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@Derpy Yes. It is in theory somewhere on my "I should play this at some point" list.
I've played 20 minutes of it!
I've spend quite some time waiting and now I'm not so sure if it's doing anything or that I have to betray her :/
gah, why are some people so useless at remembering their email password
Dammit linethrough markup. WHat are you again.
I was gonna fix that line.
@Riley Toriel? Either you go ahead and will meet her pretty soon, or you wait and then will have to go and meet her at the same place
this one person needs, on average, 6 resets per week
the only difference is that if you wait A LOT you will discover why she was late returning.
@Derpy So waiting actually does something?
@Riley just some back-story you won't see otherwise.
Basically, it was all @NBN-Alex fault.
@Derpy Ah, neat
@Riley You receive a call from her every... 10 or so minutes you wait
@sequoiad That is extremely bad.
@Derpy Cool, thanks for the info.
and to see all the messages... be prepared to wait for about 1.5h
small suggestion: if I recall correctly, if you play in window mode, the timer will still run if you keep the window open while doing something else.
Oh damn
Or, if you are really mad like me, you can try to play King&Castle with the nearby column like she suggested.
Sadly, the column never seemed to reply ;_;
BTW, related comic/video. Contains spoilers for Undertale plot & hard mode, so be warned if you decide to watch it and haven't completed the game
So I just learned " @domain.thing" is a valid email adres
Yes, that's a regular, boring space
@KevinvanderVelden what defines what is a valid email address? Not all email servers will accept that
@KevinvanderVelden More like cc your mom
@Chippies The RFC that defines valid email adresses
not sure if any email servers will accept that, but you might have found one, so what do I know... :P
Whether it's a useable email adres is a different thing
@Arperum ARe you sure?
BUT I want to find out of my host supports and and then use that
@Ash Fantastic
@Sterno TIL I'm just a bad person
@Wipqozn You didn't know that already? We all just kinda assumed everyone knew it
@KevinvanderVelden Arent spaces only allowed between double quoted parts?
@Arperum apparently not
"like so"@domain.thing
@KevinvanderVelden TIL. I knew you could place a shitton of characters in between double qoutes. But not outside.
IIRC "[email protected]"@domain.thing is also valid.
@Wipqozn Yes. I am significantly different.
Q: Can I attack crawlers with melee weapons without (definitely) being hit?

Kenny EvittI'd expect, from the many depictions of zombies by which I have been victimized, that crawlers would pose little danger as long as I'm aware of them and don't stand too close. I'd think that, in 7DTD, I (my character) should be able to easily dispatch a crawler. A swift blow to the head, easily m...

