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@ArdaXi I should.
@Wipqozn No, you should play with me.
Someone star my game post in lieu of a blog post. Off to dinner.
"On an frozen battlefield, a love-struck barbarian chases a mysterious woman who does not reciprocate his feelings." @GnomeSlice This game does not sound happy.
But hey, I followed your link this time. That's progress.
Sheesh. My question and answer about vana received a combined 1 vote.
@John Chess>
If so, not right now.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I'm about to go eat dinner, but I mean in general. AoE, RoN, etc.
@John I suggest you buy SC2
Q: What happens when I remove an Xbox Live friend?

agent86I've got some "friends" on my Xbox Live friends list who aren't really that - they're people I rarely play with and who are more "friends of friends." Unfortunately, the friends list pings me every time they're online or doing something (ie, they start playing the game I'm playing) which is kind...

@Wipqozn Tristan was telling me how horrible a deal that is. $60 for the Terran campaign, likely $60 for the Zerg campaign....etc. Compared to $20 for SC1.
I still may try the free version though.
@John uh, no
@Wipqozn ?
Blizzard has said before the new campaigns will be priced as expansion packs
so $40
@John more if you buy collector's
@Wipqozn That's still a bit much...
Or maybe I just don't spend as much as most people. :P
Wel, you use steam l o l
@FallenAngelEyes Wow...
Us steam people are used to getting things for almost free
@Wipqozn And I haven't spent a penny on it.
I haven't seen much of CHAOS on our site lately...wonder what's up.
@John You drove them away!
@Wipqozn Impossible. They never talk to me.
@John Well that's not surprising.
Why isn't Steam loading?
@ArdaXi I think it's the default gravatar. Keeps me anonymous by driving people away.
@John Sure, tell yourself that.
Sometimes I think about how nice the internet would be without Wipqozn and Arda trolls.
@John We have your name. We have your answers. What more could we ever want?
@badp Apparently @Wipqozn wants my tears, @ArdaXi my blood, and @RavenDreamer my arm.
@John Anyone who isn't nice to you is a troll?
@John I want your reps, but not just yet.
@ArdaXi @Wipqozn admits he's a troll, and you are not nice to everyone, so you can count too. :)
Well, no, I'm not nice to everyone. That seems rather time-consuming, not to mention undeserved.
@John wasn't one of the CHAOS people here earlier today?
@agent86 Yeah, that's what made me realize how little I see them.
@ArdaXi Ouch. Someone has a low opinion of humanity. Maybe it was GnomeSlice.
@John I merely recognise that there are people unworthy of being on my good side.
I'm not saying it's many.
@ArdaXi And what did I do to become unworthy of being on your good side?
@John Hmm, I don't remember. I'll get back to you.
@ArdaXi And that's exactly what a troll would say.
@John Not being @arda is reason enough to not be on arda's good side.
You know why?
Because I didn't do anything to you.
@John A troll would say something along the lines of "because you suck" or something.
You're mean to me even though I don't deserve it. That makes you a troll. Or at the very least, a meanie.
you suck @John
I prefer to think of myself as a classhole.
see what I did there?
@ArdaXi You had to give @Wipqozn ammo...
@ArdaXi facepalms
@ArdaXi haha, that's good. I like that.
oh, @Tristan!
something for you..
just a moment....
The best Skyrim mod ever:
Oh god ponies incoming.
I knew it.
Although I'll admit this oblivion mod is better:
@Wipqozn I love the fact that the dragons go "yayyyy" when they breath fire.
is so mad that he can't log into Steam
@John Why can't you log into steam?
@Tristan After hitting "Login", I get a popup saying that it can't connect to the Steam network and to check my internet and try again.
Fairly sure my internet is fine...
@John =(
@Tristan Srlsy.
I made a fully automatic gel farm though.
@John I'm looking at it right now. lol
We can expand it to farm drops from any statue we have. :)
wtf did they remove the crafting table from Minecraft Creative mode?
@badp Seriously?! Wow...
I wonder what would happen if I smashed a demon altar on a world that wasn't in hard Mode...
@Tristan Without the Pwnhammer, you take half your health in damage.
@Tristan By the way, where do we craft summons now?
Now Steam won't show me anything. I can't decide if that's better or worse.
@John There's a demon altar down a couple of levels. I can't really explain how to get to it.
@Tristan Mhmkay. I guess you can just show me if I can ever log in.
@John k Side note, where does gel go?
@Tristan For now, Sarx holds it.
Got it.
And Steam works on a different computer....I wonder if I should worry about my other one.
Q: Single Card Draw & infinite Redeals in AisleRiot's version of Klondike?

