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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Q: Game Find: Old PC sci-fi adventure title, possible point and click circa 1999

ViCaelestisOkay so I know I'm going to be a little vauge cause I remember playing this game in primary school but if anyone can help then I'll definitely be great full - that's all I can offer folks. SO down to business, basically it must have been around 1999 that I played it on a PC (windows) - this woul...

Huh. I've gotten stuck in a traffic jam in L.A. Noire...go figure.
Q: Zan's Minimap and Minecraft 1.6.6

BrandenDoes the Zan's Minimap mod work with Minecraft 1.6.6? When I try to use it it always appears to throw an error when I try to load my game (but the message disappears too fast for me to read it), and my game never loads. I already have modloader installed and I made sure to delete the META-INF f...

Q: What do Frozen Synapse's "Focus on Zone" commands do, and how do I use them?

Mag RoaderI've only played some multiplayer with a friend so far. When I right click on the ground and on enemies, and I see there is a "Focus on Zone" command (along with a corresponding "Ignore Zone" command). However, these always appear to be grayed out. What do these commands do, and how do I activ...

Q: What are Frozen Synapse's "Plan Layers" for?

Mag RoaderI've only played some multiplayer with a friend so far. In the bottom right, the Settings menu has a bunch of buttons relating to "Plan Layers." What are these, and how might I make use of them?

1 hour later…
Hello, anyone around? Looking for a game recommendation.
I'm looking for an RPG for iOS that's not an mmo. I've played across age already. Ideas?
3 hours later…
@TimStone so real!
Hmm, it seems as though games are now either too realistic or too unrealistic. They used to be perfectly in the middle.
@Moshe If all else fails there's nethack. I've heard its iOS port "iNethack" doesn't suck too much.
Isn't iOS mostly filled with casual games? I wonder where NetHack lies in that category.
btw am I the only one who woke up to find Samorost 2 mysteriously added to their Steam Library?
it's not on my account history.
oh. Apparently it was part of the original Humble Indie Bundle, but has landed on Steam only now
Q: Identify this game : A DOS sidescroller where you played as some kind of captain

The Communist DuckIt has been bugging me for ages..it was the one game I lived on as a kid. You were some kind of (yellow?) superhero/captain person and you had a ray gun. It was 8-bit style graphics, maybe VGA. It was about 1998 when I played it. It came on a floppy disk and I ran it via DOS. Some of the enemie...

Q: Tower damage + Champion Defense

danixdI am trying to work out how turret damage is effected by armour, skills and masteries. Here is the information for turret damage as far as I am aware: Turret Range Base HP AD Gains 6 AD every: AD Caps at: --------------------------------------------------------------------...

"...Not as I Do" is quite the difficult level.
@ArdaXi Would've been more fun with mobs around.
(still pretty cool)
Smooth lightning really does help MC look good.
Q: How to untie a Gordian Knot?

badp It appears that to get to the shiny trinket, I'll have to untie that Gordian knot, but I don't have any idea about how I could achieve that. Any clues?

That's a brilliant domain.
1 hour later…
Q: NES japanese game

AndreDuraoHi there! I've been looking for this NES game I've played in my childhood for some years I almost give up, perhaps somebody here may know this game. It was a platform game all in jap (thats why I didn't finished it) of a bearded guy. The most fun part of it that I remember was the puzzles in bos...

1 hour later…
is designing evil
oooh, you're finally making the terrible mod!
Err, well, no.
I'm combining Bitcoin with Hashcash.
Q: Why would I need to change my skin color?

M.SameerTitan Quest IT has this potion that I can buy to change my skin color. Why would I need this for? Does it give an advantage in any situation ?

