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google is being really stupid today.
After it's brainfart earlier today I had it come blurt out the next thing insert gmail address is not coupled to a google account.
how is that even possible?
and suddenly WUNSCHGEMAEß
That's pretty damn impressive
@badp If you're typing in all caps the ß becomes SS
@Arperum :(
@StrixVaria in the original letter it was all lowercase anyway
@StrixVaria Hey not my fault if it keeps throwing stupid at me. Fix plz.
@Arperum The tiny version of your avatar looks like the Burger King.
@StrixVaria ...
@Arperum It does though. Kind of. But not really.
That dude is way creepier.
@badp What's the problem with that word anyway?
@StrixVaria That things hair is short. Mine is long
Q: Dream Jobbers for Med Bay or Cloth Fabricator?

Jason G.Has anyone seen dream jobbers yet for Med Bay or Cloth Fabricator? When I was in the process of achieving Imperial Marches and of building Bongo Sandwiches I was receiving dream jobbers so it was fully staffed the moment it was complete. With the latest two levels complete I have yet to receive...

@MartinSojka Google translate choked on it until I wrote 'ae' as 'ä'
ä is the best
@3ventic 5 per word in your language on average, right?
@3ventic ä is the lifeblood of finnish.
@StrixVaria Guess so, I'm quite a jääräpää
@badp If you're looking for single word translations, dict.leo.org is much better
No, I need the whole thing translated.
Morning, Bridge
@Yuki Grats!
@badp ... then OmegaT + a proper translation memory is much better.
does it help with "Erklärung zur Steuerpflicht im In- bzw. Ausland, einschließlich entsprechender Nachweise"?
@badp Yes. You can grab the relevant translation memory here: open-data.europa.eu/en/data/dataset/dgt-translation-memory
@Fluttershy yeah, sorry I was just typing out a large answer
@3ventic That's a real word.
@StrixVaria It is.
@badp You could always ping @FEi
People who have downvoted this because you thought it was a duplicate, please undo it (of course if you downvoted for another reason that's a different matter)
@Unionhawk you mean @fei?
@badp "statement of tax liability at home or abroad, including eventual proof"
@RedRiderX I'm... not quite sure I understand the rules of this game.
@MartinSojka now to find a version of OmegaT that is not embedded in the SourceForge wrapper
Speaking of German words, I quite like Grünflügelbülbül.
@Yuki Make a 3 out of a 1 and 2
Then make 6, 12, 24...
@MartinSojka green-winged-...
I'm lost after that.
@badp ... and learn how to use it, which can take a week or two. Depends on how often you do translation job, it might be overkill.
@MartinSojka Definitely overkill, then.
@CruelCow yes, Google Translate got me that far
@StrixVaria Bulbul. It's a bird species.
@RedRiderX Is 816 a good score?
@kalina I thought we weren't supposed to downvote duplicates
It's not a duplicate
Also: the community is about to close a valid question
> If your tax residence have changed, please, fill the second page of the letter (Explanation of tax liability at home and abroad, including the evidence) for the completion of our accounting records and separate roads vines back to us, or in a branch of the German leave bank.
I mean, it gets almost there and the road and vine thing must've been a typo of mine.
now to find the typo.
good luck @badp
I mean... you will need it
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm getting told to take this up with you so can you ping me when you're around
What are you translating @badp?
@3ventic A letter I got from my bank
They want some proof that I either live in Germany or don't.
That's interesting.
I have 4 weeks or something.
1 of which was spent for this mail to get to me.
It's always fun to realize that Skyrim was running in the background the last 2 hours that I spent browsing SE.
@kalina Considering the community has decided to close his "valid" questions on numerous occasions, why not? — Nolonar 10 mins ago
> Vervollständigung
Google gives me this knowledge card:
> Complete metric space
@Unionhawk yeah, I don't know
@kalina I don't even...
I'm getting downvoted for sticking up for the guy now
oh, I found the typo.
@kalina because reasons
@RedRiderX HTML5 games looking better all the time
@kalina I haven't downvoted anything from that mess. You are right though. It is not a duplicate of that how do I get lots of gold question.
@RedRiderX Oh hey, I got 1012.
@Yuki Probably
@BenBrocka ups..
Or something in the 1000s.
I've never played it before
stupid http
But it seems to be burning up the iphone game charts
@RedRiderX which is great because it's neither a "social" spamming game nor a flappy bird clone
I was bummed when it wasn't available on Android.
And I still don't think you could play this on a mobile device.
Q: Minecraft, And its players

user2544765How many people here play Mine-craft? and would you rather play single-player or multiplayer? I'm kind of conducting my own little survey. Just wondering on all of it... thanks if you reply

