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that doesn't mean me
or, that means not me
it's exactly the same sentence, I just shifted the negation one word to the right
was life on hit nerfed majorly within the last few days in Diablo?
@Fluttershy -100, Hulu embeds
@Chippies From my experience, people just have way too much life for it to matter as much.
1k LoH is a lot more effective when you have 35k life than 90k life.
@OrigamiRobot I guess it must be the different attack I'm using... I could easily self-sustain myself with my 135k hp and 2.8k LoH a day or two ago, but my hp dropped quite a bit with this random elite pack today
I did change a rune on my main attack though, perhaps the 35% chance for extra hit made a big difference
btw, can act bosses be stunned?
more specifically, on torment difficulty
@Chippies Yep.
;O cool, I remember on inferno cc was useless against bosses
@Chippies At least, I've seen bosses be stunned by my Scoundrel.
@Chippies I can nearly stun lock bosses.
Mostly Ghom. Which is annoying, because he's always in his gas clouds when it happens.
Bad news is that Belial in his transformed form is immune to stuns.
Good news is that I can just stand through all of his attacks without even using a potion.
I didn't even move throughout the whole fight :>
so I found these for sale
which is this http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/archon-armor
is it worth the money?
@Chippies In an NPC shop?
@Arperum yes
That's the only place you can find these
yeah, at the end of act 2
wat? no, the little girl in town.
she's always there.
well, the little girl moved to the camp at the end of act 2
idk if she has this stuff for sale before the end of act 2
judging by your reaction I guess she does :P
@Chippies She moved permanently to camp a couple patches earlier, the same patch that introduced the archon armor and hellfire ring
oh, I didn't notice her there before, but I usually only go to act 2 when I'm crafting jewels
judging by the battle.net page that armor doesn't seem very special, is that true?
@Chippies I find her dialogue if you arenearby annoying. And it happens every time you enter through a portal.
heh indeed, I changed to an earlier quest and she's still there. My in-game volume is usually just loud enough to hear the weapons clashing and stuff dying, not so much the voices.
she doesn't have the plans though
so either it's random (doubt it) or it has to be end of the act 2
kinda like the Staff of Herding plan didn't show up before the end of act 4
oh em gee, 35% bonus experience with the hellfire ring! I should figure out what to farm for that...
I guess I should buy a bunch of fiery brimstone from the auction house before it shuts down...
@Brant They'll be pretty cheap, yeah.
And great fodder for legendary crafting.
I just found a set plan. Would've been awesome pre-expansion.
OKay, I'm at a computer now, time to do this right.
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@FEichinger I don't read blogs
I get linked stuff
@SaintWacko Treehead Woodfist is a reference to D2, in case you didn't catch it.
@StrixVaria Oh, I knew that sounded familiar!
Been a while since I've played D2
@3ventic That's awesome
> The name Treehead Woodfist is a pun on the fact that he is the one who guards the Tree of Inifuss.
@Arperum Pretty sure I found the Archon Armor of Intelligence as a drop
@SaintWacko Really? Didn't know that was possible.
> The name may also be a reference to Guybrush Threepwood of the Monkey Island series.
That seems like a bit of a stretch.
@Arperum Well, the plan, I mean
Let me double check
@SaintWacko Still didn't know that was possible.
@Arperum Oh, nevermind. I found Plan: Archon Spaulders of Intelligence
@SaintWacko Nice find anyway!
Argh it's only 8 o clock why am I so tired
It's 3 am, I'm going to bed.
Good night.
> You've gained 111 x Nevercold Brass Sliver (new total 20518).
@SaintWacko Disconap.
@DavidM What?
@SaintWacko You've never heard of a disconap?
found a new weapon for my enchantress :>
Sorry, disco nap. I thought it was one word.
@DavidM power nap sounds more appropriate
Power nap is when you are going to take a short nap.
is your disco nap not short? nvm then
Disco nap is sleeping during the day so you can keep going all night!
mkay then
I'd call it a "nap", but that's just me :P
@Chippies It's a 70s reference to the cocaine addled days of disco.
But, yes, a nap works for that. But, you don't necessarily only nap for that reason.
@DavidM and the disco.
I just realized I keep alttabbing in the midst of an elite fight
@Chippies Basically, napping during the day just so you can stay up.
Disco Naps are to a certain extent mainly a NY thing these days I think. :( Which is sad.
But that's mainly just down to NY nightlife operating a few hours later than most other cities - at least in the US.
I used to do that a lot when I lived in Europe and all my MMO friends were from NA
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah bitches!
4 AM!
When I first started playing WoW I raided in a guild with a GM who was in Spain and he was absolutely insane.
I still don't understand why or how he did it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I dunno, I hear disco nap mentioned in my area by a whole variety of people, both as a word and an action.
(I mean, I know why in the sense that he had an American account and spoke English and and and, but I still don't understand why he thought it was a good idea to run a weeknight raiding guild on that timetable.)
@AshleyNunn Well, yes, the phrase lives on. The Simpsons has a lot to do with that I think. But it's an institution around here in a way that it isn't in most other places I've been.
to a certain extent does not mean exclusively.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am well aware, I have a decent grasp of English.
@AshleyNunn And yet you responded as if it did! :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz Christ on a cracker, god forbid I say anything.
Alright, I am...in the entirely wrong mood for people.
I only have two episodes of Arrow left. =[
So me, and my overly depressed ass are going to go not here before I offend someone.
@AshleyNunn yeah, clearly 'playful rejoinder' was not the appropriate tone to shoot for there. :/ Sorry about that.
@AshleyNunn Here, have a dinosaur on a bicycle. Because god knows that has been cheering me up tonight.
24 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
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does anyone else play QuizUp?
@RedRiderX I downloaded it. But that's as far as I've gotten.
I see
you should try it
I'm kind of hooked on Threes right now. >_>
@Fluttershy yisssss
ah yes that's understandable
I'm still playing 2048
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's okay, I am just realizing that, well, to be perfectly honest, I applied for social assistance this weekend because I am...struggling massively with not being employed so I am kinda a terrible person to be around because I am not holding together as much as I should be.
@DavidM Oh man, the urge to make really bad innuendos is huge.
@AshleyNunn I know dat feel. It's hard and it can take a long time and it's isolating and it hurts a whole lot, I know. :(
Q: Do nomads in Banished wait?

