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upgrade tyo win 10?
@murgatroid99 Yeah, it's different from the Forest Hunter covenant in DS1.
Bell Keepers invade everyone. Even other Bell Keepers.
dang it
I sitll need to get a token of spite
@djsmiley2k ಠ_ಠ
I saome how lost the other one
Q: Death count in Dark Souls 3

arghtypeIs there any way to know how many times have you died in game? (Well, I know that answer is "a lot", but I'm in search for exact number) I remember in DS2 there was monument in Majula with such info. Is there its analogue somewhere in DS3 world?

Oh, I played some games over lunch break in Hearthstone and got two wins! Back on a winning streak. Awww yea
I mainly just want to get dailies done. It would be great to reach rank 10 this season but not going to cut into Overwatch time to try
> Consume to increase chance of being invaded.
Though not sure if that's what you did.
i need to invade and kill
not be invaded :/
No no, you said you lost one. That's the only way to get rid of them other than discarding or dropping them.
@djsmiley2k then you want a red eye orb
ok i have some i think
@murgatroid99 Red Sign Soapstone also works.
woo that guy died \\o/
I just updated to the latest nvidia drivers. Let's cross fingers and hope my video card doesn't explode.
@Yuuki Yeah, but people seems to care a lot about rules and honor and stuff when you use those
@murgatroid99 Well, it does tend to be used for duels rather than invasions.
K.... so I have some
Since the person can choose whether to fight you or not.
but can't use them?
Need to be human maybe?
@djsmiley2k Yes.
@Yuuki Because everyone who uses this one particular in game item is supposed to know before hand the arbitrary rules that some subset of the online community has invented
Still can't use... :/
@djsmiley2k Maybe you're not in an area where PvP is allowed
@murgatroid99 No Estus, No R1 spam (Yes, This Is A Rule), No Magic, No Ranged Weapons, No Fun, etc.
@twobugs weak
what's next, only parrying allowed?
@twobugs The first one is the only thing I've seen regularly.
I kind of feel like those people don't "get" Dark Souls.
It's a brutal, dying world.
I guess 5 to a degree.
You should go into combat fully expecting to get ambushed by six guys buffed to the eyeballs.
@Yuuki I haven't seen people directly say "No R1 Spam" but when I still followed the subreddit that was basically every other complaint
I also have blue orbs
"Fucking noobs just spam R1! Bullshit!"
@twobugs The answer is literally parrying. Netcode is rather forgiving on parry timings against R1 spam.
Except against running katana stabs for some reason.
@djsmiley2k The basic attack button :P
whjere should I go for pvp D:
@djsmiley2k Those are for invading certain (guilty) people
Yeah, I was able to parry some dude who was hella lagging and invaded me
I just avoid Souls PVP though because my experiences so far have all been stupid
@ToxicFrog Sure, but you should still be allowed to gripe a bit when you come against six guys buffed to the eyeballs.
@djsmiley2k My suggestion: ignore the PvP covenants. If you're going for completionist, you can buy the spells you would unlock from the ghost in the castle in NG++
but i can't even join the last coventent for that trophy
or one of the last ones I need
Or is Bed of Chaos is the most well-designed boss in the game and you should just nut up and/or shut up?
I'm pretty sure you can bonfire ascetic to just increase the NG+ level for a specific area
Even for vendors
@twobugs orly :O
I'm pretty sure, you might want to double check
i can't find anywhere I can use this cracked red eye orb.
> Does not allow purchase of the covenant weapons or spells at Chancellor Wellager, this needs actual NG++.
Ah, my bad
I know it works for some other things
yey invading
time to die :(
@twobugs I'm kind of glad I didn't just find out that I did an extra 2 playthroughs unnecessarily. But NG++ was also when I finished a couple of the NPC quests
Meh. I liked Dark Souls 2 but I feel no desire to 100% it
driven away :(
3 I might, depends on how I feel when I revisit it after Bloodborne
@Yuuki Sure, but complaining that those people are playing the game wrong or something?
@ToxicFrog Welcome to Reddit where every fanbase is terrible
@ToxicFrog People should be allowed to say stupid things, just as people should be allowed to call them stupid for saying stupid things.
@twobugs I want to 100% DS3, but it annoys me that this time it seems to actually require leveling most of the PvP covenants, and there isn't a way around it this time
> Welcome to Reddit the Internet where every fanbase is terrible
Technically you can grind all of those items offline but yeah
The drop rate is pathetically low
Yeah, I think I have to do that for Watchdogs, because it looks like it's going to be literally impossible for me to ever get summoned for it
Now that I leveled too far
Watching two ultra greatswords face off with one another is like watching two battleships circle one another.
Did they ever fix watchdogs? It seemed like most people had a huge amount of trouble getting summoned for it
Q: How many Research Quest can the Empire take in Stellais?

