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Oh God, there's a new Heroes?
@Sterno $$$, that's why.
Oh my goodness Google moved my cheese
Cracked splits into pages even with lists of FOUR items?! I'm writing a letter
If there's no page to turn where's the suspense?
I watched a few episodes of the original first Season as asked myself "Why?" as well. Then promptly forgot about the whole show. I'm surprised to learn they made more than five or so episodes.
@BenBrocka Write it on A6 so you'll need more pages
Cause you get more ad revenue that way right?
@MartinSojka So you didn't even see it when it got BAD.
(Though neither did I, as I quit midway through the third season, I think.)
@MartinSojka The whole first season was amazing. Then it went downhill quickly.
@JasonBerkan It went downhill right after the first season.
Like it had palces it needed to be.
And those places were downhill.
And it needed to be at those places yesterday.
@Frank True, but some of the stuff in that article sounds worse than what I watched.
So it got even more BAD.
Then the last season was ok. Nowhere close to season 1, but better than the rest.
It was only ok because the other ones sucked so hard.
I'm...skeptical of that, Thunderbird.
@TimStone "new" is relative.
if it said unread...
@Frank Yeah, but really? It sucked at the end, destroying fan goodwill, and ratings are far from assured.
@Sterno They probably saw how Alphas did, went, "Hey, that was pretty decent", got lazy, and decided to resurrect an old IP instead of creating something new.
Because, let's face it; I know I'm a sucker for superhero shit. I doubt I'm the only one.
@Frank Except that got cancelled due to lack of ratings
And that was Syfy
@TimStone Did you just install it?
They don't expect ratings
No, it's just crazy.
Which is too bad, because I was finally starting to like Alphas right at the end
@BenBrocka 3th party media is always the 1thiest
Well, the first season (at least in the few episodes I saw) had Hiro (who was cute and funny) and Stacy Haiduk (who'd I find hot even if she was wearing a thick burqa ... given those eyes, probably especially then), and ... well, I forgot the remainder. Meh.
@Sterno I loved Alphas :(
Gary was the best.
@OrigamiRobot Yep. No sense of tact whatsoever.
@OrigamiRobot Well, since it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, you can just pretend he's the only one who lived.
The show that indirectly spawned Urkle.
Good I-can't-really-call-it-morning-because-it's-almost-noon-but-it's-not-past-12-so-‌​afternoon-doesn't-work-either-so-yeah, Bridge.
@Yuki Good I-can't-really-call-it-morning-because-it's-almost-noon-but-it's-not-past-12-so-‌​‌​afternoon-doesn't-work-either-so-yeah to you, too
Did they really use a "stuck in the revolting door" part in that intro? In the 1980-ties or so (by the looks of it)? That wasn't even particularly funny back when Charlie Chaplin or the Three Stooges did it. At least put some Yakety Sax in the background or something ...
@Yuki It's 12:22
@OrigamiRobot It's 11:23 where it matters.
@OrigamiRobot it's 18:22
You're all wrong!
> It all started when I stumbled upon his phone and found some very incriminating texts and pictures. For the record, I am no snooper. It's just not my style. I was only curious, just wondering what he'd been up to. I have nothing to hide and assumed he didn't either.
"I'm no snooper... I'd just wondered what he'd been up to!"
My computer says it's 12:23.
Your computer is not configured correctly.
@Sterno Aah, the classic "I don't verb, I just synonym!"
So, how'd you Dark Souls guys first find out about the coconut?
@badp What?
14 secs ago, by SaintWacko
@badp What?
25 secs ago, by SaintWacko
@badp What?
It's apparently an item hidden in the first level that you need to defeat the first boss.
I've played like 20 minutes or so of dark souls though so just ignore me
@badp I think you may have been had
@badp ... You don't need a coconut to defeat the first boss.
Hell, the first boss isn't even that hard once you have experience with the game.
@KevinvanderVelden Half that, got to the first savepoint/fireplace thing, then the lack of controller at the first enemy past that annoying me too much.
@Yuki If by that you mean "Chose the firebombs"
It just takes awhile because your dinky broken hilt of a sword barely scratches him.
@Arperum I've got the XBox 360 version so that wasn't an issue =p
@OrigamiRobot Eh, I've killed the Asylum Demon with the Broken Hilt. It just took so friggin' long that I don't bother with it anymore.
@KevinvanderVelden No xbox here, nor a PS*number*
@Yuki I saw no reason to ever bother.
@Arperum I got the whole set of rockband gear for cheap so I bought an xbox to play it :)
@OrigamiRobot I picked a run-through with the Master Key and decided I wanted the Hammer anyways.
And it was worth the money IMO :)
@Yuki I had the master key and the firebombs.
@OrigamiRobot Thief?
Yeah, I think I went Cleric for that run.
The starting class doesn't even matter for your build so I just chose whatever gave me the best combination of items
Then I ended up never using the hammer.
@OrigamiRobot Went Cleric so I had a bunch of starting Faith so I could join the Sunbros as quickly as possible.
Didn't want to spend my levels on Faith if I didn't have to.
Thief is the best choice because I chose it. Anyone who plays games differently than me is objectively worse.
@Yuki Heh
Q: Dragon age 2 : final decision

GreatGatsby* SPOILER ALERT * Please do not read if you don't want to get spoiled about the ending of the game. I just finished my second playthrough of dragon age 2 with a warrior class. In my first playthrough I was a mage, so I decided to side with mages at the end of the game. My decidion didn't feel ri...

