised nobody has blamed Obama for 2016 really
So I guess by not running for President again, he's technically ruining America by the end of his second term.
@twobugs Well, his approval rating above 50% right now. I wonder why...
I blame obama
Michelle Obama.
For not running.
I wouldn't want to run immediately on the heels of my spouse being President
@twobugs I guess Ted Cruz would be terrible for America then, right?
Well, I used to see america as an accepting place where everyone is equal
So... by that logic, trump is not from the america I used to see
@Ellesedil if we're picking canadians to lead the US, i vote trudeau
@GodEmperorDune I'm in.
@twobugs Yeah, put some other presidents in between.
Ideally, one that'll send us to war and wreck the economy and then one that tries to fix everything but is deadlocked by a partisan Congress that blames him/her for everything.
I mean even then. I imagine anyone would want a break for a bit. You're under intense public scrutiny all the time just being a presidential spouse
@Yuuki -1 not worth risking trump
There was some really disturbing 'analysis' about Michelle Obama
@Yuuki the sad thing is that the republican house will continue to not do anything and blame the dysfunction on Clinton and laugh all the way to a midterm resurgence
@twobugs like how awesome she is?
Well there were all the conspiracy theories about her being a man in drag because of her shoulders in one image, you see
@twobugs wat
And I don't even want to think about the others so I'm noping
Basically Trump is the president a significant portion of our country deserves.
@twobugs but even if that happened and everything went fuct, he would spin it to blame someone else
Crooked Hillary has been sabotaging this country from her prison cell
You either die a Lincoln or live long enough to see yourself become Trump
Can't wait for the giant neon and gold-encrusted TRUMP sign on the White House.
And the Capitol Building while we're at it.
Heck, just plaster DC with the things.
Mike Pence seems like a horrible goblin but I found out he has two cats and I respect that
@twobugs speaking of people who deserve a swift kick to the balls
I would kick him in the balls after giving his cats some treats
If Kasich had been the nominee, how much of a lead would he have over Clinton right now?
or you could just walk up and grab the cats... you can get away with it because you are a twitch star
@Ellesedil he would've had to win more than one state in the primary though
The article about Trump's tenure with Miss Universe is terrifying
@twobugs yeah it is pretty fuct
@GodEmperorDune I know :( But a moderate republican would be crushing Clinton right now, right?
@Ellesedil I don't think so?
@Ellesedil clinton is a moderate republican
I dunno. I guess with how unpopular Clinton is, I feel the GoP missed a chance to have a candidate that could steal Democrat voters. But they have Trump, so it's going in reverse.
@Ellesedil they really did
they have been attacking her for decades
and they blew that opportunity by getting the most failworthy candidate
I don't think they really missed a chance. You're making a lot of logical leaps about how the campaign has played out and how it would play out.
Did they miss a chance to get a sane candidate? Yes, but did you look at the playing field last few elections?
I don't know, she's a resilient politician, maybe putting an actual politician against her would just highlight more of her actually good policies rather than making it a personality contest.
@twobugs if the RNC had called a meeting after Trump won iowa and basically told everyone else but 1 or 2 people to GTFO, they could've stopped him
People like Ben Carson, Herman "Pokemaster" Cain, Rick "Don't Google my name" Santorum?
(WRT that last one, Dan Savage is a huge loser for that)
@Ronan they know they can't win on policy so they go to personality instead. see Bush v Gore and Bush v Kerry
@twobugs That's a list of people that I just barely like more than Trump. And it's pretty close.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, so if they made it into a policy competition with a serious candidate maybe they'd be losing just as bad.
i think rubio could've won against clinton in a general
Well if you like them more than Trump that's one thing but these people have said as crazy if not moreso stuff.
but he is too moderate for the primary process now
Rubio 4 years ago? Probably, Rubio now? I'm less sure
You're basically saying "I like other candidates better so they would have won"
If there was media scrutiny on the stuff the other people have said the same way there's been on Trump since his nomination their careers would be sunk
@twobugs trump had a diehard plurality of voters but couldn't pull a majority
I don't quite get how all this stuff didn't come out in the Primary
was the RNC asleep?
if you had one other person who could pull a majority early on in the process it would've played out differently
@twobugs Yeah they've all done some seriously bad things in their political history.
The RNC is not very good at fielding candidates who are good at anything.
@Sconibulus they had a clown car full of candidates
If you knock down one then you just draw attention to how all of them make insane comments
@twobugs that too, trump got a huge media boost until that hotel thing in washington when they went "oh shit maybe we should sotp giving this guy a free ride"
Ben "If You Are In An Active Shooting Situation Just Run Forward Towards The Shooter Because You Probably Have More Bodies Than They Have Bullets" Carson
Ben "The Holocaust Happened Because The Jews Didn't Have Guns" Carson
Okay I am making myself upset again
Oh, Carson is definitely a fruitcake. I like how he's a doctor that doesn't believe in evolution.
and made some weak shit up about vaccines when pressed on it
I wonder how he actually gets along with his peers.
Rick "Texas Has Executed More People Than Any Other State And In Fact Had Executed A Record Number Of People While I Was Governor And I Have Never Been Concerned Nor Lost A Wink Of Sleep On The Possibility That Any Of Them Could Have Been Innocent" Perry.
@Yuuki oops
and which dumbass was talking about "precision carpet bombing" during the primary debates
I would've felt better if he said that he did lose sleep over it and despite such concerns, he ultimately had supreme faith both in the judicial system and that he was doing the right thing.
@GodEmperorDune Is that when you drop bombs in the middle east, but only right on top of Afghans?
But saying that he has never lost sleep on the possibility that Texas has executed an innocent person? That's deeply disturbing to me.
oh, wait, crap, those are blankets, not carpets
@Sconibulus no, the carpet bombs only explode anti-american terrorists and don't hit anything else
yeah, I was trying to make a bad pun, but it didn't work
@Sconibulus oh i got it now, that was actually quite clever
cc @Wipqozn @fredley @Dragonrage on that pun
Heck, he could've said "I do not believe that Texas has executed an innocent person, but the idea of the government sentencing criminal offenders to death does occasionally give me moral qualms that keep me up at night" and I'd have been fine with it.
@GodEmperorDune you are slow today
also it seems we are talking politics again, so i shall take my leave
Hmm, to install SQL Server Enterprise, or not install SQL Server Enterprise. That is the (current) question.
I guess I don't need it.
Q: Buff on character

