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Hah, no kidding. It would have also been awesome though
> Basically, instead of generating x86 or ARM code, this version will transform native code into bitcode using a compiler based on the open source LLVM (low-level virtual machine) project.
So, how is what PNaCl is going to do any different than what Java or .NET already does again?
(PNaCl = Portable Native Client, Google's future version of Native Client)
I read that as "will transform native code into bitcoins"
Also, why is Google releasing NaCl and at the same time saying "we're going to change it soon to do things differently" (currently PNaCl doesn't exist)?
Can someone tell me why this question hasn't been closed as a dupe yet?
I don't know votes
It's not like @RavenDreamer is going to miss 125 rep out of 40,000...
If it's only closed then he still keeps the rep, he just doesn't get any more
@RonanForman Well if he merged it like Ben suggested, then he would lose it, wouldn't he?
No, because his answer would carry over that's the point of merging.
@RonanForman Hmm, ok I wasn't sure about that.
So let's fast forward 6 weeks and we have a promotional grant for Skyrim. Doesn't it kind of defeat the point if the free copies are given to people that would've bought the game anyway?
@bwarner Yeah kinda. But if you wouldn't have...
Ideally, we hit that sweet spot between "I'm interested enough to play it and participate" but not "I'd be all over this game regardless"
That's been the cool thing about the previous promotional grants, I've recieved games that I was interested in, but not enough to buy them when they came out.
@bwarner Personally? I can count the number of games I've bought on release in the last 5 years on two hands.
@bwarner Right, and that's why, if Skyward Sword is chosen (how many games are we doing again?), I'll sign up for it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Same here. But right now those 8 or so games are the ones that are going to win the voting and thus be the ones we do grants for.
@bwarner 5 years is a long time. That's a lot fewer than 8 or so games on my 'release day buy list'
Getting a game you wanted anyway for free is a nice reward for being an active contributor. Getting a game you weren't planning on buying is a nice way to encourage contribution. I guess the goal is a mix of both.
At least I like to think so.
@Brant The goal is also to reap traffic from the contributions of active and new contributors. That's why it's internal, in fact - active contributors mean more content means more traffic.
Speaking of Zelda games, when I got bored at Melissa's party on Saturday (they started talking about Heavy Metal) I resumed my game of Majora's Mask.
I still have never finished that game.
On the bright side, I got the ice arrows now
But I didn't have the time to complete the rest of dungeon 3.
(time at the party that is, not time in game)
I just feel like if I'm going to buy Diablo 3 anyways, I should leave the grant for other people (or other games). And I think it would be good if other high rep users did the same.
Which kinda sucks, because now I have to go get all the fairy parts again.
I'm also an idiot, because I could have left the dungeon and hit the owl just outside for a temp save point.
Note to self: Finish reading chat transcript before blindly responding to something in the past.
It's more fun if you don't.
@Brant But then I would've had to repeat myself. :P
@Brant But then I would've had to repeat @John. :P
@GnomeSlice We already have one.
We need a room for recursion, so we have room for recursion.
I knew not having VS2k10 here at work was going to bite me eventually.
@Grace Do we have any statistics yet for how we're doing with Tropico 4 content? I saw someone a while back had posted stats from some of the other grants
Of course, it doesn't help that the laptop with my project so far is at home, too...
@bwarner I haven't looked
@bwarner When was Tropico 4 released?
@RavenDreamer Did you know? The word "recursion" contains the word "recursion" in it.
@GraceNote :O
I much prefer the fact that you can't spell "slaughter" without "laughter".
@RavenDreamer I want to say about two weeks ago.
@John Yah, I was more interested in what kind of Google click-thrus we're getting from those questions
