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@StrixVaria It's not really p2w anymore, but it's still in beta I think so a lot of changes could still happen
@Krazer wat
@StrixVaria yes. My uPlay account is borked and I can't play.
@FEichinger what does this one do?
> // @description Adds revision link to all posts
@StrixVaria I hate joke tags but I hope tags like that do stay
@BenBrocka Tags like this are super useful.
Did "extra DRM" stay?
@BenBrocka It only showed the top 4. I didn't look past that.
The fourth was "RPG".
extra drm only shows one hit
@spugsley o/
@spugsley HELLO
@FEichinger hi :3
@Unionhawk NO NO AND NO
I liked it better when the abbreviation was just "ib" instead of "INB4". Quicker to read.
That might have just been on that one forum, though.
@fredley I always upvote dat zoom
@fredley slight envy
Q: Why I can't open mcpe v0.8.1?

amirhakimI can't open minecraft pocket edition v0.8.1, it keeps saying 'unexpected error' then it close the app, please help me....

Q: Size of Diablo 3 files?

user66769 What is the size of Diablo 3's files with patch 2.01 ? On my computer, the size is about 30Go (and I haven't download the full patch yet). Is it really so much the have to full game or is it because there are trash files ? If I remember correctly, at the begining the game was less than 5Go ...

cc @SaintWacko
@Frank why does that remembers me Metroid
@Braiam Because it's supposed to.
Q: Who is the best player to be in Hearthstone?

JacobWho is the best player to be (mage, warrior, hunter) in a game of Hearthstone? Which one has the best cards or hero abilites? I guess it would also help if you could tell me what hero abilities each player has too.

That's Samus' ship from Prime 3.
@spugsley Will you be on tonight? I'll probably get on a little after 9.
@StrixVaria I assume they just demolished a pidgey?
@StrixVaria probably
@OrigamiRobot They have demolished all the pidgeys.
No pidgey left intact.
I really want to like the new Monk skills but my Monk's attack speed is so bad.
@Frank Ooh, very cool, thanks!
A: How did pirates really talk?

dustini dont care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do people bother?
max trole lel etc
Some people are idiots
It so stupid, though. You have to go through the whole registration process and then post an answer like that?
@StrixVaria seems like Loot 2.0 really helped. I've already found one legendary and a set recipe. And I'm just playing Normal
@spugsley I was able to take Torment I with my Wizard (who is not even close to as decked out as my WD).
I have found 3-4 legendaries already.
And a few upgrades for my Wiz/Monk.
@StrixVaria nice :) sucks you can't sell them though
Ooh, Money finally got their design launched.
@spugsley Crafting looks better than it was, so hopefully it works out.
@StrixVaria I hope so.
My friend already found an item that made him change his skill build.
Which is something that never happened before.
I'm really excited about that.
He found some legendary that when he deals lightning damage, the enemy becomes a lightning rod and pulses, damaging all nearby enemies for a few seconds.
Yeah I'm really excited about those.
I got some good ones for my Wiz already that increase Magic Missile and Ray of Frost.
@Ullallulloo Ooohhh, its pretty
That are just rare.
Make it possible to spend $100 a month: Free-to-play Design Rule 9. That people can talk about this so openly in plain terms is sickening
@Ullallulloo cool
anybody else play marvel puzzle quest? I'm guessing "no" but thought I'd ask...
@agent86 Is that Puzzle Quest or is it just a term?
@BenBrocka Psychology!
Xbox Live Arcade PlayStation 2: Wii: PlayStation 3: iPhone OS: DSiWareMobile phones: }} |genre = Puzzle RPG |modes = Single player, Multiplayer |platforms = Nintendo DSPlayStation PortableWindowsXbox 360 (XBLA), Mac OS X, PlayStation 2, Wii, PS3iPhone OS, Mobile phones |media = Nintendo DS Game Card, Universal Media Disc, Download }} Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords is a game developed by Australian company Infinite Interactive and published by D3 Publisher. The game combines role-playing with strategy and puzzle elements. It uses a competitive Bejeweled-style playfi...
@OrigamiRobot yes and no. it's the "puzzle quest" brand but I don't know what level of overlap there is between the original dev and the current dev.
but if you're thinking "is that like match 3 and you earn AP and spend it on abilities and stuff" then yes, but it's a free-to-play mobile game, so most of you probably would run the other way screaming and/or give it the finger.
@agent86 Yea, Puzzle Quest 2 was meh.
@AshleyNunn Not really psychology, just abusive business strategy and general numbers games
@agent86 I would play it if I wasn't already addicted to Puzzles & Dragons.
I ask because I enjoy it and tend to play it a lot, thus giving me many bonuses I could bestow upon other friendly players. I currently dump a lot of them on EBongo, who does not play, and my buddy RESPAWN who apparently can't figure the facebook integration out.
@BenBrocka Well, its the getting people hooked on the product to spend the money that is really the psych part
@JasonBerkan I have head this game was fun.
Q: Why are there no xbox kinect like features for computer (PC) games?

