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Huh. My old high school in a relatively smallish town is closed today because the admins got a call from someone who reported issues that made them concerned for the welfare of the caller and the school community. (I feel like that's police talk for shooting threat?) but it is just weird because it's like a small town and stuff and you just don't think of those sorts of things happening where you are, I guess.
@AshleyNunn reminds me of when i was in high school. we had a number of different incidents that caused the school to close
or go on lockdown
@djsmiley2k I'm not sure what you mean. It's a single player game
the longest my school was ever on lockdown was 5 hours
We never had stuff like that. I mean it's been 10 years since I graduated but still, it's one of those smallish country towns.
one of the seniors when i was a sophomore got caught cheating so he wasnt going to graduate, so he burned down the main office
@fredley I don't understand the Pringles one. Don't people just tip the can over?
"I'll teach you a lesson for teaching me a lesson!"
@PrivatePansy gets messy
@Dragonrage That is absolutely going to help...
@AshleyNunn It was a small town where nobody locked their doors at night...
@SaintWacko nah, even in my parents town of like 150 people you lock your doors at night!
@AshleyNunn depending on where you are in california, some people never lock their doors
@Yuuki ...Well that's a first
@Yuuki that's a bad case of the mondays
@twobugs It might be a first that it's publicly announced. Won't be the first time this happens.
@Arperum True, I just feel bad for the developer
@twobugs Yea, he sounds ultra sad and broken.
I would be too. His friends stole all his money and his project is dead. This will probably end up as a black mark on his career despite it being not his fault at all
@twobugs tbh if i saw this and i was a hiring manager, i'd be impressed at the honesty and ethics displayed
like you guys said, this is probably the first time we've heard of it, not the first time it happens
I'm pretty sure "honesty" and "ethics" are two things negatively selected for in the workforce.
@twobugs I guess those are bad marks for me then.
Because fuck it, I'm not going to lie.
@StrixVaria Yeah, that Fine Bros thing is a mess. There were live streams last night dedicated to watching a live feed of their subscribers dropping like flies.
@twobugs i think it would depend on the company.
Me neither, but I've been told that sometimes you want to "fudge" or "enhance" the truth. I'm not going to lie either, but it's frustrating
Q: Not Optimum mode recommended mode 1440x900 60ghz while opening gta V pc?

Atharva Mohitewhen I opened GTA V my monitor got blacked out and one pop up came saying that not optimum mode recommended mode 1440x900 60 ghz !! What to do ??? Please help me out!

Q: Minecraft collision box bug

InofearuOk so I logged into my world and I fell out of the world through block it's like they had no collision box anyway I can fix this?