Although I seem to recall it was released on a non-Tuesday in North America (which is rare)
@bwarner That would be a bit more interesting. Who has access to that kind of stuff?
@Powerlord I think it released on Aug 30th, but wasn't available on steam until September 1st for some reason
August 30th, quoth wikipedia
@John Mods and employees. I think badp was the one quoting the other stats I was seeing (which showed we did quite well with Deus Ex)
I'm not sure how to read the analytics more precisely.
From what I can tell, There haven't been any outliers for all of september. (which is to say, we've always been close to the average)
Most of the results look like they're still Deus Ex centric.
@RavenDreamer Makes sense, none of the Tropico questions so far have gone over 200 views.
Everyone wants to save Malik, apparently.
There are some bumps in the recent stats: quantcast.com/gaming.stackexchange.com, assigning them to a specific game is more difficult and even mods don't have the proper tools for that.
I was unsatisfied with the ending(s) for DE:HR by the way.
Not much closure.
Honestly, though, I think most games following on the heels of Deus Ex were doomed to being overshadowed a bit.
The first promotion still shows the biggest spike in views, the later ones were probably fewer people getting the games.
@RavenDreamer I still want to know if Jensen's dialogue changes if you just kill everyone you come across. I suspect not, which would be amusing.
I just want Jensen and Malik to fly off into the sunset, and start a new life on an island paradise somewhere.
All of the other characters are kind of douchebags.
@Fabian Which is crazy since I basically rolled a die on that one.
Consider him yammering on about keeping the well-being of others in mind while watching this video again.
@GraceNote It was the perfect game for it, very good critical reception and probably good sales, but with poorly explained mechanics and a useless tutorial. It also was very hard in the beginning, so lots of places to get stuck
@Fabian Yeah, I'm kinda glad we ended up with that choice.
@RavenDreamer Of course not, they leave it open for DLC.
@TimStone Found this as a link from that one: click
Hahah, yeah. :D
> One of the key features of the web is that it's safe to click on any link.
That's weird. I managed to get pacifist even though I know I killed someone by PEPSing an explosive barrel.
A Google engineer said that. No, seriously.
Oh, sweet. Earned the Epic badge this morning.
Now I'm going to try to get Foxiest of Hounds
Which negates pacifist
@LessPop_MoreFizz An abacus is actually really easy to use. You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out, you put your left hand in, and you shake it all about.
No wait, that was the Hokey Pokey.
@ArdaXi It does?
@ArdaXi No it doesnt.
@ArdaXi They were blown into a million pieces, just peacefully. Happens all the time.
@ArdaXi I earned both on the same run.
@mordi2k Well, not necessarily.
@ArdaXi Does it involve snakes?
But it's easier to do if you're not trying for pacifist.
Because you can turn turrets and robots on the enemy.
Oh. Psh.
Turret / Robot hacking is laaaaaaame.
this is what i say to pacifism.
Just stun gun them
Not really, evade/avoid everything was my path. And it worked easy.
(Incidentally, a pacifist run in F:NV, while not rewarded by any achievements, is surprisingly fun/rewarding.)
Did it in a ~5 hours run.
@RavenDreamer No, it's awesome.
I'm a hoarder, especially for something as rare as non-lethal ammo.
Also, there is no reason to ever use a lethal takedown.
Non lethal takedowns are quieter, and reward more XP.
@RavenDreamer Depends.
If there's lots of guys around and you have no bars, a non-lethal takedown means they can be woken up.
@RavenDreamer Except to look awesome as you skewer someone.
With a lethal takedown, dead is dead.
@TimStone I much prefer the one where Adam does that weird bendy thing with his hand, and snaps their neck.
Refresh my memory - is this the game where someone was asking if it was possible to snap someone's neck only a little?
@ArdaXi So hide the body. If you're in combat, they're not going to stop shooting at you to wake their friends.
@GraceNote Yes.
@GraceNote Yeah.
Just wanted to confirm.
Q: How can I not snap people's necks (or only snap it a little bit)?

