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Riught i'm gonna try rovcket league now :/
@twobugs The laziest Dark Souls reference short of "YOU DIED".
@djsmiley2k pls
@fredley i died D:L
@djsmiley2k for ronnie 2016
I le suck D:
errr ok :D
@djsmiley2k are you drunk?
I was just honest
I wish.
@fredley me pro much vote for me!!!!
I'm the trump of bridge.
@djsmiley2k no
Can we get an Overwatch countdown on the nominations? "Voting closes in 30 seconds"
And then the site gets modded by a leaping gorilla with an electricity gun.
dawn of the final hour: one hour remains
I was really tempted to put in a nomination for myself with the only text being, "I am in no way qualified to moderate this site and will likely abuse any power given." But I think we troll the moderation process of this site enough as-is.
I nominate @fredley for mod.
He already nominated and withdrew
so within 1 minute, my team has scored 3!!! own goals.
@djsmiley2k your team is not pro much
time to fire up the youtube stream
Ah, chump goals? Those are pretty hilarious.
@MadMAxJr No no no we don't want @Wipqozn to win. Weren't you pay attention?
Supreme Court to hear Death Penalty cases. I'm holding out hope for a verdict now that Scalia is no longer with us
I think a 4-4 goes in favor of against
Even though we shouldn't even be in a 4-4 situation
@Unionhawk UGh you're probably right
@Unionhawk Yeah...it seems like putting a new one in is kinda really important...but here we are...
It pisses me off how much the public supports capital punishment
You can point out that it costs more to keep someone on death row than life in prison
Appoint Grabthak to Supreme Court. Grabthak believe death penalty for EVERYONE.
And they'll just say "okay remove the appeals :)"
Completely serious
And that's when I need to back off the internet
they can't remove the appeals without knowing 100% that someone is guilty.. which is impossible without wonder woman and her lasso of truth.
Unfortunately, nobody knows the true identity of Wonder Woman so she cannot be appointed as a justice.
what's that movie that for 24 hours nothing is illegal?
@TimS. "Oh the justice system is good enough, can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs"
Also the lasso of truth may violate the self incrimination laws.
@TimS. The purge
@MadMAxJr 50/50 it's either @AshleyNunn or @Wipqozn
@twobugs "good enough" if laughable...
oh yeah, the purge..
Oct 11 '13 at 21:33, by Unionhawk
user image
RIP @Ori
we need that to happen, but just in the scope of congress
@MadMAxJr Yeah, using it would probably be a direct violation of the Fifth Amendment
get some new blood in there
Q: Longer Record Time

gamer103So i'm really addicted now to Super Smash Bros. Brawl and i want to know how to record my long battles. now Super Smash Bros. Brawl gives you the option to record your fights if their under like one or two minutes but is it possible to record my longer fights. i'm assuming that if i want this i'l...

@murgatroid99 Not if you lasso'd it around someone else and they ratted you out :)
We should get science to bring back some of the founding fathers and put them back in office.
I mean, I regularly have people tell me that I "just don't understand how it feels" because I've never had a blood relative murdered (I have)
zombie justices! I'm all in favor of that
Just keep Ben Franklin away from Facebook.
If I mention that, I'm called a liar
It's not possible I could disagree with someone's internet tough guy ideology
I must be LYING
@twobugs Sounds like people who aren't worth having a conversation with.
Or we could try what Rome did. Appoint various government positions by lottery.
oh, that'd be horrible
unless i won, then it would be awesome
@MadMAxJr i thought you were talking about having gladiator fights.
I thought we had those already? UFC stuff?
I will not bring lions and tigers into UFC though.
Unfortunately, in modern times most people are grossly unqualified to hold elected office, simply because there's more to know now to do it properly, and we have greater specialization.
So my coworker really wants me to take a call from this client
yea, but in Rome, they did it with prisoners and stuff, and if they lived then they were able to go free or something
Partially because he claims she has the best voice ever
I'm quite worried now
That seems like a dumb reason
We'll see
Let me rephrase
That is a dumb reason
@murgatroid99 The same is true for citizens and voting -- most of my wife's extended family has no idea what "Benghazi" even is, let alone what happened, yet they all scream it frantically when people talk about Hillary being elected.
