> Yes, that’s the title but also the name of the actual tumblr that’s about the game. I know, I know, marketing as tautology. It’s, naturally, a schmup which allows one player to pilot the ship while the boss ship is controlled by the DJ:
@Tristan The glasses I wear now are pretty much only for one eye, as my right eye was lasered twice, but my left only once, so my left's regressed a bit.
@FallenAngelEyes I probably do need a touch-up. Unfortunately, the first time was paid for by the military. Now that I'm no longer in, I'd have to pay out of pocket for said touch-up.
@John I'd probably be better off doing that kind of cryptic "Teehee~" or "Ehehe~" which implies that I probably trapped or pranked something and you just have no idea what.
I'm debating whether I should write up a nomination post for myself or not. ronnie's nomination is going over really well, so I want to jump on the bandwagon.
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, I grabbed it at lunch and played for 20m or so - looks like no tower of souls or anything this time around, just story, arcade, and "legendary" (hard) arcade
@StrixVaria I could grow those if I wanted... My facial hair comes in very sporadically, but the good old fashion mutton chops area is the only place it comes in reliably.
This is also worth a read if anyone is interested in growing a beard.
From a thread with the subject of "I wonder how many fingers Americans have?":
Ok. I'm Asian. If American play LOL or other games, their fingers gonna change to 2-3? Cuz American rly suck in game. American always ruin every single game. Starcraft, Warcraft, WoW From now on, American needs to just make game. DO NOT PLAY.
Summoner spells you can always elect to pick the ones that are not as "havoc dependent" so that they don't figure into the hecticness, and if you avoid items with actives then you'd be fine in that department as well.
@GraceNote In Guild Wars, I liked the assassin because I only had three attack skills and I had to use them in succession. So I could get into a rhythm easily.
@Tristan DRM free means there's no registration, no software keys, time-sensitive unlocking, or anything. You just get the game file, and you can use it as many times as you like, and wherever you like.
@FallenAngelEyes I chose a build that had long lasting buffs so I could cast them once at the beginning and not worry about them for the rest of the outing.
@OrigamiRobot Master Yi is a pretty basic style in that manner. His skills are: a rushing slash that hits multiple, a passive bonus to AD with an active to double it, a self-heal that increases damage resistance while healing, and his ultimate vastly increases his movespeed and attack speed for a short while.
@GnomeSlice It took me to the "Buy and download" page that I was already on. Was there supposed to be something else to signify your referral, or is that right?
@Wipqozn Because you popped in the room, a star appeared, and then you disappeared from the room. You also have a habit of starring things that tend to reflect negatively on the users.
When I try to improve this mace I keep getting the message "You lack the required skill to improve this item". It is currently Flawless.
My smithing skill is 100 and I have the ebony perk, the improve enchanted items perk, and a ring +25 smithing. I also have the ebony ingot.
I should be able to ...
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So, it's taken me awhile (due to school), but I've finally come up with the promised restructuring of Game on!.The new structure I've decided on is a combination of badp's idea and my own.
New Structure
The new system wi...
@GnomeSlice So far, yes. Other than movement, the only keys used are S and D. Abilities cost health, but you can recharge your health easily enough. I've only just finished the tutorial section, but so far it seems very Limbo-esque.
@OrigamiRobot Vanquishing, Hard Mode, aforementioned Hall of Monuments! Plus the daily Zaishen stuff. :D
Anywho, I do understand it's not to everyone's taste, but I really like Arenanet and what they've done with the game and what they're planning with GW2. Need food, back later.
I used to play this game in the 90's, perhaps late 80's. The player had to select a group of starships and fight the ones he had not selected. It was a one-on-one battle. If the player's ship died, he would continue with one of the remaining ships.
Each ship had a special ability. I remember that...
@GnomeSlice "WOW, Fallout + minecraft = Awesome. A monumentally cool game! It EXUDES awesomness every second you play it. Oh, and multiplayer, I am playing with my little bro as I write this, he is off galavanting around with his grapplig hook while I snipe enemies."
Hm... This guy seems to be a little upset by my answer on the Fireplace question. "I really like how the first answer is almost completely empirical with little mention of the minecraft rules for how fire works/spread and this answer is almost completely explaining the rules of minecraft (aka theoretical answer)"