ShloEmiIs there a limit to the number of Research-Quests the an Empire can take in Stellaris? So far there are two active quests the Empire is researching and one Mundane Quest.

@twobugs I didn't try for a while, and now I'm level 70 with a level 7 weapon, so I think I just won't get summoned anyway
unable to find world to invade
@murgatroid99 I just remember at launch there were about 3 covenants people said were just broken
I'm pretty sure that was one of them
@djsmiley2k Yeah, DS2 online play is not particularly popular right now, considering DS3 is out.
@twobugs And I don't have invasion problems in general. I already finished Blue Sentinels and as much as I needed to of Aldrich Faithful
@Yuuki i got into one game and he banished me, so sux
And the fractured playerbase also doesn't help.
Interesting, I remember hearing lots of trouble with Blue Sentinels
I never got summoned as a blue :/
Nope, game hates me, ah well, off to bed!
@twobugs I got summoned pretty quickly whenever I put the ring on
Or covenant item. Whatever sort of thing it is
And that's why I think it's a specific problem with Watchdogs: because I didn't have trouble with the others
Well, they were being sued for using (in part) the Klingon language
Which is kind of silly
That was how I heard it, at least
Just because you can ues it doesn't mean you must
I dunno where I stand on the lawsuit because Paramount usually doesn't really give a f--k about fan films and projects.
I'm not sure why anybody wants the Warmth pyromancy reward from the Mound Makers covenant.
You know what's the worst?
you know what else is terrible?
@MadMAxJr To get all of the Pyromancies, of course
Regen 20 hp every 2 seconds, for 30 seconds. Doesn't scale, needs 25 faith.
@MadMAxJr Warmth is pretty much a requirement for running dueling clubs.
Please don't star everything.
Okay this is not funny
inb4 "you gonna get banned"
@Yuuki how is it useful? The total heal is about 300 hp?
@MadMAxJr It heals everyone.
Having a song on my mind and having to go through +1000 songs to find it.
Oh, it's an AOE?
@MadMAxJr Yes.
Ah, the note on the wiki, "Note this heals friends, foes, bosses."
Gym time, then Overwatch \o/
@twobugs streaming overwatch?
Hmm. Doesn't say how big warmth is.
It's useful in running dueling clubs because you can heal the winner of the duel as well as anyone who takes incidental damage.
@GnomeSlice is there a way to find songs by, idk, rhyme?
I see, like the guys who make fight clubs behind the pointiff area.
@ardaozkal like the lyrics?
rhyme wtf
not lyrics nor rhymes.
@MadMAxJr If it's the same as 2, it's roughly one fat roll radius.
I studied way too much literature today
@yuuki Imperial or metric fat rolls?
Maybe a medium roll.
I was meaning, like, idk.
@MadMAxJr I'm surprised nobody replied with just "everything".
@MadMAxJr Everything.
dammit server, y u so slow
@Yuuki ok, not starring
hmm let me try this.
Starry, not starry.
@ardaozkal You are learning.
I'm learning to detach from arguments too. I guess I'm detaching one letter early though.
I guess I should've appended "young grasshopper".
it has taken half an hour to log into this box
this is the nearly worst
completion urge, that is
I should just listen to a single song so that I won't have to go through a huge list one by one to find whats been playing on my mind
He'll build a wall to keep the change out.
And if that's the article about his golf course, that's exactly what he plans on doing.
how could you guess
Girls und Panzer der Film crosses 2 billion yen milestone in Japanese box office earnings http://myanimelist.net/news/46150921 https://t.co/zeny2vwatZ
I don't even...
18m USD, that is.
@ardaozkal tank girl is a big deal
@GodEmperorDune To be distinct from Tank Girl.
pebble spoiled tomorrow's event.
#TheClockIsTicking! Gonna share our @HBO Go password so folks who missed last night’s #GameOfThrones can catch up. https://t.co/3ho5mMDwck
enough twitter for me:
So I just found out there's a 39 chapter erotic fanfiction about me and herobrine's sister from @witwix's chat. This is fine.
@ardaozkal I'm impressed. 39 chapters really takes some dedication
@ardaozkal Things are going to be okay.
@murgatroid99 Depends on how many words per chapter.
I've seen 100 chapter pieces with like 20 words per chapter.
@ardaozkal That title's pretty straightforward.
@ardaozkal I don't understand
@SaintWacko Pebble has a big announcement tomorrow. They jokingly (? I really hope they post a HBO Go pass though, I missed that ep) said that they'll post their HBO Go Password for those who missed the last night's GoT ep.
@murgatroid99 how many APIs is that?
I'm going to go ahead and read this fanfic.
package com.minecraft.fictional.notreal removed.removed.removed.removed.removed.removed.herobrine
> She looks 16 instead of twenty.
Nope, this is not going to end well.
@ardaozkal In many parts of the world, 16 is at or above the accepted age of consent
Q: Lost Connection