HuckleI like to play a specific variation of Solitare that AisleRiot doesn't seem to offer. I found a Single Card Draw version of Klondike, but it limits redeals and I found a Three Card Draw that has no limits on redeals. I like to play Single Card Draw with no limits on redeals. Is this possible with...

Q: Will games from the UK work on consoles from Portugal?

LouisI am planning on going out to Portugal soon and i am wondering if i should bring out some xbox 360 games for a friend that stays there as the games cost alot more there than they do here.So, would the games work on his Portuguese xbox 360? What happens with the DLC and online pass situation? ...

Take that, random person on the internet who have I friended on dubious reasons!
Your score has been defeated!
(nobody you'd know)
I'm just taking odd pleasure from this
I'm looking at this score, 27,515,986 points, like it's a big deal
while I died too many times too stupidly
still had like 8 reflects and 6 bombs
but hey, the previous high score on the friends' leaderboard was 21M
so, uh, like, pwnd!
Sure, I have all the survival and score perks available and pretty much maxed out
it's kind of cheating I guess?
@badp Ummm, are you having a conversation with yourself?
Just commenting on the odd amount of pleasure one can get on the smallest thing while procrastinating on the largest
@badp Yes, the mind can pivot on the oddest points.
How should I phrase a question about the story and/or symbolism of a game?
Oh I'll just post it anyways...
@RedriderX If you're me, you shouldn't. If you're anyone else, I have no idea.
Q: I've finished Seiklus, but I'm still a little confused

RedriderXWarning: Spoilers ahead! Don't read if you don't want the (kind of confusing) ending ruined! Okay, so I've finished Seiklus. I reached 100% completion, retrieved all the "cheese wedges of power", and assembled them in the "moon temple". Annnnd, the credits roll. I guess I won, but I was kind of ...

Q: Please help me identify "The Virus", an MS-DOS arcade game

MoonlighterI played this game along with many others that came on a CD my friend gave me. It was full of downloaded/freeware games. This game was an arcade action-shooter, if that's what we call it over here. It was an MS-DOS game. I played it several years ago (2002, the game's probably a lot older). Yo...

@RedriderX It's just part of the white noise of the bridge. Badp monologues, and Gnomeslice posts youtube videos with music on them.
@RavenDreamer I wouldn't call a scantily clad lady picture with dubstep played over it a music video
@Tristan @John Corruptors: "Their projectile attack will corrupt the ground it touches"
@OrigamiRobot Well.. That's no good.
@OrigamiRobot Yipes.
@OrigamiRobot What? They're an air-to-air unit that --- ooooooh. /Terraria
So be careful
^ my thought process.
Looks like we may have to live in the hallow.
@RavenDreamer lol
@OrigamiRobot I try not to fight them unless I'm in the corruption anyway...
@John it shouldnt be a problem
@OrigamiRobot Good.
also dear god that gel farm is annoying
cool, but annoying
@OrigamiRobot How so?
Does it make noise?
@John SPLAT......SPLAT......SPLAT......SPLAT......SPLAT......SPLAT......SPLAT......SPL‌​AT
@OrigamiRobot Oh. I play without sound.
You can turn it off, you know.
@John I did :P
Welp. TOR's intro raids are pretty easy, but really clever.
Q: Where are the Moblins with the BowWow dog?

