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some games are not well made and then this happens
You can do 24fps filmic if you actually approximate what a camera does and simulate dozens of render-frames per display-frame and average them
Then I'm fine with it, as long as it's turn based
Yeah, anything realtime NEEDS 30+
I should preface that turn based is fine for 15fps, it worked for the PSX FF games
@KevinvanderVelden This sounds like, way more work than just increasing display frames
I've played games at ~10fps for years
I'd like to consider those years behind me
@Unionhawk yes
@badp "Is this reddit?" Bahahahaha
Like, at least an entire extra layer of steps
Not just an extra step, a whole extra layer
A second staircase, if you will
Which is why it's not "filmic" to render 24 infinitesimal points of time, because that's not how cameras work
Good lord. The 4k benchmarks for the 1080 GTX are above the 390 ones. Not knocking the 390 - the 1080 GTX is just a beast
@twobugs that looks pretty impressive, but I'm also very impressed by how well the Fury X keeps up with it in Ashes of Singularity (and in most other games to an extent)
I can't wait until December when I can have no money with which to build a desktop
@Chippies Yeah, it's interesting
@twobugs you do realize that 390 is in the same price range as 970?
But at least I'd hopefully have a full time position with which to acquire the funds to do that thing
1080 is far above in the price than 390
I'm still waiting for more benchmarks, but it looks like Nvidia is really putting their best foot forward
@Chippies I do, and that's why I said I wasn't knocking the 390 at all. If you're going for price/performance, it's the go-to
the current gen "equivalent" of 1080 is the 980 and it's 1.5x-2x more expensive than 390
1080 is certainly good news for people looking to buy an expensive gpu soon :)
This is how pricing has worked for a while. You're paying a premium for top of the line bleeding edge stuff.
I wonder how well the 1070 will do
1080 is best in performance*shiny
so far
I wish ATI would take a swing at making more high end performance stuff, given the quality they've been putting out recently
The *80 range doesn't have the best performance / dollar ratio though
too bad AMD Polaris is focusing on increasing performance per watt, instead of actually increasing performance much
I forget what I have in my laptop. 970M? maybe?
@twobugs They aren't allowed to do that until next year when I might convince myself to upgrade again
But it probably takes significantly more R&D to compete in that market, and I doubt they can match Nvidia's giant pile of money
we'll have to wait until 2017 for AMD to release their high end cards
@Chippies That is the lamest of sauces
@PrivatePansy Some of us don't mind that as much :)
@Unionhawk Apparently that's about as good as a 960
Which is pretty good
@TimStone well, supposedly they're reducing power usage by A LOT and the performance is still gonna be around the 390/390x range
@KevinvanderVelden Ah, that makes sense. But like... Dark Souls was 30 fps, and I never felt like that was problematic. So I guess maybe those 6 frames make a world of difference?
My computer only adds like $12 to my electric bill each month, which is nothing compared to the stove/ac/hot water heater :/
which is perfect for mid-range buyers
@TimStone more power usage means more heat though
Ah, 960M
less heat means you can OC more, which is a good thing
Still, I had a 630M previously
@Fluttershy They're important, but there are other factors
Like post-processing, animations, etc.
It does, but I haven't had too much issue with my 290X
Bloodborne at launch actually did really bad post-processing that made the FPS look lower than it actually was. I'm pretty sure that got fixed
@Fluttershy 6 fps of 30 is 20%, which is a lot
6 fps of 60 is 10%, which is less noticeable
I will always accept cooler running cards though, so that's fair
@Fluttershy FPS is an annoying measurement, because what you really want is time between frames. It's the difference between a frame every 42 miliseconds and every 33
@TimStone I have 390 and I have undervolted it by 75mV and it runs nearly 10C cooler than at stock and I even have it OC'd by 40Mhz
I think my graphics card is causing interference with my sound
There's always an annoying whining sound whenever I start something GPU intensive
if you have an AMD card and you're not OC'ing it, I would suggest you undervolt it as low as you can as it makes a huge difference
@PrivatePansy even if your speakers are off?
could be coil whine
I use headphones
I've never experienced it myself, but I keep hearing about it
@Chippies Hmm, I'll have to look into it, thanks for the heads up
@PrivatePansy same question =p
@PrivatePansy so, can you hear the whine if you take the headphones off?
@KevinvanderVelden True
It's like the whole clock speed vs FSB measurement
Clock speed is the easier number to understand so it gets paraded around
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not sure if I understand - the headphones are not actively powered, so they can't be turned off
@PrivatePansy is the sound coming from the headphones or from the GPU
@PrivatePansy they can be unplugged or taken off though
Oh, definitely the headphones. There's also a hint of static and the pitch of the whining in the headphones actually changes depending on, strangely enough, amongst other things the position of my mouse
@PrivatePansy are they plugged in the front? have you tried back audio ports?
The cable isn't long enough to reach the back. I'll have to go look for an extension one of these days
@PrivatePansy just do it for a test even if you have to get under the desk for a minute
@Fluttershy also another thing to note is that it's a case of what you're used too, if you only play on consoles you won't really care
But that's a good idea. The power cable might be touching the sound cable
the front ports are subject to more interference and are often not isolated very well, especially on cheaper cases