Lack of ignorance isn't required to vote
or should I say "being informed"
We're so boned
@TimS. At least with voting, averages generally work in favor of the informed
@TimS. Ignorance is a key trait required to vote properly.
I'm voting for @OrigamiRobot and @MarkTrapp this election
In the sense that completely uninformed people could be considered to be voting randomly, and should average out
It is true that the educated/informed tend to vote, but it's scary how many people who aren't informed still make it to the polls
err tend to vote more*
@murgatroid99 It depends on what you mean by 'uninformed'
Do you count name recognition as being 'informed'?
I heard one guy at booth next to me say (out loud) that he just randomly pushes buttons for all of the non-presidential issues/lower offices
"Uninformed" is anyone who doesn't have the exact same set of knowledge as me
I don't like Bernie Sanders glasses so I'm not going to vote for him.
@murgatroid99 I would prefer random voting over that of "completely misinformed because they only read the Red Patriot News" sites
I feel that when I vote, I'm not voting, I'm just cancelling out one of their votes
I'm sure the people informed solely by Democratic Underground balance it out. Everyone wins!
My point is that either someone knows at least enough to believe that one particular candidate most aligns with their interests (and is therefore "informed"), or they have no information whatsoever, vote randomly, and end up as noise
@Sterno I'd drink to that but it's 3:15 and also I probably qualify as uninformed by this standard
@Unionhawk I mean, you could have way more knowledge than me in every subject except one, but man, you don't know as much as me in that one, and you're uninformed. Don't vote. Jerk.
@TimS. Those people generally aren't completely misinformed. They may have narrow, biased information sources, but they do know something
Again I disagree, particularly in this election. I have a suspicion most people who saw the names "Clinton" and "Sanders" on the ballot, and knew nothing about either candidates positions, wouldn't vote randomly.
@murgatroid99 This is true.
well said, "narrow and biased"
most of the randomness I'd expect (and have witnessed as I said earlier) was the minor/local elections, school levies, and regional office candidates...
should everyone be required to be exposed to both liberal and conservative biased new reports to get an idea of both sides before voting?
here are 4 people running for county auditor, I'll just pick the first name
@Dragonrage I don't think anyone is asking for this. But it's difficult in a modern world like ours where there is an overwhelming amount of... stuff out there and it's very hard to tell what is real and what isn't.
@Dragonrage All they need to do for that is join Facebook
There are lots of things people believe that are completely fake (e.g. "the philadelphia experiment")
The biggest issue I see is the propaganda that is spewed about... Obama was a male prostitute in his 20s, and Michelle Obama used to be a man. (This is actual "news" that one of my extend family members posted on Facebook, and actually believes". And he's not even running for office anymore.
@Unionhawk Wonder woman's plane. mic drop
@twobugs do you think it would help broaden the knowledge of voters if this was required though?
@TimS. wat
Her plane was invisible... so we can't prove that it's fake
nevermind :)
@twobugs But that is real!
there's some really dumb stuff out there
Just…only as a movie
@Dragonrage we had mandatory literacy tests you had to pass before you could vote back in the 1800s. it was unconstitutional
Ah shit he's right
37 minutes left till nominations close
@Dragonrage No.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, it excluded illiterates from voting
There's really not a good solution. I don't think any kind of requirement to fulfill before you can vote is going to fix that.
I just can't believe how easily people believe stuff they see on Facebook as the truth, without any research. If it's an infographic with cool fonts? Holy crap it's gospel!
Literacy doesn't have anything to do with knowledgability
I think we'd have to address cultural issues about knowledge and the value of it beforehand.
@twobugs That'd be the only way
screw that man what about my cognitive biases?
(I'm not being partisan here, left and right wings both have loony fringes)
@twobugs sounds like @twobugs is a loony moderate
What's your proposed solution to this?