Yay, chat!
I've not been on chat all day =[
@KevinvanderVelden i havent really been on chat since last friday
So, I just discovered an off by one error in one of my C++ classes from a few years back. Luckily it's not too bad, it just draws a point on screen twice. Actually, there's probably a reason it does that, but it's not commented, so let's just assume it's a bug.
i have been engaged in an epic duel with a nasty foe called the common cold.
i have finally gained an edge, and am slowly wearing it down. i sense victory is near
@MBraedley the are no such things as bugs, only undocumented features
I've had to keep buying off the common cold with tributes of ibuprofen and paracetamol
@Dragonrage don't tell that to @twobugs
two undocumented features
I shouldn't even be looking at this code right now, but I got interested because I got a badge on a GIS.SE question that's related to the code.
I think we've found the name of your new sockpuppet
@StrixVaria Bridge, then StackExchange, then other. I mean, I enjoy good non-Stack drama, but there's so very much of it out there
first two reviews i do are dup answers :( come on new users, learn how to read pls
@Sterno The React drama is pretty amazing
Also, what Fine Bros thing?
@Sterno They're some Youtube guys who make videos of other people reacting to a thing. No seriously, that's it.
@Sterno Fine Bros own that React channel. They made an announcement saying that they wanted to license their format to other people, where they get some of the profit. Reddit interpreted that as they want to lock down everyone ever from making react videos without giving them a cut.
They decided they own the "react" format now
I don't really have a stake in it one way or the other, but it certainly is fun to see both sides bicker.
3k+ rep users, want me to send them your way on the vlq queue or just leave them?
They're getting an insanely negative feedback, which is hilarious and I think they're dorks
@twobugs They put out a video just called "Update." where they try to say "I know we're trademarking the word 'React', but we had to."
but hey it's totally cool for Endemol to own virtually every TV show around
Link me some drama
I basically just don't like a lot of the Youtube people, especially ones who do almost nothing and try to make $$$$$ off it
who cares about them anyway they're like a second and a half of splash screen at the end of tv programs
I don't know who Endemol is and/or how that is relevant to this discussion
AFAIK they own stuff like Deal or No Deal, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, etc.
other formats of video format stuffs
So the fear is they might create Who Wants To React Or No React?
or it might be that they only own it for Italy and in other countries it's a different company?
@badp Likely
@twobugs I dunno, everyone is going insane, there doesn't have to be a good reason for it
I don't know if people getting up in arms to prevent a small boy trying to use rights typically enforced only by megacorporations is very murican or very unmurican
Isn't it kinda both
Trademark is weird and scary
the murican dream vs the united megacorps of murics
people are siding with the megacorps
I'm still not sure what you're trying to say. I'm not for megacorps owning concepts.
If McDonalds tried to trademark the concept of food, I would be against that.
I honestly don't know exactly what they're trying to do, if it's a copyright thing, or a trademark thing, or a patent thing, or a design patent thing, or a...
All I know is I think they're dumb and they're getting owned. I am enjoying the ride.
all I know is that their format is pretty specific and they should probably be able to protect it
@badp They filed a trademark on the react brand, as it were
@badp It's not specific. "We recorded someone else" is not a specific format.
@twobugs that's not specific, and it's also not their format
A description of their format would probably take several pages
Oh sorry, "We recorded someone reacting to stimuli"
People had been making reaction videos before these guys started their thing. This is like someone trying to claim ownership of "Let's Play"
"In the first part of the video we have a title card. We then proceed to show a picture-in-picture combination of several video clips: the subject of the video and the individual or group of individuals' reactions. After this, we show the "Questions" card. We ask each person several questions, and let them answer without correcting them. After they answer we sometimes show a tid bit of information of screen. Sometimes we answer their questions." etc. etc.
You can make it specific
@twobugs They keep being vague about what "their format" is. If they actually gave guidelines for that, depending on how they were presented, that might make people happier.
It's a far cry from trying to own the word "React" in the context of videos though.
Then again, some people just love having something to rage about, so that definitely wouldn't appease everybody.
The latter is dumb.
The former seems okay with me.
Both are completely indefensible IMO
@badp This even isn't specific enough IMO.
@StrixVaria yeah
You should not be able to take a claim to the format of a video program, especially something as generic as what you described.
It's up to them to make it specific enough
but it can be done I feel
Their videos stick to a pretty strict formula after all
You could fill several pages just with a description of their outros if you bothered
(I don't)
I'm really confused because you started off raging against megacorps out of the blue but then you're saying anyone should be able to own a vague format?
@twobugs (this actually almost happened)
@twobugs Yes, everyone should be able to own a sufficiently specific format
@Unionhawk (And it was completely destroyed for being stupid)
not just the megacorps
@twobugs Nope!
@badp What? Why? That's nonsense
It was denied because the name was similar to an existing patent.
why is it okay for whomever to own Deal or No Deal ("contestant sits in chair and says "deal" or "no deal" until the show is over")
That's strange, I don't recall ever saying it was okay for something completely unrelated to happen
well why haven't have we been up in arms for years about that then
why are you singling these two dudes out
why do you feel it's "completely unrelated" when it's precisely the same thing
You've pretty much lost it here. This is a very silly course of argument you're attempting to take.
(1) I don't know anything about that situation (2) You're going for some bizarre reductionist "well why did you only start here" thing. Why does it matter where I started? How do you KNOW that I only started here?
AHA! but you don't know whom I mean by "you"
@uni im heading to mammoth this weekend. should be good skiing
Well given that you're communicating directly with me, it was very heavily implied you were speaking to me
I'm talking in general
Now you're doing the post modern "haha i communicated poorly" thing, and I'm going to refrain from linking the xkcd
You have been stepping up as a representative of people who are up in arms
@twobugs doo eet
Essentially, I think the thing is that not only does this undermine the idea of YouTube as a thing that anybody can do, but they weren't the first ones to make videos in the format of "show videos to kids and film their reactions"
also why doesn't this goddamn work laptop crash when I'm just dicking around trying to make it crash
@Unionhawk Yes. I don't think anyone, megacorp or human, should be able to own a format in this manner
but are there videos on YouTube that even try and follow the FORMATS of bigger more successful tv shows?
And, additionally, unfortunately for them, they did this during the 30 day public opposition period, in addition to backlash
@badp Uh... yes? There are tons of them.
People copy thing. People not original.
really? I'm trying to find people seriously recreating, say, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and can't find anything. Nevermind most videos of this kind don't put up more than $50 in winnings
The closest thing I recall to something I'd already seen is that game where you have to answer 21 this-or-that questions incorrectly in a row
It's a pretty shameless copy of the ruleset from the tv show but that specific format is copy-pasted from something much larger
I wouldn't even be able to go back to it it's buried deep in my YT history
okay it's clear I actually have to try and get shit done to get this laptop to misbehave
@badp Just as a note. At least in the UK, you can't own a TV format.
Dear Capcom. Why did you make Gore Magala? This is not fair. :(
I want a game with a fighting system like Monster Hunter or Dark Souls, but an obvious simple linear progression so I don't have to grind (MH) or waste so much time (DS) when I inevitably die the next boss.
@MadMAxJr Is gore magala the black dragon type thing?
It's hatred with wings, yes.
Undeveloped eyes, wings are like a second set of arms, and the wings spill off a rage virus that prevent you from healing and you take more damage UNLESS you manage to constantly fight during the incubation period to shake it off.
Are you fighting it in something that is basically an arena? because that fight was pretty difficult.
I fought it on a tiny boat. Now I have to fight it in a jungle while trying to rescue some 'ace' hunter team
The Aces rule! Ace Cadet is my boy.
What weapon are you using?
@MadMAxJr I'm so sorry.
Lots of unaimed panic shots. Which work if my target is on level terrain
Ah, I can't help you there as I barely ever use them
I really enjoyed fighting him with my IG, though
See, you melee guys are crazy, I'm gonna stay over here away from the claws.
I just fought the snake thing a few times.. Najarala or something like that
@MadMAxJr Duals swords are a lot of fun though.
I like basically all of the melee weapons
The big snake thing likes to coil around you and crush you. If you get close to it.
@badp 1 vs 100
Was the game
I used to play that
when it was a thing
Hm, I definitely need to leave early today to finish getting ready for travel
The question is do I leave now and go to gym
That settles that then
@GnomeSlice wait really?
@badp Probably? thought you were talking about video games, maybe not
NVM youre talking youtube
I missed context
1 vs 100 was that gameshow game on x360
It had like a live host and shit
cc: @Sterno
Someone make that a one boxy thinger. I'm on mobile. :P
I think its just remove the s from the http @Fluttershy
Really good explanation of the Fine Bros. "React" situation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a49fipjglyc
I think mobile is doing it in this case
Too late! I'm on mobile and can't edit it.
Ok and the mobile prefix on the URL
Https doesn't matter, it's just sometimes Twitter doesn't onebox randomly
I have been foiled by https before :)
I've made null edits on Twitter links with https and suddenly they onebox
That's what I mean by randomly
@Fluttershy opt into new mobile chat
you can edit and reply and star
Q: What are the strengths and weaknesses of being an S or T type?

