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Wow. 255-0 and it's only the second quarter? That's like the actual Seahawks vs. Broncos game yesterday.
@BenBrocka Yeah. It is kinda inconceivable that you could score any higher without egregious game tampering.
Though the game does let you tamper quite a bit in-engine
... Goddamnit @sterno what have you done.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How was I to know he'd go mad with power!
YouTube, if we wanted you to manage and “protect” our copyrights we would tell you to. Why isn’t this an opt-in thing? Stop.
Annoying, I plan to LP that game. Oh well, at least I know how to dispute content ID claims now
Bleh I am sore today :(
LP really need to find an alternative to youtube, because right now there isn't any real competition to force youtube to change.
Also, that Breaking Madden thing was hilarious
Go back to screenshot lps with lots of text, use lparchive, problem solved!
@Wipqozn unfortunately Youtube is still the easiest to monetize (even though it's completely god awful) and Youtube still holds tons of fans. And Vimeo doesn't allow gameplay footage
@BenBrocka Yeah, hence lack of competition. Hopefully someone will step up and offer an alternative.
@saintwacko hug hope you feel less ouch soon!
Twitch is getting big but it doesn't do any sort of upload function, and it's "archived" footage is basically useless, no one finds it
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ginger Kid Nazi Zombie
@blem yes that is in the article I linked.
Amazon needs to do some fact-checking...
@Yuki Ha. This is essentially a grammar thing though. 'New releases of William Blake's work' would be appropriate
If I haven't read it, it's new to me!
@Yuki He's only been dead for almost 200 years. HE could come back!
@Yuki Man it feels like centuries since he's released a new book
@BenBrocka Isn't he the guy behind aSoIaF?
@FEichinger Well, don't leave your socks all over the floor where I can reach them from your underbed.
@Wipqozn Underwater caves are so purty.
that is the correct opinion.
@Yuki They are also terrifying
@fredley Yeah, I can see how the complete darkness and absolute silence would be horrifying.
@Yuki Also, many people die this way
Explore caves, think you know the way back
Run out of air
Weeks to recover body
Eaten by a grue.
Grues are jerks.
Well... I'll just leave something a bit more cheerful...
user image
Anyone remember the name of that webcomic written like a text adventure?
@SaintWacko MS Paint adventures or something like?
come into chat and see a whole starlist full of random ownerswitches.
What is going on here today?
@Arperum The pinned stars answer your question.
I just wanted to do it once before he was potentially made moderator, and I couldn't anymore. :P
I take all credit for the @Wipqozn removal meme.
@OrigamiRobot I blame @Wipqozn for it.
@BenBrocka This is how I see energy-based games too.
Q: How does shield work in loadout?

WandangI would like to know how the shield in loadout works. How much damage is blocked by it? Does it regenerate by picking up health packs or over time or both? Is there a way to counter it directly? Like emp grenades or something?

@OrigamiRobot they tend to go hand in hand
I played Fallen London for a little while, then I got tired of waiting
@OrigamiRobot And if I was a kid with nigh-unlimited free time, I would feel the same way. At the moment, the odd energy based game doesn't bother me.
@Ben it's only a grand! Just skip a mortgage payment or two twenty
Are people still talking about energy based games?
@OrigamiRobot but, I don't feel like my time is ransom at all
speaking of @Wipqozn's potential mod-dom, has any polling been performed?
It may be energy based but it's not "real time" or anything
@RedRiderX Doesn't matter, it's still Wait 2 Play
@RedRiderX games that tell me I'm not allowed to play them can be annoying
@OrigamiRobot So is SE, what with capping
@Sconibulus eh, I guess
Screw you game! If I want to play all your 14 hours of gameplay in a night, that's MY PEROGATIVE
(or whatever)
@GraceNote Thank you, that was it!
@BenBrocka dat shipping
@BenBrocka One sold...
Q: When I try to play a multiplayer game, I get the error "The server is not avaliable"?

avestar101When I attempt to play a multi-player game in Splinter Cell: Conviction, I get the error "The Splinter Cell: conviction server is not avaliable at this time. Please try again later" on the title screen. I have tried forwarding the ports that Ubisoft's official website says I need to forward in o...