@Arperum I dunno man. You both use The Bridge, I've never seen either of you in the same RL room, you're both from Europe...it all adds up
In fact now that I think about it you could be @fredley and @badp too!
Which would also mean you're @Ash
which also means you're me. Holy crap.
@Wipqozn I've only met 50% of the people you mentioned in this post. The other 50% still needs to be proven to actually exist and not be a figment of @PrivatePansy's imagination.
@Arperum Just because you met them doesn't mean they're still not a figment of @PrivatePansy, since you yourself could be part of said imagination.
@Wipqozn it's sockturtles all the way down
@Wipqozn Meet the spy
@Wipqozn Do Bridge Europeans Dream of Electric Turtles?
@PrivatePansy Probably
@Wipqozn Yes. But if I have seen said figment it is also a figment of my imagination from that point forward. Even if I am a figment of imagination.
Are we all in a world of pure imagination? Possibly! But it's dark and has @Wipqozn's socks so it's not a very nice imagination is it
We never claimed @PrivatePansy imagination was any good. Frankly if we're the best he can come up with then it's pretty shitty.
@KevinvanderVelden The sun is shining. Get out of your cave where the sun doesn't shine.
That reminds me I need to go to the store.
The sun is always shining, that doesn't help if it's blocked by something (like clouds or the planet)
I've been in my apartment with the A/C going for two days now, and it's been glorious.
@KevinvanderVelden In this case it is also causing natural light outside the building in this part of the earth at this time.
@Arperum now if only there was some way we could get this light inside the building as well
possibly some sort of opening...
@KevinvanderVelden There's 3 M's. HL3 confirmed cc @badp
Natural light is the worst
maybe with a transparent substance to stop the rain getting through
@sequoiad That sounds ridiculous. You have lighting for that sort of thing.
you could even use an opaque movable cover to stop light going through the other way at night
or is this just the dreams of a madman
@Wipqozn not bad
I made it! I watched the unwatchable! (and reinstalled cats to block it in future attempts to open it)
@Wipqozn Convenient how you forgot to mention what you are linking a trailer for.
I mean, it's pretty obvious it's rebecca black
@KevinvanderVelden I assumed so.
@Arperum I couldn't think of a game you'd all want to watch a trailer for
@Wipqozn maybe "announcement by stackexchange" or something would work, but people would expect meta, hmm
@arda You've already put more effort into this than I did
@Wipqozn At least it's not completely horrible.
There's some 32 million messages on chat.se, the bridge is responsible for 2.8 million of them. How many of those are rebecca black videos I wonder?
@KevinvanderVelden I wonder if I will get my IP banned from their api if I write a script to download every single message (to get a rb percentage)
Depends on the speed I suppose?
But yeah, if you want it this year probably
You can also not download the messages from before any of her videos came out. That'll reduce the load a bit
*spins up 10 servers on DO, 3 servers in house, 20 in scaleway, 10 in azure* shouldn't take much
2010-07-14 - Sep 16, 2011 shouldn't matter
@arda Is Friday really that old? Now I feel old...
but yeah if I'm going to attempt something crazy, I'd rather ask an employee on tavern first
Yes, I did. Stack Overflow will throttle it for you after about 20 requests to one per 4-5 seconds- it's "trusted" since I'm using the user credentials here rather than public scraping and it doesn't require as much effort from the servers since I'm using the JSON API and not rendered HTML pages. It's also serial (and not parallel). — Benjamin Gruenbaum Apr 7 '15 at 22:44
@arda apparently it's the title of a song
ooo k
... 122333444455555666666777777788888888999999999
Anyone else see the pattern in it?
@KevinvanderVelden but look at how many characters it is!
@KevinvanderVelden I do
59 mins ago, by Wipqozn
@Sterno TIL I'm just a bad person
@arda Oh good I'm not alone in that
Q: Problem with Steam Client

TTSMy 30 day steam restriction until I am able to purchase items from the steam community market ending today. On google chrome, on the steam website, it says I am able to purchase, so I bought a TF2 item, but the Steam Client won't connect so I cannot receive my item. The steam client claims I have...

Lady just asked me what "mansplaining" is. I think it's a trap. We've been staring at each other in silence for half an hour.
@KevinvanderVelden Does anyone not see the pattern?
@Sterno mansplain her what mansplaining means, duh!
(it is a trap)
@arda Wow. You managed to mansplain a joke about mainsplaining mainsplaining.
Well done.
@KevinvanderVelden yeah, when your main tells what it is to be an alt
@KevinvanderVelden where main accounts explain something to alts
@KevinvanderVelden It's essentially where you explain something to someone who clearly knows what the thing is.
@arda inb4d
Oh wait, I just can't type. Sorry.
@Ronan yes that
You typed it right once and then failed the other 2 times =p
Nooo... And you waited 2 minutes.
@Ronan even worse, I pointed it out on time and you failed to realize your mistake
@KevinvanderVelden Haha yeah.
There are too many 'i's in mansplaining, you can't expect me to notice one extra.
@Ronan There's 2, which is far better and superior to 3 CC @badp
Two is two too many!

Proposed Q&A site for professionals who use Docker and Docker related technologies to build, ship, and/or run applications

Currently in definition.

Wiki says it doesn't exist so it's not a thing
Chemistry is cheating
May 23 at 14:44, by badp
@fredley "my main is not OP, ur just bad"
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah
The real longest word is way better, anyway
"if you cannot shoot some clearly visible sticky bombs from under your feet it's not my fault lol sticky bomb take skill"
I'd heard of the older one "antidisestablishmentarianism" which is one letter shorter.
Q: Changes in league of legends champions

OShifferI understand that from time to time there are changes with champions attributes. Sometimes weaken and sometimes reinforce champions. Where can i see those changes?