ChaseCEach character can either be an S or T type, and those types will define which skills each character learns. What are the strengths and weaknesses of being an S and T type per character?

Q: How to calibrate xbox 360 controller?

maks lobodaI've got a new controller and it works wrong, so i tried to calibrate it and after 4 hours it still doesn't work properly. Issue: sticks have no dead-zone, and X and Y axis on right stick cant go separately.

just spent awhile cutting together loads of goals in rocket league video's on youtube
I wonder how this will come out. :/
make sure it's a ton of really tiny cuts
that'll really be like having the game streamed into our brain at maximum overspeed
wut, so https here won't 1box?
@badp each goal results in the ball explosding
so like it'd just be BOOM BOOM BOOM
(boom actually appears)
New mobile chat test post.
Yep. This is great.
Your mom's great
@Sterno I like these updates telling me how far along my PC order is.
Next step: assembly!
@StrixVaria niiiiiice
You practically have to get XCOM2 now
@Sterno This is a true fact.
I should pre-order a "physical" copy on Amazon to save 20%.
I started iwth 1 hour 29 min footage
It probably says something bad about me that I'd rather pay an extra 20% to never deal with a physical copy, where "physical" really probably just means "code I have to input into steam"
@James Thanks for the link.
It drives me a little nuts that you have to watch 8 minute videos these days to get some info that would have taken 2 minutes to read.
@Sterno It is definitely just a code you put into Steam.
I'd rather read something that listen to some guy stand there and talk.
@Sterno That is from @Fluttershy :)
@Sterno On that note I completely agree..
Okay, thanks @Fluttershy too :)
Waste of time to just say 'They are farming their fans for the majority of their revenue and if they push the shutting down of 'react' videos will likely be possible to be brought up on racketeering charges'
There, just saved everyone else 8m of their lives :)
I just ordered XCOM 2 from Amazon.
I still had a gift card balance, plus 20% off.
So it cost me $19. Not bad.
@Sterno Enjoy the glorious drama!
Gave up at 5 minutes into that video. Seems drama-rific but the barrier to entry is too high for me.
@StrixVaria Now I get to laugh at you when you get it late.
Or you get to laugh at me when you get it early.
@Sterno Since it activates on Steam, this is not possible.
Also, I still think it'll be here before the actual PC.
@Sterno concidering the price of PC games, and hte price of parking at a store.... it'd be cheaper to not buy a physical copy sometimes :/
Q: How do I know when I've 100%'d the game?