@Lazers Only when you're trying to get a loan!
theoatmeal.com/comics <-- Is it sad that I've only found this comic because the news media picked up on his fight with FunnyJunk?
Heck, I think at least of The Oatmeal's comic was linked in here (The Likability of Angry Birds) and I'd still never heard of it. :O
@Powerlord wrong link?
@ArdaXi old video is old.
@ThomasMcDonald A week or two is not old.
@badp No, it's a link to his main comics page, which has all of the ones he's done.
Yes it is
@Powerlord It's not a comic though. It's a bunch of comics/infographics.
@Powerlord okay, so which one comic is it you've found?
@badp The game suffers from the same kind of traffic issues as GTA 4 did. Mainly, people trying to change lanes while I'm driving beside them. Not to mention the time that I let a NPC drive. He tried to make a right hand turn from the left hand lane and we got t-boned by a truck.
finally finished installing all the updates for windows 7
@TimStone Ow.
Meh, it's not available for PC.
no wait, there's more groan
@badp Fun fact: One of the English definitions of "comic" (noun) is as a synonym for "comic strip."
I wonder if my render has finished yet
@Powerlord and....
@RonanForman comic strips have more than one comic.
@RonanForman Crepes, it means this was the first time that Powerlord found Oatmeal's comics, period.
@badp Yeah. Even better, in this game you get penalized (I guess) for driving recklessly, so I was kind of hoping they'd have worked on that. There are some issues with people walking around too, since they'll occasionally swear at me like I shoved them even though I'm ten feet away and not even looking in their direction. :P
@Powerlord Redundancy alert.
@ArdaXi It's English, get used to it. :)
@Powerlord Still, Oatmeal doesn't really make a comic strip.
Along with conflicting rules ("Arda's" versus "its"), etc...
A comic strip is a sequence of drawings arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative, often serialized, with text in balloons and captions. Traditionally, throughout the 20th century and into the 21st, these were published in newspapers, with horizontal strips printed in black-and-white in daily newspapers, while Sunday newspapers offered longer sequences in special color comics sections. There were more than 200 different comic strips and daily cartoon panels in American newspapers alone each day for most of the 20th century, for a total of at least 7,300...
boot times on this are so much faster less than a minute for a full reload
Under that definition, the Oatmeal is not a comic strip.
Calvin and Hobbes broke all of such traditions for comic strips ages ago.
> A comic strip is a sequence of drawings
Oatmeal already violates that premise.
Does the definition of comic strip in casual conversation actually matter?
Does it? Considering that The Oatmeal is very similar to The Far Side, a comic strip that has been running for a very long time (or did it finally end?)...
Family Circus, too
All 3 are single-panel elements that we all still call comic strips.
(Though, admittedly, The Far Side is a much better comparison)
@ThomasMcDonald If you're talking about an Oatmeal comic, you're talking about one of them, not all of them. So yes, it does.
No, it doesn't.
In other news I'm hoping I get some tickets for iTunes Festival.
@ThomasMcDonald There's an iTunes Festival? :O
@ThomasMcDonald If @Powerlord says "the Oatmeal comic", this confuses @badp. And me too.
@Powerlord Kinda
I will agree with Arda that it seems confusing to refer to the Oatmeal's corpus of funny pictures as comics; I wouldn't even call each of those comic really.
It's 31 nights in London, every night they have a different band playing
And it's free, but the tickets are awarded as a ballot.
Think I'm gonna wait until they announce the last few slots before I apply for any
@ArdaXi Which is because in English, we use "comic" to refer to both a singular "strip" (sequence or otherwise) as well as the whole series.
@GraceNote Yes, but I wouldn't call the Oatmeal a series of comics.
There is no sequence, like there is with ordinary web comics.
Ah sod it, I'll apply for the ones that seem alrate now
As long as The Far Side and Family Circus are considered comics, which they are, Oatmeal is the same.
They both have no sequence.
They were introduced in newspapers in the comics sections, they've always been referred to as comics, and they're both in Wikipedia's "List of Comics".
Q: How can I accurately determine line of sight for a unit in Frozen Synapse?

tQuarellaKnowing the area visible to a unit and the area from which that unit is visible seems to be an essential part of the game. The aim command shows a cone of possible coverage but that doesn't reflect what is actually visible to the unit. Is there any way to determine what areas on the map are vis...

