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@StrixVaria Your mistake was looking for a thing that was worse than the thing that made you uncomfortable anyway
Your mistake was trusting @fredley
@KevinvanderVelden well, they usually have low lumen, low resolutions and noticeable lag. If you can find one that doesn't have all three of this, well yeah, it'd be a good idea.
La la la, copying a 120GB SSD over 100mbit ethernet is slow
Or well, it's not really the ethernet blocking it I think, fairly sure it's the target storage being slow
Q: What is the frequency of the Sponsor Eagle?

Fredy31Is there a set frequency for the Sponsor eagle or is the time between 2 sponsor eagles random?

Q: Are the Sponsor Eagle prizes dictated by your progress?

Fredy31Does the reward scale with anything else than the Sponsors perk? What decides the reward you will get from the eagle (and how much views/subs/bucks its gonna give you?)

I think turkey just blocked *.imgur.com
(i.imgur.com was already blocked in the past)
It's clear that we need to mount an Argo-style rescue of @arda.
@Sterno Agreed, but KIDS BE KIDS.
I nominate myself as Brad Pitt.
I hunger, but I'm lacking in breadspreads.
I have cow cheese. I can use that.
I've tried cheddar and Swiss so far and I don't really like either of them.
Although that might be because they may have been of lower quality.
@Yuuki Are you not big on cheese in general?
@StrixVaria Not particularly, no.
I'm confused by that statement because I cannot imagine life without cheese.
I've been looking at aged cheeses because they apparently have much lower amounts of lactose.
Oh, are you lactose intolerant? :(
Ugh, life is cruel sometimes.
I bought lactaid pills awhile back, but I don't understand who had the bright idea of making them flavored.
Maybe @Yuuki not being able to enjoy all these delicious foods is why he trolls us with pictures of delicious food
You buy lactaid pills so you can immediately eat things. Which tend to have flavor.
@StrixVaria Cheese is literally the best, especially since I don't eat much meat these days.
Making vanilla-flavored lactaid pills kinda messes with the taste of anything you eat afterwards.
Goats cheese with all the things
It's particularly annoying trying a low-carb diet with a lactose intolerance because the go-to food so many people tell you eat for a snack or something is cheese.
@Yuuki Yeah. I guess you could try some Keto recipes, afaik they don't contain much dairy
Think it has a lot of nuts though so it can be expensive
@fredley Well, I live in Texas so there's no shortage of crazy people.
@Yuuki That took me a while.
I really hope Trump manages to turn Texas blue this election year.
@Yuuki Seems pretty unlikely still.
@StrixVaria Yeah, I'm not placing any bets on it.
The projected popular vote and how it compares to the color distribution on the map is a little bit depressing.
@StrixVaria Polls-plus is higher than it's ever been
86-14 in favor of Clinton, but the map still looks half-and-half red/blue.
Bear in mind that the affects of the Trump tape and the second debate will only just be trickling through to the model
@fredley Yes, they said it would be thurs-fri before they have a really clear picture about that.
I know, population distribution means electoral votes means landmass != popular vote.
Oh wait, they're 49-43 in the popular vote breakdown.
@fredley This is such a nice visualization.
^^ Borken down by electoral votes
@StrixVaria ikr
@fredley Trump can Stump the Trump
shit I'm getting hopeful again, I need to take another page load of the_donald
And here i was, thinking nothing Trump could do would reduce his chances.
@Nzall Well, his base is about as loyal as ever. It's just that the Republican party is not his base.
It's disturbing how far an essential representation of 4chan and Reddit has gotten (and still has a chance) at a presidential election.
@Yuuki A far-right subset of the GOP, with a side-order of die-hard Hillary-haters (for one reason or another) and that's about it.
@fredley Thing is, even the far-right might still lose people, considering that the "grab her by the pussy" scandal is not really something family friendly, which is what that side also loves
@Nzall That could lose the religious right, as if starring in a porn film wasn't already too much for them.
@fredley Trump starred in a porn film?
@Nzall Yes, not in an active role though.
The problem is that they're probably not going to not vote and they're definitely not going to vote for Clinton even with Trump's flaws.
Yay, two-party system!
@Yuuki Maybe they'll vote for Johnson?
@Yuuki Yay, fptp!
My dad's explanation for voting for Trump is "at least he's not as bad as Clinton."
@StrixVaria Your dad is what's wrong with America
Man, you guys need new parents
@fredley Yes.
you can borrow mine if you want
@StrixVaria Tell him about Johnson?
@StrixVaria Clinton is not going to nuke Syria
@StrixVaria That's pretty much everyone's explanation that I've heard try to explain it to me IRL
@Nzall I think John Oliver said it best, Americans literally don't give a s--- about foreign affairs.
@Sterno Well, my uncle-in-law (is that a thing?)'s explanation is that Trump is great because fuck mexicans and fuck muslims, give me a shotgun let me go fall out of a tree (he actually fell out of a tree and couldn't walk for like a month).
The NSA and CIA spied on UNICEF? No one gives a f--k. Now the CIA looking at dick pics? That's a problem.
@StrixVaria That's special.
Jesus. you guys, man. Seriously, borrow my family for the election.
@Sterno He's not welcome at our house.
wtb American citizenship for @Wipqozn's parents
@Yuuki "And what is Aleppo?"
@fredley they can have the ones @StrixVaria's dad and uncle-in-law have
@PrivatePansy If I can divert a Trump vote to Johnson, I'm taking it.
@Yuuki I'm not sure I want to engage with him at all on any political topic.
But "A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary!"
^^ Literally the worst thing about any election ever
A vote for Trump is a vote for 2016 for the rest of time.
Do you want perma-2016?
Groundhog day, but it's a whole year, and that year is 2016
Over and over again until the rest of time
You have to live through the brutal reality of a Trump election over and over again
@fredley And Brexit!
