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@GraceNote the vapours is a common southern belle ailment from the plantation era
whenever something's a little too stressful, a proper southern woman might succumb to them, typically by fainting.
That's well before my time, y'know
@GraceNote psh. you are an ancient and immortal beast from the no-space between dimensions. age is not a characteristic that we can attribute to you.
I didn't think anything was before your time @GraceNote
dammit @agent86 you beat me to it
The no-space between dimensions, I like that.
@GraceNote I was kind of having a Dune moment there.
the spiiiiice must flooooow
queue adorable kitty "spice must flow" pics
Hey everyone - I got skyrim, but everytime I talk to esberne, it glitches and im stuck. Anyone know a fix?
If only there was a site...
@SimonSheehan was trying to think of the name
I had hoped to do it without unpacking things :/
@SimonSheehan whats a "skyrim"?
@IanPugsley I think Yahoo Answers is a pretty cool guy
Eh knows how babby is formed and doesnt afraid of anything
@OrigamiRobot Never fear:

Beta Q&A site for educators and professionals to discuss human sexuality.

Currently in private beta.

What is an "educator of human sexuality"
sounds like a euphemism if I've ever heard one
Q: Does my equipment's effectiveness degrade with the durability score?

ArgyleIn Star Wars: The Old Republic, all my gear has a durability score which ticks down towards zero until my stuff is broke and doesn't work. If my equipment is down to, say, 20% durability, is it less effective than equipment at 100% durability, or is it more like hit points where you're at full s...

Join my rebellion against chat-farts:
Q: Use Star-Trekky noise for chat notifications instead of the "fart" on chat.stackexchange.com

Nick TI like the Star-Trek-esque beedeebeeboop as a chat notification on http://chat.meta.stackoverflow.com/ far more so than the fart/raspberry noise that http://chat.stackexchange.com/ uses. It is much more audible over my music and occasional gastric distress. Can StackExchange just rip off MSO?

@NickT this just sounds like a terrible idea...
@NickT Sex Ed teacher?
lol, I love when I link my MSO posts here they get like 2-3 downvotes
the last one I did shot down to -2 in the span of about 30 seconds before ending up at +11 currently
hm, well, I didn't downvote this suggestion, although I don't have an opinion on it one way or another.
seems like something that would be pretty straightforward to script to change
hmm, I'm only 2 votes away from the first ever xbox-360 badge on the site, woo for my love of consoles, down with PC gaming! just kidding. I like PC gaming. UP WITH PC GAMING!
I'm still waiting for anyone to comment/take action on this:
Q: SEO for AC: Revelations

Nick TShould the AC: Revelations tag be ac-revelations instead of the current assassins-creed-revel? Google doesn't (predictably) pick up on "revel" = "revelations", but easily seems to equate "ac" with "assassins creed". The only questions that seem to turn up when Googling are those that actually u...

Are people waiting on my related MSO post? I'm rather pessimistic about that actually coming to fruition as it's major-ish
Well, it's time for an Unfortunate Accident.
@ArdaXi are you going to push someone down the stairs?
if so, can I watch?
@agent86 where is the sound, I can't dig out where it's located
@agent86 My mayor is demanding a bismuth bronze statues and mandating bismuth bronze production. I don't have any bismuthinite.
Therefore, for the good of the fortress, the mayor will have to be... replaced.
@NickT my statement of its triviality was coming from a position of ignorance; I have no idea how to actually do it.
@Arda I'm hoping Dwarf fortress...
@RonanForman Oh, right, that too.
That's an awesome emoticon.
Oh good. More dwarves. Just what I needed.
Oh my, I see we were talking about me. I thought I felt my ears burning... but then it turned out they were on fire! badum-tish
@RonanForman how are the robots coming?
@Wipqozn I don't know what sound a cricket would make if it punched you in the face, but replace this message with that
@Origami Oh right... Ummm. I've got time tomorrow. But I have it drawn in my head.
I could post you my brain...
@RonanForman no rush, but lots of Rush
@OrigamiRobot stars
rush with a capital r? Spelt with a lowercase r, but with the words 'with a capital r' on the end?
I believe the sound is ckrreer- plkt- eerp
saw the comment
@RonanForman he means the band, because he is one of those "old-at-heart" people who likes them
when StartChat is called, that mp3 is one of the arguments to it. You'd have to modify it to whatever you want the sound to be, I suppose. I haven't yet figured out how to access it while it's stored, although it must be in the javascript somewhere...
my experience with userscripts is somewhat limited, although I write a decent amount of javascript
they kind of let the variable fall out of scope, so it must be storing it somehow. too bad it's minified and nearly impossible to read
She made Costume Quest plushes. IT IS AWESOME.
Q: Are there games that sync across devices through icloud/gamecenter?