@OrigamiRobot eh I suppose so, but I still feel like there is room for a distinction between Fallen London 's model and mobile dk' s.
I find fallen londons model mostly fine and dks incredible exploitative
@RedRiderX It's the game preventing me from playing the game in both cases. If you can't buy energy, that makes it worse in my mind.
Evening all.
@FAE Evening!
1. You can buy energy, and that's definitely one source of income for them
@RedRiderX I feel like Kingdom of Loathing would fall in between there. It doesn't have a time imperative that's so short, just a nightly rollover, and you can extend your turns very easily through gameplay if you want.
2. As opposed to dk, I feel that is honestly a game that's better paced the way it is
But I could see people disagreeing
I don't even know what dk is.
watch that.
@OrigamiRobot I don't want to type "the mobile version of dungeon keeper" all the time while on mobile
@Arperum Oh, I have watched that.
@RedRiderX I'm not even specifically talking about Dungeon Keeper.
@OrigamiRobot I only have to think about it and I'm seething with rage again. It's bloody murder on the series.
Eh it seemed like that's the conclusion you were drawing, but sure whatever
@Arperum Still so sad we never got a 3rd. :(
Was it here that someone pointed out that the original Dungeon Keeper (or its sequel) costs about the same on GOG as doing two for-pay things in the mobile version?
I feel like my argument still stands, for what it's worth
@Powerlord @BenBrocka posted a tweet to that effect.
@powerlord I vaguely remember someone saying something like that.
@RedRiderX I don't know what your argument is.
@FAE War of the Overworld is basically a third though, they even got the same narator.
Q: Metal gear rising revengeance resolution bug

user295206I've recently bought the game Metal gear rising: revengance and I have a 1600x900 monitor. However, the resolution is not available In the game. It maxes out at 1333x768. How can I increase this to 1600x900? O

@Arperum ...I didn't know about this. I am now exceedingly excited.
@Arperum "Ooh! Dungeon Keeper is mobile? Oh. Oh. Oh. FUCK"
A mini-play.
@FAE yes, all the excitement for WoTO* :D
@StrixVaria Literally. I don't think I can talk about it without ending in angry shouting.
@KevinvanderVelden Did you back it? Or @Arperum, did you? Is development going well?
@FAE There's currently a bedrock beta available via steam early access, but it's ~21 euro IIRC. Bit too much for a beta.
omg I'm so excited
@FAE I did not, I heard about it afterward
But it is on early access on steam
I've wanted a new, good God game like that for so long.
@FAE I haven't backed anything yet.
@FAE FYI, not Godus.
@OrigamiRobot mostly that Fallen London perhaps handles the model better than some, and that perhaps some games are a better fit for a "playing in small bursts" pacing.
@redriderx I have lost a lot of interested in FL lately. I feel like there isn't much to do :(
@RedRiderX I can play in small bursts on my own if that's how I want to play. I don't need a game to be my babysitter.
@StrixVaria I've heard some disappointing things re: that game so far. What are your thoughts?
Anyone know if it'll have multiplayer?
@FAE I've played for 2-3 hours and it's literally on rails.
How do you even make a god game on rails?
Only Peter Molyneux.
@StrixVaria What? I can't even imagine this.
@StrixVaria And after that it ends up in a waiting game basically, stupid slow gaining belief.
@OrigamiRobot The terrain is always the same and you start on a peninsula so there's only one way to expand.
It's crazy slow-paced (which is normal) but there's nothing to do in the meanwhile.
There are no choices to make at all.
That sounds like a terrible game.
AND you can't even lift up the sea ad infinitum, because of this stupid "no range here" nonsense. And you can't increase your range except via repairing stupid preplaced totems that take a day to fix.
@StrixVaria This... makes me sad.
So yes, I would also like a good god game.
Just don't get Godus.
What was the god game where you had a little manifestation of your deity that walked around? B&W?
@badp So much wtf.
@OrigamiRobot Yes
@OrigamiRobot well you do have that option, but I guess that almost feeds back into a comparison to something like AC:New leaf. In that the designers feel the need to favor one type of pacing over another.
@StrixVaria did they ever change the resource system? The "look around for random chests until you find one with what you need"
@KevinvanderVelden No.
@StrixVaria well poop
@KevinvanderVelden Nope. And it's been ages since the last update.
Although they're not random. They're pre-placed.
Nothing about the map is procedural or random.
@Arperum welcome to Cyriak
@StrixVaria What, really?
@kalina Why, thank you, but that was horribly ineffective.
@RedRiderX If they need to force pacing on you, that's a sign of bad design IMO. Would you read a book where you were only allowed to read one chapter per day?
@StrixVaria well jeah, but you can't see it in advance right?
@KevinvanderVelden They kind of sparkle.
@StrixVaria I was sad I missed the Kickstarter before but now not so much. :/
Q: How to easily find an Ice Plains Spikes?

