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Okay, so fine, he thought it was a toy doll but that doesn't explain why he punched it!
Does he normally punch dolls?
@Yuuki Her kid was the victim. Maybe they don't have a good picture of the guy
@murgatroid99 Well, they have a picture of the kid further down.
I feel like that would've made a more sensible headline image.
Probably clickbait, then
Cables: deprecated
Q: Does buying a Team Fortress 2 item on the community market through the Mann Co. store upgrade your account to premium?

SnorriChinchillaI noticed in the Team Fortress 2 Mann Co. store that some items shown are on the Steam community market, as shown in the screenshot below. If you buy one of those items through the Mann Co. store, (say, the cheapest one) does it upgrade your TF2 account to Premium? Thank you for your answers!

@badp That thing in the top right looks like it is simultaneously winking and frowning at me
@Unionhawk Apple: our chargers have chargers
@Sterno I've knocked out every guard in the first level of Thief 2 but I'm still not done. I need more gems, but I can't find any. I even cheated after a while and turned out there were a few secrets. I got all of'em, and still not enough. Misery.
My god. If this is Q&A I don't know what the presidential debates are going to be like
@Wipqozn You sound terrible at this.
@Sterno Yes :(
I guess expert is too much for me
I'm doing the Bonehoard mission and don't even hate it
(so far)
@Sterno I got better once I wasn't wandering aimlessly around tunnels
My midi keyboard controller arrived!
I'm hyped!
murdered by poisonous lizards
Venomous or poisonous?
Or both
@Sterno It's a valid question
They shot green clouds at me
Maybe it was acid. I don't know. These graphics are bad
Okay I have to get streaming set up
I'm going to just say "deadly" and call it a day
On my new computer
@Unionhawk Yeah, I'm going to have to go with that
@Wipqozn Were you aware your rope arrows can be recovered?
@Sterno Yes
Wait, no, but I am now
I knew sonic arrows could be
noisemaker, whatever
@Wipqozn ... wha?
I actually thought @Sterno was saying whoever made that should be murdered by poisonous lizards
I just... I'm just staring at it with this stupefied look on my face.
I... have no words.
I have words. I have the best words.
@Yuuki Supposedly it's from a class required by business students
It compiles. Ship it.
@Wipqozn I think I'm more annoyed by the fact that this is Python 2
And of course the PEP8 violation
@Sterno I missed a crown in one of the bedrooms.
twitch.tv/twobugs Let's see if this works! Streaming ORI and the Blind Forest!
Okay. Burrick tunnels are worse than Hitler
RIP @Ori
@Sterno Yup
Backstabbed a burrick. me pro much
I take it back. Burrick tunnels seemed like they'd be awful but in practice weren't.
think I'm going to finally play Endless Legenc
I think I bought that.
Yup. Never even installed.
@Sterno I bought it, my PCa couldn't run it, realized it was because I plugged my monitor into the wrong port and then never got back to it
Don't make me want to play it.
@Sterno How did you know that was my plan all along?
PLus there's an expansion neither of us owns
A few I tihnk actually
Oh, Dungeon of the Endless is out of alpha. Maybe I should play that.
@Sterno Yes!
Or Cogmind!
That one is still in alpha i think
And it was too hard for me
@Wipqozn Apparently some of the layout, guards, and guard patterns change on higher difficulties in Thief too
Holy shit
Wasn't that announced awhile ago?
Yeah but I'm just now finding out about it
@Sterno n ifty
So I never actually watched one of those kooky conspiracy theory videos.
