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So, @GraceNote - design question. Is it a Bad Idea to use C# classes to store... say, levels and menus? I.e., Class LevelOne: Level and Class OptionsMenu: Menu ? 'Cause if not, I'm not quite sure what's preferential to that.
Writing each level as its own class seems really stupid.
Hence me asking the question.
I believe there are certain strategies involving separate classes for certain kinds of menus (though I admit I wasn't writing in C# that time), but separate levels... no.
... and this just turned into a programming chatroom. :)
Woah, ScFi, launched?
It looks...awesome:
Q: How can I put a demon altar in my house?

rlb.usaI'd like to make a compact crafting station, so I think I'd like to place a demon altar, like in the Terraria Crafting 101 Guide. But, how can I actually obtain one? The wiki says that hitting them before destroying the Wall of Flesh only results in the player taking damage. How can I pick u...

Q: Are the Master destruction spells useful?

EmanueleI was wondering if the Master destruction spells are useful or just to show them off? I'm asking because it takes ages to cast and you can't hold them neither precisely point (Lighting Storm)... What do you think? Have you ever used them with a purpose? Cheers

@Ullallulloo oh nice
@StevenJeuris Moreof that we stole... aw phooey, give me a moment...
@GraceNote wait, what? am I potentially missing out on some hot video game grant action?
@agent86 You already decided to "pass on free video games"
@GraceNote mkay, but there was some talk about diablo 3, is that one of the games that was coming out this cycle?
@agent86 No
not much of a PC gamer, but I had thought it was coming out much later.
Unless Blizzard pulls off like, time magic.
@agent86 Correct.
Blizzard has Soon(TM). Valve has the time magic of Valvetime.
mkay, so some people put in for D3 although it's not scheduled for release?
Though admittedly, they've only gotten good at "making tomorrow turn into next week, and the week from now meaning april after next".
and there's two parallel grants going on?
Diablo 3 was part of the Fall Gaming Grant selection.
@agent86 It was scheduled for release. It got pushed back.
Which we ran back in, like, August. To cover games that were running over Fall.
...and, wait a minute, didn't we subtract Diablo 3 from the running anyway?
hmm, okay
@GraceNote Well, we did, but we already had over 10 applicants. It was pretty much in the limbo of, "hm. Well, crap. Now what?"
so in addition to the "next two weeks" type grants, there are seasonal grants as well?
TIL: Pressing up causes you to edit your previous post.
The Fall Gaming Grant preceded the change that led to the "Next Two Weeks" grants
(Also known as the Cyclic No-One-Applies Gaming Stack Exchange Promotional Grants)
ah, okay. thanks for the disambiguation.
It is also over. Nearly deceased.
Had Diablo III released, it would be kaput.
@RavenDreamer more changing to the grants in the future, you mean?
What you're familiar with is what the grants changed to.
There's no more changing.
No more transmogrification or whathaveyou.
okay. I was mildly confused, but then I got better.
well, here's hoping they stick around in their current incarnation, because goddammit, I like free games
Is there a limit on the number of games we can get?
We started off with the Targeted Grants v1.0. Then when I handed it over to Brett, we had Targeted Grants v2.0 at first, which led to the Fall Gaming Grant. Then Jeff stepped in and we changed to the Cyclic No-One-Applies Gaming Stack Exchange Promotional Grants. On the side, we also run Targeted Grants v3.0.
@GraceNote what is a targeted grant 3.0?
besides being targeted grant 2.0++
@RonanForman Ever? Nah.
@agent86 Abby says, "oh, let's buy X copies of game Y. Who wants game Y?"
For categories of Game Y that include games / systems / phenotypes not handled by no-one-applies grant.
@RonanForman Yes but the limit is based on how often you produce content. If you keep doing well, you continue to be eligible. If you stop, we picket your lawn and you cease to be eligible.
@GraceNote You mean I could get a picket fenceā€½
@RavenDreamer No, we cover stuff handled by the Cyclic No-One-Applies Gaming Stack Exchange Promotional Grant as well with Targeted Grants v3.0
@RavenDreamer so the infinity blade 2 thing would be an example of a targeted grant, if I'm understanding properly.
People really need to look at the new designs critically instead of gushing over them.
@GraceNote Well, yes. "includes". Grant 3.0 has the potential to include things CNOA grant.
@NickT this comment is soooo awesome :D wait, what did you say?