Ashley NunnI can't leave the town and go towards the beach, or the small children stop me and tell me how terrible the Moblin attack was, and mot other directions require me to lift rocks, which I cannot do. The woman in the BowWow house is super distraught over her missing dog, and I would really like to ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Well clever is good.
@LessPopMoreFizz Clever how? Like... Doctor Who clever? Or Raptor clever?
@John do we really need this many glowsticks?
@OrigamiRobot Most likely not. The gel, however, is very valuable as ammo.
What wrong with spare glowsticks anyway?
It's not hurting anything.
@John im just messin
@OrigamiRobot k...
hmm, why do vague ITGs get voted up? this one about viruses and "its a game where you shoot people and it has guns" is not a very good question
@agent86 This one?
Q: Please help me identify "The Virus", an MS-DOS arcade game

MoonlighterI played this game along with many others that came on a CD my friend gave me. It was full of downloaded/freeware games. This game was an arcade action-shooter, if that's what we call it over here. It was an MS-DOS game. I played it several years ago (2002, the game's probably a lot older). Yo...

yeah, that one.
It's the bullet list. It makes it look like he's remember and listed far more than he actually has.
and also, these "it was on a CD with 1000 other games" things are utter crap. there was sooooo much shovelware in the CD age that finding one game among thousands is near impossible
anyhow, bed.
@agent86 Very true. Goodnight!
@agent86 godspeed
Apparently Sopa means "a beating" in Azeri
@Tristan john and I are playing if you wanna join
@OrigamiRobot My connections pretty bad, but I'll see how it goes.
@Tristan Have faith
1 hour later…
@LessPopMoreFizz How often do you PVP?
Q: Skyrim vertical mouse movement not working anymore

TomI was wondering if anyone knows what tweaks I could had done wrong for my vertical mouse movement not working anymore? Any help will be very appreciated!

@tristan not much.
P.S. fuck huttball
@LessPopMoreFizz I agree. I hate huttball... it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't make passing so damn complicated.
Meanwhile... Only bioware, ONLY FUCKING BIOWARE, would build a raid boss around a Towers of Hanoi puzzle.
Yes. Really. A raid boss in which a third of your raid is inning around clicking on shit for a towers of Hanoi puzzle.
Towers of Hanoi?
Also, leaving the Imperial Fleet on my ship caused my client to crash. =(
Towers of Hanoi, the bane of every data structures class
not hard just...kinda dumb
Oooh, now I know what it is. They had puzzles like that in Mass effect.
and in Kotor
and Jade Empire
and Dragon Age IIRC
and probably Baldur's Gate
I just realized that Apollo 18 ripped off its plot from Lost in Space
it makes it that much worse as a movie
Q: Can I stop the Steam client from crashing each time I shut down my Mac?

AubergineI have the Steam client installed on my Macbook Pro, and each and every time I shut my Mac down without first quitting the Steam client, the client crashes. While the end result is the same (the client terminates), crashing is a much less elegant affair, and I suppose it could also be potentiall...

1 hour later…
I just realized that one of the writers at Ars has the same name as SE's art director
Q: What do those abbreviations mean in Diablo 2?

F.S.After Diablo 3 gets delayed further and further I recently started playing Diablo II online again after aaages. Thanks reddit ;p Since I never was deep into multiplayer in D2 I have now some problems to understand what people say. Here's a list of abbreviations I don't understand so far: ED MF...

Just dreamed the end of the world, Christian style
I'm in the kitchen at home. I look out the window, it snows. Tell the mom. Look for the cat. One of the blinds breaks. I go out and try to put it back in place. There's a very strong wind. A very strong, high pitched wind that soon becomes very high pitched notes. Then I look into the distance and things start crumbling in a massive landslide coming in my general direction, except for a graphical representation of the Madonna. Fade to white.
(Earlier tonight I dreamed about some kind of imaginary underground passage to whatever imaginary church. I stop midway for an idle chat. Second time I dream that, too.)
so. uh. Perhaps it's better when I'm starved for sleep.
1 hour later…
Q: How can I make my companion focus on healing another player?

GAThrawnSo, I'm a Vanguard in the level 30s and a friend has just got the game and started playing. I've run through a few Flashpoints and Heroics with him for fun, and and to help him through until we're an equivalent enough level to team up and adventure together properly. Being tank spec'd, I can pret...

