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It has been a while since I've seen @Powerlord. He asked me a question over the weekend that I didn't know what he meant, I haven't been able to ask him what he meant.
he was here earlier, for a little while.
he left though, and has since been communicating almost exclusively via comments on my nomination :)
He's stuck around in chat, I've just missed him myself.
It's the main site that he has "left", since Hat Dash ended, I believe.
I wasn't aware of when the current drama started. I remember him being upset, but didn't note a dropoff in activity otherwise.
Unless you actually watch someone's posting frequency, I don't imagine it's something that catches an eye.
this whole thing is more internet drama than I typically like to participate in. I hope he changes his mind; I so far have enjoyed his company.
@agent86 Same.
I was unaware there was any drama going on at all.
I'm unsurprised by this.
I think you'd said he'd had issues with someone else previously.
That's... not what I was unsurprised with
I realize I can't please everyone all the time, and that as a human I'm prone to making mistakes, but it still bothers me when someone is so obviously offended at my behavior.
@agent86 She means that I was unaware of the current drama.
@Wipqozn ah, my bad.
I was thinking "I found it somewhat surprising, but I guess maybe grace has seen everything by now?"
Yes, he did mention he had an exceedingly large beef with a candidate from the first election. However, that's for him to clarify, not me, seeing as he never has right out said who that candidate was (and it's his right not to say).
@agent86 Well, it didn't particularly blindside me, either, but I saw it coming.
I hope it wasn't me.
You weren't in the first election.
I... right.
That's good, I guess.
@GraceNote Like that's ever stopped Gnomeslice from offending somebody before.
@GraceNote Also, changing your linked account to the programmers.se avatar has me freaked out and confused. CHANGE BAD MAKE IT STOP
@LessPop_MoreFizz I like Nina.
to me it just looks like gray on gray. hard to tell what it is unless I zoom in on it
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hey...
@agent86 This reminds me of a funny picture I saw...
@agent86 This particular cropping is better suited to a high-res spot like on my profile page, yes.
@agent86 by that metric, so does yours, but yeah, @GraceNote is definitely lacking in contrast atm.
@GraceNote Low contrast image bad! Especially on white background!
@LessPop_MoreFizz you can at least see the evil red glowing eyes and some hint of the tentacles.
I found the full image while trying to find a nice image of Spar for The Great Outdoors. Seeing as I failed to find a nice image of Spar, I went with this one instead.
@GraceNote lots of pastels. pretty :)
@GraceNote I'd smash.
@agent86 Found it!
Somehow I am exceedingly too lazy to upload the full image, natch.
@Tristan I lol'ed
@GnomeSlice Countdown to flag...
Please don't...
@GnomeSlice Oh, I have no intention of. It just seems inevitable. :(
You seem to attract them like... a thing that attracts stuff.
@GnomeSlice Welp.
:3229187 y'know, if you just would post it as a link and go "possibly NSFW" you'd avoid most of the drama. oneboxing it is kind of what gets you into trouble (although I didn't flag it personally)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Like I attract the ladies!!! ...until I wake up
(FWIW, I counterflagged it.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not fast enough, apparently...
@GraceNote I hit Not Valid. :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not fast enough, apparently...
@GraceNote Does it only take one counterflag to dismiss a flag?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not fast enough I have no idea.
That strikes me as being way too prone to a FGitW problem.
Oh right. @GnomeSlice getting flagged reminded me to look into a chat bug again.
It's more that, a mod confirmed it before anyone probably realized there was a counterflag.
@GraceNote Damn those Mods and their Moderating Ways!
A: How many chat flags are required to remove a message/ban a user?

balphaThese are the current numbers ("current" because they can obviously be changed, but there aren't any plans to do so; they have been like this for a while): The threshold is six, meaning the net flag count of the message has to reach six. Net flag count means the number of flags minus the number ...

