I can see why I need to gather food and wood, as well as eat, but why do I need to sleep? Does Zen do anything? Do bad things happen if I stop sleeping?
whoop. Client issue fixed. By changing the accidental sqlinjection causing username. (as in FirstnameLastnameWithA'InIt) And fuck it that I fix that code, that's some super old legacy pre .net VB monstrosity. Also: no time.
As a Pyro, I'm confident ambushing weak classes, like Scouts, Engineers, and Snipers, but with tough classes like Soldiers, Heavies, and fellow Pyros, I know, upon ambushing them, that I'm no more likely to kill them than they are to kill me.
So, I'm looking for some intimidation tactics, which ...
I'm currently having a lot of success with my control priest. The one issue I'm having is during the mulligan phase when I draft 2 scenarios.
Scenario 1: I draft a circle of healing against aggressive decks (warlock zoo, pally zoo, enrage warrior). Should I hard mulligan and look for an Auchenai...
I can upgrade my hut to either a cabin or a stable. What is the difference? Is there any way to see what the actual stat increases/new options will be from new buildings in advance of building them?
Near the beginning of the game, I can choose between the following three paths:
Take the dusty path.
Take the grassy path.
Take the gravel path.
Does it matter which I choose? Where does each one lead? Can I eventually come back and take a different path?
Polyphasic sleep is the practice of sleeping multiple times in a 24-hour period—usually more than two, in contrast to biphasic sleep (twice per day) or monophasic sleep (once per day). The term was probably first used in the early 20th-century by psychologist J. S. Szymanski who observed daily fluctuations in activity patterns (Stampi 1992). It does not imply any particular sleep schedule. The circadian rhythm disorder known as irregular sleep-wake syndrome is an example of polyphasic sleep in humans. Polyphasic sleep is common in many animals, and is believed to be the ancestral sleep state for...
@OrigamiRobot unless the trees are literally next to your house, you're probably spending more time going back and forth with the cart, than actually chopping wood
I picked up a delivery at Gorbachev Station to be delivered to Sirius, but I can't jump there as I don't have a permit. How do I get one for Sirius?
You collect 3 times as much wood and don't have to spend any energy anymore pulling it so you now spend the same amount of energy chopping but no energy pulling