As of August 9th, the Demon Hunter class has been released in World of Warcraft. These characters start at level 98, and by the time they've finished their starting zone are going to be at least level 100. However, by default they aren't granted any progress in the Warlords of Draenor content - t...
Yup! Unfortunately I'm running out of the mounts you can collect through actual work and getting into the list of mounts you have to collect through RNG grinding
100% genuine outtake of @Hardwick playing #PokemonGo when he's supposed to be working. Tsk tsk.
After a couple of hours exploring, I discovered a few Star Systems and a multitude of planets. I uploaded a lot of the data, but I had forgotten to rename my discoveries before I uploaded all of my data.
I know how to rename before uploading data, but is there a way to rename after uploading data?
@KutuluMike Not closing dups if the target lacks an answer isn't anything new, and is a policy from SE. REgulars can't dup close in these situations, only mods. And exactly how you handle this really depends on how old the target is. If the questions were posted within a few minutes of each I'd just dup close as usual, if the original question is 3 years old then we should just do a reverse dup close. Whcih I think I've already done in the past.
@KutuluMike The policy does make it so that answers will begin to factor into dup closures, yes. How much they came in, and exactly how, remains to be seen. Like we (the mods) already said, we know this has kinks to work out, and that it might not work out. but we've seen a growing problem with users not being able to get answers to their questions because of our current rules getting in the way, and we're not alone - regular users have been noting it as a problem for a while.
I have mixed feelings for the new workflow -- you still have to find the duplicate, and potentially close, until the asker finds out that the answers there don't help them? and then you reopen? um. that's kinda weird.
at the same time, if it's not a dupe, it's not a dupe
so uh pick better dupes and there will be no practical difference :P
So im on a boat and the average speed is about 15 km/h but the egg progress doesnt change. It worked fine the first day but now it doesnt. It usually works when im near land and travel slower so i guess it only works near land now? Or is the speed required different while at sea?
As the title says, my Minecraft ingame music NEVER plays. It's in the Appdata folder, so all's OK there, my Master Volume is on max and all other sliders are on max too. But it just never plays. Only the main menu one does.
So I have a lot of eggs and I found out that they are stored in some strange order.
On this picture, I just got 2km egg from Pokestop. You can see that it is 4th in order.
My concern is, what determines in which order they are seen there?
Obvious thing is that the ones in incubator are alwa...
So on the day of the PS4 release 2 players actually managed to meet up (what are the odds?!). The problem is they couldn't interact, or otherwise affect one another at all. Is the the intentional, target behaviour or is this a bug/glitch/something that will be fixed in a future update.
Two playe...
@Frank Keep trying until it works? Wireshark it and find out that it's not even sending the right data. Find someone it's worked for. Find more people it hasn't worked for. Do what we do for every other game and experiment. The game is there. This should be provable.
I mean, if it's a server issue (Pokemon Go had some of those!) and starts working later today, we have an answer.
@Frank I think you're focusing on intent too much here. It's turning the question into a word game. The core of the question is "Does feature X exist?"
He could rewrite it to remove some of the magic words that trigger people, but it would still be the same core question.
Okay, I feel like if I wrote a question that said "Can I meet other players in No Man's Sky?", the question would be fine, and I believe that's effectively his core question. Yeah, he has some language to the effect of "Is the feature just not there, or is it currently broken?" but I feel like that just gets into word games territory.
@sequoiad My gunpla kits are all plastic, and the weaponry is usually heat based, so a soldering gun can simulate beam saber slashes and beam rifle hits.
The No Man's Sky dev is really not handling this multiplayer thing well. He left comments that purposefully seem to be able to be read either way and then stopped tweeting and isn't responding to games journalists asking him to clarify. Really looks like they're trying to wait out the PC release.
Which is dumb because no one was buying that game for multiplayer anyway.