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I hope
@Wipqozn is the best pet
@StrixVaria i mean if you want to kill them, its pretty easy. just put them in a jar and turn it upside down on top of a red ant hill
red ants are pretty vicious
I would get a pet spider, get a pet snake, let the snake eat the spider, and then get rid of the snake
@Dragonrage UGH
@GnomeSlice spiders can kill some snakes
so @Dragonrage apparently ran a hunger games for small insects and arachnids as a child
@Dragonrage wtffff don't tell me about it
though lizards are pretty decent at killing spiders too
red ants killed that russian guy in indiana jones
@spugsley Good to hear you're moving out of Worst State, USA.
Why did I just look up pictures of camel spiders?
@StrixVaria because you don't want to sleep for a week
i used to feed lizards by holding earwigs and getting the lizard to try and bite me. and then it would end up grabbing the earwig and realizing it was food and eating it
earwigs UGH
what if theyre in my head
worst bugs
@GnomeSlice you just poke them in the head and then they try and pinch you, and you grab them by the pinchers
how do you even figure that out
@GnomeSlice horseflie infections aren't that common
that's fuct
you're fuct
bugs are fuuccctttt
@GnomeSlice it just made sense to me, its sort of like grabbing a snake behind the head
why do we even need them
@GnomeSlice sorry @twobugs
and yes i know birds gotta eat and shit
Mostly? Polination
why do we need birds
Huh. PSA passed
Mostly food
jaden tweet
@GnomeSlice you can't take a chunk out of the ecosystem without wrecking it
how can birds be real if bugs arent real
also my turtle likes to eat earwigs and other bugs
why do we need turtles
Hmm I wonder if windows setup would fix it
we need turtles so @Wipqozn can exist
also i like to eat certain things too but i dont always get what I want
@Dragonrage I feed my sliders vegetables and fruits. And shellfish on occasion.
there are more insects in one square mile than humans on the earth
@GnomeSlice insects help decompose things
thanks uncle johns bathroom reader for a single fact I will never forget
without insects we'd have a lot of dead bodies lying around
@GnomeSlice Random, specific or any?
There are also more virusses in a human then there are humans =p
@Yuuki my turtle grew up on pill bugs, cockroaches, earwigs, moths, and fish
@GnomeSlice Well, you're comparing a species to an entire family/clade/whatever.
among other things
yeah im sure it's a shitty statistic
still horrible
what else is in the human family though
its also eaten crawdads and tadpoles
unless you count races
Which aren't sub-species
but i mean thats already included
@GnomeSlice Nothing currently living other than sapiens, which is us.
But great apes are our family
but you never invite them round for dinner, do you
They're dead... not sure if we should invite them
Well I'd invite Winston
that would be unsanitary
@Yuuki but it was kinda dickish to be "look how cool and unique we are, we're the only ones to have an exclusive genus and species"
well yeah, we created the taxonomy
Never mind, I'm wrong.
There's evidence we interbred with Neanderthals, though
@twobugs just look at trump
I assumed you guys meant Genus rather than Family
Orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and bonobos.
@twobugs urgreatgreatgreatgreat...greatgrandmom bred with neanderthals
@twobugs Insect is a Family though.
not in my family it's not
Insect Garden - when you're here, you're Family
Are gnomes hominids?
All you can eat soup, salad, and crickets.
@Yuuki Homo Florensiensis kinda?
@Yuuki they are gnominids
I need a new name
@GnomeSlice how about @chromeslice?
What about @Gnomiebear?
that hurt to type
That's the kind of name you'll see on a Reaper player next week.
@Ronan Hamstare
@GnomeSlice Huh, I didn't know you played Reaper.
guise reeper is SoO EPIC
That's not even bad
could be a good backup name
@Yuuki You saw the pink reaper skin fan-art?
about what
make games great again
@MadMAxJr Yeah, did you see the sketch of him acting like a cat?
@Yuuki wtf
we will build a wall and make bugs pay for it
@GnomeSlice ReaPURRRR, you see
I did not see that.
some kindly old asian man offered me a tissue just now on the bus
not sure how to explain tourettes given he likely doesnt speak much english
@Yuuki wtf
Oh god. No.
@Yuuki I really want them to make the skin. Pay the artist, make the skin. Do it, Blizzard.
On ult: "Nyaa~, nyaa~, NYAA~"
Overwatch releases at 4PDT/7EDT on Monday, May 23.
@Fluttershy pink...?
I don't think that really fits reaper's theme
do they actualy have skins yet
or just colours
They have skins
@GnomeSlice Mariachi Reaper.
@Yuuki b-baka gaijin~~~~~~~tildetilde~~~
@GnomeSlice most are recolor, some are actually different
@StrixVaria Yay!
@GnomeSlice That's why it's perfect.
@Yuuki haha
Most characters have 1 or 2 silly skins
The origin edition skins are neat. Not $20 neat, but still neat.
I'm saving up for that teal and pink Mei skin first thing.
@Yuuki rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreaper
oh i thought they were avoiding goofy stuff
@GnomeSlice its blizz
I still can't get over how Reaper is the same VA for Bloo from Fosters Home.
im not really familisr with them
starcraft was pretty serious
Scarecrow Junkrat.
@GodEmperorDune *rɹrɹrɹrɹrɹrɹrɹrɹrɹrɹreaper
@GnomeSlice Not really, it has the serious but not serious stuff like Overwatch does
you need to roll the r's @GodEmperorDune
As in, there are serious parts, and silly parts
There's a Diablo pinata in one level.
Sumo Roadhog?
Also the level with 3 bells in the attackers' spawn lets you hit them to play the Futurama theme.
el Segador! Gasp!
i think people need to use the basketball trap more
@Dragonrage yeah i left the rolling as an exercise to the reader
@StrixVaria And Hot Cross Buns.
There's more than 3 bells.
@Yuuki Not in the area I'm thinking of, but I'm sure there are plenty of bells somewhere. I can't remember what map it is, unfortunately.
I wonder what the brawl event will be the first week..
Am I the only one who doesn't care at all about brawls?
I'm still hoping they have special rewards for the brawls, because otherwise I'm pretty indifferent
@StrixVaria The three Futurama bells are up higher, but there are two more bells down and to the right.
@StrixVaria Attacker's spawn in Dorado? Yes, there's another set on the right side.
@Fluttershy Oh, ok.
@Yuuki I can't even remember what map Dorado is.
I need to get better about recognizing some of them by name.
The payload and control point maps are easy because it's one map per name.
KotH is more annoying since you have three per name.
I already have the KotH ones down, interestingly.
Going to link this again from yesterday.. Reaper Simulator.
The only KotH map I know by name is Hanamura.
@Fluttershy That's a capture point map, not KotH.
KotH is Lijiang Tower, Ilios, and Nepal.
The one with multiple rounds played on different sections.
Man, I'm glad the house finally approved some Zika funding, even if it is just redirecting old funds
@twobugs finally
@StrixVaria Oh yeah. Oops!
It's crazy how hard it is to try and combat dangerous diseases when dealing with politicians
Clearly the withdrawal is hitting me harder than I thought.
@Fluttershy I know this feeling.
@Ronan I know right. We couldn't be happier to put NC in behind us ugh
I was hoping to beat Type 0 before Overwatch comes out. That should be easy, but getting 100% will probably take more effort (game seems to be designed around replaying)
@spugsley Especially considering what's happening now.
Hiya @spugsley
Long time no see
Q: What does the Blade and Soul item level mean?

