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@Frank If it's not working any worse than super glue, then this sounds like a win to me!
there have not been many questions i can answer today :(
Q: Minecraft maps not showing up

x_creepercraft_yi downloaded a world called "formula 1". i had extracted it and put it in my saves, but it is not showing up. (randomTextBecauseItDoesn`tMeetTheir"QualityStandards "

@Dragonrage Learn more things about more games!
Become one with your inner @agent86!
@Fluttershy i refuse to play cancer (aka minecraft) and i dont have the money to spend on stellaris, and i dont think it is a game i would enjoy that much
@Dragonrage Pretty sure minecraft is one of the most anti-cancer games I've ever seen
@SaintWacko i prefer my games not have graphics that look like they were made in the 1600's
They had graphics like Minecraft in the 1600s?
Huh. Dragonball Xenoverse is getting a sequel
If they fix the problems (it's Bandai; they won't) that could be cool. But the game had some pretty fundamental drawbacks that kept it from really living up to it's potential
Another Type 0 question!
Q: How should I clear The Battle of Judecca without relying on an Eidolon?

two bugsThe mission, The Battle of Judecca, ends with a very difficult fight against a boss. In the storyline, you're intended to lose this fight and when all your characters die an Eidolon appears. Winning in this manner progresses the story, but defeating the boss without the Eidolon appearing rewards ...

Close. It's in my house. I haven't opened the box yet but it is here
@AshleyNunn so it finally made it? your candy has traveled to more countries than i have
Yeah I dont know what was up with the tracking but it is here now and as soon as I finish feeding my cat and such I am totally opening it up
@AshleyNunn That was fast!
@twobugs yeah I was super shocked when I checked my mail
@Dragonrage Protip: When a mod rolls back an edit, don't rollback to undo the mod's rollback.
@StrixVaria i didnt rollback the mods edit
dcshannon did
@Dragonrage You rolled back something that undid @badp's edit.
Anyway, if it was in good faith, that's fine, no harm really.
It's now locked.
@StrixVaria why is it locked with the less clear title?
Man is it still Monday?
How did I utterly misread who did what edit?
i was told like 2 weeks ago that i had to leave a title that was changed on mine with the more clear title.
Please excuse me while I go fix this and then let's all pretend that this never happened.
Now all is good, I feel like an ass, and we can carry on with our days.
Oh, man, the needle on this thing just bottomed out. I was too late
(I am very happy.)
@AshleyNunn how does the nectar taste?!
hype hype hype
Like honey and flowers and a bit like angel food cake
(aka amazing)
@AshleyNunn i am very jealous
Having now had a piece of the nectar (the yellow flowers in the picture, not sure how much you can tell what is what) and one of the random bits of stick candy...yeah, I am super happy with this purchase. They'll definitely see more of me.
@AshleyNunn what is the one in the upper left? it kinda looks like an orange comb
Q: Saving private practice replays in Dota 2

user3625087Before the latest patch, I would play practice games with bots and cheats enabled in order to do something specific, finish the match quickly and be able to analyze the replay afterwards. Basically I would do what I needed to do, buy 6 rapiers, and finish the game to get the replay. The game woul...

@GodEmperorDune Hard candy sticks - orange is peach, red is cherry, purple is plum
Also if you are in America I think they do free shipping over $40. :P
Okay the humbugs are kinda weird. At least the brown one I just ate. It's kinda almost like a dropje - has some anise notes to it.
(Sorry I am just like fascinated by all my candy)
Wait a second...can I just cleesh everything?
@John Not quite everything, I don't think.
@John most things
Enough stuff to make some areas that I was finding hard completely trivial, apparently.
@AshleyNunn Oh so the tradeoff is in item drops it seems.
That kind of makes sense I guess
@John and stats
@GodEmperorDune Well it still gives a little, so just slower and less adventure-efficient, but still viable for the Cowardly Adventurer :p
The face when you expect peach from an orange candy and get pumpkin pie instead.....
@AshleyNunn pumpkin pie candy? SIGN ME UP NAO
@AshleyNunn That would be pretty disconcerting
As much as I do enjoy pumpkin pie
@GodEmperorDune It was in one of the Damfino assortments. So no guarantees
@AshleyNunn :(
@TimStone My brain was super confused. It's tasty as heck, but it took me a minute.
@Lazers2.0 If you're adding text to get past the quality standards, I'm gonna go with, "Bad question"
1 hour later…
Q: Can spiders climb glass blocks?

