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I'm getting pretty competitive with my company's fitness thing. I want my team to win!
@twobugs better stop eating all the free cookies then
We need some orbital nukage on this question
@Frank possibly user nukage as well, which is why i pinged ashleynunn above
@Dragonrage I've done the things that need doing :) Thanks for the heads up, it will get dealt with in due course :)
@AshleyNunn yep. not a problem
@twobugs It took me a minute when I first saw this and I cracked up
Q: How do you get other players on Minecraft PC maps?

puppylover416umm... I'm planning on making a Minecraft roleplay of my favorite TV show (Steven Universe) and I can't host a server and I can't pay for realms, so I found a really cool Steven Universe map to use, and I don't know how to get more than 1 player on a Minecraft map. Thanks! ;) Please help I'm a ...

I played the tutorial of Tropico 5. I failed it.
I'm not sure if I'll bother with that game past that.
I like Stellaris, but, and I think this might get me shot, I don't find it very complex.
The ship damage model is very simplistic.
Ships in general, actually, are very simple.
@Frank civ 6 sounds like it will have a lot more depth
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, but I've had my fill of Civ.
I wanted a shiny new 4X.
Which Stellaris is, and delivers on in spades.
But...it's kinda simple.
Q: How do you get re-elected in the tutorial?

StrixVariaI followed every instruction the Tutorial told me, and even picked the option to sway the vote in my favor using less than honorable means, and still lost. I was kicked out of the tutorial without completing it. This seems like...a poor tutorial, if you can literally fail when following every in...