RandomGuyWhy are there not main steam games that take advatage of webcams and/or microphones for the pc. Also why can you not use a kinect on your pc, like how you can just plug an xbox controller into your PC and it works instantly.

I really liked the Puzzle Quest idea.
@JasonBerkan Puzzle & Dragons (I believe the puzzle is singular, although I often say it that same way) is another fun game. EB's pretty hooked on it. we made a few guides, but I think he's far ahead of me in progress at this point.
@agent86 Is it on Android?
@BenBrocka What a shitty website
@AshleyNunn yes, and iOS, and there's a Steam version.
@agent86 And it doesn't cost money?
I don't believe you can connect the steam version to the mobile version though, which is a tooootal bummer
@agent86 I finally got a god, so things are starting to progress.
I'm so annoyed at the rep cap! I had a bunch of stuff up voted today and it didn't count because I hit 200 already!
@AshleyNunn in the same way that other free to play games don't cost money, yes :) I have not paid a dime and I have played lots and lots and lots
(on ELU)
@agent86 I like phone games. I like match 3. I like puzzle quest type stuff. I can be convinced.
@OrigamiRobot Pokemon + match 3 basically.
@Lazers Is this off-topic? Seems off topic to me.
@MBraedley I agree!
I never played it though because I ended up playing DW: Legacy instead
@agent86 Marvel Puzzle Quest is now downloading :P
@MBraedley It's a development question?
@AshleyNunn it's all marvel superhero-themed, which may be yay or nope for you. I have captain america and I can't stop making a loud "thonk" noise in my head every time I make him throw his shield
Which is Doctor Who + Match 3 RPG
@agent86 I am cool with that.
@RedRiderX I started that, but I didn't like it as much as I wanted to
@JasonBerkan yeah, I played enough to get some good gods in a godfest (the only time to spend your stones, imho) but there was a bit too much inventory management and grinding for my tastes. EB's a huge fan though, apparently. He pengdra's with the best of them.
@AshleyNunn Yeah that's waning with me too
@JasonBerkan Out of context, that sounds really funny!
The grinding is a bit too grindy
@RedRiderX I downloaded this and have yet to launch it; I've been playing MPQ instead
@RedRiderX Yeah, it loses its fun quickly
The Rare Drops too rare
The Doctor Who-ness too skin-deep
@Yuki Worst pin ever.
anyhow, to anyone who gets into marvel puzzle quest, I can supply drop you for the win, you'll have to link up to facebook and friend me using my totally legit and not at all fake facebook profile
@agent86 Is that your real name or is it another nod to Maxwell Smart?
it's not hard to get a bunch of 1* heroes, but getting to 2* and 3* heroes tends to be a bit tricky. there's a large amount of randomness to it, although you can increase your odds in some ways.
@DavidM psh. that's totally my legit real name for reals because otherwise I'd be in violation of facebook policies. and nobody is ever in violation of facebook policies.
@agent86 I like that your totally legit and not at all fake facebook profile likes Thomas & Friends.
I have 2 friends in the whole world, and one of them is EBongo whose first name is totally Elric
@JasonBerkan I saw that the other day and I was like "how did that happen, I don't remember liking them" but I was like shrug I guess that's a thing.
@JasonBerkan Are you anti Thomas & Friends?
(Because I totally am!)
@DavidM I'm anti-the TV show. I love the original books, where Thomas is a smart ass until the other engines put him in his place.
I had to go and check to see if I like my own biz's facebook page. turns out I do, I win facebook.
@agent86 friended you so I can add you later
@JasonBerkan Ha!
@AshleyNunn booyah
my kids don't even watch that show. I do like sesame street though, those guys are boss.
except for kevin clash, assuming he did those things. if he didn't, then I still like him.
@agent86 Sesame Street Rocks!
My comment was deleted.
@DavidM eff yeah sesame street
It had upvotes.
This job is too f-ing much
I'm going to riot.
I dunno if any of y'all read or anything but I have a pile of various coupon codes for 10-35% off a ebook from Kobo.
@agent86 Eh . . . what's a little underaged gay sex between consenting . . . oh wait . . .
I am 100% glad to be done with it
oh, that reminds me. I think I have 2 coupons for 25% off broken age.
no clue what I'm doing with those, if anybody wants.
@RedRiderX :(
@agent86 Underaged gay sex reminded you of that? Curious.
@OrigamiRobot A call center is not for me, as it turns out
People are terrible and they should feel terrible for making you feel terrible.
@DavidM what can I say; a lot of things remind me of coupons.
@agent86 Ha!
I'm trying to stop writing LOL, it's too trite.
@Sterno Don't blame me. I'm not room owner, I can't pin.
But I can't tell them for about 6 months I think
@RedRiderX By then all of your enemies will be neutralized?
@DavidM Job NDA I think
@DavidM for a while in the late 90's I went with "laf"
@RedRiderX oh goodness I'd freak out
@RedRiderX That's much less . . . fun
@agent86 Interesting.
one of my clanmates used it all the time. replay? I think? it's been forever since I saw him.
@DavidM Yeah oh well.
@RedRiderX Play up the other angle. It will make you seem cool to the ladies!
@BenBrocka Hehe yes that is ultimately what happened.
@DavidM Good point!
@RedRiderX You have to disappear using a smoke bomb, and it will really make you seem cool.
Or better yet, order a martini, leave an outrageous tip, and walk away all mysterious-like.
@DavidM You could always pretend to be Korean and go with "kekekekekeke".
Q: Is there a way to place a command block with a command in a chest and/or dispenser?