@Sterno Ban all users, delete all questions
@Sterno I don't have anything specific, I think the best we can do is encourage people to apply critical thought and value knowledge
I mean, stuff like "GMOs will kill us" is not based in science.
@Dragonrage Still waiting to hear back.
But they're 'unnatural'!
For the people in a position to do that much, it's more profitable to NOT convince them to use critical thought and value knowledge. It's more profitable to convince them to vote the way you want them to.
Everyone knows natural = good, unnatural = bad
The president had a sick burn on anti-intellectualists at some commencement this year
It was great
@Unionhawk obama burns best burns
Let's face it, even us in here don't really want people to use critical thought. We want people to agree with us, and believe that critical thought will cause them to do so. Except clearly it doesn't work that way.
@Sterno Enter the 2nd big issue with politics.. the lobbyists :)
@Sterno Generally true
@Sterno i'm ok with people using critical thought to disagree with me
@GodEmperorDune Something about ignorance not being a virtue, despite what certain people >_> <_< say
same here.. it's been used to change my mind lots of times
And how it's mind boggling that that does not go without saying
@GodEmperorDune Few are. Mainly because no one is perfectly knowledgable about everything. Even in a debate between two critical thinkers, one will get a fact wrong or have one fact less, and suddenly it's all about how they aren't as well informed so of course they are wrong
@Unionhawk but trump has the best mind, 5/7 perfect memory
@Sterno Oh, that's strange. I thought I wanted critical thought, but you told me I was wrong
And then we end up screaming about uninformed voters. cycle back to start of discussion
@GodEmperorDune Lol, not difficult with a 4th grade vocabulary
@twobugs If I keep saying it you'll believe it!
@twobugs you are wrong and you should feel bad for reasons im not going to tell you because you arent informed enough. or something
i want critical thought because it would hopefully force both sides to step up their game in terms of arguments rather than bumper sticker slogans
I would much rather have a discussion about how we can address our enormous prison population than whether or not Hillary stabbed and murdered 1000 people during Benghazi
boo obamacare and the cornhusker kickback
@twobugs Whew, good thing you edited that. 10 just isn't enough for me to care.
I had to be sensationalist enough
@twobugs Well obviously it's not a matter of if it's a matter of how many more than a thousand?
@twobugs if hillary was so good at killing her opponents and covering it up, wouldn't she just have trump killed and make it look like an accident? i mean obama personally killed scalia, right?
Top 1000 people Hillary stabbed. #357 will SHOCK you!
@twobugs thats a lot of people to stab, but you know what they say, one murder is a tragedy, 1000 is just a statistic
and a million murders and you are a god!
oh, wait.. no
No I think you just prestige at that point and get your gold weapon
This election is cultural and noy political
@twobugs A similarly well-informed voter might care more about the Benghazi events than the prison problem, when it comes to choosing a President.
Although seriously I'd watch a movie where Hillary Clinton goes on a war rampage and single-handedly make 1000 kills
@Sterno if hilary actually stabbed 1000 people, that would be a significant issue i would think
@Sterno You're going to be hard pressed to argue this, given the number of times it was investigated and found to have no merit.
@GnomeSlice At this point...isn't politics our culture?
@Sterno what, another POTG by hillary?!
And the number is more than 10 afaik
Hillary is Bastion, confirmed
That's... kind of my point. There are a lot of proxy issues people raise. On both sides.
Things like "GMOs will kill us, I don't care what the science says" are equally harmful.
Or vaccines. Etc.
@twobugs because policy is boring. its much more exciting to make it about personality and knee jerk issues
Well you know when Ted Cruz dropped out he transferred his Zodiac powers to Trump
@TrentHawkins niice
I really enjoyed watching John Oliver's thing on Trump University. In particular Trump's ad for it, which sounded exactly like any of his campaign speeches.
Since apparently Ted Cruz had powers or something
I don't know this joke is dumb
@TimS. a million murders would equate to something like 46 murders a day
@Dragonrage wasn't aware there was a time frame.. hah
@Sterno i mean trump is the ultimate campaigner because he has spent decades hyping himself while not mentioning anything of substance
@Dragonrage What time frame? Per year, it'd be almost 3,000 per day.