SapphireI haven't seen this anywhere yet; in Banished, if you have a batch of nomads asking entry and do not want to deny them per se, but just wait a little bit to stabilize your existing population, will they wait? In other words, if you neither deny or accept, will they wait until you do one of those,...

@LessPop_MoreFizz I am kinda falling apart at the seams, and I am trying not to turn into the ragingest bitch that ever was, but it is getting very hard, I cry a lot.
@AshleyNunn Let fly.
You'll feel better.
I spent 3 years bouncing between unemployment and weird part time or temporary quasi employment type stuff that often only paid me enough to cover my transportation costs + the same amount I'd've gotten for not working from unemployment, and I only took them because they forced me to get out of the house. Shit be difficult.
The trick is to get it out.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, it really, really hurts.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You really like pinning your own shit don't you
@DavidM It helps that @WorldEngineer is the most patient boyfriend that ever was. He lets me cry and scream and all sorts of cathartic stuff.
@AshleyNunn Dinosaur on a bicycle is important.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Also how did you get that gif to be named CHUCK?
@LessPop_MoreFizz It made me smile.
@AshleyNunn Good!
Oh wait
Still pretty sweet
@GnomeSlice Just lucky.
Good name for a dinosaur riding a bicycle, IMO.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Much better than Charles, to be certain.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's what I would name my dinosaur if he could ride a bike.
6 hours ago, by GnomeSlice
I can do gifs too
ur a gif
@Unionhawk =[
Not sure if amazing stealth nutshot or Just Another Soccer Player Flopping.
If this doesn't make you laugh, I don't know what will.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't tell!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I kinda think the former on this one. Normally, I'd say latter, but... It definitely looks more like a stealth nutshot.
@DavidM Oh god the barrels
@Fluttershy Yeah, but... soccer players sure are good actors, so long as the emotional range they're required to express is somewhere between 'pain' and 'oh my god you almost hit me!'
@Fluttershy But who from? the other guy in red nearby?
@AshleyNunn Green guy
Q: Why can't I move and hit mobs at the same time?

Manny MoncadaI found out how to move and run at the same time, but why can't I move and hit mob? For ex. cows?