Consider Modern Warfare 3 (which, admittedly, we did because no one applied for the Cyclic No-One-Applies Gaming Stack Exchange Promotional Grant).
I might have my terminology confused.
@GraceNote so... if I had found this site a few months earlier, I could have gotten modern warfare 3 for free? I'm not sure if I should hate myself right now.
@NickT I was just actually working up a screenshot on how the vote breakdown is very hard to read.
@agent86 We ran the MW3 Targeted Grant as part of the huge promotional event. If you missed that, then yes.
But you could've just applied to MW3 as part of the Cyclic No-One-Applies Gaming Stack Exchange Promotional Grant to begin with.
@NickT Do you mind if I just stuff it into your answer?
@GraceNote np
@GraceNote I've been here a relatively limited amount of time. the grant I applied to was the first one I knew about/was eligible for. I actually got 500 rep just so I could apply.
NullUser just did a similar post
I think I managed to hit 500 on friday, when it ended on Sunday.
oh god, do I have to do the whole shebang backwards?
@badp if shebangs that way, sure.
I envy their meta with light text on dark background.
@FallenAngelEyes try reading it for a while
@FallenAngelEyes Eh... last site that did that was Physics
the feeling will turn fairly quick
it was pulled uncerimoniously
@NickT I agree with your contrast issues, but in general I vastly prefer light text on dark backgrounds than vice versa.
Photography still uses light-on-dark meta
light-on-dark was the first thing my web design professor told us to never do.
@GraceNote It's always interesting to post these kind of issues on User Experience SE. I did the same for the programmers accept button, which unfortunately still didn't get changed. :-(
"Kings of Power: Accumulated XX,XXX of damage"
@NickT my code editors are always light on dark.
they've even hidden the progress bar.
like 8 hours a day, every day, more if I go home and write some code for entertainment
@agent86 There's a difference between code and prose
little did the Cave Story+ developers know that the "Achievement Progress" notification were still enabled for this one
@NickT Depends on the reader.
"Achievement Progress: Kings of Power (2,002/20,000)"
@NickT eh, I use it as a general purpose text editor as well. Can't say I like it worse for that purpose.
No, there is. Code is structured and delimited, prose is much more fluid.
Football is serious business.
@Raven He's getting his keys back.
I don't mind light-on-dark for prose or code. I find it slightly odd that the people who don't like light-on-dark are so vehement about it.
@agent86 I prefer dim colors on a gray background. Somewhat like this, but I set up my own colors and added some extra 'meaning' to them. :)
It would be interesting to see some polls of big groups of people to see what the breakdown is across the general population. I suspect it annoys enough people that it should be avoided most of the time.
@StevenJeuris downloads
@StevenJeuris where do I stick it?
@sjohnston It would be more interesting to see whether one is better than the other objectively. Which I'm pretty sure has already been done. Again, a good UX question. :)
@RavenDreamer what's the story behind that picture pray tell
@NickT Reddit.
photoshop then?
@RavenDreamer Don't know by heart. I believe you can import it through the Color and Font options somewhere. Pretty sure you can find help on that site or internet/SE quickly.
@StevenJeuris How do you measure UI effectiveness objectively?
Huh. When did they add the snowman to notifications?
@sjohnston another nice thing about code is that you have syntax highlighting turning stuff all sorts of colors
@sjohnston Strain on eyes, readability (how much text to read over time), ... but I'm just guessing now. Pretty sure you can come up with objective measurements.
color is verboten on meta
Usually performance indicators
@StevenJeuris I use some preset of Notepad++, I can't remember which. I used to customize it to the nth degree, but I have installed and reinstalled too many times to go through that level of customization anymore
@agent86 I do too prefer light-on-dark for code, but that's because code is different, mostly because of the syntax highlighting...and tab stops to structure it well
@sjohnston Yesterday, I think. :)
also, speaking about gr(a|e)y, don't put #666666 on #999999
gra|ey, I think.
@StevenJeuris for IRC I use irssi (not customized) so it's always white on black. I like it so much better.
@StevenJeuris Tools -> Import/Export settings, for the records.
@FallenAngelEyes Well preference is important as well I guess. :) But if some study can point out objectively that it strains your eyes more and you get tired faster, I wouldn't want to use it during working hours. No matter how pretty it looks.