SternoI've been reading forums and I've seen multiple quotes that give different numbers for how many puzzles there are total, and this gets muddied a bit by the question of what actually counts as a puzzle. It's really unclear to me how a person would know when they've completed/found everything the...

Q: in the assault on dragons keep dlc in borderlands 2, does the handsom wizard drop the impaler?

zdogI have been told several times by my friend that the handsome wizard drops the impaler.Is this true? does he drop any legendaries at all? and if so which one/ones?

I think you guys need to bring this Fine Bros drama to me directly, take up opposing sides, and argue about it in chat.
If it doesn't turn chat against each other, it's not real drama.
I am not sure there really is any drama here
Well for that topic :D
@GnomeSlice Firewatch releases this month. And Gravity Rush Remastered comes out tomorrow. Get. Hype.
I'm waiting for reviews on Firewatch but it looks interesting
Q: Is there a way to stop fire damage in minecraft?

BobI made a little dungeon and I wanted to know if there was a command to stop people from burning, as certain buttons tp all players, and some may still be on fire.

It mostly depends how much Firewatch revolves around interesting set pieces/plot, and how much is just "experiencing nature" and rescuing turtles or something. Because the latter sounds boring. And turtles should never be rescued. cc @Wipqozn
@Sterno It apparently has some underlying mystery kind of thing to it. So it's not just wandering around experiencing nature.
Yeah. It'll probably be up to how focused and pervasive the story is. I mean, you can have story in games where yeah, there's a story, but it comes up for like 2 minutes of every hour of gameplay.
I think this isn't that but I guess there hasn't really been any hands-on with it yet.
The 14 minute gameplay thing looked good.
Basically, I just want to hear Henry and Delilah have conversations
Are you guys talking about XCOM ?
I'm hoping it's at least more involved than Everybody's Gone to the Rapture.
Well, yeah, and XCOM
Oh, also, @GnomeSlice and anyone else who gets excited about games... polygon.com/a/2016-game-preview-100-games
That's a really well put together article about what we have to look forward to this year. :3
@James That's some good analysis, but he missed another potential fallout: brand dilution.
short version
@djsmiley2k That's not how you charge a phone...
@MBraedley you mean the internet is wrong?!
@MBraedley it's how you charge one really really fast though
@KevinvanderVelden I don't think you know how battery charging works...
Sure I do. Step 1) Apply power. Step 2) Don't apply that much power
woooo 4 cubes done
OKay so, I've got an interview with a company later today, and based on what I've seen on Glassdoor I already know I won't be accepting the job, HOWEVER, I found this on their website, under one of the job descriptions
> Ability to focus under pressure and deal with ambiguity.
Which lines up qutie well with what I read on Glassdoor, which was that the place has poor project planning and the deadlines are too tight.
Since that basically translates to... well, what I just said.
cc @fredley
I'm pinging you because I can
I've got to say, I kind of figured Starbound would be out of beta by now
9 cubes...
@Wipqozn can you get them to pay me for a month before realising I'm not you?
@Sterno wiat, what
Starbound is still in beta?
I thought that game already released and disappointed everyone.
@djsmiley2k You could just apply yourself. They have offices all over Canada!
Q: GPU not fully utilized?

eternalI've been playing The Witness, and I noticed that the game is lagging without fully utilizing my graphics card. My setup is pretty old at this point (HD 5850 and i7-930). The game remained at a semi-steady 60fps on Normal settings, but there were a few hiccups while running or while quickly pann...

@Wipqozn Sounds like a job @fbueckert would really enjoy.
@Sterno Definitly
Q: Deep snow - Walking technique?

SebastianApart from having snow shoes and or any other additional material, is there any technique that helps not to sink into the snow with every step and/or walk more efficiently? With standard hiking shoes. I just did a good 7h and 20km hike in deep snow in normal shoes with a friend of mine. Every st...

@Dragonrage why are you linking this?
@AshleyNunn because i found it interesting.
@Dragonrage Get a snow mobile.
@Dragonrage I think that's a duplicate actually
Time to put my lifehacks rep to good use
more so i found it interesting that they asked it
@Wipqozn is it? i dont visit lifehacks that often, just every once in awhile to see if there are any interesting questions
though the answers tend to be better than the questions
@Dragonrage It is, I just casted a close vote
@Wipqozn It's only a duplicate if your wife needs tacos
If your wife instead needs chimichangas, it is a totally different question
Now I want a taco.
yey I can pick this lock weeeeeeee
@Sterno What if it's my husband that needs tacos?

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