@GodEmperorDune It's the meat of any successful marketing campaign
@TimS. Which makes it incredible that he isn't better at business :P
@twobugs That's what I've been saying
@twobugs his business is licensing the trump brand
(to myself I mean)
he makes a ton of money for not doing much
he's had quite a few failed businesses
@TimS. well, if you take the average life expectancy is 78 years, and you take off like 18 years for sleeping and being a kid, which seems reasonable enough you have like 60 years in which to do a million murders in
18 years for sleeping/being a kid? how much do you sleep? haha
I'm curious as how to Trump's completely insane comments about the Judge are going to play in. His insanity might finally be catching up with him.
Trump is gonna build the thing and then "fix" trade and then probably do nothing else
@TimS. there is also a difference between "my business failed for stuff outside of my control" and "all the shortcuts i took caught up with me"
aka calvin coolidge
Sure, people have said that before, but he's drawing a lot of blowback from even other republicans
As long as none of his threats to rule of law that he's been making happen...
@GodEmperorDune This is true... I didn't care enough to research why they failed
Because seriously
@GnomeSlice Aren't you usually saying American Gov't is really complicated? It seems like you're oversimplifying things
Isn't the American political system like designed to limit the amount of power of the president
@GodEmperorDune Darn you for using critical thinking against me.. i'm powerless now!! gahhh
@TimS. like 1/4 of a lot of peoples days are spent asleep
@GodEmperorDune Most politicians can at least avoid contradicting themselves in the same interview. He doesn't seem to hold any position strongly enough to do that.
@GnomeSlice No, it's designed to limit the power of any one branch.
@Dragonrage Yeah its supposed to be 1/3
The president is still a powerful person
@twobugs All I'm saying is that I don't really expect any earth shaking bad things to happen
Particularly presidential role too
@TimS. i mean to me its also less about whether the businesses were ultimately successful vs whether he did unscrupulous things as part of the business, like regularly ripping off his vendors
hes just a bombastic clown
Q: Clash of clans unable to retrieve lost village

Yonatan GirmaI lost my village after uninstalling it accidentally. I didn't link it to my account because the google play games version wasn't compatible with my phone. So, is there any way in which I can retrieve my village which in my case, the isn't linked to my google account.

@MadScientist my favorite joke so far is "how can you tell when trump is lying? his lips are moving"
@GnomeSlice Other than him appointing a supreme court justice which will, at the very least, significantly impact judicial decisions for the rest of their lives?
Especially since if Trump does get elected, it's likely he'll end up with a democratic congress
@GodEmperorDune You mean like starting Trump University? charging university-type fees while providing nothing more than hotel conference room lecture presentations? :)
I don't think you should try to tell Americans how their government works :)
I definitely agree with you
@twobugs Nominating, not appointing
I'm not...
@TimS. no i mean the fact that he regularly would not pay vendors for the final month of work, basically telling them to sue him
@Waterseas There's no way congressional Democrats could stall for 4 years
@TimS. yea, im being generous a 78 year old would probably have slept ~ 25 years, and then add another like 16 years at least for growing up and he only has like 37 years to kill people
They could force him to settle for a mdoerate
The only reason that's even on the table is the senate is a bunch of clowns right now
*moderate even
@GnomeSlice he could mess up a lot of things.
Who says you can't kill people in your sleep? That's how my grandpa killed everyone in the car he was driving.
@GodEmperorDune Ah, gotcha... he really did that?
@GodEmperorDune Like what?
so it would be closer to like 78 murders a day
@GnomeSlice The economy, foreign relations, etc.
for the record i am not a trump supporter
Foreign Relations sure, economy unlikely
He has explicitly stated he wants to make it easier to start libel cases
@twobugs Foreign relations are at like an all time low arent they
No, they aren't
okay not all time
@Waterseas Wat. No. He can directly impact trade policy
Bush isn't president anymore @GnomeSlice
@twobugs Like what?