@StevenJeuris YMMV, as with all things. I stare at IRC pretty much uh, all day, and I've never had issues.
Personally, I find bright white more tiring.
Any PHP developers want a job?
@RavenDreamer Using ReSharper you can set up many additional useful colors, e.g. for delegates, events, ...
@RonanForman Duplicate of: careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/tag/php
@RonanForman Depends on what it is.
@RonanForman I'm sure I can get you someone who'd love to.
@FallenAngelEyes That's why it's recommended to turn down the brightness of your monitor down a notch from the default setting. :)
People in my program who aren't on a reduced course load had the PHP course this term.
@StevenJeuris My monitor brightness is on 0 :P
@GnomeSlice reduced course load?
@alexanderpas I'm taking fewer courses per term, and more terms to complete the program.
It's not for me, two of the artists I like need one. Http://Freshepics.com/PHPDeveloperWanted.HTML
@RonanForman 404 Not Found
@RonanForman Doesn't really make a difference.
404 for me as well.
@FallenAngelEyes There you go! ;p And as for YMMV, true. But since I'm currently doing my thesis on a usability subject I prefer to remain optimistic in extracting general conclusions. :) There is always room for outliers.
I don't know why that link doesn't work.
1. Install drupal - 2. Install modules - 3. Configure modules - 4. ??? - 5. PROFIT. ;)
@GnomeSlice what are you majoring in, by chance?
Interactive Multimedia.
Is the program I'm in.
@GnomeSlice Your destiny in life has been now determined
You shall make a Super Equipment Hyper Turbo Alpha EX 3.
Oh it's unpaid, sorry guys.
@RonanForman Oh. Won't be able to find anyone for it if it's unpaid, never mind.
I didn't realise.
@badp ...What? ...Are you sure you know what Interactive Multimedia is?
@GnomeSlice A sequence of quick time events?
@badp I still want to make a game called... "Untagged"
@badp ...No.
@GnomeSlice Close enough.
@Raven Dibs on concept art!
@badp It's much, much more broad than that.
@GnomeSlice Cool, so it includes that. And that's a videogame.
He also makes slow time events.
Video, Audio, Animation, After Effects, Logo Design, Web Design, Web Coding, Databases, Flash, etc.
So there's no incompatibility with your study path.
What career choice?
@GnomeSlice Let me tell ya, Super Equipment Hyper Turbo Alpha EX 3 is going to need all of that!
I don't feel like trying to figure this one out.
> Regardless, if we discourage overly broad tags under the banner of "who the heck would even subscribe to an 'equipment' tag anyway?" it will be a lot clearer.
@badp We should hurry up and get started. We have "Weapons", "Untagged", and "Super Equipment Hyper Turbo Alpha EX 3" queued up now...
see, screw your quasi-meta-tags like achievements, weapons, etc
@Ullallulloo It's okay, @GnomeSlice is on SEHTAx3
@NickT That only works on the logic of, "the only reason tags exist is to subscribe to them".
Y'know, my current project doesn't have a name yet. But I don't think Untagged fits... yet.
@Grace Dibs on concept art!
@RonanForman I've rather got all of that taken care of already
But again, I'd need to change things if I were to use the name.
I was thinking that if it were to be made, it'd have something to do with dog tags.
A dog tag is the informal name for the identification tags worn by military personnel, named such as it bears resemblance to actual dog tags. The tag is primarily used for the identification of dead and wounded and essential basic medical information for the treatment of the latter, such as blood type and history of inoculations, along with providing religious preference. Dog tags are usually fabricated from a corrosion-resistant metal or alloy such as aluminum, monel or stainless-steel, although, during wartime, they have been made from whatever metals were available. In the US milit...
Well, if your mecha-style is up to snuff you could audition for the actual art job. ā™Ŗ
I'm actually terrible at anything that isn't expressions and people, and I'm quite bad at that.
Is Careers.stackexchange looking for full time, professional positions only, or are there internships, etc. also?
A pet ID tag, or pet tag is a small flat tag worn on pets' collars or harnesses. Humane societies and rescue organizations recommend that dogs and cats wear these tags, which contain information to enable someone encountering a stray animal to contact the owner. Some people object to pet id tags because of the jingling noise they make as their animals move. A collar-mount tag, either slide-on or riveted-on, flat to a collar's surface, is silent and therefore avoids this problem. Other people use a tag silencer to enclose the loose tags in a small neoprene pouch or a soft rubbery p...
