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> Yes, that’s the title but also the name of the actual tumblr that’s about the game. I know, I know, marketing as tautology. It’s, naturally, a schmup which allows one player to pilot the ship while the boss ship is controlled by the DJ:
@agent86 Thank you. I might actually invest in a pair of these...
@Tristan The glasses I wear now are pretty much only for one eye, as my right eye was lasered twice, but my left only once, so my left's regressed a bit.
Last day for the Quadtastic Launch Collection (http://radiangames.com). All 5 games will be on sale for $4.99 each tomorrow.
I've stopped wearing my glasses.
@Wipqozn How did you embed the question?
@FallenAngelEyes I probably do need a touch-up. Unfortunately, the first time was paid for by the military. Now that I'm no longer in, I'd have to pay out of pocket for said touch-up.
@RonanForman Magic
@Tristan Yeah, mine was done back when I still lived in the US :/
argh, goozex sucks. glyde ftw.
@ronan I just posted the link directly into the post and it did it itself.
@RavenDreamer declined my friend request on LoL. =(
@GnomeSlice now they just have to build a 2fort and all will be right with the world.
@Tristan What a dick.
well, @RavenDreamer is a shark.
Also, @GraceNote:
Carpe Fulgur's Fortune Summoners Out Now http://bit.ly/zsA70u
@Wipqozn He probably didn't realize it was me. Or did and would just rather not play with me. =P
@GnomeSlice Already know.
@Tristan I prefer to think the second one is true, since it is funnier.
Thanks, though. ♪
@GraceNote Bah...
Last day to get (for free) 10 Pro Photoshop Styles http://bit.ly/vPYKYr
@GnomeSlice Reading the article, I think it's an interesting proposal he's making
Also, this is epic:
@GnomeSlice For what it's worth, I said your bicycle question was helpful to me.
@GnomeSlice Free == $4?
@John ...that worries me
@Wipqozn And you worry me. We're even.
@Wipqozn Failed hotlink.
Are you part of a bicycle gang @John....? Looking to trash some opposing gangs bikes...?
@RonanForman Yeah... I just noticed that too...
@Wipqozn No...
@GnomeSlice Better?
@Wipqozn Looks the same to me.
That said, I'm already hungry.
@Wipqozn Jesus Christ, no it's not better.
But yes, your image linked correctly that time.
I want a fruit salad.
I think we have some pineapple...
Oh, we got pineapple, alright...
That's ominous...
@FallenAngelEyes The oversized Google Map markers made me lol
@GraceNote You need to work on your ominous laugh though.
Zeus dammit. The pineapple needs to be cut up!
I'm far too lazy to do that.
@GraceNote Never has the thought of a pineapple filled me with so much terror.
This is now available for PC as well.
@John What if @GraceNote added a Kwe before it, like Kefka in FF6? Kwehehehehehe?
@John I'm not much of an ominous laugh person. At most, I usually do a light little giggle.
@Tristan Never played FF6.
Or any of them, for that matter.
@Tristan I recall Kefka being more of a "Uwehehehe" or a "Uwahahaha" kind of fellow.
@GraceNote I guess a deep ominous laugh would be a tad weird coming from you...
You don't strike me as the "ominous laugh" kinda person.
@Wipqozn As soon as I saw the star, I knew it was you...
@John I'd probably be better off doing that kind of cryptic "Teehee~" or "Ehehe~" which implies that I probably trapped or pranked something and you just have no idea what.
@GraceNote Like pineapple!
Right, like pineapple. The symbolic war cry of the future cosmos.
@GraceNote Technically pineapples are used to signify a welcoming experience. It's a traditional housewarming gift.
@Tristan ...really? In whose traditions?
@Tristan They also symbolize peace in some cultures
I'm just fond of the "Through superior firepower" approach when it comes to artillery.
Still one of my favourite scenes from TNG
I'm debating whether I should write up a nomination post for myself or not. ronnie's nomination is going over really well, so I want to jump on the bandwagon.
@Tristan Huh, never heard of that :o
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, I grabbed it at lunch and played for 20m or so - looks like no tower of souls or anything this time around, just story, arcade, and "legendary" (hard) arcade
@IanPugsley That's disappointing. :( Though I was also rather disappointed that the story mode for each char in IV was less than 10 minutes a piece.
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, compared to the powerhouse that was III's RTS mode and story mode
the alteration of guard impacts to a metered skill is interesting