Marshal is now 500 helpful flags. Deputy is now 80 helpful flags.
We still don't seem to have marshals though.
In other news, we lose a mod election candidate - Anna Lear has ascended to employeedom.
Congratulations @Anna! :D
@badp not even @Mana?
@FallenAngelEyes Hm, can't you see the figure on his profile?
oh, it switched to private.
I see nothing under "Profile Views"
At any rate. No. Not even close. I guess the system started tracking flags too late and, well, mods hardly ever flag.
I mean, I have all of 66 flags on record apparently.
I wouldn't even qualify for Deputy under the new rules.
Again why would we flag?
I see something I don't like, I just bust it up do something about it.
@badp Well I was mostly asking because I know Mana flagged a lot even before he became a mod iirc
I also did
Flag tracking is a relatively recent feature
Hint: you can see the timestamp for your oldest flag on record on your flag summary
oh wait. My oldest flag on record is Jul 19 '10 at 20:34
the site opened on July 7th of that year...
I guess I just never flagged a lot.
My oldest flag marked helpful however is timestamped Apr 12 '11, though.
So any flags before that don't count.
(I got my diamond on Feb 16 2011. I don't remember a time when we couldn't dismiss flags helpful/unhelpful, I guess the information was simply discarded.)
At any rate - we do have some users dangerously close to that gold badge ;)
I really wish Review didn't block your ignored tags :/
Only got 200, hrump...
Well, at least now wrong flag handling will no longer impact you dramatically
If I happen to make a wrong decision, the counter doesn't drop by dozens of flags.
Call me relieved.
Q: Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility - Cherries

Venture FreeMy wife is playing Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility and can't seem to find any use for the cherries. Do they have any kind of use in the game, or are they just there to frustrate people?

@Lazers Hm, wrong tag on that question, but the full title is too long... again...
Seems like all 3 uses of that tag are 3 different games, only one of them being the original "Harvest Moon"
@FallenAngelEyes Do we have a template for too long tag names Meta posts? :P
@YiJiang Ha, we totally should make one. I had a tag on them for a while, but it was burninated. :(
pssssst. [meta-tag:foo]
@FallenAngelEyes Ha! Well, ignoring the name, wouldn't a Meta tag for questions about the tag limit be useful?
Q: How much Experience do I need\Enemy Mobs do I have to kill to reach Level 50

EnderThe experience, E, required to achieve level n from level 0 is: E = 3.5 * n * (n + 1) That's the formulae I found on the wiki. So, If I replace N with 50 my answer for the amount of experience is 8925. Well, every hostile mob in the game gives 5 experience upon death (also wiki sourced info). ...

Say goodbye to your night! Daid from TIGForums made a tool that mines the images from the 1100+ page #pixelart thread: http://daid2.mine.nu/~daid/tigsource_pics.php
@FallenAngelEyes Thanks. :)
@AnnaLear Uh oh, you can delete me now.
@GnomeSlice Mwahahahaha. Or something.
@GnomeSlice Why am I being pinged for that?
@Wipqozn It was a message to you.
@GnomeSlice oh, right
I'm going to beat you in chess today
I wonder if anyone here plays Chinese chess
@Wipqozn Perhaps, but probably not until I get home.
@Wipqozn because we look for any excuse to ping you
heh, we should get MathJax on our site just so we can make tables if need be
@NickT Cool, I thought MathJax didn't support that big a subset of TeX
I'm very tempted to ask a question on how to get the Potty Mouth Achievement
Does this mean we can ask question about it now? :D
I am kind of curious about the Interrupting Cow achievement.
@Wipqozn what do you guys use to play chess?
@IanPugsley A chess board
@IanPugsley John and I used bookFace. Gnome and I will probably do the same.\
I keep reading chess as cheese
@IanPugsley Actually a while back I used one of these
@TomMedley robotic chess would be a little too elaborate for playing online
cool, though
@IanPugsley It's open source. You could hook it up to any chess program with an API. Over elaborate is not a bad thing.
@TomMedley "any chess program with an API" - and the elaboration continues! :P
@IanPugsley Worth it though, to be able to play Harry Potter chess
No more flag weight :(
Thank God
The amount of frustration it caused me on SO when I was getting Marshall
A single mis-flagged post would set you back a week of diligent flagging
@TomMedley true
I never looked at it that way
Yeah, I'm surprised it took them that long
If you're trying to work towards that badge you'd be greatly dis- incentivized to do flagging, until you've checked and double checked the post in question
@Wipqozn Yes. I got a rejected flag at about 743 or something. You don't truly know rage until that's happened to you.
@YiJiang The problem is, 99.9% of the time, you can flag a post confidently just with a glance. The other 0.1% of the time, in the old system, meant obtaining Marshall was extremely difficult.
This is either one of the best jokes ever, or one of the most tragic things I've ever read: Education Competencies: Humor
@YiJiang Based on the data they said that it wasn't actually that much of a deterrent I think, but this way it prevents people complaining about it either way.
flies off to work
@YiJiang did anybody ever play their achievement thing for Office? It was kind of cool.
@agent86 What was that?
@agent86 They have it for Office too?
@YiJiang it's positively ancient by internet standards, maybe 3 or 4 years old
they'd award you points for taking tutorials on and then utilizing office features
Are you talking about Ribbon Hero?
they called it "Ribbon Hero"
@agent86 AM I crazy for thinking it sounds awesome? (Also, there is a sequel now)
@agent86 I've been trying to think of something funny to say about "Ribbon Hero" and all I've come up with is this lousy meta-joke
Q: What is the unit of measurement for the velocity display?