@StrixVaria Huh, I only played 4 but it wasn't super opaque. Maybe they skimped on the tutorial figuring they were getting mostly returning players?
@twobugs Well it's based directly on your approval rating.
Mine was like 35% and my opponent's was 65% at the time of the vote.
So I lost.
I have no idea how to get the approval rating to go up, though.
I guess I'd need to see the level but approval rating is generally making people happy. So providing basic services, jobs, etc.
@StrixVaria yell "Ryū ga waga teki wo kurau!"
I'm thinking they might have glazed over that, though
The tutorial mentioned that in one spot, by building Guard Towers, your approval rating with revolutionaries would go up, and it did. And then at the time of the election the revolutionaries didn't exist anymore because I was in a different age.
@twobugs I kept building like service buildings and stuff it didn't tell me to, but that didn't do anything.
@StrixVaria kill your opponent
Oh well, it was free on PS+.
@GodEmperorDune yea they cant get elected if they are dead
I don't know if I should defend my transcript in my email, or let it come up over the phone
@Unionhawk let it come up
they may just want proof that you graduated
and not care about the grades themselves
Yeah, possibly
I've never been asked to explain my transcript
I know some places I have applied to in the past wanted transcript stuff just to have visual proof that I was actually done school
All my grades are good though, heh
@Sterno Just fought my first boss. That was intense.
And my grades were...well let's just say I got a four year general non-honours degree and leave it at that shall we
@AshleyNunn was that the one with the creative diploma paper?
@GodEmperorDune no, that's referring to my actual one
@StrixVaria IIRC, from previous Tropico games the approval is a composite of all of the faction approval ratings
<-- took 9 years
Had barely over 3.0 in the majors
the general gpa...not so much
So you have to curry favors from all of them (or at least the ones with the most power) by completing missions that entail things like enacting ordinance, building specific buildings etc.
My degree conferred from the University of Waterloo, officially, is "Bachelor of Arts, Four Year General English Language and Literature" (they had to write it in a smaller font than usual, which makes me giggle some)
yeah my gpa sucked
I have no idea what my GPA was, we use 100 point scale
my GPA in high school was much higher in high school than college, but my high school GPA was impossible to get in college
@GodEmperorDune The creative diploma paper is my Social Service Worker Diploma from the career college near the country bar.
@Dragonrage they still do the extra point for advanced classes?
@GodEmperorDune yea
Also, in previous games the election can be overruled (since in Tropico the rule of law is only a guideline)
so i ended with a 4.7 GPA in high school
You never have more than a 4.0 GPA
That's literally how it works
A lot of high schools run a 5 point scale for AP and honors classes
The way I've always heard GPA described is a 4.0 scale and AP/Honors are there for your transcript, not to give you A++++++++++
It's used for weighted class ranks typically
Email sent. We'll see what happens
I'm sincerely hoping this is the big one
@twobugs its different in California
Fun story. I did freshman year in Hong Kong where the expectations were higher (and conflicted with my laziness), so when I moved back to the US they didn't consider me for top of class. Enough people bothered me about it that I asked where I ranked and they found out I actually was in the top 10%, and had to add an extra chair at the end of the front row at graduation
Which was hilarious
they put the top 20 in our yearbook
Wait, you guys get ranked?
i was like 26th or 28th or something, so i drew myself in
I wouldn't even know where I fell
yeah i was a much better student in high school
college i was mega lazy and nowhere near top of the class
"Bs and Cs earn degrees"
I was just generally a bad student. I am smart as heck in some ways but I am also horribly unmotivated
@GodEmperorDune Me! This was me!
(My average was 72, 75 is honours. I just didn't care enough to do teh things to bump me to that.)
my wife graduated ultra some loud or w/e it is
We also don't do that thing (at least my school didn't)
there was no some louds
@AshleyNunn i thought it was latin for honors and extra honors
I graduated summa cum laude from college (and the first honors program graduate, hooray!), but my program has also since been cancelled so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@GodEmperorDune Entirely possible but we don't name it
my high school did cum laude and summa cum laude
@GodEmperorDune The top 20 of my graduating class in high school was over 60% of the class.
they were a very pretentious high school
I'm just like shrug because whatever I have the degree now it's mine they can't take it back so hahahahaha
@StrixVaria we had a big class, maybe 600?
yay overcrowding
(Because seriously the whole "I actually got into university" thing is super funny and involves me being stubborn and petty and also a computer error or two)
I also have the world's most obnoxiously large diploma for some reason
My theory is that it's useful for the pharmacy/med students so people can see where they went at a distance
@TimStone hehehe
@AshleyNunn computer error in your favor, aka the cybermind bending the university to your will?
@GodEmperorDune Entirely possible....
No joke, obnoxiously large
@AshleyNunn "Wow, we never heard of this @AshleyNunn but she has perfect scores in ALL THE CLASSES, even the ones we don't offer anymore..."
TL;DR: UW rejected me, I was doing night school at the time so I sent my grades in ANYWAY as a petty rebellion to make someone open the envelope and waste time, grades got processed even though I was rejected and then I got an offer of acceptance and accepted it because you can't have it taken away once you accept it and then once they realized the things it was tooooo laaaaate.
That is an excellent story
@AshleyNunn if i had the photoshop skills, i would put your avatar in hahaha.gif for that
It's my favourite thing
I kinda wanted to frame the rejection beside my diploma but I lost the rejection paper someplace
And far more creative than my "I applied to three schools and got rejected from all of them so found one with rolling admission where I knew people" story
I am safe from TimStonestiltskin.
