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That's... impressive.
user image
@FEichinger In spite of having setup separate emails for each account I have, I eventually just went and uploaded my avatar to each site as appropriate.
@GraceNote you have over 100 email addresses just for your avatars?
now that is some serious dedication
Well, it's the same address, just with a salt.
Also, apparently the lock that Leslie and Ben put on that one bridge in Paris for the 100th episode got stolen.
@Yuki You should watch...almost any other one of these.
@GraceNote what is salt?
@Alex Random text added to the end of an email, appended with a +.
@Alex It's an extra bit at the end of an email that doesn't actually change the destination, but makes it a unique string.
@Alex Yes. Also what grace said.
Good morning, Bridge
@GraceNote +pain...?
@Wipqozn Former address used for Programmers.
many of you will be happy to know I now have an avatar again
@Frank If those stars get cleared again, I'm ... deleting my account? Or something ..
I switched it when I set my current avatar there.
blame @TimPost and his daughter
@GraceNote Sounds about right.
watches @FEichinger delete his account
@FEichinger I hate star clearing, but man, it's like you're BEGGING FOR ME TO DO IT
I'm not a room owner so I can't.
@FEichinger It's not like I have that power, so I don't know why you're telling me that.
Scumbag @fredley.
Oops I bumped a button
@Frank Just for the reply link.
Good afternoon, all
ugh, the weather sucks today
Normally @Wipqozn has to wait until I leave and reenter chat, because I can't be assed it F5 the screen so that it updates that he's not a room owner anymore
the stars got cleared
I love it, my kid gets blamed before she's even a user, much less an employee. NOW THAT'S A POST!
it has been a pleasure knowing you, @FEichinger
@TimPost how did you get pinged from that? You weren't even here!
I said or something.
@TimPost Context required.
I smell a conspiracy
@FEichinger You know who else says he'll delete his account and then doesn't? @Hitler.
(also RIP @MarkTrapp)
@Sterno He convinced @kalina to get back her avatar because of his kid.
I'm going to give her some ice cream right now as a reward. When she asks why, I'm going to say BECAUSE IT'S YOUR FAULT, HONEY! and quickly walk away.
2 mins ago, by kalina
blame @TimPost and his daughter
@Wipqozn I never said I would do it. It was more of a "maybe kinda sorta perhaps" kind of deal.
Oh. I was too busy with room owner abuse.
@StackExchange At this rate you're going to surpass @badp for most removals of wipqozn.
@TimPost At least we didn't name your daughter SkyDrift.
@GraceNote YET
The Bridge picked out the name for my 2nd kid, but I can't remember it.
@Wipqozn at this rate, @StackExchange is going to surpass @badp for number of messages posted to chat
@Sterno It was Wipqozn.
@Sterno Third child?
It was some other game that @GnomeSlice was pimping.
Yeah, I can't remember what it was.
The only game I can remember from @GnomeSlice's list of games is SkyDrift.
Jan 30 at 23:27, by Yuki
@GnomeSlice At this rate, we'll be naming @Sterno's next child "Epigenesis".
Jan 30 at 23:27, by Yuki
@GnomeSlice At this rate, we'll be naming @Sterno's next child "Epigenesis".
@Yuki Beat ya to the punch.
Q: What's the purpose of Desura's cache diretory?

ZommuterDesura has a cache directory which currently takes up about 5GB of my hard drive. What are those files and do I really need to keep them?

Q: Taunt icons for individual chartarcter

user68675I feel lost when I ask to taunt a group of bad guys because I doesnt have a clue what the taunt icon look like? can someone please list what the taunt icons look like for each character? thanks!!

