@Powerlord Yes, my emotions on bacon are quite solid and extremist. That's why I was one of the heads of the "Thermite Roasted Bacon" development plan for creating instant bacon rations using cool chemistry reactions with easy-to-find materials.
Because when you learn how to make super hot reactions, the first practical application should always be "Cook bacon"
@IanPugsley yeah, like I said, I was more trying to make a vague statement about how he's just as likely to die a violent death instead of getting done in by his cancer.
@GraceNote Well, the biggest advantage is probably that the upcoming chemistry teachers are regularly performing thermite experiments just in front of our building. It won't look suspicious if we do it ourselves ;-)
I sympathize with him, not in the sense that I feel he's 'doing the right thing', but rather in the sense that I see the decline and sympathize with the person he's leaving behind, not the person he's become.
I need your help remembering a game at least 7 years old probably older.
It's a 2d 1v1 shooter for 2 players offline.
the characters looked like clowns or maybe they just had round hair.
P1 had orange or red hair and P2 had blue hair
I don't remember most of the stages but there was one that was...
@GraceNote Somehow I missed this line the first time, but i just saw it in the starred list, and totally read 'super hot reactions' as 'super hot relations', and well... yeah.
The title pretty much says it all. Group questing really only seems to net me 10 - 15 social points a conversation. What's the best way to quickly level up my social points?