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great. autogeneration of my designer.cs broke.
restarting Visual studio didn't unbreak, found the issue though.
My app was accepted by Apple!
The change that prompted them to accept it was changing Android to [redacted] in user submitted content
That was the only change between non-acceptance and acceptance
Dealing with Apple makes me want to cry
@fredley make this public and get free instant exposure for your app!
Q: What are the Dark Souls loading screen hints?

user1306322It's silly how fast my PC loads required game resources and I don't have enough time to read those loading screen hints/tips about in-game items. Screenshot button produces a blank screen, so I can't capture all loading screens and save them for reading. But maybe someone already saved them someh...

@KevinvanderVelden Considering it
Unfortunately it's not a good time to do that right now
But we will at some point
@fredley You mean like... replacing all "Android" words in the text submitted by user to "[redacted]"?
Sadly, all records of messages between you and Apple disappear once you're accepted, so I can't get screenshots of what happened :(
To be honest, that change was basically a 'Fuck you' to Apple, pointing out how unreasonable they were being. I did not expect to get accepted.
@3ventic Exactly like that
If you ask a question in our support forum and include the word Android, users on the iOS app will see [redacted] instead
It's just going to create Anrdoids and And roids and whatnot
@fredley Yay for censorship!
@Arperum Exactly
Seriously Apple, if you are so afraid of another firm that you need to remove all proof of it existence from stuff on your device, you are doing really bad.
@Arperum It's like dealing with a child
@fredley But worse. Most children don't deny the existanse of other children because they might have better looking toys.
@Arperum Hah
If you're trying to convince a child something doesn't exist, it's usually because they're scared of it
@fredley Yup, that's also the conclusion I make from this thing. Apple is dead scared of Android.
Q: Why did Blizzard not stop flipping in Diablo 3?

kkfjukrI think every person with a little bit of ethic will realize that item flipping is just an accepted way of scamming people. Given the ratio of the item (MagicProps/Roll of the props) compared to the demand of the specific roll, the sellers are in a superio position. Beside that - alot of people ...

Q: Super Street Fighter 4 for PC runs very slowly

user1801060I recently installed SSFIV on my new PC. It runs extremely slowly. What can I do to fix this? I don't believe that its a hardware problem as my PC is brand new and can play more resource-intensive games than this.

Q: What are the icons in item description mean?

user1306322I'm very new to Dark Souls and I'm having a hard time figuring out what these icons mean by testing. Apparently, the sword icon shows how much damage the weapon deals. Although non-weapon items also have it (shields), and I could find a way to deal damage with them yet. The icons of orange co...

Four ones in a row :/
Is that the same sort of game where you try to combine tiles with the same number on them together?
It's the original, yes.
It's released yesterday on the play store
My cat, sitting on my arm, was trying to give me tactical advice
She couldn't do anything about the army of 1s
Nor could I
I wonder if I should've put "Thanks Obama" on the picture in retrospect
Good afternoon all.
Q: Attacking with shields? Who does that?

user1306322I recently found out that if equipped in right hand slot, shield can be uesd as a weapon. It deals much lower damage and attack is pretty slow. The only case I think this could be useful is if all other weapons suddenly break and are no longer usable without repair. But I just started, so I don't...

@FAE Did you make it to that-a-place in time?
@KevinvanderVelden oh god why would you do this
@badp Yes, though I only got about 4 hours of sleep.
@FAE Woo...
Well go you anyway!
@KevinvanderVelden Just... those things can break through bones...
@badp Haha, thanks, I'm glad I made it.
Q: How does encumbrance work?

WipqoznIn the previous games encumbrance impacted certain movement based actions, like rolling, and worked on a breakpoint system. However I've heard Dark Souls 2 no longer uses a break point system, and my experience in-game seems to suggests this as well. How does encumbrance work in Dark Souls 2?

Q: Titanfall Language Patch English

TheOneon this Side is the Answers ! Language Patch and Deskription. http://timegold.eu/titanfall-language-ru-to-en/

@Wipqozn I managed to download and install Dark Souls 2 last night. That's practically like playing it.
@Sterno So close!
@OrigamiRobot #31 does not apply if you're trying to remember to sort your collection of thumbtacks
@fredley 2024. Oh my.
@OrigamiRobot Pour soda: Don't pour soda.
@fredley What did they do?
@Wipqozn No idea, ban was from SO
(but network-wide)
Q: Setting up Sturdy Shedinja

Niet the Dark AbsolI love my Shedinja. Been running it for a good three or four years with the cunning use of Soak and Lightning Rod to keep it alive and trolling. I've lost count of the number of Mega Fire-types it's taken down. Now I want to try something a little more daring. Setting up Sturdy Shedinja in a Dou...

