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You're so insane you think insanity is sanity.
Good morning!
How is everyone?
Lively crowd we've got here.
Well, I am at work so
I have a fun story of the class I just had
It involved one guy leaving frustrated because he couldn't respond to my superior logic.
And then what was the effect of denouncing my teacher as a heretic!
Well, the heretic part was over lunch, not during class. But yeah, fun times!
a lot of people at work or sleeping
not that many aussies and asian people here
@Blem cough cough Israeli cough cough
@Blem it's noon for us dutchies, there are several people in the same time zone as I am
@Garan technically you can be defined as an Asian... even though it makes no sense
@KevinvanderVelden ... we are in same time zone
@Blem Eh, it's ok, I'm originally from NJ.
@Blem I didn't know that! I know Arperum, FAE, badp, FEIicher are in the same time zone at least
I'm at home
@3ventic Where's that for you?
@3ventic AKA mini Russia! ;D
a lone house next to a lake, second floor, bedroom
@3ventic Ah. D'you mind sending over some snow? We could use more water this year.
@3ventic zipcode, housenumber? You're skipping the important bit for the stalkers!
I only give those to people who send me stuff
waiting to get his Arqade/SE shirt in 6-8 weeks
There are shirts for it?!
How do I get one?
You do something in the community
like win a contest or nominate yourself in a moderator election
Does talking here count?
It should!
SE should really just sell merchandise I'd say
They used to
It wasn't worth it
The book keeping was too costly or something
+ it makes it less valuable special
There are websites for that, upload a design and they send you a check basically. As far as I understand
Q: What happened to the Stack Exchange Store?

Michael PryorThere used to be a place where you could buy Stack Exchange branded gear, what happened to it?

Eh, it would be nice, but I'm not up in arms about the lack of merchandise.
Oh hey, Syria's being loud again.
I changed my location in profile to "Jyväskylä, Finland" and the site asked "Did you mean Jyvaskyla, Finland?" ಠ_ಠ
Wow. I don't think it'll even bother with where I am.
I think it just dislikes ä and ö
Especially since some people still think of it as "occupied syria"
Even though it was officially annexed.
That part of the world is as messed up as Stack Overflow's tagging
And the UN has no problems cruising around up here.
</rant about the UN's stupidity>
Which roughly means that there's some order but everyone does as they please
That sentence doesn't sound right to me ^
@KevinvanderVelden YOU MISSPELT MY NAME.
Nah, looks ok to me.
Oh hai @fei
The alternative was to ping everyone so I could have autocomplete
@FEichinger "fitchingor"
One day I'll remember how to spell your name without looking it up
Hey @kalina
I'm not here
You're just an illusion
please leave a message after the air raid siren
@kalina Hi @not here
@KevinvanderVelden It's not that hard. FEichinger, just like fbueckert wasn't hard to type.
@kalina I know you know how to spell it ò.ó
These are not the angels of death you are looking for
Also back home! Yay for good music!
@KevinvanderVelden Everyone knows the angels of death are metaphorical.
@Arperum Are you implying @FEi should rename to something like @Frank too?
@3ventic It would just get worse.
@FEichinger Not if you rename to something that's 3 letters long.
@3ventic I will gut you.
Like @fei
@3ventic No, I'm implying that @Frank never shouldn't have changed his name.
@Arperum never shouldn't have?
so he should have?
so you agree with @fbuasdsabert renaming to @Frank?
@kalina Dammit time limit. I think it was unneeded, but it's irrelevant anyway.
@Garan I'm an atheist, I think it's all just stories (several of which are actually horrible morals). But I was referring to kalina.
@KevinvanderVelden It's ok, I'm considered a heretic by a lot of people.
Let's not discuss religion
Nothing good ever comes out of discussing religion online
@3ventic I usually try to stick to "oh hey, I denounced another few people as heretics today" stuff.
And I'm to lazy to look for the time she said she was an angel of death so meh
@KevinvanderVelden She most certainly is an angel.
Being a heretic is fun until the pope declares a crusade on you.
@3ventic Crusader Kings II much?
@3ventic well, at least I can finally blaspheme legally in my country!
@3ventic Crusaders were just middle age terrorists.
@3ventic I was more going along the lines of how I effectively called my rabbi a heretic.
But yeah
The real pope should call for a crusade some time, that would be interesting
@3ventic Oh god. Against whom?
I don't know..
The people on Mars?
@Garan against those who fight in the war against christmas!
I love how "let's not discuss religion" comes from the same person who then proceeds to ask for a crusade.
It's almost time for Faux news to start on that bullcrap again
It's always the quiet ones.
I like to contradict myself.
@3ventic You sure?
@KevinvanderVelden That is an awesome name and i shall call it that henceforth.
@Garan I got that name from somewhere else, probably Pharyngula
Thief keeps downloading 0 bytes every few minutes..
Oh, it was finally released?
I still haven't finished the original.
It's not released yet
@3ventic PIRATE!
I can't play it until thursday
Hmmm... Curiosity time! How did each of you decide on your username?
Q: Check balance of inactive account on EVE

