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Sleep, foodx5, eat, cartx5?
Q: Why do I need to sleep?

fredleyI can see why I need to gather food and wood, as well as eat, but why do I need to sleep? Does Zen do anything? Do bad things happen if I stop sleeping?

Oh wait, sleep only gives you 10 zen? pffffffffft
@fredley collecting food gives 50 at a time, you really only need to do it twice to get 100 (which is how much you eat)
sleepx4, gatherx2,eat,cartx5?
Well done @Rapitor, you won by 12 seconds
hm something happened somewhere and i got 50 extra food.
Until you get a handcart, you will have wasted energy, so get that ASAP.
Until you have a shelter, you will need to spend 4 turns on sleep, so until you get it, you'll have to manually set your schedule to stay efficient
After you get it, you'll be able to set it to idle.
sleeping under the stars is also a painful waste of time.
Yeah, spend your zen down to 0 as fast as you can
Having full zen is wasted zen.
Oops, I miss-clicked on my schedule :(
whoop. Client issue fixed. By changing the accidental sqlinjection causing username. (as in FirstnameLastnameWithA'InIt) And fuck it that I fix that code, that's some super old legacy pre .net VB monstrosity. Also: no time.
@OrigamiRobot Hopefully, you don't have OCD-like tendencies
will be able to upgrade shelter after this cycle
@Rapitor Likewise. I'm more excited about it than I think I should be.
It's probably just going to make me able to idle more.
@Koviko It's not a big deal. 8 should be eat instead of sleep
@Unionhawk WHo are you "..."ing?
Also, the entire Bridge
I think he's fed up with the entire room's incrementalling.
Mostly the second one
@Unionhawk :D
@Unionhawk One of us! One of us!
alright so i got the hut, but my schedule didnt update or anything. hm...
@Unionhawk cmondoit
Already looks dumb.
@Unionhawk much wenlock, wow
@Rapitor d'aw. I have to wait to eat my food before I get my hut. So... close...
I don't see the benefit of upgrading.
@Koviko I'm 90 seconds from hut
@OrigamiRobot What else is there to spend wood on?
I hope it gives me a better sleep.
@Koviko Things that help you get wood faster. Eventually you'll run out of things, then you've beaten the game
I don't need better sleep.
Though, if it makes my sleep 30 zen then grrr
@Koviko Divisors of 100 pls
Better sleep wouldn't really let me make a better schedule.
@OrigamiRobot If it was double, it would.
Not really.
What would I do with the 2 extra time slots?
@fredley 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100 (YES THAT'S RIGHT)
@OrigamiRobot For efficiency's sake, you'd update them every 10 minutes
But yeah, that takes away the idling
Maybe take the time to store up extra food for when we inevitably need to spend it on something
That takes away the whole point of the scedule
There's no ay my hut holds 1100 food and I won't need to spend it
@Koviko yep, hut raises sleep to 30. and cooking food is dumb too -50 food, +100 energy, -2 wood
@fredley 2, 5
@Rapitor Maybe I need to refresh. I got no improved sleep option.
-2 wood? fuck that
ANd.. wtf.. It told me I just slept under the stars.
yeah i had to refresh
@fredley It does. It's a separate option.
You are choosing to sleep on the porch.
@Koviko UGH
To sleep under the stars
-2 wood
-2 WOOD?!
2 wouldn't
30 zen... I need to do math, now.
hm, the upgrade tree is starting... can either upgrade to stable or cabin next
I imagine we can't sleep in the stable.
You can only stay in the stable if you're going to give birth to Jesus
@fredley hand up
and cabin goes to workshop or store.
What's the wood cap with a hut?
Q: What are some intimidation techniques for the Pyro?

alexqwxAs a Pyro, I'm confident ambushing weak classes, like Scouts, Engineers, and Snipers, but with tough classes like Soldiers, Heavies, and fellow Pyros, I know, upon ambushing them, that I'm no more likely to kill them than they are to kill me. So, I'm looking for some intimidation tactics, which ...

oh, oh shit. i need to build another structure anyway as the next upgrade is 2k
gah, how am I gonna idle with this.
The numbers don't match up. Something has to start accumulating, and it aint wood.
@Rapitor Screw that, I'm just building 4 more shelters.
We had 100 storage with zero shelters, so the shelter = 100 extra wood
And the hut = 1000 extra wood
A shelter is 400 wood
So 100 for 100 or 500 for 1000
shelter is +400
Was it? Okay, nvm.
I must be thinking about the food
Spending the 400 on more shelters gets me 2100 cap
hut is +1000
THe game is getting my schedule all mesed up
It keeps telling me i'm trying to do shit I didn't schedule
That's going to get frustrating.
Heh, yeah it is
Building a hut doesn't get me wood faster without constant attention, so I deem it useless.
this friggin 30 zen on sleep is seriously throwing off my math
@Rapitor Not even once
@Rapitor Yup. I think I need ot just let zen accumulate and say screw it.
@Koviko that's what im doing now basically.. just kept the same schedule as when I had shelter
I can't actively incremental all day. I'll get fired.
but I know I could squeeze out more efficiency somewhere
@Rapitor Maybe with an extra hour or two
Otherwise, you need to manually change the schedule daily.
@Koviko Look on the bright side, at least you'll have more time to incremental
@fredley If they fired me, I'd be able to go home and get my SSD working. Excited to use it :)
@Koviko Just script it.
Userscript that runs every few mins, updates schedule according to amount of zen
@fredley That's a good idea.
You know what's better than messing up your perfect schedule? Not doing that. :P