@IanPugsley Though the RTS mode was a little... hit or miss... III's the one that had branching arcs, neh?
I hopped in and started trying to no avail
@IanPugsley Yeah, I'm not sure what to think about that
@StrixVaria If you and I won, we would be the best tag-team mods ever!
Ah, there's a commercial release in the Several Journeys of Reemus point-and-click series now. Have to look into that.
@FallenAngelEyes oh...apparently "just guard" is a thing, where you just hit guard at the moment of impact
@OrigamiRobot We should pass a law saying everyone needs to have Invader Zim-related avatars.
@StrixVaria I'm voting for @Wipqozn... MOAR PONY AVATARS!
@IanPugsley Yeah, I read that in the review. Hrm.
My Steam name is "Invader Skoodge" with a picture of him instead of Gir
@StrixVaria whyyyyyyyy is his head so big
@StrixVaria Everyone's avatar must depict the pig balloon!
@FallenAngelEyes so he has room for the cupcake.
@Tristan It's Dib that has the large head.
@RonanForman His head also smells like a puppy!
@StrixVaria well now I have to add you on Steam, didn't know that was you before :P
@RonanForman I know. But @FallenAngelEyes was asking why GIRs head was so big.
@Tristan Not quite, was just reffing the quote
@FallenAngelEyes =( backup fail
@Tristan GIR says that about Dib
@Tristan I blame the pony
@OrigamiRobot I haven't watched the series in about 5 years, as my ex-fiancee stole my box set.
This is making me want to rewatch Zim again and bust out my JtHM comics
@Tristan D:
@Wipqozn Requesting backup... /]*[\
@FallenAngelEyes Have you ever read the Squee comics?
Huh, Steam Mobile's out of beta. That was quick.
@Tristan /]*[\ back-up has arrived
@StrixVaria I have the book, aye. I don't have the individual comics, just Squee! and JtHM Director's Cut.
@Tristan This is unacceptable!
returns to dark souls
That's what I have too, actually.
Not individual comics.
I was introduced to JtHM through the same guy who lent me the Principia Discordia
@Wipqozn Try not to die ALL the times. That's what I did when I played.
@StrixVaria They're some of my faves. I enjoy dark, messed up stuff like that.
So... as a relatively new member to the world of mustaches (moustaches?), I gotta say... I don't know how people live with them. O.o
@Tristan ahahaha
I couldn't do the moustache by itself.
I don't know why, but that just cracked me up.
It just screams "pedophile".
@StrixVaria Your moustache is possessed? That must get annoying.
@StrixVaria I'm also doing the goatee thing. It seems more manageable than a mustache, as it doesn't cause me to sneeze as often (or ever)
user image
I'm a big fan of the "Friendly Chops"
@StrixVaria ...I have never seen this before. This is hilariously awesome.
@StrixVaria I could grow those if I wanted... My facial hair comes in very sporadically, but the good old fashion mutton chops area is the only place it comes in reliably.
This is also worth a read if anyone is interested in growing a beard.
Also, here's a free chiptune soundtrack if anyone is interested.
Did they reduce the Backburner's airblast cost again?
I swear I just saw a BB Pyro take down half my team and then extinguish three teammates separately
I really want to buy this shirt and wear it to the theater when I go see The Hunger Games...
@StrixVaria Apparently I'm slightly less trustworthy than this.
@OrigamiRobot Amish beard?
@Tristan Fatness Evercream...
@Tristan He said Friendly Chops, not Mutton Chops
@OrigamiRobot Ahh, the Colonel Sanders. Gotcha.
@Tristan I prefer "Van Dyke"
Why isn't the new humble bundle in the starred list yet? Now mobile!
Girls can have beards too!
From a thread with the subject of "I wonder how many fingers Americans have?":
Ok. I'm Asian.
If American play LOL or other games, their fingers gonna change to 2-3?
Cuz American rly suck in game.
American always ruin every single game.
Starcraft, Warcraft, WoW
From now on, American needs to just make game.
@ArdaXi I own all of those, so I'm going to pass.
@GraceNote What is this I don't even...
@GraceNote ...wow
What do you guys this? Does this look worth getting?
@Tristan I didn't like those books as much as I wanted to
@GnomeSlice It definitely seems like it'd be an interesting platformer.
@Tristan I've been eyeing it for a while, and it's 40% off.
@GraceNote This almost makes sense to me. I hate having to press a lot of keys. Hence my questions on the amount of skill management.
On an unrelated note, M. Night Shyamalamadingdong could learn a thing or two about twist endings from this video:
