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Q: Is there a way to get the ammo from a gun without picking it up?

yx_Ammo is hard to find and having to pick up a gun to get the ammo and then having to drop it again is very annoying. Is there a way I can get the ammo but leave the gun on the ground?

@BlaXpirit One of the bots.
@ArdaXi Yes, I see the negative number. But why Wheatley?
Don't know, I'm guessing badp did it.
In which case, @badp, it's "They told me that about everything."
apparently oceans are pretty intense now
so in my latest hard drive liveblog
it acknowledged the existence of the drive while it was outside of the case
so I screwed it all back in, and it's decided not to allow it.
A: Can we starve to death?

Reek@both of ya, can you worry more about the qeeshton than the Fracking Spelting?

Some people are really wtf
Our site just got compared to 1984's Orwellian oppression!
A: How to press a key repeatedly without really typing it in Lord Of Ultima -javascript game?

FallenAngelEyesI am fairly sure that we can't answer this because you're basically asking for an automated macro program for the LoU script you're using. The Rules of Conduct state: You may not modify any part of the Lord of Ultima service, Lord of Ultima code, or Lord of Ultima web site that Electronic ...

Check out the comments left on my answer and the question itself by the OP
"Freedom of speech" has nothing to do with this, cripes
Yeah, I just gave up trying to explain, I've did that before.
Settled for an actual Orwellian reference
Thankfully, Community warned me about this user! Just in time for me to fail miserably at preventing him from failing again.
Yeah, I'm just not even going to respond to any of that
@ArdaXi Yeah, I enjoyed that.
Arda is so cool.
@Mana Agreed.
He's almost as cool as wipqozn
@Mana wat
afks some more
@Mana I was not the one who starred that.
Now I am.
hovers over cancel stars
hovers over kill button
@ArdaXi I know. I have a trust thing where I assume people don't star things saying positive stuff about themselves
same with upvoting comments
51 secs ago, by Arda Xi
Now I am.
I'm sorry.
@ArdaXi See though, there you announced it.
btw my laptop is now installing an operating system
Anyway, I think we have our site's tag-line, courtesy of hhh.
@ThomasMcDonald As opposed to Mac OS X?
no, it's installing OS X.
albeit very slowly
@ThomasMcDonald So at what point are you introducing an OS?
I kid, I kid.
@Arda It's in the name, jeez.
Anyway, it's been on 0% for 30 minutes.
With 36 minutes remaining the entire time.
@ThomasMcDonald iOS also has OS in the name.
and it is also an OS


I just finished watching one your videos, just wanted to take a minute to let you know I thought it was great!

As good as your vids are I was a bit perplexed that more people weren't watching them.
Honestly, you have some of the best videos on YouTube. Can't believe more people haven't found them.

Do you realize that your videos are some of the better ones that YouTube has to offer? Thank you so much for making them!

I have to say that your videos are really some of the best I've seen on YouTube. So many of the videos on there are such crap, and so many people w
I give up.
@Mana Psst, it's not really a compliment.
I mean, the first few lines should've given that away.
To: secretofmuffin I just finished watching one your videos, just wanted to take a minute to let you know I thought it was great !
Pretty much gives it away.
@Mana Really? I do that all the time.
@mana are you going to close that guys question ?

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
He's asking for something against a games TOU, shouldn't that be closed?
I thought that was our policy .
@ThomasMcDonald lol indeed.
Q: How to press a key repeatedly without really typing it in Lord Of Ultima -javascript game?

hhhA Lord Of Ultima -game requires me to press a key Q repeatedly every minute, I am using the LoU script in Firefox that gets me some new commands, here. Xev gives me the keycode 53. The problem may be solved with a number of ways such as: doing some key press hack with window manager such as Gno...