I think I just did.
The constant scraggly beard stroking also really weirded me out.
Movement not tied to the grid is probably the biggest thing, imo.
Game Theory: (Video by @Hbomberguy and taken from his most recent video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E-0sjkDnkc ) https://t.co/DRmT4tkDRG
literally that video
In fact that'd make a decent chat profile description
@Wipqozn Just finished Bonehoard with max loot. I actually really enjoyed that mission
@Yuuki $149 US DOLLARS
@Yuuki Yes this is exactly what I thought of immediately
If it was anyone else and at a lower price point I might be able to must some hype for AirPods
But Apple and $150? Nah
Apple does not have a great track record with audio equipment
> If Apple wants to push wireless, then by all means, do it, but don't charge 160$/€/£ whatever for the AirPods. Or simply include them with the iPhone 7.
I guess they used up all their courage to remove the 3,5mm jack so there is no more bravery left, but still.
That seems problematic
It sounds like it's not black-only.
> “This living-learning community focuses on academic excellence and learning experiences that are inclusive and non-discriminatory. This community is open to all students,” said Cal State L.A. spokesman Robert Lopez. “As I told other news organizations, such themed housing communities are nothing new and are featured at many universities.”
open to all students
That's what my fraternity calls the "female eagle scout" defense
Which is technically valid
The problem I'm seeing is the only place I see it say that it's black-only is in every article headline
@Unionhawk ????
I'm having trouble confirming or denying that it actually excludes people. The one quote I found says it doesn't. It's supposedly a living-learning community about that culture
@Sterno "The Halisi Scholars Black Living Learning Community is intended for the students on our campus that identify as Black/African American. This recent achievement is long overdue, but well deserved! The link to apply is in our bio!"
(From the instagram post that the CSULA Black Student Union posted)
@Ash Excellent. I couldn't find a quote like that anywhere.
@Ash we got title ix complaints at some other university
@Unionhawk I don't know what that means
> Proponents believe the students can draw on their common experiences to support one another. They also point out that non-black students are not explicitly barred from applying for the housing.
So it sounds like "Please don't sign up for it, and we'll probably find a way to make sure you don't get a spot, but you're not actually excluded"
@Ash That the group was considered exclusionary towards women, basically
Which technically is not true, blame the BSA if anything
> Editor’s Note: A previous version of this story has been changed to clarify the application and admission standards for housing at both Cal State LA and University of Connecticut. As noted in the story, students who identify as African-American will be prioritized in selection. But interested students of other races may also apply.
I feel better now.
By 1%
You won't be selected, but you may apply!
That's the actual legal defense used in those cases. And it works I guess so
It's fortunately never come up here
@Fluttershy HELLO
Oh, he's stopped. rip @twobugs
So a girl can't ever be an Eagle Scout?
(aka I am learning that your Scouts and ours work different)
Like Girl Guides is, well, as it says on the tin, a girl thing
but afaik, any gender can be a Scout
Currently? I think technically.
I can see that changing
Q: Is it possible to settle the Boston Airport?

