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The Bridge Trolling Time defies the universe!
I wonder if you can use the fact that cosine is periodic to avoid half the calculation
@KevinvanderVelden Probably, but I don't think x^x % 2pi has nice properties.
Just gotta define a different epoch.
@spugsley HI @SPUGS
@KevinvanderVelden I LIVE TO SERVE
@FEichinger That might make it useful for three seconds.
Is it bad that I started laughing at seeing that?
I'm really phlegmy today.
I have a lot of phlegm.
phlegm is a really weird word. Seriously, type it.
It is...
@spugsley phlegm. phlegm. phlegmphlegmphlegm
All the weirdness
@FEichinger see? it's weird.
@badp Not if you, for maximum trolling, use a dynamic epoch!
@spugsley You better not get me sick
@OrigamiRobot it's allergies.
@spugsley PAM PAM PAM PAM
Blegh for allergies =[
Stupid immune system, don't use a nuke when a flamethrower would work fine!
@KevinvanderVelden I know. I walked around outside forever yesterday and today my nose and eyes are like nopenopenopenope
@FEichinger DieBridgierunTrolliengungZonenTimen (no abbreviation) is defined to be 42*pi^pi*cos(seconds^seconds) fortnights behind the Bridge Trolling Time where "seconds" is the number of seconds since the last invocation of the DieBridgierunTrolliengungZonenTimen.
@badp $epoch = time()-(time()%60);
This creates the DieBridgierunTrolliengungZonenTimen Measurement Paradox, wherein you can't measure the DieBridgierunTrolliengungZonenTimen without changing it!
Speaking of yesterday, I was in a city where they were having an anime convention and I got to see some crazy shit
There was a guy wearing a huge unicorn head and a green tutu. And nothing else.
... well then
@spugsley Did you... did you check?
People are weird
@badp ....it was short.
12 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
12 mins ago, by spugsley
@KevinvanderVelden I LIVE TO SERVE
I'm sure there are pics of it on Reddit however.
I'm sure there are, I just don't want to search for them
Including the part where he's chased down by security, I guess.
Unless tutus have built-in underwear
I'm not a tutu person. I wouldn't know.
@badp well there goes my headcanon
flails I have an interview with Canada Post tomorroooooow
@KevinvanderVelden IT'S MY PLEASURE
@AshleyNunn woo. What position?
@badp Letter Carrier!
Mailm... Maill... Mailpe... Mail delivery d... Mail delivery f... okay that works.
@AshleyNunn and what will you do if someone hands you a package!? THE HORROR
I was about to go there too. Well played, sir.
@KevinvanderVelden I don't think mail* accept mail, or letters, or cake.
@KevinvanderVelden DELIVER IT
@AshleyNunn but you're a letter carrier! A package isn't a letter.
@badp I will be very confused
Also, do they have to be latin letters? Or can we use, say arabic letters? Only 52 different letters won't be very interesting =[
(@TimStone starts shopping for package paper)
@KevinvanderVelden Will she be serving مونتريال?
@badp Montreal?
I mean, if she serves مونتريال and she gets mail for مونتريال then I guess she'll have to!
No! Labels must be in LATIN CHARACTERS.
That was on the test.
So no كيتشنر، أونتاريو? :(
It's okay, there's always punycode.
Seriously, part of my test was reading comphrension of the rules of address labels
I get really weird songs stuck in my head
also I'm really hyper.
so: ` -flc4eqld9bfu2m9aezerm`
@spugsley Oh, good. I'll let you take this excess weight I put on then, easier than exercise.
@spugsley oh no now I have thhe "my body's no body's body but mine" song in my head
Will you deliver to ` -flc4eqld9bfu2m9aezerm` @AshleyNunn?
@badp That is an invalid address!
Beware of the phlegm though
yeah there's a lot of phlegm
It wasn't meant to be. The full address would be