Q: Minecraft Slime Spawning/Farming

JamesOkay, I understand lots of questions on this subject but it seems like at level 25(close to bedrock), I hear a slime slapping some times around me BUT when I start mining, nothing is there. This happens mostly when I place glowstone as the floor a little and as well as place torches, I even tried...

@Wipqozn 'A day decade in the penalty box'
@OrigamiRobot Wait, that last one...If downtime is setting the tone for the day, does that mean you're just going to sit around doing jack all?
When I get home tonight I should perform my own tests to see if I can figure out a formula for stamina recovery rate (referring to this gaming.stackexchange.com/a/159917/8350).
I need more data points with a character with different stamina to make one.
@TimStone I did not read this sentence properly...
I can figure out a formula, but it only works if you have 132 stamina like the poster.
@Sterno I'm the one who had to take the screenshot and add the circles.
@OrigamiRobot That's probably in the sequel video.
Want to come up with one wher you can just pump in your stamina + encumbrance and know how long it'll take to recover from 0% to 100% stamina.
Without another stamina level to compare against there's no way to know stamina recovery per second is based on your max stamina, or a fixed amount. If based on max stamina then I assume the only thing that will matter is your encumbrance (aka with 0% it will take 2.3s to recover stamina no matter you maximum amount).
I always pump up Stamina first in Dark Souls for no reason.
So it'll be good for you to have math showing me how dumb an idea that is.
@Sterno It's a good idea. It's very, very important.
@Sterno It's actually a really good idea.
Stamina is used by everything, and higher stamina increases both your dps and survivability.
I prefer having higher stamina over higher health. I'd rather not get hit by an attack at all.
This is even more true in Dark Souls 2, since it's more difficult to heal in combat.
Q: How to answer to strategy questions (competitive games)

JutschgeI am personally most active in the league-of-legends tag since It's the game I play most, so I will just bring this one as an example for a competitve online game. While I am more or less successful in the game itself, I started to notice of how diverse players are with their playstyle especiall...

@Sterno @Wipqozn is just scared to play with us.
Or I'm really busy at work which means I'm working from home after my daughter goes to bed AND my wife works this weekend so I'm doing solo baby sitting while trying to work from home AND ITS GOING TO BE SO AWESOME
@Sterno sounds like fun :|
Good morning, Bridge
@Sterno Yeah, trying to juggle a baby and get work done at the same time has proven...challenging.
@TimStone you shouldn't juggle babies, they get sea sick
Pretty much I can only realistically work when she sleeps. If she sees me on the computer, she wants to watch youtube
@KevinvanderVelden I don't have any chainsaws to work with.
@TimStone try burning rags soaked in lighter fluid, those also give a fun lightshow
Q: Mjoll's Grimsever

XainI was just wondering what Grimsever is classified as. Everywhere I read says its a one handed but the one I have is two handed. There was a site that said an unofficial patch changed it into a two handed greatsword, but I don't recall downloading any unofficial patches. Was this just an auto i...

My boss just asked me if I want to go work at a chemical plant in Georgia for six weeks...
Well, who wouldn't?
I'd like to, but 6 weeks is a long time.
actually 6 weeks is probably too short to deal with all of the red tap you'd have to deal with
it would take you considerably more than 6 weeks to get a visa and arrange a place to live in and whatnot
@Sterno Don't you have a laptop? You could sit her in a lock in chair or whatever, and just just up a play list of videos she likes.
Greek Life (Fraternity & Sorority)

Proposed Q&A site for propose a Q&A site for Fraternity/Sorority Members and anyone with Greek Life related questions.

Currently in definition.

I want to make a joke about kegstands, but I don't actually know what that is.
The conversation of the characters in Bravely Default seems oddly stilted
Is it some sort of translation error?
Q: How many times Artificer's Chisel can be used?

GihanArtificer's Chisel is a tool used to create sockets in dota2. I was just wondering how many times it can be used ? In dota2 community market some of the Artificer's Chisels have the number of use mentioned and some of them doesn't have anything mentioned.