2 stars, this room's passive aggressive preferite strife modus of aggrievant agreement confubledoom. Damn you @Mana.
I know that technically the Oatmeal can be seen as a comic. I just disagree.
Not all of XKCD's strips are sequential, either, but you wouldn't consider XKCD to cease being a comic, would you?
@GraceNote There is a next button and a previous button.
I call that sequential.
That's... a different kind of sequential aspect, I would imagine.
That's the only kind of sequential most web comics adhere to.
Other than the whole "sequence of pictures" which you were citing from the Wikipedia article.
That's merely a chronological sequence though
The collection of separate strips, being sequential or not, isn't really necessary to make something a comic strip. Someone could always write just a singular comic strip, though in some places they'd just call that a cartoon.
for the most part an XKCD comic does not require knowledge of previous comics to understand.
nor is there continuation of story
@ThomasMcDonald Maybe 60% of comics have no continuous continuity, though.
@GraceNote C'mon, I'm arguing your side here. Even if it is a pointless argument.
Callbacks aplenty, but the majority are just episodic.
I sorta kinda agree with Arda. XKCD has a consistent theme/tone/whatever, and there are some storylines. Far Side is the same without the storylines. If you took only Oats' comics where it's about him doing stuff, then I would consider that a comic. But throw in the random posters and infographic things, and I think it balloons past what a comic strip is.
@ThomasMcDonald Weak arguments on my side is like replacing an artillery tank on land with a cooked squid.
Also, I laugh at the top-most pin about Canada, considering Matt was the last person to get Witcher 2 from the promotion. ♪
@GraceNote Haha, true story. Man I'm in the process of moving, I haven't been able to try out patch 1.1 on my computer :( I'm afraid my participation is somewhat low
I guess one probably would be more accurate to call Oatmeal's product a "cartoon".
Q: thestone 9:D Fast Forward - nudges

edelwaterI'm looking for nudges for solving 9:D Fast Forward on the stone (free game: http://www.scarecrowsfield.com ; only nudges/hints are requested not the direct answer which is against the stone TOC). the images seem to give a lot of people a direct close... I dont even get close I think I in ge...

I seem to disagree with @GraceNote a lot lately. Weird.
@badp "strife modus" raises eyebrow
Your fault.
insert coin
y u no work :(
Another victim for @Fabian.
@ArdaXi When was this weird? And yes, I do see the humor in this response.
@MatthewRead Every time I see that image, I want to flag it as offensive.
I flag everything as offensive. It turns out that this actually caused my flag weight to increase since there was a large amount of offensive content.
And that is the story of my flag weight.
@Powerlord I want to flag that as offensive. Y U NO LIKE Y U NO GUY.
It's his teeth.
@Mana Cool story bro.
Also the fact that he has a hyper-detailed face and stick arms.
@Mana u jelly?
no, I also have stick arms
at least as close to stick arms as human beings can possess
same bro
I feel your pain
forever weakling
@Mana Not arms?
@Powerlord that would be the worst and perhaps the only valid reason for one to turn to self-cannibalism
@Mana What if you were made of candy? Are you saying that wouldn't be valid?
Suddenly, "u jelly" takes on horrific new meanings. I'm getting flashbacks of I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream here.
whack Stupid SourceMod devs. Naming classes starting with I that aren't interfaces.
@GraceNote It didn't use to happen.
@Powerlord Stupid devs using a stupid naming convention in the first place?
@ThomasMcDonald That too... although this is C++ and they're stuffing several classes into some files.
@ArdaXi Perhaps I'm getting more argumentative than I had ever hoped. I should relax a bit, then.
Whoops, Melissa's here. Time for lunch.
everybody needs to just chill always
no need for arguments when you got Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
@Mana Y u no argue?
I'm really terrible at arguments actually
As am I. Doesn't stop me.
Nothing stops you. Ever.
I'm too easily persuaded that a point is a really good one
(In arguments.)
@badp True.
so I tend to forfeit arguments before they even really get underway
@Mana You should argue more!
no, I don't want to become like you and badp
(Let's see what he does now)
bashing away at each other
Oh, I don't argue to get better at arguing, that's wasting time. I argue to chill. Mostly.
Me too!
like badp says "Hey arda how's it going" and Arda's like "your face is bad and you should feel bad and you're a bad moderator"
or arda's like "I enjoy Portal 2" and badp's all like "IN ITALY PORTAL 2 ENJOY YOU"
then Arda counterpoints with something. uhm. Dutch? Is that where you're from again?
@Mana Did you just ask if I were from 'Dutch'?
Is Dutch not a country?
It's a country just like Canadia.
dutch is the place, holland is the race, the netherlands is what you call it when it floods. right?
@MatthewRead Sure.
Nether? Like that shitty place you end up with when you suck at Bit Trip?
No, they stole the name Netherlands from Minecraft
Where are all my fellow Dutchies? I haven't seen them in here for a long time.
Welcome to Dutch! Population: Arda and the angry mob.
@badp No, it's that place you end up with when you're physically incapable of doing 50 million things at once.
I'll just leave this here.
Wow, manner!
@Mana The more you know. I only knew Dutch for their superior kid kidnapping capabilities.
weird al rules
Q: What does ADOM randomly generate?

