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The entire thing is also super pure opinion. "How do you improve gameplay?" is really dependent on who you ask.
@Wipqozn I've made a terrible mistake
So, what's the plan?
deletes @Nzall's account
@KevinvanderVelden I doubt he's that malicious
@Arperum yup, all I know is that I'm keeping an extra eye out for new GDSE questions =p
this account has been deleted
this account has been reactivated
So purging history leaves no visible evidence. Interesting.
So what did you do?
@Wipqozn Indeed
2 mins ago, by Nzall
@Wipqozn I've made a terrible mistake
That one
@Wipqozn Oh no, @Wipqozn is growing stronger in the dark art of MOD ABUSE
At least he didn't do something problematic
@fredley The potential for abuse is strong. Really surprised it doesn't put up "This history was purged" message or something.
@Wipqozn Interesting
then again I suppose if a mod does it too much SE would notice
@Wipqozn Time for a meta question about it!
not like many of our mods go nuclear anyways
afaik, it's not deleted deleted
As in, a dev could dig it up again
@fredley oh I assumed
Just figured there'd be some indicator to regular users that "hey, this history was purged"
then again no evidence on comments
When I delete all of @RedRiderX's comments out of spite there's no evidence at all to regular users
oh wait there IS evidence
Your message wll show up
If it was purged, you will see "no history available"
@Wipqozn what do you mean, turtle?
I mean it's already difficult to dig up old deleted messages
nope, it does show evidence
> (older data no longer available)
If you just purge, and no edits you'll see:
> (no history available)
If there was an edit after a purge you'd see:
Mobile chat update??
> (older data no longer available)
@twobugs looks the same
Now I'm surprised that mods aren't able to see purged history.
As a mod, the purge history button also goes away
Message history

(no history available)
so the messages apper the same
@fredley if you edit it then you can purge again
I think I've only ever purged in conjunction with deletion
@fredley yeah, because you can't purge history that doesn't exist
@Unionhawk I'll purge you if you're not careful
@fredley yeah purging is mostly just meant for killing personal information, or something super offensive
brb, purging all of @Wipqozn's terrible puns
That's not fair, being a mod is the equivalent of, say, a suit of power armor around you
Twitter Will Extend Its 140 Character Limit On September 19th : http://www.theverge.com/2016/9/12/12891562/twitter-tweets-140-characters-expand-photos #FYI
Note: they're just not letting images and links count as chars
@fredley Why would you want to rob the world of such brilliance
@fredley what about Totally Free Online Dating?
@fredley shortened to t.co/nonsense
@Wipqozn TIL I'm so cool that @Wipqozn goes back and re-reads my chat from 6 months ago
I can't decide if I should poison the still for Granny Rags in Dishonored. On one hand, it'll end up hurting innocent people. On the other, question completion + rune!
@Sterno I was looking for your comment about your mom jokes shortly above that
@Sterno pretty sure there are multiple ways to complete the quest
@Wipqozn So basically exactly what I said about me being cool and you re-reading my old chat!
@Unionhawk :(
@Sterno Well more like you having sage old people wisdom
@Sterno I think you mean "Quest", not "question"
Oh God the something wrong with Hillary posts... Oh no her finger sizes are different!!! Maybe that's because of the ANGLE angle of the image??? Have you thought of that?
So there was a fair-type-thing at a nearby park this weekend and my son won a gold fish with this thing where you throw balls and try to land them in a cup of water. Those games are awful for parents. It's lose/lose.
Kid got nothing? Sad kid. Kid wins a fish? Sad parent.
@Sterno on the bright side those things are normally rigged
and if she wins a fish just feed it to the cat
parent happiness more important than child happiness
@Wipqozn Actually, the night after that, my wife said "I got the fish out if it's bag. I fed the cats". WHICH I TOOK TO MEAN SHE FED IT TO THE CATS
Which made me happy
but no. They were two separate things
@Wipqozn worstqozn
@Sterno Goldfish?
@fredley That's quite the 503
@Wipqozn yes
They obviously need @Wipqozn as their dev to keep the site up
When I tried to copy and paste something from that bostonleader story, I got a javascript popup saying that that functionality has been disabled
Wow, you can't even right-click on the page
@Sterno just go via the source
@Sterno add disable-right-click-js as a adblocker rule
I don't use adblocker or the terrorists win
@Sterno Have fun getting ransomwared then.
Hasn't happened yet.
(or lack thereof)
TIL about temp music
@fredley These are brilliance itsef.
@Sterno This should prove an interesting watch
Just like your mom
@Sterno I get it
well folks
Lords of the Fallen doesn't fix all the frustrating bits of Dark Souls for me, but it addresses enough of them that I actually find myself enjoying the experience rather than just getting uncomfortably anxious.
15-30min project status sync meeting just took an hour and a half.
This guy has some other great videos
@Sterno I think I've watched every video on this channel.
@StrixVaria I think I might be doing that today
There's another similar channel, let me find that too.
@MBraedley Sounds slightly out of sync.
I'd say Every Frame A Painting is a better channel overall, but if you run out of videos there, Now You See It is also a pretty decent filmography analysis channel.
> There are filmmakers we love and then there's Michael Bay.
@StrixVaria Totes agree
Q: What's the difference between Titanforged and Warforged Items?