yx.I am trying to get a sense of distance and scale of the universe and of the structures on the planets, but all I have is a single velocity display with a number on it. What is the unit of measurement of velocity for the number being displayed? Is it meters/second? miles/hour? furlongs per for...

Q: Power vs. Force Power

Florian PeschkaFor a sith inquisitor focusing on PvP healing, what stat should I focus on and why? Power or Force Power? Both seem to push my force abilities, but what's the better choice when faced with a decision?

@AshleyNunn it was actually kind of fun... if you like learning more about office software.
@agent86 We are talking about help docs and teaching people to use software in my Technical Communication class, so this is actually a really neat example of that.
@AshleyNunn wooo probably just got you an A in this class. you owe me now.
@agent86 I will bake you cookies in gratitude. XD
@AshleyNunn more quality screenshots and less pronouns
@OrigamiRobot Agreed!
anybody got any experience with userscripts and the chat interface? I feel like I heard mention of them in here before
probably if @YiJiang is around, this would be a good question
@agent86 I do, what do you want to know?
@YiJiang what scripts exist?
@agent86 There's an ad for them, let me see...
I was considering creating one, but I don't want to duplicate effort.
@YiJiang thank you :)
That's the one I meant.
Basically it's just the SEChatModification script
@YiJiang this uses something called 'livequery' - didn't jQuery add something similar to the base install?
@agent86 Don't think so, lemme think
@YiJiang I guess what's the difference between this and "live" (api.jquery.com/live)
@agent86 Oh no, it's not $.fn.live
It plugs into the functions that modify the DOM and fires events when the DOM is changed
Basically, the DOM mutation events, but through jQuery
hmm, so I guess you can hook things as they are created, as opposed to adding your hook to new elements as they are created
Woah. Media Moneky's been, Apple'd
...I think it every time, but Link's Awakening is the most un-Zelda Zelda game. Boos? Yoshi Doll? Goombas? All sorts of craziness.
@AshleyNunn I hope you're not knocking link's awakening
@Wipqozn No, not at all. I like it. It is just.....weird. XD
~It's time to play Team Fortress 2~ (I wish)
Well here we are again, it's always such a "pleasure"
being at work that is.
@AshleyNunn no the CDi "Zelda games" are the most un-Zelda
@AshleyNunn Yes, it is.
Well, of the Nintendo published ones.
Link's Awakening was OK, but I like what Capcom did with the same engine in the Oracles games better.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, those definitely are, but I often discount them because they weren't Nintendo's publishing.
@Powerlord I did like those games. They were pretty awesome.
I had Ages and a friend had Seasons, so we played and traded. It was pretty awesome.
Well, not quite the same engine, but close enough.
@AshleyNunn \o/
@Powerlord I loved the Oracles games
Woah, I'm starting to reach my population cap.
I will note that Seasons had... interesting bosses. Not only were a lot of them based on Zelda 1 bosses, but a lot of them weren't defeated by the item you found in the same dungeon.
@ArdaXi What game?
IGF China 2010 main competition winner

[Sugar Cube](http://indievania.com/games/sugar-cube) is a 2D platformer game that presents the story of a sugar cube. The backgrounds of the game have two sides, namely, the front and the back. So depending on how you play, the environments will very often be vastly different.