@RavenDreamer ... ALL the things
Yeah, who even knows how to add tags to a Microsoft Office document
I only know because of happenstance
@alexanderpas That'd work too.
@Grace I think I have a book on mechas
@RonanForman What about eldritch elemental nightmares cast from the negligence of humanity due to progress?
@RonanForman I'll one up you as I have a book on mechas that has an entire chapter devoted to weaponry and a second chapter devoted to robot girls.
I can't remember what's in my book.
How eldritch are the nightmares?
Let me grab the description for Gnome, she's the easiest...
An ear tag is a plastic or metal object used for identification of domestic livestock and other animals. If the ear tag contains an RFID module, then it is called an electronic ear tag. Most electronic ear tags conform international standards ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 working at 134,2 kHz, still there are other non standard systems such as Destron working at 125 kHz. Although there are many shapes of ear tags, these can be classified in two simple types: * Flag shape ear tags Those with flat wide plastic surfaces designed to present the ID code handwritten or printed by laser, ink or...
@alexanderpas What would happen if we made two or three separate games all called untagged?
I think untagged sounds like a game about a rogue army officer.
Go go Zim Desktop Wiki!
@Ullallulloo WIN!
Okay, so maybe not too eldritch. Ah well. Here goes, @Ronan.
@Ullallulloo fail. We'd need to distinguish each game from the other, so we wouldn't get to use for any of them
One game's enough.
> A gigantic serpentine creature, though the resemblance is only remote. Its head, rather than having a lower jaw, appears to have a second upper jaw complete. Its twelve eyes are arranged rather haphazardly on each side. Its entire body is a writhing mass of wood, fungal matter, and stones that swirl in its slithering form. Hooked fangs line not just its large maw, but also run along the length of its twisting body.
@Arda Never tried Tomboy
Origin... hmm
Must I accept Origin to play TOR? Hallowed are the Ori
@Grace I don't think I want to draw that.
Besides, we already have a setting for Untagged: a cursed book that defies whatever that library categorization system it is that's widely used
and that characted Grace Note imposed
So, wonderful people. Would anyone like the new humble bundle?
The Forum post this links to is gone...dubious? starwarsmmo.net/news/…
@badp I who the what?
@Wipqozn Got it mainly for Jamestown
@RonanForman Imagine the task of animating it
Dec 8 at 15:49, by Grace Note
I'd only play that game if the protagonist was solely referred to as The Libraryman.
@NickT I didn't need origin for the beta.
@Wipqozn Debating it for a couple of things (Super Meat Boy, Cave Story+)
Ah right, the Libraryman.
@NickT All the TOR forums are down for upgrades, ATM.
ALL of them.
@Grace I DON'T WANT TO!!!
@AshleyNunn I'm asking because I bought an extra copy of it to gift.
So, if anyone wants it...
Geef to Ashley
@Wipqozn I'd happily take it, if no one else wants to claim it. :D
@AshleyNunn it's your then
Today is my day for awesome things randomly happening to me. :D
@Wipqozn you are officially an awesome human being.
@RavenDreamer Is 'geef' english or for some reason you started writing dutch?
@AshleyNunn I'm aware/
Are you on steam @AshleyNunn?
@Wipqozn I am. :)
25GB install for Old Republic. Holy moly.
@badp nice, smaller than beta size
@badp That is ginormous.
that was 30GB
@AshleyNunn what's your steam name? Looking for you in the gaming group.
@AshleyNunn shit tons of voice files
@AshleyNunn You're kidding right? TF2 is a little less than half of that and it consists of like 30 maps
@Wipqozn Gaming group? (Me not knowing what that is is probably making it hard to find me there;) )
@NickT And like a billion hats. :O
@AshleyNunn oh, hahah
We have group fo the site on steam!
You should join
@NickT I play a lot of casual games, so something above like 500 MB is huge to me. XD
@AshleyNunn That reminds me, would you still like the level pack for Eets?
WoW is 24 GB
@GnomeSlice Sure, if you don't want it. :)
and I haven't updated it in several months
@NickT but WoW wasn't 24 GB on release.
Oh lol, The Humble Brony Bundle.
(They only buy Humble Bundles apparently.)
@AshleyNunn Here you go =]
@StevenJeuris it's lazy english.
@AshleyNunn: What's your steam user? I'll add you and send you the URL in there.
@Wipqozn Its araleith. :)
@alexanderpas So you want to compare a 8 year old game to a modern game? How's that a more valid comparison
You are all made of complete and utter superfantasticness.
Q: Why can't I make changes in the nether?