fcmIn the new expansion, Legion, item drops from Dungeons, World Quests and other content can come with extra item-levels, making the item stronger, but sometimes the item says Titanforged, and others, Warforged. What's the difference between them, and why they have different names for similar (if n...

I spend more time watching YouTube videos about filmography than I spend watching actual films, on average.
I'm not sure that I like the idea that movie music needs to be memorable to the point where you can remember the music on its own.
@Yuuki I don't think it's saying that. But it also wasn't just "What was the Avengers music?" It was "what was the music from literally any Marvel movie?"
@Yuuki lotr, matrix, gone with the wind, etc.
Every movie should just use Inception's music
I'm the opposite of a movie junkie but memorable movie soundtracks do exit
I have the lotr soundtrack in my playlist for some reason so I can tell the songs from that one =p
Q: How do I make topfit work with legion's "dual-wield" artifact weapons?

ragerdlHow do I make the topfit add-on work with "dual-wield" artifact weapons? It keeps making a clicking sound once every second for five seconds as it tries to equip another item that it can't use!

@Sterno Captain America's theme is rather memorable, what with the horns and all.
I love the Hobbit's OST
@StrixVaria This looks good, thanks
Avatar's is rather nice as well, even if I didn't really enjoy the film
Q: Should I buy crafting diagrams from merchants in the Witcher 3?

jgadouryWhen I get to a new town, I always check the merchants' merchandise, and often they have crafting diagrams for armor and weapons that I can't use yet because I'm too low level. I'm wondering, should I buy them or hope that I loot better diagrams? Also, are those diagrams sold by merchants unique...

> Salary Level
@Sterno is it a potato?
Even for an instructional assistant, this has to be a joke.
Or at least not a full-time position.
That's 5.5 dollar/hour (assuming fulltime)
@Sterno another box?
Which is less then minimum wage according to the googles
@Yuuki could be an internship?
@Sterno Enjoyable watch. Love thinmgs like this.
Also "safe" is a good example of why I'm not a huge fan of most marvel movies
time to sub
Damn it, that bad question was posted to GDSE
@Yuuki How many hours are you expected to put in each month?
Doesn't say anything other than "on-campus graduate assistant".
So maybe 20hr/week? Even then, that's still a bit low on the pay side.
I was a TA at minimum for like 6 hr/week
I think my max allowed was 10 hours
@KevinvanderVelden As expected.
@MBraedley I dind't think it was low for a TA at 20 hrs...until I realized that was for an entire month
I figured it was pure week or biweekly
That'd be damn good pay biweekly, considering that'd be close to what I was earning during my co-op placements when hours worked are accounted for.
Actually, probably more than what I was earning back then.
Q: How does the beam mining beam intensifier work in No Man's Sky?

DeepDeadpoolBy "mining beam intensifier", I mean the upgrade that allows for faster terrain destruction. I believe this means the ability to faster mine massive nuggets of gold, Emeril, iridium, etc... I can't make the upgrade myself, and don't wish to get a new tool to check the operation cuz mine's pretty...