UnkownI was wanting to make a greenhouse out of glass, and I want my house to be spider proof. I have read that glass planes, but could not find suitable information concerning glass blocks. Can spiders climb glass blocks?

Q: Are they two Separate guns, or just modules?

BenIn the Portal series, you start off with a single polarity Portal Gun, and then later you find another device that fires both polarities. The question is that are these two individual Handheld Portal Devices, or is the dual-polarity created by an add-on that you find?

@TimStone It didn't work
I was just checking if the UI for the notifications changed in this release :P


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
Why are you talking to thin air?
But yes, Chrome has removed the app launcher in this release because they are the jerkiest of jerks
Q: MVC Model Question : How to make View Model

user2985799I am making 2D RPG game based on Java Language something like Dragon Quest. But, I am a beginner with MVC Model. Model part was almost completed. But, View and controller parts are hard to make. Now I want to know how view part is worked overally. Here is View part Class diagram. As I know,...

@Lazers2.0 In addition to migration, this question should probably change the second image...
Well, they deleted it so that takes care of that I suppose
Q: Where can I find a railgun in gta 5

MichaelI looked at the plane crash site in sandy shores not there and then I tried to do that trick at ammunitions shooting range it was not there

1 hour later…
Q: What can heroes be commended for?

O-OIn the commendation screen, after a match, you can see a few players who were picked out because of something "big" that they contributed to the team. For example, you'll see commendations like: McCree: x Fan The Hammer kills Reinhardt: x damage blocked Mercy: x healing done Pharah: x rocket di...

why are we still pinning random messages?
@Dragonrage because the world deserves to have a bit of magic in it.
Except that they have done the opposite of intensify since then.
I have been slacking.
@LessPop_MoreFizz too busy out campaigning for trump
Q: PS4 drastic connection speed drop recently

DJpotatoBefore I start, YES, I know that there are 101 pages of similar problems and similar error, but no clear steps are given, nor explanations. So: We have had our PS4 for 6 months, and in that time i have occasionally checked internet speeds. Our modems average, via Ookla Speed Test, is ~14Mb/s dow...

Q: How to get other empires to agree to "demand vassalization" peacefully?

SKempkenI'm trying to peacefully expand my empire in Stellaris and I'm thinking of possible ways to do so. I noticed that you can "demand vassalization" of other empires via the usual diplomatic options. My idea now is to have them join my cause first and then to peacefully integrate them into my empir...

Q: cn I use my smartphone to conect as a cotroller for xbox one

Achillies CareyLeft controller in different state wont have money for new , and controller wont be back.tell too long I tried smartglass but cnt use that unless my xbox connected to same wifi.

@Dragonrage The last two have both been mine, but different mods pinning them.
*waves @GraceNote*
"Amplify your​ investment​"
ok thanks :D
Can you amplify nothing?
but you have to amplify it really hard
nsfw text or something ^^
well that was a close one
I was just int he middle of typing IT an email since my mointor wasn't working
It looked dark as fuck, unless I bent my head at an angle. It was super weird. My first thoguht was maybe the backlight was broken? Or something? I tried opening up a couple windosws but that didn't help, tried moving left and readjusting it...dind't work
So started to type up an email to IT... annnnnd then I realized I still had my sunglasses on
That would of ended up on reddit
Q: How to beat the Rat King in the eastern room?

Mason WheelerWhen you get belowdecks in the Sinking Ship mission, there's a point where you come to a door and get one of those video game warnings, "the Rat King is in there, if you go in you'll set off the final battle for this mission". So I didn't go in, because there was still stuff to do. Eventually I...

Q: I get money from my drivers after I fired them all

Little HelperI had 20 drivers maxed out, then I wanted to start earning money on my own so I fired them all, but unfortunately I still get notifications (didn't find a job, job income etc) from these drivers, yet my company is empty. Loading previous saves and then firing them doesn't work. Video showcasing...