I need to line up the argument in my mind before I close it so I can leave a dramatic comment that will close off the thread effectively.
Just quote the last line of 1984
I don't have my copy here, what's the last line?
I thought it ended with that chestnut tree rhyme.
also brb
my apologies. I mistook the last line for one of the last.
I was thinking of the last line of the second-to-last paragraph
The long-hoped-for bullet was entering his brain.
Can I tend the rabbits George?
@ThomasMcDonald well that was rude, now I'm going to feel slightly bummed.
Such a sad novel.
@Wipqozn really?
well, novelette technically
I thought it was pretty boring
@ThomasMcDonald Really now?
I adore the book.
Although we had to study it for school, which sorta ruins any book
That's why I had to read it, but I still enjoyed it. I understand your reasoning though.
Being forced to read something can make it feel like an undesirable chore.
You have to find more meaning than the original author
I really should read through 1984 again.
I think I ended up with more notes than the book has pages
IT's been a couple years. It's one of, if not my, favorite novel. (1984 that is)
I tend to prefer scifi as well
@badp Problem?
If I don't add any friends I'll get more bounty
I thought the Void trilogy was excellent.
If I do the game might be marginally more fun
I need to finish rereading the foundation series again
I guess the question is, does @TimStone suck enough?
Actually, I may have finished it
Which game is this @badp?
twas a long time (month or so) ago
@Wipqozn NFS:Hot Pursuit
> His expression says "Do you still think I'm pretty?"
I just noticed it took this guy 4 months to respond to his question.
@badp I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but counting on me sucking is always a losing proposition.
@TimStone Then I'm not adding you as friend on Hot Pursuit. Fine. :P
(Well done, EA)
Hah :P
@Wipqozn He'd like you to think that.
He deleted all of his older comments.
It is rather ironic that he speaks of an Orwellian regime, and then decides to delete all his traces.
@ArdaXi I lol'd
That's fairly amusing
one of his questions was
> Vehicle Simulation with precise dutch simulation and shifting
or at least, that's what my mind read. He obviously wrote 'clutch'
Those crazy Dutch
Dutch simulation.
Let me tell you, all Dutch people are crazy
@Wipqozn As a Dutch person I can confirm this.
@ArdaXi You were going to be my example too, so all the better!
Not @FallenAngelEyes?
> Your Dutch tasks for today: Travel 95% of your total distance on bike. Spend less than €1.50 cash in the entire day. Kidnap 5 children.
@badp I spent double that on lunch today.
And you didn't use your PIN card?
@ArdaXi She's Dutch? I knew she lived in the Netherlands, but was unaware she was also of Dutch heritage.
@Wipqozn Dutch is relative.
@badp Well, no, it's broken.
True enough.
Otherwise I would've.
@ArdaXi I see
That must be annoying
How will you top up your OV-Chipkaart now?
Err, automatische incasso?
Oh wait, automatic refills.
oh shit
Just like it always did?
I think my pizza just exploded
I don't have a P-card, so.
@badp I do.
@ThomasMcDonald I don't know how to respond to that other then to star it
It was cheaper.
@ArdaXi blah blah blah dutch bank account blah blah blah
Yep, it did explode
@badp blah blah blah really? blah blah blah
That's impressive.
@badp ah gosh darn ya! I had to go for the slightly better quality picture.
protip: if you happen to be microwaving a slice of chicken tikka pizza and it seems like it would be a good idea to put it on for 1 minute, it isn't. it will explode.
@Wipqozn colourized that in a few seconds.
@Wipqozn Err... Luckily I know the seed. I just lost my world. ^^
chicken tikka what?
Servers you for eating heretic pizza
it's delicious
Did some damage for fun, first restore worked, wanted to try some TNT. Second restore seems to have failed...
Next time go ham and mushrooms like any other upstraight self-respecting pizza eater
@badp Victory.
if you really must be fancy
So tried to go back to an archive and rdiff from there.
my new found favourite after spicy beef
@TomWijsman well that is annoying
Didn't work.
Wanted to try again, create another server folder and work from there.
But when removing one of both, in my fast typing I did rm -rf * on all the folders.
I've always preferred pizza with chicken, mushrooms, hot peppers, and various other peppers (green, orange, yellow, red) myself
@badp I like Ristorante Pollo.
It sounds Italian even!
@Wipqozn Well, I'm going to build a more optimized version of it now, I also need a Minecart to initiate the circuit on server reboot and there was no place for that now...
Oh, right. @badp is Italian. Clearly he could teach us all a thing or two about making pizza.
or pasta
Making? Nope. Choosing? Yes!
As for pasta, I've noticed globalization has mostly done its job there
And well, lessons learned; I need to hit the archive button after big work and copy over the most important archives to Windows.
There's not much to get wrong either
@badp I thought Italians had a racial bonus to making pizza?
1. boil water 2. add salt 3. put pasta in 4. wait 5. taste 6. serve
I typically wait 1-2 minutes shorter than the label time, as I like my pasta consistent.
Also, pasta is the bees knees. One of my favorite kinds of food.
@badp Well, just pasta is a little bland.
I have just pasta, usually 2 or 3 platefuls of it.
@ThomasMcDonald That's pretty bad ass. I bet you eat crunchy peanut butter right off a knife too.
although I don't usually bother with salt.
salt is bad for you.
@ArdaXi Eh. I am yet to try De Cecco's tomato sauce, but Berni's bottled pesto is adequate and as a single young person I don't really want to spend a lot of time in cooking
@ThomasMcDonald I only do that with tortellini.
@badp Fair enough.