Brandon RankinA friend and I were going to play on a Terraria world of his and when I went to connect it would connect but then loose connection. A screenshot has been provided courtesy of me for the event of it being needed. We have tried using server creating programs and they do not seem to work either. N...

Q: 4 player split screen offline shooting games?

IvanzinhoI'm trying to not play Nintendo 64 Goldeneye anymore but I have not found a replacement, I would like to buy a new console (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4) but it seems there is not games to play in the way I play Goldeneye (4 players in split screen), I've searched but I just find games up to 2 pl...

@murgatroid99 yes, ikno however considering how the story goes and how unexpectedly that was said, I just don't even.
@ardaozkal Consider that you're reading an erotic fanfiction about a made up relative of a made up joke character paired with a real person
I am almost entirely certain that this "Herobrine's sister" is supposed to be a stand-in for the author.
@Yuuki it's not fan fiction without some good old self insertion
@Yuuki Oh, a self-insert character masquerading as the made up relative of a made up joke character
@badp That's... what she said?
@Yuuki username: Blueseas17 (probably 17), profile states that the writer is a girl... probably
@Yuuki she wants to self-insert?
"She" being urmom?
My mom knows better
detach requested.
I can't stop laughing though
> Herobrine said "[...]they killed me[...]"
fanfiction.net/u/4187153/Blueseas17 this is one hell of a long profile description.
"Dagnabit, they killed me lucky charms!"
wait, who is herobrine?
@ardaozkal What is dead may never die
@murgatroid99 is that part of the drowning coronaiton thing?
@murgatroid99 but he isn't dead, he is removed!
@GodEmperorDune A Minecraft character only ever referenced as a joke in Minecraft patch notes
did someone think that deleting was enough? I blame notch
because clearly the previous kings who went through that ceremony died later
@GodEmperorDune It's the standard drowned god prayer, including at the coronation
I watched the last 3 episodes of GoT consecutively last night, so that's kind of fresh in my mind
@murgatroid99 well from everything to take from last night's GoT, the drowned god's prayer seems like it wouldn't be the top priority
Is got worth watching rn?
I don't like incomplete stories.
(and I hate cliffhangers)
@GodEmperorDune As I said, 3 episodes in a row. That's just the thing that was relevant to his quote
@ardaozkal Oh man, you'll hate The Adventures of Cliff Hanger.
@ardaozkal there are a lot of cliffhangers
@ardaozkal If you want a complete story, you probably don't want to start the latest season now
this fanfic is rated T so it can't be sexual.
how to extrapolate
Skyrim talk: Started a new Bosmer character as a dedicated archer. It throws me off that different bows perform so much differently. The Long Bow and Hunting Bow you get early on draw much faster but have a much lower trajectory than the Daedric Bow my main character (48 Altmer) has.
one year going down = will go down forever and ever
@Yuuki évery episode ends in a cliffhanger, its great
@badp looks accurate to me
@ardaozkal Are you surprised?
@badp Streaming media is what's cutting into it.
@Dragonrage Public television is the greatest.
No surprise.
@ardaozkal you're on fanfiction.net...
@GodEmperorDune the downward trend in black looks suspiciously linear
But why do people make projections on such limited data?
@badp or what is DOWN with that, amirite?
@SaintWacko not story terrible but worst nsfw part terrible. Last 2 sentences.
@badp Linearly extrapolating from the last two data points is the best way to accurately judge future performance
@murgatroid99 the second grade curve fit from Excel don't lie
@ardaozkal I don't see anything even remotely resembling NSFW content in that chapter
@murgatroid99 rated T.
Not that viisble.
@ardaozkal No, seriously, that has to be one of the tamest chapters in the story. It's just standard "woo, my video game is haunted and now I've been pulled into it"
@murgatroid99 The chapter linking didn't work
@SaintWacko It's a link to chapter 5
@murgatroid99 that is beautiful
@murgatroid99 Oh, wow, their url structure is weird
@SaintWacko It's like SE: the slug doesn't matter, it's just for SEO. So it makes sense to put it at the end to maintain a sensible hierarchy
As in, /s/<story_id>/<chapter_number> is a valid url, and just appending /<story_name> instead of sticking it in the middle probably helps with canonicalization, searching, processing, etc.
Ah, I see
@SaintWacko It's not nearly as stupid as AO3's though.
Their chapters have unique IDs.
@Yuuki kind of like our answers? or comments?
@murgatroid99 Yeah. So while you can navigate to a specific chapter fairly easily enough with FF.net's structure by knowing just the story ID, you need to know both story ID and the chapter ID for AO3.
AO3's tagging system is very nice though, although it does result in some stupidly long blurb pages.
@Yuuki That does seem pretty unnecessary
Especially if people get crazy with the freeform tags.
Q: What are Private Servers?