If only you were empowered...
@LessPop_MoreFizz You could run, and put a stop to all the moderating.
@Tristan It would be good to have a pseudo-lawyer mod, I guess.
@StrixVaria I am in no way a pseudo-lawyer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz OBJECTION!
You know a lawyer (I think) and know a lot about law.
I'm just a dude with a great deal of experience dealing with the law from the policy side of the equation - not practice.
sorry, just seemed like what had to come next.
@StrixVaria I've been a Lobbyist, but never a Lawyer.
someone's supposed to shout "overruled" now
@StrixVaria A "pseudo-lawyer" is a bad thing, technically.
@agent86 Should've linked Phoenix Wright.
@StrixVaria I know several lawyers.
shuts up
@Tristan yeah, with a nice freehand circle. woul'da killed.
To put it another way, I made the sausage, I have nothing to do with the people that eat it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz mmm, sausage.
...what kind of way to put it is that?
@agent86 I don't seem to have any luck with freehand circles. My answer only got 1 additional upvote after applying a circle.
not as good as bacon.
Awk, gotta vanish
@GraceNote It's an old maxim about politics: people want to know about how laws are made about as much as they want to know about the inner workings of a sausage factory.
@LessPop_MoreFizz So, if I read The Jungle, I'd be an expert at lawmaking?
@GraceNote No, but you'd understand why people don't like to think about where their meat comes from. In much the same way, people find the process by which legislation makes it to law to be really distasteful.
...I thought your job was to drive around with a massive cannon on your car.
@GraceNote Ah, so that's what your laugh sounds like.
@GraceNote It is now.
But I used to work as a Lobbyist and a Community Organizer.
@Mana Sometimes. It depends. It may sometimes be more of a "Kyohohoho~".
@LessPop_MoreFizz does the law come out of some big machine and look like pink toothpaste?
@agent86 Yes!
Oh no, GnomeSlice passed me up on rep after I did a recalc today.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Gotcha, gotcha.
@Ullallulloo Clearly this means you are Not Mod Material.
@Ullallulloo Clearly a thing to put on your nomination "Oh, and GnomeSlice has more reputation than me."
I only vote for Mod Candidates with more reputation than @GnomeSlice
Except for ronnie. he pro.
@Mana Pffheh
NSFW vid, since it's possible you'll die laughing like I am.
Stop distracting me so I can get out of here proper, wargh~
@LessPop_MoreFizz eeeeeeewwwwww you're right, I don't want to know.
But yeah, the background in community organizing is why, for example, I find the current demonization of Saul Alinsky to be hilarious and amazing.
Since I was trained at a school that Alinsky founded.
Is there a word for when you downvote an answer and accept it because it comes from the Diamond in the room along with a ?
@LessPop_MoreFizz "paying taxes" - you don't agree, but there's nothing more you can do about it, so you deal :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz "Declaration"
Great to see you nominated @oak
oooh, a wild oak appears. it uses nomination. it's super effective!
Also, @mana, can you reset the election banner?
@Wipqozn Uh? I guess I could. Do you think it needs to be?
@Mana well, it's no longer on the main site, so yes.
It currently only shows up on meta.
well, there go my chances! It was a good campaign for the entire day it lasted! Good work everyone, call the printer and have them cancel all the "agent86 for mod" buttons we were going to have printed up. I'm going to go blow my superPAC money on strippers and illegal substances! ;)
@agent86 There are two mod positions.
Oak won't be voted in twice.
@Wipqozn yes, one for the first half of oak, and one for the second half
I mean, you still won't win, since I'm obviously getting the other spot, but still!
he's like two, two, two mods in 1!
@Wipqozn I thought ronnie was a lock for the other :/
also, brb starcraft 2
@agent86 I lol'd
anyways, starcraft 2
How long d'you think would be good? Two days more?
@Wipqozn baaaaaah
@Mana Alternately, five-ever.
@LessPop_MoreFizz cry dis if u liek evrytiem
Anyways, g2g
@LessPop_MoreFizz Time to go downvote everything of Gnome's then.
Agh. I just watched a short film on youtube that was really good, but I can't remember where it was linked from. Curse you short-term memory!
@FallenAngelEyes If you were logged in, it'd be under your history.
@Tristan No, I mean I opened it from somewhere outside my browser, but I can't remember where/who linked it to me.
@FallenAngelEyes Oh... =\
@FallenAngelEyes I also pinged you in the LoL channel...
Damn, I'm good. I refreshed and had 6 seconds remaining on my suspension. I've had practice, I suppose.
Q: AC:R using mute effectively

KeithMute seems to be very powerful in the hands of others, but not me :-( I feel I'm missing how to use it best - I'm trying to use it like a fast-acting or back-up smoke bomb, but every time I do I end up stunned or dead. I expect mute to be faster acting, but shorter lived and less visible from ...


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