Same. I have an iPad but would rather not make further app store purchases
@RedRiderX probably not easily due to needing keys
@kalina Trust me, you're not the only one sometimes.
@OrigamiRobot I have cattle now! Also a chestnut orchard! Also I have 25 sheep.
Okay, I am confused. I might need legal advice here.
What's wrong?
I am now in Italy but I am still waiting for my February paycheck from Google.
@StrixVaria Tuberculosis
@RedRiderX This is fun! Just scored 2579
The paycheck is for the work I have performed in Germany.
@StrixVaria @OrigamiRobot I got hit by some disease earlier, can't remember the name. I dropped down a hospital right away so only a couple people died of it.
So it should be taxed through German law.
I would buy Threes if it were on Android
@SaintWacko I haven't got past 500 yet >.>
So that should mean that my tax residence, for as far as that last credit (and a possible fixup to in March) are concerned, should still be in Germany.
But I'm not in Germany.
I've only played 3 times though
And some of those were children! So win win.
But hey no stars?
@Wipqozn I haven't had any disasters yet
for real, Banished is only 14.99
@SaintWacko I've only gotten to about 1200, so much fun though :o
@kalina I was confused until I remembered you're one of those silly euros.
@bapd sounds like you need real legal advice, not internet legal advice :(
@SaintWacko I got hit by a fire too. Lost two stone houses :(
@Wipqozn lol yeah
did you have to pay in USD?
@Wipqozn pounds even, euros is 18.99
@CruelCow That's just silly. Everyone knows internet legal advice is the best legal advice.
@KevinvanderVelden Seriously, I'm just going "Shut up and take my money!"
@kalina I was too. I was like "WAIT. I ONLY NEED TO COUGH UP $5 IN REAL MONEY?" (I have like, $9 in my steam wallet from things)
I might stay up late tonight and buy it before I sleep
should get paid ~midnight
@kalina You should do it. It's really fun
@KevinvanderVelden On Steam, you can get it much cheaper from Humble
maybe even from GOG
Doesn't steam do currency conversion wrong? That is to say it doesn't do it at all?
@Wipqozn Oh yes
Well it's not conversion it's the publisher's MSRP for each region right?
@Wipqozn I think they just let the seller determine the price in every region
@spugsley Good luck and all that jazz.
Humble now lets game makers choose either method
@3ventic not quite "much", but yeah it's cheaper
@spugsley Yayy show! :D
Well, 5 euros is a big part of 19 euros
@fredley ...
big sigh
Hey, at least we can reopen mod-closed questions
I was about to say "@fredley, @kalina is going to kill you"
@kalina ...
Did we really elect a bunch of mods that close non-duplicates as duplicates?
I tend to agree with the second dupe listed on the most technical of levels
@spugsley Yay! I wish I could be there
If you squint at it hard enough, it sort of looks like a dupe.
If you have never played WoW, it was originally worded badly enough to pass as a dupe
Yes. That.
If I ask what are the different currencies used in Steam, I don't necessarily want to get more money in Steam..
@SaintWacko Me too! <3
@3ventic Let's not even add that into the mix
It's just a... what do you call it in English?
I closed as a dupe of the second, which it is. Read the question, not just the title.
@fredley the first one was closed incorrectly
> I would like to know more about money in World of Warcraft. What are the different types of currencies? How can I get more? How easy is it to get each type?
> I would like to know more about the different kinds of currency in World of Warcraft.

Can anyone please tell me what the different types of currency are and what they're used for?
== dupe
It's the same guy's question, can't we leave the better one open?
@3ventic This.
The first one isn't a great question to begin with imo.
@3ventic When you say 'better', you mean 'less negatively voted'?
@fredley no, he means the one that got the answer the user was after on it
There's barely any point in doing the same edits and moving the answers just because of a timestamp
@fredley It is a dupe of his older question, but the older question isn't a dupe of what it's marked as duplicating.
You could, perhaps, merge the two questions together
@Wipqozn I think I'm going to have to restart.
@Fluttershy I didn't delve that far
Use your reopen votes, love your reopen votes
@OrigamiRobot On the bright side, my town is doing well.
User asked a question -> that question was incorrectly closed -> user re-asked the question (note: I disagree with the user taking this action) -> user got the answer they wanted in the first question -> both questions got closed
@Wipqozn I just seem to be in the cycle of boom/bust
@fredley Are you serious? Two mods incorrectly close two questions and we have to reopen them?
@OrigamiRobot That can be a problem.
If we want to get technical, should the user have revised their question? Yes. Yes they should have.
@kalina You have the right to, if you think we were wrong.
However, if we want to get technical, that's something that can be fixed.
@fredley I am politely asking you to do it with your wonderful madskills
> marked as duplicate by Frank, Trent Hawkins, kotekzot, Billy Mailman, fredley♦ 12 mins ago
I don't think it's too much to ask for you to click once
@kalina Please submit a flow diagram of how you would like closures and not-closures arranged for all of these terrible, terrible questions
It's not like I'm asking you to remove all the obsolete comments as well
His mod vote didn't matter.
@Wipqozn check ze first one, which was closed after 3 votes by LPMF
incorrectly, I'll add
@kalina I'm aware, I'm talking about this one.
Which is the one @fredley acted on.
Should have been closed as 'terrible question'
This is far more difficult than it ever should have been.
@kalina My close vote was valid, entering sleep mode.
Q: Pile of Bones, what are they?