and yeah, there's more likely to be static if the cables are touching stuff inside the case
I wish I got consistently good sound from my bluetooth headphones, I have a nasty habit of accidentally pulling the front of my case loose when jumping out of my chair in an emergency. Surprised the cable hasn't snapped, honestly :/
Bluetooth audio has a pretty bad codec IIRC
Or was that changed with later versions, dunno
Welp, phase 3 is delayed indefinitely.
Oh well
That would have been really cool, but I don't think it was ever meant to be
Phase 2 is still a solid prospect though, so that's a thing. Plus that has the advantage of low cost of living for at least a year
Wait, what are we talking about?
I 'unno, I just assume @Unionhawk is talking about his plans of world domination via turning everyone into boats
So I got an email from Google last Thursday or so, finally replied to it yesterday, and the response today was "we looked at your profile and there's not a good fit right now"
I do enjoy the seaside
Phase 1 is intern here, phase 2 is full time here, phase 3 is find something way cooler than this
puts on sunglasses
what if you switched phase 2 and 3 around
Sorry, what was that?
@KevinvanderVelden confirmed?
HL-3 ARG confirmed?
@Unionhawk always
I think I have a solid shot at landing a Dev II here in December, which will be really good in general
So that's whatever
@Wipqozn Yeah, but it's pretty worthless. Because often the path to get to the secret is far enough away from the actual secret that it's not helpful
However, the upgrade after that that shows you all items on the map helps
I still have to wonder if they were doing the whole "don't consider less than 3.0" thing, or if it's just that I don't have web technologies experience. Every part of me sincerely hopes it's the second
But I'll probably never know
Also is it just me or is writing emails hard
Just me? Cool
Not just you
@Unionhawk 3.0 inches?
@badp GPA
what inches?
inches of what?
are they compensating?
If you look backwards you will notice an open quote
what kind of developments are we talking about here
Or you can pretend not to see it and make this dumb joke
GPA is an american thing, how good is 3?
oh I did genuinely not see it
carry on
@KevinvanderVelden It's a B
@KevinvanderVelden GPA goes up to 4
@KutuluMike so it's 75%?
How it works is each letter grade gets assigned a number
Not really
A is 4, B is 3, C is 2, D is 1, F is 0.
@Unionhawk B's are, I believe, also mostly an american thing
the problem is that what counts as "A", "B", etc. can vary.
This gets multiplied by the number of credit hours a class has, and then divided by the number of GPA hours (usually earned hours)
and some teachers give fractional grades, like A- or B+
and some won't.
Yes, that's also a thing, A- is like 3.66, B+ is 3.33 iirc
A B grade usually means you got 80% or better in the class.
in some cases a B is higher then that.
My last semester was overall 2.6, getting an A, an A-, a B-, a C+, a C, and a D. So overall pretty awful.
The only one of those that exceeded expectations was the A-, which I was convinced I was going to get a C
Apparently the professor floated us all up
Our school's system is slightly weird. It uses a 5 point system that is weighted by the number of hours a module is suppose to take up every week
But at this point with over 100 hours completed, I'm pretty much locked at 2.7
Which isn't awful but it isn't great
So the results from modules that take more hours weigh more heavily
so it's just letters → numbers → weighted average by hours?
@PrivatePansy Yup, that's how it works
@badp Pretty much
@Unionhawk so his school system is weird because it's like the american system =p
It doesn't actually matter if you get a 100 in the class, that's the same credit as like a 94
WOuldn't it be easier if you just used percentages like sane people?
oh so that's precisely like our weighted grade averages. you guys hide the simplest things in the most arcane TLAs
Since it's a 5 point system we start from A or A+ being 5.0, and dropping .5 for every grade below that
I guess that's because you're using letter grades like chumps
@Arperum Meh, I didn't invent the system, the University just uses it
Also, the teachers are expected to normalize the students score along a curve.
@PrivatePansy We don't have A+ which sucks for me because I know I had a 100 in two of my CPS classes
@Unionhawk It's on you to fix it now anyway.
@PrivatePansy that is so much bullshit
12 secs ago, by badp
@PrivatePansy that is so much bullshit
I know this because I was the one who destroyed everyone by getting 100s on the tests
@badp That kinda sums up universities.
@MadMAxJr maybe yours :P
I'm overall pretty happy with my experience
@Unionhawk A+ isn't any different from As in terms of grade points, so they're for bragging rights only
@PrivatePansy "how well I learned is dependent on how others learned" because that's how brains work
@PrivatePansy even still I'd take that over not anything
A+ is 33/30 here
The normalization isn't too bad. B is pegged at around 70th percentile
("cum laude")
And A- and above to 30th percentile
So no teacher is ever required to fail students just because of the curve
@badp A+ is cum laude?
We just go from 1.0 to 10.0 (i.e percentage / 10, with a minimum cap of 10% for filling in your name or something)
@KutuluMike well, 33/30 is "30 cum laude" and the highest grade
and 30/30 is simply the highest grade, which needn't be at 100%
@StrixVaria I've never seen Tanlged, nor do I intend to.
some teachers use extra points questions for the extra 3 marks
some teachers just set 100% at 33
@badp so do you not have maxima cum laude and summa cum laude?
some teachers don't give a fuck
Just to fuck with you guys in the UK 70% us the highest 'grade' and anything above that is just buffer for if you do worse in other tests.
Huh, we're still talking about university grades?
Q: What controller buttons does Firewatch require?