spugsleyI've settled every settlement in the main Fallout 4 game. Except the Boston Airport. I can't seem to figure this one out. I can't craft a beacon radio here and it doesn't even give me an option to plant crops (food doesn't even show as a resource in the workshop interface). Just for reference, th...

Q: My Ivysayr doesn´t show up

Daniela Cuinso, today I got enough Bulbasaur candy to evolve it to and Ivysaur, but the place where my pokemon is supposed to be its empty. I don´t know why. And not only that, everytime I check if Ivysaur has finally appeared, my other pokemon "disappear"for no reason. I´m desperate.

The BSA does have Venturing which is co-ed, and if someone came to us with the highest rank there we'd probably at least discuss it, but it's never come up so
I guess you need to become a scout as a boy, then change your gender identity to girl. TECHNICAL VICTORY
Or something
Was Duterte (Phillipines) that guy that got elected on the platform that he would enact martial law to solve the drug problem?
Yeah that sounds like a thing
And has since killed over 2000 people in an effort to solve said drug problem.
What a fool
Also, I keep forgetting that "Philippines" is one l and two p's, not two l's and one p.
@Fluttershy Yes I will continue
Q: Data tag parsing failed: Encountered multiple top tags, only one expected

Zom KnightThe command tag I have been using is as follows: /summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type: 3, Tame: 1, Saddle: 1} Attributes[Name:Horse Jumpstrength, Base:10,Name:Generic.Movementspeed, Base:20, Name:Generic.maxhealth, Base:5000] I have also tried the below. /summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type: 3, Tame: 1, ...

