@GnomeSlice But seriously... MOBAs take a lot of practice. I usually pick a hero I like, and play no one else but them until I feel like I'm good enough to hold my own in a match.
@Powerlord Surprised by what? That I played it that much, that little, or at all? I played medic a lot learning the game. Spy was hardest to learn so I tried it last. Loved it and didn't really play anything else after that.
Engineer is about playing the meta. What travel paths are in use? How do I place a sentry so that line of sight doesn't connect until the enemy is already in danger?
@twobugs Not... really. There's one location where you can place a sentry that can see every route down to the basement area where the intel is, but without having a clear shot to it Just reeks of bad design.
That spot is right next to the spawn room too, which means it's really easy to get a level 3 up there and keep it up.
@GnomeSlice Don't let it get to you. It's your first time playing the game, and bots are easier than people, usually. So it's easy to pick up bad habits against bots that you wouldn't have otherwise. Just view it as a learning experience.
also @Fluttershy when I first saw your JELLY comment I didn't know what to think, but at your second message it became clear that you wanted your personal private meeting with the goddesses and their convenient tear-apart dresses :P #self-insertion
@badp I was mostly just screaming internally because I didn't even know that was releasing on Steam, and if I had, would have saved money to buy it when it was discounted. Now I wouldn't have been able to afford it until it was full price. X_x But thank you again. I can either repay you, or pay it forward, whichever you would prefer!
I have watched a few David videos and have noticed he has this pet rabbit. It follows him around and hops when he hops. I was wondering if it's possible to tame a rabbit.
@Fluttershy there are a couple more NepNep side games in the pipeline before VII but Chief of NepNep Operations SirTapTap says this should be the least worst
@badp “When The Bridge sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you … they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing poor questions. They’re bringing downvotes. They’re starbaiters. And some, I assume, are good people.”
I find it weird that Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 creates ASP.NET 4.5.2 web projects using a version of Microsoft.Net.Compilers that is older than the latest one.
Questions: 1) Why is a patch for The Division 1.5gb? B) Why didn't Steam download it until I got home? iii) Why isn't DOTT installed either, so I could play that while I wait?
@twobugs Monday Night Combat was almost that for me, but then Uber Entertainment killed it off and brought out Super Monday Night Combat that tipped things too far back towards the MOBA side.
I've lately heard the term Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) used as a video game genre. The Wikipedia entry redirects to the "Defense of the Ancients" genre, hinting that this is used exclusively to describe DotA-like games (e.g. creeps, lanes, heroes, towers etc. etc.)
However, I've also ...
@Sterno Well, yeah. The 256-color 320x240 8-bit 8-11khz sound version was 100MB, the 16 million color 1920x1080 24-bit, 48khz sound version is going to be quite a bit bigger.
@twobugs I asked because the PayDay guys never grasped the concept of binary patching or shipping things that aren't huge blobs of binary data, so patching it basically replaces one or more large files every time something changes.
Files that change a lot are separate, other files are in split archives that can have additional files added to them later and have their index files updated.
The only time I can think of where TF2 in particular didn't just update files in a split archive is when they outright replaced the wav voice-over files with mp3 voice-over files.
I have a server that I want to leave on 24/7 but my whole tribe has been offline for months so I shut it down to save the dinos.
There is a "Food Drain" setting in "Dino Settings" which can technically be set to '0' but I'm not sure what affect that will have on taming.
Is there some combinatio...
Also, is it just me or did the people who did the LucasArts logo music forget that converting from Roland MT-32 to MIDI means you have to issue a pitch bend controller NRPN to increase the pitch shift from 2 semitones to 12 semitones as that's what MT-32 uses?
I probably got way too technical for people there.
@twobugs It's supposed to pitch bend an entire octave during the LucasArts logo at the start of the game. DotT's original music was written on the Roland MT-32, for which an entire spin of the wheel is an octave.
However, General MIDI defaults to only 1/6 of an octave for an entire spin of the pitch bend wheel.
There's a quote exchange about Brutal Legend. It was originally being published by Activision, but they cancelled it. Schafer said Kotick was "the evil emperor" or something weird like that
The fact that they cancelled an Early Access game, a game still in development (AKA THE TIME WHERE GAMES DON'T MAKE MONEY) for "Not making enough money" is...
If you want to be good at MOBA you have to go back in time, play the original DOTA, learn which variants of the map were most influential, play those, then get good. Then only play MOBA games as they release and nothing else.
@MadMAxJr I'm not completely sold on AngularJS as it means you're now relying on web services to do what a controller would normally do in a standard web application.
Eh, he made some games I really like but I have't been impressed with him at all recently. Maybe he isn't a bad guy and calling him a "jerk" is too harsh
Massive Chalice I'll grant you, but Broken Age seemed like people just gave Tim too much leeway. Game went massively overbudget and was still broken into two parts
Hey i have problem with new Elytra.
When i JUMP off the edge, than jump in mid-air it actives instantly only sometimes, in different cases it actives after falling about 40 blocks and / or clicking space hundreds of times... but if i WALK off the edge it always actives.
He just strikes me as a very good argument for why we still need publishers - to reign people like him in. Not saying publishers are perfect, but that's not sustainable business.
If they can succeed, that's good for them. I'm not satisfied as an outside observer with how they've handled stuff recently (particularly Spacebase DF-9)