And no, wtf @ Foreign Relations being an all time low
No, Dubya had the lowest I beleive
@GodEmperorDune Uh, wow.
@Waterseas Like any of his stated economy policies?
95% of which won't pass through congress?
just wow
@GnomeSlice he has said that he wants to start putting tariffs on goods from countries he doesn't like, ignoring the fact that those countries could turn around and do the exact same thing, effectively killing any jobs that relied on trade
wait whats the difference between foreign relations and race relations
Foreign relations means the relationship between the governments of the United States and X country
those are both things Trump is bad at.
where X is whatever
Foreign relations is other countries, race relations is African Americans - Caucasians - Asian Americans, etc
@Waterseas So do you just think no economic stuff is going to pass and we'll have another shutdown?
Okay that's the bad one
Linkin Park pls, I am not in the mood for your music.
Let me know how that pans out
@Twobugs Wat? The shut down was solely because of a bipartisan congress, not related to presidential position at all
@Waterseas I'm pointing out that you seem to think nothing will pass under President Trump. This is silly.
Not much of Trump's policies will
I also expect trump to not accomplish a whole lot
@Unionhawk that is not helping. I am going to go listen to some coldplay
Which is a relief
Well if you're wrong then we're boned
Like, there's no way around that
This notion of "the President doesn't do much" is Not Accurate but okay
Calvin Coolidge did nothing
If you are not right about this, then the United States will be in Terrible Shape
He did not "do nothing"
ir am i thinking of the dam guy
trump's overall assumption is that america can just push around whoever they like and no one will push back. If people push back, he favors an overwhelming disproportionate response, making America extremely easy to goad into doing stupid things that hurt us as much as they hurt our opponent
This notion of "policies supported by the president will get passed no matter the congress partisanship" is not accurate but okay
@GnomeSlice And the Great Depression happened. I don't think he's a good example.
@Yuuki Yeah, good point
The other thing is that the President is the literal face of America.
@Waterseas That's not what I said, but please continue to try and reframe the discussion
It doesn't seem like you're really interested in engaging other viewpoints here.
@Twobugs And what you said wasn't what I said
@twobugs @Waterseas Play nice kids
@GnomeSlice I'm playing nice. I just don't know what is expected of me when discussions are "ur wrong" over and over.
@Yuuki Right. Even if Trump never accomplishes anything legislatively, he could do a lot of damage diplomatically
It's a two way street
@twobugs ignore user and go on your merry way :D
@murgatroid99 Yeah that's the worrying one
@GodEmperorDune I hate this as a solution. It's not good.
@Yuuki Thus why I agreed foreign relations would be the biggest issue
@twobugs It's there for a purpose, though
@twobugs its not good but it saves your sanity
The fact a number of countries (Scotland for sure and maybe the UK?) have either jokingly or seriously considered a travel ban for Trump himself is a big warning sign.
@AshleyNunn True.
@murgatroid99 It's hard to take the US seriously with Trump at the head.
I am all for using it if it needs the using - it saves your own self frustration and anger squid feelings
thats like sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming lalalalala instead of discussing it like an adult
I'm just confused that someone is trying to say Trump wouldn't impact the economy and seems to be overlooking any counterargument
@GnomeSlice Exactly, it is
re: ignoring
@GnomeSlice Which, ignoring?
@AshleyNunn pockets the term 'anger squid' for later use
Does the president unilaterally pass legislation? No, absolutely not.
@Twobugs It's almost like you're doing the same but opposite
@twobugs executive orders are severely limited in scope
I see it more as "I can't be calm and adult right now so I need to not be around this thing until such time as I can possibly be a calm rational person about this" and that might be never and that's okay
Does the president have a lot of power? Yes, and it's foolish to overlook how much the president can impact economic policy.
Why is that okay
not everyone has to particpate in every discussion just because someone else wants them to
Fair I guess
@GodEmperorDune I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the ability of the president to directly influence economic and monetary policy. Which is very real.
If the president didn't have any power, there wouldn't be so much fuzz about the whole thing.