@djsmiley2k Yes
@djsmiley2k cc @Sterno
@Mooseman I didn't realize that cleaning your wiper blades was an "outside the box" solution to a "seemingly intractable problem" (to quote the close reason). Sorry!! — Captain Obvious May 14 '15 at 16:45
lol man capatain obvious is my new favourite lifehacker
@JasonC An answer doesn't necessarily have to be "outside the box". But the question should be looking for "outside the box" answers. From the manifesto: "If an answer isn't creative or clever enough for your liking, just don't up-vote it. [...] It may not be a lifehacky answer, but it is a solution to their problem." — Mooseman ♦ May 14 '15 at 21:07
yeah mooseman, but you were making the excts same comment on half the answers
so buying new blades is not a lifehack, but cleaning them when they're dirty is.
scope clarified.
No see, cleaning is a Lifehack because Moose man thought of it
what if I cleaned it with an old empty egg carton and a rubber band?
@KutuluMike That would probably be a Lifehack
"Replace your wiper blades with a violin bow and use heavy-duty paper clips to attach old nail clippings to it."
I win
Better idea. Don't have wipers at all. Just get a long stick and always have one hand out the window cleaning your window and th eother hand on the wheel.
IF you drive a standard then you'll just need to git gud at one handed driving
@Wipqozn you forgot the Lifehack rule #1: all solutions shalt use duct tape.
Remove the need for the blades altogether. Stick the duct tape on your beard. Then... pull.
@Wipqozn oh good I see "-1 Google it you idiot" is still a pending flag
@Unionhawk And has 6 votes
Q: How do automatically launch Minecraft and skip pressing the play button?

SillyGooseI want to just click the shortcut and go straight to the menu the game instead of having to click play. I want it to launch automatically.

IT in Ireland

Proposed Q&A site for IT professionals seeking information about joining the Irish IT Market. Visas, Working Critical Skill Permit application for non-EEU, dependentants, immigration rules and rights, start-ups creation, etc.

Currently in definition.

@Wipqozn yup! Burn everything down
Yay, phone interview today!
I discovered the [cuddle puddle] tag on Derpibooru today
@Frank Oh my. Looking to change jobs?
@Wipqozn After having my competency questioned and being told I'm not considered a developer, it's time to move on.
@Frank Wow
I mean, I get I'm in the application support department, and I'm the only one who works with custom code, but goddamn.
@Unionhawk Twitch chat being racist and shit? I'm shocked! Shocked!
They need much stricter moderation in twitch chats if they want it to get any better
@Frank Isn't application support dev work...?
@Wipqozn The rest of my department does more SQL and just app config than any sort of dev IDE.
And after being unfavorably compared to a university grad out for only two years, there's almost no chance of actually being a developer at my current company.
@Frank Jesus, that's harsh
Yeah. So, no more goodwill.
It's time to find somewhere else where I might actually be appreciated.
My favorite thing about Lifehacks is making fun of Lifehacks.
Really? I like the hacking.
You people are making me really want DOOM. I have $60 in Amazon FunBux and I could get it for free
@fbueckert seems to spend a lot of time hating his job. Time for a career change. Dance instructor!
Though I did really like something in DOOM last night. Some demon killed me. In the death screen, it knelt down on top of me, ripped one arm off, ripped the other arm off, and then started beating me in the face with it.
See? That's why I haven't bought it yet!
@Sterno Haha
Stop hitting yourself, human!
@Frank We're hiring
(although apparently nothing in Halifax)
I have a friend who is vegan and he never shuts up about it
lmfao the dog at the end
@Sterno Yes
@Sterno I have a friend who is vegan and she never talks about it
Vegans are just like any other group of people. Some are rational down to earth folks, and others are complete assholes.
@Sterno That's a volunteer job.
One I'll be doing later today, in fact!
@Wipqozn Yeah, take that @Wipqozn guy for example
What a jerk
@Wipqozn are you saying there are rational, down to earth folks on Twitch?
@Frank, every big name is hiring, and the middle names are too, so good luck, though you clearly don't really need it :)
@Wipqozn This theory just sound crazy.
@Wipqozn If Ted Cruz was really just a group of children in an overcoat would any of them be reasonable people?
ted cruz for human president
@TimStone Ted Cruz Is One Being And Not Several
Also, you know what's an annoying thing to search for in code?
Button hover turns to a circle on active because that animation is in no way super annoying. I hate you Material https://t.co/45wvtjapgz
Oh my goodness this change is still so awful
I don't understand why the numbers in the count indicators are so small either, ughhh
throws rocks at Chrome
We built this city throwing rocks at Chrome.
I built it on ROCK and Roll files :P
rick and roll?
@TimStone What exactly is the issue?
Well, the numbers are pretty unreadable at that small font size
@MBraedley I couldn't figure that out either
You can do it, but not at a glance
But the behaviour I was describing is animated and I was too lazy to capture it
@TimStone How often is that number important?
I have a mental tally of how many emails I have at any given point, so pretty important
@TimStone I'm not seeing any animation in mine, other than just highlighting the button. Is it a specific extension?
No, but this is Chrome dev, I don't know if the material design has rolled out to any other channels yet
It happens when you click on any of the buttons
It goes from a square to a circle and then back to a square
(or disappears depending on if the button retains focus or not)
Oh, no, that hasn't made it to my version yet. By order of the IT god (devil?), I have to use the enterprise edition of chrome
I'm more annoyed than usual because they rolled out this change along with removing the app launcher and they are monsters
Welp, I'm going to have a difficult time being productive today
Don't you dare link us to some time sink
You just done got told.
No, it's worse. Close friend is having a personal crisis
Oh, damn. Well in that case I'm sorry :(
Q: How do you delete Battlefield 4 DLC?