@OrigamiRobot You did a lot better at comprehending that then the lot of us did, apparently.
@GnomeSlice How does GamersGate work? Can it be added to Steam in any way?
@Tristan Depends on the DRM.
If it says the DRM is 'requires third-party download client', it means you get a steam code.
DRM free meaning you don't?
Most of them aren't though. Which is one of the things I don't like too much about it; there's no standard for DRM.
@GraceNote I like only using 2-3 keys for skills.
@Tristan Uh... yeah. But you can add it as a non-steam game.
That game isn't even available on Steam.
@OrigamiRobot LoL is probably midway between what you'd prefer and what would probably be too skill heavy.
@Tristan If you want to buy something, let me know, because I can get rewards by giving you a special link.
@GnomeSlice Will do.
Summoner spells you can always elect to pick the ones that are not as "havoc dependent" so that they don't figure into the hecticness, and if you avoid items with actives then you'd be fine in that department as well.
@GraceNote In Guild Wars, I liked the assassin because I only had three attack skills and I had to use them in succession. So I could get into a rhythm easily.
@Tristan DRM free means there's no registration, no software keys, time-sensitive unlocking, or anything. You just get the game file, and you can use it as many times as you like, and wherever you like.
@OrigamiRobot GW player, yay~
@OrigamiRobot I see
though you never used enchants or anything?
Some champs are very 1-2-combo style. Unfortunately, the first one that immediately comes to mind is Blitz, and... well...
@GnomeSlice Oh, okay. That makes it seem more useful.
@Tristan Yes, DRM free is what you want. Unless you want a Steam Key. Then it's the next best thing to what you want.
@FallenAngelEyes I chose a build that had long lasting buffs so I could cast them once at the beginning and not worry about them for the rest of the outing.
@GnomeSlice k Last question... do i need an account to purchase games?
@Tristan Hm... Not sure. I think so. Hold on, let me try something. Which game were you thinking of?
@GnomeSlice The one you linked.
@OrigamiRobot For the whole instance run? :o Most of the enchantments aren't quite that long. Also, more pertinently, do you still play?
Capped, for the second time this week :D
@OrigamiRobot Master Yi is a pretty basic style in that manner. His skills are: a rushing slash that hits multiple, a passive bonus to AD with an active to double it, a self-heal that increases damage resistance while healing, and his ultimate vastly increases his movespeed and attack speed for a short while.
@GnomeSlice It took me to the "Buy and download" page that I was already on. Was there supposed to be something else to signify your referral, or is that right?
@GraceNote And makes him immune to slows.
@Tristan There's just an identifier in the URL. Can you download from that page?
@Tristan I never really paid much attention to that.
> This isn't crunchy versus soft taco shells man! Get you head in the game!
I don't even understand this comparison in context but I found it humorous.
@GnomeSlice No. it says I need to make an account. So that answers that.
@FallenAngelEyes Everytime I play I get bored once I hit level 20. So it eventually becomes Item Trading 3000
@Tristan Ah, that sucks. Might as well though, GamersGate is a pretty great online store.
@ArdaXi I can't buy this one :(
Do we have an LoL chat room like we do for Minecraft?
They have good deals, and you get rewards for buying, rating, helping other people with games, etc.
I feel like talking about it but don't want to hijack whatever you guys are talking about.
@OrigamiRobot But you can work towards your Hall of Monuments for GW2 :D
@StrixVaria Do people still use the Minecraft room?
We could split off to make a LoL room, aye.
@Tristan Add me as a 'buddy' if you make an account.
@GraceNote A few times a week i think.
@GraceNote I still have it in my faves
Jesus Christ, I've bought a lot of games here.
Alright, then, shall we create a League of Legends room?
@GraceNote You should totally call it "Summoner's Rift" just so we can have the tagline "Because no one likes Twisted Treeline"
Prizes to anyone who can come up with a hilariously embarrassing phrase that Gnome's previous message can be an anagram for.
@FallenAngelEyes Pfft
@Tristan Are you 'NihilistRonin'?
@FallenAngelEyes This.
@GnomeSlice he is
@GnomeSlice Yessir.
@Tristan So, here's my identifier ?caff=4490881
Just add that to the end of the store page url