@TimStone That's still good though.
does this mean we have power over @TimStone if we make him say his name backwards?
No, that's just silly
@TimStone enotS miT.
There, if he doesn't ever come back, we know he was returned to his own realm.
it would've been funny if @timStone's real name was TomRock or something
@AshleyNunn The place I applied to first was MIT and they have interviews and the guy I interviewed with was like "You'll do great!" and so I was like "Guess that means I don't really have to shop around /cocky"
tl;dr I am the worst, it was @Wipqozn's fault, and that's how it all went down
This isn't even my final form
@TimStone yeah that's how my interview with MIT went
I did get into a different school as well with less dramatic story but I didn't go there because me and my then-wife didn't want to move.
they asked "if you had unlimited money, what would you do?" "I'd go into politics because you can make things happen with that kind of money"
@GodEmperorDune My biggest regret is not getting the oddly-shaped acceptance letter box
@TimStone the MIT and caltech rejection letters were fun though
@GodEmperorDune Excellent response
i think one of them had a suicide hotline or something on it
Getting into American universities always seems to be so tricky, with like interviews and junk
I don't think we really do that? Or maybe I just never knew anyone that went to the right schools for it
"it's not the end of the world because you didn't get in"
@AshleyNunn really top schools do interviews
or if they want to give you a scholarship
MIT was the only school that asked for one, in my case. I applied to Cornell and Carnegie Mellon too, but CM is especially hard to get into for CS if you don't apply for early admission
i only regret not applying to UC berkley to see if i would've gotten in or not
i was pretty sure i wasn't getting into MIT
They have an online graduate course in data science I've been tempted to try and get into but I'm so spent lately I don't know if I can handle it
(UC Berkley, that is)
then i get to USC and my advanced physics 101 class "so we're going to follow the MIT syllabus, let me know if we're moving too slowly"
@TimStone yeah i knew a few people who started in berkley EECS before switching. it was intense.
(i got a pity C in that physics class, right before i GTFO of that major)
I almost double-majored in physics but I would have had to stay an extra-not-extra year and lazy
I forget a lot of the math now and it makes me sad :(
itunes, my computer is still my computer why do we have to do this authorization dance
(does this mean ADE is also not going to think my computer is my computer because that one might take more annoying steps to rectify)
@AshleyNunn probably some registry key that got wiped out when you reinstalled windows
Oh, that makes sense
It was just confusing because iTunes was like 'no we don't remember you watching DS9' but I guess that was before the great computer fixing of yesterday
@AshleyNunn i thought you watched DS9 through netflix?
@GodEmperorDune I did until Netflix got mean and said NO AMERICAN NETFLIX FOR YOU
I'm pretty sure I was admitted to OU solely to help pad their "we have so many National Merit Scholars this semester" because my actual grades were pretty bad.
@AshleyNunn oh yeah, the VPN crackdown
and it's not on Canadian so the last season and a half has been itunes'ed
@Yuuki As I told myself, "whatever gets you there in the end, it all looks the same on the paper"
@AshleyNunn yep
@AshleyNunn Well, I transferred out to UH so...
dies laughing
@GodEmperorDune TIER 1, BABY
It's the fact they shortened it to Coogs that gets me
like I just
that sounds so ridiculousssssssss
It wasn't quite so obnoxious during commencement as it is during the year.
my headcanon is that their alumni association is full of older ladies on the prowl
and that guy kept talking about how there are cougars everywhere
They mention it in the school paper a lot, it's in a lot of press releases, we have a lot of flags on the campus grounds referencing it too.
The flags would read:
> Tier 1 Faculty
> Tier 1 Staff
> Tier 1 Students
It was hilarious.
The Bridge is a Tier 1 chatroom. We have Tier 1 mods, Tier 1 room owners, and Tier 1 users.
Tier 1 star list and Tier 1 flags.
I do like how "Tier 1" has crossed the line from "oh, that's a thing we did" to "this is getting really annoying" to "you know, it's actually kinda funny".
Trump Ally Roger Stone: "When Donald Trump Is President, He Should Turn Off" CNN's "FCC License" http://mediamatters.org/video/2016/05/16/trump-ally-roger-stone-when-donald-trump-president-he-should-turn-cnns-fcc-license/210447
yeah my school likes to plug that they are "a world class research institution" and then brag about cool stuff alumni did
to be fair some of it is pretty cool
Well that's terrifying but also no harm done so very conflicting
@GodEmperorDune Well, all universities like to brag about cool stuff that alumni do.
Like MIT constantly talks about Tony Stark.
@Yuuki That's....just...they really didn't want you to forget, eh?
@AshleyNunn It very quickly became a running gag.
I don't know what we brag about but tbh I was an artsie at a math/cs/engie school so I was just outta the loop most likely
Tier 1 Traffic
@AshleyNunn "we're the ones that have time to bathe"
Quiz time! What is the most popular and pervasive tool #cybercriminals use to distribute threats? Vote below.
@TimStone social engineering isn't on the list?
Kernel memory corruption in Symantec/Norton antivirus, CVE-2016-2208 (more patches soon). https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=820 https://t.co/F22xDIelSU
@GodEmperorDune except our not bathing is a form or art or something
@TimStone wat... why would they...
That exploit is so unbelievably horrible
Anything that triggers the scan engine can be exploited
@TimStone but they are malware specialists.... how would they leave a hole in something like that?
Antivirus programs are ripe with the same kinds of flaws found in all other software
So their utility is a balancing act of what they actually detect vs. the increased privileged attack surface they introduce
Although loading the scan engine into kernel space on Windows is a special kind of defect, heh
Didn't intend to self-answer, but I accidentally SCIENCE'd a question I asked earlier
@twobugs link?
Accidental SCIENCE is the best... well, maybe not the best but certainly awesome SCIENCE.
A: Am I penalized for support characters dying?