Proposed Q&A site for italian language people studying mathematics at all levels

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment mate
it's terrible, but I guess it works ;\
wait, no it doesnt. not enough zen to loop.. eff
Q: Mulligan Strategy For Control Priest

ChaseCI'm currently having a lot of success with my control priest. The one issue I'm having is during the mulligan phase when I draft 2 scenarios. Scenario 1: I draft a circle of healing against aggressive decks (warlock zoo, pally zoo, enrage warrior). Should I hard mulligan and look for an Auchenai...

@Rapitor I'm just being content with grabbing excess zen with the expectation that I'll spend it all off on a sprint later on
And excess food
I'm sticking with the 5-wood 5-no-wood schedule
@Rapitor lmao
@OrigamiRobot is terrible at sportsball
user image
I was forced to sleep in hut one turn extra than i scheduled ._.
Why am I even scheduling >_<
@Unionhawk florida man is just on vacation up north
Mark of shame
So it's looking like my best flight deal is an overnight stopping in DFW. Awesome.
Actually, no, there's a non-overnight arriving at... 6:40...
At least I can do multi-airport itineraries. Woo rides to the airport \o/
Oh, wait, that flight is "Stay overnight in Dallas". I'm thinking no.
Overheard in the office: "Is that some sort of Wiccan bible?" "No, it's a history book."
Ooo... 30 minute layover in Chicago is probably too tight huh
There we go, hour and a half is better
(welcome to episode 2 of @Uni narrates his travel planning)
ah, so stables increase wood collection.
I'm about to jump on this option. It's the only one that doesn't arrive at 7 pm
What? Why were caps on?
Q: What's the difference between an cabin and a stable?

fredleyI can upgrade my hut to either a cabin or a stable. What is the difference? Is there any way to see what the actual stat increases/new options will be from new buildings in advance of building them?

not even
@OrigamiRobot I'm assuming having 2 handcarts doesn't help you whatsoever, right?
2 hours ago, by Origami Robot
The only thing building a 2nd Handcarft seems to do is waste 20 wood
that's what I figured
Cooking food eats it for you right?
@fredley Yup
$2500 for an amiibo
@Batophobia Imagine if you paid extra for your car because the factory forgot lugnuts
Excess of 150 food per cycle
Loss of 10 zen per cycle
Loss of 10 zen is unacceptable
I toss in an extra sleep every 10 cycles
And then revert
Why are you stockpiling food?
At least that's the plan when I hit 0
Q: Where do the different paths lead?

BatophobiaNear the beginning of the game, I can choose between the following three paths: Take the dusty path. Take the grassy path. Take the gravel path. Does it matter which I choose? Where does each one lead? Can I eventually come back and take a different path?