@Lazers2.0 It intensifies your mining beam, duh
Q: Why the NTSC PSX ISOs always sizes much more than the PAL ISOs?

ElektroStudiosI just started to download many PSX ISOs to remember those old funny days with the help of a PSX emulator, and then I noted that the US versions of the ISOs always have a greater filesize than the european ISOs (and in much case than the japanese too), I'm talking about 50-100 mb of difference be...

Like I said, I got paid minimum as a TA
@MBraedley for 20 hours actually yeah
that would be really good
40 hours that's below minimum. 20 hours it's minimum+5
Yay, got my GeekDesk built!
lubuntu doesn't support my sound card
and lxpanel keeps crashing as I tried to add sound control
The Corrupted Blood incident was a video game glitch and virtual plague in the MMORPG World of Warcraft, which began on September 13, 2005, and lasted for one week. The epidemic began with the introduction of the new raid Zul'Gurub and its end boss Hakkar the Soulflayer. When confronted and attacked, Hakkar would cast a hit point-draining and highly contagious debuff spell called Corrupted Blood on players. The spell, intended to last only seconds and function only within the new area of Zul'Gurub, soon spread across the virtual world by way of a bug that allowed pets and minions to take th...
and youtube recommends me "5 movement from Erdogan of Turkey proud"
@arda i find lxpanel to be really awkward sometimes and for no obvious reason
@StrixVaria fun times
@sequoiad lxde and lxpanel sucks
but they don't use 9999gb of ram
@arda eh, lxde's not too bad
there's worse out there coughunitycough
@StrixVaria Have you read REAMDE?
@fredley I've read many READMEs, but I suspect not whichever one you're referencing.
I'm going to leave that joke there even now that I've realized that the letters are in a different order.
Oh, it's a Stephenson novel.
I didn't like Snow Crash, and his novel premises in general don't interest me.
@StrixVaria it took until reading that for me to notice as well
@StrixVaria It has an MMORPG as a major plot device.
Reamde is a technothriller novel by Neal Stephenson, published in 2011. The story, set in the present day, centers on the plight of a hostage and the ensuing efforts of family and new acquaintances, many of them associated with a fictional MMORPG, to rescue her as her various captors drag her about the globe. Topics covered range from online activities including gold farming and social networking to the criminal methods of the Russian mafia and Islamic terrorists. == Plot summary == Reamde begins by introducing two members of the Forthrast family who reconnect at an annual family reunion: Richard...
cc: @Wipqozn cc: other people who read
Why does every Stephenson novel sound the same as every other one?
I guess I'm just really not into that genre.
@StrixVaria Have you read any? It has elements of Snow Crash, but it's a very different book
@fredley Snow Crash and the beginning of Cryptonomicon.
I also read a bunch of Otherland which is thematically similar to every Stephenson setting and didn't like that either.
@StrixVaria I didn't enjoy Cryptonomicon that much, partly because it's set in a distorted history (a trope I hate). Anathem was great though. Yet to read Seveneyes
He's a bit GRRM when it comes to detail. He writes at epic scale too, meaning the books can drag a bit in places
My to-read queue is long enough, but if I start looking for stuff to add to it, I will consider Stephenson again.
Speaking MMORPG as major plot devices, mogworld is surprisingly good
I never understood why people raved about Snow Crash
@Sterno I found it to be kind of meh throughout with spikes of intense hatred for the author (naming a character Hiro Protagonist is unforgivable).
Anyway, lunch time.
And having him be a samurai sword fighting hacker pizza deliveryman