Patricia CieloI have had this buff on my character for quite some time now. And i have a thing that has been following me around that looks like a treasure goblin. Trying to figure out what it is.

Q: lost skylander data for wii

april kudrnaMy son lost 32% of skylanders trap force. By accidently deleting the world. is there anything way to retrieve it. He has spent so much time getting as far as he had, and doesn't want to start over. This is for the wii. Thank you

@twobugs wat
> "Americans voting for a president on Nov. 8 must realize that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump. But if they vote for Hillary it's war. It will be a short movie. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere."
> Many Russians regard Zhirinovsky as a clownish figure who makes outspoken statements to grab attention
@twobugs Wait, are they implying that Russia will nuke the US if Hillary is elected?
again with the clown attacks
@Yuuki Or vice versa, I guess
2 mins ago, by GodEmperorDune
@twobugs wat
So vote Clinton or capitulate to the Russians.
Considering Trump had to actually ask why we couldn't just use our nukes....
But no, Putin says Russia is totally not involved with an effort to influence the US election.
@twobugs Russia's trump says the US should elect trump to deescalate tensions.
We need Duterte to weigh in
> "Who needs Ukraine?", said Zhirinovsky
Umm... apparently Russia.
@Yuuki except russia never touched ukraine, according to trump
And "why on earth should America interfere in [Syria]" applies equally well to Russia.
> " She He craves power. Her His view is that Hillary Putin is the most important person on the planet, that America Russia is an exceptional country, as Barack Obama Donald Trump said," said Zhirinovsky. "That's dangerous. She He could start a nuclear war."
> "Trump will have a brilliant chance to make relations more peaceful ... He's the only one who can do this," he said, adding that Trump could even win a Nobel peace prize.
People in glass houses should not throw stones.
@twobugs Well, Obama did earn one for simply being elected.
The peace prize has become a joke already. Let's not utterly destroy it
@Ellesedil Trump earning one would be a bit worse.
No doubt.
Remember that time Donald Trump told his disciples to get out and vote on November 28th?
I hope they listen.
I'm still not entirely convinced that /r/The_Donald isn't just a bunch of pre-adolescent teenagers.
@Yuuki well there's also @badp and @sterno
@Fluttershy Every time I think that this time someone has made it up and he couldn't possibly even have done the thing he does the thing
@GodEmperorDune I only lurk when I need to feel very sad very fast
@badp wharrgarble
Yesssssss. Today has been hella frustrating but a friend is picking me up after work for ENDLESS SHRIMP at Red Lobster. My body is so ready.
@Ash if they are not truly endless you should complain
I should learn Whitespace so I can embed programs inside programs.
A: Factorial Algorithms in different languages