There we go, my avatar has returned
@FEichinger Oh really?
Maybe I can just name the second one HumbleIndieBundle.
@FEichinger his message is before yours so he won.
@Sterno or HIB for short.
@yuki inb4 @FEichinger
@FEichinger Cheating is the best way to get ahead in life.
Cheating through edits is quickly becoming my signature style.
I really only do it when someone says "beat you to it" or something to that effect though.
All the cool kids wait until 20k to delete and then play again on harder difficulty.
@Sterno Arqade: Prestige Edition
I do not like this new interloper @Tim.
@kalina -1, is not a pony.
not even a crap one like rarity.
@TimStone and @TimPost should have a battle to the death. The winner shall be declared the one true @Tim.
@TZHX are you serious? You'd prefer me to be a pony?
@Sterno yes
Arqade: New Game+ is an awesome game
it wasn't much fun the first time around
but NG+ really brings it to life
So this bagel/coffee place I have lunch at sometimes has glass walls, and it's raining today, so there's water pouring down the sides in some places. It kind of looks like a waterfall, and it's in the middle of a shopping square, so lots of kids walk by. While I was in there ordering, this little girl walks by outside, looks at it, gets all excited, then decides to lick the wall. Then again. And again. A few more times. I wasn't sure whether it was cute or horrifying.
It's obviously up to you.
@kalina I know. They should just give you the option to jump right to it!
@FAE It could be both!
@Sterno progression the second time around is a lot faster too, since you have all of the tools but none of the levels
It seems like it's a massive grind in this normal play through.
I much prefer NG+ to the first playthrough
@Frank Adorably offputting!
I was going to refer to my account deletion as New Game+ during my nomination
but figured people wouldn't appreciate me taking it so lightly
I am going to go find a Rainbow Dash picture to use
@FAE Both.
@TZHX Rarity is a fantastic pony. She's so stuck up. It's great.
@kalina ...
Not again ...
@Wipqozn she's almost as dull as Twilight Sparkle.
I don't like this happy BMO, but I can't find a new image I like.
@TZHX Twilight Sparkle is worst pony.
@OrigamiRobot Roboqozn.
Rainbow Dash is best pony
@OrigamiRobot red gir
@Wipqozn RD > Fluttershy > Pinkie Pie > Applejack > Rariry > TS.
@TZHX RD > Fluttershy > Rarity > Apple Jack >>>>>>>>>>>>> TS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>‌​>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pinkie Pie
(I forgot Pinkie pie existed when I called TS worst pony)
That reminds me, I need to get caught up on the latest season.
@Wipqozn I love you so much right now
I haven't seen anything since the rarity special in manehatten.
let's make a bunch of little alots together
uh, no thanks.
sits in a corner and cries
There's your new gravatar @OrigamiRobot.
Man, I look so much better with my new beard.
You've got to like Pinkie Pie, she's mentally disturbed.
what on earth is that
It's like, the law or something that such characters can't be criticised.
@TZHX I just found her loud and obnoxious to be honest.
I also dislike the fact that TS just strolled into town and stole the library.
@kalina Roboqozn.
Are we arguing about horses again?
@BenBrocka ponies
@BenBrocka: raw material for making glue
add some vampiers, and its sparkly glue
@Wipqozn pix or it didn't happen!
Q: Xbox 360 controller right motor makes loud noise

Tiana987642I got a brand new xbox 360 controller yesterday. The buttons are good, soft and responsive but I think I have a problem with the right motor. It mostly make sound while not vibrates at all !!! Long story: I play Assassin Creed Brotherhood for a while and feel the vibration's weak. So I follow th...

That's from a a week or two after I started wearing it that way.
@Wipqozn FABULOUS!
I don't take a lot of pictures of myself, so that's the only one I have of the new beard.
...huh, you're older than I remembered.
Like, 2 years ago I coulda swore you were only like 22.
@GraceNote most tortoises are
@GraceNote Two years ago, he was 22.
Well that explains it. It's been two years I guess.
I'll be 25 next month. March 20th.
Feel free to shower me in gifts.
@Wipqozn send PO box for gifts
Huh, that means you're a snake, which is also a reptile. Fancy that.
@Wipqozn You're so grainy!
@Krazer It occurs t me I have no idea what PO stands for. I should google it.
@Wipqozn Post Office.
@GraceNote That would make sense.
@FAE I have grainitus.
also my mothers camera is terrible.
@GraceNote Or Postal Box
@Krazer ...what happened to the O?
@GraceNote there's an O in box
@FAE Kids will lick anything. It's terrifying.
@kalina Whoa, what did I miss?
@Wipqozn If I remember the first episode correctly, no one was using the library.
@OrigamiRobot She's trying to steal away my heart, but that will always belong to you.
@Krazer So, Postal bOx box.
also to Banished.
@Sterno Part of me was like "Aw, look, child-like wonder" and the other part was like "OH GOD GUTTER WATER IS FLOWING INTO HER MOUTH"
@Yuki How can they when TS stole it?
She's basically hitler.
@FAE It's probably not even in the top 10 most disgusting things she'll lick today
@GraceNote or Just P.O.
@Sterno That's nasty.
At my house, if bacon falls on the floor, and the cat then ROLLS on it and hair sticks to it, if we throw it away rather than let my daughter eat it, we're in for 20 minutes of tears.
@Sterno Kids are weird.
@Sterno Your daughter and cat love bacon.
She also enjoys scrubbing various things with her toothbrush before putting it in her mouth.
SkyDrift is one weird kid.
@Wipqozn Wait, I don't think Hitler stole any libraries.
@Sterno T_T
He just burned them to the ground.
She also makes out with her giraffe.
"No, don't scrub the bathtub drain! No, don't stick that in your mo... oh, nevermind."
@Yuki so she's worst than Hitler?
My kids do that too. Why are you shoving your toothbrush down the drain?
Cripes, I'm the only location above 0C in my phone's weather app, and that includes Missouri and Austin, TX.
in 7 days I am 21
@Wipqozn No, that'd be Hitler's wife. Think about this way, she wanted to make more Hitlers.
I just thought you should all know
so you remember
It really does look like a demons head.
@kalina Remember what?
28 secs ago, by kalina
in 7 days I am 21
@Sterno My friend warned me about babies that you're supposed to sterilize the bottles and stuff when they're little. Then when they get old enough to move around and start eating lint off the floor, that's when you stop sterilizing everything.
@kalina 21 what?
@Sterno Eeeeugh.
@Wipqozn ...
@kalina But why do we need to remember?
@StrixVaria Immune system boost, goooo!
@OrigamiRobot it's important
@OrigamiRobot remember what?
far more important than the release date for Banished, for example
@StrixVaria thats exactly what my vet pediatrician said!
@kalina Does that mean you'll start being nice to me?
@kalina nothing is more important than the Banished released date.
@OrigamiRobot I am always nice to you
@Wipqozn oh... well, you may have a point there
@kalina That's not how you spell "mean"
I see what you did there
ok, important choice that will have ramifications on the direction mankind takes in the future
Angel, or Rainbow Dash
@kalina Cotton Candy
1 vs 0
@kalina Cake.
2 vs 0
Wait, I take back my vote!
@kalina Roboqozn
Default gravatar!
@Frank are you serious, do you know how many people have messaged me about this over the last few days?
@kalina That's sorta the point.
Q: ps4 Online affect other accounts on the same platform?