ardyhar7With iOS 5 and iCloud i was hoping that games would get synced across devices. If I'm playing a game on my iPad and then later pick up the same game on my iPhone, then i would like to be able to start right where i left off on my other device. Are there any games that currently do this? Or is thi...

@agent86 A userscript is isolated from all the other javascript in the page. I doubt you'll be able to interrupt the call...
@ArdaXi no, I'd be using a userscript to modify a page script
I just wouldn't know the correct way to do that offhand.
@agent86 Exactly, you can't.
Userscripts can't access page scripts, period.
@ArdaXi I'm feeling some serious deja vu here
quick, someone do something unexpected
Well, I don't know about Greasemonkey, I'm limiting myself to Chrome.
But I'm quoting the Chrome userscript docs here. They don't allow you access to page scripts ever.
You can only communicate with them through the DOM.
somewhere there's a variable that stores the name of the mp3 to be played when there's a notification, so if there is a way to access that variable and change it, it seems like it should be possible to get it to play whatever you want
Unless that variable is stored in the DOM, Chrome won't do it.
was gonna say @ArdaXi, I think it's possible in Greasemonkey (though you have to use unsafeWindow)
my knowledge of these systems is limited, and the script that processes the arguments is minified, so I'm kind of out of my element whatever way you look at it :)
I haven't used Firefox in years, so I don't know.
@agent86 It's all part of their (over)zealous security.
just flamed a couple people in the kitchen who deny being responsible for the latest piece of bullshit
and had to backtrack and whatnot
still damn pissed off
No, dorf, you're not who this contraption is supposed to kill.
@badp fire...kitchen...theres a joke in there somewhere.
@agent86 I posted something like that on the wall in the floor, just less awesome
@OrigamiRobot Just don't mention lemons if you don't want to be life drained by @Mana
I've already lost 7 or 8 levels to him.
oh man, look around you.
@badp If I were to have my life drained by anyone, I would want it to be @Mana
@OrigamiRobot Awesome. drains your life
eh. I liked the longer episodes better
@badp Sure, but this one is on topic.
oh sorry. I thought topic was life draining pot thiefs.
I guess that's how self centered I really am.
@Mana May it serve you well
OH COME ON. You can't be this lame, "Fremantle International"
They've pulled the single best Look Around You episode.
Leaving the other crap behind.
there's a blurrier copy left though
I'm not going to advertise it any further though. They don't want any of it.
do you live in a dorm or some other formed of shared space home @badp?
One of many half-floor in one of a dozen or so "hotel rooms" with shared kitchens.
ah okay, that would explain it.
Have you considered buying yourself a mini fridge?
I have one stock
@badp I'm really not sure what that means.
Unless you're playing super smash brothers
I mean, we all have one already.
A stock market or equity market is a public entity (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) for the trading of company stock (shares) and derivatives at an agreed price; these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately. The size of the world stock market was estimated at about $36.6 trillion at the beginning of October 2008. The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791 trillion face or nominal value, 11 times the size of the entire world economy. The value of the derivati...
@badp I mean buy yourself your own mini-fridge. Keep it in your room.
so people no longer steal your food.
Well, so much for my perfect fortress, tantrum spiral caused by one goblin.
It's not food they're stealing - it's all in my room already
@Wipqozn or he could poison his food
actually, a better idea might be to just poison food and put it
Yo. Chatmeisters.
Can I get y'all to weigh in on this?
@OrigamiRobot dammit! the person with the more detailed post always get the short end of the votes
Q: Why are nukes so weak in the StarCraft universe?