@Lazers POB.
Master Key is nice
Star list is boring
licks @Sterno
@Sterno well then do something interesting.
Q: How do I farm cursed chests?

givanseAre there any requisites for them to spawn? Where do I find cursed chests? This are chests that are supposed to give big rewards after beating a group of elites.

lol, Mighty Quest Epic Loot. I did not miss out on the game; I elected to decline your stupid NDA.
And now that the NDA has been lifted, I can't login because uPlay is broken.
So it turns out I missed out on jack shit.
uPlay is worse than mobile Hitler
I always forget UPlay exists. Because it shouldn't
@GnomeSlice That launches a launcher asking you for your uPlay login.
Oh. What's uPlay?
UPlay is great because reasons.
@GnomeSlice Ubisoft DRM
Can I have my money now?
uPlay is Ubisoft's Origin.
@GnomeSlice Stay ignorant. You'll be happier.
@badp uPlay on a Steam game is even worse. You have good DRM, why add crap DRM to the mix?
@JasonBerkan oh I still remember my Assassin's Creed 2 unboxing "experience"
Why have DRM at all?
I honestly never had any issues with uPlay. I mean, it's pointless and nonsensical, but it never actually caused problems for me.
@GnomeSlice To reduce piracy.
@Wipqozn Right.
@FEichinger On Heroes VI, if your internet drops, you are booted out of the game.
No save. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
Q: Can you get below zero reputation?

bob at bob dot bobJust in case it ever comes to it I was wondering if I could get a reputation score lower than zero.

How well it works is a whole other question, but the reason companies implement it is because they think it will reduce piracy.
@FEichinger I haven't had any problems either, I just need something to complain about
@JasonBerkan Well, yeh, there's Always-On nonsense, but I usually avoid those games on principle.
@badp I think we get it.
@GnomeSlice naah, he needs to fill several more screens worth of chat with pictures
@badp try alt+prtscrn next time
@badp best picture yet I'd say
@Oak all of those are alt+prtscrn
@badp Even the third one?
@Blem Whoa, that's awesome.
@Blem That's cool, but I'm getting dizzy
I bet I could do that.
@Blem starred for awesomeness
I should try.
@GnomeSlice then do it with video game characters
(while you're at it)
@GnomeSlice Hey, you asked what it is.
@badp Those screenshots did not tell me what it is.
@badp btw I had a really hard time typing the phrase "alt+prtscn"
@GnomeSlice In a way, they do.
@Oak Instead of pressing the keys?
My mind would not accept that need to type "a" at the beginning, I kept trying to hit the alt key instead
@SaintWacko Yes, that was alt-prtscrn. The launcher only drawn on part of the window
@badp Wow, weird
That's how deep the suck of uPlay goes.
@Oak reminds me a lot of Ibb and Obb actually (though you don't change colors when switching layers)
Without the pictures, you wouldn't be able to fully appreciate the real nature of uPlay.
So uPlay is like Ubisoft's Steam?
No, it's like Ubisoft's Origin, because Steam doesn't suck.
Same thing.
Not really.
Pretty sure they do the same thing, just made by different people.
You're welcome to be as wrong as you'd like.
Also related to this discussion: Rome in Google Earth. Wow.
such fanboy
Wait, we're back in Cinnabar?
The Mansion, no less?
You're calling me fanboy for tearing on something you didn't know existed five minutes ago
I guess it's for training?
@GnomeSlice I don't get it. I want him to post several more images.
@badp What? I called you a fanboy for 'correcting' me uselessly when I used a comparison you didn't like.
@badp in his defense, Steam was practically universally reviled when it came out. In your defense, uplay does exhibit much suckiness.
@Yuki They're grinding.
The reason I don't like Uplay is that it's just another prompt I need to click on when starting a game on Steam
The publisher with almost universal acceptance of the three is Steam. Origin is almost exclusively EA only stuff and uPlay is probably exclusively Ubisoft only stuff
at least Origin doesn't need to be started through Steam...
Steam is very much more than just Valve stuff
@GnomeSlice And this is what we like to call "ad hominem".
Is that so difficult to understand, or "useless"?
@badp Useless.
You knew what I meant.
As I said you are welcome to be as wrong as you'd like
My amount of care per unit of wrong is rapidly vanishing
You guys should kiss and make out.
err I mean, kiss and make up! That's what I meant! Totally!
@Wipqozn naah, kissing and making out is also fine, I can use the [shipping intensifies] gif from @Yuki then!
Course, then it stops being shipping so...
@KevinvanderVelden I wonder if my dream of @badp sniffing women will be incorporated into Bridge fanfics.
@Sterno At first I thought she had like a bacon plushie wrapped around her head
@KevinvanderVelden Dammit, I'm trying to find a GIF of a vibrating boat for [SHIPPING INTENSIFIES], preferably one of those big cargo ships. No luck so far.
@Krazer that's so cool
@Wipqozn probably, though beware of how the fanfics will incorporate the fact that it's your dream
Q: Are there any spin-offs of minecraft that actually aren't that much different?

