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@agent86 Which javascript file to examine?
Because I only have one.
chrome as some built-in javascript as well. it might not default to your script.
Q: How does Delphine know where the Horn is?

desaivvI finished the quest The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. The Greybeards sent me to Ustengrav. Upon completion I saw the note from Delphine. In a bid to learn my last word of "Dah" I went to Riverwood since she was the one who left the note for me. When I meet her, she tells me "You are the one the Gr...

Q: Why aren't there any overweight people in Skyrim?

IsaacI've traveled throughout the land but have not seen a single overweight/obese person. How is this possible? edit: I'm looking for insights on how the people live, eat and breathe so I can better understand their way of life. Thus, provide assistance for a lifetime rather than a brief time frame.

also, if you have extensions installed, (like flashblock) they have scripts too
@agent86 It does.
then you can find the line number you want the script to pause on, and click it on the left hand side of the script
then you can either reload the page (if it's something that happens on load) or click your element that calls the function, and see what happens
Oh, neat.
@GnomeSlice - This may be a better SO question and answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/3740761/…
you'll stop when you hit the breakpoint, and you can hover over your variables to see what they all are. there are buttons at the top of the right hand side that let you step forward or let the program run free.
click the line number again to take the breakpoint away
you can also call "console.log" from your javascript, which will print debug messages to the console window.
ie, console.log("This function is so dumb");
@agent86 Yep, I figured that one out last year.
It breaks other browsers, though.
@GnomeSlice sweet.
I use logs instead of alerts, because I can still interact with the page while they display.
oh, well, I seem to remember you can wrap it with if(window.console)
if(window.console) console.log("this shouldn't break other browsers");
been a while since I used that though, and the web changes so fast... worth testing first.
And now my page won't reload.
you might have hit your breakpoint, check to see if the javascript is stopped.
if it is, the page won't continue until you hit the "play" button
No, it was borked, I just opened a new copy of it, and reset the breakpoint, and now it works.
ah, okay.
What can I do at a breakpoint, again?
@GnomeSlice Fun and evil things.
you can hover over variables to see their value, for one
@agent86 Hover over them... where?
in the javascript pane
look at your code when you're at the breakpoint, and point to one of the variables in the code
its current value will pop up in a little hint
Nothing happens... Lol.
@GnomeSlice You can change the values of variables and change which line of code will execute next.
It probably doesn't have a value actually.
along the right side, there's a list of all the "scope variables" in a big list, which is sometimes helpful
I think this is one of the redundant things I was going to remove because I'm not using it.
@agent86 There's a shitload of stuff in there. I closed it, because it was freaking me out.
@GnomeSlice haha, if all you do is breakpoint and hover, that's a good start :)
if you can break, hover, and continue, you're worlds ahead of where you were before. you can always level up later and understand the rest :)
I can't even figure out how to make it go to the next breakpoint.
there's a little "pause/play" button on the right hand top of the script window
above the words "watch expressions" on the right hand column, the leftmost button
Oh, why does the tooltip say 'pause execution'?
Jesus, I'm an idiot.
it would be "play" instead of "pause" if you were at a breakpoint.
I don't even have any variables to hover over in this script, except the one that didn't do anything because I think it's redundant.
@agent86 No, it says pause at breakpoints. Eek.
yeah, sometimes hitting the breakpoint is the important part
And that time it skipped three breakpoints.
Oh, I see...
It's getting to the first onclick, then going to the function supposed to be called by the onclick. Then getting to the second onclick, and going back to the same function. Four times in all.
Well, that's useful.
indeed. if you were in an RPG, you'd just have leveled up. +1 to Debugger Skill
@GnomeSlice If it's skipping a breakpoint, this typically means that, indeed, your code is skipping the breakpoint.
@GnomeSlice nods Learning how to use a debugger is one of the most important skills of becoming a better programmer IMO.
@GraceNote No, it's not skipping them, it's going to the function that's supposed to be called after a click after reading each onclick line.
yeah, if you put a breakpoint inside a function, and it doesn't hit when you think it should, usually it's because the code isn't going where you think it should.
@GnomeSlice So it's not reaching them?
Your peers aren't even going to bother and they're going to spend way more time than you trying to fix these dumb problems. If you can develop the patience to make yourself use it you'll seriously improve.
@GraceNote It is, just not when he thinks it is.
@GraceNote It is. After it does the first one, it goes to the function, then goes back and reaches the second one, then goes back to the function. Then goes to the third one. then back to the function.
@GnomeSlice Neither of those answers worked. =(
@GnomeSlice remember what I said earlier - those lines with onclick - they're not assigning changeFont as the handler for onclick, they're assigning the result of changeFont as the handler for onclick
@IanPugsley ooh, bad syntax.
That might explain this:
instead of changeFont("whatever"), you could change them to function() { changeFont("whatever"); } (that's what one of @JasonBerkan's linked questions had)
@GnomeSlice where you've stopped, you haven't yet executed the line that sets onclick (the debugger stops BEFORE doing whatever is on the line with the breakpoint) so you'd have to move forward one line before you could figure out what the value is.
@GnomeSlice that probably has more to do with the fact that before the highlighted line is executed, it definitely won't have an onclick
@GnomeSlice I need your identifier again. Project Black Sun dropped to $2 on GamersGate.
@Tristan Gah... I bought it like yesterday.
@agent86 Oh.
@Tristan ?caff=4490881