MaerlynI have an SMP server. Whenever I go to the nether, I cannot mine nor place anything. The server is currently running 1.0 (bukkit build #1597), but the problem is there since 1.7.3. I already tried deleting the world_nether folder and restarting the server. I also made sure the server has write...

Q: Where are all the cats?

UllallullooYou have to use cats to switch between Catwoman and Batman in the main story, but I've seen only seen one group of cats, the ones right next to Catwoman's apartment. It's a hassle to fly back there whenever I want to switch. The game says that there are multiple groups of them, but I can't find m...

@AshleyNunn invite site
@RavenDreamer Oh well, then that just makes dutch lazy english, since 'geef' means 'give' in dutch.
@Ullallulloo Excellent - didn't know there was a group
@StevenJeuris and wat = what, yes?
@RavenDreamer yes
Then I think you're on to something.
@StevenJeuris Man, now I feel dumb for not remembering that on my Dutch 101 exam last week. headdesk
@RavenDreamer wat = flat what
@StevenJeuris another Dutchie?
@FallenAngelEyes belgian (flemish) actually
dat = that.
Watt = energy/time
Am I just blind, or have they hidden the "I forgot my password because I am a herpaderp" link on steam?
@StevenJeuris Ah cool
@AshleyNunn XD
@FallenAngelEyes It could honestly go either way. :P
@AshleyNunn It's only on the client, and I think it's always only been there.
@Ullallulloo Oh, so I am just a herpaderp, then. Cool. XD
@AshleyNunn I added you to my Steam flist if that's ok :)
@FallenAngelEyes Shiny. The more the merrier!
Merry the morier!
@alexanderpas Oh, that helps. Thanks! :)
> The Year is 1619
False, I'm going to say false.
@GnomeSlice This might be a silly question, but do I have to do anything in particular to play the level pack levels (other than unzipping the file)? Do I have to put the folder anyplace in particluar?
@AshleyNunn I have no idea, I haven't done it.
What's in the zip file?
@GnomeSlice a bunch of level files with .eets extensions
Is there an .exe?
@Ullallulloo Hey, that's a good idea!
@AshleyNunn You probably just need to put the folder somewhere where Eets can find it.
@GnomeSlice Yeah but I don't know where that would be :(
System search?
@GnomeSlice Search for what, exactly?
Try .eets
Just got a blue screen while writing a message here; I blame you guys!
Then right click one and 'open file location'.
Find them?
@GnomeSlice Just the level pack files which are apparently nowhere near the game files
You missed
@RonanForman Apparently, you can enter the Jam as a group and get an extra day to do it: ludumdare.com/compo/rules
Just try finding 'eets' then.
Jamestown, first level, first try, legendary: four stars.
@Ulla We should try that in April then.
Q: How many hours have I spent in Skyrim?

kkaploonIs there a way to see how many real world hours I spent in the game? I see people saying "I played for 50 hours" "I played for 200 hours", Is there a way to find that our or is that just an estimate?