And despite your awareness of the situation, you are literally powerless to prevent it
I'd forgotten about Brexit
Thanks Obama
@Yuuki And Harambe, and Bowie, And Rickman, and Prince
also new rick astley album
@arda Don't bring Mr. Astley into this, that man is a national treasure
It's going to be awesome in 50 years when all our kids are mocking our political beliefs and calling us awful
@Sterno As they vote for literally a clone of Hitler.
Also these:
@Sconibulus yes
So I'm watching the show Timeless and I'm sad because it's a time travel show that doesn't understand time travel at even a basic level
*Time machine A goes back in time*
"Hurry! We have to get in Time Machine B and go after them! Our present could change at any moment!"
@StrixVaria "After extensive trawling of the Internet archive, as far as we can tell from the available data, 'Hitler did nothing wrong'"
No, assholes. That would have already happened the instant they went back.
@Sterno San Dimas time!
@Sterno Well, I could see how they might be able to justify it.
So I just crashed my computer because a thread didn't go to sleep like it should have. Bad thread, go to bed!
@Sterno Unless time is >1 dimensional
But if it is, there's no knowing when you went back if you'd hit the same timeline as them or a different one
Unless your time machine could move in 2d time
Also: "We can't fix our fuckup because the same people can't go back to the same time twice"
Okay then, jerks. Take any of the other 50 people in the building and send them back in time next
They could maybe get around that by saying the same time machine can't be in the same time twice, but that is NOT how they explained it
@Sterno Why not? I mean, what's the worst that could happen, The Doctor drops by and shakes his finger at you?
#OverheardAtWork "Who validates the validators?"
@Sterno I thought I had a response to this, but thinking about it more, I don't.
@Yuuki They were vague. it was something along the lines of "What, they didn't come back when you tried it?" "Parts of them came back"
Another fun conversation with my contractor today. He wanted to mount the medicine cabinet an inch off center compared to the vanity (which is only 19 inches wide) because there's a pipe in the wall blocking it. I said "Why didn't you see that would be an issue while you had the wall open before you sheetrocked? Why am I paying you so much money and getting such a lack of attention to detail?"
It's the first time I was actually confrontational with him, even a little.
@StrixVaria ugh
I hate home improvements.
I like the end result, but I hate the process.
@Sterno Yeah, it was definitely implied to be psychological in nature.
@StrixVaria "... while you had the wall open twice ..."
@Sterno This was the other bathroom, although we did have an issue with the medicine cabinet on the first one too.
We're trying to get a countertop done. After two sets of samples, we picked one, and they were like, "Oh, we're out of stock of that material, but you have have this more-expensive alternative" - WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT WHEN I ORDERED THE SAMPLE NOT 3 DAYS AGO
He framed the wall for a specific size, but then the medicine cabinet we'd picked out at that size was wall-mount, not recessed, which he didn't double-check before he framed out the wall.
@StrixVaria Well, you could have gotten the contractor who thought this was a good idea
So we had to pick out a new one altogether, but now we have max dimensions because the wall is already framed, so we couldn't get the one we wanted; we had to get a smaller one.
@Sterno I linked this to my wife last night when you posted it and she was like "wtf are you showing me".
A view of hell
Anyway, I can't wait for this shit to all be done.
@fredley Isn't there like a law that states that if you buy and pay for something, and it's not available, the supplier has to give you an item from equal or greater value for the agreed upon price? Or is that just for contests?
are medicine cabinets that popular in US?
@strixvaria I'm kind of surprised it's not done yet. Hasn't it been weeks at this point?
@Nzall For a contract maybe, we've signed nothing
@arda Yes
they are not popular at all here, I never even saw an irl one
@Sterno Started early September.
@StrixVaria 4+ weeks for a double bathroom remodel seems... long
@arda Well, people have to keep the opioid prescriptions they're addicted to somewhere.
@StrixVaria Home improvement is the worst. We've got a few projects half-complete at the moment. Not fun.
It's very close to done, once they figure out this medicine cabinet issue, replace 1 more door, and do a couple finishing touches like toilet paper holders and molding.
@Sterno There were a few complications.
Then again, they're laying fiber in my neighborhood and that apparently requires them to rip up part of my lawn once a week every week for like 2 months
@Sterno But on the upside: fibre
@Sterno ... why not just rip up part of the lawn and keep it open for 2 months?
@Sterno But on the other hand: why repeatedly?
@fredley I'm sure I'll switch to it, but honestly, my internet is fast enough.
On top of the obvious one where they demolished the bathroom they just finished, they also had to replace the drain pipe from the shower to the basement which required ripping walls out on the main level hallway as well.
I don't understand why you're even hiring contractors. Isn't that why you have kids? To do housework?
@Yuuki That sounds equally awful
Don't they put a pipe down, with occasional access ports through which they can thread through whatever, so they only ever need to dig once?
@fredley Yeah. THey're not ripping up new spots every time. Just the same spot repeatedly.
@Sterno I imagine having to dig it out, fill it up, and digging it out repeatedly would cost a lot more money though.
@Wipqozn @StrixVaria works at Google, therefore he's rich, therefore he probably lives in some sort of mansion.
It's really not that big a hole
Still true in that context, too
@fredley Oh right I forgot @StrixVaria was basically Bill Gates
@Yuuki we keep it on random places where we can see them so we'll not forget taking them to avoid having terrible withdrawal effects in the day (some keeps them on handbags, some at bathroom desks. I have mine on my table.).
Q: Minecraft Command Block Help