Q: Cannot use potions in battle

Flyingcowhey guys ive been playing this game for a while and i love it, but sadly my mouse scroll wheel is broken and i have to use the sliders in game wherever needed, but when im in a battle i cant scroll down the items list and there is no slider there (i have plenty of items) i try to click the down b...

@PrivatePansy SE has had decent translation since FF8, unless they outsourced or regressed
2 days ago, by FEichinger
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment ಠ_ಠ
@OrigamiRobot dudebro.stackexchange.com
@OrigamiRobot ... wait, which Georgia?
@Wipqozn extreme sock-puppetry
@Krazer Sounds pretty extreme.
@Krazer ashley nunn levels of sock puppeting?
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not familiar with that tier, but it sounds pretty extreme.
@Krazer it is, every mod is her sock puppet... wait a minute, nice acting!
spotted in Germany
@Krazer Now THAT is Gunpla.
I want to go home and play Dark Souls 2. It's so good.
So, so good.
Almost as good as your mom. Oh burn!
Hitler. That's who.
Also I have no idea what you're talking about.
@OrigamiRobot Snrk
More importantly, why are those setting stored on a drawing by drawing basis?
Q: what exactly does 'National Focus' do in Victoria 2?

RodolfoWhen I want to have more clerks in a province, I set the NF on it to get clerks and they magically increase. Does the National Focus add people on top of what the province would get on its own? Or does it increase the % rate? Related question: I want more clergy so I set NF for that in the provi...

Q: Hand-to-hand strategy for taking down the mothership

espaisI've been attempting to take ships by killing all their crew hand-to-hand, and was going to attempt the mothership in a similar way but I noticed they had what seemed like, a million doodz. After barely scraping by the first stage, I got quickly polished off by a Rebel bomber. I was wondering, ...

If what they announced was sugar coated, how bad was the real thing...?
"predominantly used by ninja"
Q: Why no trilane in pubs?

newbieftwThe question is simple. I play a lot of pubgames and i have almost never seen a trilane. If you think that all pro teams form trilanes and it is the best strategy to get a lot of farm for your carry and win, why nobody tries the same in pubs?

@BenBrocka I hate when this happens.
I have a guy here cleaning my gutters
@Wipqozn Don't worry, rapid spin will clear the field
@spugsley The same gutter all of our minds are in right now?
@PrivatePansy NO
@PrivatePansy unfortunately no, but I imagine those need a good cleaning too
@OrigamiRobot same
I want to play Dark Souls 2.
It's so good.
I'm starting to sound like a broken record.
It's out...or did you decide to wait for PC?
@OrigamiRobot Twitch Plays OrigamiRobot
@BenBrocka It's out, but I can't play it because I'm at work.
@PrivatePansy I'd watchi t
@Wipqozn Take off work.
@Krazer I don't want to use a vacation day for that.
Just call your boss and leave a voicemail that's just "PRAISE THE SUN", I'm sure he'll understand
@BenBrocka haha
@Wipqozn also don't forget the Sunny-D in a Stella glass
I should eat some food.
@Wipqozn you know those Estus Flask? It's actually Sunny-D
Q: Do Titans have different amounts of shields?

BrysonicThe Ogre chassis has quite a bit more armour than the Stryder, of course, but is there also a difference in the strength of their respective shields?