bob at bob dot bobI was wondering if there were any minecraft spin offs that weren't that much different from the actual game.

@KevinvanderVelden I think we all know that my secret fantasy is that I wish I was a woman who was sniffed by @badp.
@GnomeSlice Oh please. Everyone knows that girls are just figments of my imagination.
@GnomeSlice naah, halo is crap, at least play some good games!
@KevinvanderVelden Spoken like somebody who has never played Halo
@GnomeSlice The missing case here is the group of people who post NSFW pictures of them in random chat rooms.
@GnomeSlice I played the first halo!
@Yuki no, that's just the first group
Also the second group
@GnomeSlice Halo is a good game if you have other people to play it with, much like every other FPS these days.
Granted, having people to play with tends to make almost any game fun.
Payday 2 DLCs are -50% this weekend
In other news, Age of Wonders III looks fantastic.
@Wipqozn Indeed. Love Civ games with magic.
@Frank It's closer to Heroes 3 than Civ I believe.
@Wipqozn Sadly, they all are. More focus on units than research.
I don't think I'd call that sad. It's really a completely differnet thing than Civ. It's tactical turn baed combat.
Similar to XCOM.
@Wipqozn I'd like it if there was more research and focus on world-altering spells.
Most of the 4X games that have magic depend more on customizing units with new magical gear, and that's how they get stronger.
@KevinvanderVelden Who are we shipping?
@OrigamiRobot EVERYONE
@FEichinger Aww, I didn't know you cared <3
@OrigamiRobot I don't even know what this is about, really.
@FEichinger shipping of course, we're going to china everyone!
@FEichinger Are you saying your love is unconditional?
@OrigamiRobot My love is non-existant, more like.
@FEichinger Aww, you really don't hate everyone <3
The android version of Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan was added to the current IndieGameStand deal.
Or for anyone who bought it there in the past.
Halo is a good game if you like playing mediocre FPS games with an input device that is inferior to keyboard and mouse.
> Top 10 contributors will also receive a copy of Ku on Android!
@Sterno I played Halo 1 on the PC! I had a good input device
@RedRiderX Uh... what? Pretty sure it's for everyone.
Q: How can I stop my lava moat from burning down my house?

bob at bob dot bobI have a house in Minecraft and since wood planks was the most abundant resource in my inventory, that is what I made it out of. I put a lava moat around my house for defensive purposes. My house keep catching on fire, how can I stop this from happening?