user168491I'm making a find the button map where you press a button once found and proceed to the next level. There's one level with animals in it and they keep activating the text command so it constantly comes up and it's very annoying. Is it possible for players only to activate the command? (btw its a ...

@Wipqozn Basically. He lives the Larry Page lifestyle. I bet he has several yachts.
oh hey, is the reply counter on twitter new?
I think that either it is very new (I just saw it and I was on twitter all day) or I just didn't pay attention
#MakeMeSmileIn3Words Election's been cancelled.
@arda Democratic rights withdrawn
Q: What does the team score mean in Junkensteins revenge?

Kevin van der VeldenAt the end of every game of Junkensteins Revenge there are some partially filled stars and a team score, I've noticed that more team score means more stars. But aside from general interest in accruing stars, is there any benefit to a higher team score?

@KevinvanderVelden I think "what does the team score mean" is intuitively a different question than "is there any benefit to a higher team score".
Why am I looking at The_Donald again?
its like a car wreck that keeps exploding every day!
Because you had too much hope in humanity?
anyone still watching LoL worlds?
@sequoiad How's ANX doing?
Actually, has the knockout stage started?
I thought there was a break after group strage.
yeah there is, I've just finished catching up on the group stages
Ugh, TSM getting knocked out at groups when they've had the most promising roster in awhile.
2016 sucks, man.
ANX play H2K on the 16th
@Sterno Mistake
I would love SKT to win it for a third time, but part of me is also pulling for ANX.
@Yuuki same really, I like SKT's playstyle but who doesn't love an underdog story
I don't like watching C9 though
@sequoiad Who likes watching wildcard teams?
were C9 a wildcard?
No, it's a joke.
@Sterno hahaha.gif
It'd be funnier if you named one of the EU teams.
But I don't think any of them made it out of groups, no?
(ANX doesn't count)
@Yuuki it failed. probably due to my lack of knowledge about professional LoL
@sequoiad The NA and EU teams performed so badly, EU in particular, that people joked that they were the wildcard teams.
@Yuuki ah I see, yeah the EU teams were particularly disappointing
Rather than INTZ (who took a game off EDG) and ANX (pretty self-explanatory).
at least it's more interesting this time around though
a few spanners thrown in the usual works
G2 and Splyce are obviously out. That leaves H2K as the sole remaining EU team.
G2 and Splyce had to win all 3 games in Week 2 to even force a tiebreaker.
So yeah, that wasn't happening.
based off the brackets i'm expecting an SKT vs C9/ANX final
Good lord, I would love more than anything to see a SKT/ANX final.
though I feel like ANX are going to find it much harder now people have started to pay attention to them
@sequoiad On the other hand, they might actually play League for practice now rather than WoW because no one would scrim with them.
@Yuuki haha true
You kinda get the feeling that other teams will be furiously working out strategies to deal with them now though, which didn't seem to happen much in groups
they caught everyone off guard, possibly because people just expected them to be a pushover
Well, I think ROX tried a 4-champ target ban at Likkrit and that still didn't work.
well I'm done
if a team can shut down Likkrit, then it's going to be interesting
I'd like see an ANX/RNG botlane matchup.
Likkrit v. Mata... my god...
@Yuuki heh, that would be pretty awesome to watch
@sequoiad Unfortunately, they're on opposite sides of the bracket. RNG is up against SKT first.
yeah, they'd need to make final to have the matchup
Yeah, they'd have to beat SKT and ROX.
well alien isolation got boring quicker than I expecte, @Sterno
I'm just assuming SKT will pretty much dominate their side of the draw... you never know though
Well, EDG's there too, but what can you say, it's EDG.
@sequoiad Most analysts have been saying ROX is the #1 KR team heading into Worlds.
one more surprising result and this Worlds could be right open again
It seems I may have still been an hour away from an actual Alien existing, and I was already 2 hours into it.
But you never know, Faker can make even the best midlaners in the world look like they're asleep.
In fact some folks online make it seem like it could be 5 or 6 hours until regular alien appearances
until then I walk around dealing with humans, which is lame and annoying
luckiyl I got that game for free
@Wipqozn You might say you are isolated from the Alien
ROX don't appear to be entirely on form so far, so you never know
@twobugs oh snap