Mikh0009Im in the new snapshot and trying to make a random tp out of a dispenser and command blocks just like sethbling in his snapshot video just with the difference that i want to place the dispenser with a infinity amount of command blocks instead of 64 of each. Link to video of sethbling ...

@Yuki Or Italian with Ahahahahahahah! Though, I always feel like the Count on Sesame Street when I write that.
@DavidM I always imagined Count-imitation as Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!.
I think I'm going to start writing snicker.
'Cause it feels like he breathes in between each "Ah".
@Yuki Close enough.
Gotta go. Leaving work in a few min.
@Yuki That makes a large deal of sense
@AshleyNunn :O I had a dream about you last night!
@spugsley Oh my! Do tell! (Unless it isn't appropriate ;) )
@AshleyNunn I came to visit you and we explored this forest and made amazing pictures and found a unicorn!
@spugsley boring!
@spugsley Hahaha that sounds amazing.
@AshleyNunn it was! :D
@OrigamiRobot NO U
@spugsley What if it is a prophetic dream? :P
@spugsley YES WE WILL
6 hours ago, by Origami Robot
Sep 7 '13 at 10:16, by OrigamiRobot
@badp came to visit the US. Everything was going fine until he called @spugsley a reptile and pushed her. When she reported this to SE, @Mana told her she had to leave the site. She called @Raven for a 2nd opinion, but got the same response. I deleted my account in protest. @Wipqozn and @RonanForman were very sad that the trip was ruined.
@OrigamiRobot lol what the fuck
I don't remember this
6 hours ago, by Origami Robot
May 23 '13 at 11:46, by OrigamiRobot
I had a dream that a duckling I was taking care of for someone drowned :(
@OrigamiRobot I misparsed this and thought you were the duckling
@AshleyNunn Could be, who knows?
@OrigamiRobot Also you need to watch this weeks CtM because I have all the Patrick/Shelagh feels
@AshleyNunn Hm, odd, so did I
@OrigamiRobot do you remember the apocalypse baby dream I had?
so scary
I have boring dreams.
@AshleyNunn my anxiety meds give me really vivid dreams. It's the best
Q: How does the automatic monster level adjustment work in Diablo 3?

TroyenStarting with the 2.0.1 patch, monsters now level up with your characters. When does this level adjustment take effect? If I level up in the middle of fighting a pack of monsters, do they all level up instantly or does it only affect monsters that haven't been spawned yet? If I recall correctl...