That said, if I could find some canned tuna in Amsterdam, I could add oil and some breadcrumbs and be happy
Ooh, we just breached 1 900 000 messages globally.
@badp Err, any supermarket will have it.
Something like John West
Apparently shops like Albert Ein (-typo) are too busy packing up on sweet stuff to have other stuff :P
@badp Albert Heijn definitely has canned tuna.
The only way I can remember that name is Albert Einstein without the stone. Sorry
@badp Consistent or firmer
@NickT Al dente.
@badp Heijn. It's not that hard.
Hei-jin? :P
I figure 'Ein' gets me closer to the correct pronounciation
What big brands of pasta are there in europe anyway
In Italy perhaps the hugest brand is Barilla
@badp Hein then.
The h is not silent.
it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categoria:Aziende_alimentari_italiane is a good list of really Italian brands
(Seriously, sometimes I don't know why we would want to do List of X questions when there's such a thing as Wikipedia)
... it's in italian...
@ThomasMcDonald So? The bulleted list is just a list of brands
It's not really hard :P
@ThomasMcDonald The nerve of badp to speak languages other then English!
... in italian.
@ThomasMcDonald > it.wikipedia.org/wiki/… is a good list of really Italian brands
hint, if the brand name is not Italian perhaps you're not buying from an Italian company :P
@badp So what about Ristorante then?
doesn't mean they shouldn't make the attempt to speak English
@ArdaXi Cameo's Pizza Ristorante?
It's a... German brand, but it has an Italian name.
It's legit I think
@badp Dr. Oetker's Ristorante.
@ArdaXi Yeah, never heard of it.
Also, not on the list
I was going against your point.
Well, the name not being Italian is a huge giveaway obviously
given that according to @ThomasMcDonald there's such a thing as languages in brand names
(what language is "Saiwa"? "Loacker"? ...wait, Zuegg is Italian? The more you know)
well, I can tell you that it's definitely not English.
Now, that "Grande Italia" brand I think I recall seeing in Dutch? Never heard of it
Where in Dutch are you?
fucking chat, how does it work?
@ThomasMcDonald Less than A1
(press up arrow)
Yeah, I accidentally hit back and then forward
message that I was editing was autosaved, so I edited and hit enter
and it created new message
@badp Yeah, pretty big pasta brand.
@badp Err? Anywhere close to A1?
Jun 2 at 15:33, by Matthew Read
dutch is the place, holland is the race, the netherlands is what you call it when it floods. right?
anyway, best go see how my install is coming along.
Jun 2 at 15:30, by Mana
like badp says "Hey arda how's it going" and Arda's like "your face is bad and you should feel bad and you're a bad moderator"
good times.
> very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type
> satisfaction of needs
> ...
'wanna fook?'
I'm probably A0 with spanish
@badp Now do it in Dutch.
It's Dutch enough for me!
@badp Hmm, I thought A1 > A2
Nope, C2 < C1 < B2 < B1 < A2 < A1
I thought there was either C3 or A3 but apparently I was wrong
That probably puts me somewhere in C.
Hm, so my A in the FCE exam should equate to ~109 Toefl?
Weird, when I asked they told me it was 80ish
Had I knew I would've applied to some of those places that had stupid high English reqs :/
@badp Stupidly.
@Arda Perhaps not
@ThomasMcDonald High reqs aren't per definition stupid, I would hope.
could be
I thought it was cool of the VU to just say "good enough English"
instead of putting a hard bar
@badp You speak better English than most Dutch people I know.
then I originally skipped it because the lower the bar the more people apply the harder it is to get in
Yeah, but I lack a C1 certificate that says so
You speak better English than most English people I know.
@ThomasMcDonald I type better English
I have concrete problems with hearing
Same thing
...hearing in movies. You damn people whisper all the time
@badp I think most Dutchies aren't going to be past A, let alone B.
I've been able to get along with UKers and USers just fine
@ArdaXi Dutch are very good at English
that's why I've decided I'm not going to bother and learn dutch
@badp You'd think so. You'd be surprised.
Oh, it's experience now
although that might be getting in my way of reading the notices in Dutch only at the VU
@badp You're in college areas. They're much better at English.
The general populace isn't.
@ArdaXi Fine. That's where I need to be
Fair enough.
So long as the local 70yo is able to point me in the right direction to the closest Albert E... Heijin... Heijn, I'm more than okay
I think you'd have considerably less difficulty hearing me if we talked longer, because I assimilate accents.
Although my accentless English tends to work everywhere.
I don't need to talk about the meaning of life with random people on the street
@badp Are you sure?
...well I might need it if I were drunk.
Unlikely proposition.
Living where I do now I'm starting to really hate the OV here.
What does OV mean anyway?
Openbaar vervoer.
Public transportation.
I see
Anyway, I'm in the bloody centre of the town, and none of the buses stop here, so I have to walk/cycle all the way to the vinexwijk.
I hated OV enough when I checked in at the station, I checked out when hopping off the tram and I paid €8 for two fucking stops
because I had to have PSI to know the station check in/out stations are for metro only
@badp That's what the gates are for.
@ArdaXi There's no gates at the Uilenstede stop
You're not supposed to be able to exit the metro without checking out.
Just two very similar vehicles stopping at different points of the same track
@badp Err? The metro is very different.
The metro has its own lines, the tram uses the roads.
Tram 5 and Metro 51 share a lot of street
They both serve Uilenstede on the same tracks
Err, nope.
Metro 51 isn't fully a metro-line.
Q: Death Island - Quest "Rats In the Lab"