Q: Secret Super Training Pokemon X and Y

PatosanI would like to point something I discovered in about three minutes while doing the DAWN STONE Secret training. I got hit by Gallade multiple times and would receive Soda pops only. Then I got hit only once and I received a Hard Stone. I manage not to get hit at all and I finally received the Daw...

@LessPop_MoreFizz You can see his hand leaving the scene of the crime.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, I know. But it looks like he got backhanded in the jewels by the Seattle player to me. :P
Looks like he swung his right hand backwards
@FAE Oh, I see it now.
@Fluttershy I agree
@Fluttershy Totally backhand to the sack.
@AshleyNunn I think there was once a longer form version, but soooooooooooooooo funny
@DavidM I have seen it before, but I never noticed all the background stuff
Bran flakes are delicious
@DavidM snorts I always figured necking was kissing and petting was more than kissing because of weird religious figures trying to tell me how much I was going to hell based on the percieved level of intimacy with boys.
Crazy Taxi is crazy
@DavidM So many c words!
@AshleyNunn Let alone what you did with the girls . . .
@AshleyNunn Yet . . .
@DavidM giggles that never came up, until much later, when I was already past helping in that particular case ;)
@DavidM Yet not "the C word" :P
@AshleyNunn :-) You read my mind.
@DavidM It was a dark and scary place in there :P
@AshleyNunn Not even . . .
@DavidM giggles thank you for following my thought train
Also, my apologies for being a raging, well, c word. I am trying to not let it leak into everything.
@AshleyNunn My brain is beyond dark and scary by orders of magnitude.
@DavidM I think that is one of the reasons I like you
Good news, everyone! My Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Collector's Edition is only going to be two days late!
Man, I love the ridiculous premises for TM style games sometimes.
My dinner tonight is a glass of Redd's and a plate of chicken
So there is someone out there who actually buys/drinks Redds!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yep! It's delicious
Sometimes I add Fireball or Hot Damn
I see the ads all the time, but I have never once seen anyone drinking it, other than the one time I bought it just to try it. (Didn't care for it. If I want cider, I'll drink cider.)
For some reason, I really hope this user's name is a reference to Invader Zim.
A rooooooom. With a moose!
@Fluttershy A definite improvement over Tommy Wiseau.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This reminds me that I recorded the pilot of Sirens this thursday and I should watch it
@WorldEngineer Anyway, how's your sex life?
@GnomeSlice Funny show so far.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Awesome
@FAE Oh my. I hope I am missing a reference here ;)
The ads looked funny
@AshleyNunn You are.
@AshleyNunn Haha, it's a quote from The Room. :D
The Room is a 2003 independent romantic drama film written, directed, produced by, and starring Tommy Wiseau. It was Wiseau's directorial debut, and while the film is primarily centered on the melodramatic love triangle between an amiable banker (Wiseau), his "future wife" (Juliette Danielle), and his conflicted best friend (Greg Sestero), a significant portion of the film is dedicated to a series of unrelated subplots involving the friends and family of the main characters. Entertainment Weekly has called The Room "the Citizen Kane of bad movies" Originally shown only in a limited numbe...
@LessPop_MoreFizz I figured, otherwise the bridge was going to get mighty awkward....
More specifically...
@LessPop_MoreFizz I keep thinking I should see this because it is apparently so odd.
@AshleyNunn Doesn't it always?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Tooken 2: Straight Tooken
@OrigamiRobot Key and Peele are wonderful.
@AshleyNunn It's really bad. Watch it with friends so you can MST3k it together, it's the only way.
@FAE My sex life is left-handed.
Personally, this is my go to scene from The Room:
@WorldEngineer :o Oh my.
@FAE Yes, but then I have to find friends willing to subject themselves to such a thing :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz Liam Neesons could barely hold it together at the end
@Fluttershy Be careful what you ask for
Be sure you can handle it.
@WorldEngineer giggles I want a pony! And a job! And some beer! :P
So cool
@AshleyNunn Speaking of, I would still recommend checking out MST3k also if you need to give your brain a break.
@WorldEngineer Be sure to switch it up once in a while!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have it bookmarked for that reason!
@AshleyNunn What kind of pony?
@FAE I'm mono thanks.
@WorldEngineer I keep wanting to respond but I just keep laughing to myself
@AshleyNunn I see
@FAE A magical one! With sparkles!
@WorldEngineer <3
@AshleyNunn Bribe them with cupcakes

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