@GnomeSlice because honestly, the alternative is a bunch of people yelling at each other and it devolving into name calling and frustration
You might not feel the full effects for a year or two, but it's real.
and like fine if that's your jam
@MadScientist No one said the president had zero power
@twobugs not really, the fed is an independent board, obama can't tell them to raise or lower rates
Only thing that has been argued is what exactly the president has power over
but how about not in this nice public room where other people would like not to witness possibly people being jerks to each other
it's like a personal "I need some silent retreat time" button
but various agencies can definitely do things that impact the economy
Maybe he'll just get assassinated
uugh I have another nomination text. I might rerun or noot
and I see nothing wrong with going 'I cannot engage constructively with this person so I can removing myself from said conversation"
@GodEmperorDune Obama can't directly raise or lower taxes. But he does have significant influence over economic policy.
@AshleyNunn No real need for it to devolve, assuming both people are rational
Will probably not
@Waterseas That's assuming an utter lack of emotion and things
No one is rational all of the time
I think the problem is actually when both people say they're rational.
Oh are we clearing stars now
we are meatsacks full of emotion and sometimes t hat wins
@twobugs It's probable that I do not understand what you mean. Do you mind getting more specific about what he has specific influence on?
Yes, clearly it does
@GodEmperorDune Just because someone doesn't have hard power over someone else doesn't mean they don't have soft power.
@AshleyNunn There's a difference between lack of emotion, and ability to control/separate emotion
pretty sure if people were rational we wouldn't ever be having a discussion involving Donald Trump and President of the US in the same sentence.
@Waterseas Not everyone can do that
Some people have that skill, others don't.
@KutuluMike No one's supporting him here from the looks of things, it's more discussion about theoretical impact
@AshleyNunn I would phrase it differently, or just stay entirely silent. But deciding to stop engaging is usually a good way to just stop the issue before it escalates
@Yuuki fair
ahem that was supposed to be a preemption
But now I just look silly to those of you who are either fast or italic
I want to see candidates attempt SMB world 1-1. It's not very long, it's not super technical, but it would tell me a lot about how in-tune they are with some basic things important to me.
@MadScientist Agreed, that's why arguably the better solution is to simply not reply to an argument if you're in that scenario, instead of just outright blocking the user unless they persist
@Waterseas One of the many specific things is that the President is essentially the public face of their party.
to de-escalate things, i propose a break for googly eyes!
The ignore feature is a good feature that exists for a good reason.
@Waterseas There's nothing wrong with ignoring users. But I personally do dislike public announcements of that fact
@twobugs Agreed, but if that party is the minority in both the senate and the house, is that an issue?
It is not a bad solution in any way.
If trump wins it will destroy the republican party, theyll never run again
@Waterseas Considering that it's basically impossible for republicans to become a minority in the house...
sounds like a win to me
@Waterseas The problem is, though, that while yes theoretically I can just not reply, go silent, leave the room, etc, what if I want to be able to talk to other people in the room who don't raise my blood pressure through the roof (logically or otherwise)
@Waterseas You're supposing that the democrats win back the congress.
@GnomeSlice What is dead may never die ;-)
@GnomeSlice Bookmarking this for 4 years down the road
@MadScientist Yeah, the whole announcing the thing is annoying. Just let it go
So I can tell you how silly you are
@twobugs haha
@GnomeSlice they said george w bush would destroy the republican party. it didn't quite turn out that way
@Yuuki ....what.
@AshleyNunn I meant not reply specifically to the argument at hand, and instead just changing the topic
@AshleyNunn You are now required to do the Let It Go musical number.
@MadScientist I bet if we used their coronation practices for presidential inaugurations, we'd have a lot less people running
@Waterseas Topic changes don't always work
@Waterseas this is Easier Said Than Done(tm)
@AshleyNunn My other option was "No".
That requires everyone involved to agree
There's a srs bsns chatroom
@AshleyNunn Indeed, which is why I said use the block feature then if they persist
We can go there
@Yuuki Also not helpful.

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