 Summoner's Rift

Because no one likes Twisted Treeline. Join our ingame chatroo...
@GnomeSlice I added the identifier and purchased the game.
Hm... I've only gotten it to work once... did you add it to the URL and then reload the page?
@GnomeSlice Yes I did.
@Tristan Don't forget to rate it too, you get some site rewards for doing that as well.
@Wipqozn Did you go into that room just to star that?
@GnomeSlice Oh cool. I'm installing it now. Looking forward to playing it.
@Tristan Star what?
I wonder why @GraceNote Is the only one in my GG buddies list that isn't displaying as sortof translucent-y.
@GnomeSlice Probably because I recently logged in and probably didn't log off.
@John How do you even know if it is was me?
@Wipqozn I don't, that's why @Tristan is asking.
@Tristan Have you picked your GG 'Minion' yet?
@Wipqozn Because you popped in the room, a star appeared, and then you disappeared from the room. You also have a habit of starring things that tend to reflect negatively on the users.
@GnomeSlice I did. I took the elf.
@Tristan I forget what that one gives bonuses to.
@GnomeSlice RPG and Adventure.
Ah, right.
I took the 'Hero'.
I forget what HE gives bonuses to as well, hah.
@GnomeSlice I wanted to take the Hero, but... I'll never play "kids" games, and I'll probably end up with more Action/RPG games.
@Tristan My word sir. I never star things which reflect negatively on other users!
'Action, Kids, or Indie'. I play a lot of Indies.
@Wipqozn ...............
@Tristan Regardless, I'm pretty sure my Minion could beat up your minion.
@GnomeSlice Probably. Wait... Can you make your minions fight other minions?
@Tristan If you could, yours would be toast.
@Tristan LOL.
It'd be like fighting a bunch of kindergartners.
Hurray, girl problems: resolved!
@Mana What. You never have girl problems.
@Mana for now...
@Mana Good to hear
Now, go on.
@Mana So, you killed her then.
@Tristan He'll get more intense as you level up on the site.
What are these girl problems you had?
@RonanForman I lol'd
resolution: feelings are really complicated, let's not date.
Q: Can't Improve Mace of Molag Bal past Flawless

HerodWhen I try to improve this mace I keep getting the message "You lack the required skill to improve this item". It is currently Flawless. My smithing skill is 100 and I have the ebony perk, the improve enchanted items perk, and a ring +25 smithing. I also have the ebony ingot. I should be able to ...

Q: How can I use the Knot of Rust effectively?

KatieKI've got a ton of Knots of Rust in my inventory, but they don't do much damage to enemies when I use them. What are they good for?

Ahhhh, these mobile development people want an interview with me.
@GnomeSlice Did that sentence stir up some bad memories or something?
@Mana ლ(ಥ益ಥლ)
I get the feeling @gnome may disagree with your course of action.
VDay looms on the horizon
@Wipqozn Well, I can't say I'm particularly happy with it either. Oh well.
@FallenAngelEyes Booooorrrrriiiiing
@OrigamiRobot Well bah :(
@FallenAngelEyes I spent time getting the Vabbian Armor and dying it all white
Then I got bored
> ‎...You couldn't think of anything besides Minecraft (Spleef)?
@Wipqozn That's three weeks in a row.
@GnomeSlice Do you not understand how Game on! works?
Evidently not.
Q: Game On! restructured

Wipqozn Important Links: Schedule Server List Game On! Chat Room So, it's taken me awhile (due to school), but I've finally come up with the promised restructuring of Game on!.The new structure I've decided on is a combination of badp's idea and my own. New Structure The new system wi...