Ian PugsleySo the wall-punching augmentation (in the Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis augmentation tree) allows you to punch through weak walls, but will automatically have you snap the neck of anyone standing on the other side of them. Am I correct in assuming this will ruin a pacifist playthrough? Is there any...

lol @ pacifism tag.
Wait. I've snapped someone's neck like that and I got pacifist.
Damnit. The sun is creeping up on me.
@ArdaXi I am still sad that my comment on that question isn't getting the love it deserves.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I upvoted it but I'm not exactly a trendsetter here
Is there some XML file or something you can check to see if your save game is still eligible for pacifist?
So that means the accepted answer is wrong.
> The copyright on sound recordings by the Beatles, Rolling Stones and other famous bands was due to expire in the next few years. However, the EU Council has now scuttled any such hopes. The copyright term has been extended from 50 to 70 years with aging rockers expressing their delight.
Yeah. Copyright and patent reform.
Let's get on that.
And trademark
(Is that different from copyright?)
I'm not so sure TradeMark needs much reform.
@RavenDreamer Trademark is different, and is just fine.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I will defer to your expertise, then.
Trademarks are intended to last as long as the person/company who uses it. And they lose it as soon as they fail to enforce it in courts (at least in the US)
Also, the problems with Patents have very little to do with how long they last. (Outside of pharma patents, but those are exceptionally weird.)
Yeah, Patent problem is involved with granting them.
And thus enforcing them
The sun has taken over this place. Need to leave. bbs
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, no, patent length tends to be a problem in tech related fields.
@Powerlord Not in the way that Copyright is. In general, most issues with Patents have little to do with someone wanting to make use of a very old one, and more to do with a not terribly new one being similar due to vagaries in description.
Honestly, 20 years is pretty reasonable I'd argue. (Outside of Pharma, but the issues with duration in Pharma patents have more to do with human rights issues and third world health crises than they do with the sort of stuff going on in the tech field.)
The big issues with patents are that they are susceptible to patent trolling, owing to their transferability, and the absolutely terrible standards of specificity that the USPTO has long upheld.
Also, the idea of Software Patents in general is often suspect, and the current 'arms race' environment in patent holding is absolutely a problem. But honestly most of the issues with Patents are solvable administratively by the USPTO - a lot of it boils down to if the government funded them to have a number of inspectors in line with the number of applications, fewer terrible ones would get through.
But none of that has anything to do with duration.
Patenting "Buisness Methods" is sort of asinine also.
It does mean that we risk not seeing ubiquitous, decent multitouch surface support until 2027 or somesuch
@RavenDreamer Yeah, that's right there with software patents.
...unless on stuff branded Apple that is.
Q: Most Screen Size used to play facebook games?

DewsephI asked this question on stackoverflow and was to ask it here instead: background: I am developing a facebook game. this game is written in php/Jquery/CSS. Up until recently, facebook games have been display in an iframe that was 720px wide. But recently, they gave the option to have a fluid lay...