two bugsThrough my own testing, it looks like the answer is Yes, any support characters that fall in battle are counted against you in the casualities stat at the end of the mission. My testing: I did the final mission of chapter 6. This ends with an "unwinnable" fight. As a result, the boss likes to hi...

ooh boy
A: What is the use of Legend Trophies?

Hubbard bubba suck my duddaThat's a lie. I did do research and there is no one that has that many legend trophies. On average 35000 legend trophies would take 18 years and the game isn't even a year. From the start of the game it would take 24 years and with cash it would take 14 years still even for the top player or any ...

> please respond @uradick.com
I'm kinda surprised by my Science but science success i guess
Wee! Adding magnets is proceeding apace!
@twobugs Yay science :)
@Frank so your gunpla will combine into a much larger gunpla?
I've added eight to the backpack add-on. It seems to hold up under the additional weight.
@GodEmperorDune Nah. It just has additional armor and weapons that I'm trying to make optional.
Since the kit I'm pulling the additional armor from doesn't treat it as optional, I'm having to do some modding to make it happen.
@ChromeSlice that's ingame? it looks badass
@GodEmperorDune screenshot mode is so beast
@AshleyNunn Sadly it was frustrating Science when I missed my perfect rating because one of the NPC bozos ran right into the giant sword and died :P
Those are from PS4 version, too bad I can't get them to show on the actual community
@ChromeSlice I remember hearing this game was good, I should check it out
@twobugs Ruuuuuuuuuude
I guess it was a bit controversial because it was one of those times when reviewer expectations clash with fan expectations
It had a good fan reception because it's a fun open world game with Mad Max
It got panned a bit in reviews for not trying anything new but do you always need to do that to be fun?
@twobugs sounds like a fun stream ;)
@twobugs I don't think so
@twobugs it was trying to make a fun game with mad max IP, that's new
@twobugs I mean, I'm still an Assassin's Creed fan /self-zing
@TimStone Somewhere, an Ubisoft developer is sobbing
Pretty much box art
I can only imagine Ubisoft dev is a circle of hell
@twobugs QA must be worse
@twobugs It's visually stunning, and the atmosphere is great, but the story feels like nonsense, and the gameplay is fairly drab
@ChromeSlice so do you fight the witness me guys?
@GodEmperorDune Warboys, yes
Especially because they dragged it out so much - it feels a lot like content padding
Pineapple corer is officially the best unitool I own.
@PrivatePansy The story isn't too bad, it's kinda short, but it just takes a long time to make it progress
@Yuuki lol @uni tool
It's so much better than the typical movie tie-in though
gruesome, but pretty
@GodEmperorDune All jokes aside, effortless pineapple slices are the best things.
those guys don't look so great up close
@Yuuki i wish pineapple didn't hate me because I love it
PS4 version though so to be expected I guess
Apr 28 at 16:20, by Private Pansy
I don't want to give away too much, but, uh, Max goes Mad.
@AshleyNunn Although part of what makes pineapple so great is that it self-rations.
@Yuuki pineapple is great but the citric acid burns my tongue a bit
Just kidding, still Mad Max
and it gets so damn slippery on the cutting board
Can't binge-eat pineapple because it starts to binge-eat you.
and those stupid little brown bits that refuse to leave
@GodEmperorDune Cut it top down
I once ate an entire cored pineapple in one sitting
my body regretted that really fast
Well you know what they say about not eating things bigger than your head
@AshleyNunn This sounds like something I'd do if it weren't for the fact that my family would eat a lot of the pineapple too.
@Yuuki I live by myself, my cat doesn't like pineapple :P
@PrivatePansy it helps a little bit, then it pours slippery juice all over the place
@GodEmperorDune Do it on a plate?
I mean, that's how we always do it
@Fluttershy I need more post-apocalyptic greenlands.