Simon VerbekeSince I can't post on the forums with an inactive account, I thought I'd ask here. I'd like to reactivate my EVE account, but if I have enough ISK I want to buy a PLEX. So I was wondering if there was any way to check my balance before activating "Hours for PLEX".

@Garan well... it's my name so
Mostly my parents decided it
Formed over time from event, which was the first available random username that came to mind when I had to register a new account on FlyFF
@KevinvanderVelden That works, I had assume that already. But, for example, mine is the base that I use for pretty much any game it's not already taken in. If it is, I tack on 105 to it.
Mine started, though, from my first Morrowind character.
Mine has the awesome trait of being something that people rarely pick so I get to use 3ventic pretty much everywhere
And the 105 is from my first Runescape character.
Yes, that's right. Runescape.
@3ventic Thanks to last night's discussion, I now always read your name as "buttventic", though ...
My Runescape account is t aika3, so I guess the 3 in my name comes from there
@FEichinger Ass winking!
Maybe I should rename to ventic here and let my avatar take care of the 3
But that'd be backwards.
Not on the site!
ventic3 was my first linux account's name
Who cares about the site?
because the 3 wouldn't go first because invalid username blah blah blah
@FEichinger Not if I type big!
My name comes from a random name generator when I needed a new character name is some rpg game. It looked nice, doesn't sound terrible and is unique. unlike my real name.
My real name is unique in Finland
@3ventic Hello, unique.
@Arperum I always want to insert an E before the U, for whatever reason.
People always misspell it when I say it out loud..
@Garan facepalm
@FEichinger The problem with my lastname is that people forget to insert an e half of the time...
@3ventic I've got a similar case. My name is the same as a very popular one, only without a very subtle syllable. So they don't hear that I said a different name.
People like to stick an i to the end of a lot of words and get rid of foreign characters
My name is stupidly common. Heck, there are even multiple other people with the same firstname-lastname combination...
So cup becomes kuppi, glass becomes lasi
@Arperum same
And he took the bloody domain name!
So they replace the W in my name with V and stick an I in the end..
@Arperum As far as I'm aware, there's only two other people with the same first-last combo. One of them apparently wrote a book.
@Garan First page of google gives five different ones... even a company with my name. And none of those results leads back to me.
@Arperum Damn, what is it, something like John Smith?
@Arperum oh man, there are so many companies with my last name
As far as I can tell, there's only one person in the whole world with the same first-last combo as me..
@Garan First name is stupidly common here. I once was in a class with two other with that name.
@KevinvanderVelden I know of at least one extant one, mostly because it's run by my dad.
@KevinvanderVelden company with firstname lastname combo?
@Arperum What's so weird about that?
Sewer management, a car dealer, a garden center, boat seller, building materials supplier
@Arperum no, just my last name
@Arperum Heh, at least you don't know people who have a custom to name their oldest children after certain famous people.
@3ventic Do you have a company with your name? like literally "firstname lastname"? And you are not the owner.
If I don't care about the n there are even more ><
@Arperum No, because I don't think there are any people with the same first-last combo as me, and I don't own a company.
@Arperum there is a professional photographer with my name, does that count? =p
IIRC we once looked up in school how old our name was, and my last name exist from 1406 or something.
But I've seen a few trucking and catering companies with "firstname lastname" as the company name
@3ventic This is what I get for having a German firstname and a Finnish lastname..
@KevinvanderVelden In that case I can count the nephrologist prof dr. too.
Is tpp grinding? Haven't seen them do that in days
Q: How to increase chance to hit target?

ExaIn Might & Magic X Legacy one of my group members is a dwarven defender. But almost everytime (90%) he misses the target when trying to provoke it. I'm not sure of the correct translation but it's one of the defenders first skills to provoke/taunt/challenge a single target in melee combat. How ...