@badp For the promotion of science, progress, and the useful arts.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I know the alternative is Apple not giving out its process at all, keeping it secret
The issue with Copyrights, by contrast is that, over the past 9 decades, they have basically become de facto perpetual, since anytime the copyright on Mickey Mouse is about to expire, most governing bodies have extended the term of all existing copyrights, as well as all future copyrights by several decades.
Actually haven't the very first Mickey Mouse works fallen out of copyright by now?
Man, my C teacher is a true bro.
@badp Nope.
@badp Nah, anyone with enough patents for mutually assured destruction can just go ahead and violate the Apple patents, get sued, swap patent licenses, and settle
@badp Nope, not for a while.
@badp Every time they were about to expire there's been an extension.
When's next time?
This is why the extensions have been nicknamed the "Mickey Mouse Preservation Act"
Interestingly enough, it's debatable whether or not the copyright on it is valid to begin with
@LessPop_MoreFizz The mouse has got to go. Where's Lennie?
Here's a breath of fresh air to get people's minds on less bothersome topics.
The Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA) of 1998 extended copyright terms in the United States by 20 years. Since the Copyright Act of 1976, copyright would last for the life of the author plus 50 years, or 75 years for a work of corporate authorship. The Act extended these terms to life of the author plus 70 years and for works of corporate authorship to 120 years after creation or 95 years after publication, whichever endpoint is earlier. Copyright protection for works published prior to January 1, 1978, was increased by 20 years to a total of 95 years from their publication date. Th...
@badp I believe 2022 for Mickey.
Yip Yips!
Lets see... 1928 and a 96-year term...
There have been a few papers saying that they don't(one grad student even dedicated his research on the subject). But any time that stuff comes up Disney sues for defamation.
@badp It's owned by a corporation, and corporations get a flat 96 years, iirc
Which the wikipedia article conveniently forgets to mention.
This is a list of different countries and the length of their standard copyright in years. See copyright term. Although they are not countries, the list also includes entries for the European Union, Berne Convention, and the Universal Copyright Convention, which set minimum terms for their member nations or signatories. The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), though not included, requires a copyright length of at least 50 years after death. Legend * ibid. = ibidem, "in the same place" * 0, no copyright = not copyrighted * Life + xx years = copyrigh...
says 95 years from publication for works published 1964–1977; 28 (if copyright not renewed) or 95 years from publication for works published 1923–1963 (Copyrights prior to 1923 have expired.)[308]
Oh right, 95.
and the expiry happens on year's end
So.... Steamboat Willie was released in 1928. 95 years later is 2023.
@badp So 2023, my bad. For some reason was thinking Mickey Mouse was '27 and not '28
Ninety-fucking-five years, that's retarded long
@badp Yeah, it's been extended for a decade or two basically every time Mickey was within 5 years or so of renewal.
It's funny when you consider copyright also applies to software
@badp Indeed it does! (as it should!)
The thing about US Copyright is every time they extend it, another lawsuit is going to be brought to the Supreme Court trying to get it declared unconstitutional.
so Linux's copyright and GPL licensing would begin expiring in... 2096?
(Eldred v. Ashcroft was the last one)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Software iterates a lot faster, though.
What the fuck use do we have for Linux 1.0 in 2096?
@Powerlord I think you mean Eldred.
@badp The problem is that copyright terms are too long, not that software shouldn't be covered under copyright.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, whoops. Lawrence Lessig was the lawyer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, no, software being covered by copyright allows free software to exist, so I don't think that's an evil
The US Constitution includes the phrase "limited times" when referring to protecting intellectual discoveries.
@Powerlord Yeah, the argument in Eldred was that the current extensions make those limited times de facto unlimited. The court was... not impressed by that logic.
We will see... about that.</gman>
> To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought his argument was that repeated extensions made those limited times de facto unlimited.
It is however true that anybody may set the expiry for his copyrights to any length of time than the law grants
simply by releasing it into public domain
Q: Cannot use Keyboard/Mouse?

Steven LuI can use the scroll wheel to select menu options, and I can click to fire, but it seems only my xbox 360 gamepad will allow me to aim or move. Which is terrible because I can't aim with my left thumb so I die, and that's not quite so bad but the loading times for this game are murder. Pressing...

yeah, it's opt-in in a world where copyright is opt-out, but definitely possible
@Powerlord Yes. That's what I meant by the current string of extensions.
@Mana Why?
The point though, is that all of this nonsense about perpetual terms is really specific to copyrights, and the issues with Patents in the tech world today have little to do with them, except insofar as IP is still IP and it attracts the same sort of law nerds finding problems with the system.
In the US: Patents started with a 7 year term that could be extended for a second 7 year term. Copyrights started with a 7 year term that could be extended for a second 7 year term.
That was in the late 1700s.
@Powerlord Yeah, and I don't think having made them longer over the centuries is inherently unreasonable.
Now we have 20 year patents and lifetime + 70 years OR 96 year copyrights.
Longer lifespans, both of the biological sort, and of the 'useful duration of a work' sort should beget longer IP protections.
but 96 years is excessive.
I don't know that 20 is. It MAY be in the software realm, but looking at a lot of physical technologies - even at 20 years it can be tough to see an ROI from some expensive to develop patents. But it's hard to argue that we don't benefit from them being developed. Which is what they're for.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Clearly something is wrong when one gains 6 years to its total and the other gains (minimum, if the author died the day they finished their work) 56 years.
@Powerlord Yes. this is what I'm saying. Copyright bad. Patent fine.
Q: How do I earn the Pacifist Achievement?