So that later on, I can just do straight cook -> woodx5 for a few cycles
Or spend the food if that's what the game wants me to do
This guy has the weirdest sleep cycles
lol yeah
@TimStone That's... not exactly the same thing
Damnit, now you've got me seriously considering making the sleep more continous purely for less weirdness
Basically Uberman
@TimStone Rare Mint Condition 2014 AutoCar With Missing Ignition Factory Defect
Polyphasic sleep is the practice of sleeping multiple times in a 24-hour period—usually more than two, in contrast to biphasic sleep (twice per day) or monophasic sleep (once per day). The term was probably first used in the early 20th-century by psychologist J. S. Szymanski who observed daily fluctuations in activity patterns (Stampi 1992). It does not imply any particular sleep schedule. The circadian rhythm disorder known as irregular sleep-wake syndrome is an example of polyphasic sleep in humans. Polyphasic sleep is common in many animals, and is believed to be the ancestral sleep state for...
You guys have gross looking schedules.
Yeah, well you have a gross looking face
most efficient I can come up with... 114 wood per day
@Unionhawk cash4told.com
nothing wasted!
@Rapitor I think eventually we get even better at wood
So far, we are awful at it
@Chippies Yeah, but no cooking yet
@Koviko I had to read this several times to figure out what it means
Mine is the same as @Rapitor's, but prettier.
@Koviko stable increases wood rate
How do I get better at wood?
I feel like I should be able to get better at wood soon
@Rapitor Oooh must get stable
from the reddit: Stables lets you collect 30 wood an hour, at the cost of 20 energy and 10 food.
gib stable
@Rapitor Stockpiling that food was a good idea
@Rapitor I knew food would become a spendable resource!
The math is just gonna get more complex, though.
Cabin I'm guessing is just an increase in zen and cooking..
so stable is the way to go
@Rapitor are you making the horses chop wood now?
All this needs now is the concept of switching out different schedules
The horses pull the cart, obviously.
and a scheme by which you can program what causes the schedule to change
@fredley That'd be great. Make a few schedules that you swap between to deal with excesses
Then it's basically a turing machine
@OrigamiRobot That... makes sense.
Turing Machine Incremental...
oh that's interesting. dev says he's planning more multiplayer features.. like trading
@fredley incremental where you have to write incrementals and then get more points so you can write more incrementals
@OrigamiRobot but then you'd need a bigger cart
I don't imagine the handcart is very big
@Chippies No, it's just more trips per hour.
@OrigamiRobot well that's just wasteful use of time
Maybe you just toss 10 wood in the horse's mouth.
and horse power
@Chippies hehehe
Now you're not making any sense.
@Unionhawk Ugh, this. My cat keeps chewing on the damn tree
@OrigamiRobot unless the trees are literally next to your house, you're probably spending more time going back and forth with the cart, than actually chopping wood
@Unionhawk It kinda is, just someone would get that fixed instead of leaving the car on display. :P
@Chippies You're already doing that.
yesterday, by Unionhawk
user image
A horse lets you make 3 times as many trips in the same hour.
There is no way that was yesterday
@SaintWacko Spray tree with peppermint?
That was yesterday
What do cats hate?
How do I not remember this?
The obvious solution is to not get a tree.
Pick a different religion
@OrigamiRobot I doubt a horse goes much faster through the woods with a cart than a human would
Problem solved
the benefit of a horse would be that it can pull more at once
@Chippies You need to watch more Dirty Jobs.
@OrigamiRobot What is that, some TV show?
@Chippies is too cool for TV
Of course, those were donkeys.
@Unionhawk that is true
cable is a major waste of money
It's taking forever to get 2000 wood
@OrigamiRobot Donkeys are slower than horses even
@Koviko will take about 19 days
@Koviko Yeah. Time to idle
@Unionhawk They don't need to run to be faster than people.
@Koviko sounds like it's hard for you to get wood
@OrigamiRobot the benefit of an animal pulling carts is that they can pull more, not that they are faster
I guess I need to figure out how much food I want before I do the wood-binge
@Chippies They also pull with less effort, which implies speed too.
but, being an "mmo" server based game. it's always running. and you can login from any device
if a human can pull a cart of wood, a horse wouldn't be much faster pulling that same amount of wood
@Koviko unless you built a road in the forest, it's not gonna be fast much
@Chippies I really don't understand how you're getting here
@Rapitor Good thing about it being an MMO is that I don't have to manually move my save around. Bad thing is that there's server sync and lag issues.
Q: How do I get a permit for the Sirius system to make a delivery?

Tim H UKI picked up a delivery at Gorbachev Station to be delivered to Sirius, but I can't jump there as I don't have a permit. How do I get one for Sirius? Thanks!

That's like saying "If a human can walk, a horse can't walk much faster"
3 mins ago, by Origami Robot
@Chippies You need to watch more Dirty Jobs.
@OrigamiRobot the horse would have to run 3 times as fast as human can to move the wood 3 times more in an hour
Are you running with a cart?
for one, on a rough terrain, going that fast is probably going to get your wood spilt
If I am slogging through a forest dragging a cart with my bare hands, a horse could easily pull that same cart 3 times faster than me.
It doesn't even have to try.
@OrigamiRobot considering your energy consumption doesn't increase, neither do you
Now I'm just not convinced @Chippies even knows what a horse is.
are you implying that making the horse pull the cart uses as much human energy as pulling the cart (0)?
13 mins ago, by Rapitor
from the reddit: Stables lets you collect 30 wood an hour, at the cost of 20 energy and 10 food.
considering it's 20 energy with or without horse, all that energy goes into chopping the wood
@Rapitor I'm terrified and amused at the same time.
which pretty much implies that you're not even putting any effort when you're pulling the cart yourself
I mean, literally zero effort
I'm confused
Can we just agree that "video game logic" is video game logic?
You spend less energy pulling the cart, but you're chopping 3 times as much wood.
@Koviko I was going to agree that horses are demons based on the above picture but I can go with that too.
You collect 3 times as much wood and don't have to spend any energy anymore pulling it so you now spend the same amount of energy chopping but no energy pulling
So is this really an mmo incremental, or is it just an incremental with an attached chatroom?
@SaintWacko The latter, so far.
I have 3 collect food and 3 cook food. it should be breaking even. why am i making a profit on food?
@Rapitor hax
When you get to fight to the death, call me.
Actually don't
I don't care
I won't care
On my wood binge, now!
Can't idle it ._.
I'll idle your face!
I don't know what that means
So don't ask me
@Koviko hours 3->9 will be derped
you can only get 5 max at a time without food
@Rapitor I'm wrapping directly behind the highlighted hour
As long as I'm paying attention once every 10 minutes I can keep it going
My favorite part is when @Unionhawk's brain is so befuddled that he just starts saying words which further buffudles him.

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