DanielI want to add Battlefield 4 DLC packs like Final Stand, but because it is a big download I'm worried that even if I delete Battlefield 4 from my game data utility file the DLC will still be in the system. If that's the case, I'd want to know how you would delete the actual DLC for more space just...

@PrivatePansy The fact that it's in English already defeats its purpose.
@Yuuki Actually, if you read the notes it's stated that the tune itself is very catchy and degrades well even when heavily compressed (though I'm not sure what evidence is there for music that survived the extinction of languages)
@PrivatePansy Catchiness does not discourage settlement.
The idea being that folklores, myths and other cultural artifacts survive much longer than any constructed artifact
I think the decided-on approach was to try several different things and hope one of them works :P
"Ring Around the Rosy" is a pretty good example of this sort of thing not working.
We all fall down! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
"You've actually died of plague" "Oh, well then"
@badp Getting a job: not hard. Getting a job with the pay I want: much harder. But the sentiment is appreciated, thanks.
Pie chart worst chart
@Wipqozn @fbueckert I fear I might already be done with Stellaris. :(
That jerk always declares war on my Civ
Though he's not as bad as Gandhi.
@Sterno :O
Gandhi is a douche
Montezuma can be a pain in 4
@Sterno I find it rather simplistic.
@Unionhawk Man I hate that guy
@KutuluMike There are exceptions to every rule
12 secs ago, by Wipqozn
@KutuluMike There are exceptions to every rule
@KutuluMike Yes, there's me
@Sterno I won't get back to it until I finish with Doom, and, honestly, I might just wait until they do some of their proposed updates for the next 2 months.
Because all their plans for the next 2 months sound good, which is often thecase for Paradox
Q: Is there a tram-only track similar to railtracks?

Tom DoodlerI consider buying the Snowfall-DLC and yes i know it is rated pretty bad but i WANT these damn trams so I dont have much of a choice. The only thing im wondering about: Is there a tram-only track, where neither cars nor people, bycicles and trains can walk/drive which looks similar to the train-...

@Sterno So close, yet so far
Sounds like it might unlock monday night, according to something on the internet
I'll believe it when I see it. But that would be nice
Anyone here play the Emergency series?
It's upsetting that Monday is a holiday but overwtch won't be out
(dawg yo dawg et cetera)
That's right, Monday is a holiday
I keep fogetting
3 day weekend \o/
@twobugs Wait what
Next Monday as in in 2 weeks is Memorial Day
... This is the worst
Actually this Monday is World Turtle Day
I hate you @Wipqozn
cc @Wipqozn
The purpose of World Turtle Day, May 23, sponsored yearly since 2000 by American Tortoise Rescue, is to bring attention to, and increase knowledge of and respect for, turtles and tortoises, and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive. World Turtle Day is celebrated around the globe in a variety of ways, from dressing up as turtles or wearing green summer dresses, to saving turtles caught on highways, to research activities. Turtle Day lesson plans and craft projects encourage teaching about turtles in classrooms. == Promoting organizations == Founded in 1990, American Tortoise Rescue...
If there's some dumb Canadian holiday Monday and he trolled me
I will make sure he ends up in some sort of Nightmare Dungeon
Its fart on your spouse day in canada
@twobugs Wikipedia says no, I think the turtle is either referring to Turtle Day, or is just confused in his age
Q: Skyrim is freezing on my PS3 on the first mission

ChristopherI've researched why it might be doing this, I have 450gb of free space and the save can't be too big because I've just started it, the disc doesn't seem to be degrading or have damaging scratches on it I've tried turning the auto save features off but it usually takes a save and load just to get ...

Q: How to export save game in DRM free Hacknet version?

viglDo you know where find save file in DRM free version (to be more fun in Linux;)). I need to export my savegame to other machine.