@IanPugsley x_x
@GnomeSlice @agent86 said it smarter and faster :P
I hate coding terminology.
@GnomeSlice I did at first too, now I love abusing the heck out of it in ways that don't quite make sense.
@agent86 Even when I step forward, that one still shows the same information.
@GnomeSlice Because your changeFont function doesn't return anything, so the onclick handler stays null.
@GnomeSlice yeah, what they said :P you'll need to make the change Ian suggested with the function() deal.
This is going to sound dumb.
@GnomeSlice Hey, couldn't you assign onClick to a new function() { changeFont("whateverFont") }?
I forget what you mean by 'handler' exactly.
@Mana That's what's been suggested already.
I'm just trying to actually understand it before I blindly go and do it.
@GnomeSlice when an "event" happens (ie, a click), you can assign a "handler" to that event (ie, a function to call when someone clicks something)
handler just means "this function is in charge of doing what needs to be done when this event occurs"
So the handler is.... changeFont?
or "handling the event"
@GnomeSlice that's the handler you want, but your code is wrong, so it's not happening.
@GnomeSlice Thanks. Let me know if you get the blue coin bonus.
@GnomeSlice what you're doing instead is calling the function right away and making whatever it returns the handler. In this case, nothing is returned, so the handler is empty.
@GraceNote By the way, are you interested in Project Black Sun?
@GnomeSlice JavaScript syntax sux.
@GnomeSlice Nope!
@agent86 Why is it being called right away, and how do you know what it's returning? :S
@GraceNote You commented on it, so I was wondering. I was going to gift you it.
@GnomeSlice if you didn't need to pass "furore" to changeFont, you could just do "blablah.onclick = changeFont" instead. putting the parenthesis and the argument there means it gets called right away.
@agent86 ...I thought that just told it what information to pass it WHEN you called it?
@GnomeSlice nope.
No, it calls it immediately with that information.
That's just silly.
what you could do is make a new function "function changeFontToFurore() { changeFont("furore")}
and then set the onclick = changeFontToFurore
@GnomeSlice Thanks for the offer, but the better gift to me would be for you to keep the money and treat yourself something nice. ♪
the suggestion by Ian and others just does that on a single line.
Also, your use of querySelector() instead of getElementById() and use of onclick instead of addEventListener() makes me rage a little inside, but since you're learning I'll turn a blind eye. :P
@GnomeSlice it's just syntax; syntax is picky. Some people might actually want to call a function, and have that return a function to be assigned as a handler.
@agent86 So... not putting a value in the in-line function means it will wait until the actual click event?
@GnomeSlice yes.
@agent86 Is... that what I've done?
Wait, Minecraft got cats?
@TimStone I keep wanting to mention currying and partial application but I'm remembering he's learning this from nothing, lol
@IanPugsley I've never had curry. Isn't it spicy?
Curry is delicious, and now I'm hungry.
@GnomeSlice essentially Ian's code is shorthand for "create a new function that does the following" and then "assign that as a handler"
@GraceNote What Grace meant was that a better gift would be to gift me Oil Rush on Steam, @GnomeSlice. =P lol
@agent86 I thought that's what I'd done... I created a function 'changeFont' and called it as a handler...
@GnomeSlice what you've done is make javascript think you're going to return a function that should be used as a handler for onclick, and then done a double fake and returned nothing instead. javascript is as confused as you are.
@GnomeSlice nah, the difference is subtle, but it's different :)
@GnomeSlice if you really wanted one method to handle everything, your lines would be blah.onclick = changeFont;
and then changeFont would have to use logic based on the id to assign the font
the issue is the syntax of passing the font as a parameter
@agent86 What do you mean by 'return a function'? I thought you called functions, and they returned things.
@IanPugsley Well, it's the CSS classname.
@GnomeSlice And one of the things they can return is another function.
@GnomeSlice ooh, in javascript, functions can be assigned to variables :)
@agent86 I've done that a lot, in examples, but never really understood it.
I don't have a clue when you need to assign functions to variables or not.
var myFunction = function () { alert("javascript is crazy, y'all!"); }
myFunction();  // should pop up the alert
Yeah. It works now.
@GnomeSlice do you know why?
Would it be tricky to do another similar set of buttons to change font size as well?
@IanPugsley All I know is that the syntax was wrong.
@GnomeSlice but do you know why it wasn't working, the way the syntax was?
Not really, no. =[
@IanPugsley Which id?
@GnomeSlice each of your <li> elements has an id; you could determine which of the ids was clicked inside changeFont, and change the font based on which id was clicked
@IanPugsley Oh, I could? That sounds more efficient.
I... er....
it's one function (changeFont) instead of five (changeFont and the four you defined for onclicks), but it's probably more code
@IanPugsley I can't think of a way to determine which was clicked from inside that function, but then again, I'm not very good at this.
Ah, jQuery.
I'm going to see if I can figure out how to do this a second time with buttons that change the font size now...
@GraceNote ...y'okay there?
@GnomeSlice it's actually more that the onclick handler can access the DOM object that was clicked
@GnomeSlice Sorry - the question was tagged JavaScript and jQuery.
@FallenAngelEyes Aye, I'm okay. Nothing worng, nothing doing, all is right. ♪
insert coin
@GraceNote Back not bleeding?
Hm... now I'm losing my formatting when I click the buttons.
@GraceNote Your typo leaves me suspicious!
@Mana Not today. It's been off since about two weeks ago
@GraceNote Oh, lovely!
@FallenAngelEyes I saw it at first and corrected it, then I reverse undid that.
If I use the commented code, when I press one, the fonts change, but the formatting gets lost (i.e. padding, and such). I can't figure out why that would be.
@GnomeSlice you're assigning innerhtml to some text - are you losing some other elements inside #fontPreview when you do that?
In case people haven't seen, the deadline for the Gaming Grant has been pushed up to tomorrow:
Q: New Gaming Giveaway Round 1- Go get 'em