I have a backstreet boy tune stuck in my head.
This is horrible.
I don't even remember the lyrics, just the tune, so I'm singing random things like pokemon names.
@Wipqozn making the best of a terrible situation I see
I blame @Fluttershy
...now I'm singing "I blame @Fluttershy
this is the worst
I blame @Arperum
@Wipqozn Now that's a catchy tune
haha gen 1 wrap
Q: I accidentally TTd to moving day! Help!

user70292Please keep in mind that my game was ONE day ahead during all of this! Ok so I've had my villager patty let me know a few days ago that she would be moving on the 26th, so naturally I decided to go and find someone to trade a villager I'd prefer for her. Everything was fine except the person I'm...

Hardcore botting going on in TTP?
@BenBrocka Scripting is the worst.
Q: Top-lane Ezreal

Ibrahim ApachiI want to ask whether you think toplane Ezreal could be viable or not. I am currently platin 5, because I didn't use to play so many rankeds this season yet. I was platin 1 (with 99 points >>) last season. I thought of it because I want to main a champ I really can play everywhere, except support...

So what is up, ladies and gentlemen?
@Garan the opposite of the direction of the average gravitational forces acting on you
@KevinvanderVelden Thanks, I was wondering.
@Garan any time :)
@KevinvanderVelden So then what is left?
@Garan a subjective property of your current orientation, take your current orientation, shadow it down on the plane perpendicular to your current up, and rotate it 90 degrees counter clockwise
@KevinvanderVelden Oh right, you are also in gamedev.
(rotation on the same plane referenced earlier)
@Garan Some food on the table
@3ventic Only if it's not vegetarian.
If it was, there'd be nothing left.
@Garan also I like math ^,^
I like math
I enjoy maths.
I hate spelling math(s)
Clearly the solution is to just call it Wiskunde, dutch speaking people at least understand that
they made it back to the SNES!
NewEgg just sent me an email asking if I could answer a question someone asked about a product I had purchased a while back...
> A shopper asked: will this be compatible with my wireless Bluetooth speakers also?
closes as too broad/unclear what you're asking
yeah I've gotten those too
I wouldn't mind answering if there was actually a way to know the answer, but...
Meh, answered "Probably". I've now made the internet a worse place, shame on me.
You know you've been watching TPP too much when you look next to your arrow keys looking for the "Anarchy" and "Democracy" buttons.
@TimStone no no no, you're seeing it wrong. You've made the not stack exchange internet a worse place. Making the stack exchange internet a better place by comparison!
I like that. Excellent, mission accomplished.
Q: Performance issues with mousewheel scrolling

Doktoro ReichardI'm experiencing an unexpected drag whenever I use my mousewheel to scroll up and down in either the main site or the Meta. By drag, I mean I roll the wheel up and the system takes about half a second to respond. The transition isn't seamless. This doesn't seem to happen on other SE sites. Also...

Q: How do I adapt this housing block for Poseidon?

z  -I'm trying to adapt Aegius's common housing block to the Poseidon expansion since it seems to be the most compact and dense block. However, I noticed that he put in all the original Zeus culture buildings, which I suspect is not required. What is the minimum science required to allow my common ...

z  -
z -
woohoo, someone cares about me today! i.imgur.com/LoJUi1q.png
I'll keep an eye in case the script doesn't pick it up
@3ventic Aluminum vs Aluminium is even funnier because Aluminum is the original word the British scientist decided on.
Q: What constitutes as opinion based in terms of League of Legends

HalcyonixusSo, I see a ton of League of Legends posts, most of them asking what the best builds are, how to play a certain champ, or who works the best in certain lanes/areas. My question is, when do we say that the question is too opinion based? Is it when it's just a general build request, or when someo...

@OrigamiRobot I just call it alumiini
aluminum sounds like latin
At first he wanted to call it Alumium.
@SepiaLazers Oh boy ...
@BenBrocka slow mode only helps them
@Sterno Thanks for bringing this brillant pun to my attention
I will make sure to use it whenever appropriate or otherwise
@Sterno Always call it Faux News from now on, okay.
@Sterno Who has ever said Faux News?
I hate you all.
But especially @Wipqozn
Faux News?
do you mean Fox?
@kalina No, no, Faux News.
@Sterno Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News Faux News
ring ding ding gering gering gering
what does the faux say?
That's what I see too.
no I mean in order for it to be inb4 we'd have had to say basically the same thing
I like the idea of calling it Faux News.
It's true, by the rules of chat they didn't inb4, they tag-teamed.
@TimStone Who did they tag team?
I hope you do realize you're now arguing the semantics of "inb4".
@FEichinger I am not even familiar with this phrase.
@FEichinger I'm not arguing, I merely stated factual truth and then let everybody else get on with it
@OrigamiRobot I can't think about it that much, I'm only half way through my coffee.
@kalina What I did is next level inb4'ing

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