no Tom Hiddleston though, sadly
@spugsley booooooo
@OrigamiRobot I remember this
@GraceNote Apparently I wok up in the middle of the night to post it here.
@AshleyNunn When don't you?
@OrigamiRobot Mooooore feels.
@spugsley ಠ_ಠ
@OrigamiRobot What? Tom Hiddleston is sexy hot
@spugsley ಠ_ಠ
so yeah, diablo 3 is getting better? anyone want to break it down for someone who quit around the time they introduced those "vanity levels"?
@agent86 Auction house gets nuked and you can actually find stuff on your own now. That's as far as I understand it
@agent86 Except they weren't vanity levels
@OrigamiRobot yeah, wrong terminology. just what came to mind to describe them. SUE, GEEZ
@agent86 brb, suing
And you can change the difficulty without having to complete the game (to some extent), so I imagine that getting a character up to 60 should be quicker now
@agent86 I'm playing right now. It's definitely improved
@MadScientist so the drop rate for "good stuff" is better now, I suppose?
I'v started a Demon Hunter yesterday, and it works nicely. Not sure if I'll stay with it or get bored though
This webcomic is brilliant and I cannot stop reading it
@spugsley what stands out as being improved?
@agent86 No trading set, legendaries, gold, or commodities. Everything else is good news.
@agent86 well, it looks prettier. Lots of the stats got a huge overall so things work nicer per character. You don't have to play 100+ hours to find one worthless legendary item. Items in general are hugely improved and it's easier to find upgrades.
@spugsley I found a worthless legendary item right away! :P
@OrigamiRobot yay!
@agent86 A lot better, it's a bit skewed due to guaranteed legendaries you get on the first playthrough with low-level characters, but I got a lot of good stuff from playing while leveling. Most of it is smart loot now, so the primary stat almost always fits and you find a lot of rare stuff
@MadScientist hmm, cool. (cc: @spuglypls)
And all items you craft are smart loot, so they'll always have the correct primary stat as far as I understand
To combat the lack of an economy, drops/crafts now pander to your character.
I <3 pandering
my cable co's website
@BenBrocka ...oy.
@BenBrocka Lol
@BenBrocka 1.5Mbps is their most popular speed? read better Origami
@BenBrocka Smug mom is smug because she limits her kid's video games to variants of snake.
@BenBrocka Two orders of magnitude wrong, that's almost nothing ;-)
I had to download printer drivers that were larger than that 10 years ago
@agent86 So now when you find something worthless, you can't even blame bad luck anymore. You can just go "YOU CALL THIS PANDERING?"
@BenBrocka That math... it does not work.
@MadScientist I think you were buy the wrong printers!
What the hell quality is a 6 MB movie trailer? 144p?
You don't need math when you're better than everyone else who apparently also has the same service.
@OrigamiRobot HP was terrible back then. ~150-200 MB driver and downloading from their site only got ~20 kB/s at most
Also sadly 5Mbps up is the best I can possibly get, which still isn't great for streaming
@agent86 Oh, and don't forget "This item would be great if I were a DH." salvage
5? Jesus. I think I technically get 10
@AshleyNunn NO, THIS IS SPARTA kick
Though it normally speedtests to around 7
Oh, 5 up. Derp.
@AshleyNunn I'm not sure I could cognitive dissonance myself enoguh to eat that
@Sterno Which math? The first one works out.
@BenBrocka I know, right?
here in austin all the ISPs are crapping their pants now that google is coming
I'm getting my bandwidth doubled for no charge as my ISP upgrades, and practically every ISP is announcing fiber and gigabit upgrades are coming
I want to make popcorn and just point and laugh as I watch them all scramble
@agent86 Oh man, my sister lives in Austin now, she's gonna have access to fiber and probably not even care about it.
@OrigamiRobot 50 megs = 12 seconds. 125 megs = 60 seconds. 125/50 * 12 = 30 seconds, not 60 seconds
@agent86 And then laugh when you go to Google anyway
I'm not sure, if Google comes to Cincinnati, that I would be for sure able to convince my parents that it's a good idea.
@FAE I live in the 'burbs, and unless they move way faster than they are moving in kansas city, it's going to be ages before it comes out this far. but I'll take the pants-crapping
@Sterno Oh I'm not even paying attention to the Prime Plus because they don't list a speed.
well, they're also offering super-cheap 100mbit as well in KC. been a while since I read the numbers, but I think it was like $100 for 7 years of internet at 100mbit
I'm sure Prime Plus is "faster*"
@agent86 ugh it'll be years before we get that
@BenBrocka :(
Q: How Do Cursed Chests Work?

spugsleyWith the new 2.0 update, Blizzard introduced Cursed Chests into Diablo 3. I don't really understand how they work work. When I opened the cursed chest I found it triggered an event. A timer started and I was told that if I kill 100 enemies I get some kind of additional prize. I started slashing m...

Time to make delicious caaaaaake
Q: How do I display the console on counter strike GO

genairykI thought i had to push the ~ or ` key to open the console but my PC simply ignores the command. Can anyone advise?

aw they're back in the mansion in TPP?
I figured, can air kill anything in here?
Q: Can I teleport entity to the block the player is targeting usnig command blocks?

ianiThe question is self-explanatory: Can I teleport a certain entity(by using @e[Name=enitiyname]) to the block a certain player(got with @p) targets? Like If I am looking at a block in the distance: can I teleport a PrimedTNT entity at that block? I don't want something that works on that block, t...