Seth RogersWelcome to the New Gaming Promotional Grant Round 1! All users with at least 300 reputation are eligible to receive one free game from Gaming.SE. This round's featured games are Final Fantasy XIII-2, Soul Calibur V, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, and The Darkness II. The catch? Simple - ask 8 ...

@IanPugsley I dunno... that element #fontPreview is a <span>
A span with a <p> inside it.
That'd do it
So I need to... uh...
I could just take the <p> out and modify the CSS to apply to the span instead.
@GnomeSlice Or put the <p> outside the <span>.
@JasonBerkan That would work?
@GnomeSlice Depends on your CSS, but it should.
Say, it worked.
Wow, you guys are good at this. x_x
@FallenAngelEyes hmm, I wish they'd done it this way to start with so that expectations were properly set, but I am glad that if selected, I'm likely to get it closer to the release date.
starred for higher visibility.
The intent was to start Monday/Tuesday Morning, but there was a slight hold up. Sorry for the delay, eheh.
@GnomeSlice 'Tis my job...
I guess there's that.
Would it be tricky to make another set of buttons to change the font size?
...Hmmm yeah, that's not going to work, is it.
You can't overlap CSS classes, right?
@GnomeSlice just a hobby :) I've written very little JS for work.
@GnomeSlice You can - they are "cascading", but there is also a fontsize property you can directly access.
@JasonBerkan via JS? Oh, that's handy.
@GnomeSlice HTML, JS, whatever - a class attribute can be "class1 class2 class17", etc. (space separated)
Urgh, I'm not good at HTML or CSS either. Why am I re-taking this class...
@GnomeSlice I pretty well suck at CSS :/
@GnomeSlice One might assume that you'd do that in order to reverse that situation
@GraceNote Yeah, how foolish of me.
I found an anti-meme!
...That's not an anti-meme. =[
It's against one meme, although it does contain another.
@RonanForman I think it's actually a combination of the two.
Also Astroslugs is 79% off, if anyone is interested.
hmm, I've had a song stuck in my head all morning, and I thought it was the airship theme from FF6, but I think it's the overworld music from FF7
Has anyone here played 'Wanderlust: Rebirth'?
@GnomeSlice this is pretty rocking. I enjoy ocremix work. I also like the minibosses
@GnomeSlice Very nice sir.
<3 Zircon.
@agent86 yeah, OC ReMix is the bees knees. A large portion of the music I listen to is from OC ReMix.
@GnomeSlice why wouldn't you link to the OC Remix page?
@Wipqozn I don't think I've ever been to it. I found this on Newgrounds. Posted by the artist.
MY word sir.
I find that most surprising. You seem like the kind of person who would love OC ReMix.
oh, OC ReMix appears to be down/.
One of my favourite bands has done some pretty good video game remixes.
The Dark World, Punch Out, and Start Your Engines are the three video game related ones.
They also covered the Jurassic Park Theme, and the Pink Panther Theme.
Unfortunately, they're not really on Youtube.
Ah, the Zelda one is, at least.
@GnomeSlice <3
Dark World is one of my favourite Zelda songs
I love their version of it.
I've always preferred Dark MOuntian Forest though
Did you listen to their version of Punch Out? It's amazing.
I've never heard of these people before, so no.
Listen to it.
And I'm not surprised.
They're local.
@GnomeSlice Link?
But they're absolutely INCREDIBLE.
They do all instrumental stuff. But each of their songs is extremely different from the others.