splattered bitsI'm trying to decide what platform I should play Firewatch on: PC or PS4. I prefer PS4, but we only have one TV, so I'll end up playing most of the game via Remote Play on my PS Vita. This sucks if the game uses L3/R3, as the Vita implements them via touch-sensitive areas on the back. So, before ...

@MBraedley Dude, just let it go
@KutuluMike that's more like the final degree degree
"110/110 summa cum laude"
so you can pass a single class cum laude?
as opposed to "110/110"
They're kids movies. I don't think adult opinions are valid.
@KutuluMike we call it "30 e lode" and "110 e lode"
@Sterno I don't think your opinion is valid
@Unionhawk That's my point!
We have a "Dean's list" for each faculty, who are apparently the top scorers for that semester in that faculty.
@Sterno That conversation is so old now man. Try to keep up. Now we're talking about numbers.
Their photos are hung in the common area
@Ronan Goddammit I hate everyone
@Wipqozn KID'S numbers!
@twobugs Your face is a number
On the other hand, the classes are designed around this so whatever
In other news
It's kind of weird though, because I'm not really sure what the requirements for getting onto the thing actually is
@Ronan That's GCE 'A' levels isn't it?
@PrivatePansy I was talking about University. I think 90% is the highest grade at GCSE and A-level.
Score inflation has made the A level results kind of useless these days
@Ronan I remember 70% being an A for A levels
There's no grades higher than that
@PrivatePansy Maybe that's the case, I can't remember.
@Unionhawk I'd imagine the questions are harder as they only expect the best students to get 70% of them right.
Some modules are bell curve exempt
Like the accelerated algorithms and data structure module I took this semester
@PrivatePansy I don't think A-levels are curved anymore, which means that the number of people getting an A is no longer exactly the same every year.
Since they have to match the grading curve of the non-accelerated version
And the slight drift apparently means they're useless now.
@Ronan I don't think they have been for a while now?
At least in our school not getting straight As is a sign of failure
@PrivatePansy A while, but not for ages.
@Ronan That's occasionally how it works per professor, but usually if that's how they roll, they do statistical curving
(as in average is a B)
Another method is additive curving, where the best score becomes 100, and all others have that many points added
@Unionhawk They don't curve the results after the fact, they just try and make the questions the right difficulty so the results are approximately normalised.
Which isn't often the best
Also, because of bell curve grading our teachers are not allowed to reveal the actual numbers of all graded components
@Ronan I mean, when you have to adjust to fit the grading scale things get weird
Since they're afraid students will try to data mine the curve
@PrivatePansy Not straight As isn't failure, hardly any universities require three As for entry requirements.
Ugh I promised myself I wasn't going to buy into the GTX 1080 hype but I'm starting to
Personally I think if the students do managed to actually do that then you should just give them the credits for it :P
Usually a professor that does curving on tests usually says "the highest was a 93, so everyone gets +7" or "the average was a 60, so if you got that, you got a B"