It'sNotALie.I've been looking for an Ice Plains Spikes, but I seem to be able to find nothing. I want to build an Eskimo village there, but I can't find any at all. I've looked around cold biomes, but nothing. Any easy way to find one? I'm in 1.7.2 SMP, BTW.

@StrixVaria true, but that is only the location, but not what is in it
@OrigamiRobot Ever heard of serialized novels? And yes, if the book was good enough, I would.
@OrigamiRobot I think a lot of games force pacing on you though to some degree.
@KevinvanderVelden That's right.
Single player narratives do it all the time.
@Arperum I'm like literally, visibly excited for this game now.
@OrigamiRobot Isn't this what all screen (but moreso TV) narratives do?
so where's the outrage for new Twitter?
@FAE I have high hopes for War for the Overworld.
@badp What Twitter?
@badp Twitter?
@Arperum Me too now, and now I'm so afraid those hopes will be dashed, aaaaaahhhhhh
@RedRiderX And it's a reason they suck.
@FAE True. I don't want to buy the beta yet though.
Not that they objectively suck, but they'd suck less otherwise.
Oh, you only just got the new layout?
@badp Oh new browser Twitter
It seems nice
@TimStone I only noticed now.
I think I used Twitter yesterday, too?
I don't notice a whole lot of actually differences though.
Well, I kinda want to buy it, but don't want to pay that much for a beta.
The top bar doesn't really make sense is one difference.
@Arperum Same. I want to, but I have so many games right now and I'd sink so much time into that.
@badp Ah, I've had it for a week or two.
@FAE And what if it's only partly done?
I might have to install DK2 now.
@FAE I have it installed :)
@FAE hmm, isn't that playable online?
@Arperum That's what I'd worry about. I know they're still adding features and I don't want to get sick of it before release. At the same time, I don't know if I could get burnt out right now. I dunno.
I have some nice question/self answer about it brewing for a while.
It might be fun to play it with multiplayer over hamachi or whatever some time :)
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not sure, I never got to play it multiplayer with anyone before way back. I have the GOG version now.
@FAE got GOG as well
@OrigamiRobot Hmm I guess at that point it's mostly a difference of opinion and a question of whether you feel the pacing choice was good or not.
@Arperum Do you have the GOG version? Last I knew there was some sort of bug in it that required some futzing and I never got around to fixing it so I didn't install.
@OrigamiRobot But I see your point there
Q: Do Card Effects Stack?

SinbadEVI have a number of cards that grant a % more of a specific block type, if I have more than one of them chosen when I start digging will the effect stack or does it just choose the highest? Side Note: Every time I search for information about Pocket Mine ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai...