@GnomeSlice I prefer instrumental music myself.
10 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
The Dark World, Punch Out, and Start Your Engines are the three video game related ones.
<3 Their Punch Out! theme.
Hello everyone! I'm looking for @RonanForman.
@Aarthi We don't want any!
I'm not here.
Er, he was here a bit ago.
@RonanForman Yes you're not.
Oh, I found him.
@RonanForman Oh good. :D Please let your dad take the photo that I requested? :D Pretty please?
<3 MR. Rubber Finger.
@Aarthi I don't know what it is, but NEVER!!!!
This is going down a strange path.
@Wipqozn It always does between me and @Aarthi
@RonanForman ;___; pretty please? i was so nice and sent you something, too
She has that effect on people.
@Aarthi That's a little inappropriate, don't you think?
@GnomeSlice yeah, @ronan is only 16! He's still a sweet innocent little boy.
@Wipqozn Listen to Mr. Rubber Finger!
ಥ_ಥ These guys are AWESOME.
For everyone who have ever had an argument with someone who doesn't believe video games are worth anything.
Star Your Engines has a chiptune breakdown in the middle of it.
Ah, I remember that one.
Okay, yeah, this is my favourite band. Ever.
Q: Where can I view new lore entries?

SternoMy level 2 barbarian was killing zombies right outside of town when a little box in the bottom right appeared which said "New Lore". Since I was in the middle of combat I didn't have time to click on it, and a moment later it faded out and disappeared. I assume there is somewhere that I can view...

@RonanForman wait no you still need to take that picture! :D
Or else I'll have your dad smack you upside the head. I can do that, you know.
@Aarthi What picture?
@RonanForman Of you in the scifi shirt
I'm wondering though, is 'start your engines' a reinvention of the music from a particular video game?
@RonanForman 'cause you were SO CUTE in the DIY hat.
@Aarthi Lol....
well he was! pinches his cheeks
You were pretty cute in the mascot costume, yourself.
(That was you right?)
or was it.
I think so.
You were running around during one of the podcasts.
Well, I think it's only fair for @RonanForman to share this picture with all of us now.
I don't like pictures, why do you think I'm an artist?
@Wipqozn Diablo?
@OrigamiRobot Not right now. I have a bad headache, so I'm actually going to go lie down for a bit in a few minutes.
@Wipqozn Well shoving Diablo's Soulstone into your forehead will do that.
How come people with diamonds come in so often to talk to other people, and not me.
The only time people with diamonds come here for me is to approve a flag/suspend me.
Do you need us to talk with you about summat?
@GraceNote No, no.
@Wipqozn I'm not whining. I'm whinging.
@GnomeSlice If given a diamond, I promise to come in here to talk to you.
@OrigamiRobot That means a lot to me.
A lot of what, I have no idea.
Also, I'm not really complaining, I just couldn't think of anything better to complain about.
Guh, I can't get fontsize() to work...
Wait... and integer between 1 and 7?
...That's not what I want then.
Anyone else have choppy gameplay in Diablo with an otherwise good gaming rig?
@Sterno 1 or 3?
Particularly when buildings crumble or I level up, it seems to like to freeze for a second or two
sorry, 3
@Sterno If you provide me a beta key, I'd be happy to answer that for you. =)
Wish I could! Actually, I figured most people got one. I, my wife, and three friends who signed up all got theirs last night
sorry dude
Ah shit!

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