A cube of sugar escapes the factory to avoid the fate of being a cookie!
Sugar Cube includes fifteen levels, with the cookie factory, the chocolate factory, and the candy factory as the backdrops. It also offers eleven achievements and a level editor.
Link, y u no work.
Oh, on a completely unrelated note, Sonic CD finally hit Steam.
@GnomeSlice Multi-line text.
It's the same version that already hit PSN/XBLA... so it has both soundtracks.
Now that exams are over I want to start making stuff for the youtube channel again, anyone want to play something?
@RonanForman I do....but im at work
@Powerlord Dwarf Fortress.
@OrigamiRobot Not now, we could do a terraria map or something.
@GnomeSlice That looks awesome. AND it is free! :D
@RonanForman like start fresh?
> Play starts with the spell game. The game has three difficulty modes. In the two easiest modes Visual Studio questers must cast spells to appease a malevolent gatekeeper known only as "the compiler," the text adventuring of Zork with the wizardy and magic of Loom.
> If the player's spell contains even a single faulty incantation, the compiler will respond with a torrent of abuse and spells of its own; the player must piece together clues contained within compiler's response to determine how they went wrong.
@OrigamiRobot Like an adventure map.
@RonanForman I'm sorry, I dont follow. My brain isnt working today.
When i tried to type "follow" it came out "floow" and it took me way too long to figure out how to fix it
@OrigamiRobot Like these.
@RonanForman I can't see that from work but context clues tell me what they are. I didnt know there was anything like that for Terraria
I dont know why I didnt consider it
flag weight's gone?
@Ullallulloo Yes.
@Ullallulloo Yep, it's finally been
So...there's no penalty for unhelpful flags now, it seems.
@Ullallulloo Yes\
i think that was part of the reasoning behind it
May it not rest in peace for all the trouble it caused
@Fabian no, you want it to rest in peace. otherwise we'd have ZOMBIE FLAG WEIGHT
@Ullallulloo If you abuse flags, a moderator will talk to you.
@Wipqozn spams flags everywhere
they're back, and they want all your c14l1s and designer h4nb4g5!!!
@RonanForman I'm definitely interested in this later. @Tristan and @John might be too
That'd be cool, I'll find a four player one.
@RonanForman are they maps designed for starting new characters or using existing ones?
or both
I'm pretty sure new ones, they give you items along the way.
Tankball 2.
Q: The "off-topic" tag roundup, 2012/01/20

agent86Following up on my post from yesterday: On the coming murder of meta-tagging Here is a sampling of "off-topic" tags from the top 20% or so (a totally unscientific 20%, to be sure - I just stopped after I got a whole bunch) of all tags on the site. Why are these tags under consideration? Why i...

I don't get why everyone tells me to create bedrooms. I've got 200 dwarves, a couple dormitories and everyone's ecstatic.
@ArdaXi Because it gives them the unhappy thought of "slept without a proper room recently", and it doesn't give them the happy thought of sleeping in their own room, or of furniture that you can place in there.
Gorgeous New Trials Evolution Footage http://bit.ly/xKFn8A
Oh man. Trials Evolution.
@Ullallulloo Yeah, but they're all happy anyway.
It might help that the dormitories are legendary.
@ArdaXi that probably helps
I'll make some more bedrooms, but really, two hundred?
I really want to play dwarf fortress now... but I'm on class
may not be a good idea
This chat is already distracting enough
I think when I played last, I had a few rooms for people who were the leaders, and everyone else got dorm style housing.
what with you people all being so wonderful
because that's how it works, people.
if you're important, you get the nice housing
@agent86 sounds classy
@agent86 Actually... it's because those leaders refuse to do their job unless you give them nice housing.
If you still refuse, they'll commit suicide... if you're lucky.
Noticed my FPS dropping in DF. This is my solution.
@YiJiang I play Chinese chess.
@Anna Congrats!
@Ronan Terraria adventure maps? Yes please.

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