I can't seem to find an origin to this particular phrase.
Can anyone shed some light on what makes sh*thouse rats particularly crazy?
I also wonder about the origin of the similar *Bat-sh*t crazy".
All that I know of Smaug is that he (she?) came out of nowhere to attack and conquer Erebor. Where exactly did he come from? In fact, what are the origins of dragons? Did Ilúvatar create them or did they come from somewhere else?
What's your list of viable Dragonvale 'end game' goals?
The kids have been playing Dragonvale for a while, long enough, and are at level 22 or so without any clear next goals that seem worthwhile. What would you suggest as a game finishing goal?
Several yrs ago (around 2006-2009), Schlotzsky's had iMac G4's in some of their restaurants for customer use.
My kids used to play a retro space shooter game on them. I believe it was shareware but not really sure.
It was single-player, had a very retro look, kind of like the ship was from th...
So I created a new character on skyrim and I named him Tarathim Redforge ( a name I just thought on the spot ) and the question is that is this name relevant to all the Side quests like the companions guild ,thieves guild, dark brotherhood ,winter hold college and the civil war.what I mean by rel...
> I used the money from the sales of my first book to pay off my student loans in 2009. This might be the most mature thing I've done with money, and I would not do it again.
(grumpy cat)
> Warner Bros. Pictures is working with Minecraft developer Mojang on a movie based on the sandbox game, said studio co-founder Markus "Notch" Persson on Twitter today.
> If you would like a refund, please contact a fan of my work directly for your money. This is where the money would come from anyway. I am cutting out the middle man.
this is brilliant
and also where I stopped reading because sanity
I was changing the difficulty for Diablo 3 when I saw these details:
What are bounties and blood shards for? I must have missed some kind of update that tells me what this is all about.
With the new patch 2.0.1, I'm level 60 and I can't get to level 61. I keep getting parangon levels, but I can't get "normal" levels to get to level 70. How to gain "normal" XP to actually level up?