@RedRiderX Yeah I think that's a mistake
@KevinvanderVelden You are in the minority.
@Sterno I played both.
I blame consoles for Bioshock combat sucking
@Sterno the awesome-ish minority
That looks suspiciously like Stackexchange
Are they still licensing the stackexchange software?
I thought they were using one of the OSS clones
@GnomeSlice scroll to the bottom
Oh, so it's a clone.
@FEichinger Oh, so it's that kind of shipping. cc @FAE
@Lazers That pinged me.
@OrigamiRobot [fanfiction intensifies]
@FEichinger Weird.
@GnomeSlice He has something setup that's totally a good idea that certain words will ping him
Totally a good idea, and I'm not now all of a sudden going to start finding ways to fit the word "fire" and others into normal conversation now. Nope. Not going to do that.
@Unionhawk You know I can deactivate it with two clicks, right?
You can deactivate regular pings with the same two clicks, I imagine
@FEichinger But you won't because you love us!
@Unionhawk Actually, no, I'm just talking about my script.
Oh, well
@FEichinger Suggestion: Revisions link for posts with no edited link
reads through notifications @kal \o/
@ventic Just use the timeline link.
Contains revision info as well.
But it's more confusing :(
+ it's not on answers
@ventic It does contain answer revisions, though, if I'm not mistaken.
I mean, I can make a separate script so you can choose which to use, but I don't like adding redundancy.
Oh, @3vLASDJHSALFAS is worse than mobile hitler now
@Yuki Sadly, nothing in there that beats my Metroid in space one.
@Frank link?
I'll probably get used to it
@SaintWacko Uh. I kinda made it myself by taking Samus' ship and dumping it on top of a planet background.
@Unionhawk What?
@SaintWacko @3ventic -> @ventic
@Frank Oh, nice
@Unionhawk Oh...
They exhausted their usefulness
so they were taken care of
@ventic backs away slowly
Nah I'm just kidding
I need to get rid of the other 4 people who share my last name and first initial at this university
the other 2 were too afraid of superuser
@Unionhawk I don't think I'll ever have that issue
@Unionhawk my old school used [email protected]. Which was great fun for one of my friends, cause there was another person with his exact name at school :D
@SaintWacko I'll see if I can find it for you.
He got like, 10% of the mails from professors because his name had a 2 in it
@3ventic yes, that's clearly the best idea. They made an entire TLD for him :)
That's what I thought
@KevinvanderVelden Heh. We use (lastname)(firstinitial)(number)@udayton, and I'm 5th. I was in one of the CPS labs, and, I saw someone with like, 26
@KevinvanderVelden Huh, that's funny. I don't see as many people in the NL with the same names as each other as I do in the US, by far.
I think it was [email protected] or something, not sure
My school and university-to-be use first two letters from firstname and first 6 letters from lastname
@FAE well, his name was basically the dutch variant of John Smith
@Yuki ZOMG
@KevinvanderVelden Was he a Jan? :P
@Yuki breaks down crying
@Yuki :(
I'm a little ashamed to admit to you guys, that back in the day, I was a starred commentor on Lifehacker
Back when that was a thing
@FAE I had to look up how common it was, but Jan was apparently only the 124th most common name
His was in the top 70
@Yuki This kills me because seh can see in her cabinets
why is she writing the e last
(I don't want to just say his name cause making such information public without asking is a dick move in my opinion)
With Ash Wednesday next week, and these things already available, remember:
When they moved production from New Zealand to the UK and switched from the runny white centers to the thick, frosting-like filling, it got way harder to cook them scrambled.
@BenBrocka Oh god i cant unsee that
@Unionhawk what was ash wednesday again?
@KevinvanderVelden Start of lent, start of Easter season
@KevinvanderVelden Ah ok
Well, start of secular easter season, anyway
I wonder if this will update in the chat room...?
@KevinvanderVelden Well if the first name was super common, I imagine it wouldn't do a lot of harm, but that's understandable. :)
Technically, Easter season is 3 days, or so
@Unionhawk god I cannot stand those things
Never mind, doesn't even one-box.
@FAE hmm true enough, first name can't do any harm. His first name was Niels =p
Ugh, apparently 5mbps is the absolute highest upload rate I can possibly get. I hate async internet speeds
@Unionhawk Our grocery store chain here started selling easter candy at the end of January.
Course, he was the only Niels in the class and we had 3 people named Tim in it for some reason
@FAE True.
@Unionhawk huh, I didn't know lent had anything to do with easter
@KevinvanderVelden Ah okay.
But I'm a Catholic who, despite 5 and a half years of Catholic schooling, is still one. Statistically speaking, I'm pretty sure I don't actually exist.
As a kid, my parents would never buy me Cadbury Eggs. As an adult, I tried one. This is how I learned that my parents really did always have my best interest in mind.
@FAE Yep. There was a weird overlap with valentines candy and easter candy on sale at the same time.
@Unionhawk well, it's not possible to *un*register yourself as a catholic so according to their statistics you'll always remain one
I liked this week's, "What If".
@Yuki That is beyond terrifying and holy crap they got lucky
@SaintWacko I did?
@Yuki thanks, I'll be thinking of that as I'm walking home now!
Also, cya chat! HOME TIME FINALLY :D
@Yuki horrified forever
Here, cute animal GIF to make you feel better.
@Yuki If there was someone on the right back seat, they weren't as lucky as the people on the crosswalk..
@Unionhawk Oh? Sorry, then. Something must be messed up with my cursor hover
@KevinvanderVelden My headcanon on statistics on people who are in Catholic schools for a long time is that many people in the catholic school system are pretty damn tired of it all.
@Yuki I wonder who went through that intersection illegally.
Hm, force refreshing fixed it
Looks like the car nailing the van didn't stop like he was supposed to.
@Frank And was going way to fast
@Yuki eeeeeeeeeeeee
@Frank Considering how fast the three moving cars are going, I'd say the smaller car is speeding.
Oh god, now I remember that horrifying New Zealand commercial telling people to slow the fuck down
If you'll excuse me, I'll be in a corner
@Yuki I'm just wondering what happened to the driver in the other car now.
(no, I am NOT going to link that. That shit gave me nightmares)
@Unionhawk I linked it back a while ago
I know
Vaguely interested in The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot, check out Steam tags: , , . I'll pass.
Steam Tags success story, episode 1

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