vszIs there an in-universe explanation why nuclear bombs are so weak in StarCraft? With the scale of the explosion, and the damage done, in does not seem bigger than an average mortar shell in real life. Should I understand the in-game buildings as vast cities, and the in-game units as large armies...

Strix and I are fighting an uphill battle.
@badp, oh okay. I misunderstand what the "latest piece of bullshit" was
@Wipqozn curse my eyesight. You look like Powerlord's gravatar to these poor eyes of mine.
@RavenDreamer I voted to reopen and downvoted.
@Wipqozn Actually the previous piece of bullshits were about the kitchen being permanently dirty.
@RavenDreamer For a moment I read, "PowerPoint's gravatar"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Did you read my comment?
> You're trying to conflate the game's story and the game mechanics. There is no way to measure the damage caused by a nuclear weapon in starcraft because there is nothing to compare it to. Does each command center represent a city of thousands? No one knows, nor can they know, which is why the question is speculative and not suitable for this site.
I don't think it's off-topic strictly speaking, because he is looking for an in-universe explanation for why Nukes seem somewhat limited in scope/power, and there happens to be one. I do however think it's a bad question as well.
@RavenDreamer You're confusing Applejack for a spy?
@GraceNote I'm confusing orange blob for slightly different orange blob.
That pony's a spah!
@RavenDreamer Yes, but as we can see, there is an answer - large scale nukes aren't produced in SC's universe after a past tragedy.
@GraceNote Yeah, at super small sizes, it becomes about color more than shape.
Yeah, with Wipqozn's featuring a delight more green than Powerlord's
@RavenDreamer It's a valid question. He's looking for an in-universe explanation, therefore it is a plot question. Plot questions are valid questions.
@Wipqozn His in-universe explanation requires an assumption, though.
If anything, it's a question about nuclear weapons, not about plot.
Maybe he should try "NuclearWeapons.Stackexchange".
@RavenDreamer what assumption is that?
@Wipqozn That the nukes, are, in-fact, weak.
@RavenDreamer I read it as more of him countering the Question's assumption that nukes are powerful
@OrigamiRobot I have no problems with @agent86's answer. But that's my point - it's not actually about Starcraft 2's lore.
@RavenDreamer Weak may not be the best choice of words, and a better phrasing might be "Why do they have such a small blast radius?"
@Wipqozn That's my point - the radius only exists as a game mechanic.
It's only small because it's balanced around being "small".
Do Comand Centers represent cities filled with thousands of people?
Does each "Marine" represent one person, or a squad of many?
@RavenDreamer Then wouldn't the answer just be "There is no reason given in the games lore"?
It's taking a given game mechanic (the size of the abilitY) and asking why it's that small from a story prospective.
@RavenDreamer if there is anything about this in the books, migrate it to scifi.se?
@OrigamiRobot You don't migrate crap.
I did what I could. the question's based on a bad assumption, and the asker's being too nit-picky about a work of fiction.
@agent86 salutes
@RavenDreamer but it can originate there and thrive
Q: Why Do Vampires Need Blood?