@PrivatePansy i mean i cut top and bottom off, stand it upright, cut the sides off, everythign is slippery by the time the sides are clean
It's pretty painless, except for the cutting part which is pretty painful compared to other fruits
then i cut it into thirds, with the core entirely in the middle third for easy removal
But it generally doesn't get messier than any other fruits
then cut each third into cubes
Oh, we don't remove the core. We just spit it out when we eat it
Usually we only eat half a pineapple at a time, so we slice it in half, slice off the top, then hold it from the top and slice off the sides, then finally chop it into eighths from the top
@PrivatePansy yeah my in laws do that
remove the outside, then slice it into a bunch of circles
@Yuuki the dog is so pissed at the end
Ugh. We have a CFL bulb stuck in a socket
My mom broke it when trying to remove it
@PrivatePansy Thankfully not as bad as cutting a rutabaga, which is an abomination of a vegetable
@TimStone I don't think I've eaten one before (or we call it something else), but from the pictures it looks like a simple vegetable peeler would work?
Also, according to Wikipedia this is a thing
The International Rutabaga Curling Championship takes place annually at the Ithaca Farmers' Market, New York state, on the last day of the market season, which is typically the third weekend in December. == History == The International Rutabaga Curling Championship started spontaneously in December 1997. Vendors at the Ithaca Farmers' Market began rolling their wares down the main aisle with the intent to stay warm; vendors did not discriminate about what they threw, and even frozen chickens were utilized. Rules have since been developed by Steve Sierigk, the High Commissioner of the International...
@PrivatePansy It is the most obscenely hard vegetable
Huh. Drug overdose deaths (largely prescription drug overdose) are now the leading cause of injury death in the US.
Lego minifig series 15 is so outstanding https://t.co/XNpUudyTAq
Oh my goodness, it's basically Left Shark minifig
Pretty much yeah
Ah, great. I was worried that scam KickStarters couldn't get any worse but the government had me covered
So are kickstarting websites required to obtain their users' income information before they enable this?
@TimStone Yiiikes
@Yuuki I doubt it, usually the obligations with this kind of stuff fall on the person performing the activity
I'm not sure how they'd enforce the "if either your annual income or your net worth is less than $100,000, then during any 12-month period, you can invest up to the greater of either $2,000 or 5 percent of the lesser of your annual income or net worth" clause.
What happens if someone invests more than that, if Kickstarter isn't going to take your income information?
There are tax implications, so presumably they'd check then/you'd be committing fraud if you misreported
Also the company offering the equity has to make filings, I think?
I dunno how it works in all circumstances
Maybe crowdfunding sites will just completely ignore it.
Also fun line item from the SEC release is that you have a one-year mandatory hold on selling crowdfunded shares
So what you're saying is that I can't short stock in "Watch Me Eat This Churrito", Inc.?
Playing Talisman with @WorldEngineer and EVERY TIME I end up at the Tavern and roll I end up drunk and missing a turn. I wonder what that says about me.
It means you should turn it into a drinking game!
There is a potential upside to this though in that it requires a lot more transparency from the participating company, since they have the legal obligations to their shareholders
I'm bored
So bored you made a Pony Centipede?
No, their head aren't that low. They're biting the tail
Q: How do I circumnavigate the buggy ECHOs to unlock the "Shadows of the Past" achievement?

Timelord64In Tom Clancy's The Division, there is an ECHO-related achievement: Shadows of the Past: Activate 63 ECHO scenes. However, many of the ECHOs are buggy, and you can surely expect to run into a couple that refuse to be collected. How do you get around the buggy ECHOs, to unlock the Shadows o...