joedragonsYesterday I noticed that I had a repair hammer that was level 1-10. I was level 19 so figured it was useless but tried to repair using it just to be sure and it worked. I have assumed that the item level meant usage, but it does not appear so at least for that item. Does anyone know (can source...

Man I haven't even started Ratchet and Clank (2016)
I need more time before Overwatch
There's also Uncharted 4 multiplayer... And Halo 5 now that they're improving matchmaking...
I started writing some code but I forgot that I have to submit a whole proposal before I do it :( I was spoiled at my last job
ugh I forgot about ratchet and clank
I want that too
I picked it up and it's supposed to be quite good. I loved the previous ones
Just fun third person action adventure games
Lots of cartoony violence and crazy guns. I'll have to stream it when I get around to it
Need to 100% DQ Heroes, too
DQ? Defender's Quest?
Dragon Quest
Q: Batman Arkham Knight 2015 Question about the controller

user80207I am curious as to what controller works with Arkham Knight PC, I have no issue using other games using x360ce. This is a screenshot that shows the controller map but what controller is it. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=687551726 Like it seems to be showing an LCD screen o...

@Lazers2.0 Oh damn, this question reminds me - I never finished Arkham Knight
That's a fun game, I just keep getting sidetracked
soo I booted up with my windows installer, picked "repair this pc" and said "fix startup issues"... PC is now booting up well.
Argh, Internet needs to go back up.
@ardaozkal I hope you didn't have dual boot on that PC, because you probably just replaced grub or whatever bootloader with windows bootloader
@Chippies nope. Used to have mint as DB but reformatted as I had space issues.
some issues, but works well now (an example for one of the "some issues" is pictured above)
context btw if you missed it: I spilled coffee on my pc (my nearly over french press fell to my pc), I cleaned it, and due to whatever issues (maybe due to the fact that I took out the SSD and put it back) it didn't allow me to boot from my SSD after it.
Hillary Clinton accused of being "co-conspirator" in Bill Clinton's sexual escapades. That's it. Humans are over.
We had a good run. It's time to reset
cons: 4 hours wasted
@twobugs i don't even
pros: my pc smells like coffee now, and I cleaned my fans after 2 years and expect higher FPS
I'm not going to click the article because I have a feeling it will just make me more angry
@ardaozkal you could probably cover an exhaust fan with a coffee soaked and dried cloth as a mod
I have a lot of complaints with Hillary Clinton, but this is completely absurd
@ardaozkal unless you were thermal throttling, you won't see fps increase
@twobugs especially the hypocrisy if this is coming from the trump camp
trump cheated on wife N with wife N+1 multiple times, and it was wife N's fault?
i don't even
It's a quote from someone named Dolly Kyle
@GodEmperorDune Ah, sounds like ol' Newt
Trying to pick the least douchey Powerpoint style is harder than you might think
@Chippies I used to get 150fps on source fps test (on cs:s), but due to heat issues (thanks to my fans being filled with dust, I know that this is the reason because I used to clean the fans from outside, and it increases my fps quite a bit) I ended up getting way less in time, down to ~50. I don't expect day-one fps in source fps test, but I expect something higher.
@ardaozkal soooo, it's a mainstream laptop?
Not going to waste the price of titan x on a laptop with medium-end gpu.
@twobugs no company standard?
that would probably benefit your laptop a lot
also, onebox, where you at?!
@Chippies no one likes amazon.ca
@GodEmperorDune I should ask if we have one
@GodEmperorDune amazon.ca likes amazon.ca
@Chippies amazon.ca apologizes for amazon.ca
Man, the screen on the Surface is beautiful
@GodEmperorDune no amount of apologies can undo the horror that is amazon.ca
35"?! I'd rather get overwa- oh thats cad
@Chippies it was more of a "sorry, eh" because canada joke but w/e
Q: What do the bars mean next to the persons level?