Cake Street, 20
519 -p7g0o6ath3ej2a2svbi7aevq
@badp I really want to live on Cake Street.
@badp Invalid, no province
@AshleyNunn Oh yes it does have a province.
It's the ufb3dval7euaz part!
@badp Sorry that's not Canada
@AshleyNunn كيتشنر certainly is in Canada.
oh. Damn. That's actually the name of the city.
@badp It is not recognizably in Canada
@AshleyNunn Have you never been in كيتشنر?
@badp I think you're confused again
@spugsley I think you are looking at the mirror!
@badp NO U
@spugsley I like today's picture it is very pretty
@spugsley ha! I DON'T HAVE ONE!
@AshleyNunn aww thanks :p It's just a silly easy portrait. I got so much editing to do today
@spugsley I like it :D
@AshleyNunn :D
كيتشنر، أونتاريو هي مدينة كندية تقع في مقاطعة أونتاريو. تبلغ مساحة هذه المدينة 136.8854 (كم²)، ويبلغ عدد سكانها 204668 نسمة حسب إحصاء سنة 2006 م، بينما كان يسكنها 190399 نسمة في سنة 2001 م. تحتل هذه المدينة المرتبة رقم 21 بين مدن كندا حسب عدد السكان والمرتبة رقم 10 في المقاطعة. نما عدد السكان في هذه المدينة بنسبة (7.5) بين العامين المذكورين. المراجع طالع أيضا * قائمة مدن مقاطعة أونتاريو وصلات خارجية * [http://atlas.gc.ca/site/index.html الأطلس الحكومي لكندا] * [http://statcan.ca/english/edu/clock/population.htm إحصاءات كندا مع ساعة تعداد السكان]
Someone help. @badp is so confused he's trying to confuse the rest of us.
@badp The chosen picture doesn't represent it really well
@AshleyNunn It might be that Stack Exchange is confused.
@AshleyNunn (it's arabic for kitchener, per google)
@Unionhawk I think she's got it
@Unionhawk Aye, this I have determined
@badp It must be :P
OKAY I'm off to edit
@3ventic what are you streaming?
MTA: San Andreas
Ah. Good ole Magic The Arkening
@AshleyNunn It's Montreal
@badp lol wtf
@spugsley It's an arking competition. How hard can you ark?
2 mins ago, by spugsley
Someone help. @badp is so confused he's trying to confuse the rest of us.
@badp is there no end to your confusion?
@spugsley Have you tried Gang Beasts yet?
@GnomeSlice nopes
@spugsley Ark! Maybe!
@spugsley You shooooould
I had a buddy over yesterday and we played it for like 2 hours
@GnomeSlice perhaps but not today :) I have so much editing to do it's crazy
We should go on an adventure to find out! ALL ABOARD THE CONFUSION ARK
@spugsley :o
@spugsley Well, for future reference indiedb.com/games/gangbeasts/downloads
Plus I'm really really really scared for @badp's mental state
@GnomeSlice ty :D
so I'm LEAVING now BYE
So Planet Explorers is really really fun
@GnomeSlice Dog!
This game looks cute.
I've never played Harvest Moon though
It looks pretty awesome :D
Check out @AshenRift on Kickstarter http://kck.st/1cy1zt5 by @BarryMCollins, A new take on classic shooters, Please share!
isn't John Romero the guy who made DOOM?
I thought John Romero did Quake
Close enough
Q: crusader kings II war victory condition

user71935I am totally stumped this OFTEN happens; I'm at war and the enemy has one county. I have successfully seiged all holdings in this county but the enemy (in this case the chieftess of Rogaland) still refuses to peace with enforced demands. What am I doing wrong?