TangoOverswayBottom line: Why do vampires need to suck blood? Is it their major source of nourishment? Is it a mystical or magic thing where the life force keeps them alive? Is it just a compulsion that they can't control, without the blood doing anything for them? Just what is this whole "blood sucking" ...

and now I leave for home
@RavenDreamer bows
@agent86 you didn't get off for MLK?
@OrigamiRobot That is such a bad question
So many different mythos and explanations depending on where you ask. We don't even have a default vampire anymore.
@GraceNote I know
@GraceNote Fun fact: The Count (from Sesame Street) is included in Wikipedia's vampire comparison tables.
> he's looking for an in-universe explanation for an out-of-universe phenomenon (i.e., within the game). That's a bad premise for a question.
dropping here since the comment string is long..
I agree it's a bad question, but that doesn't make it an invalid quesiton.
There is a difference.
@RavenDreamer Seriously? I never really even think of him as a vampire. XD
Game-mechanics questions are answerable. Story questions are answerable. Questions mixing the two are firmly in the camp of, "why did they design it this way?"
The following tables compare traits given to vampires in folklore and fiction. Over time, some attributes now regarded as integral became incorporated into the vampire's profile: fangs and vulnerability to sunlight appeared over the course of the 19th century, with Varney the Vampire and Count Dracula both bearing protruding teeth, and Murnau's Nosferatu (1922) the first vampire to be killed by daylight. Although Bram Stoker's novel is the best known vampire fiction of the 19th century, it is the aristocratic figure of Lord Ruthven who is thought to have inspired the elegant and suave cr...
Also on the list: Count Chocula.
@RavenDreamer That is awesome and really ridiculous, all at once
@RavenDreamer It isn't a mixture though. He is strictly asking for an in-universe reason. Just because the mechanic exists for game balance doesn't mean questions about in-universe explanations are invalid.
Hmm. A slowly decaying fortress is really fun to watch.
This is really more fun than it should be.
why is my atk and def so low :(
Hey, I have 5 and 5.
@badp In Yu-Gi-Oh, or magic the gathering?
Yu-gi-oh uses a system of 100s, so 100/100, 500/300, 1500/1300...
magic the gathering uses smaller numbers, like 2/3, 5/5, 13/13
I know it does, but part of the point was using the wrong card template.
ah, okay
well, in that case. good job
Also I'm not posting that on meta because it's probably too mean.
you're, like, a monster man.
I'll probably cry myself to sleep tonight.
@Wipqozn Well, you never cared for true italics, did you.
At least that means you'll sleep.
What. Drinks: 237. Urist McAbstainer has died from thirst. Four already.
I now see a very real problem with my "genious" idea of prefixed subtags
My question's title is now "team fortress 2 tf2 pyro - Is the range of the Phlogistinator actually longer than the range of the other flamethrowers?"
It might work but not with the two tags in title kludge
@ArdaXi why didn't you wait for DF2012?
@badp I don't think the pyro tag is even necessary.
@ArdaXi I ran into that. Usually happens because, like, 40 drinks are crammed in the one barrel, and dwarves can't drink from the same barrel at the same time.
@GnomeSlice Necessary? No. Useful? Likely. Subscribable? Surely.
Gaming got explicitly mentioned like three times in the 2011 Stack of the Stack infographic!
I didn't know we had so much pyro questions
@badp And yet, Jeff nixed other tags for less.
@badp thanks for maths:
Francesco Faà di Bruno (29 March 1825–27 March 1888) was an Italian mathematician and priest, born at Alessandria. He was of noble birth, and held, at one time, the rank of captain-of-staff in the Sardinian Army. He is the eponym of Faà di Bruno's formula. In 1988 he was beatified by Pope John Paul II. Coming to Paris, he resigned his commission, studied under Augustin Cauchy, and Urbain Le Verrier, who shared in the discovery of the planet Neptune, and he became intimate with Abbé Moigno and Charles Hermite. On his return to Turin, he was ordained, but the remainder of his life was sp...