@BenBrocka Air can faint Ponytas.
They usually come around L30-ish.
Q: Galactic Registry Bitizens?

Wedge2I got my first Galactic Registry character. Besalisk. I saw another user asking about them a few days ago, but at the time, they seemed to be locked for everyone. Has anyone else seen any or know what they do?

Q: What does magic protect do in Bit Dungeon?

bob at bob dot bobThere are many items in Bit Dungeon that give you magic protect and I don't see how it affect the playing of the game.

Q: How can I get multiple lines in a Description Tag?

SlowpokeI have a gun I'd like to name "xxx" with a Name Tag, which is fine. However, the description I'd like to use is: "xxxx, xxxxx" Is there any way to get two separate lines using a description tag, and if so, how?

@fredley Go @fredley, home, you're drunk.
Kitchener != Guelph
Those are indeed not equivalent strings
(This anger comes from carless me, who applies to kitchener/waterloo jobs, who call her for interviews, and then say "OH HEY IT IS IN A DIFFERENT CITY")
Q: How are the strike, life steal, chop, ect. calculated?

bob at bob dot bobIn bit dungeon if you get an item with a special property (chop, slash, life steal, ect.) , say chop, it tells you that you have 10 (example not exact) chop not a 10% chance to exicute the chop action, how is it calculated

@BenBrocka I'm confused, wait what?
@Yuki the author has apparently had a major breakdown
@BenBrocka How could you tell?
@BenBrocka oh my god
@BenBrocka Wow. I like his attempts to rationalize "I'M TAKING YOUR MONEY"
@DavidM I'm guessing from the random stream of consciousness and weird stories about traumatic childhoods and constant references to "the white man".
I don't think there's any one way to tell
I work hard and live in a nice house. Other people work hard and do not get to live in a nice house. I like this and want it to continue!
....this is horrifying.
Like...a) he effectively stole from people
b) wtf
The weird headers are really friggin' weird.
Just random non-sequiter "I do not need more wealth or property than what fulfills my needs. I do not need to increase my income as I age.".
Q: Do the rules that apply to a lava block apply to the run off from the lava block?

bob at bob dot bobI was wondering if the rules that apply to lava blocks (they can catch things on fire from blocks away and can travel through one block) apply to the lava that is not on/in the block of lava.

Q: Scout Helicopter maps in Obliteration mode

AnarI want to play Obliteration game mode with a scout helicopter. In which maps can I play?

Those really tripped me up as I was trying to read it.
Also, the comments are really effin' weird.
> i already got my book and now i feel a sense of survivor's guilt because it's entirely possible there will be people who won't get one :(
That's not what survivor's guilt is!!!!!!
You're comparing people who didn't get books to people who died!
@BenBrocka I'm confused by this. So, he basically ran a kickstarter for books and art, and delivered a small portion, then went apeshit bananas?
@Yuki and half of them are positive. Comments section is so weird in context, it's as if they read a completely normal update
@DavidM Looks like it.
Q: Will I be able to get the free Pokemon game if I link that same 3DS that I've unlinked from Club Nintendo a while back?

linkj07My 3DS used to be linked to Club Nintendo but I unlinked it a while back. Will I be able to get the free Pokemon game if I link that same 3DS again? Or will it recognize it still? I'm not sure how Club Nintendo works on relinking. I was planning on getting a 3DS XL but decided against it. This fr...

Okay, I didn't look at the video, but he actually burned the books that he got printed?
What the actual fuck?!
@Yuki It appeared that way.
Apeshit bananas.
@Yuki while ranting about not "producing" and saving the world from industrial harm. Burning books is NOT environmentall friendly
@DavidM Isn't there a medical term for this? Like "Bug-nuts F--kin' Crazy Syndrome" or something?
@Yuki Batshit crazy.
Crazier than a shithouse rat, that one.
@AshleyNunn Yes.
I can't tell if he's actually crazy or pretending so he can get out of whatever, but I'm leaning towards the former because that kind of what the f--k cannot be reproduced by a sane person.
Okay, now that I am done being interrupted by people offering me jobs that are impossible for me to get to, I am going to bake a cake.
It was surprisingly well edited though. I still think he needs help though
@BenBrocka Yeah, that much is certain.
love the skubadiving wingull
Although it does make an interesting point. Now that marijuana is legal in Colorado and other states, does that mean people who have been arrested for possession in those states should be let out?
Or is there some kind of grandfather clause that says "if it was illegal when we put you in there, you serve your sentence"?
@Yuki They were still breaking the then existing law.
@Wipqozn Figured that was the case. Makes sense.

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