Another legendary plan.
Nope, I'm wrong. Dammit.
@Unionhawk As always.
@Unionhawk ♥
@FEichinger DAMN YOU
16 secs ago, by FEichinger
@Unionhawk ♥
1 min ago, by Unionhawk
@LessPop_MoreFizz facedesk ...
@Unionhawk reminder that Romero also made Daikatana.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Relevant What-If
Oh, derp, he did both.
So I'm half-right
TAKE THAT @FEichinger
@Unionhawk Still makes you half-wrong.
Which by the law of Fuck You makes you wrong.
@FEichinger I'm a glass is half-full person. Or a Uni is half-right person, if you will (and I will)
@FEichinger No thank you
I'll pass on that.
Imagine if your penis was only attached by velcro. Anyone could steal it and escape in a fast car. This is the premise of "Need For Speed"
Not sure if I've creeped @FEichinger out enough
@LessPop_MoreFizz What?
@gnome think about it. I'm confident that you can figure this one out.
Need for Speed is about stealing penises attached by velcro?
@Unionhawk Planet Explorers is incredible
@GnomeSlice no it's about people overcompensating for their insecurities by getting fast cars which are then stolen
Any position but 1st is emasculating!
@LessPop_MoreFizz /facepalm
@SaintWacko cc @FEichinger etc
@gnomeslice you have higher order thinking skills and can handle metaphors. I've seen you do it.
I'm supposed to be smart but I never feel smart
@gnomeslice that's a good sign that you are probably pretty smart.
There's this thing called the dunning Krueger effect. What it basically means is that the people most confident In their skills and knowledge tend to be the least skilled and knowledgable people.
Is that why those people always die in TV shows?
(Yes I know I'm grossly oversimplifying.)
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude. Actual competence may weaken self-confidence, as competent individuals may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding. David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University conclude, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly comp...
> Actual competence may weaken self-confidence, as competent individuals may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding.
Makes sense
Doesn't really matter how smart anybody is though. Who cares?
So, the dumber I feel, the smarter I actually am!
Thanks, Dunning and Kruger!
Carlson and Peters!
Free game for whoever gets that reference first without googling it
but now that I know about this effect, doesn't it start a paradox?
@Chippies No.
if I feel dumb, it means I'm smart, but if I know that it means I'm smart, then I think I'm smart, therefore I'm dumb?
@Chippies Don't think too hard about it.
You'll soon reinvent the Bridge Trolling Time if you do.
@Chippies If reading something on the internet suddenly changes how smart you think you are, you're probably dumb.
@GnomeSlice but changing your mind is the trait of a smart mind!
Everything is a lie.
Nothing is true.
@Chippies That way lies Parmenides.
Suddenly you're dealing with spherical cows.
Well, okay: one spherical cow.
I would've had some good time in Ancient Greece
@Chippies I hear the food wasn't good at the time
one of the best Roman delicacies apparently were pork and honey. Like, together. Pork dipped in honey.
@badp I'm not picky and as long as they have spices, I can cook good stuff
there's plenty of meat and honey combinations still
honey garlic chicken wings are great
note to self: @Chippies is roughly as old as Sternold
Sternold... is he in his 60s?
when I read it as "Sternold", I imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger
@Chippies You are not in your sixties.
I didn't say I was
What if he is?
He's not.
I didn't say I wasn't
you can't know that
@Chippies You've told me how old you are.
Legendary Crusader shield. sigh
Actually he can
it could've been a deception
a lie
nothing is true!
I could be older than anyone you know, I could from the future on a mission
Spherical cow intensifies.
a mission that involves you and bridge and some kinky stuff
actually I'm not sure about the kinky stuff
that probably doesn't involve any of you...
@badp moo?
@Chippies Being from the future wouldn't suddenly make you older
@GnomeSlice how would you know that? Time travel works in mysterious ways
@Chippies I watch TV, I know how science works.
@GnomeSlice oh okay
I don't watch TV, so I don't know :(
it's about mammoths in spaceships shooting at one another
@badp I thought they did that already?
@Frank That's exactly what I mean with bad idea of getting expansion stuff in the basegame.
@Unionhawk I'm pretty certain they did. Maybe it needed to be super-duper-confirmed
> This new legislation expands this MOU from voluntary, to compulsory. AND expands it to include not just mobile phones, but all radio devices such as portable GPS, radios, walkytalkies, etc etc.
@badp Like, I know they did that already because Apple now has a special apple thing to microUSB thing now because of the EU
@Arperum Yeah. Totally useless if you don't have the expansion.
Along with Crusader Flails.
Oh. It turns out that all radio equipment must use the same charger, but it hasn't been picked which one yet.
@badp Can this please include the GoPro camera too, European Union? That's literally the only reason I have a miniUSB connector anymore.