IF they turn up, they could beat SKT
@sequoiad Yeah, G2 looked pretty good heading into Worlds but then they s--- the bed.
Almost literally.
Ar Nosurge, complete!
IT's a shame sinceI hear it does get fun once you get into alien contact, but I also read that moments when the alien isn't actually active (i.e. the moments when it's AFK, and will never spawn) are super boring, and well...yuuup
@Yuuki yep, much to my annoyance, was hoping for them to make a good showing for the EU
Cc @GodEmperorDune on my excellent wordplay
@twobugs a bit on the nose (or mouth in a mouth as it were)
Man, playing that makes me want to get back into the Atelier games.
@sequoiad Speaking of underperforming...
@fredley Brexit "A Prank"
lol, brexit
> CLG to-do list
> * Win one game to give fans false hope ☑
> * "We always perform when we're the underdogs." ☑
> * Lose to Albus Nox Luna via terrible mid-game decisions ☑
> * Get crushed by Korean team ☑
> * Kick best player, replace with challenger sub, tell fans to have faith ☐
@Yuuki haha
I think CLG is the strongest argument for the conspiracy theory that professional League is scripted.
and they finally officially announced multiple leaders per civ
@Wipqozn Yeah, I knew there were a bunch of rumors and it was all but officially confirmed.
But it's nice to actually see proof.
I don't mind CLG, at least some of their players show occasional personality
I don't want to YouTube at work, can you give me a blow-by-blow of how Gorgo plays?
@Wipqozn anti nuke gandhi and regular gandhi?
@Yuuki yeah, there's been a few leaks which confirmed it, but people have been speculating since the first trailer since they talked about nationa bility and leader ability
@Yuuki She lieks to kill things
Will provide copy paste of abilities in a second
unlike Cloud 9zzzzzzzzz....
finally somehow got rgram working
@sequoiad Hey, give Meteos a break, he learned Lee Sin in an hour.
Greece - Gorgo
Leader Ability - Provides culture every time her units defeat another unit. (Similar to Civ 5's Aztecs)
Agenda - She will not give up terms in a peace deal (that's just mean :( ). She dislikes civilizations that accept unfavorable peace deals, as well as any civilization that has never been to war, and prefers civilizations who have never yielded in a peace deal.
As a reminder, the National Traits...
National Ability - Plato’s Republic - Extra Wildcard slot in all governments, regardless of government types.
cc @Yuuki
> On a side note, it's important to note that under Gorgo, Greece's colors are Brown and Blue, with the capital of Sparta. This is opposed to Pericles, who runs Greece with Blue and White, and the capital of Athens. A TREND, PERHAPS?!
nice touch
@Wipqozn There will be wars of liberation?
@RedRiderX More like wars of your mom
but yeah in Civ VI they implemented a Casus belli system
IT's not enforced like it is in the Paradox grand strategy games, but it'll greatly reduce your warmonger penalty
@Wipqozn Wow that actually gets me really hyped for civ 6 now
wow, clinton is up to 83% in polls plus
cc @fredley BOW TO YOUR QUEEN
@Wipqozn who is that, @fredley's mom?
@GodEmperorDune Do you actually not know?
I always wanted to pull off a liberation of city states thing but it never really made sense unless I went with TOTAL WAR.
@Wipqozn I warned you
@Sterno You did. Sorry for assuming you were just old and confused.
Thinking I might buy The Evil Within
oh right I have a demo!
Demos are for people who like their money.
Donald Trump likes his money.
@Wipqozn i tried to come up with some elizabeth wordplay but failed
Therefore, if you play demos, you're like Trump
@GodEmperorDune You tried
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
Man really tempted to use mod abuse to change @GodEmperorDune name to @GodEmperorTrump
i will not have my title sullied thusly
@Wipqozn #sofuct
@GodEmperorDune Blame @Sterno new favourite subreddit, /r/the_donald
@Wipqozn i've been there. it's pretty
the island in the center is named wizard something, because it looks like a wizard hat
wizard coupon, perhaps?
I'm finding this more entertaining than it probably is
I just hang up
picks up phone "Hello this is microsoft tech support" hangs up
Especially because they're cold calling dutch people in english, wut
@KevinvanderVelden We're making it easier for them to find someone to sucker by doing that.
@GodEmperorDune I get it. That's funny.
Yeah but at least I don't waste my time
The automated ones are even worse.
Those just waste our time.
@KevinvanderVelden when I get those I just yell Linuuuuuuuuuuux until they hang up
usually takes about 20 seconds
Q: Is there a "block wave" jump/slam plugin for a Spigot server?