@BenBrocka I'm waiting for PC... and for me to finish Dark Souls
@SaintWacko Waiting to beat a game before you buy the sequel? What are you, a casual?
@badp gasp! How dare you!
@SaintWacko I bet your greatest gaming moment is getting a 7-in-a-row in Bejeweled 3!
@Krazer Oh my
@badp Pah! 7 in a row? Now who's the casual?
@SaintWacko You are!
Now when you take out 10 in one move, now that's impressive
@SaintWacko Do you even Bejewel, bro?
The board is eight wide.
^10 in one move
Do you even bejeweled?
@SaintWacko That's called a diamond piece dude. I make them in my sleep
and they clear 15 pieces.
@badp How are you getting 15? I'm counting, moving that bottom gem up will destroy 10 gems
I'm not talking about the result of that
I'm talking about the piece you make by making two matches in one move.
I'm talking about normal moves, not using special gems
It clears a line and a column for a total of 15.
If you want to talk about special gems, a hypercube can clear a lot more than 15 in one go
You're saying that 10 pieces in a move is impressive.
For a normal move, yes
without using a special piece
That's just cascade luck, bro.
Wait, which bejeweled are you talking about?
I...hadn't realized that Denmark's government decided to just give addicts their hits.
In retrospect, it makes a lot of sense.
My best chain was 28
On Bejeweled on my old Treo 650
It was ridiculous
Of course ur good at casual games. Casual.
Anyways, are you talking about one of the newer bejeweled?
In all the bejeweleds I've played, the shiny diamond gem just explodes
@SaintWacko same. I think I've only played bejeweled 2 though
Wikipedia calls them "Star Gem"s
RIP Popcap
@BenBrocka Same here
Well, bejeweled 1 and bejeweled 2
@badp Ah, yeah, that's new in 3
move the purple star piece up, clear a line and a column.
@badp Yeah, those didn't exist in any of the ones I've played
so you're playing just the old ones? Hipster.
All I had was Power Gems and Hypercubes
Although Bejeweled 3 sounds like a lot of fun
I wonder if I can get it on my phone
It was on a recent humble bundle
the weekly ones
Obsessed with @ThreesGame!? Look at this infographic and tell everyone it's on Android now http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/iz3r9rw3gv0spkxrkq9t.png
althuogh I think that one was for Windows
@badp Humble Weekly Sale
@GnomeSlice I like the part where iOS doesn't mean "no piracy" at all.
I don't really have any desire to play threes but I'm glad it's successful and...not Flappy Bird
I want this game
@BenBrocka What's wrong with flappy bird?
@GnomeSlice It doesn't require any thinking
Whereas Threes does
Buhhh I want this game
Stupid google play
@GnomeSlice The game itself, not too much. Everything else around it, that's the problem
@GnomeSlice dude. Just google "threes apk."
@badp But... but... that's stealing!
Copying is not theft. It's copyright infringement.
@GnomeSlice It's like $2
Or do you not have a CC?
@BenBrocka I don't have a credit card, so unless it's free I can't get it.
Oh. You can get cards for Play credit, that's what my grandma did to get Swype
And they still don't have store gift cards in Canada yet.
Really? Huh
@BenBrocka Not in Canada.
There's a bunch of shit I want to get
Like Sunvox
Apparently Putin didn’t get the memo that nobody wants to fund a war through Kickstarter. Nice rewards though: http://on.today.com/Oomzg9
har har har
You Ess only.
@badp Tier 2 countries
Apparently Japan too, now.
@badp you should get dawnoftheplow.com
And get crushed by my highscores
I think I'm still the global leader.
get on my level
@GnomeSlice Get this app You do surveys and get Google Play Store credit. and unlike most surveys where the money/time ratio is bullshit, this one is actually worth it. Also it's by google
@SaintWacko whaaat
@GnomeSlice Yeah
My girlfriend got Frozen the other day completely with credit earned from that
> This app is incompatible with your device.
What? What device do you have?
A tablet
ASUS Transformer
Yeah, really weird
Guess it's phones only?
@GnomeSlice Pretty sure it works on my N7
Is your Transformer rooted?
The developer of Dawn of the Plow was nice enough to include the android version when he released it on IGS too, which is how I got it. indiegamestand.com/store/792/dawn-of-the-plow
@SaintWacko Nope
Don't need a CC to get shit not through GPlay
@GnomeSlice Hm, yeah, all the things to spoof your device id require root
@GnomeSlice Ohhhh
It's US only
Does play not allow Paypal/other stuff? I know it has Google Wallet but I'm not sure if that requires credit card or what
@SaintWacko ಠ_ಠ
I just use a credit card for everything and actually pay it in full
@BenBrocka Nope.
Can't imagine the hassle of not having one
I have a credit card, but only because my parents made me get one for emergencies. It's not even tied to my account, it's theirs. It's for like if I get stranded somewhere or something
I have no desire to actually have to use one regularly
@GnomeSlice I will never understand the american default of using a credit card for everything
I have a debit card, use that and you know you'll never go in the red cause you can't
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, this.