For the first time ever CS is now a AAA/A course
It's pretty transparent
Which means I got really lucky - I wouldn't have gotten in this year :P
Alternatively, "The highest was a 103, so, uh..."
The entire School of Computing's score line was shifted up by two As I think
@PrivatePansy The UK has more universities, so they need to be less picky to even get students :P
@Unionhawk That's generally the reason why tests are set to a 50% average standard
Because if you let the median get too high you lose data on the upper end of the curve
College is dumb
Your face is dumb
@Unionhawk But does that mean your face is college?
That isn't how math works
Cartoon Network's new Steven Universe airing schedule: release 1.5 minutes of the next episode every day as 'promos', then once you get to the end of the arc spoiler the next episode that's not due to air in three months on your official Facebook/Tumblr account
> [Lawyer] just called and your home is closed!
@MBraedley well I should hope so, otherwise people could just walk right in
Also congratulations!
@PrivatePansy Seems legit.
@Sterno Actually, it's really cool and us kids call it "Coolege"
gotta get in debt for cool leg
@Unionhawk Formal logic, actually.
Welcome to Lifehacks! Buying new wipers is not much of a hack. — Mooseman ♦ May 13 '15 at 11:24
@fredley I cannot tell if they're joking or not!
There is a legit LMGTFY link in there
@fredley I...
@fredley Best and most useful SE site
"I bought the cheapest blades and it didn't work. I bought better blades and it did work. Therefore I disagree with your suggestion to buy new blades."
What is "research effort" on Lifehacks, anyway?
Just Googling it?
@John Apparently, it's using Google
and if you can't get it working from that, tough?
Welcome to Lifehacks! Cleaning your wiper blades and buying new ones is not much of a hack. — Captain Obvious May 13 '15 at 18:47
Welcome to Lifehacks! Buying new wipers is not much of a hack. — Mooseman ♦ May 13 '15 at 11:24
4 mins ago, by Arperum
Welcome to Lifehacks! Buying new wipers is not much of a hack. — Mooseman ♦ May 13 '15 at 11:24
Welcome to Lifehacks! Cleaning your wiper blades and buying new ones is not much of a hack. — Captain Obvious May 13 '15 at 18:47
37 secs ago, by fredley
Welcome to Lifehacks! Buying new wipers is not much of a hack. — Mooseman ♦ May 13 '15 at 11:24
lifehack: remove windscreen
@JasonC Buying new ones? No. Cleaning them is a valid solution, even if considered 'obvious' to some. — Mooseman ♦ May 13 '15 at 19:20
I'm not going to get myself into a loop of quotestacking.
lifehack: replace windscreens with a line of kitchen sponges
18 secs ago, by Arperum
I'm not going to get myself into a loop of quotestacking.
Buying new blades? Bad. Buying and wiring in a timer to make them squeak less frequently? Valid hack
lifehack: stop car under rain
@KutuluMike desks face
Turns out LH.SE was just a rougelike all along: nothack
@fredley So what's the BUC status of that question, then?
Need more scrolls of genocide
@badp I wonder how many upvotes that would get.
1) Take a lighter.
2) Turn it on.
3) Ignoring the pain, use the lit lighter to burn away all your beard.
4) Use some duct tape and wipe cloths to build some improvised bandages for your face
5) be proud of having yet again triumphed at hacking this mad world we live in. A winner is yu
@fredley -1, solution does not contain scuba gear
@twobugs cc @Unionhawk
Q: Object Generation