Michael StumIn Multiplayer, some people have one or two vertical bars/pips next to their level. What do these mean?

I can't buy it :(
Amazon doesn't deliver to turkey.
+ no turkish retailer sells it
also i heard that trudeau was running out of things to apologize for, so he went all the way back to something canada did in 1914
not even the shady ones
Hm, there's no Windows Store app for Amazon music, but there appears to be the same wrapper they use for their mobile apps uploaded as a "native windows app!!!!!!"
@GodEmperorDune Oh, apparently Trump was the one who initially called Hillary the "enabler"
Stay classy, Donnie!
@twobugs he's started calling her "crooked hillary" but it just doesn't have the same ring to it as "little marco" and "lyin ted"
or even "low energy"
Or "zodiac killer confirmed"
Or "for human president"
how about cool cal?
@Dragonrage cal?
even "boring hillary" would be better
its an old nickname for an old president
but since we were just throwing out random nicknames
Morbo's good friend, Richard Nixon
I'm gonna vote for Kodos.
@Dragonrage I mean, I was talking exclusively about Ted Cruz
@Unionhawk and i was going for presidential candidates this cycle
@Unionhawk i was unaware that ted cruz had that many nicknames
@Dragonrage his dad was pallin' around with lee harvey oswald on the day of, you know
Q: Questions about looking for mods for specific purposes

DanmakuGrazerRecently, this question was put on hold as being about software recommendation, however I see other questions like this, this, and this, which seem similar to the question about turning off idle chatter, and none of them really look like "game recommendation" in the "Should I buy this game?" way,...

Man, I'm tired of these fixed damage attacks who don't even follow our countries politics!
This is funny because Dragon Rage is a 40 damage attack that does not scale ever
We need to ask the Candidates the real hard questions. Like how would they unite the realm of Skyrim?
Trump would definitely be for the Stormcloaks
We have the best cloaks.
It is my firm belief that "Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer" is what killed his campaign.
38% of Florida believed it at one point.
He's gonna need backing from the College magi if he wants to build that wall.
@Yuuki That's wild
@Yuuki its more that trump can hog all the media coverage with some crazy thing he said, so no one covers the opponent
I felt kind of bad for Cruz because even though he is a slimeball everyone was shitting on him as if he was significantly worse than the other slimeballs
And that's not really true, from what I know
When the imperials send people over, they're not sending their best. Redguard, orcs. Some I assume, are true Nords.
I mean, Boehner called him "Lucifer Incarnate" or something
Boehner actually completely refused to work with Ted Cruz at any point
@twobugs Yes, yes he was worse than the average slimeball.
He definitely wasn't Most Worst, but that's only because Donald Trump is running
He is, after all, the Zodiac Killer.
He's Most Worst in all other contexts
@Yuuki I phrased that poorly. He is worse than the average slimeball, but he wasn't the worst slimeball running
@twobugs he SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT so that he could grandstand
1 min ago, by Unionhawk
He definitely wasn't Most Worst, but that's only because Donald Trump is running
Trump would have shut down every Government if he could
1 min ago, by Unionhawk
He's Most Worst in all other contexts
And he's the Zodiac Killer.
See also
Tediac Killer.
What's the origin of the Ted Cruz = Zodiac Killer thing?
I assume The Internet
It's such a dumb fake conspiracy theory that I love it so much.
@twobugs trump or alex jones, i assume
And if you just say "Well, he is the Zodiac Killer" then I'll slap you so hard
@twobugs The Public Polling Center asked for a list of questions they should poll for.
Twitter got "Do you think Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer?" or something like that as the last question.
@GodEmperorDune If you ever link me to know your meme again you're permanently banned from streams :)
And 38% of Florida said either "yes" or that they couldn't decide.
@twobugs Just say the word I want to do it
And the fact that they couldn't decide is pretty much a "yes" in my book.
Ted Cruz, Memelord and Zodiac Killer. I need to see that in the news coverage ticker bar.
@Yuuki So basically, it became a fascinating study in poll creation?
@twobugs you asked for the origin of a meme, it is directly relevant

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