rivermont - Will B.I have seen a couple questions recently asking about private servers for Clash of Clans. I looked them up online, and I can't find any information about them, only sites offering them. What are these private servers? Are they even legitimate?

Q: How to win a war in Stellaris?

ShloEmiI've attacked all their Resource-Stations, Hovered a planet (In hope to blockade/bombard it - but it didn't), what am I missing? The score remains 10% of war goals.

@Lazers2.0 you win by not losing
> From September onwards, Netflix will become the exclusive US pay TV home of the latest films from Disney, Marvel, Lucasfilm and Pixar.
also, Im refusing to play stellaris because you cant destroy stars and stuff
@Yuuki So, AO3 is the site that's primarily MCU slashfics, right?
@murgatroid99 That's like all fanfiction, I think.
That and Supernatural.
also, you should be able to launch planets at people
So Disney's not making their own subscription service. Thank. F--kin'. God.
@Yuuki They have their own subscription service
Or is that thing free?
@murgatroid99 nothing is truly free
@murgatroid99 Which thing?
@Yuuki Disney Movies Anywhere
@murgatroid99 Not subscription-based.
It's a "buy once, watch everywhere (that it's supported)" deal.
Depending on what this does to Google Play, we might be watching Disney movies from that site in the future.
It shouldn't affect Google Play since it's a purchase/rental thing and not subscription.
But just a heads-up.
Oh boy, my Pathfinder Beginner's Box finally shipping from the warehouse!
Only took them 4 months.
(Yes, I know they ran a massive shortage after the Humble Bundle)
Q: How can I open the Stellaris Console?

seyfahniI was trying to tweak my Stellaris Graphics for better performance using a reddit tutorial. But I wasn't able to open the Stellaris console by using the described keys. Also I tried all combinations mentioned in the corresponding wiki page. I think that I can't open the console is caused by the ...

@Yuuki iirc Google Play is supported
I got wreck it ralph from there for Google play
@Unionhawk It is now, I'm talking about the recent deal Disney made with Netflix.
That takes effect in September.
From the sound of it, it's subscription-based streaming rights only.
Which means movies should still be on Google Play.
Yeah, Google Play is... Almost Apple *
Just more cloud centered
And, web client
Means I can play it in anything with a browser, which is much better for me.
We wouldn't be able to do Movie Night with the Apple Store, as far as I know.
I dunno
Well, it'd be a bit more involved.
I mean technically with OBS and a uStream key you can stream anything ever
But that's because uStream is last I checked largely unpoliced
That's where a popular streamer did family movie nights
You're killing me, Yahoo. Stop posting "senior software developer" positions under "entry-level", you're killing me.

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