Why? If you just...actually pay it it's no different than using money except it's much easier to cancel in case of fraud and works in more places
@KevinvanderVelden This
@BenBrocka uuh, I can go to an outdoor market and have them accept my debit card. Credit card? Nope
Do most people seriously have such major problems with self control/being aware of their balance?
Though this might be a cultural thing
@KevinvanderVelden I pay for 95% of things online. Some meatspace places need cash but I've never seen a place do debit and not credit
@BenBrocka I think you accidentally some words, but I don't trust myself to keep that kind of thing up.
@BenBrocka They do. That's why successfully using a credit card contributes so much to your credit score.
@BenBrocka you can (as a shop) rent a wireless debit card reader for very cheap, getting credit card contracts and everything is more expensive
@JasonBerkan also this is not a thing in holland
@KevinvanderVelden Square seems to make it pretty cheap, dunno how their transaction fees are though
Maybe I'll try this one
I was going to wait until it was done, but it looks too good
@BenBrocka Paypal will send out a free card reader
Also, I've found a webshop that sells Anne Stokes stuff in holland, someone stop me before I buy ALL THE THINGS.
@SaintWacko I think square does basically the same
@BenBrocka I've never seen a place take credit and not debit.
Skydriftlike is a thing now
@OrigamiRobot Online? Pretty common
If you mean the physical readers they're usually all-in-one
I mean anywhere.
Finished it :D
@3ventic did you cheat
Wow, nice
Cheating is for squares.
I have a robust strategy now, I won the last three times I played. I'm satisfied
left, bottom and right arrows only
@3ventic this
didn't use up arrow at all
@3ventic play it like tetris
Make a snake of descending powers of two, and roll it up
@BenBrocka Unless you're talking about those cards that can only be used at ATMs or w/e.
Keep your largest number in a corner
@KevinvanderVelden Is going to make himself go nuts trying to make an AI for that game
dat poor Ouya
@BenBrocka Gamestick doesn't make the list?
@OrigamiRobot lots of online services seem to be a problem for people without credit cards
I didn't even realize I had finished it until I saw the game freeze lol
@GnomeSlice What am I doing?
@fredley check info first
@KevinvanderVelden @fredley yeah, that
@BenBrocka I only have a debit card and I have never run into a problem.
@GnomeSlice It's probably sadder than Ouya's count...I don't think Iv'e heard about it since it's launch. And the Mojo only once after launch, because of the Ouya Everywhere thing
@BenBrocka That poor guy in the background thought he could leap off of Android and safely land on Ouya...but looks like he'll be breaking a few legs.
@fredley Basically just try to make those ^
to keep clearing shit from the board
@TimStone Hah I just noticed that
Wonder if Ouya Everywhere will help them in any way or is just a convenient excuse for killing the hardware in a few months
A year ago: Our vision is to make a hardware console
This year: Our vision was never limited to hardware
Next year: Hardware never really fit our vision
I rarely even see places make a distinction between credit and debit cards.
I still kinda want an ouya
I like the idea of an indie console
Also nobody is developing for the (superior in my opinion) GameStick because of all the ouya hype
which sucks
The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is when I pay my internet bill.
I'll buy one if I can get it for like $50, mostly as a collectors item and to see the UI
Ebay price is like $70+ or something
@GnomeSlice FEw enough people are developing for Ouya anymore. Hype crashed hard best I can tell
I was kind of hoping it would take off, but whatever I guess
I don't think there's much room for it after the big console makers all started being more indie friendly and iOS/Android gamers continue being content with what they have
That sure is a 15h old message.
Q: Pokemon Y How To Tell Time

user63732How do you tell time on Pokemon Y? I have tried the main menu.

@3ventic @fredley
@GnomeSlice wow
why the heck....
Man, I'm so much more used to the deluxe game now.
I haven't played the original in a long time.
It's way more difficult.
@fredley ?
in English Language & Usage, 38 secs ago, by RegDwigнt
Any porn that's on YouTube is not offensive by definition.
@MattЭллен The thumbnail can be offensive.
@GnomeSlice knows this all too well
@badp Sadly.
@GnomeSlice You've been more careful about that in recent memory though.
offence can be offensive
meh, if nobody bothered to flag it and you are looking at the transcript is your own fault
Indiegala presents the Supreme Bundle
Heh, it has probably archery. Awesome.
And Kami, ooo
Also Little Racers is pretty cool if you're into top down racers.
2022 my best
@fredley Not bad for a first attempt. I've lost many many hours to this game on iOS though, my highscore is over 20k or something I'm pretty sure.
@fredley 2116 first try.
The trick is to leave as many open clear sets as you can for when you get jokers.
also try to make spaces have more than one possible tile for a clear set

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