@Mana ah, gotcha. Women, who needs them!?
@OrigamiRobot I sucked some of my friends into the game earlier last year, so I've been playing way more helping them get their HoM filled.
@Wipqozn Gah, why?
@GnomeSlice Because?
@Wipqozn I think they are pretty cool. Though, I'm not sure the feeling is mutual.
I had multiple complaints that people didn't like the old system where it was a new game every week, so I'm trying this out
We've bee doing this for a month you know... right?
and it was announced back in december
I haven't been able to participate in any of them.
@GnomeSlice It's definitely a fun little platformer.
@Tristan I found it hard to get a good idea of the gameplay from the videos. Is it decent?
@GnomeSlice So far, yes. Other than movement, the only keys used are S and D. Abilities cost health, but you can recharge your health easily enough. I've only just finished the tutorial section, but so far it seems very Limbo-esque.
@FallenAngelEyes I got @spugsley to play. She thought it was fun, but the level cap was low.
@OrigamiRobot Like, the level cap?
@Tristan Find me your identifier on GG. Go to account > GG tag.
The cap's not really the point in GW though. They did that purposefully then.
There's so much do to after you hit cap, with skill capping, armor, the elite areas, etc.
Mostly, I like playing around with builds a lot. I play the game like I play MtG.
My available skills are my card collection, my skillbar is my "deck."
@FallenAngelEyes But after that, there isnt really much to work towards/show progress
@FallenAngelEyes That's what the game is mostly about I find
IT's about making builds, which is what I like.
@GnomeSlice ?caff=4931352
@OrigamiRobot Vanquishing, Hard Mode, aforementioned Hall of Monuments! Plus the daily Zaishen stuff. :D
Anywho, I do understand it's not to everyone's taste, but I really like Arenanet and what they've done with the game and what they're planning with GW2. Need food, back later.
@FallenAngelEyes But I feel like there is no real payoff for doing those things.
@Tristan I feel like that didn't work on your end. Do you see a bonus for 'customer affiliate'?
@GnomeSlice Where would it show up?
Probably in the same popup that appeared after you bought it. the one with your minion in it. Or go to account > blue coins
Does anyone want to help decorate the spleef arena before I clone it?
Gah, I don't think it worked. Sorry.
@RonanForman I do, but I can't right now.
@RonanForman I would, but I can't right now.
@GnomeSlice That's fine. It seems like a fairly buggy system.
@RonanForman Maybe.
I'm free, but I'm not sure how good I'd be.
@Tristan You also might be interested in this. I bought all three games before the bundle was released, and it's totally worth $1.
@RonanForman Is it full of fancy redstone circuits?
@OrigamiRobot Yes, but you don't need to worry about that.
Can you say 'Minecraft Clone'?
". Think of this game as an original game combining Fallout and Minecraft. I hope you enjoy it!"
@RonanForman I'm not worried. I just like seeing all the things people think of with redstone.
@Mana How 'original'.
Q: Trying to identify an old pc game about a battle of starships

DanielI used to play this game in the 90's, perhaps late 80's. The player had to select a group of starships and fight the ones he had not selected. It was a one-on-one battle. If the player's ship died, he would continue with one of the remaining ships. Each ship had a special ability. I remember that...

@GnomeSlice the concept can be original without the aesthetic being original.
@GnomeSlice "WOW, Fallout + minecraft = Awesome. A monumentally cool game! It EXUDES awesomness every second you play it. Oh, and multiplayer, I am playing with my little bro as I write this, he is off galavanting around with his grapplig hook while I snipe enemies."
I love user reviews.
@OrigamiRobot That was part of my point. 'An original game combining two other games I didn't make'.
I'm guessing it's a modification of Minecraft.
It may not even be legal.
I suppose it is.
Here's some more information on it indiegamemag.com/…
@GnomeSlice Voxatron? ;)
Hm... This guy seems to be a little upset by my answer on the Fireplace question. "I really like how the first answer is almost completely empirical with little mention of the minecraft rules for how fire works/spread and this answer is almost completely explaining the rules of minecraft (aka theoretical answer)"
@GnomeSlice Notch has said he supports people's right to do this.
Then I'm guessing it is a Minecraft mod. Without the building.

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