> The draft law [...] will still have to be formally approved by the Council. Member states will have two years to transpose the rules into their national laws and manufacturers will have an additional year to comply.
but microUSB is a reality for mobiles across the board already afaik
so yay!
@Unionhawk I didn't know you lived in Soviet Yuropistan
@Frank yup, really terrible.
@Arperum That's okay, you can just sell that stuff you don't ned on the A--- oh wait.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Even if it was still up, they've gone ahead and made all legendaries Account Bound.
@Frank Well yes, that was kind of my point.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Apparently we aren't soviet enough for some people's taste!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I figured the point you were making was that they were shutting down the AH.
@Frank I was just pointing out the exacerbating factors on the uselessness of the stuff.
@badp Nope. Not enough TV Watches You.
I have a rule, if there's a headline with a question in it, if you can answer it so it's a non-story, it's a non-story.
@RonanForman This is very much a controversial topic in the US.
@RonanForman In this case, the headline with a question is basically trolling.
It's not a non story, so much as it's a "We're going to pick on the deniers and make fun of them"
Doesn't quite apply in this case though.
Since religions speak of creation and scientists have evidence for evolution clearly science is at odds with religion and therefore violating freedom of religion!
Normally someone wants to say x but it's untrue, so will say "Is x?" they can then run it despite the answer being no.
@RonanForman Also, people cited basically that exact rule when headlines started appearing last November saying "Did Chris Christie's allies shut down the George Washington bridge causing a massive traffic jam for no legitimate reason as an act of political retribution?"
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not claiming that I'm the first to come up with the rule.
@RonanForman oh, the good old "Some people think" trick of Fox's, huh?
@RonanForman Yes, but I'm pointing out that sometimes said 'rule' leads you to ignore REALLY IMPORTANT STORIES.
(Because the answer to that question, revealed after several more months of investigation and people CONTINUOUSLY ASKING IT was YES.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, was that a thing that happened?
@RonanForman Yes.
The Fort Lee lane closure scandal, also known as the George Washington Bridge lane closure scandal or Bridgegate, is a U.S. political scandal in which a staff member and certain political appointees of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie have been shown to have conspired to create traffic jams in Fort Lee, New Jersey, starting at a New York-bound, upper-level, toll plaza entrance The problems began on Monday, September 9, 2013, after two of three toll lanes for this entryway were closed to traffic from Fort Lee and surrounding communities prior to the morning rush hour and reallocated t...
It has been a fairly massive scandal here.
He reduced the traffic capacity of the busiest bridge in the world by some 40% as an act of political retribution.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hadn't heard about that, I guess I'll have to revise the rule.
@LessPop_MoreFizz And I doubt he'll face any criminal charges for doing so, either.
Although all I can think to revise it to is don't base all your knowledge on headlines.
@LessPop_MoreFizz So couldn't the headline express the fact as an actual sentence?
@RonanForman I mean, I get that it is a trick often used by lazy journalists, but y'know, sometimes all you have at the start of a story is a really important question that needs answering.
@badp People didn't know the answer when the story showed up in November.
"Chris Christie investigated for the Fort Less lane closure scandal"
@badp The investigation didn't even start until a month after
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, but if Europe makes something standard, then it usually becomes an implicit standard in the U.S.
it was mostly just journalists not shutting up about it for weeks.
@Unionhawk Do you like cookies?
Because manufacturers are lazy
In particular this microUSB standard, anyway
@badp I'm not certain what this has to do with anything, but yes
@Unionhawk I mean, internet cookies.
@Frank We'll see. The fact that the criminal investigation has expanded to include David Samson is very, very, bad for Christie.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I knew, just looking at Christie's face, that he was scum.
He just has that kind of face.
...I don't think all websites with the cookie notices made the cookie notices geotargeted for european IPs only.
@StrixVaria My mother, (WHO LIVES ON LONG ISLAND MIND YOU), wrote him in on her 2012 presidential ballot. Because... reasons.
Well, at least she voted.
@badp Definitely not, I see tons of them these days.
@StrixVaria this is true. She does vote every year.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You're welcome.
@badp I wasn't the one praising the EU's sometimes awesome, sometimes absurd consumer protection regime!
(Sometimes both at once!)
Awesomely absurd?
I think "awesomely absurd" can be used to describe Europe, in general, really.
Q: at what distance farmers stop farming fields