Raven DreamerThere have been some extended discussions on what will or will not break your eligibility for the Pacifist achievement, but nothing conclusive as to what actually is taken into account. What actions (either directly or indirectly) result in an ineligibility to earn the pacifist achievement? Add...

I played sniper for 8 minutes
I think it's time to stop playing Deus Ex: HR now, "49 of 49 (100%) Achievements Earned"
@badp See, this is why you should use the Lucksman. I mean, Huntsman.
My standard Sniper loadout is Huntsman + Jarate + Bushwacka. :D
(plus Larrikan Robin and brown-painted Villain's Veil to match the shade)
OK, this is the first time I've seen a video on Youtube not available in the US:
Particularly odd since this is the first music video MTV ever played.
I should note that's the official version of the video on Youtube. I can find other peoples' uploads of it just fine.
@Powerlord The uploader has not made this available in your country. Sorry.
4 mins ago, by Powerlord
OK, this is the first time I've seen a video on Youtube not available in the US:
@Powerlord Wipqozn isn't US-ic.
@ArdaXi Maybe I should have said North America. :P
Indeed. I'm from Canada. We're bigger, and on top. If this was Prison, the United States would be our bitch.
If this was Prison, we would be "just visiting."
@Powerlord No, USA. Things are not available in Canada all the time. Annoying as hell.
@Wipqozn Yeah, but you also have Celine Dion.
@Powerlord yeah, sorry about that :/
inserts link to Canadian Idiot
throws American Idiot in too for good measure
You're all idiots! :D
@ArdaXi I would lol if Weird Al blocked that video to Canadians.
@Powerlord There's no music video to it.
Oh, about the European copyright extension, this made me lol:
> Hmm. Do you think it's a conspiracy to keep Yoko from needing the money and start singing again? Are we safe with 70 years? Japanese women live for ages.
(about John Lennon's music)
never even bring their guns to the mall
well shit
They are coming out with another 3D worms game. I thought they gave up on making those.
I think there's promise, if they implement it sensibly.
Previous 3d worms games were tedious at best.
Hmm, what's FirstLook about?
Ooooh, you know what I want? A 3-d worms game done in voxels.
FirstLook seems to be some kind of Dutch gaming convention.
That reminds me, when is the Tokyo Game Show?
That's a good question.
the 16th-19th
@Wipqozn That's when the 2010 show was.
Oh, the wikipedia article just had terrible wording.
> Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association held the most recent show in 2010 over a four day period from September 16 to September 19 in 2010
I misread it, my mistake
but that is a terrible sentence. Why would they mention 2010 twice?
> Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association held the most recent show from September 16 to September 19 of 2010.
would be a much better wording
Although moving 2010 before the September dates would probably be even better
@Powerlord September 15(Thu) through 18(Sun), 2011 10:00-17:00
Q: Any other action-rpgs with a sidescrolling battling system?

jumpnettI've been playing Summon Night: Sworcraft Story, and I love the Side Scrolling battles. Does anyone know of any other Action-RPGs with a side scrolling battling system similar to this one (other that the sequel of course).

Q: How can the Steam first time setup be run without starting the game directly afterwards?

Tobias KienzlerSince the incredibly fascinating (re-)installation of some DirectX and VC-Redistributable files takes a bit longer than I'm willing to stare at my screen, I'd like to be able to do something else, e.g. watch youtube. But of course when the first time setup is done, the new game starts, usually di...