ajfreed00This might be a stupidly impossible question, but I am looking for a plugin for a Spigot server that can cause a "wave" of blocks to spread out for about 100 blocks when a player jumps from more than 3-4 blocks. Imagine like water, but with blocks. At the same time, this block wave, after running...

one guy lasted 2 minutes, so I started singing it in the form of the Doctor Who theme tune
meant 2 minutes he wasn't pestering someone else, so it's a public service really :P
Need a phone switch that sends scammers like that to an automated IVR, to waste as much of their time as possible.
That's a service everyone could get behind.
@sequoiad you reminded me of the kid that yells "yeah boyyyyy" for like 40 secs
@arda I don't have any information on the company, I just hang up
Arabia, China, Greece, or Rome... I'll play one of those first, but which?
I vote albion
That presentation was awful
Did you give it?
Well then you should have made it not awful!
I pulled 4 minutes of vocal pauses and also some information about electronic voting out of my butt and a flimsy outline and I don't think my professor was impressed
I blame Blizzard
I am glad I got to time limit though
But my points were awful
I might be saved by "100 level class" but
I hate presenting. I don't get nervous or whatever some people complain about; I just know I'm not the most interesting person to listen to speak.
Generally, I just feel like someone else could have presented it better.
Hmm... I'm looking at the Stack Overflow answers and they're really not helping me.
Can anyone explain the difference between using Object.create vs. new?
ok, nice, rgram is fully working! (name of my reddit ngram project)
@Yuuki try asking on this room
@Yuuki It looks like Object.create doesn't actually execute the constructor function the way new would
@murgatroid99 Yeah, that's about as far as I got.
Is there any reason why you would use Object.create then?
@Yuuki It looks like it's used for extension
@murgatroid99 I'm probably misunderstanding something, but if it doesn't execute the constructor function, how would you use it for extension?
@Yuuki The MDN documentation explains it better than I can
Q: How are there Pokedex entries when I have not encountered the Pokemon?

WondercricketWhen I updated Pokemon Go to the latest version, Version 0.41.2, I noticed my Pokedex contained additional entries that were not there before. Yesterday I had an 89/90 ratio, but this morning was displayed an 89/91 and Dragonite appeared grayed-out. I have never encountered a Dragonite in the wil...

@Wipqozn Why are you not at work? Did you take vacation this week?
Q: Plaese i need help to fix this

AnonymousI tried this hack app called lucky patcher to get free bux. But it told me i had to delete the app and reinstall it, well it worked but it gave me a new account. How do i sign into my old account?enter preformatted text here

guess who forgot their work email's password for the third time?
I was googling for the lyrics of that
And accidentally only wrote "he xome"
Google recommendations weren't the best

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