JchevesHi guys I've been reading this exchange for a while, and this question pops out of my mind. I'll try to be as clear as i can. Let's assume a mob drops me a legendary item. Then I go to town, and I identify the item on the book. When is the item "generated" ? At the drop time, or when it's iden...

@twobugs "Every answer that's not mine isn't a hack and should be downvoted. I AM MOD, I AM KING, ONLY I SHOULD GET ALL THE UPVOTES!!!"
Oh. Oh god. Polygon uses a web font service that splits the glyphs of the font between two font files to stop people stealing them. This is all well and good... until one of the two files failed to load
@PrivatePansy how precious are your fonts?
and if someone really wanted to steal them, wouldn't they just download the two font files and merge them?
@GodEmperorDune Some foundries are quite suspicious of the whole web font thing
@PrivatePansy What sort of monster does this?
Good fonts are very expensive, and for good reasons
It's true, designing fonts is a super pain in the ass
@PrivatePansy all the more incentive to merge the two font files
I tried poking around with something before and getting anything that's universally presentable is a lot of work
or just use arial
Q: How can I create a Minecraft Pocket Edition server using a domain?

Ido NavehI have bought a domain and I'm not using it. Is there any way that I could be able to create a running minecraft pocket edition server on this domain website? I have access to it's FTP.

@PrivatePansy wat
That is just stupid. Classic example of doing something that hurts everyone, and provides no impediment to people who actually want to steal your fonts.
I mean. It can get a little too easy if you're just serving the whole thing.
that said, much of the value of fonts is in the accented/alternate/extended charsets
@PrivatePansy There's two ways this can go: accept that the price of your product has declined massively, but the market has expanded massively, or become irrelevant.
Candy update - still don't know where it is. Last update is that it left Australia 2 days ago.
That's sad, everyone knows the best place for candy is in your mouth =[
@AshleyNunn Sailing the seven seas
@TimStone yo ho yo ho, a candy's life for me
I wonder how long I should wait before I message them being like "I am very confused as to where my candy is and it isn't here yet"
@Lazers2.0 isn't how to host a server off-topic?
@AshleyNunn International shipping always takes longer than you think it should.
The only solution is to order more candy.
@MBraedley granted but usually things coming from Florida to me don't end up in Australia
@AshleyNunn Oh. That is odd
@AshleyNunn Oh, in that case someone fucked up.
@AshleyNunn Normally it'd say it was somehow a cheaper flight/boat, but nothing's cheap to australia.
@Ronan Prisoners were
@PrivatePansy "Should an overseeing body be independent?" "Naaaaaaaaaaaah. Nah."
It's not like this is one of the fundamental problems in American policing or anything too
@TimStone "Whaaaaaat? Why would you even say that? You're craaaaazy!"
@AshleyNunn This happened to me once, and it turned out to be a software bug
Q: What factors is the music based on if someone visits you?

nelson2tmIf someone visits you in Miitomo, the main music will change to some different music. I would like to know if this music is chosen by any factors or if it is chosen randomly. I have currently heard 3 different ones. (Vacation, Some sort of disco/beat and some sort of Japanese music). What factor...

So maybe it's just the tracking that's bugged out
@AshleyNunn It is currently on the next Falcon 9 mission.
Let us hope they'll land it safely again.
> Absolutely yeah. But FIFA had no compliance rules at all, and no mechanisms, nothing, so it was free to do anything.
But you should still email them anyway
Does that not apply to them as well?
Yeah, but look at those smug but cheery white dude smiles. Give them a chance to wink wink and nudge nudge and all these issues can be solved.
Q: Lag spikes in Counter Strike : Condition Zero

YaddyVirusI am trying to play CS:CZ on my laptop, here are the specs- i5 6200 2.3 GHz 8 GB RAM 4 GB Nvidia GeForce 940M Win 10 That should be enough to run cs right? Single Player runs 99 FPS locked. I have a 512 kbps wired internet connection, which I assume should be enough to run smoothly, however, du...

@ChromeSlice actually, they do update just fine.
good morning bridge
90% of the messages that i see from @fredley that get starred, are of him being confused
so i will extrapolate and say that @fredley is confused 90% of the time
Good Aftermorning Bridge
After-remorning is the new Binding of Isaac expansion, right?
@PrivatePansy ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh‌​hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh‌​hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You have used your quota of h and y.
Seriously, if you just say "-1 for no research effort" and nothing else in your comment, you have no business receiving comment upvotes, especially when it also links to google
There is a reason lmgtfy is banned
inb4 declined flag
@Unionhawk lmgtfy is also banned because it's additionally unnecessarily condescending
Well, also yes
lmgtfy takes linking a google search to a whole new level of really obnoxious
My face is hating all this tree bukkake

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