That's just too much for me
@Sterno I think it's supposed to be over the top. I much prefer later Stephenson though, which is a lot more sober. Anathem or Reamde my favourites in this regard, with Reamde my top probably.
It's near-future plausible SF, unlike Snow Crash which is not.
@fredley Well, I'm sure it is. You don't name a character "Hiro Protagonist" by accident. But it doesn't work for me
@Sterno I don't know. It's no worse than a lot of Terry Pratchett's naming.
Yeah. I couldn't get into Prachett's stuff either
@Sterno You are dead to me
Try Good Omens. It's Pratchett/Gaiman.
Pratchett's books are amazing
@fredley Well, we already knew you had terrible taste.
@MadMAxJr One of my top books ever. Bit dated now sadly.
@Sterno If anything, we have confirmed the terribleness of your taste compared to mine
American Gods was the worst.
Haven't read that one yet.
@fredley What. Why, what the fuck is wrong with you america
@Sterno cc @fredley see this again
For Gaiman, honestly I prefer my tomes of The Sandman
read all Discworld, the Long Earth books and the Truckers books
@fredley American. Gods. Was. Awful.
Sterno. Has. No. Taste. In. Books.
@sequoiad Yup. Long Earth was good, but the sequels were a bit of a let down.
@fredley Sterno. Has. No. Taste.
I'd argue with you but yesterday for about 20 minutes McDonald's was sounding like a good idea.
Ster "No" Taste
@fredley not as good, still decent reads though and I liked the concepts
I'd rather eat a Whopperito than read American Gods again, though
Alright, I've got to run off to work in a minute, but I wanted to pop in to bring attention to this question again. I'm still convinced it's off-topic as only the developer can know this information and there is no way to test. But clearly others didn't think so, so I'd definitely love to hear some counter opinions to that. Someone should make a meta and/or tag me in responses here.
@sequoiad Yeah. It felt a bit like there was too much worldbuilding going on to really focus on the story.
@Sterno I didn't really love it either. I have come to realize that I just don't really love Gaiman.
@Ktash actually the only upvoted answer shows a test that proves it partially
(i.e. it shows that the strength of the pokemon is determined when you get it, but that doesn't necessarily say anything about which pokemon you get)
@KevinvanderVelden Except that's not really an example. Just an anecdotal account of one person and what the subreddit has concluded (even though they have been wrong about a lot of things) with no actual link to any proof or any demonstrated
Gah! Gotta run. Gonna miss my bus. Tag me more. Or make a meta or something. But keep talking
the Science of Discworld books I liked as well, a good mix of Pratchett humour and actual science
Even if it's accurate, only the developer can provide a complete answer to the question
@Ash We are enemies now. I am building the anti-hug-gun.
"Only the developer can give an answer" isn't off-topic. "Developer Intent" is off-topic
Damn, the only truly effective weapon. Ambivalence! You win this round cyborg.
@Sterno They're asking for information that's only meaningfully related to developer intent. "When are the dice rolled for this random value I only see later?" has no meaningful gameplay use when you can't manipulate the randomness.
@murgatroid99 "no meaningful gameplay use" = "not useful" = downvote
OK, "information only relevant to developer intent" = "developer intent" = close
I think developer intent is a stretch
The developer intent is you should enjoy more books.
Developer intent is also to stop playing Mei.
@StrixVaria Aaaaah, those were the days. Skeletons littered the ground. It was hilarious.
Q: Is "This question requires developer only knowledge" the same thing as developer intent?