@jumpnett The Tales series
@Powerlord I used the lucksman.
I guess luck only gets you so far
I'll need to make a point to listen to the shared songs they've posted, and buy the album depending on the quality of said songs.
@badp Well, it is harder to get headshots with it, but your bodyshots charge much quicker.
Blearg. Google's refusal to search "words" with punctuation characters irritates me.
@sjohnston Have you tried putting them in quotes.
@Powerlord of course
google still happily ignores them
@ArdaXi just seen that myself
Because, honestly, what use could I possibly have for searching "$F"? Obviously I meant Ford.
@Wipqozn Seen what?
Perhaps another Toki Tori game is in the works?
@ArdaXi well, if you look at what I replied to you would know
@Wipqozn Exactly. What.
@ArdaXi oh, now I get it. Clever Girl.
steps towards @Wipqozn Do not be alarmed. This is a kindness.
I hope that's not the case. I hate how more and more games are just throwing in random zombie mods.
Yeah. I hated it when they did that with Left 4 Dead.
@ArdaXi I'd rather not be killed by kindness, thank you very much.
@ArdaXi I lol'd
@Wipqozn I dunno, it seems like a nice way to die.
The end of that was so sinister.
Did you see that look on the Doc's face at the end?
Honestly, I can't recall it right now :/
As fast as my download speed is, my upload speed still sucks.
Q: Dealing with a strong laning combo early game?

RCIXIn MOBAs (LoL, HoN, Dota, etc.) occasionally you'll get paired vs. a strong laning combo with heavy harassment potential in a dual lane (such that coming near the creeps to lasthit/fight/counterharass will only get your char's head bit off). In cases where you both can and cannot trust your lanin...

Oh my. I rather like that. Damn.
He is certainly going for a darker Doctor for this series.
Yeah. I like him better that way to be honest.
In the 5th series he was way too jolly and optimistic.
I like him in the fifth myself, but I will agree he was super jolly.
The fifth doctor in general is a little more violent though.
Rory had a point with the me turning into you thing by the way.
Actually, it's not even that. He seems to more strongly believe the end justifies the means.
@ArdaXi Rory has gone through a lot of development since his introduction.
He was originally the clumsy fool, but he has become a very strong individual capable of dealing with challenges himself.
The similarity is striking.
@Raven and @Mana and @badp, any of you here right now?
I'm around but ubering
I need a liaison for an extended period of time. ♪
I figured 2 points in 50 minutes was a bit of a give-away.
@ArdaXi uh, I had 70 points
You showed up with a score of 2 on my end.
@GraceNote um, liason for what, for how much time?
@badp With GameDev, for an undiscerned amount of time.
Curious choice.
You mean "deal with migrations to and from gamedev?"
@badp Oh look, you use the same HUD I do.
I wish it didn't fuck up with the menu though
@badp Nope! Something cooler and more fun. ♪
@ArdaXi Health numbers help a lot
@GraceNote Well, since you don't want to spill the beans, est. amount of effort reqd? Considering I'm not active on gamedev
@badp I don't think it'll be a lot of work, mostly organizational stuff.
I have a few more exams this month, and then the next, and then in December, and then in Jan, and then in Feb... ... ...and then in June.
...yeah I'll try to hit up Raven or Mana then..
Sucks :/
If they aren't available I'll make room
You can still reap the benefits but you just won't be the organizational liaison.
@Powerlord Yoko released a new album last year. So if that's a conspiracy, it failed.
what? the sequel to Dungeons is already up for preorder?
@GraceNote Is this about the new Beta Exchange nonsense?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have a lot of responses including "What are you talking about?". "I've never heard of that", "Try English", and perhaps most pertinently, "No."
@GraceNote :(
However, you as a normal user may also be able to reap in the benefits all the same. ♪
@GraceNote Yay!
(I was referring to this)
Oh, that now makes sense
Well I signed up anyway.
Q: Which missions can I earn the Ghost and/or Smooth Operator bonus on?

mordi2kSo basically, I'm trying to maximize the XP earning, and I know there are some missions that at least one of these bonuses are not available. So on which missions can I actually earn these bonuses? Or to put it in another way, how many times is it possible to earn one, or both of these bonuses?

"SCPD Roadblock units in association with FORD"
Dear Corsair: Standard position for USB ports is to have the top of the USB port up, away, or left... not right.

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