RaphaelDDLI've seen on some forums people saying the bones you find on the middle of the dungeon are/were actual players. But I don't even play with internet on and still find bones (and some very bad geared). So what are they? Random stuff or people like those souls in Demon Souls? Looks a lot more like ...

@fredley Your close vote says reopen the first one instead, but it makes no sense
@3ventic It doesn't say that, it just says it's a dupe.
@kalina No. This is an exact duplicate of the other one, and should honestly be mod-merged. — Billy Mailman 25 mins ago
@fredley If the first question is a duplicate of "how to get more gold", then the second question isn't a dupe
It can't be both
1 hour until I have red hairs! YAY
My cat just knocked my brand new iron off of it's shelf, and broke it.
@spugsley \o/
The first question is asking two things, sort of. "What are the currencies and how can I get more?". The second question is asking "What are the currencies?"
@Frank ouch.
I have a lab report to write. If this isn't sorted out in some fashion by the time I'm done with lab today, I swear...
@Arperum Yeah. I don't see how she got up there in the first place; it's really high up.
I'd say the first question should be closed as being unclear/too broad.
If we look at the original wording:
> hey I want to know more about money on world of Warcraft. for ex: what are the difforent types of money, how can I get more, and is it easy to get. thank you for looking any help/answer whould be much appriciated thanks!
I'm hoping it still works, though, as it will suck if it doesn't.
the questions he asked were just "Examples".
@Wipqozn Ideally, we'd make one question out of these two
that user shouldn't have merely re-asked it
but he doesn't know any better
@Wipqozn my answer on question #2 fully answers all of his "for example" and more without demonstrating the traits you'd expect from something that's too broad
@kalina The problem is they are "just examples". If they're just examples he must want to know more. He should have revised his question to ask specific things.Questions which are just "tell me anything and everything about X" normally are too broad.
I agree with you his re-asked question isn't a dup, so I'm casting a voteon that.
we could just delete question#1 and then the entire problem vanishes
Or close q1 as a dupe of q2
Would that work?
Just delete everything and go home
@RedRiderX then we're still in the position where a user asked the same question twice
Ah right
Same user
Your other question got closed due to it already being answered. Rather than asking another question, edit your other one to clarify what you're asking. — Frank 2 hours ago
That's all that needs to be said.
I personally don't care what happens with question #1 now that the user got the answer he was after
He made a mistake, we'll re-open the improved one, and hope he learns for next time.
We can delete the original question whenever we want. No need to get a mod involved since 10kers and 20kers can delete it in a day or two.
@Wipqozn oh I wasn't going to ask a mod, it's obvious our mods aren't interested
His new question did make his question more clear and narrow the focus, so he did improve his question. He just went about ti the wrong way.
oh, scoopertino.
@badp lol
@kalina If no other mod is on it I can look at what's going on.
they got to the name rater!
@badp sure why not
@kalina show me the way to the drama
@badp User asked this question:
Q: How does money work in World of Warcraft?

user69492I would like to know more about money in World of Warcraft. What are the different types of currencies? How can I get more? How easy is it to get each type?

At this point, just delete his original question and call it a day. Everything will be solved then.
It's clear to a WoW player that he's asking about the massive list of currencies available in game
not "how do I get more gold"
but it got closed, incorrectly
no big deal, the user then raised this question:
Q: What are the different currency types?

user69492I would like to know more about the different kinds of currency in World of Warcraft. Can anyone please tell me what the different types of currency are and what they're used for?

Which was a repost
now, the second question has been reopened
so... can the first one disappear, or can you merge the two
dat downvoting
and can you lazerify the comments on question #2
@kalina I'll close the first as a dupe of the second.
are we fine keeping two questions by the same user that are for the same thing?
I think the user might want to delete it himself.
I don't think this user knows how to delete stuff
since they're struggling to grasp the concept of how to ask a question
It is at any rate a duplicate of a question that exists, so we might as well point the dupe link to the right question.

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