UnionhawkThe question I have in mind, in particular, is this one. There are arguments being made that this question is off topic because it requires developer insight in order to have a 100% authoritative answer. Does this fall under the category of developer intent or not?

Oh look, we've already meta'd this
I've basically mained Mei since beta
OK, fine. one of my arguments is invalid. But I voted to close it because I think they're asking for developer intent, not just because nobody else can answer it
The graphics in Dishonored are not as good as I remembered.
It doesn't need great graphics to enjoy throwing people into horrible rat hordes that reduce them to bloody bits.
@Sterno I've got a long response but can't type it on my phone. Ping me so I remember. My bus is here
@Ktash Don't forget your response to something! Probably about how terrible @Ster no-taste-in-books is.
@Sterno 4 years will do that
llke I remember being utterly blown away by HL2 and Source engine's graphics when I first saw them
@Fluttershy I read that as "about how terrible @Sterno taste in books is", which also works
@Sterno Okay, I have to ask, what is a good book by your standards?
@MadMAxJr @Sterno only reads books written in cuneiform on fired clay tablets
@MadMAxJr @Wipqozn's diary
(cuneiform, cruciform, same thing)
I wonder what the current number of people playing PoGo is now
the daily access figure
going on the source data sample of "asking those people what I know, like", it must have plummeted since July
@fredley Meanwhile I'm reading Hyperion which is off the rails fantasy SF and loving that way more than anything realistic.
Im currently reading the WoW novels
but recently I've been working through Ian M Banks's Culture novels
Player of Games and Excession really stood out for me
I have trouble with books that are set in supposedly the real-ish world and the main character is named "Shadow" and no one seems to think it's weird.
Unless it's a book about an emo teen hanging out with his emo friends
Yeah, we all have much more reasonable names here in the real world.
@Sterno I couldn't finish American Gods.
Like @Sterno, or @StrixVaria, or @fredley.
@Sterno that was one thing I didn't like about HP, in the early books everyone has these almost comedy names, then in later ones things get serious... but you still have the comedy names popping up and breaking the immersion by means of contrast
TIL @Ronan thinks my IRL name is Sterno
Yup. Totally.
In reality, my IRL name is PonyLover0001
That seems like a legit birth year for you.
@Sterno Yeah it's a pretty great read
Very good foresight to know you'd need all three leading zeros.
I'll need more than that but when in Rome
I'll admit Gaiman isn't for everybody. But I will also admit that Gaiman is absolutely for me. Probably my favorite author.
Also, I should read more Iain M. Banks.
Also also, The Troop is a genuinely unsettling book.
I just had a gold damage overwatch game on lucio
@Fluttershy My overall impression of Gaiman is that he's amazing at writing sentences and pretty sloppy at putting plots together. As a result, his poems are pretty great.
(I was the highest level player on team by 50)
Dishonored apparently can only have 5 bodies at a time before they start to despawn. Even Thief had that beat in 1999. I blame consoles
@StrixVaria I really enjoy his short stories, as well, so maybe those would be more your style? I dunno. I've loved all of his stories, short or otherwise.
Sterno enjoys stories that can only be conveyed by the trails of blood that lead to the corpses of his enemies.
@Fluttershy I don't like short stories in general because there isn't really enough time to develop everything.
Everything is fine until demos when everything is simultaneously on fire
@StrixVaria this has been my experience.
Q: Is it possible to change the color of the notifications you get on PS4 after the new update?

SstrykerRAfter I updated my PS4 system to the newest version the color of the notifications changed from black to white. I think it's incredibly ugly and I was wondering if it's possible to change them back to black. I have already tried going into theme settings and system settings, but unfortunately I d...

@StrixVaria I like them when they connect to other things, like how Seanan McGuire does short stories to flesh out her world's and telling stories from characters that wouldn't be heard otherwise.
(I especially love the ones she did for the Newsflesh world and the Incryptid world)
So they just augment the full novels
There was a Sanderson novella, The Emperor's Soul, which I enjoyed reading, but which didn't leave me feeling satisfied afterwards.
It builds on the Cosmere (his world in Mistborn, Elantris, Stormlight, and Warbringer), so it's related to a setting I really enjoy, but it was still just kind of there.
His other short story, Secret Mistborn, I found to be awful, because there was no reason to learn those things about that character, and it honestly felt completely unnecessary next to the complete piece that was the original Mistborn trilogy.
I guess my point of view is that if it's not important enough to make the cut in the novel itself, it probably isn't worth having been written/published at all.
Elantris was an odd read.
Obviously, others are free to enjoy what they like, but that's my take on supplemental short stories.
@MadMAxJr It was his first published novel, and definitely a bit clumsy.
Godlike zombies.
Oh by the way you don't heal but you can't die, but the pain is always there.
We have wards of the permanantly wounded and insane!
@StrixVaria But it did explain some things that weren't completely explained in the original story
@MadMAxJr I liked this concept, it was a pretty interesting take on zombies.
Alright, I'm gonna need a meta to explain this. I started typing it out and it got way too long really quick.
Ughh, I said I wouldn't do meta anymore... I never follow my own rules for myself
@murgatroid99 I left the original trilogy with zero questions. I can't remember what there was that needed explaining.
@Ktash rules are for the weak
If we want to get super-spoilery about it, we could probably move here:

