Ingress had ADA's nice female voice since its early days as the welcoming message but it has changed over the past few days into something like a quarrel between ADA and a male voice. It goes like this:
ADA : I'm being watched
The male voice : The tool is in your hands. The scanner is the k...
SR4 seems dumb when you've only played SR3. You'd think it's stupid how they made driving and gangs obsolete, but it's not. It's the most fun I've had in SR games
I'll never give up on Bethesda. They made Morrowind. The game that every modern game tries to emulate, to varying levels of success, including their own new games.
In other news, I only watch a short segment of that video but complaining saying the Skyrim is "dumbed down" and "worse" than morrowwind because it won't let you put yourself into a game ending scenario by killing key characters is pretty dumb.
Which is to say I just see that argument as folks looking for ways to rip on new games for no reason other than being hipsters going "old games are so much better hur dur"
yeah being able to kill key characters is pretty hilarious and funny when you decided to kill one of those key characters then you accidently click the quicksave button instead of quickload
I think there's a subtly to it, if the game wants to act like the real world and allow you to screw yourself over it should. But it should make you aware that killing random people might do that from a very early stage.
yeah, and in old games there was nothing in the levels except stuff you interacted with. I'm playing through Thief and prety much all tables and shelves are empty except for a few items I can interact with since the technology back thne couldn't render anymore
So now technology can render more stuff, and they put more stuff into the world to make it feel more real, and guess what? That means finding the items you can actually interact with is a bit more difficult, so they added in ways to make it easier
@Sterno To be honest I think doing this is a fine way too, I just hate the fact you're using the fact Skyrim takes a different but completely legit approach as a way to shit on it for being "dumbed down"
@Mazura Unless you think every game is only good if it emulates exactly the parts of real life that you consider fun and immersive, while ignoring the parts that make it tedious or painful.
I will say that I enjoy things like in Deus Ex where you can kill (almost) everyone (including civilians) even if there is no reason to and doing so would make you a horrible person. Then you're actually making a choice to not kill them rather than having it forced on you.
Sure, there are a few key NPCs you can't kill, but I can live with that.
They also went out of their way to make sure you can't even pull your gun out during those times, so it is less immersion-breaking than the games where you can shoot every bad guy but bullets magically bounce off your allies at the same time
@Mazura In real life, the consequences of killing a bunch of people including spending decades in jail. But I'm sure you don't want to spend decades of game time in a game jail for killing game people
@Mazura OK, I think the fundamental issue with this conversation is that you are taking your own personal standards for fun, immersion, and quality in games and making as though they are the one true correct way to judge games.
I tried playing Thief 2 couple months ago. Lack of my position on the map and the hand-drawn map style made me get lost quite quickly and I quit and never played it again
@Mazura And this statement makes my point. There's nothing wrong with criticizing design choices you dislike in a game. I've done it myself. But calling it "dumbing down" directly implies that anyone who actually likes those changes is dumb.
@Mazura When you post the video, and when you state that other games are "dumbed down", then you're explicitly endorsing that view, and that's why I'm taking it up with you.
For example: I play many games for the story. I don't need to be railroaded, but I like having features such as quest markers that allow me to quickly and easily return to the story. The fact that that feature exists doesn't mean that the game is "dumbed down"; it just means that the game's target audience doesn't have the exact same gameplay goals that you have.
Plot guidance beacons aren't entirely wrong. Where I need to go is fine. But putting a beacon on every item in a room for a quest like 'Find the murder evidence' is a bit of a killjoy. Finding that sweet spot is tricky.
With the last update of Fallout Shelter, Bethesda has added these "limited time" quests.
Question is, how limited is that time exactly? What happens when the quests "end", will it still be possible to get the benefits?
And in many games, people who know the game inside and out can optimize their gameplay so that the whole game seems relatively easy. Future games with similar mechanics may feel "dumbed down" to players like that because they can optimize right from the outset. But making the game hard enough for those players would probably come at the expense of making the game unfamiliar and/or impossibly hard for most other players.
@MadMAxJr Better: the game comes with real rubber bands, and instructs you when to put each one on your wrist. For that old school "drawing maps on graph paper" feel.
Holy hell someone on the other end of this conference call is like tapping the table or something and it's being amplified in the phone and I want to reach through and strangle them
"Your quest is somewhere in the desert." "Isn't this whole game a desert?" "It's around here somewhere." "You're just telling me to get lost, aren't you?" "DO YOU WANT TO PLAY QUEST FOR GLORY 2 OR NOT?"
I just realized why I think Morrowind was so cool. It was the last game I ever played w/o being able to google it. So it's my own fault as to why all these new games suck.
Like in other MOBAs, is there any way to get infinite damage boosts. I know you can get infinite health with Sevarog and his ability but is there anything that allows this to be used for damage? For example:
With some hero who can gain max mana from kills, it could be infinite right?