Chris LeeCannot proceed with above quest so therefore cannot proceed with main quest line. I'm standing by some doors next to a guy called Bob. The door control panel is green, and beyond the doors I can see more doors, just after those doors is the red flag on my radar. But the doors with green panel w...

The tracks they share are called a sneltramlijn, or fast tram line.
Well, it's metro enough to have a different check in/out procedure
@badp True.
But you have to check out when exiting the vehicle always.
Trains are an exception sometimes I suppose.
@ArdaXi Except when on the Metro
Metros, you check in and out at stations, and don't check when doing metro-to-metro 'transbording'
@badp You didn't check out. You're still supposed to.
@badp I do.
Well, depends on how big the station is.
@ArdaXi Oh I checked out just fine
The system decided it was a second check-in though
so instead of paying €4 - €3.1 I paid €4 + €4
You should have checked out on the tram.
Metros have no on board check in/out readers
I did check out on the tram
That was the entire mistake
Enter tram: check-in.
Exit tram: check out.
Enter metro station: check in.
Check in. Enter metro. Exit metro. Check out.
Exit metro station: check out.
Enter tram. Check in. Check out. Exit tram.
(See the difference?)
Yes. Both are more practical for their particular usage.
And when you mix both you get angry customers
Not really, because most people get it.
There's nothing to get. It's explained nowhere.
Not in English or in Dutch
I have like 5 flyers at home explaining it.
There's no "OMFG METRO ONLY YOU IDIOT" message on station-side check in/out readers
They're just there
@badp That's because the additional €7.1 is idiot tax.
Oh, and if I want a refund? Dutch bank account.
@badp Oh, just give them 5████████
I guess I need the Arda Now Makes Sense DLC to uncover the remainder of the message
Filthy DLC!
Also nite. Happy Sep 11th, yanks!
@badp As if I can make sense.
DX:HR is pretty awesome :) Having a fun play-through on the hardest difficulty, just got to the first boss.
my idea of stealth is finding a good spot to start the shooting spree.
Q: Tf2 trading question

GareI got tf2 when it became free. I want to be able to trade, and my friend got a copy of tf2 from the potato sack. If I get that copy, will I get a premium account?

hrgh, taken to installing while it's in a caddy
I think the SATA cable is royally fucked
so get a new one, they cost like $0.02
@badp I'm... not sure how I feel about being wished a "Happy" 9/11. I appreciate your support, but that's probably not the best phrasing
'sup bros
Oh awesome.
Playing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, and one of the characters is named Dvorak. I assume that's a reference to the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard
Which is my preferred keyboard layout
@Wipqozn I've wanted to buy a dvorak keyboard for a while, but I don't know if my brain could handle switching back and forth between the two
@DaveMcClelland You don't need to buy one, you can just re-arrange the keys on a current one.
@Wipqozn I use an ergonomic keyboard, so my keys aren't interchangable
@DaveMcClelland ah okay
I switch and back forth no problem. I got a friend to start using Dvorak as well, and he can switch back and forth with no problems at all.
@Wipqozn Hmm, maybe I'll get to that one of these days. I've been looking for a pet project recently. Maybe I'll just learn Dvorak instead
On an unrelated note, if anyone hasn't seen BoxCar2D yet, it's pretty much the best thing
You could also just buy a cheap $10 keyboard, and switch the keys. IF you find you have too much trouble switching back and forth you wouldn't have wasted the money on an ergonomic keyboard.
@ArdaXi In my experience thus far, the average Dutch person is at least A2
@Wipqozn Yeah, that's likely what I'd do
What I would like to buy is a keyboard without any labels on the keys. I have trouble typing Dvorak on a QWERTY keyboard and vice versa, just because... I don't know. Just a weird thing I have.
Yeah, @Powerlord pointed that out to me before.
Thinking of buying it. I've never used a mechanical keyboard before though.
Alternatively, my friend used to use some sort of trick to file logos off of electronics. If you were really that tempted, you could probably get the labels off the keys by doing them individually. That'd be a real pain though
I'm lazy, so that's not an option :P
but thanks for the suggestion
@Wipqozn Why don't you just not look?
@FallenAngelEyes I don't.
Like I said, it's just a weird thing I have.
Then how do the labels make a diff? :o
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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