Xitcod13I have made 2 farms quite far from one another. Yet the farmer from one farm continues going to the other time wasting time on traveling. (I also read this is really inefficient) I wonder how many blocks from the house the other farm field has to be so the farmers dont farm each others fields. Is...

Does anyone know how high the drop chance for the organs is for the Hellfire ring? Because if it is anything like the drop chance for the keys, I'm fucking done with this fucking Hellfire ring. 25% percent sounds high, but not with my rotten luck.
@Unionhawk "Europe in general" is a rather absurd statement by itself, Europe is a rather diverse collection of countries, and there are very few generalizations that are valid across the whole of Europe.
@MadScientist True.
absurd in the context of the EU totally makes sense, though
@MadScientist Europe, in general, is not tropical.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Let me check if I can dig up some colonies that are tropical ;-)
@MadScientist In general does not mean in total! :P
@MadScientist If they're along the same lines as keys (I heard 50% at Torment 6), then it sounds like that's the best you got.
@MadScientist Colonies are easy (French Guyana?), but they're in the EU, not Europe. :)
Since that's how it worked with Monster Power, I assume they do the same.
Europe, in general, is full of monotheists.
Europe, in general, is made up of former monarchies and constitutional/restricted monarchies.
This is fun!
Europe, in general, is not a desert.
There are quite a few surprising facts due to the people not being clear if they mean EU or Europe when they say one or the other, like Denmark being the biggest country by far in the EU by land area, while being somewhere at the lower end for actual European land area.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's getting fewer and fewer, Germany is about 1/3 atheist if I remember correctly
Europe, in general, is Europe. (first rule of the tautology club is the first rule of the tautology club)
@MadScientist Point is, I can make lots of broad generalizations about Europe that are more true than not! (There are also lots of broad generalizations that I can not make, for example, Europe, in general, is full of people with large noses.)
Europe, in general, is home to people who speak indo-european languages!
(Hungarians, Finns, and Turks, being the largest, but not only exceptions.)
Finns speak Swedish too so..
@3ventic Also many speak English. But I meant as a native/first tongue.
And either way, there are not enough Finns to disabuse me of my broad sweeping generalization, given that it allows for exceptions!
Yay! Sweeping generalizations are so much fun!
@Unionhawk Aren't they!
I think that sentence makes me sound like the most ignorant of americans
ooooh can I get in on this fun?
@Undo Yes! Let's all make fun of Yurop.
tries to think of something to say about Yurop
Europe, in general, does not use really weird units of measure.
starting to think my weird headache/congestion/phlegm isn't just allergies. I'm feeling very cold-sick
Q: Do horse armor enchantments have an effect?

FrithjofUsing command blocks or NBT-edit (or even enchanted books in creative I think), you can create horse armor with enchantments. Do enchantments like Protection or even Sharpness have an effect when the armor is equipped on the horse? So will the Protection enchantment actually protect the horse fr...

Is there an English idiom for "get me ready for work" / "make me employable" / "get me ready for a life of working" / etc.
@spugsley :(
@Ktash yeah. It's the time of year for it. Here in NC we are having crazy weather changes. Standard March.
:O at todays photo! You are so beautiful
Or yesterdays, or whatever day it is
@Ktash lol thank you. Keeping it simple. I'm doing some complicated editing stuff today from this weekend. Also I have an unhealthy obsession with my new red hair
@spugsley Well, like most things, you wear it well
@Ktash why thank you <3 It has upped my confidence level by about 25% so win!
@spugsley Good :)
@spugsley Hopefully the weather stabilizes so you don't feel all gross and ick
@AshleyNunn I know! I am going gambling next weekend so :(
I love the feeling when I hand my feminism assignments in and I am like "I have no idea if that made any sense! Its full of buzzwords!"...because I have realized the prof just likes the big words, and never really peeks too hard at whether or not I actually present a cogent argument.
Spent ~$11 on gold from the RMAH. Bought diamonds. Put up crafted gems for just under $15. If this sells, it's kinda silly.
And I still have 15 million left from what I bought. So I'm making...~$4. For doing nothing but buying low and selling higher.
gah, I think I'm just going to stare at this picture all day...
@AshleyNunn This is good training for a real workplace!
@LessPop_MoreFizz giggles Yay for university teaching me something useful :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's funny, because it's true.
Here's your obligatory occasional reminder that Slick Rick knows how to tell a goddamned story:
Hey Undo, how's it going?
quite well, @Alex
that's great
What's the deal, does everything I say in here get starred?
@Undo I confess... it was me
joins just to star @Undo's message
Q: What can you do at a stash?

GnomeSliceThese are scattered throughout the levels, and are even visible on the map as an icon of a box under a canopy, and the label 'stash'. There doesn't seem to be any way to interact with them though. What can you do with stashes?

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