A. RexPolyglot: 5 languages, all using bignums So, I wrote a polyglot which works in the three languages I often write in, as well as one from my other answer to this question and one I just learned today. It's a standalone program, which reads a single line containing a nonnegative integer and print...

Q: Minecraft latest optifine shader and texture pack lag after some time

tiamatHi im having optifine with official minecraft client, got the kuda shaders and the KoP 256 texture pack. i play on max graphics, and usually chunk range on 32Chunks. (i already tried with lower, problem still there) i also already completly reinstalled minecraft with everything and got the java64...

Catching Zubat still sucks.
@Sterno @Fluttershy The Evil Within is fun. Not sure if I'll be buying it, though. I'd want to finish it before Civ VI, and not sure if I'd have time.
Plus if I just wait until the end of the month I'm sure it'll go on sale for $5
I think Truly Endless Red Lobster Shrimp is one of the many SCPs
cc @GodEmperorDune @Ash
@Fluttershy I am, however, going to watch stranger things
So, you know, get rekt et cetera
@twobugs SCP?
@Ash Remember that community wiki of things that people are trying to make scary that aren't really?
@twobugs Oh yes that thing
@TimStone they want me to turn off my ad blocker or pay to read that.
I guess I side-stepped it by coming from Google?
@Ash I did that, and the page is barely functional so I closed it
Stupid Business Insider of which this has nothing to do with the titular theme
@twobugs The first thing that always come to my mind is the unix command
Except that they are technically inside of a business, I guess
The relevant bit for @Ash is that there is no limit to the promotion
@TimStone I just assumed this was some lazy jouranlists stealing the idea of the reporter who did nearly the exact same thing (last?) year for....some other restaurant
I also assume it's paid advertisement
@TimStone Excellent :D
@Wipqozn No, this is just media now
I will eat many the shrimp
Which is far, far worse
@TimStone I blame bloggers. Especially you.
I mean if I had actually produced quality content perhaps we could have avoided this, it's true
Q: Are the colored circles affected by catch bonuses?

mjrThe colored circle you see when catching Pokemon changes if different ball types are used, but doesn't change when you use a razzberry. So there doesn't seem to be consistency whether it changes based on anything besides Pokemon level, but has anyone determined whether the catch bonus changes the...

@Ash please consume copious amounts of shrimp. Make them regret this allegedly "ENDLESS" promotion
also there is a relevant simpsons about this
@GodEmperorDune I'm a chubby kid who is hungry, they will regret it :D
ah, back when the simpsons was good
@GodEmperorDune Okay, that was excellent
(I've really not seen a lot of the Simpsons, to be honest)
> he's not running to be the pope
Q: How do i paste commands into Command Blocks on Minecraft?

user168770People keep telling me just do [Cmd C] to copy and [Ctrl V] to paste but this does NOT WORK. can someone give me an ACCURATE way to do this? I am using 1.10.2 and using mac... I keep getting notified that this is a duplicate of another copy-paste post but its NOT. WHY WONT "CTRL V" PASTE

"It was very offensive.....no one is perfect....that is wrong...but he's not running to be the pop"
dear god
"God can use anybody"
"God can use this man"
This makes me so frustrated.
@Ash then couldn't god use hillary?
@GodEmperorDune Exactly!
@Ash yussssss, speaking of higher callings
JUST IN: Footage from 1992 shows Donald Trump greeting a young girl, saying he will date her in 10 years… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/786346966259265536

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