Q: How do I play the Eets level pack?

Ashley NunnI got Eets on Steam, but I got a non-Steam download of a level pack for the game. I unzipped the folder just to my downloads folder, but the levels won't play. I assume there is some spot that I need to put the folder - problem is, I have no clue where that might be. Anyone know what I need to...

If anyone feels like starting some controversy, create a tag on Gaming and ask questions like "How to beat Jon Skeet?".
@GnomeSlice That gives me the game shortcut (but right clicking that and going to "open file location" just opens up a folder marked "Desktop" (I think because it is a steam shortcut?)
Dunno then.
@StevenJeuris closed, belongs on meta.
Maybe it doesn't work with Steam. :S
@GnomeSlice No worries. I will keep poking at things and see if I can make magic happen.
@alexanderpas Sure it does. But it's about the gamification message it gets across. ;p
@GnomeSlice If not, that's okay. I can still play the regular game and have a crapload of awesome fun with it.
@AshleyNunn check your steamapps\common folder for an eets folder, perhaps it goes in there. probably something like C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\eets\ or something similar
I'd dig around inside the folder for a 'levels' folder and see if it doesn't just have a bunch of files in there you can add to
kinda dumb that they didn't give any instructions though :(
there's not even a link to any instructions from the website, just a zip file with a bunch of binary blobs in it
@RonanForman power = energy/time, 1 watt (LOWERCASE W) = 1 joule/1 second
Skeet shooting is one of the three major types of competitive shotgun target shooting sports (the others are trap shooting and sporting clays). There are several types of skeet, including one with Olympic status (often called Olympic skeet or international skeet), and many with only national recognition. General principles Skeet is a recreational and competitive activity where participants attempt to break clay disks flung into the air at high speed from a variety of angles. For the American version of the game, the clay discs are 4 5/16 inches (109.54mm) in diameter, 1 1/8 i...
Aren't joules measures of energy?
@agent86 Oh hey, that worked. :D (you should go put that as an answer to my question about this: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/41527/…)
@RonanForman yes; you were being nonspecific about energy and time though
@RonanForman You were using quantities and units interchangeably. You can't do that.
crashes through the word through... spelled right!
hello there Gaming
Well done, you managed something most 8 year olds have mastered!
@Fredy31 waves hello!
Alright, time to go make spaghetti for dinner. See you all later!
@Fredy31 I suppose this explains how you broke our last door. Those are expensive, you know.
@Fredy31 have any reputable links to that effect? All the ones I've found are months old and just random news sites...not the best sources
I shal make a new one.
@Fredy31 catches the word trough, falls over, faceplants
Was waiting for that, @alexanderpas
I hate the emergency forcefields. They aren't fully closed, so all the heat is disappearing. :(
jamestown, second level, first try, legendary: 5 stars (completed, all lives used)
My SWTOR start early email hasn't came in yet. sobs in corner
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Well that failed.
Q: Is Origin required to play the digital download version of TOR?

Nick TOther than Origin being required to download and install the game content in the first place, is it required to play the digital download version of Star Wars: The Old Republic? Could I literally uninstall it later? Is it like EVE Online and Steam, where (if installed through Steam) the client ...

Q: Can the bard play music or musical instruments?

Chris SI've completed the quest chain at the Bards College in Skyrim, but can't figure out what to do next. Is there a next? Do I get to play any kind of music in game? Basically, what's the purpose of the bard?

@RonanForman try clicking the "fixed font" button
Not on the mobile site.
@GraceNote any inside info about when Biology will start Private Beta?
@NickT Tomorrow
Commit now or it'll be too late!
psh, I'm in top 10
I keep thinking of questions but not writing them down
only have like 3 or 4
somehow I have a depressing feeling that regardless of my efforts it will turn into a pop-sci place, not really research oriented
Q: Can I turn the difficulty up higher than Master?

KillithMy first character is a level 60 high elf with 100 destruction, conjuration, heavy armor, smithing and enchanting. A room full of the 'most elite' type of whatever threat is around just doesn't phase him anymore. He's getting bored with his high elf existence, and asks your help to make his wor...

cancel getting replaced :D lol

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