WipqoznIn Nethack, the world and your inventory are randomly generated at the start of the game. I just started playing ADOM, and I noticed that both times I came across the same village at the start of the game. So now I'm curious - what does ADOM randomly generate, or what typo of things are fixed fo...

Q: How exactly does cover work in Frozen Synapse?

StrixVariaHow close do you have to be to cover for it to count as being "behind cover"? It can't be just the presence of cover at any point between you and your opponent, or else it would be meaningless because you would both have cover at once. So how close do you have to be to cover for actually count ...


In which Arda attempts to deny that Dutch is a country

3 mins ago, 2 minutes total – 12 messages, 5 users, 4 stars

Bookmarked 10 secs ago by Thomas McDonald

Why do you guys have an obsession with me?
Because we luff you.
You live in a weird country with 3 names.
At least half of the bookmarked conversations are either about me or started by me.
Your face is Mars.
and you appear to take every incorrect statement as if it's a personal insult
You make a terrible mod.
@ThomasMcDonald Who are you calling an incorrect statement?!
maybe early next year!
@Mana That's not true. That's insulting. (According to @ThomasMcDonald anyway)
I can imagine how wounded you must be when someone says you're not a blonde invisible mermaid with a tsundere personality, then.
@Mana I tell myself that.
nooooooooooooooooo "1d ago" leaked back into the questions feed
I don't think leak is the appropriate verb there but whatevs
@Mana I think that's where the disagreeing with @GraceNote started, actually.
@ArdaXi Actually, it started after I got elected.
@GraceNote That makes no sense.
Feb 24 at 22:43, by Grace Note
Hm... this is very relaxing. Ever since actually being elected, people are more open about their anger in my direction. ♪
Feb 24 at 22:44, by Arda Xi
@GraceNote Well, I've just had nothing to be negative about before. ;-)
Crazy memory.
And the render is done.
2:40 later
Oh, hey, that comes after the whole Dating Sim incident anyway, haha ♪
2 hours 40 minutes? Whatcha rendering?
But it was still based on incidents prior to said incident.
I set the raytracing sampling a bit too high
Oh man, I hate turning on the TV and seeing Pink Panther 2 only to find out it's that modern crap
@GraceNote I didn't actually disagree with you there.
I don't care how much the movie tries to convince me otherwise, THAT MAN IS NOT INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU.
Other than the spelling of Lua, that is.
My deaths are below nine thousand.
@badp Impressive. I should get around to beating that game one day.
Bah, the Reddit creative map is gonna take a while to extract
Oh lord, Call of Duty free weekend?
Ooh, if I buy the Magicka DLC, I get a demoman hat.
59p for a hat is exceptionally good value
plus it's (surprisingly) a hat I'll probably wear
@ThomasMcDonald LOL
That's a way of thinking about it :D
Q: In Majora's Mask, is it possible to complete all the side quests in a single 3 day period?

pwnyI'm wondering if this is possible or if there is some schedule conflict between some side quests. Thank you.

Q: Can you plan Magic The Gathering: Tactics offline?

Rodrigo O.I've seen it's got a single player campaign and the SE Downloader has an option that says "Game mode: Live" or something like that. Is it possible to play this game with no connection?

@badp exactly
and hat is purchased
Dimension VVVVVV has no more secrets for me, just five very annoying trinkets I'm not sure I'll ever bother to reach.
(If you're wondering, one in the red zone, one in the green zone, the remainder in the yellow zone.)
So yeah, the actually hard ones :P
Q: Do I need to get all 20 trinkets to get the hell out of the VVVVVV dimension?

badpAll members are rescued, the ship's been fixed, the dimension is collapsing, the entire map has been explored. However, the crew insists we "agreed" on finishing exploring the place. "Who knows what we'll find?" Does the crew need all 20 trinkets to be convinced we've seen all there is to see of...

Q: Can you plan Magic The Gathering: Tactics offline?

Rodrigo O.I've seen it's got a single player campaign and the SE Downloader has an option that says "Game mode: Live" or something like that. Is it possible to play this game with no connection?