Q: Why cant I run a server no matter what I do?

user165717My public ip address is 2602:306:831d:6dd0:5dee:322e:ecb5:6ec2 Also I have Can someone make me a server? I live in Texas City, Texas

History repeats itself. #AppleEvent https://t.co/OrYf5xX51I
@Fluttershy Which metroidvania
@Unionhawk COURAGE
@GnomeSlice @Ori and the blind forest
I'll play more Friday (and stream it)
I might do TWW tomorrow
Same thing
I might tell Nintendo on you and have you sent to Internet Jail
No nintendo is fine with it as long as I don't make any money
And technically I think TWW is on the preapproved list of things you can ask Nintendo gives you a share in video type content
Sewing patches by hand onto denim is hell on the fingers.
(On the plus side my jacket is going to look so good)
I think I accidentally hurt my cats while trying to groom them. They don't seem to mind it much but I feel awful
They did match one of my stream exports 7 different times
But all that means is Nintendo controls the ads on it
which is literally meaningless to me
That's part of why I'm glad I have partner (I think this is partner or maybe it's just verified account idk) is I can just dump a 90 minute video onto youtube and it's just like "OK this is fine"
That's kind of neat
This makes me think of you, @GodEmperorDune - instagram.com/p/BKFFSd0A3hI
(the artist posts a lot of cute pun themed art)
@Ash cc @Wipqozn @fredley and @Dragonrage on that delicious pun
Also my wife and I refer to it as pugetti IRL just because we know it will upset @badp
this message is approved by the pun counsel
@Dragonrage I always heed their council
Q: Minecraft : Command execute after eating something specific

JesterI'm looking for a way to execute a command for any player on my server who eats this specific enchanted beetroot which gives them this effect that makes them feel like they are on drugs (screenshots attached) The Beetroot The Command

Q: Pokemon Omega Ruby Bundle Transfer

Reuben_MedikRecently, I've had problems with my NNID account and wish to make a new one on the same console. My question is, If I restart my NNID account, will my Omega Ruby download be safe, or will it also be deleted, even with the SD card removed?

Q: My frenzy spell explosion does not appear on Xbox 360

Lachie764It's never there I've turned my Xbox 360 on and of again and it is still not there. It's their for the other spells but not this one. What do I do?

@NBN-Alex hahahaha epic
I'm dying. that entire account is gold
Spongebob Theme Song https://t.co/i7gEiUu7BL
I am in Belgium cc: @Arperum
that account reminds me of
See our pinned tweet. There's a Facebook page too: https://t.co/eYpsN6TkfX
7.7k tweets, 24.1k followers, following 0 users
@fredley Fun, where exactly?
@arda There's some gold in that one, it reminds me of twitter.com/dasharez0ne
@NBN-Alex better way to show that:
user image
#AirPods #courage https://t.co/JF4icRtZkm
@fredley Fancy. We could meet up this evening or tomorrow evening if that fits you?
Contract signed and everything.
Smoke Alarm going crazy. I didn't want to sleep anyway
@Arperum Grats!
It's not even my smoke alarm but I bet I get blamed
@Arperum \o/
Now how many months do you have to wait for your weird belgian notification period laws =p
@Arperum congrats
@KevinvanderVelden 4 weeks. And I am going to do internal accord thingy where I basically leave in two (because one more week of consultancy and one week of handling off everything to boss)
And then a week break. ANd then I start 3rd of octobre at other job.
If internal accord would fuck up I start 17th october
Still gonna do the consulting thing at the new place?
Internal accord requires signing from my boss. And he could be an ass and make me do the entire time.
nope. Internal dev work.
Also: 15-20 minute drive instead of currently 35-45
@Arperum nice
15-20 minute drive is a good amount of driving
Yes. Once I've fixed one of my bikes and it's acceptable weather I could even bike the distance.
Which is risky, but whatever. Because Belgian weather.
15-20 minute drive is quite a bit of biking (well, assuming most of that is highway like it is with me)
@Arperum let's discuss on steam
So... seems we are getting a new Super Mario game this year! Yay!
....(reads more)....
On IOS ;_;
.... (reads even more)....
...a.... runner. -_-
@fredley Lemme see if I get steam running on my phone.
@KevinvanderVelden MUHAHAHA. None of it is highway. It's halfway towards the highway.
So really it should have been a 10 minute drive is what you're saying?
It's about 15 km.
Seems about right, mine is 16km
At the store now, this detector takes SPECIAL BATTERY PACKS
Mine has also been silent so it's 100% not mine
@Derpy suffers PTSD flashbacks to Sonic Dash
@twobugs Isn't it like night over there?
Bugs are aften active at night
@Arperum Why yes, it's 4am
And this has been keeping me awake for 2 hours
This is fine.jpg
My poor cats are being terrorized by this
When my fire detector started beeping I just pulled it out and took out the batteries for a bit
This has a special battery pack you are not supposed to remove
@sequoiad even better.
@twobugs that's what power tools are for
Also, as previously mentioned, it's not mine doingbthe beeping :|
I wonder if this is considered a maintenance emergency
> We don't think enough people would want a Rockman Dash 3 game, but a second horrid runner (after the first one crashed miserably) seems a good investment.
@twobugs that also is what power tools are for, getting to the one which is beeping
@KevinvanderVelden Acceptable
Explosives also work but are harder to get to and tend to disrupt more sleep
I'm at a complete loss on what to do
I might as well go back but I highly doubt its fixed. And what if it IS mine and I wake all my neighbors up?
What detector is it anyway? Fire?
It's clearly the low power alert, a few beeps roughly every 10 min
Set everything on fire and it'll stop the low power alert beeping
I don't think that will work
I mean this is going to make my Thursday abit fuct
Might as well head back. I don't know if I should call in to work or what
@twobugs That is the worst.
I already feel like shit for hurting them while grooming
I groomed too hard and they seem to not mind now but I was clearly doing things wrong
Okay it is clearly not my alarm going off. For the half hour I had it with me it was totally silent
I bet I get a call during the day saying my neighbor has reported me for noise
Sounds like trump:
> Tonight, NBC hosted a “Commander-in-Chief Forum,” which consisted of 30 minutes of Hillary Clinton talking about her emails and 30 minutes of Donald Trump declaring his intention to commit war crimes.
Q: What are the possible attachement for the Stun Gun and Zenith?