Faà di Bruno's formula is an identity in mathematics generalizing the chain rule to higher derivatives, named after , though he was not the first to state or prove the formula. In 1800, more than 50 years before Faà di Bruno, the French mathematician Louis François Antoine Arbogast stated the formula in a calculus textbook, considered the first published reference on the subject. Perhaps the most well-known form of Faà di Bruno's formula says that :{d^n \over dx^n} f(g(x))=\sum \frac{n!}{m_1!\,1!^{m_1}\,m_2!\,2!^{m_2}\,\cdots\,m_n!\,n!^{m_n}}\cdot f^{(m_1+\cdots+m_n)}(g(x))\cdot \prod_{j...
@NickT Argh! Religion! C'mere, @ArdaXi, burn this stuff with fire!
Italy is a place that exists outside of time, so I figure you'd know that guy
No no no no no
you've got it wrong
@RavenDreamer Are the changes that substantial?
As a friend says, Europe is a place where time flows sideways
@ArdaXi Vampires and weredwarves running amok in your fortress?
@RavenDreamer Sounds like Fun. Anyway, when's it due?
Should be out within a month.
Today I got a continuous 7 hour monologue from an Italian guy. @badp do all of you talk that much?
Ah, see, I don't manage to keep a fortress running for an entire month.
@John Depends on how much I care about a subject. I probably can't hold 7 hours though.
(in keeping with the magic card theme of this room apparently)
@John Yes.
@badp He covered a different one basically every half hour.
@John with no overarching theme?
@NickT Wait. All that does is progress 4 turns where no one can do anything?
@NickT It's not really a ball. It's just like a ball. Imagine a ball. Actually, it's not at all like a ball. But you can imagine it to be if it helps.
@NickT well perhaps the theme changes have been suggested by John when he finally tried to get in a word or two
@NickT Home improvement, generally.
"Yes, but wrenches---" "Oh yeah wrenches! I remember when in 1938..."
how general
@NickT Everything from installing sheetrock to beating the cabinet company competing with yours.
"Today's topics: 1) building a stud wall, 2) how to use wire nuts, 3) stripping wallpaper, 4) resurfacing Corian counters....
@John This begs the question - was he talking for 7 hours in English?
I guess the better question is why didn't you exit SR?
@badp Yes
I can tell you - most Italians can't speak English for 7 seconds
so no, he's not a good sample of your average Italian.
@John Why does the Stack of the Stack get When we at gaming are so unscrupulously denied it? whyyyyyyy?
@badp Does your average Italian talk for 7 hours at a time in Italian?
can't because they don't know it or because they start talking too fast and can go faster in their mother-tongue?
@John Perhaps.
@NickT The former.
I know whoever you're talking about is your average Brit however. As in isn't actually British.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's injustice! It's an outrage!
@RonanForman The average brit isn't british?
@John It is a of our hopes and dreams!
Sounds like you have a nice and large split in your ranks.
@John It's agaist our human right to do whatever the hell we feel like!
@RonanForman @LessPopMoreFizz :(
Brits get off on oppressing the Welsh, Scots, and Irish
That's it?
@NickT Those... are part of Britain. Those are all Brits.
Come on, Gaming must have been responsible for some of those.
yeah, I agree it's kinda weak as far as goes
perhaps they were trying to show they're also hip and up-to-date
"look at us! we too!"
It's more like: You can't , but we can!
I only count 4 murders
@badp Our royal family is German, almost an entire class of people are immigrants, and we still haven't found someone who's actually got British heritage.
@RavenDreamer sorry for the necroreply. no, I don't get very many holidays at the current employer, but then they give me a week at christmas paid leave, so there's that.
user image
Woo! Go us!
We are teh bests. And we have numbers to prove it.
Honestly with such a subject matter anything else would have been underwhelming
This year, Server Fault. Next year, Stack Overflow.
We can do it guys.
Then: the whole Internet! bwaa ha ha ha haaa!
By 2013 we will be the largest site in the SE network.
Mark my words, then promptly forget them if they turn out not to be true.
Do we not need to pass super user first?
I've already forgotten who you are.
@ArdaXi There. Starred. It will be easier to find now if you turn out to be wrong.
@RonanForman Yes, that's our goal for the next couple of months.
I'm counting on us to do that before summer.
How close are we?
I don't have the stats.
@badp! Stats, stat!
Ooh, my first siege. The killing blow.
That was anti-climactic.
So, the space combat missions in SWTOR are... interesting.

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