Are we talking about long words? here's a dutch word: Kindercarnavalsoptochtvergadering
@KevinvanderVelden Portuguese composer who does orchestrated celtic music
Just released a new album, it's so good
it's a meeting to setup a parade for a children's dressup party
@Nzall I started with hottentottententententoonstelling
Which, coincidentally, is the same amount of letters
Though it has far fewer distinct letters
longest turkish is afyonkarahisarlılaştıramadıklarımızdanmısınız
which means "are you one of the ones we couldn't make afyonkarahisarian" or whatever. Technically and informally correct, but makes no sense in formal sense, because you don't make someone afyonkarahisarian, at least formally. Informally, that could mean that you fit that person to the culture to afyon karahisar.
afyonkarahisar is a city en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afyonkarahisar
^ ladies and gentlemen, 4 billion years of evolution has led to this point.
I hope we are all suitably proud.
Hey I said an actual word
Heck it was even a proper informal sentence
And now, to the distant future of the year 1992 CC @Arperum
Airpod preview, in case you were wondering. #appleEvent https://t.co/e5XJEGB6Rw
Is that literally a part of an electric toothbrush?
@KevinvanderVelden yes
@KevinvanderVelden \o/
Nigel Farage is apparently in talks w/ RT to possibly become "roving reporter during the US presidential elections" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09/07/kremlin-backed-broadcaster-rt-offers-nigel-farage-his-own-show/
/cc @fredley
Just 1.5 week left here stay calm. DO not try to throw client through window.
You were Brexited by a Russian mole
@Arperum just make them sign the "defenestration allowance" contract
@KevinvanderVelden I would not necessarily destroy a window. Just throw him out.
@TimStone he just wanted the UK to leave the EU so it could be with it's one true love, Russia
@arda I really hope that's not his main toothbrush
@KevinvanderVelden that's a real word :O
@Arperum defenestration is the throwing people out of the window bit, you can open the window before that
@Nzall yeah
@arda it is the best word
or the one used by his daughter or spouse
@KevinvanderVelden it is indeed
@KevinvanderVelden Details. My brain is fried of the amount of stupid it had to endure just now.
Also, english is the worst:
@Nzall todo: keep toothbrush away from nzall
also: likely something terrible happened
I live near a hospital and there is nonstop ambulance sounds in the last 5 mins
note: graphic images of animal feces
and it's Dutch, so you might struggle understanding it
Essentially, he gets 10 pictures of animal feces, and he manages to guess the animal that excreted them for 9 of them
The best part is the end: he says "you can't get shit thrown at you in parliament every day without learning something from it"
Note how he compares the cat ones to chinese takeaway
@Nzall aaand my youtube recommendations are now destroyed
Title: Animal birth videos!!!
the part was graphic. I added blur myself
why does youtube allow that crap
so yeah, I was curious what you blurred. Is that an elephant scrotum?
it is at least SOME part of an elephant
@Nzall no idea
@arda Go to your history and remove it?
@KevinvanderVelden This is wrong, because English always has exceptions.
@arda I actually checked the video. it appears to be the amniotic sac of a VERY pregnant elephant
Finally got a Great Answer badge and then realized the answer is responsible for over 1/20th of my rep
@Arperum how can I do that?
I mean, the youtube history.
@MBraedley it's mostly correct
@arda Yes. You know how to go look at your youtube history? you can remove videos from it in a single click. there's a button IIRC.
At work, and noit going to log into youtube here to check.
I don't but let me check
@KevinvanderVelden I take issue with the "absolutely have to be" part.
Q: How does these 'door blockers' work, and is there an equivalent in real life?

Fredy31 I've wondered the whole game what are those and how do they work? I don't see how that thing blocks the door from being opened or destroyed, but since I haven't seen an instance in the game where those seem to have not worked, they probably worked pretty well. Also while we are at it, do these...

@MBraedley I'll agree there
there is a link to your history somewhere on your homepage.
youtube.com/feed/history this is gonna be so handy
I have no little room for a black/white fallacy.
@arda You're only just discovering this now?
@MBraedley I rarely watch stuff on youtube
also as you can guess, my youtube history is full of these (sfw) and rebecca black.
@KevinvanderVelden It's strange but yes, great green dragon sounds entirely fine but green great dragon makes me reach for my red pen
@arda This is just a list of Impractical Jokers videos for me right now.
@PrivatePansy though if you do green great-dragon (i.e. bit of a pause after green) it's fine
@arda Why do you have a tab open to the network profile of @KevinvanderVelden?
@Nzall he's spying on me
@KevinvanderVelden Yes. English is weird
@Nzall we were discussing message counts on gdse's chat
I'd show my youtube history, but that would be too much effort, and I already deleted it
Oh classic simpsons
man, I wonder if the modern simpsons writers ever watch the classic simpsons episodes and then cry into a bottle of whisky because of how much the quality has dropped

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