I also like that they aren't going the way of "Buy now and get the first DLC for free" I hate that. That means you are basically cutting a part of the game out for DLC.
For some games
@KevinvanderVelden I have it sitting around here on CD somewhere too, lol
@FAE Gog version owned.
@RedRiderX It doesn't matter. If your choices are forced pacing and go at your own pace, why would you ever choose forced pacing?
DK2 I have/had on a CD too.
Hmm, I know I'm not supposed to run Windows Updates directly, but having just installed VS2k and VS2kSP1, I need to check.
@Arperum Depends on the game and how big it is. For some games, they have to go gold before the first DLC is ready to ship.
@FAE I've got a pluche dragon sitting on my old-style-giant DKI box
I think my DKII cd is in there as well
(Dear Central IT, why couldn't you just install VS2k10 on the machine before giving it to me?)
@KevinvanderVelden *plush, I think you mean? Like a knuffeldier?
@Arperum Or it means they know selling now at $50 and losing a DLC sale is still more money than selling later at $30 with a $10 DLC sale
Also, Win7 is taking a long time to check for updates...
@FAE If you start planning on "this and this stuff will be a DLC" you are basically witholding part of the game to milk some more money out of it.
@FAE uuh that one yeah
It's a dragon that can sit on your shoulders and be cute :)
@Sterno I see a DLC as something that is added after the game is released. If you start working on a DLC before release, tyou are cutting out parts of the game.
Hell, I'll give TV and books and stuff a pass because at least they can argue "The next part doesn't exist yet" sometimes.
@Arperum That is not the reality of software development.
@Arperum if you start working on a DLC with resources that could otherwise be put in the game then you are cutting parts out of the game
@OrigamiRobot Well the creators of fallen london have also argued that
@Arperum It's not always a plan though is my point. I read the blog of one of the BioWare devs, he talked about DLC a bit here.
That everyone would just play though everything and never come back to see new content
You can't have item modellers model for the entire duration of the game, nor concept artists draw for the entire duration
I don't even work in games, and we're working on the new release well before the previous one ships, because there is a long time frame of testing on the previous version
But you either have to fire them or have them do something world while. Like working on designing new DLC
@RedRiderX Now we're back to the poor design argument.
So we get started on more work rather than twiddle our thumbs and wait 3 months for the testers to finish
(granted, some of that time is spent fixing bugs that the testers turn up)
@Arperum However, in the case of Day 1 DLC that ships right on the disk, I agree with you.
@KevinvanderVelden I can see how you can plan a DLC somewhat, and for example keep a whole area/new questline in mind when working on the game. But if you are creating code specially for the DLC before the game is released, I hate you.
> Probably what you’re mistaking for “cut on purpose” is something which was planned as DLC early on. We know we’re going to make DLC at some point, so we sit down and figure out what it’ll be. If making that DLC was never an option, that content would simply have never been made—regardless of when it was made. The assumption that, had it not become DLC, the base game would have been made that much bigger is false. Budgets do not work like that.
@Powerlord and you can build an entire dungeon in real games the same time it takes to mine out one block in the F2P version!
Day 1 DLC is fucking stupid.
@Arperum So if you write code that makes it easy to add expansion content, that's bad?
@StrixVaria No.
@SaintWacko The potential customs stuff scares me a but too
@StrixVaria I was working on how to phrase that
@OrigamiRobot Eh true is does seem to pivot on that point of throttling the pace as a vector for monetization.
Sometimes it's easier to add features that won't be used until the DLC in the early stages of code
@StrixVaria This code is also usable for the maingame, I have no problem with writing code in such a way that it allows for DLC, I just don't like it when you are creating the content of the DLC before you shipped your game.
And I can see that as an argument for a lacking design
If the monetization wasn't there
@KevinvanderVelden I can see that, that's part of coding with the aim of extendability, which is good, starting to create the extension itself isn't.
I used to think the point of energy-based games was to make it so that progress was more equal, but that logic is faulty. If two people both play for the same amount of time, the person who started earlier is still going to be ahead. If one person is playing less, then then there is no progress balance no matter what you do.
@OrigamiRobot Well yeah that is totally the case
And if it was in anyway a directly competitive game I would call it P2W
But it's not really that type of game
It is for the large part single player
@BenBrocka Okay, thanks, wasn't sure if it was your type of game or not either.
With callouts to your friends every once in a while.
But I don't see another model other then a subscription and/or microtransactions fitting the type of game they are running.
You can't really just... buy it all at once
They support it and grow it
and host it
@FAE bullet hell + castlevania (StoN, anyway) does sound like my type of game. I don't usually bother with tohous and assorted not released in the west stuff though
@BenBrocka This sounds like a game I want to play.
My favorite F2P trick is still whatever farm game my wife was playing, where a baby animal is born but then gets sick and will "go away" unless you spend some gems (which cost real money) to save it, complete with image of a sad looking baby calf or whatever it was
@BenBrocka I figured it might be in your interest radar because of that, but yeah, I didn't know if you'd gotten your hands on a release at all. Thanks though!
> The Steam Music Beta is coming soon to SteamOS and Big Picture interfaces, with desktop features soon to follow. To express interest in beta participation, join the Steam Music community group. Group members will be invited in waves, until the feature is released to everyone.
@FAE ?
Oh my.
That seems interesting
I haven't played it, @FAE, but I know quite many folks who have.
@RedRiderX I'll put the group link in
Why did my screen flash?
@FAE I take it there's some sort of in-game UI controllable via controller?
At first I thought someone was foolish enough to make me owner, but I don't see no messages.
> Listen to your music collection while you play games
Steam Music will soon be in limited beta as a feature of SteamOS and Big Picture mode, with a desktop interface to follow.
@Sterno Wow
That's all the About says on the group
That's amazing
@Sterno I remember you talking about this
@Sterno yeah that's a common trick, hold your shit hostage, especially on death in an RPG/etc, and you lose your stuff if you don't pay
@FAE Eh well I don't really use big picture or SteamOS so much, if those are the only options right now
But SteamOS becoming a XBMC-like thing is very interesting.
I've been using Big Picture and am actually pretty impressed. I had a horrible first impression with it, but it seems to work fine now.

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