Q: My Feed The Beast Launcher Won't Launch any Packs

RamsesVI can't seem to launch any packs in my FTB Launcher, and whenever I try to, I have tried other packs, it just says the same error in the Command Prompt: http://pastebin.com/qjTx6pxR (Look at around line 204 where the Error was.)

@JukEboX Sorry, the closest experience I have with the Emergency series is watching my brother play one of the earlier parts in the series. From what I read in reviews, it's a fun game for RTS fans, but it does suffer from poor performance and a rather high difficulty
Or he's trolling but there is no Canadian holiday
Or he's trolling, there is a Canadian holiday, and Wikipedia lied to me
@NateKerkhofs I have played the previous few. They are ALOT of fun even being hard :P
There are exactly 3 distinct possibilities
@twobugs Excellent.
@twobugs its pudding eating day
@twobugs as is tradition
Victoria Day (in French: Fête de la Reine) is a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated on the last Monday before May 25, in honour of Queen Victoria's birthday. The date is also, simultaneously, that on which the current reigning Canadian sovereign's official birthday is recognized. It is sometimes informally considered as marking the beginning of the summer season in Canada. The holiday has been observed in Canada since at least 1845, originally falling on the sovereign's actual birthday, and continues to be celebrated in various fashions across the country on the fixed date; the holiday has...
That's why it didn't show up for May 23
Since it's not always that day
It is also World Turtle Day though, apparently
I thought that was fitting
So it's possibility 4: Canadian holiday on a floating date therefore Wikipedia is not a liar
Also my code works beautifully so I'm pretty happy about that
@Unionhawk There's quitea few Canadian Holidays like that, where its either X Monday/Friday in a month
It's just so folks get 3 day weekends
That's p smart
I think memorial day observed is technically the Monday? I'm not sure
I hate Canada
Yeah, last Monday of May
I've met more Canadians who support Trump than Americans therefore all of Canada supports Trump
@twobugs To be fair, we get a 3 day weekend after Overwatch is already released.
@Unionhawk Good to hear that, Uni.
That seems like the better deal
It does, but @Wipqozn trolled me
@Wipqozn Could not agree more. However, Monday will be "unpack all the things" and "move remaining odds and ends" day for me.
I have similar news, but more neutral: I managed to find SQLi, XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities in our flagship product. However, the bad news: because we are currently in the middle of a struts framework upgrade, fixing them will have to wait until after the upgrade
We first have to finish our current release, then upgrade the remaining pages so we can tackle the vulns together with our post-migration CSS and javascript pass
@MBraedley Oh are you moving into your new place already? Awesome.
wait unpack
you already moved?
@Wipqozn I've got movers lined up for Sunday
@MBraedley Movers as in movers, or movers as in friends?
My movers were my family
I am paying people in cash instead of beer and pizza.
(Or some suitable substitute for cash)
@MBraedley Ber and Pizza seems like the standard
I didn't need to do beer when I did it though, sicne most of my family who helped me move doesn't drink much, so they just wanted pizza
@Wipqozn That was meant to imply I'm hiring movers.
@MBraedley I know
Q: How to have a fish riding on an invisible squid in 1.9?

DatOneLeftyMy friends and I are trying to make realistic aquariums in 1.9 using commands with no mods or plugins to do this for us. How could I spawn different kinds on fish on invisible squids? Thanks!

I just meant that beer and pizza is the stanrdard friends helped you move payment
Mmm, pizza
Damn you @MBraedley
All this talk of pizza makes me want nachos
@Wipqozn I only have three friends that I'd be willing to ask to help move in the city, and 2 of them are away with the other not able to lift heavy things (for medical reasons, not strength reasons). Although I should probably ask my cousin and her boyfriend if they're willing to help.
@Wipqozn talked in Lifehacks chat. Everyone point and laugh at the Lifehacks user!
@Sterno I was doing it to be point out their failures though!
Management Science

Proposed Q&A site for anyone interested in the Scientific Study of Problem Solving and Decision Making in Human Organizations and its Application.

Currently in definition.

I'm not a REAL Lifehacker!
We all know @Frank @fredley is the true Lifehacker
wait a second I dind't say that
*waits for 2 minutes*
Almost lunch time!
Suggestions on sandwiches GO!
Jul 28 '15 at 14:10, by two bugs
Perhaps fredley's avatar on the "DON'T BELIEVE HIS LIES" polaroid
That image existed at some point, so pretend I posted it
It did, I was looking for it
But, unfortunately image search can't identify by reading my mind
@fredley A true monster
@Sterno Is that from Nightcrawler? think it is

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