How do we tag this?
[tag:magic-the-gathering-tactics] is too long.
@badp Check my hat.
@badp Pfft, Veni Vidi Vici isn't hard, what are you talking about?
@Mana Go away.
@GnomeSlice Don't mind him, he's just having a Caesar.
That was a horrible pun and you should feel horrible.
That being said I laughed.
@Powerlord Oh, I get it now,
And I don't laugh often. SO ENJOY IT.
Thanks @Mana. That sailed right over my head.
Realizing you're doing something wrong is so much... fun.
kills his SourceMod extension
I just realized that after trying to sort through this code, even if I do implement all this crap, I'll still be stuck doing the other half in a plugin .inc file. So, I thought... why bother?
I might as well do all of it in a plugin .inc file.
It isn't like you can have multiple TF votes going on at the same time anyway.
finally I can heal in degroot.
Q: Crash and Reboot When Running mame.exe (MAME Emulator)

Goto10I downloaded the latest version of the MAME Emulator (version 0.142 - mame0142b.exe) from the address below recently: http://mamedev.org/release.html Unfortunately, when I execute the mame.exe file from the command line it just crashes (screen goes black for a second, then PC reboots by itself ...

@badp Finally got an Amputator?
@Powerlord Nope, that snipery thing.
@badp Crusader's Crossbow?
Q: New rare items and enemies added in Terraria 1.3

DrakeTerraria changelog for version 1.3 report: Added two new rare enemies that can both be found underground. NEW ITEM - (RARE and SECRET Item for casters) Go on! Find it! What are these new items and where I can found them? And the new monsters?

Q: How do I access the items unlocked in the Nippon DLC?

Thomas McDonaldI purchased the Nippon DLC for Magicka, but I don't know how to 'equip' items or to change the items my character already has. How do I equip the new robe, katana, and staff?

> Bacon, king of meats its just pig strips, but when cooked: Happy salt fat joy
Q: 3D FPS/Roleplaying with good AI

Hawk66Hi, does anybody know a good 3D FPS/role-playing game (like System Shock 2 or any other setting, preferable indoor), which has a very good AI? With very good I mean that it adapts to the player actions (not scripted) and that it has tactical knowledge.

Q: Gaming Stack Exchange swag for top users

Jeff AtwoodAs a thank you for being awesome, if you are on page 1 or page 2 of … http://gaming.stackexchange.com/users?tab=reputation&filter=all … we'll be sending you a little care package shortly: Gaming Stack Exchange t-shirt in your size Gaming Stack Exchange die-cut, vinyl sticker...

I don't understand the form. =[
@GnomeSlice I didn't either but Grace explained it to me
You put on each Address Line what you would on an envelope
Why on each line?
Oh wait.
Like, the line on the envelope?
So, Line 1 is the name...
Line two is the postal code
Line three is the mailing address?
I guess?
It's been a while since I last sent an envelope.
Is it critical?
Also, am I in Ottawa, or Carp.
I'm putting Dunrobin so I guess you'd be Carp?
When did you fill yours out?
Am I too late?
I haven't
I meant to but never got around to it
I'm doing it right now.
I hope I'm not missing any addressing info...
it is for us silly people who only send mail through the internet
I wonder if they can just email it to me.
Eh, submitted form, for better or for worse.
If I don't get it in like a month, I'll try again.
Also, hooray, my Community Nitrome advert is displaying now.
Also, someone ripped off their game "Ice Breaker" on the appstore, right down to the Norse theme.
Vikings Slice is such a rip off of Ice Breaker.
I remember that game. It sucked.
jk it was alright
It has excellent musics.
Also that's a horrible thing to do.
I would never do something like that.
That's not even as bad as their other ripoff.
I think I posted it in here before...
continues porting Untangle to Android...
Someone ripped off Skywire right down to the level design, and graphics.
Is it called AirLines?
My game is called Unscramble.
Crazy Cable Car is an even MORE blatant ripoff of Skywire!
Are you actually porting that?
Are you at least making your own puzzles?
Is the gaming chat down for me?
@GnomeSlice No
There's your answer, @Mana.
Hmm, is it still swag if not everyone gets it?
@Mana Bad game; the levels are more boring than they're interesting. :/
your face is more boring than it's interesting
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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