 Fantasy Stories (Spoilers)

Discussion about fantasy books including spoilers (Sanderson, ...
Cc @Wipqozn @fredley and @Dragonrage on that delicious pun
@StrixVaria ok
I'm gonna have to do this on my lunch. Look what y'all have done to me
aaaaah I just accidentally wiped my linux partition
dammit disk management
windows lets u do that?
@Ktash I think you started it by specifically bringing it up :)
Q: Did Titan Souls receive any updates?

user598527Titan Souls on Steam The developer has posted no patchlogs on Steam discussions and news, has the game been updated?

@Sterno I'll have none of this "logic" :P
Q: How are skills and abilities leveled up?

VahxHow exactly are skills and abilities leveled up in The Elder Scrolls Online? Sometimes i seem to get experience and all of a sudden 3 different skills are leveled up without doing anything. Do skills each get a share of the global experience? Do they only get this if they have an ability on the ...

Q: How does agro work in The Elder Scrolls Online?

VahxFrom a tank perspective, how does the agro system work in ESO? I only see a very limited amount of abilities that will force a target to attack you for x seconds (and this is only inside the one hand and shield skills) What if i want to be a mage tank with a spellwand or a 2handed tank? How can ...

> A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.
Hmm... should I still apply to internships after having graduated?
if they pay, sure
@Yuuki And you're willing to take a term contract which might not turn into a permanent position.
Being employed on a term contract sucks balls
I spent 2 years on term contracts before being made permanent, and one of the times I wasn't sure I'd be renewed. That's some stress you don't want.
@GodEmperorDune hahah oh man, that's one smooth joke
@MBraedley that's true
tho in the uk you're basically a temp for the first 2 years anyway
@MBraedley depends on the person, some people like the higher rates you can make as a contractor and don't mind the lack of stability
once you realise that, 'probation peroids' are a bit of a joke
@GodEmperorDune term contract != contractor. I was a full time employee, just not permanent
but yeah, don't ever expect a contract to perm to turn into a perm and you won't get disappointed
I've always had perm contracts. Next one is too
@MBraedley hmm, not sure if that's a non-US thing then. everywhere i've worked, you are either an FTE or a contractor
fte for a fixed period is a thing
fixed term contract is the 'legal term' i think
could be
As all FTE is, is a contract with no set end date (other than maybe your 65/67th birthday)
I've been FTE, Fixed term, contractor, a temp, all of it
SOP here and at most of our competitors is to start someone off on a term contract and at the end of that either renew it or make the employee permanent. The reason is that you still need cause to fire someone within their probationary period, albeit it's not as stringent, but you don't need cause to not renew a contract.
In the UK none of it matters til you've been somewhere for 2 years
in US the main difference between a contractor and an FTE is that the employer pays an FTE benefits and taxes, but the contractor needs to do all of that themselves
so usually contractor gets higher pay rate to compensate
same here generally
Q: Pokemon go update 0.37.0 help

J.DioeI have recently installed the latest apk version of pokemon go (0.37.0). When I opened the app and signed in it showed me a message saying my device isnt compatible with pokemon go. M device isnt rooted and I have a Hauwei G7 with android version 4.4.4 and the game still refuses to let me in. PLE...

@GodEmperorDune So I was a full time employee. I received benefits (although not as many as permanent employees) and the company paid payroll taxes and deducted my income taxes. The only thing was that my employment was only guaranteed for 6 months at a time.
@MBraedley yeah i've never heard of that. it might be my industry doesn't do that
What is this "guaranteed employment" you speak of?
@Sterno Well, I used the term generously.
And as a point of clarification, the official term used by the company for my employment when I started was assignment employee.
> Assignment Employees are salaried employees, who work 40 hours per week and who have a contract in excess of 6 months (not including Co-op students)
gah python, why are you erroring that the file doesn't exist when you should be creating it?!
@GodEmperorDune Directory doesn't exist?
@GodEmperorDune Are you sure you're actually telling it to create the file if it doesn't exist?
> with open(output_file, 'w') as output:
@Ronan nah i've checked the directory manually

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