user68679If I got a ps4 and I purchased Playstation plus on my account for example thecrusher. Could my brother play with his own account without purchasing ps plus again? For example I purchased it on the account named:(thecrusher) and my brother opened his account:(theslayer221) can he play ps4 online?

Lazers' avatar changed
@kalina Change your gravatar to whatever @Frank is using.
I can't do that
@BenBrocka Why am I not surprised?
I'm kinda surprised they're "supporting" it still, if that counts
@Frank I'm surprised anyone even still bothers with EA-published games. Even the "free" ones.
@BenBrocka I'm dreaming that somewhere, someone has a spreadsheet of revenue from PvZ vs PvZ2 and that PvZ is winning by a mile.
@MartinSojka People introduced to gaming via mobile devices don't know any better; they don't understand that this is the worst way to do it.
@Frank I'm starting to think this is a serious problem on mobile, Flappy Bird and it's even more recent equivalent seem to show the key to app store success is people who have no ability to not buy bad games
I hope they don't do something stupid like fill Mass Effect 4 with microtransactions
@BenBrocka isn't Flappy Bird free?
@kalina I would cry.
@BenBrocka It is a problem. But the rush to the bottom for mobile games just keeps going.
@FAE the worst of it is, it's not unprecedented: they already did it with Dead Space 3
I gotta give kudos to Squeenix for not continuing that rush.
@Sconibulus He's making $50,000 a day so there must be some option to pay or something
@BenBrocka Ad revenue
@Frank They DID make All the Bravest though
@Frank no vanity transactions in FF MMO?
@BenBrocka Yeah, that was a rather shitty mobile game. So I suppose it's somewhat of a wash.
@kalina As far as I can tell, nope.
@BenBrocka Wow, I need to jump on this bandwagon of horrible, horrible mobile games that make money.
Q: Recruiting officer on a a non-residential level?

jwildstrIs it possible to use a recruiting officer on a non-residential level to get dream jobs? I've filled ever dream job slot except for the Livestock Exchange, and now that they raised the price of filling an empty apartment, it's a LOT harder to get those dream jobs. If I had a spare residential lev...

Blizzard recently implemented their web store as a window in WoW
I say squeenix is a wash, they mostly price things well and make real games on mobile, but they also made All The Bravest and ruined the sprites for FF6's mobile release
@kalina yeah, I heard about that :/
I honestly don't care about microtransactions on mobile devices
The board game companies are doing well on mobile. Good games, mostly priced around $5 on iOS.
I'm not all that bothered about DLCs if they're released some months after the game is out either
@kalina then wondered why they didn't meet their sales targets as everyone screamed for months before/after about microtransactions
but in proper games, both microtransactions and day zero DLC is unacceptable
@BenBrocka I've not played the first Dead Space, but I'm told it was a decent game
@kalina Yeah, it's a problem when it affects the design from the ground up. It made Dead Space as much or more about dicking around with weapon part configurations as horror
Dead Space 1 and 2 are fantastic. Their only real fault is they're a bit too fun for horror, especially 2 (sort of an RE4 situation). But dead space 3 screws up pacing and ruins immersion with the stupid store and tacked on co op
@Wipqozn The other solution is that people continue to reference one of us when actually meaning to talk to the other, as happens on a semi-weekly basis.
ping @Tim
consider yourself pinged
I think one of these people named @Tim is awesome
I hope Dungeon Defenders 2 doesn't have the massive amount of DLC the first one has.
@BenBrocka It's got to be ads. unless the pay option is in the leaderboard thinger.
Nintendo are re-releasing the first legends of zelda on mobile, instead of "It's dangerous to go alone: take this", it's "It's dangerous to go alone: pay $1.99 for a sword".
@BenBrocka TWEWY: Solo Remix wasn't bad... except for the price. I think it just depends on the developer they use.

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