DrakaSANWhen trying to add a Laser Sight to my Stun Gun, I got a warning that I would not be able to replace it with something else. While it doesn't surprise me, I was wondering what else was possible to add on the Stun Gun, which is already silenced. Also, in HR, it was possible to have Laser Sight a...

if the limit is 16 why is numbers important?
I want to use the 50char password I just generated!
generate another one
I'm serious about the 50char thing
best password management I ever saw was in an web based app we had to use at work.
The change password screens would allow for password containing special characters and the such with no error given
and the actual password usage would refuse those?
but the server side logic would then silently trim out those characters.
@Derpy ...
so, suppose you set your password to "{Password}"
the server would silently remove the two curly braces...
and set your password to "Password"
without any form of feedback
reminds me of something I read on /r/talesfromtechsupport
in the same way, it would only allow for passwords up to (12?) characters, and DROP THE REST.... again silently
just imagine the FUN when the user started to try to use the complex password they think to have set....
@Derpy yup, exactly like the one I read on tfts. I think it might be one of your coworkers posted that.
@arda or another lucky customer of that company.
they provided reporting and such, so I would guess we weren't the only customers they had.
oh, this one is not 12 chars it is 8 chars
@Derpy Reminds me of Star Trek Online - at some point during one of their publisher changes, a password length limit was enforced differently. My password was 1 character over, and APPARENTLY up until that point, the password entry for the launcher login was trimming the end of my password to match the system automatically. So even though I had "remember password" checked, it suddenly stopped being the correct password.
Bridge Commander > STO
@sequoiad It is now, STO got too grindy. Too many daily timers and money sinks.
dammit my start menu doesnt work
I'm getting breached once a week :/
@TrentHawkins .........I won't even ask you how "FUN" was to diagnose this problem with their support service.
@arda Dang, looks like I was part of it, thanks for the heads up
> A little over nine million keys used to redeem and activate games on the Steam platform were stolen by a hacker who breached a gaming news site last month.
@Derpy Fortunately I managed to figure this out on my own after a day or so. Automated account recovery; try to enter new password and "error; password too long". Funny part was their website logon still did the password trimming, So I could logon to the forums to complain just fine, but the client wouldn't let me in.
I feel bad for dlh.net, that breach will hurt them a lot
@arda I... why does a gaming news site have nine million keys?
"A known vulnerability found in older vBulletin forum software, which powers the site's community, allowed the hacker to access the databases."
@KevinvanderVelden they used to do giveaways
Goddamn, why is no one updating if it happens so often
using vbulletin in 2016 should be illegal
@arda so nine million used keys? Which are literally worthless
@arda That is a lot of giveaways.
@KevinvanderVelden maybe used, maybe not. Not sure.
@arda \o/ bytewave
And that one was weirder, it replaced them with zeroes
@KevinvanderVelden his tales are epic, so is his storytelling
He should release a book with his stories combined :)
On the plus side, if the passwords do get breached it won't actually be your password that's released!
> A number of the 15-digit alphanumeric game keys were already redeemed and are effectively useless. Many appear to be or have been valid at some point -- though it's not clear what percentage are still redeemable and active.
@KevinvanderVelden Could be a nice feature to add to your company products brochure.
@KevinvanderVelden only if those keys are actually uniformly random
@badp that is a good point actually
But on the other hand, I would imagine that they've thought of that
well this leak is going to let people check if those keys are actually random.
Want to buy download: Those 9 million keys, for science
@GnomeSlice I have no idea who/what that is
I don't think I replied to that yet
the Legion companion app now works, whoop
@KevinvanderVelden They'll probably be revoked by Steam at this point
I mean, it's copy theft, not full-on theft. All they have to do is pass that list on to Steam
@sequoiad indeed, just a minor bug I found is that it doesn't remember sound settings if the app gets closed for whatever reason.
@Nzall that's why I want the list for science
@Nzall yeah, that's kinda annoying, but I can live with it
at least can actually do missions etc from it now
@arda That's horrible
I'd make the obligatory bridge your face joke but I don't wanna scare the new person :(
not-CC @Wipqozn on that burn that didn't happen
@KevinvanderVelden You could make the joke about your own face though. That would be rather fitting.
Good point
@Riley Well so is @Arperum's face
@KevinvanderVelden ... I AM NOT YOU.
CC @Wipqozn on that burn
@Arperum I don't see where I ever said you were
@Arperum and everyone is thankful for that.
@KevinvanderVelden It is your face that is horrible. Mine doesn't fit. The horribleness is properly hidden under a beard.
@Arperum so you admit your face is horrible?
@sequoiad I am at least. I don't want to be @HalfLife3 cc @badp
Camouflage doesn't make the problem go away you know
@KevinvanderVelden It does in this case. Since the camouflage is intrinsic to the thing.
@KevinvanderVelden Shush. You're not released yet. You have no right to speak up.
@Arperum yet he still has the ability to instil both hope and hatred in a large group of people.
I like when the first minute of a metal song is just literally a symphonic orchestra playing
@sequoiad are you calling me trump?
@KevinvanderVelden or Gabe
@KevinvanderVelden Based on your nationality Wilders would be a better fit then.
I would also ignore the hell out of you if you actually were him.
Fortunately you've met me
that explains a lot
In the same way we also know that @badp is not secretly Berlusconi or somesuch person.
Note to self: It's contagious :-P
@sequoiad The crazies? I had those long before I ran into this place.
@Arperum but did @KevinvanderVelden?
@Arperum but what if I were Secret Berlusconi
@Arperum correct, we don't know if @fredley isn't Farage so I'm assuming he is. He is after all literally responsible for brexit
@sequoiad I mean, I'm not gonna lie. It's all @Arperum's fault
and how do you know i'm not Farage?
now i'm worried
because Farage is obviously Farage
mirror check
and you are not obviously Farage
feel free to replace obviously with obnoxiously if you'd like
or if you're THAT kind of person, unapologetically
@sequoiad because you're not @fredley, duh
THAT kind of person that doesn't lack #courage
THAT kind of person that doesn't lack #vision
THAT kind of person that doesn't lack #dongles
Q: can you tame a creeper

dwight williamsi videos say you can but i dont know how

@Arperum But.... how will I unfroze this plate full of frozen spaghetti otherwise?
@Derpy At home. Also: why do you have frozen spaghetti? That sounds like heresy.
@Arperum I see someone who didn't play Undertale...

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