It's amazing seeing advances in such an old form of animation.
@Fluttershy Wait, this hasn't been released yet?
I could've sworn it came out awhile ago.
@Yuuki August!
Huh. I must've seen an early trailer then.
Yeah, that's about right.
@Fluttershy The things LAIKA does with stop-motion, I just.
"This won't confuse anyone ever." - Product R&D
I...what why would you oh god
I can imagine dish soap + laundry doesn't go well
obviously one has a red button and one has a blue button.
@KutuluMike also if you read the label
but yea, not so good a job by whoever came up with that idea
Q: Difficulty level difference

Namikaze SheenaIn this game we can change difficulty in the middle of playtrough. Will Iget more exp,money and drop rate if I fight battle in higher difficulty ?

Well, that's it for magnet fun for today.
Shoulder bits are hard, because I don't have a flat surface to glue them onto.
Nothing is more soul-crushing than tickling a child and getting the "that was not a particularly good tickle but I'll pretend it was" laugh
@Dragonrage I mean theoretically one would be in hte kitchen and one in the laundry room and ne'er the twain shall meet but you know that's not going to happen in practicality
@AshleyNunn yea, all products should be instantly distinguishable from each other. especially if they have somewhat similar uses, but distinct differences
But...so expensive!
@Dragonrage agreed
@Frank O.o thats SO MUCH MONEY
I'll just content myself with other neat stuff.
Like...smashing magnets onto armor bits!
That's more than I definitely haven't spent on something similar ever I swear cries in a corner
@TimStone Children are their own investment.
You hope, anyways.
Hey, if it makes you happy, that's all that matters :)
@Frank Yes, let's go with that being what I meant
Hmm, definitely expensive but I never knew Samus was so tall... even if the suit is a bit taller than her.. 80 inches? 6'8"?
@AshleyNunn This thing will be SO COOL when I'm done.
It's just taking longer than expected.
Q: how many times do i get the chance to earn the 75 wins rewards in black ops 3?

i_kililIn bo3 , once u tap the CONTRACT icon you will be able to get the 75 wins rewards. Will you be able to get those rewards again and again or is it only once ?

Q: How do I spare muffet

larky143I did not buy the doughnut or anything expect for sea tea but its useless can anyone tell me how to spare the spider lady? please? :] thank you

@Chippies Would this help with your Gamertag issue? or am I conflating things incorrectly in my head or thinking about the wrong thing?
(I know little to none about xbox-related things but I just saw this tonight and thought maybe it would apply but I could be entirely wrong :P)
Q: Lost in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire after not playing for months

DaniI stopped playing ORAS after I'd beaten the Elite 4 last year as I went overseas. I've started playing again and the last thing I remember doing is watching the rocket think at Mossdeep Space Centre. Thing is I'm kind of stuck as I want to finish the Delta episode so that I can get to the Battle ...

1 hour later…
Q: Should i get DOOM or wait for Homefront?

moonkissDOOM was out last Friday. It is really popular now. And all shops seems out of stock now. So the first login game is lucky star now. Because it seems not the price problem to join game. It is a choice to join the game now. I have not got a game like this . I am lucky guy who got my game last week...

Q: that suggest you will need Colon Cleanse

loisopeIs The Colon Healthy? Get The Healthy Colon Quiz! To get a healthy, healthy body, retaining the digestive tract performing well is extremely important. We generally look at the belly or perhaps the food tube, when we hear about digestive system. But, another quite critical organ of the system is ...

@Lazers2.0 ...
Q: Elite Dangerous: NPC Arch Enemies?

MelodyI play private/solo play sessions in Elite Dangerous with friends and was wondering if there were arch enemies in game? I was randomly attacked by an NPC while docking - I was not wanted in that system and didn't have any illicit cargo. In the middle of docking an NPC named Jorggs blew me to pie...

Q: Dota 2 Compendium 2016 battle pass: Items are marketable?

Leo the lionAs you can see there is new battle pass Compendium 2016 for Dota 2 in market with so many new immortals and items. I have read full battle page but did not get that items from compendium is trade-able/marketable or we have to wait for months like in other compendium(M asking as in last compendium...

I just got a revival badge for an answer I gave in 2013.
Q: What happened to the answer?

DeMizeThe question is this :Donation Problem Yesterday I got an answer of that question but today that answer was not there. What happened to that answer?

Hayfever is the worst, I propose we burn all the plants everywhere so I don't have to deal with it anymore
Q: Why does Wesnoth have a bg music track named Nunc Dimittis?

einpoklumOne of the Battle for Wesnoth background music tracks is named Nunc Dimittis: This is apparently the name of a Catholic Canticle. I'm not a Christian, so perhaps someone who knows this subject better can explain how the title, or the lyrics, of this canticle rel...

@KevinvanderVelden sets your face on fire
Q: Garcinia Cambogia Go Set a realistic weight loss

user147666Garcinia Cambogia Go Set a realistic weight loss goal for yourself. As with pretty much everything in life, when having goals that are not attainable you are setting yourself up for failure. If you want to shed 20lbs but are only giving yourself a month to do, then you are not giving yourself eno...

Q: Should i buy packs solo adventures or arena?

Law Zhi XuanI have 400 plus gold and i am not very sure what to buy. I heard that the solo adventures are going to be removed from the game so i am also not very sure is it worth to buy the solo adventures. Guys give me your opinion on this issue. Thank you

Q: How to tell if mods disable achievements?

LandricSome mods affect gameplay, mechanics and balance, whereas some are only aesthetic. How can I tell if a mod disables achievements? Will activating a mod that disables achievements permanently disable achievements for that save, even if it's removed later?

Q: I keep hearing voices

tombull89I've recently hit level 18 in Elder Scrolls Online. I've reached Grantwood and am doing various quests around the large tree in the middile, but I've started hearing voices after I kill something sometimes, anything from a level 1 monkey upwards. It says things like "you like killing, don't you?"...

Q: minecraft launcher not loading minecraft

Nicholaswhenever i try to load any version of minecraft from the launcher it doesnt load and the launcher goes to a blank game output screeni have uplaoded a vidio to youtube so hopefully you can help me: what the nativelog file says: Set run directory to C:\Program File...

Q: speed internet and high pings ! how can i fix it?

osamaahmed2 mb speed internet in Egypt . only me using inter net,playing League Of Legends and bad lag and high pings .. do you know any useful thing about this ?

Q: Dark Souls 2 - NG+ - Does it overwrite old save?

djsmiley2kI'm at the point where I can begin a new journey in Dark Souls 2, but I have some things I'd also like to clear up in this existing run through (get spells, etc). If I start a new journey, does that automatically end the existing one?

everybody is asleep, post @fredley pls
Simple question: anyone here bought Starbound thru the Humble Bundle store? It is listed as "Download DRM free version, but the page also says "Starbound is provided via Steam Key." (as opposite to games like Undertale -UNDERTALE is provided via Steam key for Mac and Windows and is also provided DRM-free for Windows. For key redemption, a free Steam account is required.)
Do anyone know were the error is? on the description or on the listing?
(or to put it simpler: does the drm free download exist?)
@TimStone Is your final form weaker or more powerful than your current form? I'm going to assume weaker.
Oh hey, it's @badp and @fredley
My favourite Europeans
Q: Scaled Nightmare & Stormwind Champion interaction

KappeiHow do Scaled Nightmare and Stormwind Champion interact? Does the Champion's buff get incorporated in the Nightmare's effect, or does the dragon's effect work on the base value, with the +1 from the Champion getting added afterwards?

@PrivatePansy Just using a fan would seem to be easier
They also used a fan, but it'd have to be a really fast fan to move a cape like that
(For fan: See the hair moving about)
Q: GTA V Story Mode: should I save over progress or always in a new slot?

Mark GreenI've just brought GTA V - never played before. Regarding saving progress, should I be always saving in a new slot, or overwriting the progress saved? I get a message like "only 1.6% of played, do you want to overwrite?". If I overwrite will I lose some gameplay? Thanks...

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